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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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莊祐瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
民主政治涉及了多方利益的競逐、結盟與協調,在決策階段未化解的政策爭議將成為執行的問題,而政策利害關係人的共識、支持與配合也往往是政策能否順利執行的關鍵。因此,本文主要關注的問題即為行政機關如何在政策制定的過程中化解爭議,並與利害關係人達成政策共識。本文以「學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項」的制定過程為研究個案,探討在校園輔導管教與體罰問題衝突對立不斷,且因教育基本法零體罰條款的通過而更顯爭議的政策環境下,教育部如何納入利害關係人、教育團體以及學者專家的多元參與,並使各方參與者達成共識而完成「注意事項」的修訂。 本文透過深度訪談以及既有的文獻資料蒐集,分析「注意事項」的制定過程與進行方式、得以形成共識的原因、制定過程的特殊性以及「注意事項」的評價與執行成效。研究發現,「注意事項」的制定過程在形式上雖與其他政策或法令制定過程相似,實際上則是一次特殊且成功的法規制定協商實務。「注意事項」的制定過程讓原本立場不同的團體代表以及專家學者,透過不斷的溝通妥協與意見整合,在與會者皆具專業性與代表性,並願意密集參與會議深入討論、有負責意見整合之協調者協助會議順利進行以及發布時限的限制等條件成立的情況下,擬出各參與代表皆能認同的共識版本;後續也透過網路公告、公聽會和說明會的方式廣納教師與社會大眾的意見,因此獲得各界的正面評價,就教育部與人本校園體罰調查看來,在違法管教措施的遏止上也有初步成效。惟「注意事項」雖符合各界期待,在後續的執行方面則仍需加強落實。 教育部此次訂定「注意事項」的成功經驗應可作為日後行政機關訂定政策或法規的參考,亦顯現在政策實務上確實能透過利害關係人或團體代表的參與及協商化解政策爭議,制定出符合共識的政策方案。

教師涉及校園性騷擾行為之懲處 / The administrative punishment of teachers' sexual harassment on campus

陳旻青 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要有兩個研究重點,一是希望透過研究建立起一個具體的性騷擾樣貌的參考,並透過深度訪談,了解實務上是如何將性騷擾的實體要件,涵攝在個案上,亦即是如何判定教師性騷擾。二是希望透過研究,了解實務上在判定教師性騷擾之後,對於教師之懲處的標準何在。 研究結果發現教師性騷擾態樣雖然很多,但對教師涉及校園性騷擾行為的判斷通常並不困難,尤其是師生戀跟教學上的肢體觸碰這兩種爭議類型,實務上已有一些判斷爭議的方式。再來是對於性騷擾教師的懲處標準,目前只能粗略的建立教師校園性騷擾情節輕重與懲處輕重的標準,且標準是浮動的。而這部分還有一個值得注意的是教師法第14條於民國102年修法後,規定教師性騷擾需情節重大才能予以解聘且終身不得任教。教師性騷擾情節若不重大,但有解聘的必要,亦可根據該條第1項第13款,解聘一至四年即可。修法後的規定,乃為落實釋字702號的意旨,因此實務上開始可以有層次的處理性騷擾情節輕重與懲處輕重的問題。最後,在處理教師涉及校園性騷擾的案件上,有些問題也有待解決,像是學校性平委員與調查小組成員的專業調查知能有待加強以及處理教師涉及校園性騷擾案件之相關規定不完善,都是需要後續再深入研擬的問題。

桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園環境之研究 / The study of barrier-free school environments in Junior high school of Taoyuan Conty

黃朝旭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在了解桃園縣國民中學學校人員對無障礙校園環境的認知,並探討桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題,並提出具體的改善建議,做為行政主管機關及學校的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查及實地觀察訪談等三種研究方法。首先透過文獻分析,探討無障礙環境的基本理念與法令、規章的發展狀況,及桃園縣無障礙環境的執行過程;其次,以文獻探討的結果,編製「桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園環境調查問卷」,進行問卷調查研究,並輔以實地觀察訪談,以了解學校人員對無障礙環境的認知,及桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題。 本研究的調查對象為桃園縣公立國民中學校長、總務主任、組長、未兼任行政職務之教師、家長會長(或代表)共55校,發出問卷275份,總計收回51所學校247份問卷,回收率89.9%,有效問卷242份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷之統計分析;實地觀察訪的對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(48班以上為大校、47班至30班為中校、29班以下為小校)三組。每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公佈為準,分新舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,並以該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查及實地觀察訪談的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、 桃園縣國民中學的學校人員重視無障礙校園環境,且以校長與女性學校人員最重視。 二、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙的使用與維護情形普遍良好。 三、 桃園縣國民中學規劃最好無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」「升降梯(電梯)」。 四、 桃園縣國民中學最難規劃無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、活動中心、演藝廳)」「升降梯(電梯)」。 五、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素有「受限於學校原有建築或空間,致不易改善」、「受限於經費,致無法整體規劃」及「缺乏專精無障礙環境規劃的建築師的協助」。 根據研究發現與結論,提出建議如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園環境應「整體規劃、分期完工」,且將具有無障礙環境知能專家學者或建築師納入學校營繕小組之內;辦理親師生校園無障礙環境多元活動,增進親師生對無障礙環境的認知。 二、桃園縣教育處應調查分項建置縣內各級學校無障礙設施基本資料一覽表,掌握每校無障礙設施的狀況;校園無障礙設施經費補助以新建或修繕「觀眾席(如視聽教室、活動中心、演藝廳)」、「升降梯(電梯)」等項為優先,「室外引導通路」次之;定期作學校無障礙設施訪視,並建立執行無障礙環境的績效評量制度。 三、未來研究建議如:藉由行動不便者實地使用,訪查校園無障礙設施使用時不足,才能更精準指出尚需改善的無障礙設施的項目;引進「通路」的概念,研究每校無障礙設施最少且最適合「無障礙通路」。 關鍵詞:國民中學;無障礙;無障礙校園環境 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in school of the barrier-free school environment and to investigate the implementation﹐design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools of Taoyuan County﹒ In addition﹐the researcher propose an applicable suggestions for the reference of both the authorities and schools. To achieve the above mentioned objectives﹐the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis﹐questionnaires and field surveys in this study﹒First of all﹐through the methods of literature analysis﹐ the researcher explored the basic ideals﹐the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free school environment in Taoyuan County ﹒Secondly﹐based on the results from the literature analysis﹐the researcher designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free school Environment in Junior High Schools of Taoyuan County”conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier- free school environment and the implementation,structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities﹒ The research subjects of this study were principals,directors of general affairs,group leader,teachers﹐and president(or representatives)of parent committee in junior high school 0f Taoyuan County﹒the researcher sent out 275 questionnaires to 55 schools﹒A total of 247 questionnaires from 51 schools were retrieved﹒The response rate was 89.9%﹒SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyzed the 242 effective questionnaires;the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school(schools of 48 classes or more are large schools﹐schools of 30-47 classes are medium schools﹐and schools of 29 classes or less are small schools )﹒in each group ﹐1990﹐the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised﹐was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into subgroups;old schools and new schools﹒The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the directors of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys﹒A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study﹒ Based on literature analysis﹐ questionnaires and field surveys﹐the researcher reached the following conclusions: 1,The staffs of Junior high schools of Taoyuan County pay attention to the barrier- free school environment,especially principals and feaml staffs in schools pay more attention to the barrier- free school environment﹒ 2,The way in which barrier-free campus facilities are used is satisfactory;the maintenance of barrier-free campus facilitiesis too﹒ 3, The best planned barrier-free campus facilities are“ ramps and handrails”“bathrooms and lavatories”and “hoists(elevators)”﹒ 4,The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free campus facilities is in “ramps and handrails” “audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)”“hoists(elevators)”﹒ 5,Junior high school of Taoyuan County barrier-free campus facility plan design the quite difficult factor has “limited to the school original construction or the space, sends is not easy to improve”,“is restricted in the funds, sends is unable “architect's assistance which the corporate planning” and is“expert in the barrier-free school environmental project deficient”. Based on these findings﹐the researcher proposed the following suggestions:: 1,The barrier-free school environment in Junior high school of Taoyuan County should be“entire planning, finish by stage”,and“have the the experts or the architects excel in designing the barrier-free school environment in the group﹐By handling the diversified barrier-free school environmental activties”;promoting the teachers and students to the barrier-free school environment cognition by barrier-free school environment multi-dimensional activity﹒ 2,the Education Department of Taoyuan County Government should respectively set up the basic document data sheet of all levels of school barrier-free campus facility in Taoyuan County and grasps each school barrier-free campus facility conditions﹐What`s more﹐“audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)” hoists(elevators)”should be gave priorities to put to use the barrier-free campus facility and next is “outdoor guidance circuit”;And it is necessity to surveys school barrier-free campus facility regularly and establish the barrier-free school environment achievements to comment the quantity system﹒ 3,the following for further studies:Facilities used on the spot by those who move with difficulty can point which barrier-free campus facilities need improvement more accurately when surveys the facilities ;introducing the concept of “route”can study the barrier-free campus facility of each school;the suggestion for example: Uses on the spot because of moving about with difficulty, inquires the barrier-free campus be least and most suitable“barrier-free route”﹒ Key word:junior high school;barrier-free;barrier-free school environment

教師性侵害懲處修法過程及影響之研究 / The study of the process and influence of amending the law about punishing sexual abuse of teachers

黃淑婷 Unknown Date (has links)
教師性侵害學生問題存在已久,2009年起人本教育基金會開始倡議修正教師法第14條,同年11月6日三讀通過,然而早在2002年教育部提出教師法全文修正版至行政院審查,2008年排入立法院議程審議,其中即針對舊教師法所產生之問題擬定完整法令,惟何以未能通過?兩者版本孰優孰劣?本研究分別透過Kingdon的政策窗概念及法令於實務之可行性,分析教育部與人本倡議修法之過程始末與兩者版本於懲處性侵教師規定之內容,以瞭解影響兩者修法結果之原因,及兩者版本進行懲處性侵教師時可能產生之效益與爭議。 研究結果發現:人本排入立法院審議的時間避免了新舊政府輪替的前後時期,為順利通過的最重要因素,加上教師法第14條修法草案牽涉相關議題的較少,人本成功遊說獲得多數立委的支持,黨團協商取得共識,因此,縱使教育部之版本中對懲處性侵教師有較完整機制,然而教育部修正教師法全文時未具備以上關鍵因素,故最後仍未能修正通過。比較教育部與人本之版本內容,發現教育部之版本考量較人本仔細且解決更多問題,惟兩者仍皆有所不足之處,可相互借鏡,以制定出更完善之法令,將性侵教師徹底趕出校園。 雖教師法全文修正涉及之議題較為廣泛,惟人本2009年倡議修正通過教師法第14條的成功經驗,仍可供教育部日後修正教師法全文之參考,即針對每一議題依序研商,抓住立法院關注教師法修法之時機,並爭取立委支持,集中審議,最後教育部應能如願修正通過教師法。

校園環境中基於社群資料之耐延遲網路傳輸策略 / Campus Environment Social-based routing in Delay Tolerant Network

林宇軒, Lin, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在耐延遲網路中,沒有網路服務的使用者,可以藉由各節點間的短距離傳送,透過一個間斷性的連結將資料傳送至目的地。因此,在本研究,當使用者在校園環境中,欲將手邊的資料傳送給其他使用者,但無法連結上網際網路時,可以透過與目標節點關聯性較高的節點幫忙以達到傳送資料之目的。 本論文提出一基於個人與社群資訊的資料傳送方法,以個人興趣、個人資訊與朋友關係等三個面向去分析適合用來幫助傳送資料的節點。在每個訊息中,我們加入一級別值,並在相遇到其他節點時做資訊的交換與計算,並利用選擇較高級別值的節點轉送,使資料可以透過較有效率的路線傳送至目的地。最後,我們將本論文方法與其它資料傳送方法比較評估效能,模擬結果顯示我們提出的傳送方法有較優的傳送成功率與較低的資源耗費。 / In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), the user without network service can, through short transmission between nodes, use an intermittent route to deliver messages to the destination. In our study, when a user in the campus environment wants to send its data to others but can’t link to Internet in that moment, the user can use the node which has higher relation degree with the destination to help forward the data. In this thesis, we proposed a social-based routing approach. It is based on aspects of personal interest, personal information, and social relation to analyze which node is appropriate for data relaying. For each data, a rank value is associated with it. When the node encounters with other nodes, it will exchange and calculate data information to renew the rank value. Based on the rank value, data can be relayed to nodes with higher rank values, and thus to the destination through a more efficient way. Finally, we evaluated our approach, and compared with other routing schemes. The simulation results showed that our proposed approach had better delivery probability and lower resource cost.


李素珍, Lee, Su-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在瞭解學校人員對無障礙校園環境的認知,並探討臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題,同時研擬具體可行之「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」,作為行政機關及學校的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談等四種研究方法。首先透過文獻分析,探討無障礙環境的基本理念與法令、規章的發展概況,及臺北市無障礙校園環境的執行過程;其次,以文獻探討的結果及專家座談的建議,研擬具體可行的「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」及編製「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境調查問卷」,進行問卷調查研究,並輔以實地觀察訪談,以瞭解學校人員對無障礙環境的認知,及臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題。 本研究的調查對象為臺北市國民中學之校長、總務主任、特教組長、教師及家長會長(或代表),共57所學校,計發出問卷285份,總計收回53所學校260份問卷,回收率為91.2﹪,實得有效問卷260份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷資料之統計分析;實地觀察訪談對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(60班以上為大校、59班至35班為中校、34班以下為小校)三組,每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公布為準,分新、舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國民中學認為無障礙校園環境很重要,認知狀況普遍良好,其中以特教組長對無障礙校園環境的認知狀況最好。 二、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施的使用情形尚可,維護情形良好。 三、臺北市國民中學規畫最好的無障礙設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」、「昇降機(電梯)」,最難規劃的無障礙設施是「昇降機(電梯)」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」等,尚須改善的無障礙設施有「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」、「昇降機(電梯)」、「避難層出入口」。 四、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素是原有建築或空間及經費的受限,故臺北市政府教育局應提供協助以建構完善的無障礙校園環境,其中檢核表對臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境的推動深具價值。 根據研究發現與結論,提出建議如下: 一、臺北市國民中學的無障礙校園環境應整體性規劃,其中特教組長應積極扮演協同的角色,並為師生辦理無障礙校園環境體認等多元活動。 二、臺北市政府教育局應利用儲訓或相關研習加強學校主管的無障礙校園環境理念與實務,對經費補助的方式則應先檢核評估學校整體無障礙環境並以整體規畫、專案補助為主,其中「觀眾席」、「升降機」、「避難層出入口」等設施的新建或修繕補助應列為第一優先,並應提供無障礙校園環境相關諮詢管道與一份完善的無障礙校園環境檢核表以供協助,同時建立各校無障礙設施之基本資料與執行績效評量制度,並對總務人員任期的人事法令予以鬆綁以為配套。 三、其他建議如:各大學院校相關系所應開設無障礙校園環境的相關課程;我國建築技術規則等相關法規應儘速修正並儘速建立人體工學資料。 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and to investigate the implementation, design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools in Taipei City. In addition, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City” for the reference of both the authorities and schools. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys in this study. First of all, through analysis, the researcher explored the basic ideals, the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free campus in Taipei City. Secondly, based on the results from the literature analysis and the suggestions from experts in various seminars, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and the implementation, structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities. The research subjects of this study were principals, directors of general affairs, chiefs of special education, teachers, and presidents (or representatives) of parent committee in junior high schools in Taipei. The researcher sent out 285 questionnaires to 57 schools. A total of 260 questionnaires from 53 schools were retrieved. The response rate was 91.2%. SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyze the 260 effective questionnaires; the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school (schools of 60 classes or more are large schools, 35-59 medium schools, and 60 schools or less small schools). In each group, 1990, the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised, was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into two subgroups: old schools and new schools. The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the director of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys. A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study. Based on literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys, the researchers reached the following conclusions: A. Junior high schools in Taipei City consider the barrier-free campus environment important. In general, staff at school have good understanding of the barrier-free campus environment, especially chiefs of special education. B. The way in which barrier-free facilities are used is acceptable; the maintenance of barrier-free facilities is satisfactory. C. The best planned barrier-free facilities are “ramps and handrails,” “bathrooms and lavatories” and “hoists (elevators).” The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free facilities is in “hoists (elevators),” “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls).” Barrier-free facilities which require improvements are “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls),” “hoists (elevators)” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors.” D. The difficult part in structuring barrier-free facilities lies in the limitations of original architecture, space and budget. Therefore, Taipei City’s Department of Education should provide assistance to build up a complete barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. The checklists are valuable to the promotion of the barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. Based on these findings, the researcher proposed the following suggestions: A. The barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City should be planned as a whole. Chiefs of special education should play roles of active coordinators, and hold various activities to help teachers and students understand the barrier-free campus environment. B. Taipei City’s Department of Education should make use of various training programs and seminars to enhance the understanding and performances of directors at school. The whole barrier-free campus environment in each school should be evaluated before issuing subsidy. Subsidy should be planned as a whole and issued on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, the installment and repair of “audience seats,” “hoists” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors” should make the top priority on the list of special funds. A complete checklist for the barrier-free campus environment should be provided as support. At the same time, basic data of all the junior high schools in Taipei City and the performance evaluation system in each school should be established. Lastly, terms of staff in general affairs should be more flexible as a supplementary measure. C. Other Suggestions: related departments in every college should provide courses about the barrier-free campus environment; building Code and Regulations in Taiwan should be revised as soon as possible; Ergonomics data should be updated and established as soon as possible.


張詩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標及權重體系,作為推動校園閒置空間再利用之參考依據。研究以文獻分析為基礎,初擬校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,採專家問卷、模糊德爾菲問卷和層級分析法問卷為研究工具進行調查。研究對象共22位專家學者,資料分析首先利用改良「雙三角模糊數」之模糊德爾菲整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選評估因子,最後運用Expert Choice 2000軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重,完成國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標。 本研究獲得主要結論如下:國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,含3大層面、8大指標共30個評估因子,其整體權重高低排序如下: 一、三大層面依權重高低排序為:環境面(41.5%)、經濟面(30.8%)、 社會面(27.7%)。 二、八大指標依權重高低排序為:價值效益(17.4%)、生態保育(15.5%)、健康環境(14.4%)、綠色消費(13.4%)、永續經營(12.4%)、環境規劃(11.6%)、社會教育的功能(11.2%)、社區發展(4.1%)。 三、三十個評估因子依權重高低排序前五名為:校舍動靜分區配置(9.1%)、保水設施(5.6%)、基地開發之干擾及衝擊(5.4%)、生物多樣性(5.4%)、室內物理環境(5.3%)。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出建議,提供未來行政單位檢視校園閒置空間再利用評估及結果的有效性的參考。 / A Study of Evaluation Indicators on Sustainable Development for Vacant School Space in Elementary Schools Abstract The purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation indicators and their associated priority weights on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space. The results of the study can be the reference for promoting the reuse of vacant school space. At first, the study is based on the analysis of documents to establish relevant evaluation indicators about vacant school space. And this study adopts three research methods: expert survey, Fuzzy Delphi and AHP to survey. The research invites 22 education-related experts to form a team as the study object. First, in order to select the applicable indicators, the individual answers of experts are analyzed by “double triangle fuzzy technique”. By using this technique, opinions about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated; and meantime, the factors are screened. Finally, Expert Choice 2000 software is used to process statistic analysis to set up priority weights of various indicators. In this way, the evaluation indicators on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space are established. The main conclusion which this study obtained is as follows: The evaluation indicators of sustainable development for elementary vacant school space include three dimensions, eight indicators, and thirty evaluation factors. The priority weights of all evaluation indictors are described in order as follows: 1.The priority weights of three dimensions are environmental dimension(41.5%), economical dimension(30.8%), and social dimension(27.7%) 2.The priority weights of eight indicators are valuing benefit(17.4%), ecological conservation(15.5%), healthy environment(14.4%), green consumption(13.4%), sustainable development management(12.4%), environmental planning(11.6%), the function of social education(11.2%), and community development (4.1%)。 3.The priority weights of thirty evaluation factors are the allocation of noisy and quiet areas of school(9.1%), facilities of water content(5.6%), the disturbance and impact of the development about vacant school space(5.4%), ecological variety(5.4%), and biological surroundings indoors(5.3%). Finally, according to the research results, some suggestions are offered to educational administration to review the effects and evaluation results of reusing vacant school space in the future.

社工員介入兒童及少年校園性侵害案件之工作經驗探究:以高雄市為例 / Social workers involved in work experience for children and teenagers campus sexual assault of inquiry: A Case Study in Kaohsiung

蔡佳玲, Tsai, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,運用深入訪談方法來訪談14位處理兒童及少年校園性侵害案件具有實務工作經驗超過5年的警察人員、教職人員、社工員,從中探討社工員在介入校園性侵害案件服務工作的角色扮演及其與警政、學校一同處理案件的衝突,並從中探究社工員本身的工作困境與因應之道,期能作為社工員介入校園性侵害案件服務工作經驗整理的開始,進而可做為社工員在性侵害防治工作領域專業角色扮演,及與他專業合作分工的參考。本研究發現如下: 一、社工員主觀認知的角色功能,與法定職責相似,且社工 員角色在處理性侵害案件與一般兒少保護案件是有所差異的。另警政與教育人員對性侵害業務社工員角色扮演的看法,彷彿停留在社工員可以協助其業務面向或是被害人面對司法問題上。總之,似乎校園性侵害案件真要進入司法程序,社工員的角色功能才得以有所發揮。 二、警察人員最期待社工員能夠先了解案情,且請社工員不要在當事人面前「指揮」警察該如何偵辦案件。又教職人員最期待社工員能夠提供訪談資訊,以協助性平會調查。 三、社工員服務困境主要來自社政體制本身,與對個案及其家屬服務過程的衝突。前者如依法規定24小時訪案沒有彈性、新案影響提供舊案的服務、夜間陪同偵訊問題、與應對司法制度產生之角色衝突困境。後者如被害人拒絕配合調查程序、與家長對案情認定不一致,以及面臨處理兩情相悅案件的複雜性。 四、而專業間對彼此的抱怨,呈現了警察人員最在意社工員過度干涉筆錄製作事項,社工員反覺得警察人員不清楚兒童及少年被害人的情緒反應狀態與行為模式,卻未積極偵辦之情。另一方面,學校教職人員覺得社工員透漏學校通報之情,而破壞學校師生的信任關係,甚至覺得社工員可以不要再重複訪談被害學生了。相對的,社工員對於學校教職人員忽略被害人感受 與對被害人標籤、未能滿足家長期待、不清楚處理流程等等事項有所抱怨。 五、為因應上述之困境,且促進專業間的合作關係,也為個案提供專業服務,社工員對學校性平調查持一定配合程度。另為避免破壞與警政的合作關係,社工員全力協助被害人配合製作筆錄事宜。且為維護被害人的法定權益,社工員應接納被害人的個別差異性,並協調各專業之差異認定與判斷。更重要的是社工員需進行自我心態調整,清楚社工員職責角色的界線,同時接納與了解不同專業的工作內容。 六、綜合受訪者想法、意見,在目前實務工作場域中的情境,發現專業間可以分別辦理共同訓練、整合調查工作、建立跨單位組織、修訂法規等不同方式來建立以被害人為中心的團隊工作模式。 依上述研究發現,從處理兒少校園性侵害案件的制度面與從社工員實務工作面提出建議。首先在制度面上,中央機關可從法令規章的修訂與建立中央跨部會機關間的協調機制來著手,而縣市政府教育局處可成立跨校專責小組以專責處理性平案件調查業務,並結合警政、社政之性侵害業務專責小組成跨專業團隊來專責處理校園性侵害事件。在實務面上,建議社政主管機關要落實性侵害防治業務社工員之在職教育、建立緊急保護社工員的服務體制與倡導社工員的職責角色,且社工員要了解與運用性侵害防治業務相關法律規定,並開放自我與其他專業對話。 / This paper adopts the qualitative research method to have in-depth interviews with fourteen police officers, school faculties and social workers who have the experience of dealing with campus sexual assault cases of children and youth for more than five years. With the conducted interviews, this paper will discuss the role social workers play when involving in the cases of sexual assault on campus and the conflicts aroused among social workers, the police and school faculty. This paper aims to investigate the dilemma that social workers face in their job and the possible solutions to these problems. In hope that these data can serve as an initial record for social workers who work in this disciplinary; a reference for the role social workers play in sexual assault prevention; and a guide for the collaboration with other professions. This paper has thus reached the following findings: I. The subjective perception of social workers’ function is similar to their statutory duty and that their role in dealing with sexual assault cases differs from that handling general child protection cases. Nevertheless, the police and school faculty still have the impression that social workers who handle sexual assault cases can assist them with their respective duties or provide help for the victim’s confrontation with the judicial problems. Ultimately, it seems like it is only when the campus sexual assault case reaches its judicial stage, then social workers can play their part. II. The police expect social workers to understand the case and meanwhile, they do not want social workers to interfere with their investigation, especially in front of the victim or victimizer. On the other hand, the school faculty expects social workers to provide them with the interview information, so as to assist the investigation of the Gender Equality Committee. III. The problems that social workers face are mainly from the rigidity of the social affair system and the conflicts aroused when communicating with the victim, the victimizer, and their relatives. The former problems are such as the inflexibility of the regulation of the law to attend the case in 24 hours; the past cases are affected by the current cases; the problems of accompanied night interrogation; and the conflicts aroused in confrontation with the judicial system. The latter problems are such as the victimizer’s refusal to cooperate in the investigation, the disagreement on the case with the parents, and the complexity to handle the case involving sexual gratification in mutuality. IV. There are complaints between different professions. For instance, the police concern the most about social workers’ excessive intervention when they are making a report of the case. However, social workers feel that the police are insensitive to the child or youth victim’s emotions and behaviors, and therefore they did not carry out the investigation actively. Moreover, the school faculty feels that social workers’ disclosure of the case would damage the trust between students and teachers. Also, they feel that social workers should not interview the victimized student repeatedly. On the other hand, social workers have complaints about the school faculty. For example, their negligence of the victim’s feelings; their tendency to label the victim; their inability to fulfill the expectations of the parents and their ignorance of the procedure of the case. V. To solve the above problems; to initiate the cooperative relations among different professions; and to provide the case with professional service, social workers will definitely coordinate with the school’s investigation on the gender equality cases. Also, in order not to damage the cooperative relation with the police, social workers will provide full assistance while the police are making a report of the case with the victim. Moreover, social workers should safeguard the legal rights of the victim by accepting the victim’s individual difference and coordinating the difference in judgments between various professions. Most importantly, social workers should undergo an adjustment in mentality to understand their role and the borderline of their duty by accepting and understanding the tasks of various professions. VI. By summing up the interviewees’ ideas and opinions, there comes to a discovery that in the practical practices, it is possible for different professions to conduct trainings together, to synthesize the investigation, to establish a cross-unit organization, to revise regulations and many other ways in order to create a victim-centered working team mode. From the above studies, suggestions can be made on two aspects, the system itself and the practical practices of social workers, while dealing with sexual assault cases on campus. First on the system, the central authority can start with the revision of the laws and regulations and the establishment of the coordination from the central to the other departments. For instance, the County Municipal Bureau of Education Department can set up a cross-school team that deals mainly with gender equality cases, and which is able to synthesize the sexual assault investigative teams from the police and social workers. Next, on the practical practices of social workers, it is suggested that the social affairs authority should implement the in-service education of social workers involving in sexual assault preventive project. Also, it is necessary for the establishment of a service system that protects social workers’ safety in case of emergency and the need to advocate the responsibility of their role. Furthermore, social workers are required to understand and exercise the laws and regulations related to sexual assault preventive cases, and to have an open-mind so that the dialogues with other professions can be made possible.

校園公共藝術符號取向之研究 / The study on symbol orientation for campus public arts

王如杏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討校園公共藝術符號互動表徵、校園公共藝術符號之影響的現況及其關係,並據以提出結論與建議,期能提供學校運用符號互動表徵,增進公共藝術影響的參考。本研究採取文件分析、問卷調查、觀察法、訪談法進行研究,首先蒐集相關文獻,探討校園公共藝術及符號互動的相關理論;透過文件分析我國2005、2006、2007校園公共藝術設置案計136件,歸納出校園公共藝術符號互動表徵,包含:器物符號、操作符號、構念符號等三層面。另就校園公共藝術符號之影響進行探討,包含:提升校園環境品質、呈現學校品牌形象、涵養學生美學素養、促進公共關係發展、強化溝通協調功能等五層面。再利用問卷調查學校成員與校園公共藝術符號的互動及影響現況資料,將實徵資料進行統計分析,針對研究目的與問題發展訪談提綱,針對個案研究學校進行觀察與訪談,最後綜合研究發現做成結論,並提出具體建議。 本研究之問卷對象為臺北市、臺北縣、宜蘭縣2005、2006、2007國民中、小學校園公共藝術設置學校計35所之師生,抽樣調查765位,取得有效樣本706份,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異係數分析、回歸分析等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲致以下結論: 一、學校師生與校園公共藝術符號表徵的互動現況以「器物符號」最顯見,其次為「構念符號」,再其次為「操作符號」。 二、學校師生受到校園公共藝術符號的影響現況,依序為:「提升校園環境品質」、「涵養學生美學素養」、「呈現學校品牌形象」、「促進公共關係發展」、「強化溝通協調功能」。 三、學校師生與校園公共藝術符號表徵之互動在學校區域、服務年資、教育程度、現任職務上具有差異。 四、學校師生受到校園公共藝術符號之影響在學校區域、性別、服務年資、教育程度、現任職務、就讀年級上具有差異。 五、校園公共藝術符號表徵與校園公共藝術符號之影響各層面均呈現正相關。其中「操作符號」與「強化溝通協調功能」相關程度最高;其次為「操作符號」與「提升校園環境品質」;最低者為「器物符號」與「涵養學生美學素養」。 六、「操作符號」對整體校園公共藝術符號之影響的預測力最佳。 七、個案學校師生普遍認同校園公共藝術符號互動各層面之表徵。 八、個案學校師生對於校園公共藝術符號之影響,因符號互動表徵不同而有差異。 根據結論,提出以下建議,供作學校未來設置公共藝術,能有效運用符號互動表徵,來強化公共藝術的影響之參考。 壹、對學校之建議: 一、運用符號互動表徵,強化公共藝術影響 二、善用公共藝術經費,涵養學生美學素養 三、落實公共藝術教育,提升校園環境品質 四、活用操作符號表徵,增進溝通協調功能 五、行銷校園公共藝術,建立學校公共關係 六、設計校園建築符號,營造學校品牌形象 貳、對教師之建議: 一、參與校園公共藝術,增進專業對話溝通 二、發展公共藝術課程,陶冶師生藝術生活 三、經驗傳承研習進修,兼任行政專業成長 / This study explored the status and relations between the characterization of campus public art symbolic interaction and the influence of campus public art symbol, and then to propose conclusions and recommendations provided for school to apply the characterization of symbolic interaction and refer to strengthen the influence of the public art. The researcher adopted document analysis, questionnaires, observation, and interview research in the study. The research was begun to collect the related documents and then probe related theories of the campus public art and the symbolic interaction. Through document analysis of 136 campus public art cases, from 2005 to 2007, inducted three levels of the characterization of campus public art symbolic interaction, including: objects symbols, operation symbols, and construct symbols. On the other hand, to explore the influence of the campus public art, including: enhancing the quality of campus environment, conserving students’ aesthetic literacy ", showing the school brand image, promoting the development of public relations, and strengthening the function of communication and coordination of the five dimensions. Further, to survey the interaction and status of the members of the school and the campus public art signs by questionnaires, the researcher proceeded with the statistical analysis of the empirical data to develop the interview outline related to the study purposes , interview and observe the case study schools .According to the comprehensive findings , the study showed the specific recommendations . From 2005 to 2007, there are 35 schools that are from the national primary and secondary schools of public art in Taipei City, Taipei County, Ilan County in this study questionnaire. There are 765 subjects who were surveyed altogether and 706 valid samples were acquired. The statistical methods of the research include mean, standard deviation, t test, one-way anova , regression analysis and other statistical methods, data processing and analysis. The summary of the research findings are as followings: 1. The symbolic objects is the "most obvious" ,followed by "construct symbols “, and then followed by "operational symbols" in the interactive status of the symbolic representation between the teachers and students and the campus public art. 2. Teachers and students in school by campus public art symbols were to: " enhance the quality of campus environment," "conserve students’ aesthetic literacy ", "show the school brand image", "promote the development of public relations", "strengthen the function of communication and coordination" 3. Between the teachers and students and the campus public art are the differences in the school district, years of service, education, and current position. 4. Teachers and students in school are affected by campus public art symbols with the differences in the school district, gender, years of service, education, current position, and school grade. 5. The symbolic representation of public art on campus and the campus public art signs at all levels showed a positive correlation. The “operation symbols” and to "strengthen communication and coordination functions," were the highest relevance; followed by “operation symbols” and "improving the quality of campus environment"; the lowest relevance for the "symbolic objects" and "conserving students’ aesthetic literacy." 6. "Operation symbols" on the public art of the overall campus can predict the best. 7. Teachers and students in case school generally agree that the public art at all levels of symbolic interaction representation. 8. Teachers and students in case school differ from the influence of the campus public art symbol. Based on the research finding, the following recommendations are made for school and teacher: Recommendations on school: 1. To use the characterization of the symbolic interaction, and strengthen the influence of the public art. 2. To make use of thee funds for public arts and conserve students’ aesthetic literacy. 3. To implement the public arts education, and improve the quality of the campus environment. 4. To utilize operation symbolic representation, and enhance the function of communication and coordination. 5. To market campus public art, and establish the school public relations. 6. To design the campus building signs, and create the school brand image. Suggestions for teachers: 1. To participate campus public art , and enhance communication and professional dialogue. 2. To develop public art programs, and refine teachers and students’ artistic life. 3. To inherit the experience of the studies education, and promote the administrative professional development.


陳蕾琪 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是個資訊快速傳遞與蓬勃發展的世紀,在網際網路的推波助瀾下,使人類在資訊的掌握與應用上更為便利與快速。舉凡資料檢索、電子商務、視訊會議、大眾傳播、線上遊戲、電子化政府,無不受到資訊社會深刻的影響;但在另一方面,網際網路也成了各種犯罪行為的溫床,諸如網路垃圾郵件、網路色情、網路智慧財產、資訊隱私權、駭客入侵、網路咖啡店的不當經營等等,不但影響現實社會秩序,更直接衝擊資訊社會未來的發展。 因此,層出不窮的網路問題使法律的立法與執行成了關注的焦點,這可以從近幾年的法律修正即可窺之,例如著作權法以及刑法的針對網際網路而做的相關修正,但是這些法律真能遏止這些行為的成長趨勢嗎?我們從歷年的司法案件調查中,可以發現答案是否定的。換句話說,法律並未如預期般的發揮它的功能,而且似乎也無法單獨依靠法律來解決所有問題,那麼是不是有其他諸如教育或是科技工具的應用可以配合呢?因此,本研究將把焦點集中在校園網路,來探索校園學術網路規範實際狀況,並且從法律社會學的理論做為研究路徑,探討目前校園資訊教育落實的情況,這樣的探討包括從法律社會學的視角,以及從現實社會實際狀況的觀察;並進一步反思校園學術網路規範產生現實與理想的落差因素。最後則提出其他面向的思考,做為未來校園資訊教育實施的建議,依序說明如後: 第一章 緒論 就本文之研究背景、動機與目的與研究方法加以說明。 第二章 校園網路規範相關研究 分別就目前網路法律教育、校園學術網路之管理、網路犯罪現況以及法律規範實行狀況加以分析。 第三章 校園網路規範之相關問題—從法律社會學的功能結構理論來觀察 首先說明法律社會學理論的研究主軸,並且就傳統法學研究與法律社會學研究、法律社會學派與其他法學派加以比較;其後介紹法律社會學理論的歷史脈絡,以此開始觀察功能結構理論。透過結構面、功能面以及法律功能的理解,進一步省思功能結構理論在個人價值觀以及法律文化的觀察。 第四章 從法律文化觀察校園學術網路規範 透過對功能結構理論的理解以及反思,本章從個人主觀利益的考量以及法律文化的角度來觀察校園網路環境。亦即從個人對法律主觀的需求來了解法律的目的,並且透過對歷史發展上法律文化的理解,近一步推展至網路時代的法律文化,並且延伸至校園網路的法律文化;其後並觀察校園網路社會默許的規則,以及提出社會學上新治理觀與對話機制的建立,透過對話溝通以及批判思考理論的應用,除了能夠帶動所有參與者間互動反思的機會,還能有效解決糾紛。 第五章 結論 綜合本文之研究心得,指出現行網路規範缺乏對個人主觀利益的衡量,以及校園學術網路法律文化的觀察,使得規範所能發揮的空間有限。在另一方面,透過對站規或版規的形成,以及網路所塑造出的複數主體交錯環境,產生一種新的自我驅動、自我維生的機制,反而能夠務實地解決彼此的問題。除此之外,透過一來一往的溝通對話,進而使得學生自己培養理性的思辯能力。因為透過參與者的意見交流,除了引發主體的自我省覺之外,更能據此建立一個全新的思考方向。在這樣一個「解構」與「建構」的過程,學生的批判思考、教師的批判思考、校方的批判思考都將引發出來,並透過「公開討論」的方式,充分展現交流的目的,使得規範得以發揮整合的功能,期能供立法省思及校園實務之參考。

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