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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


IMAMURA, A, 今村, 敦司 01 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.

探討特殊教育學童之多元智能萌發所需的教學環境 / Exploratory study of instructional environment necessary to nurture special education students' multiple intelligences

傅潔玉 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

在高度分散式環境下對高維度資料建立索引 / Indexing high-dimensional data in highly distributed environments

黃齡葦, Huang, Ling Wei Unknown Date (has links)
目前,隨著資料急速地增加,大規模可擴充性的高度分散式資料庫服務已逐漸成為一種趨勢。在資料如此分散的環境下,如何讓資料的查詢更有效率,建立一個好的索引扮演著相當重要的角色,加上越來越多的資料庫程式應用像是生物、圖像、音樂和視訊等等,皆是處理高維度的資料,而在這些應用程式中,經常需要做相似資料的查詢,但是在高維度的資料且分散式的資料做相似資料的查詢,需耗費大量的時間與運算成本。 基於在高度分散式的環境下,針對高維度的資料有效地做KNN的查詢。我們提出一個利用reference point[2,13]的作法RP-CAN( Reference Point-Content Addressable Network )來改善查詢的效率。RP-CAN 主要是結合CAN [14] 的路由協定和使用reference point建立索引的方式來幫助在高度分散式環境下有效率的對高維的資料做查詢處理。 最後會實作出我們所提出的RP-CAN索引並與RT-CAN[1]做比較。我們發現我們所提出的RP-CAN索引在高維度資料作KNN的查詢時比RT-CAN索引來的有效率。 / There has been an increasing interest in deploying a storage system in a highly distributed environment because of the rapid increasing data. And many database applications such as time series, biological and multimedia database, handle high-dimensional data. In these systems, k nearest-neighbors query is one of the most frequent queries but costly operation that is to find objects in the high-dimensional database that are similar to a given query object. As in conventional DBMS, indexes can indeed improve query performance but cannot deploy directly in highly distributed systems because the environment has become more complex. To efficiently support k nearest-neighbors query, a high-dimensional indexing strategy, is developed for the highly distributed environment. In this paper, we propose an efficient indexing strategy, RP-CAN( Reference Point-Content Addressable Network ), to improve the performance of the k nearest-neighbors query in a highly distributed environment. In the end of this paper, we designed an experiment to demonstrate that the performance of RP-CAN is better than RT-CAN in high dimensional space. Thus, our RP-CAN index could efficiently handle the high dimensional data.

比較西歐銀行業之成本效率: 新共同邊界Fourier成本函數之應用 / Comparing cost efficiency in Western European banking industries: Using the new metafrontier Fourier flexible cost function

李起銓, Lee, Chi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用新的隨機共同邊界方法,將其擴充至Fourier富伸縮成本函數,針對西歐地區十個國家的銀行業進行成本效率之分析,資料期間涵蓋1996年至2010年。不同於Battese et al. (2004), O’Donnell et al. (2008), and Huang et al. (2011a) 等人利用線性規劃法,本文應用隨機共同邊界法來估計技術缺口比率,進而做跨國間的效率比較,此法的特點在於技術缺口比率可以設為一些反映國家環境差異的外生變數之函數,而線性規劃法則無法做此設定。實證結果顯示採用線性規劃方法所估計出的技術缺口比率與共同成本效率會有低估的現象,技術缺口比率以及共同成本效率在1996年至2000年間逐步上升,此結果支持金融市場的整合可以增進效率,然而,到2000年之後則反轉向下,特別是在2007年至2010年次級房貸風暴時期明顯惡化。此外,進一步的分群進行分析的結果顯示,小規模、高獲利、或是較保守的銀行相對來說較具有效率。 / This paper aims to gain further insights into cost efficiency using the newly developed metafrontier approach under the framework of the Fourier flexible cost frontier for banking industries across 10 Western European nations during the period 1996-2010. Unlike Battese et al. (2004), O’Donnell et al. (2008), and Huang et al. (2011a), who suggest using programming techniques, the stochastic metafrontier is formulated and applied to obtain the technology gap ratio (TGR) for efficiency comparisons among countries. One salient feature of our method is that the TGR can be specified as a function of some exogenous variables that reflect group-specific environmental differences, while the mathematical programming is not allowed to do so. Empirical results show that both TGR and metafrontier cost efficiency (MCE) are underestimated by programming techniques. The TGR and MCE exhibit a gradual upward trend during 1996-2000 and then followed by a downward trend, especially after the subprime crisis of 2007-2010. This suggests that a more integrated financial market is able to improve banking efficiency. Smaller banks tend to be more cost efficient than larger ones. Higher profitable banks and more conservative banks are related to greater efficiency.

打破第四道牆: 以敘事理論為基礎之個人化3D互動敘事創作系統 / Breaking Into the Fourth Wall: Generating Personalized Interactive Narratives for 3D Drama Environments

吳蕙盈, Wu, Hui Yin Unknown Date (has links)
互動敘事為敘事創作開啟了許多新的可能性,不論是在各種多媒體敘事創作平台上或是提供更擬真、更深刻的說故事體驗,是傳統敘事所無法提供的。透過日新月異的傳播工具,要在各種平台上創作出這類多媒體互動敘事,對於各種敘事創作者來說是一項相當大的挑戰,也引發了許多相關議題的探討:要如何開發出好用的創作工具,不但是可以降低創作技術門檻,同時也提升創造力。如何設計出一個創作模型是能夠讓故事建構者(包含原創作者、中介創作者、體驗者等本系統目標使用者)對於故事內容、結構以及像長度、複雜度、主軸、文類等故事特性有更多的控制權。 為了探討這議題,本研究提出一個多媒體敘事創作以及互動敘事腳本產生的框架,結合 3D 戲劇平台建立一個具有創作環境,以故事建構者設定的條件與敘事理論為基礎的故事篩選與腳本產生機制,及3D虛擬模擬環境的互動敘事系統。在創作與故事產生方面,故事建構者可以針對各種條件的篩選(像是故事主軸、長度、敘事架構、時間順序等等)由同一組故事片段產生各種敘事上的可能性。本研究設計一個演算法,有效重組既有的故事片段以產生符合作者所有條件設定的互動敘事腳本。 這種機制的另一個特色就是所產生的互動敘事腳本與敘事平台是獨立的,不受到特定平台的技術門檻、創作格式所侷限。為展現此腳本產生系統在各種敘事表現形式上的彈性,在本研究的系統實作中,可以同時產生故事的文字形式並在3D敘事系統 The Theater 上以即時的動畫、攝影機規劃與簡易互動呈現結果。最後,此研究設計一個質化前導實驗,以了解使用者面對具互動、動畫與個人化的敘事內容時,會有甚麼看法與反應。 此次研究的貢獻為設計一個建構在3D虛擬環境上的互動敘事創作的架構,並提供適當的故事腳本產生機制,讓創作者的故事片段擁有重複利用價值。此外,透過故事內容的篩選過程,我們能提供故事建構者在故事結構與內容上有高度的控制,讓產生出來的敘事腳本符合故事建構者所設定的條件、具有良好的敘事理論基礎,並即時在3D虛擬環境中以角色動畫演出。以這次建立互動敘事平台的經驗以及於使用者測試中所得到的回饋,本研究也對於敘事創作介面與輔助工具提供一些設計原則,並提出一些互動敘事系統未來可再延展的議題。 / Interactive storytelling opens a world of possibilities for narrative creation on multimedia platforms, allowing a more compelling and immersive experience compared to traditional narratives. With the emergence of new storytelling technologies, the authoring of such narratives in complex virtual environments becomes an issue critical in the domain of multimedia storytelling platforms: How can we reduce the authoring effort as well as enhance creativity for interactive narratives? How can we design a flexible framework to allow creators of the story (including authors and experiencers at various stages of the interactive story) to have control over the story content and structure based on characteristics such as length, complexity, plot line, and genre? In order to address these issues, we propose the design of an interactive storytelling platform with models for authoring, story generating based on narrative theory and constraints set by story creators, and simulation in virtual environments. In the platform the creators of the story can specify characteristics (such as plot, length, narrative structure, time sequence, and etc.) on story fragments in order to generate variations of interactive stories. An algorithm we devise will filter and recombine story fragments from these characteristics, generating a high-level interactive script that satisfies all authorial and structural constraints. This mechanism provides sufficient abstraction from the technical implementation in that it is platform independent, and can be highly expressive in various forms of discourse. To implement the results of the story generation and demonstrate the abstraction from the virtual environment, we simulate the generated interactive narrative both in text form and in the 3D animation environment of The Theater. The Theater platform is complete with autonomous character animation, simple interaction methods, and automatic camera planning. Finally, we carry out a qualitative pilot study to understand how users would perceive and react to the animated, interactive, and personalized narrative content. Through this implementation, our contributions are to design a flexible framework for authoring interactive narratives for 3D environments, and also provide story generating tools that allow easy reuse and recombining of existing story fragments. Moreover, the filtering and selection process provides high-level control over the story content and structure, thus enforcing the authorial control as well as ensuring the generated stories have a basis in narrative theory. From the experience of implementing this platform and feedback obtained from the user experiment, we hope to suggest design principles for authoring tools and interfaces of interactive narratives.


河口, 信夫, Kawaguchi, Nobuo, 松原, 茂樹, Matsubara, Shigeki, 若松, 佳広, Wakamatsu, Yoshihiro, 梶田, 将司, Kajita, Masashi, 武田, 一哉, Takeda, Kazuya, 板倉, 文忠, Itakura, Fumitada, 稲垣, 康善, Inagaki, Yasuyoshi 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.


劉金明 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技研發能力與先進國家有一段落差,因此多年來一直處於宏碁施振榮先生所述微笑曲線中間段之製造導向;因此導入國外技術及引進相關設備、儀器、元件、材料等等產品,是協助產業快速與全球科技接軌的必要;而代理商居中穿針引線所扮演之角色就相形重要。然而,隨著科技的進步、資訊的發達、溝通的方便、產業全球化及景氣循環週期壓縮等各項環境的變遷影響,代理行業所面臨的挑戰就日益嚴峻。隨著台灣科技產業演進,代理商生態是滄海桑田,如何尋求生存之道,找出因應成長策略及適時轉型,是個有趣而值得一窺究竟。 在大環境變遷之下,企業先綜觀處於環境之中地位與優劣勢,了解產業版圖之移動與技術之發展,並檢視組織之核心能耐與資源分配,進而探討產業鏈上下游之關係,特別是原廠、代理商及客戶之互動,然後分析競爭優勢與相關內、外在之威脅,洞悉各方之意圖與了解自我之企圖,隨之根據各種情況找出適當之因應策略。 在探討遴選之個案公司之前,本研究首先一觀台灣科技產業之概況與演進,認識代理商在這產業的角色、規模發展及存在價值;之後開始對個案公司在二十餘年經營之背景做一巡禮,而挑選出三大重要時辰的里程碑作為探討,包括:(1)營運模式之調整所作之轉型策略;(2)營運規模拓展及併購所作之成長策略;(3)營運事業項目裁撤、整併與開發所作之縮編與成長策略。本研究將此三個因應策略整理、分析及歸納後,提出可供業者因應環境變化時可參考之策略。 / In professional field of R&D (Research and Development), firms in Taiwan lack behind firms based in developed countries. The gap causes high-tech industries falling on the middle section of the “Smiling Curve”—the concept brought up by Stan Shih, CEO of Acer CEO, in 1992. The middle section of the smiling curve focuses on “assembly” and “manufacturing”. Under this circumstance, in order to enhance the capabilities of Taiwanese firms, it is necessary to import equipment, instruments, parts and related materials from outside of Taiwan. During the process, the role of distributors who acts as a mediator is very significant. However, with the fast changes of environment, such as development of technology, advancement of information and communications technologies, industry globalization and short industrial cycles, these distributors are facing more intense competition and severe challenges than before. It is worthy of finding the strategies to cope with these environmental changes so distributors (firms) can survive in the long-run. With the research objective in mind and taking the perspective of a firm, the research first focuses on the industry environment to understand the nature of the high-tech industry faced by a firm. Second, the firm evaluates its core competencies and resource allocation. Third, the firm explores the relationship between the upstream and downstream industry chain, especially the interaction among principal, agents and customers to do a SWOT analysis to identify adapting strategies. The research starts with Taiwan's high-tech industries overview and evolution, and the value chain in the industry, and the roles of technology middlemen. Then, focuses on the case study to review the technology company’s (i.e., the technology middleman) operational history for the past two decades and selects three major important milestones including strategy for business model adjustment and transformation, strategy for business expansion and merger, and strategy for business reduction, consolidation and development. Finally, the study summarizes the findings and offer implications to firms and suggestions for future research.


田村, 功, Tamura, Isao, 渡邊, 英一, Watanabe, Eiichi, 伊藤, 義人, Itoh, Yoshito, 藤井, 堅, Fujii, katashi, 野上, 邦栄, Nogami, Kuniei, 杉浦, 邦征, Sugiura, kunitomo, 永田, 和寿, Nagata, kazutoshi, 岡, 扶樹, Oka, Tomoki 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

地球市民学 後期 : 共生と平和の科学 (サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトII : 問題発見・解決型の学習を通して多元的な思考力と探究心を育む)

ISHIKAWA, K, SANKODA, H, HOSOYA, T, HARA, J, 石川, 久美, 三小田, 博昭, 細谷, 辰之, 原, 順子 01 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

中学2年生 : 生命と環境 (各学年の総合人間科の取り組み, キャリア形成を軸とした総合人間科の取り組み)

石川, 久美, 佐藤, 愛子, 今村, 敦司, 飯島, 幸久, 松本, 真一 01 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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