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國際法上『海洋環境保護』之研究黃美娟, Sammi Huang Unknown Date (has links)
一九O九年"國際法學之父"格老秀斯(Hugo Grotius)"海洋自由論"(Mare Liberum)一書中反對葡萄牙對東印度航海與貿易的壟斷之主張,奠定國際法上『海洋自由原則』之理論基礎。一直以來,『海洋自由原則』一直被視為海洋法之主要原則。
所以,原則上,本論文以《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》內第十二部分§192-§237共四十五條有關『海洋環境保護』為主軸,再依船舶污染、傾倒污染、陸地來源之污染、來自大氣層或通過大氣層之污染、國家管轄的海底活動造成之污染、來自區域內活動之污染與冰封區域內污染之重要相關國際法規範 為主,但因資料、時間的關係,未納入其他較細小的區域性條約,且國內有關海洋環境保護亦不在本論文討論之內,僅就重要相關條約說明。最後,並提到關於臺灣的『海洋環境保護』之新發展。
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1
第二節 研究方法與研究架構 4
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 研究資料與研究限制 7
第貳章 有關『海洋環境保護』之一般問題 9
第一節 海洋環境污染之概念 10
第一項 海洋環境污染之定義 10
第二項 海洋環境污染之來源 12
第三項 『海洋環境保護』之形成背景 15
一、『海洋自由原則』之形成與挑戰 15
二、『海洋環境保護』觀念之形成與實踐 19
第二節 有關『海洋環境保護』之國際法律架構 32
第一項 有關『海洋環境保護』之習慣國際法 34
第二項 有關『海洋環境保護』之國際公約 37
第三節 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》有關
『海洋環境保護』之義務 48
第參章 船舶污染 59
第一節 主要國際公約 59
第一項 概論 59
第二項 《一九五四年防止海洋油污染國際公約》
及其修正案 63
第三項 《一九七三年防止源自船舶污染國際公
約》 71
第四項 《一九七三年防止源自船舶污染國際公
第五項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 82
第二節 如何防止船舶污染海洋環境 83
第一項 船旗國的權利與義務 84
一、船旗國防止海洋污染之權利 84
二、船旗國防止海洋污染之義務 85
第二項 沿海國的相關規定 86
一、領海 86
二、專屬經濟區 88
三、公海 90
第三項 港口國的權利與義務 106
一、港口國防止海洋污染之權利 106
二、港口國防止海洋污染之義務 108
第四項 小結 111
第三節 損害賠償責任 112
第一項 民事賠償責任與國際基金公約 112
一、一九六九年《油污染損害民事責任國際公約》 113
三、一九八四年議定書 122
第二項 油輪船東和石油公司之自願賠償計劃 125
第肆章 傾倒污染 131
第一節 相關國際公約 131
第一項 概論 131
第二項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 132
第三項 其他區域公約 135
第二節 拋棄廢棄物及其他物質:
《倫敦傾倒公約》的具體規範 140
第一項 制定過程 140
第二項 基本規定 142
第三項 各種物質傾倒處理之問題 148
第三節 船舶及飛機:
九九二年《巴黎公約》的具體規範 156
第一項 一九七二年《奧斯陸傾倒公約》 157
第二項 一九九二年《巴黎公約》 159
第伍章 其他污染 161
第一節 相關國際公約 161
第二節 陸地來源之污染 164
第一項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 165
第二項 巴塞爾《危險廢棄物的跨界活動控制及
其處置公約》 167
第三項 巴黎《防止陸源物質污染海洋公約》 169
第四項 其他 173
第三節 來自大氣層或通過大氣層之污染 182
第四節 海底活動及冰封區域內之污染 189
第一項 國家管轄的海底活動造成之污染 190
第二項 來自『區域』內活動之污染 193
第三項 冰封區域內之污染 195
第陸章 結論 196
附 圖
【圖A】Diagram of LOT Procedure 69
附 表
【表一】第三屆海洋法會議 25
【表二】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》之一般義務與特別義務 51
【表三】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》適用於船舶之污染立法相關規定 94
【表四】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》適用於船舶之污染法律規章之執行 99
【表五】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》關於沿海國之執行(§220) 103
【表六】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》關於港口國有充分證據下可提起司法程序 109
【表七】 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》中關於
或威脅損害到海洋環境時可進行調查 110
【表八】 油輪船東和石油公司之自願賠償計劃 126
定之立法、執行、責任與法律賠償條款 199
附 錄
【附錄一】有關『海洋環境保護』之重要國際公約 212
【附錄二】《一九九四年協定》之最新發展 239
【附錄三】各國低放射性廢料最終處置現況 249
『海洋環境保護』之條款 267
民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法》 294
英文簡稱與縮寫 300
參考書目 304 / Customary international Law contains few rules relevant to the question of marine pollution. In the Corfu Channel,the International Court of Justice said that〝every State's obligation not to allow knowingly its territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights of other States'〞. And in the Trail Smelter arbitration,the arbitral tribunal held that 〝no State has the right to use or permit the use of its territory in such a manner as to cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of another or the property or persons therein….〞. Article 2 of the High Seas Convention which state 〝with reasonable regard to the interests of other States must exercise the freedoms of the high seas". It could be argued that, taking the principles in Articel 2 of the High Seas and in the Corfu Channel case together and Trail Smelter case by 〝analogy〞,there is a gereral rule of customary international law that States must not permit their nationals to discharge into the sea matter that could cause harm to the national of other States.
However,this rule appears to be too vague to be very effective. So, given these deficiencies of customary internatinal law,it is not surprising to find that the international law relating to marine pollution is contained almost wholly in treaties.
There are total Six Chapter,According to The UN Convention on the Law of the sea 1982 (UNCLOS),described Pollution from vessels、Pollution by dumping、Pollution from land-based sources、Pollution from or through the atmosphere 、Pollution from sea-bed activities、Pollution from activities in the『 Area』 and Pollution from Ice-covered areas.
Finally,mentioned Taiwan's New development about The Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment.
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網際網路合作學習環境中學習互動型態與認知風格對學習效果之影響--以二次函數之教學為例 / The Learning Effects of Different Interactive Learning Styles and Cognitive Styles in the Internet Collaborative Learning Environment --With the Instruction of Quadratic Functions as an Example黃淑玲, Huang, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
二、 在網路學習環中,不同認知風格的學生在個別學習效果上有差異存在在網際網路個別學習環境中,內控組的學習成效顯著優於外控組。即在網際網路學習環境中,採用個別學習策略,具外控取向特質的學習者,學習成效不佳;而具內控取向特質的學習者,有較佳的學習成效。
四、 網際網路合作學習互動歷程為個人建構、群體澄清、知識重構、群體重構的認知改變模式在網際網路合作學習互動歷程中,個人先形成自我的知識概念,並將個人建構的基模公開呈現與他人分享,當個體的認知概念間產生差異時,合作群體間即產生質疑,並提出澄清,經澄清後合作群體彼此協商,重構知識、統合意見並產生共識,即成為合作小組的認知概念。
五、 同儕模式的網際網路合作學習方式缺少高支持性鷹架結構以同儕為基礎的網際網路合作學習環境中,因學生的先備知識不足及溝通技巧的缺乏,容易產生錯誤概念的學習及習得片斷的知識。是以,針對年齡小或能力低的學習者所設計的網際網路合作學習課程,教師的參與討論與互動是必要的,以能提供學習者高支持性鷹架結構。
六、 在網際網路合作學習環境的互動歷程中,外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者研究中發現外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者,內控取向學習者解題的行為多於外控取向學習者。
六、應加強國家整體網路基礎建設,使能改善網路教學品質,提高學習成效。 / The Purpose of this study is threefold. One is to explore how to design a quadratic function internet curriculum in the internet computer-based collaborative learning environment, based on constructivism. Second, learning effects of different learning styles and cognitive styles in the internet collaborative learning context are analyzed through empirical research methods. Third, the students' cognitive modes and other relative factors in the collaborative learning interaction process, as well as the students' frequent error types in learning quadratic functions, are identified and analyzed through qualitative research methods.
The research methods adopted in this study include the development of learning software, empirical research methods, questionnaires, interviews, and content analysis. The researcher first developed and assessed the "internet curriculum of quadratic functions", and selected 60 second graders of a junior high school as research subjects, according to the students' learning and cognitive styles, and categorizing them into the group of internal locus of control with individual learning, the group of external locus of control with individual learning, the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning to implement teaching experiments. After the experiments were finished, the research conducted a written test, questionnaire surveys, and interviews.
Besides, the students' dialogue data on Bulletin Board System was collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis results of this study, the main conclusionsare as follows:
1. Internet collaborative learning environment facilitates students learning the concepts of quadratic functions. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, interactive web pages provide visualized collaborative learning context, assist learners to transform algebraic representation into geometric representation, and give learners opportunities to compare and rethink in different conditions about the relations of algebra and geometry in quadratic functions. All of which have been proved to have concrete learning effects.
2. In the environment of the internet learning, individual learning effect differences exist among students of different cognitive learning styles. In the environment of the internet individual learning, learning effects of the external control group are better than those of the internal control group. In other words, learners with external locus of control, using individual learning strategies do not have good learning effects. However, learners with internal locus of control have better learning effects.
3. In the environment of the internet learning, there is no significant differences among students with different cognitive styles. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, the learning effects among the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning show no significant differences. This study shows collaborative learning help improve the learning effects of learners with external locus of control, and ease the impacts of cognitive styles on learners.
4. The interaction process of the internet collaborative learning is a cognitive revolution of individual construction, group clarification, knowledge reconstruction, and group reconstruction. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, individuals form self knowledge concepts, and shares their self-constructed sckema with other people. When individual cognitive differences occur, there will be questioning, clarifying, negotiating, reconstructing the knowledge, integratingopinions, and reaching common agreements, which will become the cognitive concepts of the collaborative group.
5. Peer collaborative learning on the internet lacks highly-supportive scaffolding structures. In the context of peer collaborative internet learning, it is easy for students to learn incorrect concepts and incomplete knowledge content, owning to their insufficient prior knowledge and communication skills. Therefore, in designing the internet collaborative learning curriculum for young or incompetent learners, it is a must to involve the teachers to join the discussion and interaction, in order to provide learners highly-supportive scaffolding structures.
6. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. The study finds that learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. On the other hand, learners with internal locus of control have more problem solving behaviors than those with external locus of control.
Based on the research results, this study proposes the following suggestion for the reference of teachers, educational media designers, education admonitions, and future researchers:
1. Discipline experts, education experts, internet engineers, computer programmers, art designers should cooperate to develop the internet curricula which meet learners' needs more perfectly.
2. Different internet teaching strategies should be provided based on learners' characteristics, in order to make the constructed internet curricula meet learners' needs more perfectly.
3. In the environment of internet collaborative learning, syllabus design should be mainly on discussing situations, sharing knowledge, and solving problems, in order to facilitate collaboration effects.
4. It is better to set the internet interface design standards and evaluation indexes to provide a basis for the internet curricular development.
5. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, teachers should attend students' discussions when needed, functioning as scaffolding support.
6. National Information Infrastructure should be improved to have higher internet learning quality and thus to enhance learning effects.
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中国経済の計量分析 : 東アジア開発途上国の中長期計画に対する評価・展望モデルの開発金城, 盛彦, 孫, 林, 江崎, 光男, 斉, 舒暢, 顧, 林生 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:09630040 研究代表者:江崎 光男 研究期間:1997-1999年度
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地球環境保全型建築・都市の環境・エネルギ-システムに関する研究中原, 信生, 坂本, 雄三, 久野, 覚, 伊藤, 尚寛, 鄭, 明傑, 山羽, 基, 奥宮, 正哉 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(A) 課題番号:03402043 研究代表者:中原 信生 研究期間:1991-1994年度
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東アジアにおける大気汚染物質の挙動解明を目的とした自然放射能ラドンの同時測定飯田, 孝夫, 森泉, 純, 小村, 和久, 吉岡, 勝廣, 金, 潤信 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:10044148 研究代表者:飯田 孝夫 研究期間:1998-1999年度
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環境負荷低減型建築構造創生支援統合環境の構築に関する研究大森, 博司, 古川, 忠稔 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17360268 研究代表者:大森 博司 研究期間:2005-2007年度
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住宅區土地混合使用業種相容性分析之研究-以台北市大安區與萬華區為例 / Study on the Compatibility Analysis of Land Mixed-Use in Residential Area of Ta-An and Wan-Hua Districts of Taipei Metropolitan許戎聰 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合言之;本研究透過相關理論回顧與分析,所建立住宅區土地混合使用之評估指標,作為相容性之行業別判斷依據。在其中發現行業別之相容性,可依本研究所擬之評估指標判斷業別對居住環境的影響情形,同時可透指數分析再訂定業種相容性標準,而進行衡量評估指標與行業別之相關性計算。尤其在行業別設立時,將可能對住宅使用產生正面或負面影響情形,以指標的方式表達;如行業別是否產生噪音振動、垃圾處理方式、停車問題、空氣污染..等等問題,儘可能再設有評估標準。待相容性行業別執行一段時間後,依執行情形來修正評估標準,以利後續土地混合使用業種相容性之參考。 / Since the announcement and execution of the Zoning Act of Taipei Metropolitan in 1983, there is no obvious improvement on the living quality in the residential areas. Conversely, there are some issues on the usage classification and permitted usage categories. After further research, it’s found that the Zoning Act biased on the mixed-use, which permitted too much usage in one category. The most serious one was the permitted usage in its appendix, which made the usage of residential area almost the same as the commercial area.
After researching on the related documents on mixed-use, the study emerged the appropriate evaluation indicators. Then collecting the experts’ comments, the study modified evaluation indicators accordingly, which formed the bases of environmental evaluation of mixed-use. In between, the relative importance of top three indicators was ranked as “residents’ mutual help and guard”, “shopping convenience” and “dinning convenience”. Both “trash collection” and “waste water manipulation” were less concerned. It understandable that in experts’ concepts, the residential safety was the first consideration then the living convenience.
Based on the above evaluation indicators and collected comments from the residents and experts, the study came out the positive and negative values of evaluation indicators. The “quiescence and convenience of living environment” and “public safety” were positive value but “environmental pollution” was negative value. Summing up the big indicators, the value was positive which meant people possibly evaluated highly on the mixed-use in the residential environment.
Understanding the importance of indicators, the study rebuilt the operation model for compatible businesses, which calculated the values of business evaluation indicators and built mathematical model. Then the study found out that the greater positive values of summed up indicators, the more representative residents and experts accepted the business. The greater the negative value, the more exclusivity represented. More compatible businesses would less impact the environment but enhance the living functionality. Ranking the business sequences according to the needs of environmental quality in mixed-use, we could build up different grades of living environments by setting up different mixed-use standards.
It was proven from the study on the new and old residential areas that the mixed-use ratio of businesses would be differed by the width of road and location in which vertical and horizontal mixed-use are positively related. From the field study, the businesses in Ta-An district belonged to the metropolitan type but those in Wan-Hua district belonged to the tithing type.
In summary, the study went through the review and analysis of related thesis then built the evaluation indicators for mixed-use in residential area, which in turn were the bases to identify the businesses compatibility. Utilizing the evaluation indicators, we could identify the business compatibility and its impact on the living environment. Simultaneously, through indicator analysis, new business compatibility could be redefined and evaluate the relationship between evaluation indicators and business relativity. Especially for the business category, which would heavily impact the environment, the indicators could be identified as, e.g., voice and vibration pollution, trash manipulation, parking issue, air pollution...which needed more evaluation standards. After some time of execution, the results could be used to modify the evaluation standard, which would be the reference for the succeeding study of land mixed-use.
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全球暖化與台灣的氣候政治-以《溫室氣體減量法》為例 / Global warming and the politics of climate change in Taiwan施奕任, Shih, Yijen Unknown Date (has links)
在研究結果上,本研究發現在風險認知上,台灣民眾儘管認知氣候風險的嚴重性,但是考量氣候變遷的不利影響與後續因應都具有長期特性,降低民眾支持台灣採取積極的政治立場以因應氣候議題的意願。在減量成本上,因應氣候議題的決策形成一種姿態政治(gestural politics),儘管積極倡議台灣必須因應國際氣候議題,但是卻不願意制訂涵蓋積極減量目標與總量管制的《溫室氣體減量法》,其原因在於氣候決策嵌入能源與產業結構的挑戰。在能源結構上,台灣面對核能使用的政治爭議,加以再生能源短期難以巨幅成長,使得台灣仍然呈現以化石燃料為主的能源結構。在產業結構上,既有發展型國家的思維使得政治菁英傾向於強調發展的重要性,依賴高污染、高耗能與高排碳產業推動國家經濟發展,而難以透過調整能源價格等政治策略,改變依賴高排碳產業的產業結構。
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金融監理制度對商業銀行利潤效率之影響--亞洲12國之實證分析 / Effects of Financial Supervision Regimes on Commercial Banks’ Profit Efficiency in 12 Asian Countries黃國睿, Huang, Kuo Jui Unknown Date (has links)
金融監理制度影響一國商業銀行經營績效的相關議題,一直受到學者與政府當局的重視,為瞭解亞洲地區銀行業在中央銀行與監理單位不同管理下的利潤效率,找出最適的制度設計,本研究根據Huang、Huang與Liu(2014)提出之隨機共同利潤邊界(stochastic meta-profit frontier),採用兩階段估計法,蒐集中國大陸、香港、印度、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國以及阿拉伯聯合大公國等十二國商業銀行資料,分成開發中和已開發國家兩個群組,將環境變數納入無效率模型中,進行實證分析,比較不同群組的利潤效率差異,發掘影響效率的主要變數與方向,從而獲得重要政策意涵。
根據實證分析結果,中央銀行介入銀行監理程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;金融監理單位整合程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越高;中央銀行獨立程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;已開發國家群組的平均技術缺口比率與共同邊界技術效率值皆高於開發中國家群組,符合預期。共同利潤效率最高的是日本,最低的是韓國。平均而言,各國若在共同利潤邊界上從事生產,能提升41.9%至75%的利潤。 / The effects of degrees of financial supervision on performance of commercial banks have long been important issues and drawn much attention to academic researchers and government authorities. This study applies the stochastic meta-profit frontier, recently developed by Huang, Huang, and Liu (2014), to estimate and compare profit efficiencies of commercial banks from 12 Asian countries, i.e., Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates. We divide the sample countries into two groups, i.e., developing and developed countries. This enables us to further investigate the effects of different supervisory systems, enforced by central banks (CB) and supervisory authorities, on commercial banks’ profit efficiencies, as well as to make a suggestion about the optimal supervision regimes in the area. Note that a set of supervisory indices are considered as environmental variables that explain profit inefficiency.
Using the two-stage estimation procedure, the empirical results are summarized as follows. First, it is found that bank’s profit efficiency decreases with the increase in a CB’s supervision sectors. Second, the unification of supervisory authority has positive effect on bank’s profit efficiency. Third, the more independent is the CB, the less profit efficient the commercial bank is. Fourth, banks in the group of developed countries are found to have higher technology gap ratios and meta-profit efficiencies than those in the group of developing countries, as expected. Fifth and finally, Japan and South Korea has the highest and the lowest level of meta-profit efficiency, respectively. Evidence is found that if an average commercial bank were adopting the best technology, it can earn roughly 41.9% to 75% more profits than otherwise.
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国際経済環境と産業構造が変化する中での日本型資本主義の調整様式の変容に関する研究山田, 鋭夫, 平野, 泰朗, 都留, 康, 井上, 泰夫, 花田, 昌宣, 海老塚, 明, 磯谷, 明徳, 植村, 博恭, 遠山, 弘徳, 宇仁, 宏幸, 鍋島, 直樹 10 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(1) 課題番号:07303015 研究代表者:山田 鋭夫 研究期間:1995-1997年度
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