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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣年輕族群對消費性電子產品的未來需求 / Service demand of consumer electronic products for young adults in Taiwan

黃舒意, Huang, Joane Unknown Date (has links)
台灣年輕族群對消費性電子產品的未來需求 / The revolution in communication technology has had a strong impact on consumer electronics companies. In order to better forecast the future demand of the electronic products and related technology trends, the purpose of this research is to learn what the market demands for consumer electronic products will be among young Taiwanese consumers in 2015. This thesis covers consumer behaviors and future technology trends. The targeted study groups are young adults in Taiwan currently ranging in age from 20 to 40; the focus is on those with a mature mind-set and sufficient economic support. This group of people uses many hi-tech electronic products in their daily lives. This research explores various factors that shape demand, such as gender, age, education, profession, and annual incomes. Using this approach as a basis, the future demand of young adults in Taiwan may be better forecast. This research lays out a long-term innovative products plan. Manufacturers in the IT Industry may also refer to the survey data as a guideline to suggest future developments in IT infrastructure.


顧浚棠, Ku,Ryan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希望經由全面而深入的個案分析,尋找消費性電子產品代工廠商成功的經營策略,並擬定策略以因應未來快速變遷的環境,達成以下三項目的:(1)就代工廠商而言,在面臨全球分工和產能過剩的壓力與策略同質化的結構化改變下,如何能緊密維持關係又具備適配客戶各樣需求的服務能力?藉由架構性的分析,探討其能夠支撐企業持續成長與獲利的主要因素;(2)針對個案公司的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅作深入的分析,以為未來制定策略的參考,並希望能對國內實務界提出適當的建議;(3)消費性電子產品OEM/ODM代工廠商未來發展策略如何?又如何走向OIM?並藉由相關研究分析,提供廠商產業趨勢,以達知己知彼,再創高峰的目的。 本研究的架構係採用Aaker的理論架構來進行內外在分析與策略規劃。整個研究架構分為三個階段:(1)首先進行內外在分析,以界定外在環境中的機會與威脅,以及該產業的關鍵成功因素,並了解個案公司所擁有的優劣勢;(2)根據以上分析,歸納出該公司所面臨的問題;(3)提出可行的策略,並在該策略下擬定競爭策略與營運策略。 經過本研究分析後發現消費性電子產品OEM/ODM代工廠商的關鍵成功因素為:以大客戶為焦點的規模經濟、優秀的研發與技術能力、有效率的成本結構、高度彈性的製造與配銷、可靠度的差異化,以及健康的財務等因素。從內、外在分析及個案公司本身條件來看,在根本策略上,個案公司應採取成長策略,發揮其核心能力,成長方式則採產品延伸策略與市場擴充策略。在競爭策略方面,個案公司宜採差異化集中策略,以繼續累積其可持續競爭優勢。 關鍵字:消費性電子產品、OEM/ODM代工、關鍵成功因素


簫維儒, XIAO,WEI-RU Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究對象以國內之本地與外商銀行為主。研究之目的,在於探討消費者信用之定 義、功能,針對一般銀行之授信基本原則,引進消費者貸款信用評分制度,藉此希望 能提供銀行推展消費性放款業務之參考。國內之外商銀行在台分行已於民國七十四年 三月起由財政部核準辦理個人消費性放款業務,個由於其在台灣呼收台幣資金之困難 與受到相關法令規章之限制,外商銀行辦理此項業務之發展背景與現況做一探討外, 並對國內本地銀行與外商銀行辦理此項業務之一般作業原則各別討論,再對兩者間之 作業原則加以比較分析。最後提出國內在推展貸款業務上所遭遇之問題、應考量之問 題及客觀之建議。 本文之研究結果得以下結論:國內銀行辦理消費性放款業務雖有成長但日趨減緩。外 商銀行採取浮動利率制度,其利率、放款額度、鑑介費用、處理速度上均高於國內本 地銀行。在擔保品之抵押順位與設定之抵押金額、貸款申請流程與還款方式等方面則 本地與外商銀行均大同小異。 本文對於國內銀行辦理消費性放款業務,提出以下諸點建議:一、改進銀行承辦員的 質與量,灌輸其正確的授信觀念,並統一作法。二、著重在「人的信用」,儘量遵循 擔保的信用貸款,以個人信用評等為主。三、設定特定用途的消費性貸款。四、著重 「批發」與「零措」。五、為配合推廣消費者信用之需要,應加速推動銀行作業之電 腦化,以處理繁多的顧客資料、簡化手續以降低成本。


羅正忠, LUO, ZHENG-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
教育性質融合了消費性、投資性、生產性之特質。我國政府的教育經負擔。以七十四 年為例,教育經費支出位各級歲出總額之百分之十六、五七。教育投資與否,或者投 資結構的分配,均應詳加評價,否則將導致資源之浪費與人力供需之不平衡。 本文之目的乃設法將教育視為一種產業,求出其成本曲線,並分析其是否具有經濟規 模,及解出平均最低成本之學生人數。本文共分為五章,主要研究對象為臺灣現行之 高級中學,及大專院校。第一章為緒論;第二章為教育成本之剖析;第三章為有關文 獻之探討;第四章為我國教育規模之實證分析;第五章結論與建議;就實證分析之結 果,討論與建議,如何達到最適之經濟規模,並降低教育成本。


蕭大立 Unknown Date (has links)
服務業部門的持續大規模擴展,是各國經濟結構變遷中普遍的現象。而台灣的產業結構也朝此方向邁進。可預見的是,台灣正逐漸走向一個服務業掛帥的時代,未來服務業對於台灣經濟發展勢必將扮演更為重要的角色。因此有必要對於服務業的本質及其在經濟體系中所扮演的角色做進一步的釐清。而本研究則針對服務業與地方發展兩者之間的相互關係進行研究,以作為未來發展地方經濟、平衡區域發展之參考。 本研究可分為四部分,第一部份為文獻回顧與理論基礎。第二部分為台灣服務業發展現況之評析。第三部分則為服務業與地方發展實證關係測試,參考經濟基礎理論等相關理論,建立聯立方程模型,以三階段最小平方法(3SLS)對台灣地區各鄉鎮市區做實際測試,以瞭解消費性服務業與地方發展之間的相互關係,驗證生產性服務業在台灣地區是否具有帶動地方發展之能力。並可藉此得知製造業以及其他類型服務業之間的互動關係。於研究中分為兩種模式,服務業總體模式以及服務業細分模式,以對於各類型服務業雨地方發展間相互關係有更深之認識。最後則為結論與建議。 經由本研究之實證結果,得到以下之結論: 一、 根據跨越三階段的實證分析,總體性服務業對於帶動地方發展的確有正面的助益。而若將其細分之後加以探討。在研究的前期製造業、消費性服務業以及生產性服務業對於地方發展的影響較為顯著。於研究中期則僅有生產性服務業對地方發展有顯著的影響。 二、 整體而言,地方發展對於總體服務業的發展影響並不顯著。而依各種服務業類型來看,地方發展對於消費性服務業的關係,由研究前期的負面轉為研究中期的正面影響,但於研究後期其影響卻不顯著。而地方發展對於生產性服務業的發展於研究前期及中期則呈現負的影響,至研究後期兩者之間已無相關。此顯示專業性質高的生產性服務業受地方發展的影響不大。

新產品組合之最佳獲利模式研究—以某高科技公司為例 / The optimized financial model for new develop product portfolio

林薰薇 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業日益競爭下,個人電腦 (PC) 已走向一個成熟且低毛利率的產業。由於市場的成熟,廠商提供消費者多樣化的產品選擇,以致產品的生命週期愈趨縮短;產品的售價也因市場的過度競爭,而愈趨下跌。反觀產品供應鏈,原物料、人工成本以及原始設計製造 (ODM) 廠商的報價,卻是逐年上揚。因此對於一個國際品牌個人電腦廠商而言,如何提昇整體產品銷售組合的毛利率,已是攸關廠商生存的重要課題之一。 本研究著重在從財務管理的觀點探討,如何有以有效運用及控制公司內部研發資源為前提,建立並導出一適當的財務模型,提供最佳化的新產品獲利組合預測,增進公司整體之營運效益。並選擇某國際品牌高科技公司之消費性筆記型電腦部門為研究對象,對其新產品組合之獲利最佳化模式預測做整體性評估、驗證及可行性分析之探討。研究結果發現財務模型所提供之最佳化產品組合預測可提供產品銷售獲利最佳化預測資訊,然而除最佳獲利外,廠商實際上仍須考量維持市場佔有率以保持競爭力,經實務面的需求調整後,才為公司之最佳化產品組合。以此研究提供相關產業廠商未來發展之參考。 / Electronic industry has rapidly become more competitive, and personal computer is already in a sophisticated and low gross-margin market. Due to the sophistication, consumers face various product choices and hence the product life cycles are shorter. The product price is also decreasing because of severe competition. On the other side, product supply chain, including material price, labor cost, and the offer price of original design manufacturer, is escalating year over year. As a result, how to increase the gross margin of product portfolio is important to the company. This thesis begins with a financial management view, based on the condition of effective resource use and control, to build an appropriate financial model which can forecast the optimal product portfolio and the return. Taking an international high-technology company as research object, we found that except the profit capability, market share is also a critical factor which should be concerned when building the portfolio in reality.


穆繼誠, Mu, Ji-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文目的在於研究台北地區中學生有關購買行為的知識,消費性動機,炫耀性動 機,情報搜集及評估,……的社會化過程,並探討中學生認知發展程度之不同,在消 費行為上有何差異。 以台北地區隨機抽樣七個學校,六百名學生,問卷調查,統計結果。 全文以社會化學說及皮亞杰認知發展學說為理論架構。共分為六章:一、導論。二、 研究假設。三、定義變數。四、文獻探討。五、研究發現。六、結論。


張伊君, Chang, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文將貿易政策與環境政策做連結, 建構一雙邊貿易之架構, 設立一三階段之序列賽局,以之探討: 當具有跨國性質之消費性污染存在時, 在考量兩國政府皆有誘因在環境政策上採取非合作的態度下, 兩國政府應如何藉由貿易政策之協定, 訂定其最適之出口品補貼政策, 以矯正環境政策非合作下之不效率。 本文研究發現: 在兩國政府僅能夠進行政策的部分合作時, 當需求參數愈大, 兩國政府之最適貿易政策是應將給予其各自國家出口品之單位補貼調升;但若伴隨消費財貨所排放之污染對環境具有較高之邊際污染, 或是其本身之外溢效果愈強, 兩國政府對出口品之最適補貼則應該調降。我們同時也發現, 此時即使各國政府之最適貿易政策是調降出口補貼, 會使得各國之污染稅稅率更低, 但卻不會使其更加偏離兩國政府在環境政策上合作下之最適稅率, 並且仍會為全球帶來更高之社會福利。 / This paper constructs a reciprocal-market model, which contains a three-stage game to investigate how the two countries decide the optimal export subsidy agreement when they do not coordinate their environmental policy. We find that the level of optimal export subsidy should decrease with the strength of transboundary pollution, which is associated to consumption activities. In addition, the export subsidy agreement should increase with the demand parameter. We also find that even a reduction in the export subsidy will decrease the non-coordinated environmental tax rate, it will not deviate the tax rate away from the coordinated one and still enhance the social welfare.

台灣地區住宅消費性需求彈性與投資性需求彈性之估計 / The Elasticity of Consumption and Investment for Housing Demand in Taiwan

林素菁, Lin, Sue Jing Unknown Date (has links)
首先針對租屋市場與與購屋市場,分別估計其所得彈性與價格彈性。對租 屋者而言,僅包括消費性的需求。藉由彈性的估計,我們可知道住宅為必 需品或是奢侈品;在價格上漲時,消費者是否有議價能力。另外再將購屋 市場依不同的需求目的,如居住目的與非居住目的,估計所得彈性與價格 彈性。對非居住目的的購屋者而言,僅包含投資性的住宅需求。接著利用 估計的消費性與投資性需求彈性,計算出對只有一棟房屋的購屋者,其消 費與投資需求佔房屋支出之比例。 In this paper, we estimated the elasticity of income and price for rental and purches housing. For rental housing, it just includes the consumption demand for housing. By these estimations, we can know housing is a luxury or a necessity. When the price increase, the consumers are able to charge. On the other hand, by the different targets --- living or not, there is only one or there are two or more houses, we estimate the elasticities. For two or more houses, it just includes the investment demand for housing. Then we use the elasticities to computer the share of consumption and investment in housing expenditure.

台灣消費性IT產品進入俄羅斯市場的策略 – 以華碩公司為例 / Entry strategies for Taiwan IT consumer products companies to achieve commercial success in Russian Market – A case study of Asus

康坦齊, Manjekhanov, Konstantin Unknown Date (has links)
Many companies from around the world enter the global market. The firms have to specialize in order to sustain their competitiveness. Many Taiwanese companies are export-oriented. The major export markets are Japan, the US and Europe for those Taiwan companies. But these markets are mature and the growth rate is low unlike Russian market. That is why many Taiwan companies entered or plan to enter Russian market. Due to the fact that Russia is a potentially big market and geographically far from Taiwan-ROC, and a fast developing economy, establishing business in Russia is certainly interesting. According to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan- ROC, mutual trade in 2009 posted US$2,9 billion, Bureau of Foreign Trade (2010). While many companies show great interest in entering the Russian market, there still seems to be some kind of hesitation due to the special nature of the Russian market. In this thesis I will focus on an emerging Russian market and its appeal to foreign companies, namely Taiwanese company such as Asus which made its path into Russian market. Target is to describe Asus initial entry strategies. Problem Statement There are many external factors affecting entry strategies picked up by firms around the world. Legal, political, cultural and institutional factors are just some of the many factors that should be dealt with when operating business on a foreign turf. Many people want to know more on Russian market business experiences, it is hard to find any particular works/papers which can describe a current situation and lead them to commercial success. Russian Federation is a very complex region with its own traditions and business culture. What particular Foreign Operation Methods should a company choose? Indeed choosing right FOM represents a critical component of international business activity. Once described as a ”frontier issue” in international business, researchers as well as practitioners now regard it as fundamental to any discussions about international business strategies and the performance by companies in the international arena. Purpose Despite the fact that in Russian Federation the cost of opening a business is higher than in most other countries and many other destabilizing factors, Asus has found its path to success. How was it possible? What are the lessons one can learn from that experience? The purpose of the thesis is to find out the success factors of Asus as well as study its entry strategy. The research purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. To review the related literature of Entry Strategies 2. To study Russian market 3. To analyze Asus initial entry strategies and analyze its Russian business

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