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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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校園教學軟體供應模式之研究 / Educational Software Provision Model in Campus

郭俊男, Kuo,C.N. Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,校園教學軟體一直是軟體廠商所關注的市場。對學校而言,每年經費相當有限,無法購足所有欲使用的軟體,故學校往往必須付出不小的成本,才能取得所需的軟體;另一方面,對軟體供應商而言,該如何與學校訂定適宜的授權費用,亦是重要課題之一。 因此,本論文欲建立一種雙贏的商業模式,用以解決軟體供應商與學校市場間,無法對稱的供需關係,以推導出一個新的校園教學軟體供應模式。一方面,使學校內的使用者能以較低的成本取得教學上需使用的各式軟體;另一方面,軟體供應商亦能收取合理的授權費用,並保障其軟體被合法地使用。故本論文將尋找出一個以往所沒有的經營模式,以建立一個嶄新的商業模式。 / The software vendors pay close attention to campus software all the time. In one side, to the education institutions, they don’t have enough budgets to purchase all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors, it’s an important subject about how to negotiate with the education institutions and gather the proper expenses of authorization. Therefore, the objective of the thesis is to implement a new business model in order to improve the asymmetric relation of supply and demand between the education institutions and the software vendors. There are some advantages in the new business model of this thesis. In one side, the education institutions can take use of all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors can gather the proper expenses of authorization and don’t worry about the unfair use of their software. So the thesis will implement an unprecedented and new business model.


郭凱迪 Unknown Date (has links)
1949年遷至臺灣的中華民國,由於蔣中正政府在取得臺灣統治權的正當性充滿爭議,加上恐懼中國共產黨的滲透破壞,和蔣不願政治權力被分享的心態。以蔣中正為中心的「強人威權體制」在確立前後,對內便以動員戡亂、戒嚴法規結合情治機關,大肆搜捕異議分子,於是臺灣進入了「白色恐怖」籠罩的人權黑暗時期。 強人威權體制製造全面性的白色恐怖,影響遍及社會每個角落,校園自然難以倖免,而被當局建構了「校園控制體系」加以管控。校園控制的結果,不僅安定了校園,無形中亦延緩臺灣自由民主的進展,讓中國國民黨在1990年代巨大的民主潮流壓力下,還能繼續維持部分強人威權體制時期擁有的政治利益、從容地處理各項政治爭議。 不過,強人威權體制加諸於學生身上的言論、行動限制,引發了學生的反抗,最後形成1980年代初期臺灣學運重新出現的因素。經過學生們的努力,使得大學校園漸漸擺脫校園控制的枷鎖,進而成為臺灣自由民主改革思想、行動發展的根據地。 此外,學運參與者更逐漸投入爭取臺灣民主憲政改革的運動。由於學生擁有的良好形象,使得學生之主張常能受到較高的社會關注及支持。經由學生運動的努力,最終使臺灣人民對國會全面改選、終止動員戡亂時期、廢止懲治叛亂條例、修正刑法第一百條等議題形成「全民共識」,因此加速了政府自由化、民主化的腳步,讓臺灣脫離非常體制,告別白色恐怖的時代。


溫俊卿, Wen, Jun Chin Unknown Date (has links)
人權的發展,唯有「教育」得以徹底改善,在過程中不免經歷震盪的混亂時期,然延緩一天的實行勢必延緩一天的收穫。學校主政者常以尊重學生的意見,作為實施計畫的參考,但實際決定者仍是學校。學生的學校生活應以學生為中心,並非以執行者的方便性而導向。以學生權益做為依歸,方得學生之敬重。罔顧學生的權益及期許,校園人權便無法在校園中獲得實踐。 營造一個符合人權教育發展的校園環境,透過整體「言教」、「身教」、「境教」、「制教」等潛在課程的影響,讓學生在生活中實際體驗人性尊嚴的價值感,是推動人權教育理念的首要之務。而人權教育的實踐重點在於「學生想要什麼?」、「教師應該做什麼?」、「學校應該準備什麼?」等三方面,若只是形式化的活動,便無法彰顯人權教育的意義與本質。 著重於「升學」與「管理」,欠缺了「感動」與「創造感動」的過程。另類與傳統於本質上並沒有衝突。遺憾的是我們欠缺自覺能力,以及未經證實的一意複製,傷害了自己,也傷害了孩子。看看現在的孩子以及回想我們的成長過程,在我們年少的歲月裡是否也一樣創造力被壓抑以及缺乏獨立思考與批判的能力?人權教育的實施不只是教育美學概念的開展,期許的更是國家的民主、教育的民主;國家未來的希望在教育,教育的希望在民主。 本研究結果除分數的歧視、教師角色、教師的管理、漠視學生平等受教權、不適任教師損害學生學習權、行政單位之外,尚包含:尊重、意見的表達、申訴管道以及教師的評鑑制度……等等。「體罰需有夠愛、公平、排斥、尊嚴、思考等要素」,而不得出現於校園。以現今而言,威權與民主化的歷程是值得世人肯定,也許某些人仍舊開著民主的倒車,自由與平等的衝突便是主要因素,更是為人權奮鬥者努力的方向。 在研究的歷程中,馮朝霖教授為我開啟人權的一扇窗,光線與風都進來後,研究者開始注意周遭與人權相關的議題。校園人權的實踐無法深耕於學校,威權的思想與觀念仍是校園的一顆巨石而無法撼動。為何一定要用肢體暴力的體罰方式才能讓學生臣服呢?是否教育已經進入死胡同般而無法自拔?是否又是認知與期待的落差呢? 「期許對現況的改變,應該即時;慢了,便是延緩現況的改變;距離理想將更遙遠。」希望本研究得以提供相關單位作為臺灣高職學校校園人權實踐之參考。


蘇家慶, Su, Chia-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用衝突理論及談判實務理論來研究何以組織內會有層出不窮的衝突,以及為何所推動的計畫會遭遇到阻礙。並根據分析的結果,提出突破現有僵局的方案。 本研究是以政大行政電腦化為個案研究的對象,訪談參與行政電腦化的當事人,體會當事人的觀點以及感受,理解行政電腦化的過程何以遭到抵制,而無法成功的推展。文中對於行政電腦化參與過程中當事人的感受,有詳細的描述,對於分析及處理衝突的模式,在本研究中採取了實際的應用。 / This research apply conflict theory and bargain theory to real case for explaining why there are endless conflict in any organization, and why your play go fail . According to this results, we can get some methods to get through jam. This research take Administration computerization process in National Chen-Chi University as researching case . We interview some ones who have participated this process ,and realize their feeling . Understand why this process is counteracted and can not be promoted successfully. In this article , we describe the feeling of participators in detail . We take real application of conflict analysis and resolution .

臺北縣國民小學校園閒置空間再利用之研究 / Reacher of vacant school space in Taipei county elementary schools

陳今儀 Unknown Date (has links)
全球整體生育率逐年降低,臺灣育齡婦女生育數為世界最低,此一少子化現象促使校園閒置空間再利用成為當前受重視的教育政策,國內相關學者亦紛紛投入研究,而臺北縣近年來致力於推動校園活化,其成效具有研究價值。本研究目的在於探究校園易產生閒置狀態的區域空間及其產生原因,探討校園閒置空間再利用的方式、經營模式及問題,並瞭解臺北縣國民小學人員對於推動校園閒置空間再利用的看法,進而提出有效推動校園閒置空間再利用之具體建議,作為教育主管機關與學校經營之參考。 因此本研究透過文獻分析,作為調查和訪談研究的基礎,編製「臺北縣國民小學校園閒置空間再利用之研究調查問卷」,進行調查研究並編製半結構訪談大綱進行訪談,以瞭解閒置空間再利用實務規劃上的建議。 問卷以分層隨機抽樣的方式,針對臺北縣90學年度到98學年度減班超過15%以及總班級數均維持6班的國民小學學校人員發出630份問卷,回收553份,有效問卷為530份,有效問卷比率為81.5%;訪談部分,由臺北縣境內選取發展校園閒置空間再利用具有經驗之國 民小學校長3位,以半結構訪談大綱進行訪問。研究結論有: 一、臺北縣國小校園中檔案室、教具室、特殊教室、專科教室等為容易產生閒置的空間。 二、臺北縣國小對校園中容易產生閒置的空間看法不一致。 三、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間產生原因主要係少子化及維護經費不足。 四、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間規劃應優先重視教育、需求及安全原則。 五、臺北縣大型與小型學校認為校園閒置空間規劃原則以教育功能為最優先;中型學校則為需求導向原則。 六、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間再利用可規劃為運動休閒空間等,若開放社區使用,可作為文化藝術空間等。 七、臺北縣國民小學對於校園閒置空間再利用方式看法大致一致。 八、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間經營模式以自行經營為優先。 九、臺北縣國小推動校園閒置空間再利用主要問題是可用資源缺乏。 十、不同地理位置臺北縣國小對推動校園閒置空間再利用問題之看法有差異。 十一、臺北縣國小目前在推動校園閒置空間再利用之實施成效良好。 因此本研究建議學校經營者應定期檢視校園內容易產生閒置的空間,並應加強管理維護,以避免閒置,再利用後應予課程結合,賦予教育意義,規劃方式可朝運動休閒空間或創新其他功能方向,再利用後倘開放作為社區共享空間,可規劃作為終身教育或文化藝術之用途,並應主動尋求人力及經費資源協助。而教育主管機關應重視校園閒置空間問題,辦理相關研習及宣導,訂定獎勵措施及相關政策推動,並持續編列經費。 / The birth rate has been gradually declining worldwide, and such situation in Taiwan is particularly serious that it is ranked as the lowest. Therefore, the phenomenon of birth rate declination motivates people to pay more attention to the reuse of vacant school space, and meanwhile, this issue has also become the significant educational policy and the domestic academics have been contributing to related studies. In recently years, The Taipei County has been devoting its resources to promote the campus activation and the outcome so far is really valuable for further research. The purpose of this research is to explore those spaces on campus which are easily to become idle and the possible reasons, to discuss the approaches of vacant school space reuse and its operation models and problems. This study also understand the opinions toward this issue from the elementary school staff of Taipei County and then propose specific suggestions about how to effectively promote the reuse of vacant school space in order to be the reference for the educational official authorities and schools. In this study, the comprehensive analysis of the literature reviews was taken to be the foundation of further investigation and interview research. For better understanding the suggestions to the reuse of vacant school space practically, the questionnaire titled “The Study of the vacant school space reuse in elementary schools of Taipei County” was used to for the research and semi-structural interview outline was compiled and conducted as well. The stratified random sampling was conducted and 630 copies of questionnaires were delivered to the target (the staff who worked in those elementary schools that class termination rate was over 15% and overall class amount remained 6 in Taipei County). 630 copies of questionnaires were delivered, and 553 copies were collected. Out of those, 81.5% was valid (530 out of 553). In addition, 3 elementary school principals from Taipei County who have related experiences on this issue were selected to carry out the interviews based on the semi-structural interview outline. According to the findings and analysis, 11 conclusions and several suggestions were generated as main content.

臺中縣市高級中學校園創意設計之研究 / A Study of Creative Designs in Senior High School of Taichung County and City

詹紹威, Chan, David Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用「臺灣的學校建築」(湯志民,2002a)校園創意設計「求新、求變、求精、求進、求絕及求妙的原則」,應用創意的方法和技巧,建構了十七項特徵指標;藉以實地觀察研究臺中縣市28所高級中學校園創意設計之情形;並訪談每校校長和總務主任計56位行政人員,探討其理念、願景及維護決策情形;輔以訪談每校師生各二位計112人,探討其使用的情形和感受等,作為改建、重建或新建校園的參考。 統計各校符合校園創意設計原則的項數,以加權百分比率來進行分析研究,探討不同背景學校在校園創意設計的表現情形;以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s correlations coefficient)分析在校園分類「校舍、庭園、運動場、附屬設施」和「各原則」間的關係等;本研究的結論與發現如下: 一、統計發現:(一)求新原則和附屬設施容易施作,所以項數最多、(二)臺中市高中明顯高於臺中縣高中、(三)求絕原則和求妙原則的項數雖然不多,但設施經費不多,已有學校重視和使用、(四)校園分類的項數與校地大小無關、僅原則分類中求進原則的項數與校地大小,達顯著相關、(五)校齡愈久,總計和求精原則的項數愈多,達到相關;校齡愈久,庭園的項數愈多,達顯著相關、(六)校園附屬設施愈多,庭園的項數愈多,達到相關。 二、在理念與願景方面發現:(一)校園創意設計的理念相當複雜,普遍具有生活機能與教育的功能、(二)各校的願景希望突顯學校特色,朝向永續、具有多功能的設施和空間。 三、在維護管理的決策機制方面發現:(一)國立高中校園的維護與決策機制,在校長等行政人員的規劃中、(二)私立高中校園的維護與決策機制,大部分掌握在董事會。 四、師生使用的情形和感受方面發現:(一)校舍方面,師生較少參與校園的規劃,喜歡校舍創意設計的師生很少、(二)庭園方面,大部分的師生喜歡庭園,庭園的創意設計皆朝向小而美的趨勢,並喜歡與重視環保可再利用的校園設施、(三)運動場的創意設計項數最少,但具有求絕或求妙原則,深受學生喜愛、(四)附屬設施的創意設計項數最多,發現老師和學生喜愛的項目分歧。 根據文獻探討與研究發現,對教育當局、有心校園創意設計的學校及後續研究等,提出十八點建議。 / A Study of Creative Designs in Senior High School of Taichung County and City Abstract The principles of innovation, variety, elegance, improvement, excellence, and delicacy of school creative designs in “School Buildings in Taiwan” (湯志民,2002a) have been applied in this study. There are seventeen features constructed by the principles above as well as creative methods and techniques. In this study, 56 administrators in school, consisted of the principles and the directors of general affairs office of 28 senior high schools in Taichung county and Taichung City, were interviewed and inquired about the concepts, vision, and the policy of maintenances. Meanwhile, 112 teachers and students, two teaches and two students in each school, were also interviewed, and their shared ideas and feelings about how the school facilities are used will be the reference of rebuild, improving a school, or building a new school. The statistics is gathered by calculating the numbers of how each school matches the principle of school creative designs, which is analyzed by the power percentage. Pearson’s correlations coefficient is as well used to analyze the relation between the category in campus-school buildings, schoolyards, play ground, school facilities-and each principles. The conclusion and detection of this study is as followed: 1. From the statistics: (1) The principle of innovation and school facilities are easier to achieve and improve, so the statistics are much higher than any others. (2) The statistics of schools in Taichung City is apparently much higher that that in Taichung County. (3) There are schools value the principle of excellence and delicacy, even though the statistics of which is not high. (4) The statistics of the category of campus is not affected by the extent of school. Among the items in the category, only the principle of improvement is obviously related. (5) The longer the school history is, the more related is the sum and the statistics of the principle of elegance; The longer the school history is, the much higher the statistics of schoolyard is. (6) The more school facilities there are, the higher the statistics of schoolyard is. 2. From the concepts and visions: (1) The concepts of creative school design are rather complicated, which are extensively consisted the functions of living and education. (2) Schools all hopes to feature themselves in their vision and head to have lasting multi-function facilities and space. 3. From the policies of maintenances: (1) In national senior high schools, the authority of maintaining school facilities is often kept to the principle and administrators. (2) In private senior high schools, the board of directors often controls the authority of maintaining school facilities. 4. From the shared ideas and feelings of teachers and students: (1) The teachers and students seldom take part in the process of designing and building campuses. Few of them enjoy the school creative design. (2) The schoolyards is most teachers and students’ preference. The trend of creative design of schoolyard is toward a delicate style. Environment-friendly ideas are often welcome. (3) The statistic of playground is lower than any other. Those designed and matches the principle of excellence and delicacy are often welcome and love by students. (4) The statistics of school facilities is the highest among all. However, the items loved by teachers’ are quite different from students. According to the analysis of literatures and the results of the study, eighteen suggestions are offered to educational authorities, the schools which are interested in school creative design, and those who go further studies.


陳思穎 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府組織、學校團體及民間企業紛紛舉辦各式的校際競賽,邀請學生來參賽。對主辦單位來說除了本著教育的熱忱外,一方面打企業知名度,另一方面也為了尋找優秀校園人才,讓學生增加更多曝光的機會。而對於參與的學生來說,競賽本身所提供的就是一個目標導向的體驗歷程。其中,針對商管學院學生所辦理的「校園商業競賽」,不僅讓在校學生有發揮個人創新創意的空間,更能有效補足管理教育中所缺乏的實務演練,在競賽過程中營造出模擬真實商業的學習環境;相信有助參與競賽的學生拉近理論與實務間之認知差距。 本研究應用體驗行銷(Schmitt,1999)的觀點來探討校園商業競賽,並擴大Sheth(1989)的消費價值五構面,形塑競賽體驗價值之六大構面,分別是功能性價值、社會性價值、情感性價值、嘗新性價值、條件性價值以及團隊性價值,用以驗證參與學生在參加競賽過後的知覺態度,作為價值探討的研究標的。而依據276份有效問卷,使用SPSS統計軟體進行分析。 得到的研究結果如下: 1、學生無論參加「商業策略」、「行銷創意」抑或是「創新創業」皆關注競賽所能給予的嘗新性價值;其次則因「競賽類別」與「競賽階段」而重視不同的體驗價值構面。以商業策略競賽而言,學生較重視功能性價值;行銷創意競賽,情感性價值是影響該競賽識別的重要元素;而創新創業競賽,社會性價值則最為參與學生所稱著。 2、主辦單位提供「體驗媒介」、「團隊體驗」與「體驗學習」之體驗會影響學生對競賽的價值認知,其中學生在「體驗學習」的體驗上能有效影響其績效,表示學生獲取「學習」之實習收獲,亦符合主辦單位舉辦競賽之期望價值。 3、參加競賽的學生其生活型態以冒險嘗新族群佔大多數,並且該族群的競賽績效、滿意度及行為意圖亦相對按部就班族群表現較為強烈;而隸屬不同生活型態族群的學生對體驗價值六大構面亦有不同程度的認知,整體而言以冒險嘗新族群擁有較高的體驗價值評價。 綜合研究發現與結論,本研究對於校園商業競賽有以下實務建議: 1、主辦單位可運用體驗行銷中的策略體驗矩陣來幫助競賽流程之設計,並在競賽各階段中提供適切的體驗媒介。就競賽前階段來說,應加強宣傳說明會並給予適當的激勵因子;競賽中,可掌握提供實務交流的機會;競賽即將到尾聲時,乃將競賽場域的營造視為關鍵時刻(moment of truth)。而與參賽學生發展良好的關係行銷則是主辦單位舉辦競賽的最終依歸。 2、為提升學生參加競賽的滿意度,主辦單位針對不同類別的商業競賽應加強不同構面的體驗價值。商業策略競賽可強化社會性價值以倍增體驗學習之影響力;行銷創意競賽揮灑情感性價值將得以塑造口碑效果;創新創業競賽深化功能性價值能幫助學生更順遂地在團隊中發揮自我長才,明瞭競賽的真諦。


湯志民, FANG, ZHI-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
為因應教育發展、時代的需求與個人之興趣,特從事此專題研究,本研究係以調查法 、歷史法、比較法和文件分析等方法,從各種層面與角度去探索、搜集有關問題之實 況。 整篇論文以一年的時間完成,計一冊約二十萬字,分為六章二十三節,其內容包括: 第一章,簡介本研究之動機與目的、範圍與價值、方法與資料來源和專用名詞詮釋。 第二章,說明學校建築研究的重要性、學校建築計劃的步驟和學校建築設計的基本原 則。第三章,探討校地的選擇、校園的規劃、運動場所與設置和其他重要建築與設備 的設施。第四章,介紹台北縣國民中學學校建築行政權屬機構之組織與職掌、學校建 築計劃的運作、學校建築行政運作的特殊性、郊區設校與中程計劃。第五章,以問卷 調查表和訪問,以蒐集台北縣國民中學學校建築基本問題各項資料並加以分析。第六 章,討論、結論與建議。 據研究結果發現台北縣國民中學學校建築基本問題之癥結,在於人口急遽成長,都市 土地不敷運用,教育經費無法因應迅速發展之負擔,因而造成學校規模過大,學生活 動空間不足,校設缺乏,運動場和校園難以規劃等問題,因此特建議台北縣教育主管 當局,對新設校應有更長遠的計劃,對現存學校建築問題應廣徵財源以為問題解決之 後盾。


許岷弘 Unknown Date (has links)
民國八十八年九月二十一日凌晨一點四十七分,一場突如其來的芮氏規模七點三級地震,摧毀了數以萬計台灣居民之家園,頓時間災民流離失所、無家可歸。為使災後重建工作順利推動,行政院於次日九月二十二日成立「九二一地震救災督導會報」,並於二十七日改組成立「行政院九二一震災災後重建推動委員會」,並結合非營利組織的力量,進行各項災後重建工作事宜。 九二一大地震發生至今已逾三年,在政府及民間共同努力下,有關救災、安置及重建工作已逐步完成;雖然,這段期間,災民、媒體與專家學者批評聲浪不絕於耳,但政府投入的人力、物力難以計數,故其對重建工作所作的努力亦不容抹煞。唯組合屋拆遷與校園重建政策仍有諸多瓶頸,亟待克服改進。有鑑於此,本研究採取「德菲法」彙集學者專家對於組合屋拆遷與校園重建政策之意見,作為政府施政參考,期能從中尋求新的建議方案,為九二一災後重建工作開創新局。


張秀惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在:一、辨認校園空間創意設計的特性。二、探尋創 意校園空間設計者的創意來源與發展歷程。三、瞭解創意校園空間設計者的特質。四、解析創意校園空間設計的發生脈絡。 本研究採質性研究方法,以一年的時間,深度訪談四位校園空間創意 設計成果傑出的校長。依據研究目的,擬訂訪談大綱進行半結構式深度訪談,並提出研究者的反省,經資料的整理與分析,得到結論如下: 一、校園空間創意設計產品的特性 (一)四所校園空間創意產品與新、變、精、進、絕、妙等判斷原則 互相呼應。(二)四所校園空間創意產品均展現了某種程度的教育意義。 二、校園空間創意設計者的成長環境及養成教育 (一)多半從小生長在寬廣遼闊的生活空間。(二)專業素養大多不只專精於某一領域。 三、校園空間創意設計者的人格特質 (一)有高度的工作熱忱,態度認真而投入,善於溝通。(二)態度謙和卻也自信從容。(三)有高度的人文素養。(四)重視人文對空間的影響力。(五)對於環境空間敏於觀察。 四、校園空間創意設計的發生脈絡及其歷程 (一)都會地區學校面臨的共同問題是校地狹小。(二)公共藝術成為新建學校的特有文化。(三)參與式的共同創作成就了校園空間的創意設計。(四)專家學者的共同協助。(五)在校園規劃設計時,受訪者所重視的空間特性具有個別差異。(六)以學生為中心是校園空間創意設計最重要的概念。 最後依據結論提出對教育當局、有心校園空間創意設計者的建議,並對未來研究者提出五項建議。 / The purposes of the study are to: 1. Enumerate and distinguish the characteristics of creative design of school space 2. Probe deeply into the origin of creativity and the skills and development potential a school space designer must possess 3. Understand the characteristics of a school space designer and 4. Analyze the process of creative space design. This study adopted a qualitative approach. During the one-year time span of the study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviewing with four outstanding principals who were accomplished in creative school space design. According to the purpose of the study, the researcher created interview outlines on the basis of a semi-structural approach and offered a researcher’s retrospect. The conclusions that were reached are as follows: I. Characteristics of the products of creative design of school space: 1. The products of the four creative designs of school space correspond to the principles of innovation, variety, elegance, improvement, excellence, and delicacy. 2. The four creative designs of school space are meaningful to certain extent in education. II. The environment and upbringing of creative school campus designers in their youths: 1. Most of them were brought up in a spacious environment. 2. Most of them specialized in more than one field during their education. III. The characteristics of a creative school campus designer 1. They all posses high enthusiasm in their work, are devoted, and communicative. 2. They are humble and self-reliant. 3. They are highly and liberally educated. 4. They pay attention to the effect that humanity may have on space design. 5. They are apt to observe space as an environment. IV. The origins and experience of the occurrence of creative school space 1. Schools in the metropolitan areas face a common problem, i.e., limited school area. 2. Public art displays become a special phenomenon in newly built schools. 3. Teamwork accomplishes creative school campus design. 4. With the cooperation and help of experts and scholars, the creative school campus design is successfully completed. 5. In the designing of a school campus, the interviewees pay much attention to individual site differences in terms of school space. 6. Student-centered design for school campuses is the most crucial focus for campus designers. Finally, five suggestions are offered to educational establishments and all those interested in school campus design for further studies.

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