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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

餅乾品類品牌老化問題如何解決? - 以"可口"為案例探討 / How to solve the ageing problem in biscuit category?

池熙琳 Unknown Date (has links)
整體餅乾市場近年土洋混戰,除了美、日、韓進口品牌充斥,本土品牌也使盡混身解數,根據消費者需求、不斷推出新口味、新包裝產品,試圖搶佔貨架空間,鞏固市場佔有率。當然在其中有一些本土老品牌正面臨品牌老化、無法擁有年輕人“心佔率”(share of mind) 的窘境;如果不思改變,品牌將面臨市佔縮小甚至被淘汰的命運。 此研究中,藉由探討本土餅乾品牌“可口”現行定位,分析市場挑戰及機會點、瞭解目標對象,進而建議其“品牌年輕化”行銷溝通策略,以期強化與年輕消費者之間情感面聯結(emotional bondage)、建立品牌好感及忠誠度,為品牌永續發展奠定最佳基礎。 主要結論為:品牌年輕化首要考慮品牌對年輕族群 (20-35) 的吸睛能力、是否能吸引其興趣及注意;洞察目標對象生活型態及對食用餅乾行為上一些未滿足的需求(unmet needs),推出他們真正需要的產品是品牌年輕化的重要任務。 另外,在整體“可口”品牌的操作考量上,透過母子品牌操作,善加利用既有品牌資產外,清楚定位各子品牌特性、優勢,從品牌名稱到行銷作為、一氣呵成,以期迅速建立目標對象認知及好感;透過“兄弟爬山、各自努力”的子品牌操作策略應可更迅速有效的落實品牌年輕化目的。

影響大學生網路購物行為之探討-以臺灣科技大學為例 / The influence of students' online shopping behavior - A case study of NTUST

黃貴聯, Huang, Kuei Lien Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路蓬勃且迅速的發展,可說是二十世紀末最熱門的資訊技術。網路購物已成為許多臺灣消費者購物時,重要的選擇之一。未來,勢必成為最重要的行銷通路。網路購物的出現,使得商業競爭由實體店面移轉到網路空間,但也產生了實體購物方式所沒有的風險。   本研究主要目的在探討影響消費者網路購物行為的可能因素,並試圖自相關文獻整理出影響網路購物決策制定的構面,包括網路購物經驗、環境因素、市場刺激以及電子商務系統等構面,其次針對各個構面設計問卷,並分析其對網路購物決策制定的影響。研究對象以臺灣科技大學學生為例,探討網路購物平台的出現對大學生消費行為造成的改變。最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以做為未來實務及研究之參考。


林孟萱, Lin,Meng-Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
線上遊戲產業是目前國內數位內容發展當中的重點產業,隨著線上遊戲種類越來越多,其消費者區隔也成為重要的課題。本研究旨在研究性別差異與生活型態變項,對於線上遊戲使用者之消費行為影響,期能提供線上遊戲廠商與線上遊戲消費行為研究者,對於線上遊戲使用者間性別差異與生活形態差異之了解。 研究中採用了EKB消費者決策模式,將線上遊戲使用者之消費行為分為五個階段探討:「需求確認」(Problem Recognition)、「蒐集資訊」(Information Search)、「評估方案」(Alternative Evaluation)、「購買行為」(Purchase Decision)以及「購後行為」(Post-purchase Behavior)。 研究工具則使用網路問卷調查,將問卷內容置於免費問卷網站My3Q(www.my3q.com)提供BBS遊戲討論區及遊戲討論網站之網友連結填答,得到353份網路問卷,其中有效問卷計有327份。 研究結果如下: 一、男性使用者注重「遊戲主題與形式」,而女性注重「人物場景造形設計」。 二、女性使用者對「動作」、「益智」類型遊戲較男性使用者熱衷。 三、男性玩過的遊戲數量較女性為多。 四、女性較常與網友一同進行遊戲,男性則較常與現實中的朋友一起。 五、刺激流行族為線上遊戲主力族群。 六、積極規劃族對線上遊戲之投入程度較低。 七、固執理性族較不願意花費在線上遊戲上。 / On-line game industry is the key industry of digital content development in Taiwan. With the increasing categories of the on-line games, segmenting the consumers becomes an important subject. The study focus on how gender and lifestyle factors affect consumer behavior, which suggest to offer the on-line game manufacturers and on-line game consumer behavior researchers, to the understanding of on-line game players. The E.K.B. consumer decision model has been applied on the study, and divides the consumer behavior into five stages: Problem Recognition, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase Decision and Post-purchase Behavior. Questionnaire post on free website My3Q (http://www.my3q.com) was used for this study, and offered BBS users and game websites users to link and fill out. Among completed 353 subjects, 327 are effective questionnaires. The results of this study are: First, most male players pay attention to “the theme and form of the game,” and most female players pay attention to “characters design and scenery design.” Second, comparing with male players, most female users are in favor of “action games” and “casual games.” Third, male players have more on-line game experience than female players. Fourth, female players often join with internet friends; male players often join with friends in their real life. Fifth, people who like exciting are the main population of on-line game. Sixth, relatively, people who plan their life actively apply themselves less on the on-line game. Finally, stubborn and rational people spend less on on-line game.

低價小筆記型電腦市場區隔研究-以華碩Eee PC為例 / The research of market segmentation for low-price laptop--taking ASUS Eee PC for example

蔡桂賓, Tsai, Kuei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
Eee PC的低價小筆記型電腦的銷售成功,小筆記型電腦衍然己被筆記型電腦廠商視為下一個藍海市場,以產品生命週期來看,Eee PC由萌芽期進入成長期,而早期辨出消費者中的創新使用者及早期採用者,在新產品發展階段有策略上的重要意義,本研究目的在進一步辨識出消費者及其使用習慣,讓市場行銷人員能選定目標市場及制定適當的行銷策略。 本研究以消費者決策歷程(Consumer Decision Process, CDP)為基礎,在配合科技接受理論TAM (Technology Acceptable Model)當中的有用知覺(Perceived Usefuless, PU) 及易用知覺 (Perceived Eas of Use, PEOU) 發展成本研究的研究架構,並以線上問卷便利取樣己購買Eee PC的消費者,以AIO生活型態做為Eee PC消費者使用者行為的市場區隔基礎,以市場區隔理論(Segmentation)及創新擴散理論將消費者予以區隔,利用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定及區別分析等統計方法做為分析方法的工具,試圖分辨出購買Eee PC的使用者並了解Eee PC購買者的使用習慣。 本研究經由實證分析得到了以下的發現: (1)Eee PC消費者具有創新者與早期使用者的特性 (2)依Eee PC消費者之購買行為資料分析,消費者最重視的產品屬性 為小巧方便攜帶及重量輕盈而非價格低廉。 (3)Eee PC消費者資訊搜尋對象以網站為主,但購買仍以實體通路為 主。 (4)Eee PC消費者購買用途以休閒娛樂及工作課業需要為主,不同族 群之間有有顯著差異。 (5)依人口統計變數來看,各族群在特徵上有所不同。 (6)依知覺程度來看,各族群在知覺程度上有所不同。 / The success of selling of ASUS’s Eee PC, the low-priced laptop, led Eee PC be taken as the next blue ocean for notebook manufactures. In the product life cycle of Eee PC, it has been changed from the introduction stage to growth stage. Early identification of the innovators and early adoptors is a strategical important meaning for new product development. The research is to identify the the consumers and their consuming habits, so that the marketing departments can select an ideal market segment and to employ effective marketing tactics. The research is based on the conceptual framework for the consumer decision process proposed by Kolter & Keller (2007) and combines the perspective from the Technology Acceptance Model proposed by Davis(1989) to identify the consumer of Eee PC and explores their satisfacation and how they use Eee PC. Finally, the research uses the traditional stastics tool to differentiate Eee PC buyers based on Psychology variables from AIO theory proposed by Plummer(1974) and segmentation theory proposed by Wind(1978). The research obtains the following findings: (1) Eee PC buyers can be distinguished as innovator and rearly adoptor. (2) According to the data analysis from Eee PC, the features that consumers highly concerned are easy and light for hand-carry instead of cheap price. (3) Eee PC buyers use internet to search information, but they buy Eee PC via the physical channel or stores (4) Eee PC buyers use Eee PC for entertainment and academic or job purpose. (5) As the point of view in demographic, two clusters are significance different. (6) As the point of view in perspective, two clusters are significance different.

床墊產業之消費者網路口碑研究 / A Study on Consumer’s e-Word-of-Mouth in Taiwanese Mattress Industry

林天瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟成長,高度競爭的生活環境造成人們睡眠品質不佳或失眠,多半是深受入睡困難、淺眠和早醒等困擾。因此,對於現代人逐漸願意投資在寢具和床墊產品只求一夜好眠。 床墊是為耐久財,生命週期長且消費者感知風險高,因此大多消費者在購買前會先進行相關資訊蒐集。網路的普及使得商品資訊在網路上公開,使得網路成為消費者購物前蒐集資訊的主要管道。而隨著web2.0的興起,消費者在網路上分享產品資訊的網路口碑有了爆炸性的增加,產生了讓廠商無法忽視的網路口碑效應。透過網路口碑的分析可以了解消費者與市場需求,提供廠商未來修正整體經營策略。 本研究透過網路蒐集網路口碑進行內容分析法,瞭解消費者選購床墊的決策流程以及對國內外高價品牌床墊的評價。從研究結果可以發現,近四成的消費者是為了改善睡眠品質而產生購買床墊的需求。實體通路及網路是消費者主要蒐集資訊的管道。在評估床墊時,消費者重視床墊品質、價格以及軟硬度,他們在意床墊和彈簧的設計以及床墊軟硬度。而有近五成五的消費者是偏好較硬床墊。近九成九的購買管道為品牌床墊專賣店和一般床墊經銷通路居多。約1%的消費者由於網路購物的七天鑑賞期而選擇在網路購物平台購買。近七成五的消費者購買後表示滿意,近二成五的消費者購後仍不滿意床墊與彈簧的設計與材質,以及依舊腰酸背痛等。 消費者對於國內外床墊品牌的正面口碑多於負面口碑,其中消費者對席伊麗品牌形象最佳,負面評論少。而消費者對本土床墊品牌,如:德泰彈簧床、老K牌彈簧床和10 Days的品質也有正面的評價,但對於品牌形象與經營則保持負面的態度,建議未來應針對加強品牌權益的目標,調整行銷策略。 / With economic growth, a highly competitive environment results people in poor quality sleep or insomnia. Most of them suffer from difficulty in falling asleep, light sleep and wake early. Therefore, people are more and more willing to invest in bedding, pillow and matress just for a good quality sleep. Due to the mattresses are durable goods with long product life cycle and perceived risk, consumers usually spend a lot of time to study the mattresses before purchasing. On the other hand, with the universal of the Internet and the growth of web2.0, the blooming e word-of-mouths (eWOM) makes consumer tend to uderstand products in advance by reading comments. That indeed cause a serious effect on eWOM for firms who should not ignore. Through analyzing the eWOM, firms could understand the trend on the demand side then modify their strategies. This study collected eWOM from the Internet and use content analysis to understand consumer purchase decision process as well as the consumers’ insights into upscale mattresses. From the results, we could know that almost 40% of consumers buy a new mattress for improving sleeping quality. They usually collect the necessary information by visiting physical channels and surfing on the Internet. They evaluate the mattresses quality, price, softness and firmness. They care about mattresses and springs’ design and matieral. Almost 55% of consumers prefer to buy a firm mattress. Almost 99% of consumers buy mattresses at the physical channels. Rest of consumers buy mattresses on e-commerce due to the 7-days return warranty. Almost 75% of consumers feel satisfied after purchasing. Rest of them are not satisfied at the mattresses and springs’ design and material and uncomfortableness. Consumers gave more positive comments than negative comments on the selected mattresses brands. Sealy had a reputation on its brand image and quality; King Koil, The-Tai Mattress, Kingbed, Tempur and 10 Days are all well-know for their quality as well, but still had some negative comments on the brand image and price. After the eWOM studies on each selected brand, this study gave suggestions to each brand for its future marketing strategy.

極大化與滿足化消費者在資訊超載下的決策模式與購後認知失調探討 / Consumer Decision Rules and Post-consumption Dissonance of Maximizer versus Satisficer under the Situation of Information Overload

周起筠, Chou, Chi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是探討在資訊超載的狀況下,不同極大化程度分類消費者在決策準則偏好和購後認知失調程度上的差異;以及其採用了不同的決策準則後,對購後認知失調程度所造成的影響。在極大化程度的分類方面,消費者主要分為追求最佳化產品的極大化者,以及尋求滿足自身需求產品的滿足化者 (Schwartz et al., 2002);在決策準則的分類上,則細分為補償性決策準則,和非補償性決策準則中的逐次刪除法、排除法和連結法。 本研究設定的資訊超載情境為六個產品方案□六項屬性的資訊量,並經由前測選出數位相機為測試產品,以電腦平台模擬呈現符合消費者屬性偏好的選擇方案,各方案代表不同決策準則下可能選出的結果,並輔以語意探測法確認受測者之決策準則。購後認知失調程度的測量,主要透過操弄產品屬性使受測者產生失調感受,再以四題語意差異法七點量表和五題Likert-type七點量表組成的購後認知失調量表加以測量。極大化程度分類判定,則以十三題Likert-type七點量表之極大化量表來進行衡量。 根據170位政治大學非商學院大學生的抽樣結果發現,在資訊超載下,極大化者與滿足化者在決策準則有顯著不同的偏好,其中極大化者較多採用補償性決策準則,滿足化者較多採用逐次刪除法和連結法則;此外,購後認知失調程度主要是受到消費者極大化程度的影響,而非決策準則的偏好影響,其中極大化者的購後認知失調程度高於滿足化者。細部分析,滿足化者不會因為採不同的決策準則而影響購後認知失調程度,但極大化者若採用較耗費心力的排除法進行決策,則會比極大化者採用逐次刪除法有更顯著的購後認知失調感受。 整體而言,消費者面對資訊超載的情境,若以找出滿足自身需求的產品即可的心態來作選擇標準,將可以減低發生購後認知失調所帶來心裡不舒服感受;若消費者以找出最佳產品的心態做選擇,則應該避免採用排除法,以免因本身耗費心力進行方案比較,外加此決策準則很難找出最佳選擇的雙重投入下,更加深本身的購後認知失調感受。 本研究引入決策準則的概念,對於學術上所討論之決策理論有更進一步的探討;在實務上,對於廠商研擬產品屬性訴求方面亦提供相關行銷建議。

由個案分析探討Web 2.0 網站平台對傳統行銷思維的影響 / Analyzing the effects of Web 2.0 interfaces on traditional marketing strategies and practices based on case studies

朱翊菲 Unknown Date (has links)
因應Web 2.0 的關鍵技術及應用發展,傳統行之多年的行銷思維及作法開始面臨極大挑戰。過去沒有人可以想像消費者能在網站上公開評價商品,或直接發表對特定品牌的體驗;也無法想像主題式社群網站能集結社群、部落格的心得文可以影響消費者行為;品牌的行銷活動比過去更多元且富創意,為的就是吸引消費者的眼球注意力;企業甚至願意花時間經營網站社群,為這群利基消費者發展新品牌及產品線。這些現象的背後,反映出我們所處的行銷環境已大不如前,而消費者、企業與品牌之間的關係改變,無疑地,Web 2.0是促成改變的關鍵原因之一。企業面臨網路科技所帶來的思維轉型,該如何有效因應,並調整其行銷思維及作法,是本研究欲探討的重點。 由於現有文獻或研究多半以Web 2.0 對企業單一構面的影響,或是針對特定產業的深入研究,缺乏全面性且多元的比較研究。因此本研究採用探索性研究法的個案研究法,以文獻探討內容為本,並透過深度訪談法獲取第一手資訊,以發展出行銷 2.0 與傳統行銷的比較命題。 經過文獻探討與個案分析後,本研究歸納出九個命題: 1、Web 2.0 平台有助企業體現市場導向思維。 2、Web 2.0 時代的消費者握有行銷研究的主導權,並由他們決定如何建立關係。 3、Web 2.0 時代下,網路使用者因應共同的興趣及目標聚集形成社群,而企業也開始將主題式社群作為市場區隔的依據。 4、Web 2.0 網站平台較能幫助企業有效評估區隔。 5、Web 2.0 網站平台有助廠商蒐集並了解消費者意見,共同打造符合需求的市場定位。 6、Web 2.0 增加企業與消費者的接觸點,也增加 7P 行銷組合的內涵及作法。 7、行銷2.0 不再是企業單方面由上而下決定品牌內涵,而是由企業與消費者共同打造品牌體驗與價值。 8、Web 2.0 平台強化消費者角色本質的轉變,由孤立變為聯合、由無知變為資訊靈通、由被動變為主動。 9、Web 2.0 平台將傳統單向線性的消費者決策模式,轉變為完整迴圈式的流程。 研究發現,Web 2.0 平台賦予消費者十足的空間及舞台,在商業體系中扮演更積極主動的角色,他們不再一味接受企業透過大眾傳媒所傳遞的訊息,反而開始握有行銷研究的主導權,主動調查有興趣的產業及品牌。而消費流程也不再是單次決策,其購後評價及心得也透過Web 2.0 平台反饋,繼續影響其他消費者的購物行為。Web 2.0 在企業與消費者之間扮演的中介角色,不僅讓雙方在對等的平台上良性互動外,也化解過去因為資訊不對稱所造成的誤解及無效率。而消費者行為的種種轉變,對於企業未來在決定市場區隔、目標市場以及行銷組合7P 等均有決定性的影響。 企業不只要妥善經營實體環境的公共關係,虛擬網絡世界的關係也得花心思好好打理,尤其必須掌握科技及網絡世界的溝通經驗,讓網路使用者中的意見領袖發揮其影響力和說服力,為品牌發言也為品牌形象加值,在每個接觸點都不能放過與消費者互動的機會,因為他們也是共同打造品牌體驗的重要角色。未來的行銷是接觸點戰爭,能夠在與消費者的接觸點出奇制勝、良性互動並獲得有利情報的企業,才有機會扭轉劣勢,力創新局。 / In recent years traditional marketing concepts have been evolving and encountering great challenges due to the online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or social community websites. No one had foreseen that consumers would evaluate products or services directly after purchase on the thematic social media and publish their brand experience openly through Internet. No one had expected that the thematic social media or Blogs could appeal and gather so many members and opinions towards specific topics, which might influence consumers’ decision. Nowadays, marketers are rushing to integrate various forms of social media into marketing planning and are highly motivated to initiate more attractive and creative events to appeal the consumer's eyes. Some enterprises are even willing to develop new product line or sub-brand to fulfill the customer’s needs. Therefore, due to the emergence of Web 2.0, the current marketing environment is quite different than what we are accustomed to. The relations and power structure between customers and brands have been changing. This research focused on how the enterprises reacted to the Web 2.0 technology and changed their mindset, especially marketing concepts and practices. Since there exists no generally accepted definition and demarcation of the term Web 2.0, the majority of studies have been focusing only on changes in certain industries or specific effects that Web 2.0 has brought to marketing. Therefore, we adopted a more general perspective based on previous results and conducted case studies to gather first-hand information and real practice from the industry. Further, we developed and concluded 9 points and made a comparison table (traditional marketing concept versus marketing concepts in Web 2.0 era) to clarify the differences of marketing concepts between traditional and Web 2.0-driven marketing. The key results of the research are: 1. Web2.0 helps enterprises to better form their marketing strategy and because all the departments within the organization can gather valuable information from each interaction point with the customers. Therefore, the consensus and responsiveness is achieved more easily, which means the Market Orientation concept could be realized. 2. Consumers in Web 2.0 era are capable of initiating market research and it is the consumer, rather than the enterprise, that decides how and with which company relations are built up. 3. Web users form communities due to common interests and objectives in Web 2.0 era, and the industries have begun to segment the market based on the different communities. 4. Web 2.0 applications help the enterprises efficiently evaluate if the market segmentation is effective and worthy of investment. 5. Web 2.0 mechanism support the enterprises to gather information and know more about the consumer insights, and also enables the two parties (enterprise and consumers) to collaborate and create the right market positions. 6. Web 2.0 not only increases the interacting points for enterprises and consumers, but also enriches the insights and possibilities of marketing-mix 7Ps (Product/Price/Place/Promotion/People/Physical environment/Process). 7. In Marketing 2.0 era the enterprise could not decide the essence of brands top down, but have to co-create the value and experiences of brands with the customers. 8. Web 2.0 platform enhance the change of the consumer inner character and behavior, from isolation to union, from ignorant to well-informed, from passive to proactive. 9. Web 2.0 platform transformed the traditional consumer decision-making from one way process to completed circles, where individual experience as valuable feedback influences the decisions of other consumers via Web 2.0 applications. As a consequence, the Web 2.0 is affecting not only the field of technology development but also the domains of business strategy and marketing practice. The Web 2.0 platform empowers the consumer and enables them to play more proactive and aggressive roles in the business system. The consumers do not just accept the message from mass media any more, but initiate marketing research themselves, investigating the brands and industries which they are interested with. The purchase decision making is not single and one way process as the personal comments that are disseminated and discussed on the Web 2.0 platforms keep on influencing other consumers’ behavior. The intermediate role that Web 2.0 plays between enterprises and consumers enables new and equal interactions, diminishing the misunderstanding and inefficiency resulted from the past asymmetric information that was mostly dictated by the enterprises. What comes along with the changing consumer behavior is a revolution in market segmentation, target, position and marketing-mix (7Ps). As Web 2.0 is not a clear-cut concept, some researchers have been regarding it as a mere temporary phenomenon that has emerged with new technology. However, its effects on marketing and wide public acceptance suggest that Web 2.0 is here to stay. Indeed, Web 2.0 has a substantial effect on consumer behavior and has contributed to an unprecedented customer empowerment. Therefore in the future, marketers have to pay more attention and put more effort to co-exist and communicate with a powerful customer instead of old-fashioned pushing marketing. Especially the enterprise should capitalize on the experience gained from the Web 2.0 platforms, utilizing the influences and convictions that web opinion leader possess to advocate for the brand. They should not disregard the many interaction points that could build up the brand experience with the consumers. Only those who could capitalize on Web 2.0 applications to gain more insight on consumer behavior, could win the ultimate victory and survive in the extremely competitive marketing war.

兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為之研究 / A study on the decision process of children's English learning program

郭靜怡, Kuo, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為。由於過去相關文獻以量化 調查為主,缺少質化觀點;又因強調首次購買,忽略了時間脈絡及決策環境的影響;另外假定消費決策者為家長,也使得消費使用者-兒童的決策影響力未見著墨;因此本研究試圖以質性方法,探索兒美補教消費本質,並加入時間脈絡及親子互動觀察,試圖建構更完整之消費決策樣貌。 研究設計方面,先就過去文獻之研究發現進行整理,提出值得進一步探索之 問題,而後擬定訪談大綱,分別針對家長及兒童進行訪談,其中家長訪談為求深入以補充過去文獻不足,以一對一方式進行;兒童訪談部分,由於沒有文獻曾經探討兒童在補教消費的觀點,因此以焦點團體方式蒐集多元意見,進行探索研究。 本研究結果可歸納為七大點:(一)兒美補教首次消費接近特殊品之消費性 質,家長涉入深(二)家長對於兒美補教首次消費知覺風險高,決策勝任感不足(三)兒美補教消費為具嘗試性重購(Trial Repeat Purchase)之序貫決策(Sequential Decision)(四)反向代間影響於嘗試性重購時期漸增(五)同儕影響在兒美補教業存在且顯著,以社會支持、社會認同與社會遵從等三種方式影響(六)孩子與家長在選擇補習班決策準則與購買後滿意度準則均不同(七)兒美補習決策存在影響甚大的『詢問脈絡口碑』(Seeker-Initiated WOM)。 / This study intends to inquire consumer’s decision making process of children’s English learning program in a qualitative way. While there are many quantitative studies about this process, few are conducted qualitatively. revious studies are all focused only on the first purchase, neglecting their subsequent repeat purchase processes; and parents are assumed to be the decision makers, ignoring the role of the children in the process. This study thus purports to explore and provide a clearer depiction of the parent-child interaction in the repeat purchase context. After reviewing 27 prior studies, this researcher suggested research questions in this study. Data were collected through several interviews with parents and children respectively. Parent interviews were conducted through one-on-one basis, while children interviews through focus groups. Interviews were taped, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study can be concluded into seven parts as follows. First of all, the essence of the first purchase decision in children’s English learning program is close to the essence of the purchase decision of special goods, and the consumers’ (parents) involvement is deep. Second, the risk conception of the first purchase is high and consumers are lack of confidence in first purchase in the decision making. Third, the process is a sequential decision with trial repeat purchase process. Fourth, the influence of reverse intergeneration is increasing in the process of trial repeat purchase process. Fifth, the peer-influence exists remarkably in three ways : social support, social identification and social conformity. Sixth, both decision and satisfying criteria are distinct from parents and children. Finally, the seeker-initiated WOM is a tremendous factor in the decision of children’s English learning program.

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