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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新上市股票與原股票之互補替代研究-以聯電、台積電、精英與大陸工程為例 / A Case Study on Substitutability and Complementarity of IPOs

蔣璧雲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究想探討新上市股票到底吸引哪些投資人,是依據財務理論為達到分散風險而多角化,還是純粹因為投資人對於某些產業類別的資訊比較熟悉,因此只偏好集中投資某些產業股票,導致產生同時交易的”互補效果”。 隨著市場發展到某個階段投資人必然要尋找替代品,即價格更低的類似股票,這種“替代效果”使市場更趨於理性。台灣股市是否有新股對舊股的替代效果,導致投資人產生明顯的“喜新厭舊”情結。由於常發生新股上市後漲幅較大,是否因此增強投資人對新上市股票的興趣,使投資人資金配置跟著往新上市股票傾斜。 本文資料期間為1990年到2004年,由於聯電上市日期較早,又聯電與台積電同屬晶圓代工最常被比較,另外選了上市日期與台積電接近的公司作為對照,分別為電子股的精英與營建股的大陸工程為樣本。 以拓展整體市場的投資人數為目的,台積電吸引比較多新股上市前已經存在市場交易過的投資人;另外在這三家新上市公司的總投資人數中,台積電的新加入市場投資人比重最大。以三家新上市股票與聯電關係之比較,對本文所定義之互補性與替代性有顯著一致皆為正向影響之變數為Size與Turnover;當納入產業作為熟悉度的代理變數時也同為顯著正向影響。若再先以是否持續交易聯電投資人是否交易三家新上市股票投資人,兩群追蹤比對發現,仍然是台積電有較高的互補性與替代性。

公仔背後故事擬人化程度高低與消費者思考模式差異對消費者網頁態度、品牌態度與購買意願之影響 / The effects of character figure's personified stories and consumer's preferences during infomation processing on consumaer's attitude toward webpage, attitude toward brand and purchase intention.

李佾璇, Lee, Yi-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣行銷市場中,公仔行銷儼然成為一種熱潮。觀察現今公仔行銷概況之後,本研究歸納出「公仔」與「擬人化」的定義,並且進一步探討公仔背後故事擬人化程度之高低會影響消費者對於公仔的熟悉度與喜好度,以及公仔熟悉度對於公仔故事擬人化程度的高低與公仔的喜好度的中介效果。許多相關研究文獻也指出,當消費者對於角色代言人產生喜好也會對該品牌以及產品產生較好的廣告態度、品牌態度與購買意願,因此本研究認為,消費者對公仔的喜好度會影響到網頁態度、品牌態度與購買意願。 另一方面,本研究也加入消費者個人差異來做探討。欲瞭解消費者個人資訊處理偏好的差異,也就是依賴本能—經驗思考模式與依賴分析—理性思考模式的消費者與公仔故事擬人化程度高低的交互作用,是否會影響到消費者對公仔的熟悉度、喜好度與廣告效果。 研究結果發現,公仔故事擬人化程度的高低確實會影響消費者對於公仔的熟悉度與喜好度,而公仔熟悉度對於公仔故事擬人化程度的高低與公仔的喜好度之中介效果也獲得證實。另一方面,在個人資訊處理偏好與公仔故事擬人化程度高低之交互作用的部分,假設驗證結果發現,交互作用確實會影響公仔熟悉度,但是交互作用對於公仔喜好度的影響接近顯著卻未達顯著,因此公仔熟悉度之中介效果則不成立。但是研究進一步檢驗交互作用透過公仔熟悉度影響網頁態度、品牌態度與購買意願的中介效果時,卻發現交互作用確實透過公仔熟悉度影響了品牌態度與購買意願。 這樣的研究結果可以提供給未來欲執行公仔行銷之企業在策略擬定上之參考。建議行銷人員在規劃公仔行銷手法時多考慮「擬人化」的包裝方式,運用高擬人的公仔故事可以將角色塑造的活靈活現,讓消費者對於公仔產生熟悉度,感覺更親近,再進一步提升他們對於公仔的態度與行為。另外,當企業在擬定公仔行銷策略時應多加考慮消費者的個人差異。建議先找出目標消費者慣用的資訊處理方式,再根據他們的偏好設計公仔故事與產品訊息。

服務便利性、服務品質與忠誠度關係之研究 / The relationship among service convenience, service quality, and loyalty

楊愛君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據Oliver(1997, 1999)所提出之「認知-情感-意欲之忠誠架構」,探討品牌可信度及服務便利性對服務品質與忠誠度之關係所產生的影響,並進一步驗證熟悉度之調節效果。因此,本研究之目的為:(1)檢驗服務便利性與知覺服務品質、整體滿意度及忠誠度之關係;(2)探討品牌可信度對服務便利性及知覺服務品質之影響;(3)驗證熟悉度對服務便利性與整體滿意度及知覺服務品質與整體滿意度之調節效果。 本研究蒐集362份問卷,其中354份為有效樣本。在研究分析方面,本研究運用結構方程模式進行模式配適度檢定及假設驗證。 研究結果發現,品牌可信度對服務便利性及知覺服務品質皆有正向之影響,其次,服務便利性會正向影響整體滿意度及忠誠度,而知覺服務品質中,僅員工品質與服務便利性有正向之關聯。最後,滿意度會正向影響到顧客忠誠度。在熟悉度方面,本研究之分析結果亦證實不同程度之熟悉對知覺服務品質與滿意度間之關係會產生不同的調節效果。 / This research bases on the cognitive-affective-conative loyalty framework of Oliver (1997, 1999) and tests how service convenience and brand credibility affect the relationship between service quality and loyalty. These relationships are then hypothesized to be moderated by high versus low knowledge. Therefore, the purposes of this research are: (1) examining how service convenience affects service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty; (2) examining if brand credibility affect service convenience and service quality; (3) testing whether familiarity moderate the relationship between service convenience and satisfaction and the relationship between service quality and satisfaction. This research received a total of 362 returned questionnaires, in which 354 were valid, and the proposed model was evaluated using SEM, which is a powerful second-generation multivariate technique for analyzing causal models with an estimation of the two components of a causal model: measurement and structural models. The results show that brand credibility has positive relationship with both service convenience and service quality. Second, service convenience has positive impact on both satisfaction and loyalty, but only employee service quality has positive relationship with service convenience. Third, satisfaction and loyalty have positive relationship. Finally, the relationship between service quality and satisfaction is moderated by familiarity.


劉淨云, Liu,Ching-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在於觀察對話者之間的熟悉度對於外語學習者的語言影響。溝通互動性質的作業能提供語言學習者機會來對話;然而,很少有學者研究對話者之間的社會層面對於溝通互動的影響。在此研究中,實驗對象是一群台灣的高一生,程度介於全民英檢初級和中級之間,他們依彼此間熟悉程度的調查而分成19個熟悉組和不熟悉組,並進行三種不同性質的溝通作業,再分別計算negotiation for meaning,language-related episodes,和recasts的使用次數。量化分析的結果顯示對話者之間的熟悉度並沒有造成以上三種溝通特性的顯著性差異,唯有在作業類型中有顯著性差異。但質性研究發現由於權力關係帶來的張力,對話者間的熟悉度會因著面子的考量而造成互動模式的些微差異,對於學習者的情意層面、投入程度和溝通策略的使用產生一定的影響。此結果將對於語言課室中配對練習有重要的教學啟示。 / The purpose of this paper is to observe how the interlocutors' familiarity influences the language produced by EFL (English as a foreign language) students. It is widely argued that communicative language tasks may provide learners with opportunities to manipulate and modify their language productions, which in turn helps learners develop their target language. However, few studies concern the social dimension of interlocutors in task-based interactions. In this study, some senior high school English learners in Taiwan were divided into 19 familiar and 19 unfamiliar pairs. Every dyad was engaged in the picture differences task, the describe-and-draw task, and the discussion task. Negotiation for meaning, language-related episodes, and recasts viewed as crucial to second language acquisition (SLA) were interactional features used for quantitative analysis. The results showed that interlocutor’s familiarity had no significant effect; only in task types did the researcher find discernable differences. Opposed to such negative results, the qualitative analyses showed a divergence of interactional patterns due to the face issue resulting from social dynamics. Learners’ interloctutors’ familiarity, which may impact learners’ affective domain and conversational strategy use, may bring some pedagogical implications for pair work in second language classroom teaching.

捷克民眾眼中的台灣國家形象與產品形象:國家與產品熟悉度之角色 / Country and product images of Taiwan among the Czech people: the role of country and product familiarity

楊伯瑞, Borek Janecek Unknown Date (has links)
In the globalized economy of today, countries compete among each other for tourists, investors or shares in export markets. In order to achieve their goals, they must carefully build and maintain their reputations internationally, much like commercial brands do. This study evaluates the country image of Taiwan in the Czech Republic, and its effect on perception of Made-in-Taiwan products by Czech consumers. For comparative purposes, images and product perceptions of Japan and China are also included in the study. Extra focus is also placed on the impact of consumers’ knowledge of the country on their perception of country image and country products. The data was gathered through an online survey (252 respondents) and the research reveals several important findings. First, the country and product perceptions of Taiwan in the Czech Republic are on average slightly positive to positive, dismissing the negative assessment of the Made-in-Taiwan product label. Second, the knowledge of the Czech people about Taiwan is extremely limited. Third, perception of Taiwan’s country image shows a strong positive correlation with consumers’ subjective and objective knowledge of Taiwan. Fourth, the stereotypical positive image of Japanese products and negative image of Chinese products is confirmed here.

聲調標記與詞彙熟悉度對華語學習者閱讀影響之眼動研究 / The influence of tone marker and word familiarity on reading of Chinese learners : An eye-tracking study

許宇萱, Hsu, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
對華語學習者而言,漢字的諸多特性使漢字閱讀成為學習者面臨的難點之一,而華語聲調也是許多學習者在聽和說上的難點。閱讀為連結字形與字音,再對應至字義的過程,因此本文以華語學習者為對象,嘗試找出漢字閱讀與華語聲調之間的關係,以不同形式的聲調標記(tone marker)作為視覺提示及不同熟悉度(word familiarity)的詞彙作為操弄變項,使用眼動儀(eye-tracker)為實驗工具,設計閱讀理解作業,了解聲調標記及詞彙熟悉度對閱讀程度不同的華語學習者在閱讀時的影響。 實驗採完全受試者內設計,操弄三種聲調標記(聲調輪廓、聲調數字及中性刺激)的實驗句呈現方式與實驗句中的目標詞熟悉程度(高、低),記錄閱讀實驗句的眼動資料。實驗共分三階段進行,每一階段受試者需閱讀具相同聲調標記的實驗句,並回答隨機出現的理解題;研究同時輔以中文年級認字量表、LEAP-Q問卷及目標詞理解程度問卷三項工具來評定受試者客觀及主觀上的中文閱讀程度差異,以及主觀對操弄目標詞的理解程度。眼動資料包含整體性、區域性及以實驗句中每個詞為單位分析的三種眼動表現,並以閱讀能力為分析變項,比較閱讀能力高、低兩組眼動表現的異同。 研究發現無論學習者閱讀程度為何,皆可以穩定地看到熟悉度的效果,閱讀高熟悉度詞彙的速度較快,顯示熟悉度影響了閱讀歷程。而聲調標記的效果較不明顯,但是聲調標記對低程度組的影響較大,且在閱讀高熟悉度詞彙時,添加帶有較多資訊的聲調輪廓標記可能是一種干擾,反之在閱讀低熟悉度詞彙時,可以幫助學習者辨識字詞。而在中文年級認字量表的結果中,有部分學習者容易將字唸為含有該字雙字詞的另一個字(蝶唸為蝴),這可能與學習者傾向以詞彙為單位記憶有關,因此本文也在最後進行詞素教學的相關討論,並針對華語學習者提出教學建議。

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