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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

兩岸直銷業實行企業社會責任之比較 —以安利中國為例 / A comparative study on the practices of corporate social responsibility in direct selling industry between China and Taiwan — the case of Amway China

陳良志, Chen, Liang Chih Unknown Date (has links)
直銷進入中國近20年,因為中國特殊法規環境,造成多數的中國消費者對直銷抱有一種懷疑的態度。但是近年來不少中國直銷企業,投入相當程度資金與人力在參與慈善公益和社區責任,形成以『參與社會公益為榮』,以『履行社會責任為傲』的行業風氣,進而大幅度提升中國直銷企業的社會形象。如此不僅有利於中國直銷長期持續的發展,並且中國直銷企業在實行企業社會責任作法,對於台灣直銷企業在深耕台灣本土市場或進軍大陸市場,具一定參考作用。 本研究以中國直銷標竿企業作為主要研究分析對象並以世界公認全球永續報告書綱領比較兩岸直銷企業在實行社會責任的差異,以發現標竿企業實行社會責任的特色並歸納其在中國成功實施企業社會責任九個關鍵因素 : 一、提升企業倫理境界,樹立社會責任理念。 二、將企業社會責任納入企業的發展戰略。 三、專職企業社會責任執行單位與企業社會責任發展平臺設置。 四、建立擁有企業獨特優勢與競爭特色的志願者服務隊伍。 五、保證產品與服務品質是最基本的社會責任。 六、制定完善的消費者保障制度。 七、掌握產品與顧客獨特優勢,舉辦適合自身企業文化的公益活動。 八、尊重中國傳統文化和中國政府。 九、積極宣傳企業社會責任或社會慈善履行情況。 / There are almost 20 years after Direct Selling commenced in China, due to complicated and restricted regulatory issues, the image of Direct Selling is always being argued and the perception of consumer is disadvantage for the development of Direct Selling in China. Recently some of Direct Selling companies have heavily involved corporate philanthropy and social responsibility, which are very instrumental for securing the recognition of general public today and enhancing the sustainability of the Direct Selling development in future in China. Furthermore, the experiences on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Direct Selling in China are the best practice for penetrating the domestic market in Taiwan and new development in the Mainland China. It is applied to compare the planning & execution of Corporate Social Responsibility through Global Reporting Initiative between Taiwan and China : analyze the unique features of benchmark company of Direct Selling in China we select and find its comparison with Direct Selling companies of Taiwan and summary the 9 key success factors of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as following : 1. Elevate the standard of business ethic and build the concept of social responsibility. 2. Select the Corporate Social Responsibility as one of the corporate strategies. 3. Develop the dedicated organization & platform for the execution of Corporate Social Responsibility. 4. Build the unique features and core competences of volunteer taskforce within Distributor/Employee. 5. Ensure the product-guarantee and service-quality are the basic of social responsibility. 6. The establishment of full consumer protection system. 7. Conduct the best corporate philanthropy activity in connection with unique features of product & customer and corporate culture. 8. Respect Chinese culture & custom and China government. 9. Promote the execution & results of Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Philanthropy.

熱帶圓錐曲線之研究 / On Tropical Conics

黃馨儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章主要研究熱帶幾何之圓錐曲線,即二元二次多項式``根''的圖形。在文章中,我們以二元二次多項式係數關係做曲線的分類,歸納出20種熱帶圓錐曲線圖形,並證明此為完整的熱帶圓錐曲線之分類。然後,我們進一步討論如何調整二元二次多項式係數使圖形平移。最後,提出以熱帶直線輔助熱帶圓錐曲線快速作圖的方式。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate conics -the graphs of the ``roots'' of quadratic polynomial- in tropical geometry. First, we induct and classify twenty types of tropical conics based on the relation between the coefficients and roots in quadratic polynomial. Second, evidences are provided to prove the classification thorough and intact. Then, we further discuss how to modify the quadratic polynomial in order to translate the graphs. Finally, suggestion about how to use tropical line to assist the graphing of tropical conics more efficiently is provided.

行銷動態能力、行銷生產力、潛規則與績效之關係─以大陸台商為例 / The relationship among marketing dynamic capability, marketing productivity, hidden rules and firm performance - Taiwanese companies in China

郭斯敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸台商為研究對象,欲了解行銷動態能力、行銷生產力以及地主國市場之潛規則對競爭優勢及績效之影響。本研究以行銷動態能力為出發點,探究企業欲創造競爭優勢及績效所應考量之中介變數,以及當企業在進行海外直接投資時,所面臨之環境所帶來之調節效果,來建立本研究整體架構。由於研究對象為大陸台商,為提升問卷回收效率及效果,本研究樣本架構採用便利抽樣及滾雪球之方式, 主要發放對象為大陸台商高階經理人,涵蓋國立政治大學台商班、EMBA班、校友會、研究人員相關人脈,整體回收對象擴及製造業及服務業,總回收份數為67份,扣除填答不完全者,有效問卷共63份。本研究以成對樣本t檢定及迴歸模型驗證假說,研究結果發現行銷生產力在研究架構中具有重要中介意義,行銷動態能力不僅被視為能耐,更能轉化為台商的行銷資產,並且透過行銷資產的投入,愈能有效運用其資產以產出有效果之行銷生產力,愈能提升其競爭優勢與績效,且潛規則的調節效果,更凸顯行銷生產力的重要性,台商應更重視政治利害關係人所帶來的影響並應加以管理,當台商同時能夠愈有效利用潛規則顯性管理工具管理社會-政治利害關係人時,愈能夠強化行銷生產力提升競爭優勢與績效的效果,且政治利害關係人對台商造成經營上的影響程度,顯著高於非政治利害關係人所造成之影響,因此台商應將管理工具資源投入較高比重上放在政治利害關係人之管理上。

影響海外事業技術來源的決定因素 / The determinants of sources of overseas technology in Taiwan FDI manufacturing Firms

張榮政 Unknown Date (has links)

中國大陸製造業外資企業生產效率與技術外溢之探討 / An analysis of production efficiency and spillover effect of the foreign firms of manufacturing sector in China

徐淳雅 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的全球化,外人直接投資(foreign direct investment)儼然成為國際間技術擴散的主要途徑,技術外溢也成為外人直接投資發生下的重要議題,尤其利用跨國公司的先進技術促進本國生產力的提升,為開發中國家致力於吸引外人直接投資前來投資的強大動機。其中來自港、澳、台地區的資金佔有相當程度的地位,主要原因為地理位置與中國大陸相近、文化相似度高有很大的關係,但隨著中國大陸實施改革開放政策以來,這種狀況開始有所改變,愈來愈多的大型跨國公司前進中國大陸,觀察這十年流入中國大陸的外人直接投資加總,來自香港、日本、美國和韓國的投資金額分別位居一、二、三和四名,故其造成的後續效應不容小覷。   本研究以中華人民共和國國家統計局進行年度工業企業數據庫的1998-2006年間的製造業廠商資料,利用STATA統計軟體進行橫斷面資料分析,再依照中華人民共和國國家統計局工業分類和黃志聰、高安邦和陳子芸(2003)的分類方法,將中國大陸製造業分成輕工業、重工業、化學工業和高科技產業,研究針對外人直接投資進度中國大陸後,衍生出產業技術外溢效果和生產效率的改變進行討論。 / With economic globalization, foreign direct investment has become a major international technology diffusion channels. The spillover effect has become an important topic under foreign direct investment, especially using their advanced technology for productivity upgrade. It is committed to developing countries to attract foreign direct investment a strong incentive to invest. The capital from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan plays an important role in China, mainly because of the highly correlative location, culture and language. The situation has changed accompanied by the implementation of the reform and open policy in China. More and more large multinational enterprises enter China. According to the sum of foreign direct investment of China within a decade, the investment amount from Hong Kong, Japan, America and Korea come in the first, second, third and forth places. Therefore, the upcoming effects cannot be underestimated. In this study, The manufacturers database of the annual industrial enterprises from National Bureau of Statistics of China in the period of 1998 to 2006 is used for cross-sectional data analysis of STATA statistical software. And then according to the classification of National Bureau of Statistics industry and Huang, Kao and Chen (2003), the manufacturing sector in China is divided into light industry, heavy industry, chemical industry and high-tech industries. This study discusses the change of spillover effects and production efficiency after the entering of foreign direct investment in China.

外人來台直接投資影響因素探討:以考量產業及ECFA因素為例 / The determinants of foreign direct investment in Taiwan-Considering industrial and ECFA factors

謝育霖, Hsieh, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於外人直接投資都被認為是促成一國經濟成長及財富累積的重要決定因素之一,而聯合國貿易與發展會議2010年全球投資報告書中也指出,未來開發中國家對於吸引FDI是比已開發國家更具有優勢,而其中中國將是未來一個全球投資者注目的焦點;故本研究目的有三個:(一)探討影響台灣產業吸引外人來台投資的主要因素,(二)檢定中國FDI增長對於台灣產業吸引外人來台投資是否會有排擠效果,(三)探討兩岸具ECFA協議下,對於台灣產業吸引外人投資的正面幫助效果強度。 本研究採用1982年至2009年之年資料,以Tobit Censoring做為分析方法;並將產業分成出口導向相關產業及國內市場導向相關產業兩不同型態做為分析依據。 實證研究結果發現,政府若想要吸引更多外人直接投資,除了簽訂ECFA協議外,還必須避免台灣國內通貨膨脹率過高及台幣兌美元匯率波動過大;此外,高素質人才的培育也是極其重要,而持續提升國內市場深度及未來發展潛力也是不可或缺的環節;除了這些台灣自身投資環境的營造外,尚必須時時刻刻緊盯國際情勢的變化及中國發展下對台灣吸引FDI上可能帶來的衝擊,如此才有可能打造台灣成為亞洲地區的投資新天地。 / The foreign direct investment is an important factor which be considered to promote a country’s economic growth and wealth accumulation. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World’s 2010 Investment Report also noted that in attracting FDI developing countries have more advantages than developed countries in the future. Especially China, it focus of attention of global investors. Therefore, this paper has three purposes. First, Explore the Determinants of Taiwan's industries to attract FDI. Second, testing whether China's FDI growth has crowding out effect on Taiwan’s industries. Third, Does ECFA agreement has positive effects on Taiwan’s industries to attract FDI. This paper using 1982 to 2009 year data, and Tobit Censoring econometric method to be the analysis framework. In addition, assort Taiwan’s industries to export-oriented and domestic market-oriented two different types industries. Empirical study found that, If the Government wants to attract more Foreign Direct Investment besides signing an ECFA agreement there are something it must to do. First, government must avoid inflation rate too high and exchange rate volatility is too large. Second, government has to bring up high-quality personnel. Third, government has to enhance the potential of the domestic market. Finally, government has to focus their attention on the international situation and china’s FDI growth may affect the Taiwan’s industries FDI. By doing this, Taiwan will have a chance to attract more FDI.

海外事業行銷方式決定因素之探討 / The determinants of overseas marketing strategy in Taiwan FDI manufacturing industry

李率慧 Unknown Date (has links)
海外事業行銷方式會影響其經營績效之良窳,本研究主要目的在於探討海外事業行銷方式之決定因素,根據經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,分別由公司特性、產業特性、地主國特性及營運特性四個構面進行探討,運用二階段Multinomial logit model進行實證分析。經本研究第一階段實證發現,投資地區數、組織型態、最主要投資地區、國內生產毛額及技術來源是影響廠商選擇海外事業行銷方式之重要因素,第二階段再進一步討論選擇母公司行銷、子公司行銷及混合行銷三種自行行銷方式之決定因素,研究結果發現投資年限、投資地區數、海外營業額占比、組織型態、行業類別、經營方式、市場競爭激烈、技術來源、當地銷售占比、外銷接單大陸出貨比率及回銷比率皆為重要影響因素,實證結果供台灣製造業廠商海外事業行銷方式之參考。 / The overseas marketing strategy can affect firm’s performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of overseas marketing strategy. Using data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2007 survey of foreign investment in manufacturing, this empirical study applies a two-stage multinomial logit model to analyze the issue based on the following four dimensions: company characteristics, industry characteristics, operating characteristics and characteristics of the host country. For the first stage regarding the oversea marketing strategy decision, the empirical results show that the number of investment areas, organization type, key investment areas, and those areas’ GDP and source of technology are important. For the second stage of the parent company marketing decision, a subsidiary marketing and mixed marketing approach, the three kinds of self-marketing study, include investment period, the number of investment areas, overseas sales contribution, the organization type, industry type, mode of operation, market competition, technology source, local sales contribution, export orders delivered by mainland ratio, and reverse ratio are prominent.

直貢替寺與直貢噶舉派教法 / DriGungTil Monastery and DriGung Kagyu's teachings

劉哲安, Liu, Che An Unknown Date (has links)
論文主題設定為《直貢替寺與直貢噶舉派教法》,在論述的架構,由以下九個章節串連而成。第一章,開門見山帶出研究直貢的意涵,故名為「直貢」與「直貢替寺」,其次討論地名與建寺的因緣。第二章,討論直貢替寺的歷史背景,也就是「直貢替寺興衰史」,其中包含寺院成長期、寺院動亂期、寺院衰敗期、寺院轉型期等加以探究。第三章,實際的考察寺院的硬體部分,即是「直貢替寺的規模與佛殿配置」。第四章 ,以人文素養為主軸,「直貢替寺的上師與神祇」,主要討論直貢替寺的活佛、直貢法台、赤奔、神祇等。第五章,經營理念與概念,以「 直貢替寺現況」為標題,分為寺院管理、寺院收入、寺院活動等。第六章, 依據文獻與訪問探討「直貢噶舉派教法源流」,共為兩個小子提依序為直貢噶舉宗見源流與直貢噶舉密法源流。第七章 ,修行的法鑰「大手印五具」,前行、正行、後行。接著進入修行成就的重點,第八章,「那若六法」,從基礎理論、生起次第、圓滿次第,依序接個次第而分析。第九章,「 修習傳規」,過去修習傳規、當今僧人的學習,藉以比照來深入分析過去與現今的不同點。最後,為研究總結即是「結論」,藉由研究工作所做出怎樣效益與發展,希望能進一步的提升大眾對於直貢教法能有認知與瞭解。 / Thesis is set to " DriGungTil Monastery and DriGung Kagyu's teachings ", in his discussion of the structure, formed by the following nine serial sections. The first chapter, straight out of the meaning of satin, fixed called "satin" and "satin for the Temple", followed by the discussion of names and Temple of karma. The second chapter, discussing the historical background of satin for the Temple, that is, "Rise and Fall of satin for the Temple", which contains growth monasteries, temples turmoil period, monasteries decay period, temples to explore such transition. Chapter III, the actual examination of the hardware part of the monastery, which is "the size of the Drikung Monastery and the Buddhist temple for the configuration." Chapter IV, the humanities as the spindle, "satin for the Temple's teachers and the gods", the main discussion for the Temple of the Living Buddha satin, satin France and Taiwan, Chi Ben, gods and so on. Chapter V, business ideas and concepts, to "satin for the Temple is" the title, into the temple management, monasteries income, temple activities. Chapter VI, based on the literature and access to explore the "origins of the Drikung Kagyu teachings" were put in order of the two boy were see the origins of the Drikung Kagyu and Drikung secret law origins. Chapter VII of the key practice of law, "Mahamudra five", the first line, is the line, underwent. Then enter the spiritual achievements of the focus of Chapter VIII, "that if the Six", from the basic theory, students from the sequence, complete sequence, then a sequence and sequence analysis. Chapter IX, "attend-conventional", in the past to attend mass regulations, today's monks to learn, to cf in-depth analysis of past and present different points. Finally, the study concluded that the "conclusion" made by how effective research and development, hoping to further raise public awareness for the satin teachings and understanding to have.

Efficiency Comparison of Distribution-Free Transformations in the Straight-Line Regression Problem / 非参直线回归问题中不同变换方法的有效性比较

Zhang, Ling January 2010 (has links)
<p>In statistical inference of the distribution-free straight-line regression problem, two common transformations, rank transformation and sign transformation, are used to construct the test statistics. When shall we need to use the transformations and which transformation is more efficient are two common questions met by researchers. In this thesis, we will discuss the comparison of the efficiencies of the statistics before and after the rank transformation or the sign transformation in both theoretical and practical ways. Simulation is also used to compare the efficiencies of the statistics under different distributions. Some recommendations about when to use transformations and which one to choose are put forward associated with the conclusion drawn from the research work we have done.</p>

Efficiency Comparison of Distribution-Free Transformations in the Straight-Line Regression Problem / 非参直线回归问题中不同变换方法的有效性比较

Zhang, Ling January 2010 (has links)
In statistical inference of the distribution-free straight-line regression problem, two common transformations, rank transformation and sign transformation, are used to construct the test statistics. When shall we need to use the transformations and which transformation is more efficient are two common questions met by researchers. In this thesis, we will discuss the comparison of the efficiencies of the statistics before and after the rank transformation or the sign transformation in both theoretical and practical ways. Simulation is also used to compare the efficiencies of the statistics under different distributions. Some recommendations about when to use transformations and which one to choose are put forward associated with the conclusion drawn from the research work we have done.

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