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股票市場與匯率動態調整簡美瑟, JIAN, MEI-SE Unknown Date (has links)
自1976年Dornbusch 發展〞Expectations and Exchange Rate Dyuamics 〞一文
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資本不完全移動,股價與匯率之動態調整翁永和, WENG, YONG-HE Unknown Date (has links)
Dornbusch (1976)〞Expectations and Exchange Rete Dynamics〞 一文發表
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日治時期臺灣女性的美容 / The Female Beauty during Japanese Colonial Period顏儀婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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自然美的神話:論小資女面容的微整型 / The myth of natural beauty: on the cosmetic surgery of Xiao-Zi-Nu (young working females)許之瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
第二部分則是從自然美神話裡的矛盾元素去探究醫療細微化的科技視野下所呈現的當代生活。透過訪談,本文初步揭示女性在神話結構當中對於自然美的渴求,並且藉由微整型實作完成神話的矛盾要素。應用Baudrillard的消費社會觀,本文指出當女性在尋求差異以強調自我獨特性時,卻正相反地在迎合社會的共同性價值。此處除了小資女的自我敘述之外,本文也結合理論文獻及二手資料進階探究自然美形塑過程的三大面向,亦即物質技術、廣告消費和數位微整型。首先,我們基於物質、技術與醫師經驗等三個判準,將當前四大微整型技術劃出一條自然光譜。其次,我們從醫美診所的廣告文宣,梳理其中針對微整形技術的自然主張,了解業者的自然宣稱及消費者的自然認知。第三,我們還探討了電腦技術下的數位修圖以便凸顯出微整形的自然美意涵。從數位攝影的普及到網路平台的展演,我們在數位自拍與修圖等虛擬真實的媒介實作中探索自然美神話的疆界。 / This research comprised of two parts studies the emerging trend of cosmetic surgery practiced by young working females in Taiwan. In the first part, a short history of cosmetic practices is outlined to mark the formation of a myth of natural beauty since medical science and technology dominated the traditional field of cosmetic practices in the late 1990s. The myth makes the individual who has gone through cosmetic surgery carry the value of natural beauty while regarding one’s self-identity and performing in social interactions. Through in-depth interviews, the study shows that these young working females who have made cosmetic surgery an integral part of their daily beauty maintenance tend to exercise subtle strategies (art or kung-fu) of simulation, acting and interacting as if their beauty were all natural and real beyond suspicion at work-related situations. In addition, our study finds that personal decisions struggle constantly with the injunction of the social value (of natural beauty) as these young females are exposed to an excessive array of beauty information and surgery options. With resort to Goffman's theory of dramaturgical interaction, this study reveals some interaction rituals performed in different workplaces by these young working females. As a result, the individual self has itself become a sign-object malleable to change along with proper ways of clothing and grooming.
The second part proceeds to explore contemporary living under the miniaturized purview of medical technology through the contradictory elements embodied in the myth of natural beauty. Once again drawing on in-depth interviews, the study reveals the female desire of natural beauty derived from the mythical structure, as well as their practices of cosmetic surgery which further realizes those contradictory elements in reproducing the myth. By applying Baudrillard’s theory of the consumer society, this study indicates that the more women intend to stress on their unique selves by marking out individual differences, the more they unintentionally cater to the common value of our society. In this regard, our study, apart from the self reports of interviewees, also combines theoretical discourses and secondary data to further explore the natural beauty process in its three main aspects, which might be termed as the cosmetic surgery of the material (technique), the representational (advertising) and the digital (social media). First, we delineate a spectrum of naturalism for the four major techniques of cosmetic surgery based on substance, technology and experience of the physician. Second, we examine the clinical claims and the consumer perceptions of nature shaped by advertising images and slogans circulated in the beauty industry. Third, we observe the trend of digital retouching with computer technology to sharpen the meaning of natural beauty in the practice of cosmetic surgery. From the relay of digital photography to the display of internet platform, we explore the mythical frontier of natural beauty by witnessing the digital retouching of selfies as a mediatory practice of virtual reality.
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履約價格可調整之認購權證研究--財務工程之應用 / The research of strike price adjustable warrants - the application of financial engineering謝文雄, Hsieh, Wen-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
自 1997 年 9 月起,證券商開始獲准發行認購權證,由於證券商發行認購權證的時機與選擇標的物之不當,造成許多投資人之虧損,而機構投資人也多採取觀望態度,加上主管機關對於發行者在法令及課稅上的限制,導致整個認購權證市場交易冷清,未能發揮認購權證應有的避險功能。而本文所研究之可調整型(Adjustable)認購權證,是屬於新型的認購權證,此產品可以在契約內容中規定,在認購權證發行之後,若標的物證券之價格在一定期限之內,標的股價跌破原股價的某一比例(h),可以將履約價格(Strike Price)向下調整某一比例(l),以避免造成認購權證在剛推出不久,就因為標的物價格大跌,而使得投資人蒙受損失。相較於一般的認購權證,「可調整型」認購權證可以造成投資人獲利機會的保障增加、發行者權利金收益增加,並且因此使得衍生性金融市場更加活絡,造成三贏的局面。
Cox, Ross and Rubinstein(1979)提出二項評價模式,其利用風險中立 ( Risk Neutral ) 的論點,以間斷的股價過程代替 Black-Scholes(1973) 模式所假設的連續股價隨機過程,本文研究之「可調整型」認購權證之評價模式,以二項評價模式為出發點,利用此模式在一些特定的限制條件之下,配合路徑決定型選擇權、界線選擇權之概念,對「可調整型」認購權證做出合理的評價,另外,本研究以 Matlab 程式語言,撰寫出「可調整型」認購權證的價格,並使用模擬(Simulation) 的方式,探討「可調整型」認購權證的特性及避險方式與效果,以期提供券商、一般企業及投資者最佳的避險及獲利管道,其主要結果如下:
1.在評價「可調整型」認購權證時,時間間隔(Time Step)愈大時,電腦計算的時間效率愈差,若 Time Step 大於 80 時,其價格差異性會低於百分之二。
2.h 與「可調整型」認購權證價格呈正向變動關係,l 與「可調整型」認購權證價格呈反向變動關係。本文條件之下,h 落於 0.6-0.8 之間、l 落於 0.4-0.6 之間,對於「可調整型」認購權證價格之影響最大。
4.隨波動率之增加,一般型認購權證之 vega 值有大於「可調整型」認購權證 vega 值的趨勢。
5.在利用 delta 避險策略之下,以獲利金額來看,波動率大之股票較適合發行「可調整型」認購權證,波動率小之股票較適合發行一般型認購權證。
因為「可調整型」認購權證目前在台灣並沒有實證資料,因此無法評估本文模型之價格與實際價格之誤差,未來若出現此新金融商品時,可以評估理論與實際之差異。本文中並未探討利率對於「可調整型」認購權證之影響,後續研究可以討論利率之變動對於此新型認購權證之影響。 / From September 1997,the SEC permits warrants listing in Taiwan's security market. Because of the improper issuing timing and inappropriate underlying assets, many investors get great loss in warrant investment. Besides, many other restrictions from the government make the warrants market more inactive, and then the warrants cannot proper the hedging market. Researching the strike price adjustable warrants is this thesis subject. This innovative warrant allows the strike price(K) adjusting to lK(0<l<1), when the price of underlying asset is lower than the barrier(hS). This article studies the pricing model and hedging strategies of adjustable warrants. The pricing of the adjustable warrants uses some option pricing formulae, like the binomial option pricing model、path-dependent options、barrier options. This article uses Matlab language to price the adjustable warrants, and then uses simulation method to discuss the characteristics and the hedging strategies of the adjustable warrants. Following are the results:
1.When pricing the adjustable warrants, the more time step we choice, the more computer pricing time we get. If the time step is more than 80, the price difference is less than 2%.
2.Toward adjustable warrants(AW) price, h has the positive effect and l has the negative effect. When 0.6<h<0.8 and 0.4<l<0.6 , the AW price has the most sensitivity.
3.As the volatility raising, the difference from AW price and plain vanilla warrant price will become greater.
4.As the volatility raising, the vega of plain vanilla warrant will become greater than the vega of AW.
5.Using the delta hedge, from the profit aspect, high volatility stock is suitable for AW and low volatility stock is suitable for plain vanilla warrant.
Because there are no practical information of AW in Taiwan's warrant market, so we cannot evaluate the pricing error form our model. If this kind of product enters the market in the future, we can compare difference of AW between theoretical and empirical price.
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