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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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產品涉入度及置入形式對偶像劇 置入性行銷效果之影響 / The study on the effectiveness of product involvement and product placement on television drama

沈曉翠 Unknown Date (has links)
2012年9月,NCC終於初步解禁置入性行銷,並公布有關於電視節目置入的暫行條款。事實上,美日等先進國家之置入性行銷早已成熟,韓國政府也鼓勵韓國企業進行置入,以資助影視產業的發展,而台灣雖然過去已有業者進行置入性行銷,但囿於法令限制,在置入性行銷的發展仍是相當遲緩的,也因此,台灣在影視產業一直得不到到足夠的資金去拍攝優質影片。 幸好,目前政府已逐步開放置入性行銷,不過目前國內廠商對於置入性行銷收費標準仍然相當混亂,因此,本研究期盼能透過釐清各置入點之效果以提供國內廠商收費的參考指標。過去研究置入性行銷效果多以問卷方式調查,然而使用問卷方式調查會有事後回憶誤差等問題,本研究採用眼動儀來直接測量受測者之收視過程,紀錄受測者之眼球掃視軌跡以及凝視個數、凝視時間,輔以問卷測量消費者之回憶度、辨識度、品牌態度以及購買意願,以更嚴謹的方式找出最佳置入點。 本研究參考過往文獻,找出涉入度以及置入手法兩個自變項,確認涉入度與置入手法對於消費者在觀看戲劇時是否有不同的感受,怎麼樣的情形置入效果會最佳。 研究以實驗法進行,自變項為涉入度以及置入手法,因此本研究將受測者分為高涉入度顯性、高涉入度隱性、低涉入度顯性、低涉入度隱性共四組。研究結果發現,顯性置入與隱性置入在受測者回憶度上有顯著的差別,且在隱性置入的情況,低涉入度的產品相較於高涉入度的產品更容易被忽略。 研究也發現,受測者在觀賞戲劇時,影響置入效果最大的因素是置入產品與劇情的相關性,其餘的影響因素還有大小、顏色、位置、競爭等要素, 建議未來廠商在進行置入時可依據本身產品特性並考慮各種影響因素,以達到最佳置入效果。 / Because of our government’s restriction, in the past few years, product placement has always been a debated issue. Due to these restrictions, our TV and movie industries are always lack of funding to produce high quality content. Fortunately, on 2012 August, NCC finally agreed gradually deregulation. However, our development of product placement still falls behind other countries and the charging standard is still in a mess. In order to provide domestic firms a charging reference, we started this research, hoping to understand the effect of every location. Instead of using questionnaire as our only measurement, we also use eye tracking to help us understand the effect more clearly. According to the references, we found out product placement and involvement as our independent variables and divided our subjects to four groups. Those are high involvement explicit, low involvement explicit, high involvement implicit and low involvement implicit. The research outcome shows that different location would bring to significantly different degree of recall. People who were exposure to the explicit drama clip would have higher degree of recall than those who were exposure in the implicit drama clip. And we also found out that if our product was a low involvement product, the product would not be noticed especially in the implicit drama clip. We also found that when people saw a drama, the most important factor to affect their memory was the product’s connection with the plot. Other factors were color, size, placement and competition. We suggested that when domestic firms want to make a product placement, they could consider their own product’s attribute and all these factors together to make the best product placement effect.

品牌涉入度、品牌社群認同度、社群意見對品牌延伸評價之影響 / The impact of brand involvement, brand community identification, and group opinion on brand extension evaluation

范綱典 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著網路的普及,也有越來越多的企業開始在網路上建立自己的品牌社群。根據台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)發佈的2011台灣寬頻網絡使用調查報告,目前台灣的上網人口已經達到1695萬,較去年增加了73萬。在這樣一個趨勢下,Facebook、Twitter等社群網站更是成為新一波數位時代的重要媒體。因此有越來越多的企業開始在Facebook或是Twitter成立線上的品牌社群,並希望透過社群的力量來企圖影響消費者。 然而,目前國內外關於品牌社群的文獻中,鮮少探討當品牌社群面對產品契合度低的延伸產品或是品牌負面新聞時,品牌涉入度和品牌社群認同度對延伸評價或是母品牌評價差距之影響。因此,本研究乃以國內品牌社群為研究主題,並參考國內外相關的研究,以星巴克和漢堡王之品牌社群為研究對象,針對前述議題進行較深入的研究。 研究結果顯示,品牌社群認同度高的消費者對品牌延伸的評價會比品牌社群認同度低的消費者高,品牌涉入度高的消費者對品牌延伸的評價會比品牌涉入度低的消費者高,品牌社群認同度高的消費者對母品牌評價的差距會小於社群認同度低的消費者,品牌涉入度高的消費者對母品牌評價的差距會小於品牌涉入度低的消費者。最後,品牌商可參考本研究結果,採用正確的方法和對策,提升品牌形象、市場佔有率與獲利能力。

虛實通路品牌與產品涉入度對服務品質影響 / The influence of service quality from physical and virtual channel brand and product involvement

王雅函 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,台灣地區使用網路與網路購物人口的比例持續增加,許多實體的零售通路業者會希望透過建置線上通路來提供交易與服務接觸更多元的消費族群。這些虛擬和實體的零售通路由於本身不同的優勢或技術上的限制會在可以提供的服務、販售的產品類別、購物方式上滿足到不同需求的消費者。 本研究目的希望觀察消費者在選擇實體通路或虛擬通路的考量上,是否會因為消費者對於產品的涉入度不同而有偏好哪一種通路型態的情況;學術界的研究中有許多關於產品品牌的服務品質研究,但較少以通路品牌作為研究對象,因此本研究也希望觀察消費者在通路內購買產品的過程中若遭遇服務失敗的情況,消費者對於通路品牌的服務品質評價、滿意度以及體驗會有什麼樣程度的影響;同時加入當公司在經營通路時,採用相同或不同品牌名稱的情況來觀察消費者的反應。 假說的推論分為四個部分,分別是:涉入度與通路服務品質、涉入度與通路型態、涉入度與品牌權益以及品牌延伸與服務品質。 研究以問卷法的方式來進行並透過網路發放;問卷設計根據假說主要的研究變數來設計情境與相關問項。為確保設計的問項有效,會先進行前測問卷的可靠度分析後才進行正式的問卷發放,最後有效樣本共回收203份;回收的樣本以交叉分析、成對樣本T檢定以及卡方檢定進行資料分析,研究結果的發現有: 一、 消費者產品涉入度高時,會偏好到實體商店購買產品。 以電腦為產品,檢定不同涉入度的樣本後發現,涉入度高的消費者較多選擇去實體商店購買商品;而涉入度低的消費者也一樣較多選擇到實體商店購買商品。 二、 消費者的產品涉入度與消費者對於通路的服務品質評價無相關。 不管消費者的產品涉入度高或是低,面對同一個通路品牌時,對於該通路品牌的服務品質評價沒有明顯的不同。 三、 當新通路採用和原通路相同的品牌名稱時,新通路的服務品質會影響到消費者對於原本通路的服務品質評價。 當品牌延伸的概念應用在通路品牌時,不管販賣的產品類別是否相同,新品牌的服務失誤也會對原品牌造成負面的影響。

人口統計、心理層面及市場環境對消費者所願意付出最大交通時間及消費行為之影響─以美髮店為例 / The Effects of Demographic, Psychographic and Geographic Factors on Consumers’ Transportation and Consumption to Beauty Salon

郭曉文 Unknown Date (has links)
實體店面的腹地大小一直是每個開店業者所關切的議題,本研究主要目的是探討哪些因素會影響消費者至實體店面時所願意花交通時間的長短,並進而規劃出腹地範圍。這些影響消費者交通時間的因素包括「人口統計變數」、「心理層面變數」及「環境變數」三大變數。在人口統計變數上,分為性別、年齡、教育程度、可支配所得、騎機車習慣的有無、開汽車習慣的有無;心理層面變數包括產品涉入度、忠誠度、合理價格認知、時間壓力、財務壓力;市場環境變數包括居住地家庭式、連鎖式及高級式美髮店店數,以及對居住地此三類型美髮店消費滿意度。 本研究以東區美髮店消費者做為問卷發放對象,共計434份,透過多變量回歸分析,驗證出在探討影響消費者花費交通時間及其他行為的因素時,三種類變數共同考量可使整體解釋力提高,若三類變數個別討論時,只能解釋一小部分原因。 研究顯果顯示以下幾點:第一,影響消費者至美髮店交通時間的變數為「可支配所得」、「機車有無」及「涉入度」,意指當可支配所得愈高、有騎幾車的習慣或產品涉入度愈高者,將花愈久的交通時間。第二,影響消費者至美髮店頻率的變數為「可支配所得」及「美髮店種類」,意指可支配所得愈高者至美髮店頻率愈低,而高級式美髮店消費者比連鎖式美髮店消費者消費頻次更高。第三,影響消費者更換髮型頻率的變數為「年齡」,即年齡愈高,更換髮型頻率愈高。第四,影響消費者美髮花費佔每月可支配所得比例的變數為「年齡」及「涉入度」,意指年齡愈小、產品涉入度愈高者,花費支出佔比將愈高。此外,對於「外地消費」有幾點特別發現,第一,在性別上,離東區愈遠的都市消費族群中,男性消費比例愈高;第二,在年齡上,離東區愈遠的都市,年輕族群比例愈大,但忠誠度卻會因離消費地點愈遠而愈低。第三,住在遠距區的消費者,當決定要去外地消費時,七成以上會以高級式美髮店為主。 最後,從研究實證中,勾勒出台北市東區美髮店的腹地範圍,並從研究結論中對東區高級式及連鎖式美髮店提出行銷策略方案上的建議。 / Every company considers the potential of marketplace. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of Demographic, psychographic and Geographic factors on consumer’s transportation and consumption to Beauty Salon. Demographic variables include gender, age, education, motorcycle and car. Psychographic variables include product involvement, loyalty, reasonable price sensation, time pressure, and money pressure. Geographic variables include high level, chain and beauty salon store number near consumer’s house and the satisfaction for the beauty salon. The findings of this study illustrated three points. First, people who are of higher income group, or have motorcycle, or have higher product involvement will spend more transportation time. Second, people visit to beauty salon more often if they have higher income or visit elite level beauty salon. Third, older people change their hair style quickly than younger people. Fourth, people with younger or have higher involvement will spend less percentage of income on beauty salon. In addition, there are some special findings for out shopping consumer behaviors. First, the percentage of male population is higher where their houses are far from eastern area. Second, the percentage of young people is higher if their houses are far from eastern area. Finally, people with far from eastern area, seventy percent people decide high level beauty salon rather than chain beauty salon. This research provides some implications for marketing, including the potential of the marketplace and whom they could target.

部落格的品牌社群經營與購買意願之關係研究 / A study of blog about relationship between brand community management and purchase intention

潘彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
藉由部落格來經營線上社群的情形已久,但這幾年在部落格上出現一種新的敘事呈現方式,亦即藉由圖文形式,透過詼諧手法來分享生活瑣事或人生觀念,同時以版主(即部落格經營者與圖文創作者)所發起之創意、話題接龍來不斷擴展並豐富部落格上的內容。而藉由圖文角色的創造與自由免費下載,這些圖文流通在部分即時通訊軟體當中,提高了這些圖文角色的曝光度,同時也為版主帶來商機。版主透過哪些方式來經營線上社群,並將之導入商業運作,為本研究之動機。 因此本研究透過文獻整理,建立了線上品牌社群經營之探討層面,此層面包含了「部落格行銷特性」、「社群活動參與程度」、「活動實際認知與期待落差」等三個構面,同時納入「個人涉入度」與「購買意願」等構面,來探討這些構面之間的關係。然後針對回應於個案部落格上的各個成員進行問卷調查,再以因素分析進行構面修整等前測,之後正式發放問卷,回收有效問卷為364份,以SPSS套裝統計軟體進行典型相關分析,來探討構面之間的影響關係。 研究結果發現「部落格行銷特性」構面當中的「讀者針對性」為首要關鍵因素,而經由質化訪談資料分析指出,在此種類型部落格經營取向裡,「讀者針對性」為「資訊豐富性」、「互動性」的基礎。而「社群活動參與程度」亦為關鍵因素之一,尤其是活動的發起與舉辦手法,應透過詼諧趣味與簡單易懂的遊戲規則來進行,同時非實質商業性目的的活動佔大部分,此類活動的功能在於提高社群的參與感、認同與信任感;而商業性質的活動則應在部落格內容中佔較小篇幅,以避免社群成員的厭惡,畢竟此種圖文創作類型的部落格,是以非商業性質的圖文免費自由下載使用為基礎來經營的。而藉由上述的「部落格行銷特性」與「社群活動參與程度」來提升社群成員對於部落格的「個人涉入度」,進而提升社群成員對此品牌的產品之購買意願。 最後,社群成員的「活動實際認知與期待落差」沒有對於「個人涉入度」及「購買意願」造成影響。經由觀察個案部落格當中得知,因為目前所舉辦的活動相對來說較單純,並沒有營造出複雜且嚴謹的階級關係或制度,同時版主會以詼諧自嘲手法來降低社群成員對活動的期待,從而減少成員對於活動實際認知與期待之落差。 / There has been a new type of narration based on blog. That is, sharing trivial or thoughts of lives via interesting pictures with words, enriching content on the certain blog through sharing activities on gossips or ideas. The created characters expose through being used in certain instant message tool, which brought creator business. Based on literature review, the study built up an aspect to discuss managing on-line brand community, including blog marketing features, how much the community join activities. And we included personal involvement and purchase intention to discuss the relationships among these aspects. After processing questionnaires by factor analysis for pilot testing, then we retrieved 364 questionnaires for canonical correlation analysis to discuss the relationships among the aspects. In the outcome, it’s found that the relevancy on the blog for members is the most important one of the key success factors. Quantities’ data analysis indicated that the relevancy on the blog for members is the basis of information richness and interactivity. How much members join the activity is the key factor also, the way to announce the activity should be via interesting and easy rules; meanwhile, non-commercial determination activity takes major part. This kind of activity supposedly focuses on enhancing sense of joining, identification, and trust among members. By contrast, commercial determination activity should take minor part in content on the blog for fear of being excluded by given members since this kind of blog has been managed on the basis of non-commercially free downloading created characters. blogger could enhance the involvement by means of blog marketing features and how much members join the activity, then lift purchase intention of members toward the brand products. No effect has been made by gap of the awareness toward activity on personal involvement and purchase intention. Through observing the blog, it indicates that the activities held so far are relatively pure and easy, which means no complex and solid hierarchy has been set up in the activities; furthermore, blogger scales down members’ expectation of activities by using interesting and self-sarcastic approaches.

廣告標語對產品態度與購買意願影響之研究-以產品涉入程度為調節變數 / The Influence of Advertising Slogans on Attitude Toward Product and Purchase Intention - Using Product Involvement as Moderator

潘皓天 Unknown Date (has links)
2015年的今日是一個充斥著各種媒體的社會,我們每天都會接觸到形形色色的廣告標語。根據前人之研究,廣告標語是一項普遍且相當有效的行銷技術。企業打廣告的最終目的無非是提高銷售量,而之前的研究探討廣告標語對購買意願影響者較少,也較少針對廣告標語進行分類後來探討其效果。故本研究使用理性與感性兩大類、共16種不同策略訴求之廣告 標語作為探討主題,以問卷調查方式來研究其對產品態度及購買意願二種廣告效果之影響,並以產品涉入程度(高/低)作為調節變數。 本研究使用「汽車」作為高涉入產品,「罐裝咖啡」作為低涉入產品來進行平面廣告的實驗,實驗對象為政治大學的大學生、研究生,以及PTT論壇上e-Shopping版的版友,共回收1,002份有效問卷,根據本研究之分析結果,可以得到以下發現: 一、 使用廣告標語的廣告文案可以增加消費者的購買意願。 二、 廣告標語的理性程度越高,消費者會形成更佳的產品態度及購買意願。 三、 產品態度與購買意願兩變數間存在顯著正向關係。 四、 產品態度在廣告標語理性程度與購買意願間具有部分中介效果。 五、 產品涉入程度在廣告標語理性程度與產品態度及購買意願間不具調節效果。 六、 在高涉入產品中,使用「類別訴求標語」、「理念形象訴求標語」、「功效訴求標語」能使消費者有較佳的產品態度及購買意願。 七、 在低涉入產品中,使用「理念形象訴求標語」、「類別訴求標語」能使消費者有較佳的產品態度及購買意願。 根據本研究之結果,廣告標語在行銷上擔任了非常重要的地位,且廣告標語越為理性消費者的反應也越好。因此建議行銷或廣告從業人員在設計廣告標語時,可以先往理性這個大方向著手,再搭配適當訴求策略的廣告標語,以達到最佳的廣告效果。 / It is now a society with plenty of medias, and everyday there are many kinds of advertising slogans showing up in front of our eyes. According to previous studies, advertising slogan itself is one of very common and effective marketing techniques. The most important purpose for companies to launch an advertisement is to increase the sales of their products or services. However, few studies have discussed the relation between advertising slogan and purchase intention or sorting advertising slogans by different appeals. Therefore, this study used rational and emotional advertising slogans (with 16 different types of appeals in total), and add product involvement as moderator, to discuss their influence on attitude toward product and purchase intention. This study used car as high-involvement product and canned coffee as low-involvement product to conduct an advertisement experiment. 1,002 people from the students of NCCU and the users of “e-Shopping” online fourm on PTT participated in the experiment. The several findings include: 1. Using advertising slogans in an advertising copy can increase purchase intention. 2. Rational advertising slogans led to better attitude toward product and purchase intention. 3. There is a positive relation between attitude toward product and purchase intention. 4. Attitude toward product has a partial mediator effect between the rational level of slogan and purchase intention. 5. Product involvement does not have moderator effect between the rational level of slogan and attitude toward product (purchase intention). 6. In high-involvement product, the “category appeal slogans”, “ideal and image slogans” and “function slogans” led to a better attitude toward product and purchase intention. 7. In low-involvement product, the “category appeal slogans” and “ideal and image slogans” led to a better attitude toward product and purchase intention. According to the findings, slogan is an important marketing technique. The more rational a slogan is, the better reaction a consumer has. People who work as marketing or advertising staffs can take this result into consideration when they are designing the slogans of their products or services to get the better advertising effectiveness.

為什麼他們喜歡文化創意商品?從消費者特質與涉入度觀之 / Why do they like cultural creative products? From the perspectives of consumer personality and involvement

黃凱琳 Unknown Date (has links)
根據文獻,Zaichkowsky (1985)提到個人特質(如對自身重要性、興趣、價值觀)會影響涉入度(involvement),而許多學者也指出涉入度與商品態度息息相關(Laurent and Kapferer, 1985; Zaichowsky, 1985; Barki and Hartwick, 1989),本研究想要了解消費者特質、涉入度與文化創意商品態度三者的關係,以提供文化創意商品設計時的參考。 本研究根據文獻探討歸納出文化創意商品的重要面向有美感、文化及創意,並根據這些重要面向找出相關的消費者特質,這些特質包含了美感中心性(the centrality of visual product aesthetics, CVPA)、懷舊心理(nostalgia)、地方依附(Place attachment)以及新奇追求性(novelty seeking)。本研究想知道具有上述特質的消費者對於相關文化創意商品面向的涉入度(美感涉入度、文化涉入度、創意涉入度)是否不同,而又是否透過涉入度的中介而影響文化創意商品的態度。於是將消費者特質做為自變項,文化創意商品態度做為依變項,提出假設。 本研究使用調查法收集有效問卷共313份,利用線性迴歸驗證假設。在美感面向得知:「美感中心性」越高的消費者,其「美感涉入度」越高。而「美感涉入度」在「美感中心性」與「文化創意商品態度」的影響上有部份中介的效果存在;在文化面向得知:「懷舊心理」越高的消費者,其「文化涉入度」越低、「地方依附」越高的消費者,其文化涉入度越高,且「文化涉入度」在「地方依附」與「文化創意商品態度」的影響上有部分中介的效果;在創意面向得知:「新奇追求性」越高的消費者,其「創意涉入度」越高。而「創意涉入度」在「新奇追求性」與「文化創意商品態度」的關係中有部分中介的效果。 根據本研究結果得知具有美感中心性、地方依附與新奇追求性特質的消費者因其自身對於文化創意商品的美感涉入度或者或文化涉入度或者創意涉入度較高,因此對於文化創意商品的態度較正面。

從ELM理論看WeChat與Weibo之資訊流廣告效果 / A research of news feed ads effect between WeChat and Weibo: based on Elaboration Likelihood Model

陳奕杭, Chen, Yihang Unknown Date (has links)
行動時代的到來為社群媒體帶來了發展的春天,原生廣告也隨之應運而生,成為備受社群媒體青睞的新興廣告形式。而在中國市場,WeChat與Weibo這兩大社群媒體自2012年起相繼推出了資訊流廣告服務,並不斷試水新的技術和表現形式。兩者的資訊流廣告在運作機制和表現形式上雖有所雷同,但仍各有特點,其中最主要的差異體現在廣告訊息的按讃者和按讃數量上。 因此,本研究以WeChat和Weibo為研究對象,援引推敲可能性模式理論,希望探究消費者在觀看WeChat和Weibo資訊流廣告時,是否會因為廣告訊息按讚者或按讚數量的不同,在品牌態度和購買意願上產生差異。 本研究採用實驗室實驗法,招募60名國立政治大學非傳播相關科系的大陸籍學生進行實驗。研究結果發現WeChat和Weibo的資訊流廣告訊息接收者在品牌態度和購買意願的形塑歷程上確實存在差異:就WeChat而言,廣告訊息可信度更能正向影響消費者的品牌態度和購買意願;就Weibo而言,感知按讃數量更能正向影響消費者的購買意願,但對品牌態度不構成顯著影響。 / Native advertising has emerged both as an exciting new way for digital marketers to engage with the consumer, and as a new source of advertising revenue for social media. In the China market, news feed ad, a major type of native advertising, has been very popular in WeChat and Weibo since 2012. Visually the native advertisement in these two social media seem pretty similar, but they have enough differences to make them different, particularly in the differences of likers and the number of likes on advertisement. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) adopted by Harkins and Petty, this study focus on WeChat and Weibo and try to clarify the differences of consumer’s information processing, brand attitude and purchase intention between these two social media, which has various social tie strength. Adopting an laboratory experimentation, a total of 60 samples, participated in this study during January, 2017. Finding of this study show the differences of brand attitude and purchase intention towards news feed ad when subjects are exposed to WeChat between Weibo. In WeChat, message credibility indicate more significant influence on the brand attitude and purchase intention towards native advertisement rather than perceived number of likes. Oppositely perceived number of likes positively influence on purchase intention towards native advertisement in Weibo.

閱聽人對電視新聞創「議」置入產品訊息接收之研究 / A study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news a study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news

許臻耘, Hsu, Tseng Yun Unknown Date (has links)
電視新聞置入性行銷雖是新興現象,但在新聞界蔓延已成為普遍現象,成為影響新聞產製的重要力量。電視新聞置入性行銷,以較為迂迴、精心設計,與新聞內容融合一體,使消費者難以區辨到底是新聞,還是為商品廣告的行銷訊息。國內目前研究,多是探討此種行銷方式,對新聞專業與新聞工作者的影響,尚未見對閱聽人接收與影響面向的研究。是故,本研究欲探究閱聽人對於產品置入性新聞之接收評價,在溝通效果中扮演的角色。 本研究以實驗法進行,採取三因子實驗設計,為2(置入型態:顯性/隱性)*2(論點品質:強論點/弱論點)*2(產品涉入度:高涉入/低涉入)*2=8個產品置入策略組合,為避免受試者觀看不同產品的效果差異,故讓每位受試者觀看分別看高低二種產品涉入度的實驗影片,形成4個實驗組別,共邀集185位受測者參與,回收有效問卷164份,有效回收率為88.65%。  研究結果發現,「產品置入型態」對置入性新聞溝通效果未有顯著影響。「訊息論點品質」是影響產品置入性新聞的關鍵因素,對產品置入性新聞之溝通效果影響最為顯著;採取強論點訊息,能引發閱聽人較正向的接收評價,不論是訊息接受度、可信度與資訊性皆有較佳的評價,進而影響消費者對品牌的態度,對訊息的記憶程度亦有相對較佳的表現。閱聽人對「置入性行銷的既存態度」影響閱聽人接收不同論點品質的溝通效果:即置入性行銷持以高既存態度者,暴露於強論點品質之產品置入性新聞,比暴露於弱論點品質時產生更多支持性的想法、較高的記憶效果與較佳的訊息態度。 / Although being an emerging phenomenon, the product placement on TV News has spread into an universal phenomenon in the News circles, and become an important force influencing News production. With relatively roundabout and meticulous design, the Product Placement on TV News is well integrated with the News content, making consumers difficult to distinguish it from News and Marketing message of product. Present domestic researches are mainly investigating the impact of such marketing method on journalism and the News workers, but still haven’t focused on the reception and the influence of the audience. Therefore, this study is to investigate the audience’s reception comments on the Product Placemen on TV News and their roles in communication effect. This study adopts the experimentation of three-factor experimental design, which are 2 Placement Types (prominent/subtle) *2 Argument Qualities (strong /weak) *2 Product involvements (High /Low). A total of 185 participants were invited and all of them were randomized to watch the experimental films, and required to fill out the questionnaires after watching. A total of 164 effective questionnaires were returned, with a valid return rate of 88.65%. The results of this study show that the “Type of PPL” has no significant impact on the communication effect of the Product Placement on TV News. The “Message Argument Quality” is the key factor influencing the Product Placement on TV News. Using strong argument messages can trigger the audience’s relatively positive reception comments in message acceptability, News credibility and message informativeness and then impact the consumers’ attitudes towards brands. Also, it has relatively better performance on the recall degree towards messages.The audience’s existing attitudes towards the Placement Marketing impact their communication effects in receiving different argument qualities. The Placement Marketing with high existing attitudes will produce more supportive thoughts, higher recall effect and better message attitude when exposed in Product Placement on TV News of strong argument quality than that exposed in product placement news of weak argument quality.

引導式關鍵字行銷-影響消費者搜尋意願因素之研究 / Orienting-marketing-a study of effects of consumers' search intention

張逸婷, Chang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字廣告現已成為搜尋引擎最大的收入來源,全球付費搜尋廣告的年增率被預測有37%,並將在2010將達到330億美金的市場。現今,關鍵字廣告已發展成跨媒體的形式。大眾媒體除了以傳統的形式傳達廣告訊息以外,同時誘使消費者進一步上搜尋引擎搜尋商品資訊。並藉由此形式而發展出新型態的「引導式關鍵字行銷」。因此,本研究採用多元性研究方法(Pluralistic Research Methodologies)以探討此種新型態廣告的效果及如何提升消費者的搜尋意願? 本研究結合質化及量化研究。第一階段透過質化研究的焦點團體訪談法(FGD,Focus Group Discussion)蒐集消費者對整合性關鍵字行銷的意見,以釐清本研究之問題核心,並與業界人士進行深入訪談以了解實務運作模式及成功關鍵。第二階段則採實驗法進行研究,將「關鍵字類型」(分為兩層次:品牌名稱相關、產品屬性相關)以及「產品類型」(分為三層次:低度創新產品、中度創新產品、高度創新產品)設為自變項,並將廣告溝通效果作為應變項,分別為「廣告記憶」與「搜尋意願」。除此之外,並將可能干擾實驗結果的兩項因素視為個人差異變項加以分析,分別為「產品涉入度」與「先前產品知識」。 研究結果顯示,消費者產品涉入度及先前產品知識對搜尋意願有顯著的正向影響。同時,消費者在對產品有需求時會有較高的搜尋意願。而關鍵字類型及產品創新性對消費者的搜尋意願並沒有造成顯著影響。 / Keyword advertising has become the largest source of revenue for search engines. Now, keyword advertising has developing into a new cross-media style. Mass media not only release advertising messages but also orient consumers to search more details of merchandise online. As the result, the study use Pluralistic Research Methodologies to investigate how to Increase consumers’ search intention. The first stage we use Focus Group Discussion to clarify the research questions. And do Depth interview with Industry to understand the Practical operation and the Success Factors. In the second stage, the study proceeded in experiment method. Two factors “Keyword Type” and “Product Type” are used to compose a 2X3 factorial design experiment, and then bring “Product involvement” and “Prior Product Knowledge” in as the Moderator. Furthermore, the study adopted “Memory in Advertising Message” and “Search Intention” as the depend variables. Result shows that, product involvement and prior product knowledge have a significant positive effect to the search intention. In addition, results of keyword type and product type are not remarkable overall. Keywords: Orienting-

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