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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

代理及在台灣地區銷售波蘭品牌保養品之營運企劃書 / Business plan for gaining the distribution rights and launching of a poland branded cosmetics in Taiwan

周君霞, Chou, Vivian Unknown Date (has links)
代理及在台灣地區銷售波蘭品牌保養品之營運企劃書 / Business Plan for Gaining the Distribution Rights and Launching of a Poland Branded Cosmetics in Taiwan By Vivian Chou This paper presents an overview of a newly start up business project on how to be successful and profitable. The business plan begins with a brief summary of the project following with a market analyse and financial projection. This business also states out the current market status and a detailed description of the products and services, following by the sales and marketing strategies, risk analyse and concludes with management team financial summary. With this plan, we hope to start a business that could bring love and hope, besides profitability to the market by helping people in maintaining a healthy skin.

男性消費者對個人清潔保養品類的態度、使用及購物行為的探討 / Male Shoppers’ Attitude, Usage, and Shopping Behavior of the Personal Grooming Product Category

王明麗 Unknown Date (has links)
此研究調查主要希望瞭解男性購買者在個人清潔保養品類上的使用及購買行為,以期發現男性保養品類未來的事業機會及瞭解未來可以鎖定的主要消費族群。調查的結果希望可以提供廠商及行銷人員目前市場的發展狀況及未來具有發展潛力品類等相關資訊。同時,也希望可以作為行銷人員在行銷資源配置、行銷溝通方向及通路策略上的參考依據。 / This study aims to examine male shoppers’ usage and purchase behavior in personal care product categories to discover the new future business opportunities for the “for men” product category and to determine the primary consumer group that should be targeted in the future. The results are expected to provide manufacturers and marketers with information about the current market status and future potential in terms of promising categories that male shoppers show interest in, which will, in turn, give guidance as to future resource allocation on marketing investment, communication approach and channel focus.

汽車保養連鎖店 / Auto Care Plus Business Plan

沈良駿, Shen, Edward Unknown Date (has links)
汽車保養連鎖店 / Auto Care Plus is an automotive service and repair center that is catering specifically for the female clienteles. We are unlike other stereotypical auto centers that female customers are generally hesitant to go. Auto Care Plus will be a place that are female friendly. We will provide simple and honest explanation about the work is required to the car. In addition, we will have a clean separate his/her bathroom, luxurious waiting lounge with coffee shop and free reading materials, free WIFI access across the facility, and even a nail salon. Auto Care Plus plans to launch a marketing campaign as the “go-to” center when it comes to a women’s mind for such related auto work. We will market ourselves not only through the traditional marketing channel such as newspaper ads, targeted mailing, and word of mouth references, but also take full advantage of the internet and social networks with targeted website marketing. Auto Care Plus will find an existing service center to purchase, and then lease the property in order to lower the capital expenditure. We need a total of $1 million dollars for an initial investment and we believe we will break even at the last quarter of year 6. Auto Care Plus will plan for expansion if the sales trajectory is on par with our projection by end of year two. We will look for smaller facility located around the first service center within 10 mile radius.

台灣醫學美容保養品產業先進者優勢探討 / A case study on the first-mover advantage of cosmeceutical industry

周千玉, Chou, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
全球醫學美容的蓬勃發展,醫療院所在提供醫學美容服務同時,除了專業的醫療技術之外,也向消費者推薦這些可以幫助術後保養的醫學美容保養品。而這些經由臨床測試及專業醫師證實對於皮膚健康有療效的醫學美容保養品,既有科學的證實加上醫師推薦,形成一定的公信力,和一般市面上的美容商品形成區隔,進而讓這些起手術後搭配塗抹的醫學美容產品,也另闢形成一個全新的商機。 本研究針對醫學美容保養品產業以先進者優勢的相關研究進行探討,而過去的醫學美容文獻比較注重於由消費者端出發的議題研究,對於醫美品牌廠商進入產業的經營卻付之闕如。有鑑於此,本研究透過個案研究的方法,以國內醫美保養品品牌為例進行先進者優勢之探討,試圖找出欲成功達先進者優勢廠商需具備的能力和面向。 根據本研究顯示出台灣醫學美容保養品廠商進入市場具有先進者優勢,本研將究對於各品牌採用不同通路(醫療、開架式、網路)、不同品牌定位(高、中、平價)的醫學美容品牌,以其先進者廠商佔據不同的市場。各品牌廠商的優勢組合及養成及差異化形成:品牌廠商一方面教育消費者,並建立起「醫學美容保養品」的新概念,將專業度提升和傳統的保養進行區隔;另一方面建立起公司自身優勢,在此產業進入的廠商的優勢來源有:佔有技術領先、關鍵要素佔領和將顧客不確定性的消除,隨著廠商本身不同的資源,選擇專屬自身的行銷組合經營,並與供應商、通路商和終端的顧客建立關係。將產品多元化和採多品牌策略,滿足不同消費族群,而達到產能擴增、成本減低和增加其市佔率,藉此不斷擴增公司資源,進行更多的產品創新、技術精進和品牌行銷,卻也成為後進者進入市場的天然屏障,得以維持自身的優勢。 / Medical cosmetology is now growing rapidly around the whole world. Clinics, which perform cosmetic surgery, provide not only professional medical services, but also promote those cosmeceutical products which can help quick recovery from surgery. These cosmeceutical products, which have the approval from doctors and passed clinical trial, build a strong barrier for its competitor and create a new business opportunity. This research tries to study the First-Mover Advantage of the cosmeceutical industry. The old studies of cosmetic surgery focus more on customer driven issues. There are not many researches about business running for cosmeceutical brand. Therefore, our research study the First-Mover Advantage of cosmeceutical industry in Taiwan by case study methodology and try to find what are the necessary requirements for the First-Mover company. According to our research, cosmeceutical companies have the fist-mover advantage in Taiwan market. In this study, for each cosmeceutical brand have different channel (medical, open-frame , network), different brand positioning (high, middle, parity), with its advanced to occupy a different market. Each brand has their advantages of combination, and develop the differentiation. The cosmeceutical surgery brand companies educate its customer about the new concept of medical skincare product and build up its advantages. The advantages of these companies are: technology leadership, key factor occupation, customer uncertainty elimination. According to different resources of each company, the market and business strategy should be properly managed. The first mover companies have to build up the relationship with its suppliers, channels and end users. Use product diversification and multiple-brand strategy can satisfy various customer groups, increase production capacity, reduce costs and raise the market share. Based on the above strategies, the first mover companies can build up a strong barrier which the followers cannot easily passed, by product innovation, technology improvement, and branding.


廖振威 Unknown Date (has links)
公務人員新退休制度自84年7月1日施行至今已屆滿10年有餘,對於公務人員退休撫恤的保障雖已獲致初步成效,但政府卻面臨日漸沉重的財務負擔。有關公務人員退休所得替代率的問題,在與國內勞退新制下本國勞工及國外公務人員退休所得替代率比較後有明顯偏高的現象,經考試院決議採取甲案並將替代率上限訂為95%。評析公務人員退休所得替代率偏高的原因,在於公保養老給付享有年利率18%優惠存款利息所致,在採行新制後,據銓敘部統計共有八萬多的公務人員受到影響。本研究以模擬分析的方式,評估公務人員擔任主管職務及非主管職務人員退休所得替代率,在新、舊制度下所產生的利息收入差異,並分析其中原因。 / 研究得到以下幾點結論:(1)公務人員退休所得因納入公保養老給付優惠存款利息,導致所得替代率介於80%~131%之間,確實有偏高的現象;(2)改革方案中,擔任主管職務退休人員所須扣除的優存利息幅度,職等越高者幅度越小,甚至有13職等以上擔任主管人員的優存利息是完全不需扣除的現象;(3) 擔任非主管職務退休人員所扣除的公保優存利息幅度高於擔任主管職務退休人員,其中又以中階非主管職務人員扣除最多;(4) 造成此種現象,主因在於公務人員薪資結構上的問題。公務人員在職月薪包含本俸、專業加給及擔任主管人員的主管職務加給,其中高階主管的主管職務加給加上專業加給幾乎等同於本俸,甚至有超過本俸的現象。如此在計算所得替代率時,自然會產生較小的值,而領取較多的公保優存利息。


簡仁傑, Jian, Ren-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
共一冊,大約六至八萬字,分五章,內容如下: 第一章導論。包括研究對象、研究範圍、研究目的及研究觀念架構。 第二章理論基礎與文獻探討。包括市場區隔理論、市場區隔基礎、生活型態理論、生 活型態衡量方法及用途。 第三章研究設計。包括研究假說、問卷設計、數量方法、抽樣方法與研究限制。問卷 設計包含含四部份,第一部份在探討消費者購買與使用保養化妝品的情形;第二部份 在瞭解消費者選購化妝品的評估準則;第三部份是衡量消費者生活型態的行動、興趣 、意見量表;第四部份是有關人口統計變數的基本資料。數量方法則包括百分比分析 ,因素分析,變異數分析等。 第四章資料分析與解釋。問卷所得資料經電腦分析後,就前章四部份加以分析解釋。 第五章結論與建議。說明本研究結果在行銷上的應用,以提供業者擬訂行銷策略之參 考。

消費者在商店內之商品選購決策研究 –以個人用品店購買開架式保養品為例

李郁文, Yu-Wen Li Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經濟近年來呈現緩慢成長,甚至衰退的情況。民生消費用品的市場亦呈現持平的狀況。製造商及零售商為維持公司的成長,不斷投資於行銷活動,提升業績及擴大市場佔有率。在製造商及零售商均大力投資於行銷的情況下,有時會因目標及手段不同而有通路成員衝突的產生。在消費者主導的時代,如果能了解消費者在某一類產品對不同行銷手段的反應,使製造商及零售商在銷售產品上能達成共識,並能調整自身的行銷方法,採取對雙方都有利的作法,達到提升市場佔有率及利潤的目標,達成雙贏的局面。 本研究係針對開架式保養品消費者在個人用品店的消費行為研究。本研究透過問卷來了解消費者計劃購買情形、產品重覆購買及品牌中程度、及對不同店內行銷方法的反應。除總體研究外,也有對特定人口統計變數及次產品類別的分析,探討總體研究的適用性。 本研究的結果可提供行銷人員制定行銷計劃的參考,本文也提出一些可能的應用。文末說明一些研究的心得與限制,並提出未來可能的研究方向。

從生活型態及購買決策模式探析男性專櫃保養品之消費行為 / A Research of the consumer behavior of men's luxury skin care products: In the perspective of lifestyle and purchase decision model

黃浩群, Huang, Hao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
男性保養品市場在近幾年相當受到市場注目,許多大型化妝品集團均針對男性開發男性專屬的皮膚保養用品,在2000年之後,每一年全球的市場均達到二位數之高度成長。從數據上看來,最近幾年的化妝品產業的連年成長,有很大部份是來自於男性消費者的消費主力逐漸產生,他們對於自我外貌的觀念,因為產業、媒體、社會環境的交相傳播影響,使得產品及品牌的觀念漸漸成型,品牌忠誠度與產品的再購也有不少提昇。 本研究即就此一現象做男性專櫃保養品之生活型態與購買決策研究。透過問卷調查,探析男性專櫃保養品消費者的生活型態,並輔以非專櫃保養品之消費者,做兩者的比較分析。本研究共回收937份有效問卷,其中591份是專櫃消費者,346份是非專櫃消費者。本研究利用利用因素分析及集群分析將消費者做生活型態分類;用ANOVA、卡方分析、獨立樣本t檢定分析消費者在購買行為、生活型態、人口變項上的差異;最後用迴歸分析探討品牌滿意度對品牌忠誠度的影響。 研究結果顯示,時尚先鋒族是男性專櫃保養品的目標消費者,其人口變項、生活型態都與其他集群有顯著差異。這個族群對於流行訊息非常敏感,在團體中很活躍、重視社交,並且在意自我形象。他們會透過多元的管道購買專櫃保養品,也會透過網路與其他使用者交換使用心得。而在非專櫃消費者中的時尚先鋒族則是男性專櫃保養品的潛在消費者,他們同樣重視自我的外貌,也會利用較低價的開架式保養品,只是年紀較輕,收入較少,尚未有足夠的預算購買專櫃產品。此外本研究也發現有部分消費者的需求並沒有完全被滿足,某些肌膚問題無法對應該有的專櫃產品。 根據研究結果,企業應加強對時尚先鋒族的行銷,加強價格定位,做好專櫃通路的品牌形象及服務,以提高時尚先鋒族的品牌態度,進而形塑品牌忠誠;強化網路在行銷溝通上的地位,做好網路上的議題管理與公關策略,以強化消費者的品牌滿意度;並且企業應針對目前尚未滿足的需求,發展出對應的專櫃產品,以增加獲利。 / It’s been a wide attention to the men’s skin care matkets in recent years. Many of the large cosmetic groups are developing skin care products specifically for men. After the year of 2000, men’s skin care markets around the world are enjoying double-digit growth every year. Also, based on the numbers, the growth of the entire cosmetic industry in these years has largely benefited from the emerging men’s skin care product consumers. The concept of male consumers’ own look, is changing by the communication of the skin care industry, media information, and the whole atmosphere in the society. This phenominon has the power to form the concept of men’s skin care brands and products, and also raises the brand loyalty and repeated product buying. This research is based on this situation and doing a survey of the consumer lifestyle and purchase decision of men’s skin care products. Through an Internet survey, this research is to analyze the lifestyle of men’s luxury skin care product comsumers, and to compare with the lifestyle of men’s non-luxury skin care product comsumers. Effective samples are in the amount of 937 in total, 591 in luxury consumers, and 346 in non-luxury consumers. The statistics are conducted with factor analysis and cluster analysis to categorize the consumers by their lifestyles; with ANOVA, Chi-square, and independent sample T-test to see the consumer differences in purchase behavior, lifestyles, and demographics; and with regression analysis to discover the impact of the brand satisfaction to the brand loyalty. Based on the prominent differences in demographics and lifestyles, the result shows that the trend-pioneers are the target of the men’s luxury skin care products. This cluster is especially sensitive to fashion information, active in a group, caring about social activities, and their self images. They purchase luxury skin care products in diversed channels, and exchange information after using products with other users through the Internet. And we discover that the potential consumers are inhabited in the trend-pioneers in the non-luxury product consumers. They’re younger, having less income, also caring about their looks, using cheaper skin care products sold in supermarkets and drugstores, and very willing to buy luxury products in the future. They just need some time to get enough budgets. Another discovery in this research is that some comsumer needs are not fulfilled entirely; certain skin problems do not correspond to products with specific solutions. Men’s luxury skin care companies, based on the research results, should reinforce the marketing strategies to trend-pioneers, the price positioning strategies, brand images and services in luxury products channels to raise the trend-pioneers’ brand attitudes, and then to form the brand loyalty. The Internet should get more attention in marketing communication, and be used to enhance the issue management and PR strategies in cyber world, to raise consumers’ brand satisfaction. Additionally, to raise the profits, companies involved should develop corresponding luxury products to specific unfulfilled needs.

女性私密處保養品廣告中框架與代言人一致性對廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意圖之影響 / The influence towards ad attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention -- from the perspective of the consistency between framing and endorser in female hygiene product ad

李明芬, Li, Ming Fen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著保養的觀念越來越興盛,女性私密處保養品也趁勢而起,向消費者推廣私密處保養的重要性,而在眾多的女性私密處保養品品牌中,不同的品牌存在不同的框架手法與不同的代言人選擇。對於廣告主來說,使用哪一種角度做切入的廣告會較符合台灣女性消費者的偏好,是本研究的研究重點。 本研究從廣告的「框架」與「代言人」角度做切入,探討不同的廣告框架類型、代言人類型以及兩者之間的一致性是否會對廣告態度、品牌態度及購買意圖產生影響;其中,不可忽視的是女性私密處保養品本身的產品特殊性,由於台灣隸屬於華人社會,女性對於性較為保守,故探討此產品時,台灣女性對於性的態度將是影響框架類型與代言人類型效果的重要因素。 本研究以實驗法進行,所得結果如下: 一、比起使用性感框架,健康框架能使消費者對於女性私密處保養品的廣告態度與購買意圖產生較佳的效果,但對於品牌態度則無顯著影響。 二、不同類型的代言人,並不會顯著影響消費者對於女性私密處保養品的廣告態度、品牌態度與購買意圖。 三、廣告框架類型與代言人類型達到一致性與否,並不會顯著影響消費者對於女性私密處保養品的廣告態度、品牌態度與購買意圖。

通路價格整合與銷售檔期對於品牌態度和購買意願之影響 / The impact of omni-channel price integration and promotion period on brand attitude and purchase intention - The case of skincare product

許鈺欣, Hsu, Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網際網路和智慧型裝置的蓬勃發展,網路購物已成為了民眾日常生活的一部分,消費者的購物習慣也逐漸從實體商店轉向虛擬商城交易,為了因應這樣的購物需求,過往擁有傳統通路優勢的零售品牌商開始積極佈局線上購物市場,紛紛建立自有網路通路或者是與虛擬通路商合作,開闢新的虛擬通路以開創新商機和新客群。本研究想要了解不同種類的產品是否皆適合建立虛擬通路,以涉入程度較高的專櫃保養品做為主要研究產品類別,探討有無虛擬通路對於品牌態度的影響,並且能否藉由正面的品牌態度替品牌商帶來實際的銷售。 此外,當消費者能夠自由的選擇任一通路進行交易時,對於跨通路的購物體驗需求也就越高,因此,本研究將進一步探討實體和虛擬通路之整合議題,且依據專櫃保養品的通路策略,選擇通路價格整合程度和銷售檔期作為主要的操控變數,藉以了解不同的通路價格整合程度搭配不同的銷售檔期對於品牌態度的影響是否有所差異。 本研究採2(通路價格整合程度:高、低) x 2(銷售檔期:平日、特殊檔期)的兩因子實驗設計,再加上無虛擬通路的控制組,共分五組。 研究結果和部分假設吻合,本研究發現建立虛擬通路對於品牌態度有正面影響的假設僅部分成立,而品牌態度對於購買意願確實有正向的影響。此外,當不同的通路價格整合程度搭配不同的銷售檔期,對於品牌整體感觀和通路配置喜好程度有顯著的影響效果,而不論在平日或是特殊檔期,通路價格整合程度越一致,消費者對於品牌態度皆會越好,但特殊檔期相較於平日對於品牌態度的改變程度則沒那麼顯著,也就是說,本研究發現,專櫃保養品牌在思考通路策略時,在平日應盡量保持各通路價格一致,但在特殊檔期時,則可以因應通路檔期活動,讓價格有所差異,對於品牌態度的影響也沒有平日來的顯著。

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