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環境因素稟賦對國際比較利益型態與產業外移之影響趙順生, Chao, Shun Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
1.為了求得世界主要出口國家整體製造業以污染密集度定義產業性質之出口比較利益型態,乃運用Ralassa所提出的「A 'Stage Approach' to Comparative Advantage」的分析模型做為基本架構,將該分析模型內之第一階段迴歸估計式內以資本密集度定義的解釋變數,改為以污染密集度定義的解釋變數,以檢定上述各國的出口產業比較利益型態。另為分析各國出口產業比較利益的發展趨勢,乃以1976年、1987年、1990年等三個年度、十四年間的資料,分別求得各國該年度的出口產業比較利益型態為何種污染密集程度的產業。並將各主要出口國家按已開發國家、亞洲新興國家、中南美洲國家等三大分類,重新歸類其貿易型態與發展趨勢。
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嫌惡性設施對生活環境品質影響之研究-以台北市內湖、木柵、士林三個垃圾焚化廠為例翁久惠 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)適當的資訊回饋,可避免民眾對焚化廠之風險太過高估而增添不必要之憂慮,進而減輕其設置之阻力,故主管單位應適時提供民眾所需之環境資訊。 / The serious solid waste disposal problem is one of the challenges to the government policies. Landfilling is not a suitable solid waste disposal alternative in Taiwan, because of the high population density and the difficulty of acquiring land, At the same time, incinerators can help achieve waste reduction, sanitary disposal, stabilty, and resource recovery. Therefore, incineration will play an increasingly important role in the government's solid waste disposal plans.
Although incineration is one of the better approaches to dealing with solid waste disposal, it still has certain negative impacts on the quality of life. Therefore, it has been treated as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard), To some extent, NIMBYs are necessary to the community. The issue to be dealt with, then, becomes"how to find an equitable way to solve this dilemma."
This thesis focuses on three incinerators in Neihu, Wenshan, and Shihlin, Taipei. From the results of literature review, field surveys, data collection, questionnaires, and interviews, this study tries to explore the relationships between incinerators and the quality of life. This study also examines the effectiveness of compensation packages of these NIMBYs and people's attitudes toward incinerators.
The important findings of this thesis are as follows:
(1).Although most people have positive attitudes toward MSW incinerators, they do not feel confident about the quality of MSW incinerators and the administration's ability to control the second pollution.
(2).People are more concerned with risk reduction strategies, rather than economic incentives.
(3).The degree to which residents accept MSW incinerators will be affected by residents' knowledge about the compensation packages of Neihu incinerator area.
2.Policy implications
(1).From the analyses we can see that people are more willing to accept risk reduction solutions rather than economic incentives. Therefore, if the government tries to increase the acceptance of MSW incinerators among residents, it should focus more on risk reduction plans.
(2).Because residents are still lack of confidence about the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability of the administration to control the second pollution, the government should provide more accurate information to the public and guarantee the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability to control the second pollution.
(3).If the government can provide some economic incentives to reduce the equity issues, the residents may be more willing to live closer to LULU facilities. From the analysis , we can see that economic incentives do reduce the NIMBY syndrome to some extents (even though not so much as risk reduction programs). Therefore, in addition to the pollution prevention and risk reduction programs, the government should also reinforce and provide more information about the compensation packages.
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環境不確定下資本預算程序對公司績效影響之研究 / Capital budgeting process and performance under uncertainty尤俊欽, Yu,Jyun Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的有二: 1. 針對台灣前五百大製造業做研究,了解環境不確
度和公司績效的關係。 2. 針對環境不確定程度、資本預算程序精密程度
算方法。主要的研究方法有四: 1. 文獻探討,包括資本預算理論及國內
外的實證研究。 2. 問卷調查,以郵寄方式寄給國內前五百大製造業廠商
的財務部門。 3. 人員深度訪談,於問卷回收後,針對有寄回問卷的廠商
的正確性。 4. 統計分析,主要以複迴歸模式來驗證假說。研究結果顯示
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台韓金融改革的政治分析比較:1998-2008 / A Political Comparative Analysis on Financial Reform in Taiwan and Korea: 1998 - 2008蘇俐貞, Su, Li chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題為「同樣在國家介入引導的經濟發展過程下,是什麼原因使台灣與韓國在1998-2008之間金融改革的政策制定過程出現差異?」。藉由Oliver Williamson的四層次研究法,本文將台灣與韓國的金融改革分為社會鑲嵌、制度環境、治理機制、資源分配四層次,並藉此了解制度環境設計對行為者的能力給與或限制,也通過檢視政策制定過程中行為者的互動來了解金融改革的推動與資源分配。本文分開檢視四個層次的內容,再綜觀探討層次間的相互影響。政策的制定雖然是行為者之間的角力,但是同時也必須看環境賦予行為者的能力與限制,這是在分析任何政策的制定與執行時都必須注意到的。在台灣與韓國,因為制度的設計,使得總統可以主導政策的立法與執行。但是因為非正式制度的環境因素影響,使陳水扁與金大中兩位總統在政策的推動上有很大的差異。同時,因為台灣與韓國的政黨體系、財團結構不一樣,加上金融改革推行時的環境也不同,因此最後兩國改革的成果呈現很大的差異。此外,針對金融改革是否解決了原本的問題,本文也藉由國家主權債信評等以及金融機構的逾放比等指標來做出評比。藉由分析比較文獻,本文討論出主要是由於兩國的制度環境給與兩國的行為者不同的能力與限制,致使行為者在政策制定的治理機制層次擁有不同的考量,進而影響了政策執行的結果。 / This thesis ponders over the following question: under the same process of state led economic development, what caused the difference in the policy-making process for financial reforms between Taiwan and Korea in the decade 1998 – 2008? Applying Oliver Williamson’s “four-levels of social analysis,” this thesis divides the financial reforms in Taiwan and Korea into embeddedness, institutional environment, governance and resource allocation and employment. Through level analysis, we will come to understand how design of the institution setting gives or restricts the capability of political actors. Even though policy making is a competition of force among actors, contextual restrictions and endowments on actor capability should be taken into account at the same time, as it is a notable factor in policy formation and execution. Due to institution design, the president dominates policy making and execution in both Taiwan and Korea. However, due to influence from informal institutional setting, Chen Shui-Bien and Kim Dae-Jung demonstrated great differences on the movement of policy. Moreover, because of differences in party system, conglomerates and the setting for financial reform, the outcome of reform shows a wide difference in the two countries. Regarding the issue of whether financial reform resolved the basic problem, this thesis grounds its evaluation based on indices such as sovereign rating and percentage of non-performing loans of financial units. Through comparison and analysis of existent literature, this author concludes that that the difference in institution setting provides actors in the two countries with different capabilities and restrictions, which generates different considerations in actors on the governing level and influence the outcome of policy execution.
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桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園環境之研究 / The study of barrier-free school environments in Junior high school of Taoyuan Conty黃朝旭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的調查對象為桃園縣公立國民中學校長、總務主任、組長、未兼任行政職務之教師、家長會長(或代表)共55校,發出問卷275份,總計收回51所學校247份問卷,回收率89.9%,有效問卷242份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷之統計分析;實地觀察訪的對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(48班以上為大校、47班至30班為中校、29班以下為小校)三組。每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公佈為準,分新舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,並以該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。
一、 桃園縣國民中學的學校人員重視無障礙校園環境,且以校長與女性學校人員最重視。
二、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙的使用與維護情形普遍良好。
三、 桃園縣國民中學規劃最好無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」「升降梯(電梯)」。
四、 桃園縣國民中學最難規劃無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、活動中心、演藝廳)」「升降梯(電梯)」。
五、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素有「受限於學校原有建築或空間,致不易改善」、「受限於經費,致無法整體規劃」及「缺乏專精無障礙環境規劃的建築師的協助」。
關鍵詞:國民中學;無障礙;無障礙校園環境 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in school of the barrier-free school environment and to investigate the implementation﹐design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools of Taoyuan County﹒ In addition﹐the researcher propose an applicable suggestions for the reference of both the authorities and schools.
To achieve the above mentioned objectives﹐the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis﹐questionnaires and field surveys in this study﹒First of all﹐through the methods of literature analysis﹐ the researcher explored the basic ideals﹐the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free school environment in Taoyuan County ﹒Secondly﹐based on the results from the literature analysis﹐the researcher designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free school Environment in Junior High Schools of Taoyuan County”conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier- free school environment and the implementation,structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities﹒
The research subjects of this study were principals,directors of general affairs,group leader,teachers﹐and president(or representatives)of parent committee in junior high school 0f Taoyuan County﹒the researcher sent out 275 questionnaires to 55 schools﹒A total of 247 questionnaires from 51 schools were retrieved﹒The response rate was 89.9%﹒SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyzed the 242 effective questionnaires;the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school(schools of 48 classes or more are large schools﹐schools of 30-47 classes are medium schools﹐and schools of 29 classes or less are small schools )﹒in each group ﹐1990﹐the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised﹐was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into subgroups;old schools and new schools﹒The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the directors of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys﹒A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study﹒
Based on literature analysis﹐ questionnaires and field surveys﹐the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1,The staffs of Junior high schools of Taoyuan County pay attention to the barrier- free school environment,especially principals and feaml staffs in schools pay more attention to the barrier- free school environment﹒
2,The way in which barrier-free campus facilities are used is satisfactory;the maintenance of barrier-free campus facilitiesis too﹒
3, The best planned barrier-free campus facilities are“ ramps and handrails”“bathrooms and lavatories”and “hoists(elevators)”﹒
4,The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free campus facilities is in “ramps and handrails” “audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)”“hoists(elevators)”﹒
5,Junior high school of Taoyuan County barrier-free campus facility plan design the quite difficult factor has “limited to the school original construction or the space, sends is not easy to improve”,“is restricted in the funds, sends is unable “architect's assistance which the corporate planning” and is“expert in the barrier-free school environmental project deficient”.
Based on these findings﹐the researcher proposed the following suggestions::
1,The barrier-free school environment in Junior high school of Taoyuan County should be“entire planning, finish by stage”,and“have the the experts or the architects excel in designing the barrier-free school environment in the group﹐By handling the diversified barrier-free school environmental activties”;promoting the teachers and students to the barrier-free school environment cognition by barrier-free school environment multi-dimensional activity﹒
2,the Education Department of Taoyuan County Government should respectively set up the basic document data sheet of all levels of school barrier-free campus facility in Taoyuan County and grasps each school barrier-free campus facility conditions﹐What`s more﹐“audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)” hoists(elevators)”should be gave priorities to put to use the barrier-free campus facility and next is “outdoor guidance circuit”;And it is necessity to surveys school barrier-free campus facility regularly and establish the barrier-free school environment achievements to comment the quantity system﹒
3,the following for further studies:Facilities used on the spot by those who move with difficulty can point which barrier-free campus facilities need improvement more accurately when surveys the facilities ;introducing the concept of “route”can study the barrier-free campus facility of each school;the suggestion for example: Uses on the spot because of moving about with difficulty, inquires the barrier-free campus be least and most suitable“barrier-free route”﹒
Key word:junior high school;barrier-free;barrier-free school environment
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貿易自由化下環保標章制度之效果分析 / The effect of eco-label under trade liberalization蕭文棟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以垂直差異化模型,描述消費者行為,並建立一個多家非環保標章廠商與一家環保標章廠商於本國市場進行價格競爭的兩國兩廠商理論模型。發現本國廠商為環保標章廠商時,不論在本國觀點或全球觀點下,將對汙染進行課稅,且關稅的下降將促使本國政府提高汙染稅,環境品質會因關稅下降而惡化。本國廠商為非環保標章廠商時,在本國觀點下,將對汙染進行補貼,關稅下降促使本國政府提高汙染補貼,同樣使得環境品質因而惡化;然而,在全球觀點下,將對汙染進行課稅,關稅的下降促使汙染稅跟著調降,環境品質因此而獲得改善。 / Due to the rapid economic development, the environment has got worse. This fact makes eco-label become a new environmental instrument which used by many countries in recent years. Recently, the economists want to figure out the influence of the eco-label. Those researches mainly focus on whether the eco-label changes the consumer behavior patterns and whether it can effectively reduce pollution emissions and improve social welfare. However, in those papers, the effect on trade is less mentioned. This paper focuses on the optimal price, quantity and profit of firms with and without eco-labels, as well as how the decline in tariffs caused by trade liberalization will influence the pollution tax and the domestic environmental quality.
In this paper, we use the vertical differentiation model to describe consumer behavior. What we set here is when the local company is the eco-label product maker, the foreign company will produce non-green products, and vice versa. We found that when local company is the eco-label product maker, no matter in a domestic point of view or from the global perspective, the pollution will be taxed, and the decline in tariffs will raise pollution tax, so the deterioration of environmental quality. When local company is not eco-label product maker, there are two different consequences: in domestic view, the pollutions will be subsidized. We also can see as the tariffs declines, the government will raise its pollution subsidy, which will make the deterioration of environmental quality. From the global perspective, the pollution will be taxed, the decline in tariffs will lead to the reducing of pollution tax, so will improve the quality of the environment.
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移動的痕跡 / Traces of moving李若韻, Lee, Jo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本創作的「移動」,意旨在生態系統中,動植物非自然/自願性的移動—即指因 人為活動或需求所造成的移動,在動植物被不同規模的移動後,形成一種隱而難 見的新秩序,這些因人為能力所造成的新移動景象,則為移動過後的痕跡。
這是一份討論人與自然最初關係的創作,藉從「移動」的觀念,觀看城市中 的生態日常。本創作分創作論述與攝影集作品兩部份進行,創作論述從「生態資 本主義」出發,建立作者所提出的「移動」觀念;攝影集作品則以新紀實攝影作 表現手法,再現作者所欲強調的「移動」影像。
本創作價值不以提倡人與自然應和諧相處作最終解答,而是從「移動的痕跡」 影像中,理解人類所創造的移動能力已出乎我們所想像,對於城市中日常的生態 景觀,應開始發展另一種觀看的方式。
「移動的痕跡」攝影集(網路版本):http://issuu.com/mesyeux/docs/movefinal / “Moving”, in this work, means the movement of animals and plants which is made
by human beings rather than by the free will of the moved objects. In other words, the
movement is caused by people's activities and demands. After the movement in various
scales, a new and obscure order is formed. These newly-formed visions then act as the
evidences of artificial movement.
This work is about the discussion of the original relationship between mankind and
ecosystem by re-observing everyday activities with the point of view of “moving”. This
work is composed of two parts: the thesis and the photo album. The thesis part, based
on “ecological modernization”, introduces the concept of “moving”; while the photo
album part, adopted the new documentary photography style, is the medium to visualize
The value of this work is not to recommend a harmonious way of living between
mankind and ecosystem, but to remind the readers that " moving " made by all mankind
has been far beyond our imagination. Therefore, we should re-define our way of seeing
the daily life.
Traces of Moving (online version) : http://issuu.com/mesyeux/docs/movefinal
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台灣生物技術廠商社會資本與區域創新氛圍之研究 / The interactive effect of social capital and regional innovative milieux:a case of biotechnology industry in Taiwan陳仲萌, Chen, Chung Meng Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨全球生產鏈改變,廠商為維持競爭力由追求區位最佳化,轉而追求網絡位置優化。在此種現象下,引發本研究探討區位環境在廠商創新過程中所扮演之角色,並嘗試與網絡位置共同分析,探查區位環境對於廠商是否具有功能化效果。且以Markusen (1996)與Glückler(2007)之論述為基礎,檢視創新環境差異下是否存在網絡結構差異。區位環境與技術網絡分別透過創新氛圍與社會資本作為論述框架,利用兩者皆強調個體行動者特質,連結地理區位、社會化行動至創新績效之路徑。
本研究以台灣生物技術廠商為研究對象,該產業為我國新興產業之一,對於技術網絡建立與研發需求強烈。資料收集同時利用二手資料與問卷方式,建立近似於整體性的技術網絡資料,分析方法採用社會網絡分析法、變異數分析以及卜瓦松回歸進行假說驗證。分析結果呈現地區創新氛圍差異確實存在廠商社會資本型態差異,支持先前文獻論述。而地區創新氛圍在廠商創新過程中扮演調和社會資本結構面功能角色,隨創新氛圍提升,強化直接連結的正向效果,減緩了網絡中介的負向效果;突顯了區位選擇在廠商面對全球化過程中仍為影響創新績效的關鍵因子。 / The empirical studies of firms’ innovation pointed out the important of localtion. In early days, firms pursue better location to lower the cost.But now they facing the globalization recombining the global supply chain. The important of location is re-placed by “ network system”. In this view, the main part of our research tring to understand the role of innovative milieu in innovation process. According to the lite-rature of Markusen (1996) and Glückler(2007) suggest the difference network structure between difference industrial districts. The second goal of this research is using statistical data to confirm their explanation.
Tthis research which indicate two important results. The first is the difference social capital of firms existing in difference innovative milieux.This result support Markusen and Glückler’s discussions. Second, the role of innovative milieu is mod-erated effect between social capital and innovative perfornment.Following the differ-ence social capital strength, the effect of innovative milieu is difference.The empirical result indicate that the important function of location is working on firms’ innovative process.
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大陸子公司策略調整之研究─以高科技公司為例林以婷, Lin, I-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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台北與高雄的表演藝術環境—以表演設施為例 / The performing arts environment in Taipei and Kaohsiung - A case study of performance venues吳蕙君, Wu, Huei Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
With respect to the investment on cultural infrastructure, more attention has always been paid to the Northern than to the Southern area of Taiwan. The aim of this study is to examine the factors that led to the differences in development of the performing arts environments in Taipei and Kaohsiung by reviewing the historical background and analyze specific cultural statistics. The results show that there are indeed some disparities in the performing arts environments between Taipei and Kaohsiung. However, while the demands for upgrading the respective performing arts environments in Taipei and Kaohsiung both continue to exist, future sustainability of their operation is as important as the establishment of new hardware in order to create a better environment for cultivating a cultural creative industry in Taiwan.
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