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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以實質選擇權觀點評估收購計劃之策略價值:G公司收購W公司案 / M&A enterprise value evaluation by real option

王勝弘 Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯提供企業以最低成本進行併購的機會,企業藉此達到外部成長的目的,但併購案之綜效價值如何轉化成有意義的數據,幫助主併公司進行併購價格的評估,是許多企業在進行併購時的疑問。   本研究的目的為運用企業評價中的現金流量折現法與實質選擇權法,來進行神基科技收購華孚科技之併購價值評估。本研究利用現金流量折現法與實質選擇權評價法相互搭配,將各項決策所創造之彈性價值納入分析,更充分涵蓋併購策略的綜效價值。   研究結果顯示,若不考量選擇權彈性價值,則神基科技收購華孚科技所付出之溢價很高,已接近華孚之未來可能價值。加入了選擇權價值之擴充性淨現值比收購價格高出很多,顯示主併公司在評估該收購案時,可能已考量策略彈性價值。 / Financial crisis leads to an opportunity for the enterprise to do mergers and acquisitions at the lower cost. The enterprise could achieve external growth by mergers and acquisitions. However, how to translate the synergy of merger into meaningful data to help companies evaluate the accurate acquisition price during M&A is important and difficult. The objective of this study is to use the evaluation methods of enterprise value during M&A process, including discounted cash flow method (DCF) and real options method, to accurately evaluate the enterprise value of the combined one. The foundation will be based on the evaluation on the two existing companies. Then the assumption of the running situation after merging, and the judgment of the dimension of coordination effects will be the key points.

公司規模及產業競爭對於CEO現金薪酬與 正、負股票報酬不對稱關聯性之研究 / The effect of firm size and industry competition on asymmetric sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to stock returns

王姿惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公司規模及產業競爭對CEO現金薪酬與股票報酬敏感性之影響。根據Leone et al. (2006)之研究,認為依未實現利得而給付之現金薪酬將產生事後交割成本,未實現損失可能遞延CEO之決策責任。由於未實現損益可反映至股票報酬上,因此有效率的現金薪酬契約對含有未實現利得之正股票報酬的敏感性低於含有未實現損失之負股票報酬,顯示現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬之敏感性呈現不對稱關係。本研究以此文獻作延伸,探究CEO現金薪酬與股票報酬之敏感關聯性及其不對稱性關係是否受公司規模與產業競爭之影響。 以ExecuComp資料庫2000年至2009年的CEO現金薪酬樣本進行迴歸分析,結果發現公司規模愈大,現金薪酬對市場績效之敏感性愈大,顯示為避免CEO從事會計盈餘管理,公司現金薪酬之給付更著重於市場績效之衡量;產業競爭方面,產業競爭愈激烈,現金薪酬與市場績效之敏感性愈小,符合風險差異化假說。關於CEO現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬敏感性之不對稱關係,實證結果顯示大規模公司及產業競爭程度較高者對CEO決策之審慎性更加要求,因此CEO現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬敏感性之不對稱的差距愈大。 / This study investigates the effect of firm size and industry competition on the asymmetric sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to the stock returns. Leone et al. (2006) shows that since stock returns include both unrealized gains and losses, cash compensation would be less sensitive to stock returns when returns contains unrealized gains (positive returns) than when returns contain unrealized losses (negative returns). As an extension, this study examines whether firm size and industry competition affect the sensitivity of cash compensation to market performance and the asymmetry of sensitivity of cash compensation to stock returns. Based on the CEO cash compensation during 2000 and 2009 from ExecuComp database, the empirical results show that the firm size has positive effect on sensitivity of cash compensation to market performance while the industry competition has negative effect. Moreover, the asymmetry of sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to stock returns increases as firm size and industry competition increase.

股票市場發展對企業現金持有決策之探討 / The effect of development of the stock market on the decision of corporate cash holdings

謝明諺 Unknown Date (has links)
Bates et al.(2009)之實證發現,美國公司自1980年至2006年之間,平均現金比率有大幅上升的現象,但由於全球資本市場逐漸走向自由化與國際化,因此任一國家的資本市場若受到了某些衝擊,將會迅速地影響、擴散到其他國家,因此本研究認為,現金持有量的改變可能並非單一存在於某幾個國家,而是更廣泛地存在於世界各國;另外,就公司企業的融資決策而言,由於公司本身所持有之現金可能與企業融資決策的改變有較為直接的關係,因此當融資方式有所改變的時候,將較容易於現金比率上反映出來,據此,研究資本市場的變化對企業現金比率的影響,將對瞭解企業融資方式的改變有所助益。因此,本研究以世界35國國內之上市公司為樣本,分析使企業現金比率產生變化的可能原因。 本研究所選用之財務指標以及非財務指標之參數估計值為顯著者,均符合預防性動機(The Precautionary Motive)、代理問題(The Agency Motive),或是Bates et al.(2009)所提出的「交易成本的考量」等論點;另外,研究結果亦顯示,不論是依循Fama and French (1998)之計量方法,或是使用時間序列截面迴歸(TSCSREG: Time Series Cross Section Regression)之分析方式,在1996年之後,一直到2008年為止,公司的現金比率均會因為股票市場的相對發展程度較高而較高,本研究認為上述現象可能與公司於股票市場上取得資金所需承擔的發行成本之高低有關,此結論亦與前述預防性動機之推論相符合(The Precautionary Motive)。


胡營欽, Hu, Ying Ching Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究多將焦點集中在增加高階經理人薪酬,將可促使高階經理人為公司股東的權益努力,為此探討提昇股東權益包含高階經理人獎酬與公司績效間的關聯,卻忽略了其與風險間的關係。高階經理人員可能因為獎酬的激勵,從事對公司有利且風險較低的計畫,也可能會為了提高自身的權利,將風險轉嫁給公司,因此激發出探討高階經理人員獎酬與公司風險間的關係的研究動機。 本研究以KMV模型之預期違約率作為公司風險之參數,探討高階經理人之 薪酬、自由現金流量、KMV信用風險之關係,同時瞭解公司規模是否影響高階 經理人薪酬、自由現金流量及公司績效與公司KMV信用風險間的關係。 研究結果顯示,公司高階經理人的薪酬與公司違約風險呈負相關,即高階經理人薪酬的提高,確能降低公司的違約風險,但此現象僅在大規模公司才能發現。此外,就自由現金流量而言,小規模公司之自由現金流量愈多,存在較高的風險,惟有提高公司營運績效,方能減緩公司風險的承擔。另一方面,對於高階經理人薪酬的提升,雖然在小規模公司並沒有效果,但係有助減緩自由現金流量帶來的負向衝擊。最後,前述小結僅存在於小規模公司群體,這可能是因為,大公司擁有較高的政治成本,因此為了避免社會的關注,大公司較小公司有較好的公司治理機制,因此管理當局較不可能基於自利的動機來影響公司的風險。 / Many past researches focused on senior manager will be able to work hard for raising shareholder’s equity because of higher compensation. Many researches of raising stakeholder’s equity explored the relation between senior manager compensation and financial performance, but ignored the relation with credit risk of company. Senior managers maybe perform lower or higher risk project for themselves benefit due to some higher compensation motivation. Thus this researching will refocus on exploring the relation between senior manager compensation and company credit risk. This study will discuss the relation among senior manager compensation, FCF and KMV company credit risk by EDF of KMV model as a parameter of company credit risk. And to understand the scale of company weather influence the relation among senior manager compensation, FCF and KMV company credit risk? The results of this research show that the senior manager compensation is negatively correlated with company credit default risk. On the other hand, higher senior manager compensation will reduce the risk of company credit default, but this phenomenon can be found only in lager companies. In addition, as far as small company's FCF, the more FCF, the more there is a higher risk. Increase company's operating performance, the company credit risk can be slow down. On the other hand, in small company there is no effect on raising senior manager compensation, but it will help mitigate the negative impact of FCF. Finally, the foregoing summary is just only in small company groups, may be because larger companies have higher political cost, so in order to avoid the concern of society, larger companies have better corporate governance than small companies, thus senior manager will not be able to influence the company’s credit risk for their self-interested motivation.

長期照護制度中家庭照護者法律定位之研究──日本長期照護制度之借鏡與反思 / The status in law of family caregivers in long-term care system: Comparative to Japan's long-term care system

王吟吏 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著邁入高齡化社會,高齡者之長期照護問題,由過去完全由家庭負起長期照護責任之型態,已經無法負荷龐大的照護需求,故漸漸轉為國家介入長期照護責任之狀態。各工業國家係透過制訂社會福利政策,無論是透過提供專業居家照護;建立機構式照護服務;發給照護者現金給付;提供家庭照護者喘息服務;甚至是透過社會保險制度之建立,由社會全體共同分擔照護責任,都可看出長期照護責任已經有了轉變,從個人、家庭到國家社會。 惟自實施國家經驗可知,自1980 年代以來,政府財政經費逐漸萎縮,當長期照護需求持續增加,即使透過減少給付項目、控制成本,甚至限制每年的預算等措施,仍然無法有效的降低政府的財政負擔,正式服務提供之擴展受限之情況下,可看出由國家擔負全部照護責任已然不可能,政策制定者以及學者皆開始重新審視家庭照護之能力,以及逐漸重視家庭照護者權益。 故於建立長期照護體制之同時,也承認部分個人責任,進一步思考家庭照護者之定位,以及要如何同時兼顧家庭照護者之權益。然而,目前我國對於家庭照護者之定位仍未有太多討論,而我國目前長照制度無論在經濟上支持或其他支持性服務方面,對於家庭照護者之保障仍十分不足。故本文希望透過研究採行長照保險制度之日本經驗,以作為我國未來長照保險法制建立之重要參考。 本文希望透過對日本長照制度之研究,了解對於在長期照護保險法制度之下,家庭照護者之定位為何?建立社會保險制度後,家庭照護情形如何?是否完全可以由社會保險制度替代?若非如此,則家庭照護者之權益是否受到保障?包含喘息照護服務、經濟性支持、專業人力確保政策方面,法制規定為何?希望透過研究日本長照制度,藉此肯定家庭照護之功能,以期對於我國未來長期照護保險法之制定能有所助益外,更能達到改善家庭照護者現況之效果。

應用商業智慧於信用卡經營策略之研究 / The application of data mining in the study of the credit card business strategy

周俊隆 Unknown Date (has links)
現今國內的消費金融市場,信用卡可說是扮演著舉足輕重的地位,也是銀行大力推廣的一項金融商品。因此,信用卡的流通數量在2005卡債風暴發生前可說是呈現爆炸性成長,風暴後才有稍微減緩的現象,但大多數的銀行還是沒有放棄這塊市場,只是在信用卡發卡的控管上變得較為嚴謹,主要的原因還是隱藏於其背後的無限商機,諸如透過持卡人的消費記錄及習慣,經由交叉分析,進而推銷其他的金融商品,以賺取更多的利潤,這也說明了為何本國民營銀行願意投入大量的財力物力在信用卡業務上。 然而,過去文獻只著重於銀行傳統業務之討論,顯少對於信用卡業務之經營策略有所探討,基於上述理由,本文希望藉由差異分析、相關分析、迴歸分析及集群分析,來分析各發卡銀行的經營策略,其研究結果如下: 一、本研究發現,現階段民營銀行在信用卡業務方面的態度,乃是以穩健原則的策略,針對信用卡業務的主要收入來源,主要還是以相對穩定,且較有保障的簽帳金額手續費收入為主,反而對於預借現金手續費收入及循環信用利息收入,這種可能產生壞帳風險,且不確定性較高的收入來源,不論公營或民營銀行則皆轉為保守的態度。 二、本國民營銀行在信用卡業務的經營較公營銀行來的有效率,民營銀行在信用卡業務上的推動亦相較於公營銀行來得積極。此外透過電視媒體及報章雜誌亦不難發現,民營銀行在信用卡的行銷活動上較來的靈活且多元化,有別於公營銀行在這方面則較為保守。 三、從公營銀行集群分析分類的結果顯示,公營銀行之中,屬於中低信用卡有效卡數、中低未到期分期付款餘額、中低簽帳金額的計有6家銀行,占75%。由此顯示,公營銀行在信用卡業務推展的積極程度要再多加把勁。 四、由民營銀行集群分析分類的結果顯示,屬於中高有效卡數、中高未到期分期付款餘額、中高簽帳金額的計有11家銀行,分別是中國信託商業銀行、國泰世華商業銀行、花旗(台灣)商業銀行、玉山商業銀行、台北富邦銀行、台新國際商業銀行、永豐商業銀行、遠東國際商業銀行、聯邦商業銀行、星展(台灣)商業銀行、安泰商業銀行,占39.3%,顯示在低利差的台灣金融環境下,信用卡手續費顯然成為各民營銀行兵家必爭之地。由此也可知,民營銀行致力於信用卡業務推展的積極程度高於公營銀行。

台灣信用卡,現金卡(雙卡)信貸危機(卡債)之探討 / Study the Taiwan Credit Card and Cash Card Lending Crisis

趙菊香, Chao,chu- hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於國民所得的提升、外匯增加,消費貸款相關法令鬆綁及政府政策刺激消費下,臺灣信用卡市場在外商銀行、新銀行的強力業務主導下,從1991年到2005年歷經了蓬勃發展、同業之間的激烈競爭、現金卡的發行加入競爭行列、整合型小額信用貸款的竄出,讓金融業以市場行銷為業務主導下,逐漸放鬆銀行的授信政策。在市場競爭及飽和下,消費者過度地消費和整體經濟持續低迷,終於引爆了嚴重的信用卡、現金卡逾期無法繳款的雙卡卡債問題。本研究欲從信用卡的成長、輔助現金卡的加入競爭行列,由各代表性的銀行發展中,探討出發生嚴重逾期放款的原因,再使用各銀行提供給金融監督管理委員會的重大資訊逐一分析,作為佐證之依據。 研究結果如下: 1. 銀行業為了業務成長,並未正確及適時地看待相關風險的控管,不斷的簡化辦卡程序、提高信用額度、增加信貸總額,以期增加信貸客戶數及客戶忠誠度。 2. 銀行業在擴張業務的同時沒有充分考慮到客戶的真實收入與負債比例,進而在發生嚴重的信貸危機時,違約比率不斷增加,銀行業亦承受了相當大打銷呆帳的金額。 3. 政府主導的統一債務協商機制,各銀行已逐漸從混亂中,走上標準作業,協商成功比率陸續提升中。未來卡片市場可否走向更健全:金融業、全民、主管機關都應更謹慎地處理消費者信用貸款的問題。 / Credit card market, driven by foreign banks and local new banks, had been boosting from 1991 to 2005 derived from GDP growth, hike of foreign exchange reserves, laws ease up, and government policies creating friendlier environment to boost consumer spending. In the same time, banks’ credit policies were loosened due to fierce competition among credit card issuers, issuances of cash card and integrated unsecured loan led by sales and marketing. Given the situation of over-banking and competition in credit card market, consumers overspent under the consistent economy recession triggered credit crunch for credit card and cash card, so called “Credit card and cash card lending crash”. This research intends to search for the root of this credit crunch by investigating the history of the growth of credit card business and issuance of cash card of major players in the market. Furthermore, this research also evidences the concluded root reasons by analyzing the important information reported to FSC by all the banks. The conclusions of the investigation are as follows: 1. Banking industry overemphasized on business growth so the related risks were not properly and timely controlled by simplifying application procedures and increasing credit lines hoping to enhance number of customers and strengthen customers’ loyalty. 2. Banking industry ignored the percentage of customers’ real income and liability while expanding their business rapidly. It further deepened the delinquency ratio and card issuers wrote off enormous amount of bad debts when credit crunch happened. 3. Debt Negotiation Plan (DNP) led by government enabled banks to set up “Standard Operation Procedures” (SOP) which helped banks to resume their card business back to normal. The success ratio of DNP is increasing gradually. The future of credit card market all depends on how banking industry, consumers, and government deal with the issues on consumer unsecured loans.


鍾宜君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣十四家金融控股上市(櫃)公司,其公司治理機制為董監事持股、持股質押、控制權與現金流量偏離度、機構投資人的持股比率,本文並加入考慮質押影響的董監事淨持股比率、調整後控制權與現金流量偏離度及合理的控制權與現金流量偏離度。針對2001年至2006年9月進行研究,為得出公司治理對績效影響與最適的公司治理使績效達最佳狀態。 吾人採用迴歸分析實證發現:董監事持股質押與公司經營績效具顯著關聯性,且得出使公司績效達最佳之最適持股質押比率為不超過56.50%之結果;董監事持股比率與公司經營績效具顯著正向關係,且其支持利益收斂推測;而在考慮董監事持股質押後之董監事淨持股比率,其亦支持利益收斂推測,但考慮了質押後的董監事淨持股對報酬率增加的幅度較小;機構投資人持股比率與公司績效多呈正向關係,但結果並不顯著;控制權與現金流量偏離度、考慮控制股東之持股質押後的調整後及合理的控制權與現金流量偏離度,其與公司經營績效多呈負向顯著關係,且辦理股票質押確實會使股權更加的偏離,並對於公司績效產生較負面的影響。

自由現金流量對內部股權結構與財報品質間的調節效果 / The moderating effect of free cash flow on the relation between ownership structure and financial reporting quality

賴品蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以財報重編為財報品質之代理變數,探討自由現金流量是否對內部股權結構與財報品質的關係具有調節效果,期望藉助對於自由現金流量調節效果之了解,以利報表閱讀者更適當地解讀財報訊息,瞭解財報之品質。 實證結果顯示,自由現金流量對內部股權結構與財報品質間確實具有顯著的調節效果,尤其是董、監持股率與董事兼任經理人這兩項因素對於財報品質之關係,很受到自由現金流量之影響。自由現金流量本身與財報重編呈顯著負相關,自由現金流量愈高,財報重編的可能性愈低。但自由現金流量所引發的代理問題,反而可能對董、監持股率、董事兼任經理人與財報品質間的關係產生負面的調節效果,即財報重編的可能性顯著提高。但自由現金流量對於經理人持股率與財報品質間的關係不具有顯著的調節效果。 / This study examines whether free cash flow has the moderating effect on the relation between ownership structure and financial reporting quality, using financial restatements as a proxy for financial reporting quality. This study tries to interpret earnings information more appropriately through more understanding on the moderating effect of free cash flow. The study shows that free cash flow exactly has the moderating effect on the relation between ownership structure and financial reporting quality, especially for stocks holding ratio by directors and supervisors and CEO duality. Firms having more free cash flow are less likely to restate statements. However, free cash flow might trigger agency problem, which might having negative moderating effects, causing higher possibilities to restate statements. Otherwise, the finding of this study shows that there is no significantly moderating effect on the relation between managerial ownership and financial reporting quality.

公司現增與發行新債影響營運績效之分析 / Operating performances and corporate issuances

黃佳莉 Unknown Date (has links)
公司籌措資金時會選擇發行股票或是發行債劵來籌資,本文去比較發行股票與發行債劵來籌資的公司在發行後的長期營運表現會有何異同。此外去探討因子如何影響發行後營運表現,也建立邏輯斯迴歸去探討因子如何影響公司發行決策。關於資本結構有兩個理論,一為融資序位理論,另一為代理成本理論,本文透過上述結果去驗證此兩理論。 / Industrial corporations typically raise external capital by selling common stock or issuing bonds. In this paper, we investigate the long run operating performance of issuers of straight debt and issuers of seasoned equity. Besides, we measure the effects of some factors that have been shown to be associated with changes in performance following the issues. We also examine why firms issue securities even though managers know that stock prices will react negatively to the issue announcement. We construct a logistic model for firms issuing equity and debt to investigate the determinants of firms’ issuing decisions. In existing literature, two eminent theories of capital structure are the pecking order theory and agency cost theory. We try to find evidence to these two theories from the above results.

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