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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

旺代戰爭與羅馬公教 / The Vendée War and the Catholic Church

林弘毅, LIN, Hong yi Unknown Date (has links)
法國歷史長期以來多樣性文化造成的地方特殊性,在旺代地區與羅馬公教信仰結合,成為宗教信仰與地方認同的綜合體——鐘聲文化。透過教堂與教堂的鐘,神職人員掌控居民的一切活動,創造與教堂密不可分的生活經驗,也以教堂為中心建立一個居民共享的文化空間。   法國大革命延續波旁王室追求中央集權與教權歸屬王權的目標,希望能夠創立全國性的國家認同,打破過去各地方獨立的地方特殊性,以及宗教干預政治的傳統,並將法國建構成一個想像的共同體。而在鐘聲文化之下,旺代則希望能夠維持地方情感,保護信仰,延續法國歷史上地方精神與中央精神的抗衡。旺代戰爭的意義在於突顯出法國並不是一個單一的概念,在法國一詞之下,包含的是各種各樣的文化與生活模式。   旺代的地方意識,顯現出法國歷史的延續性,並沒有因為革命發生而斷裂。而法國大革命所彰顯的國家認同,目的則在使法國能真正朝向一個民族國家前進,不再是分散的、對中央沒有依賴性的不緊密結構。延續與變遷,便構成法國大革命時期,旺代地區的認同糾葛。   本文所要探究的,即是從旺代地區在舊制度時期羅馬公教下鐘聲文化開始,進而探討大革命發生後,在旺代戰爭過程中,地方意識與中央集權的對抗,以及戰後國家認同的問題。 / In French history, cultural diversity influenced the identity of many different regions. In the case of Vendée, local identity, strengthened by the Roman Catholic Church, formed a special concept, which was described as “esprit du clocher”. The rhythm of daily life, as well as the general view of the world, was dominated by the church bell. Even after the French revolution, the French government followed the example from the ancien régime. They tried to replace this feeling of local identity with the spirit of a new nation. The general tendency of centralization continued. However, Vendée tried hard to maintain their long held approach. The Vendée War was a result of the cumulation of this tension. The outcome of this war proved that the new national identity was prevailing. In this thesis, the author wishes to examine the transition from the esprit du clocher to the esprit de la nation.


蘇子喬 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

事實婚法制之研究 / A study of the legal system on De Facto marriage

王重陽, Wang, Jong Yang Unknown Date (has links)
2008年釋字第647號公布,針對稅法上未賦予「事實上夫妻」法律上配偶相同待遇,是否牴觸憲法做出解釋。其理由書謂無配偶之人相互間主觀上具有如婚姻之共同生活意思,客觀上亦有共同生活事實之異性伴侶,雖不具法律上婚姻關係,但既與法律上婚姻關係之配偶極為相似,如亦有長期共同家計之事實者,因具婚姻關係配偶之相似性,立法機關得在無損於婚姻制度或其他相關公益之前提下,給予適度之法律保障。之前於2007年通過民法修正,將婚姻制度由過去「儀式婚」改為「登記婚」,不過社會上迎娶的習俗並未改變,男女只踐行婚禮而未為結婚登記者,其法律地位如何。而各國同居人口不斷增加,各國法制莫不積極因應,據調查國內目前同居人口亦高達44萬人以上,因此外國法制確有參考的實益。礙於篇幅及文獻限制,僅就人民往來頻仍之美國、率先以民法典規範之法國、以裁判先例處理之日本、文化背景近似之中國大陸等地介紹之。   本論文分六章,第一章介紹研究動機及研究方法,研究之動機主要是大法官釋字第647號解釋之立法指示、2008年結婚方式修正後預立補強之道。其研究方法係以法解釋學為基礎,透過文義、體系、立法、目的及合憲解釋等方法認識各國法制,再進行法制間的比較、歸納、演繹等分析,期能借鑑最適我國情之法制。第二章為各國事實婚之用語、規範類型與發展介紹。以較宏觀的角度檢視各國事實婚法制,包括其用語、規範的方式及發展背景,各國對於事實婚的表達未必一致,如何擷取具有參考價值的法制,成為研究事實婚的第一個課題。其次規範的方式各國間亦不相同,有以成文法規範之,亦有以裁判先例處理之,甚至解決的重心亦不相同;而各國事實婚形成的背景,更是研究外國法制所不可或缺者。第三章討論事實婚保護之法理,一般認為事實婚的保護,將有害婚姻憲法權威地位,承認事實婚之地位必須具有強而有力的理由。目前雖然沒有事實婚的國際條約,不過婚姻自由、家庭保護、平等不歧視、兒童保護等國際法上普世原則的尊重,亦間接保護事實婚。而已進行事實婚保障之國家,其調整憲法上婚姻地位獨尊的論述,亦值得參考。第四章、第五章則具體分析美、法、日、中國大陸等地關於事實婚之規定,包括美國法律協會的家庭解消建議、法國民法Pacs制度、日本內緣關係、中國大陸之(非法)同居關係等,同時分析我國司法實務的判決。   第六章為結論,本論文肯定事實婚保護之必要性,強調共同生活事項類推婚姻法效果的合理性,並根據此結論提出建議,包括援引外國立法例的調整、國內實務解釋的改進、立法雛議與男女共同生活契約範本的提出,期能增進男女地位的公平與弱勢伴侶之保護。 / The reasoning of J. Y. Interpretation no.647 has pointed out ”Those unmarried companions of opposite sex with a subjective intent to live together like a married couple and the objective fact of cohabitation do not have a matrimonial relation in law, the relationship between them is very much similar to the relationship of legally married husband and wife, and the provision at issue, which does not provide for gift tax exemption for mutual gifts between such companions, would seem susceptible to a doubt of violating the principle of equality provided that there is in addition a fact of longtime sharing of the livelihood between such couples. As for those cohabited companions with similarity to a legal marriage, the Legislature may, taking into considerations the constitutional protection of fundamental rights of the people as well as changes in the social condition and cultural development, give them adequate legal protection to the extent not disparaging marriage institution and other public interests.” Though the formal requirement of validity of marriage in Civil Law in Taiwan has changed from ceremony to registration since 2007, it is generally recognized that a valid marriage should be done on the basis of a marriage ceremony, by which a gap between citizen’s perception and legal norms has come out and the commence of de facto marriage becomes inevitable. Furthermore, the amounts of cohabitation in Europe and the United States have increased constantly so that the legislation of long-term de facto marriage has more or less been made in these countries. In contrast, though the amounts of cohabitation in Taiwan is estimated to exceed 0.4 million, the judicial practices for the legal issue of cohabitation are not coherent among cases in courts. Accordingly, this thesis focuses on the comparison of legislation for de facto marriage among several countries with a view to providing some suggestions to the law making and judicial practice in Taiwan. Firstly, the motivation and methodologies are introduced in chapter one. As to methodologies, this thesis starts from the interpretation of law; and comparative, inductive and deductive approaches are used for the research of legal systems in some countries. Secondly, this thesis analyses the terminology, types of legislation and development of de facto marriage in chapter two. Inter alia, it includes the definition of de facto marriage made by Chinese, Japanese and English-speaking scholars and the models of legislation for the protection of de facto marriage in some countries. In addition, it elaborates the background of de facto marriage and its evolution of legal regime in the United States, France, Japan and China. In chapter three, it deliberates the legal basis of de facto marriage. It commences from the stipulation of international treaties, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judicial practices of the European Court of Human Rights on the issues of freedom of marriage, protection of family rights, non-discrimination and the best benefits for children. It then compares the pros and cons for the protection of de facto marriage so that its necessity and possibility could be established at the constitutional level. In chapter four, this thesis elaborates the requirements of de facto marriage in United States, France, Japan and China, for instance, the Recommendations of Family Dissolution made by the American Law Institute (ALI), the Pacs in France, “Nai En” system in Japan and the (illegal) cohabitation in China. Furthermore, it also analyses Taiwan’s legal system of de facto marriage. This thesis then discusses in chapter five the legal effects of de facto marriage in the United States, France, Japan and China, and their impact on Taiwan’s related legislation. Finally, it concludes in chapter six by recognizing the necessity to protect de facto marriage and the legitimacy to analogize the legal effect of marriage law to common life matters. Accordingly, this thesis suggests that foreign legislations be ushered in for the amendment of domestic laws; the improvement of the interpretation of domestic judicial practices be made, and model contract for cohabitation be proposed in order to improve the fair status between male and female and the protection for the weaker one of the couple.


柳惠千, Liu,Solon. Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,傳統歐陸最大的威脅頓然消失,歐洲各國在地緣政治的合縱連橫思維下,外交折衝與軍事結盟不斷運作,一時之間顯得無所適從。世界局勢的改變,令身為歐陸領導地位的大國──「法國」,幾經思考、反省、爭辯與突破,最終致力於國防政策的變革,始成為法國自冷戰結束以來,自我羽化蛻變的主要動力。 90年代初期;我國突破外交困境並毅然決定採購法國關鍵性軍事裝備(6艘拉法葉級巡防艦與60架幻象2000-5型戰機)。緊接著;我海、空軍官兵大規模遠赴海外,展開一連串換裝新艦、新機之歷史性任務。在此同時;我國空軍除了在硬體的武器裝備上,獲得有形的質量成長外,如何從法國空軍自冷戰結束後,自我演進的具體成效中,學習並找尋對我空軍現階段防務改革的成長空間,據以建議未來空軍建軍備戰的調整方向。 本論文之研究目的,理所當然地欲從解構法國國防在跨世紀過程中所進行的各項政策調整與武力演進,並且植基於筆者身為空軍專業的優勢身份,獲得取法他人、反思自我、精益求精的研究目的。值於此刻我空軍完成新一代兵力換裝,並持續進行「精進案、精實案」大幅人力精簡的同時,法國空軍的演進與脫變過程,確實深值得我空軍師法與參考。

大學入學考試制度之研究:以台灣與法國為例 / A Study of College Admission: The Case of Taiwan and France

白美恩, Marion Baudry Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高等教育的大眾化發展,臺灣與法國的大學招生制度經過幾次變革,以期滿足招生需求。大學學位不僅是學歷的一紙證明,更是臺灣與法國高等教育標準化歷程的體現。從高中過渡到大學,是每個學生學術生涯中關鍵且費神的階段,並與未來的成功息息相關。因此,無論在臺灣或法國,學生高中階段的學術能力測驗至關重要,可謂從青春期過渡到成年期的重要指標。學術能力測驗成績影響著絕大多數畢業生的大學申請和錄取機會。雖然臺灣和法國有不少關於兩國大學教育的研究,但對於高中學生進入大學前的學術能力測驗甚少探討。本研究旨在探討臺、法國大學申請的入學先決條件和要求,以期進一步瞭解大學入學機制。本研究透過對臺灣和法國大學系統中錄取要求,如臺灣的先修課程測驗和法國的一般入學要求等規定進行對比分析,找出各自的優缺點。研究方法包括文獻綜述,以及對兩國高中生進行問卷調查和深度訪談。研究發現,目前兩國的大學入學系統的主要難題之一是缺乏相應的學術指導機制。臺灣方面在於過分強調大學入學考試測驗,法國則與之相反,學生因為過高的升學率而缺乏學習動機。本研究建議,今後臺法兩國如何面對高教入學機會中重新出現的不公與文憑貶值等新挑戰,是雙方大學入學體系需要解決的共同問題。 / With the massification of their higher education systems, Taiwan and France have experienced several changes in their college admission processes in order to meet the increasing demand of enrollment into higher education. A university degree has become more than just a certificate of academic achievement but a normalized process in Taiwan and France. The transition from high school to university has become a pivotal yet nerve-racking period in a student’s academic career and is considered as one of the most crucial factor of the student’s future success. In Taiwan and France, the academic abilities of students tested during the senior high school are the most important and significant indicators of students’ transition from adolescence to adulthood. It leads a vast majority of graduates to apply to university and to undertake college admission process. Although several studies have been done in Taiwan and France, only few have previously analyzed a student’s journey through the college admission process in the two countries. The current study intends to investigate the prerequisites and requirements that college applicants in Taiwan and France are required to meet in order to access the college and university systems. By comparing and analyzing the massification of the two systems, as well as Taiwan and France college admission’s requirements such as the Scholastic Ability Test and the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan, and the French General Baccalaureate; the study seeks to identify the crucial pro and cons that arise in each system in order to give recommendations on improvements that can be made. Data has been collected through literature reviews, in-depth interviews as well as surveys among former senior high school students in both countries. The results of the present study show that one of the main dilemmas of today’s education systems is the lack of academic guidance. While one of the main problems of Taiwanese education is its emphasis on testing, France education, on the contrary, is facing issues due to its excessive accessibility of universities which leads students to enroll in degrees without real motivations behind their choice. The shift of inequalities in educational opportunities is also one of the new concerns that Taiwanese and French education systems are facing as well as the depreciation of diplomas.

台灣文化創意產業智慧財產之法律保護與藝術授權-以國立故宮博物院為例 / Legal protection and art licensing of cultural creative industries in Taiwan-case study on national palace museum

周欣嫻, Chou,Cindy H. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將從法律及管理觀點,分析博物館文物典藏品影像檔案的法律性質,介紹大英博物館及法國羅浮宮的藏品影像授權商品業務的經營經驗,並以國立故宮博物院為例,說明博物館數位文物圖檔授權對於文化創意產業所發展發揮之效益,也透過廠商訪談獲得對於其現行授權業務營運之意見。本研究最後也對於現行典藏機構之藏品影像管理及授權業務提出幾點建議:針對不當使用行為主張法律上權利予以制止、創設特別權利保護資料庫、權利管理電子資訊及防盜拷措施保護條款之準用、積極開發潛在智慧財產,以獲得法律保護、公正、公開、公平地經營藏品影像授權業務、鬆綁或彈性適用法令程序,設計多元且適合的商業模式、平等、互惠、雙贏的合作條件、創造衍生著作、創造附加價值、確認藏品影像品質並因應不同用途進行標準化、及透過網路、集中管理典藏產出之影像檔案等建議。 / Technology of Digitalization has improved the enforcement of National Digital Archives Program. The outcomes of NDAP bridged the conserving authorities and the industries and inspired their commercial interactions. Domestic conserving authorities, which are usually museums or galleries, should promote and manage the outcomes in a positive way for the industries to make use of. This paper explains the legal protection, especially intellectual property laws, of the image of the painting, calligraphy, antique or other historical artwork. The experiences of operating commercial business of the British Museum and the Louvre Museum are introduced. Then, this paper takes National Palace Museum as an example, to investigate its commercial business related to the licensing of artworks images, and to gather the opinions from its cooperating enterprises. In the end, the paper submits several suggestions on legal and managing point of view about the operation of art images to the conserving authorities.


李國維 Unknown Date (has links)
國族是什麼?國族主義又是什麼? 面對許許多多歧異又紛雜的關於國族與國族主義的論述,本論文嘗試另闢蹊徑,從哲學層面來闡釋這一問題。本文區分國族之形成的主觀條件與客觀條件,認為國族不同於國家與民族,不能單純以客觀條件作為依據,而是必須以主觀條件作為依據。本文又進一步區分形式條件與實質條件,認為主觀條件中必須同時包括形式條件與實質條件,也就是說,一群人若要組成一個國族共同體,這些人必須是出於各自之自由意志,決定共同組成一個不同於其他之團體的共同體,而且要尋找並形成某種歸屬核心,當做共同體之根本質素,使之成為維繫共同體之長久存續的道德基礎。 本文以羅爾斯的政治自由主義與民族觀點作為論述根基,由此開展一種新的國族觀點,一種特殊的、只在自由主義式的民主政治體制中存在的政治共同體。並認為,人類理性必然要求人類朝這樣的政治共同體邁進,使每個人的自由都夠有最合理的、最和諧的發展,而不致釀成戰爭衝突。 / What is “nation”? And what is “nationalism”? There are many diverse and conflicting theories about nations and nationalism. We look into these theories and then abandon them because there are too many definitions. We believe that the nation is a special and unique political community and it accrues only in the liberal constitutional democracy of the modern period. There are two kinds of conditions for the construction of a nation: the subjective condition and the objective conditions. The former is an inner characteristic, while the later are external features. Unlike a state or a people, a nation must be founded the subjective condition as much as the objective conditions. In other words, the subjective condition, human beings’ free will, is the essential bedrock for the construction of a nation. In this perspective, we further distinguish the formal condition from the substantive condition. The formal condition has no content; its only function is pure decision-making. If a group of people is willing to associate together and form a community, it’s necessary for them not only to make a decision but also to decide what community they want to be. Furthermore, they have to search for and fashion their own defining core as the underlying element of the community as well as the moral foundation for the continuance of the community. Based on John Rawls’ political liberalism and his views about peoples, this paper evolves a new viewpoint of the nation as a unique political community that exists only in the liberal democracy. We also assume it is required by human reason that mankind should move forward to such a political community, enabling everyone to develop his or her liberty in the most reasonable and harmonious way without leading to wars and conflicts.

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