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身「不」由己——世紀末台灣文學的污名身體 / The stigmatized body in post-war Taiwanese literature徐誌遠 Unknown Date (has links)
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「做」女人的難關:胖女性逛街購衣經驗中的肥胖污名與自我認同初探 / Fat Women’s clothes shopping experiences: Fat Stigma, Self-identity and Doing Gender郝天行, Hao, Tien Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
若要反轉肥胖污名,建議日後研究必須小心回到主體所在情境定義「胖」,不要直覺地沿用BMI等主流論述,才可覺察「胖」的多元意義;胖女性購衣經驗中「做」性別的過程,顯現出「體型」已成為個體性別建制過程的重要支配因素。本文以某些女性的經驗為例,但這種狀況發生在各種性別認同者身上,「體型」急需被建制為台灣性別運動的重要主題。 / I view clothes shopping experiences as key processes of “doing gender” in everyday life, in which fat women often struggle with fat stigmas. The main issues to be discussed in this article are thus the following: 1) How do fat women cope with fat stigmas during these processes? 2) What are the connections between fat women’s self-identities, gender-doing and their clothes shopping experiences? In this context, a "fat woman" is defined as: A woman (who identifies herself as a woman) always gets negative feelings through clothes shopping experiences due to her outsized body size(s).
Research data are collected from forum discussions and 14 interviewees. The results are as follows: Before encountering clothes shopping situations, fat women are already devaluating their fat bodies in shopping space, e.g. on streets. Once fat women enter clothes shopping processes, their "body sizes" become the key factor that limits fat women’s activity within certain places and the social roles they play. There are three types of coping tactics: integrating, onlooking and resisting. Fat women show their reflexivity on clothes shopping experiences through normalizing their bodies, negotiating with fashion discourses from the position of subjects, and accepting their bodies in the way they are.
Clothes shopping experiences interweave different daily encounters in fat women’s everyday life, in which they play various kinds of “gendered roles” such as female employee, daughter or girlfriend. Summing from the above, I notices that the different gender doing experiences between “thin (normal) women” and “fat women” usually make the latter more frustrated in most daily encounters. In clothes shopping context, resources for justifying fat bodies are needed. As to the empowerment of fat women, diversity of shopping channels, places and clothes are as important as establishing different fashion discourses, e.g. fat female fashion icons.
To reverse fat stigmas, I suggest that we avoid defining “fat” intuitively by medical discourses (e.g. BMI) but by situating fat bodies as subjects, thus we will not be subject to dominated fat discourses and thereby limit the rich meanings of fat bodies. Fat women’s clothes shopping experiences show that “ body sizes” is a key factor affecting individuals in doing one’s gender. In Taiwan, there is still room for us to raise the awareness of “body size issue” and further address it as a gender issue.
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我國性工作者勞動權益保護之探討 / A study on labor rights protection of prostitution in Taiwan邱祖賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從性工作者的主體觀點訪談中,期望真實反應性工作者的工作處遇及態樣,對於訪談發現進行分析,輔以他國制度比對相較,藉以了解現我國現行實務上不完備的缺口與參照適用的可能。最後於結論部分,針對性工作者身處惡劣勞動環境、面對的勞動情緒與失去的勞動尊嚴提出看法,並對於相關規定政策及性工作者的自主勞動、社會福利提出建議作為未來相關議題研究者之參考。 / When it comes to labor rights of workers who provide direct sexual services, it is the meticulous and painstaking process. Due to difficulties of decriminalization of sex work and of legalizing as well as the value of legal policies is yet to be set up, we often take social-political and economic environments for the practical consideration.
As those worker’s understanding, the services they serve are familiar with others, that is, they work like others do as they serve whom need it. However, they do not get the same rights and protection as others, such as labor welfares, labor insurances, labor protection, and rights to union, Furthermore, they are living under the control of stigmatization and discrimination.
The main focus of the study is to explore and reveal commercial sex workers' working conditions and status through the interviews . According to the analysis and induction of the data from the interviews, we have compared the differences of sex work policies between Taiwan and other countries so as to find the gap between current practices and applicable policies. In conclusion, we suggest those sex workers who work in bad working condition and suffer misunderstanding, stigmatization and discrimination, the better way to get the decent work. Also we offer some suggestions for the further related study in the future.
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當前台灣女性賦權-以酒類廣告探討之 / Current empowerment of women in Taiwan: case study of alcohol advertisement方欹葳, Fang, Yi Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,在酒類廣告中,女性主義所提倡的符號,已然被酒商商品化,而女性被污名化的現象,從明顯易見的狀況轉為更精緻隱晦的手法。最後,酒類廣告中,父權主義男性對於女性的刻板意象依然存在,例如,男性掌握了權力與生產工具,女性還是努力模仿學習男性,或只是配角。由以上可得知,目前的兩性平權,還是僅存於表面形式,真正的女性賦權,仍有一段辛苦的道路要努力。 / In the patriarchal society,women have long occupied a lower status . Although women today have gained more rights in economy, religion, and education in the process of empowerment, denger equality is still an illusion in real social systems.
In order to explore the empowerment of Taiwanese women, this study is based on feminist view, complemented with Goffman's "stigma" theory and Veblen's "leisure class" theory, discussing the roles women and man played in the wine culture in the past, as well as how gender images are currently presented in alcohol advertising.
According to this research, the wine merchants have commercialized in the advertising the symbols advocated by the feminists. And the stigmatized phenomenon of women still exists, while just turning from obvious ways into more sophisticated approach. Men’s patriarchal stereotype images for women still exist. For example, men control the power and produce tools, while women still try to imitate men, or just take supporting roles. From all above, it is not difficult to find out that gender equality is merely superficial. There is still long way to go for the woman empowerment.
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從隱微到顯見-SARS新聞文本中他/她者的建構劉靜宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要運用Fairclough(1995)的互文性分析策略來分析SARS新聞中他者的再現,將SARS他者分為「新興的他者」—感染者與居家隔離者、「變異的他者」— 醫護人員、以及「恆久的他者」—社會邊緣地位者等三種類別。本對了 所以所謂的七月底前畢業就是七月底前把那張單子交給註冊組就好了 印論文慢慢來 這樣妳應該輕鬆一點了吧是研究發現新聞論述中建構出「恐怖他者」、「罪犯他者」與「自私他者」的想像,劃分著健康我群與染病他者的界限,形塑了感染者與居家隔離者的他者風貌。另外,本研究以Davies & Harré(1990)的定位(positioning)理論來分析醫護人員身份認同的變動也發現,醫護人員、政府、媒體、民眾透過相互定位與定位的回應,隨著指標性新聞事件的發生,而改變著彼此間的身份位置。處於社會邊緣地位者如街友,及醫院看護與清潔人員,長久以來被社會刻意忽視,當SARS風暴席捲台灣時,成了代罪的羔羊而受到矚目,疫情落幕之後依舊回歸到邊緣地位。
我們以Fairclough(1995) 分析他者再現之「存在/缺席」原則來檢視三種類別他者,也發現了三種他者在媒體中的「存在/缺席」呈現光譜狀的分配:醫護人員在媒體中的發聲機會與存在多於感染者及居家隔離者,感染者及居家隔離者又多於社會邊緣地位者。本研究亦發現媒體在報導他者的身份的多重角色上可以是污名的製造者;或者是強化者;然而也可能僅是烙印的傳遞者;甚或扮演著有正面意涵之烙印減輕者角色。影響媒體角色的變動因素,與媒體內部既有的框架(frame)有關,面對不同的對象,媒體論述有不同的再現方式。此外,我們也發現,台灣社會在SARS疫情間的他者塑造,有些現象是過去的文獻所無法提供解釋的,特別是在政治層面的考量,展現了台灣社會的特殊性。
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馬來西亞留台僑生之教育歷程與「僑生」身分對其在台生命經驗之影響 / The education processes of ethnic chinese students from Malaysia and the impact of the “Overseas Chinese Student” Identity on Their Life Experiences in Taiwan洪淑倫, Hung, Shu Lun Unknown Date (has links)
三、依據自身與情境的特質,馬籍與台籍僑生發展相關策略以避免因「僑生」身份而被污名化,包括諸多規避(passing)行為(如口音轉換、呈現在地之身分認同、避免參與僑生團體)以避免身分暴露、構成強凝聚力之僑生團體以獲取社會支持及建構群體認同等策略。另外,台籍僑生一方面由於不符合社會對「僑生」的刻版印象,另一方面也為避免承受「僑生」身份的污名,往往接受「假僑生」的稱謂,並視其為一「戲謔性」但不具污名的稱呼。 / This study alalyzes the the education processes of Malaysian overseas Chinese students and their reasonings for studying in Taiwan on the one hand, and explores how the difference in nationality (Malaysia vs. Taiwan) affect their life experiences in Taiwan and their attitudes toward the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by the Taiwanese society on the other. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data (mainly through participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques) from Taiwan and Malaysia. The major findings are stated as follows:
1. Difference in nationality between Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students constructs the divergence in their relations with respective states (Taiwan and Malaysia) and eductation tracking processes prior to their study in Taiwan. Among ethnic Chinese students from Malaysia studying in Taiwan, Malaysian Chinese students mostly graduated from independent high schools while Taiwanese Chinese came from overseas Taiwanese schools. The distinctions in these two schooling systems in the academic melius, teaching materials, hidden curriculums, and reference groups shape the different reasonings to study in Taiwan. For various reasons, these students accept but not necessarily agree on the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by Taiwanese soceity upon their arrival in Taiwan.
2. Under the changing historical context, the identity of “overseas Chinese student” has gradually lost its originally denotation and even become a stigmatized label. Malaysian Chinese students tend to be more easily identified as “overseas Chinese students” due to their more salient outer attributes (such as accent) and thus more likely to be stigmatized. Taiwanese Chinese students (from Malaysia), due to their Taiwanese nationality and Taiwanese accent, are less likely to be seen as “overseas Chinese students.”Even if this identity is disclosed, such identity is often challenged by others because of the misfit with the stereotype of “overseas Chinese student” that exists in the Taiwanese society. As a result, Taiwanes Chinese students from Malaysia are often called “psudo overseas Chinese students.”
3. Both Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia develop various strategies to aviod or overcome the possible stigmatization brought by the identity of “overseas Chinese students,” including many “passing” techniques as well as forming proactive and powerful overseas student associations. For Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia specifically, they often playfully accept the seemly degrading and yet un-stigmatzied title of “psudo overseas Chinese students” as a way to avoid stigmatization embedded in the identity of “overseas Chinese students.”
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智慧型手機跨國家庭溝通:以在台印尼家傭移工為例 / Smartphone-mediated communication with transnational families: Understanding the experiences of Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan王路易, Barui Kurniawan Waruwu Unknown Date (has links)
以Goffman的被寵壞的認同(spoiled identity)作為視角,本研究指出印尼家傭在工作期間遭受「作為與雇主同居女傭」之污名化,他們使用各種策略,用智慧型手機進行形象管理來應對他們的生活,包括與丈夫選擇性的分享他們的生活。這項研究進一步假定,在女性移工透過智慧型手機進行密集的網路互動不僅可以作為再現性別角色規範的場所。相反來說,它也是性別規範不斷被挑戰和重建的場所。本研究強調,受污名化的印尼女性家傭移工在其所居的社區之地位的再協商、。控制、賦權、應對策略之要素。 / Abstract
This study explores the experience of Indonesian domestic workers in using smartphones to maintain family intimacy. By conducting in-depth interviews with 20 Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan and observing their Facebook activities, this study examines the intricacy of smartphone use in transnational mothering and distant marriage while highlighting the gender power dynamics in the family. Partly due to its relatively recent emergence, smartphone use for transnational mothering has not been systematically investigated. While Indonesian domestic workers have been included in several studies on this subject, their unique sociocultural characteristics have not been sufficiently and independently examined.
The findings suggest that smartphones are an indispensable instrument for family intimacy among domestic workers. Voice calls and text messages via mobile application such as WhatsApp and LINE are the most preferred modes of communication. Their communication practices are often conditioned by their employers; however, in general, they enjoy freedom to use smartphones for communication. Perpetual connectivity of smartphones gives the domestic workers the perception of co-presence with their children in virtual environment which enhances the warmth of their relationship and allows domestic helpers to fulfil their spiritual duties as Muslim mothers by providing religious guidance to their children.
Smartphones are also used for spousal communication although the frequency is often dictated by the wives or their employment circumstances. Based on Goffman’s concept of spoiled identity, this study argues that Indonesian domestic workers face social stigma during their work as live-in maids and device various strategies in order to cope with their living condition by using smartphone activities for impression management, including with their husbands by selectively share their life stories. This study further posits that the intensive networked interaction via smartphones during feminized migration does not only serve as a site for the reproduction of normative gender roles. Instead, it is also a venue where these gender norms are challenged and reconstructed constantly. This study highlights the elements of control, empowerment and coping strategies of Indonesian maids to renegotiate their position within their communities during feminized (and stigmatized) migration.
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