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積跬步致千里:中國大陸城市基層選舉的動員參與陳奕伶 Unknown Date (has links)
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政策變遷之研究:以直轄市山地原住民區自治為例 / A Research of Policy Change : A Case Study of Mountain Indigenous Districts of Special Municipalities陳丘玫, Chen, Chiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
其中有關實務建議部分,第一,提出本個案成功達到政策變遷的原因、過程及關鍵因素,希望作為往後欲推動政策變遷之類似個案參考;其次,希望中央相關部會儘速完成制度面後續的配套修法,並協助原住民地區提升自籌財源能力;第三,中央與地方應有更充份的溝通,並且協助地方改善因選舉而衍生的陋習;再來,應釐清我國原住民族自治的範疇、定位及方式;最後,建議針對重大政策變遷可依指標進行政策評估。另外,於後續研究建議部分,本研究認為可針對立法委員立法面向、保障少數族群的底線及政黨因素於原住民族區域治理的作用等議題進一步的研究及討論。 / Facing global competition and the localization of competitive advantage, Taiwanese government enforces strategies including strengthening regional development to promote general competitiveness of the country. One of the concrete policies is the amendment of Local Government Act in planning to change counties/cities into special municipalities or merge counties/cities with other special municipalities or counties/cities into a special municipality to push the development of the regions forward.
However, the organization system of special municipality is different from counties/cities. “Districts” within the special municipality are branches of city government, no longer autonomous as local self-government. In 2010, regions like Wulai located in New Taipei City, Heping in Taichung, Maolin and Namasia in Kaohsiung City were changed into districts of special municipality, the indigenous people therefore fought against the policy which brought no autonomous status.
As the result of indigenous legislators’ struggle for autonomy of indigenous districts, these five regions have been converted from mountain indigenous townships were shall have autonomous status. The Local Government Amendment Act were amended and promogated on 14 January 2014, and forced by the president on 29 January 2014. Furthermore, on 29 November 2014, the mountain indigenous districts held the first election of the first batch of councilors and chief administrators. This study sets timing range from when these five indigenous townships transformed into municipal districts to when they attained autonomy due to law amendment. By collecting materials concerning the process of policy change as well as conducting qualitative interviews with legislators and executive authorities to obtain multidimensional information, this study analyses and constructs a full outlook of the individual case.
This study is based on “environment and discipline dimension”, “policy network and interaction” and “policy’s character and attribute” as the structure of research. By ways of observing the function and influence of policy window and of regrouping secondary data and interview records systematically, this study brings forward research results, practical recommendations and suggestions for follow-up study.
As for practical recommendations, first, this study addresses the reason, process and key factors for the individual case succeeding in policy change in hope of propelling policy change for similar cases in the future. Secondly, this study expects concerned ministry or commission in the central government to complete the follow-up amendments systemically as soon as possible; also they should assist indigenous regions in enhancing the ability of self-financing. Third, the conversation carried by the central with the local should be more sufficient and it should assist the local in correcting undesirable customs resulted from elections. Moreover, the scope, position and manner of indigenous people’s autonomy in Taiwan should be clarified. Lastly, this study suggests that policy evaluation should be implemented according to index when it comes to major policy change. In addition, for follow-up research, this study advises further research and discussion targeting at topics such as legislator’s lawmaking, the bottom line of protecting minor groups, and party’s influence on indigenous regions’ management.
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論垂直相關市場中之整併策略:以互補要素模型分析 / Merger Decisions in Vertically Related Market with Complementary Inputs謝宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用互補要素模型分析垂直相關市場中之整併策略,並討論在不同談判力下之各種均衡市場結構。當下游廠商所需生產要素之一為獨賣要素,另一由寡占廠商生產時,下游廠商與上游非獨賣要素廠商將視整併後談判力保存程度大小與獨占要素廠商進行補貼與否而決定是否進行垂直整併,上游獨賣要素廠商則會經由比較整併一家下游廠商和任由其他廠商垂直整併所能獲得之利潤,決定在下游廠商談判力較大的情況下併購下游廠商。而當上游非獨賣要素廠商談判力極小或極大時,上游獨賣要素廠商與下游廠商整併亦較為有利。 / This research investigates merger decisions in a vertically-related market with two complementary intermediate inputs by using the Nash bargaining model. The production of final good involves two complementary inputs, exclusive inputs and commonly available inputs. The downstream firms and the oligopolistic upstream firms would merge if the preservation of bargaining power after merger is large enough or the monopolistic input supplier subsidizes them to do so. The monopolistic input supplier compares the gains of merging a downstream firm and the profit of letting other firms integrate. The monopolistic supplier would merge a downstream firm when the bargaining power of the downstream firms is large. Also, merging with a downstream firm becomes more profitable for the monopolistic supplier if the bargaining power of oligopolistic upstream firms is extremely small or extremely large.
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雙邊投資協定之理論模型 / A theoretical explanation of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)曾蕙玲, Tseng, Huei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
直覺上,跨國資本的自由流動對投資國與被投資國的經濟均有益處,亦可促使資源在國際間以更有效率的方式分配,增進雙方的福利。然而實際上被投資國卻對外來投資加以限制,並且須透過雙邊協商的方式移除此限制。因此,前述自由投資增進兩國福利的直覺似乎與既存的眾多雙邊投資協定相互矛盾。本文建立一基本的理論模型,考慮直接投資以及兩國的策略性投資政策,藉以說明 Nash Equilibrium 為兩國相互課稅,且無單邊降稅的動機。因此,只有透過雙邊簽署投資協定的方式共同降稅,方能消除課稅所產生的無謂損失。 / Intuitively, the free mobility of transnational capital not only benefits home countries and host countries, but also allocates resources globally in a more efficient way, which makes their welfare increase. However, host countries actually implement many restrictions on cross-border capital and try to remove these through bilateral negotiations. Therefore, the intuition that free investment between two countries will increase their economic welfare seems to be contradictory to many existing bilateral investment treaties (BITs). This article provides a theoretical model with foreign driect investment (FDI) and strategic investment policies, first, as to explain the Nash Equilibrium is that two countries will tax investors' FDI behavior. Second, it explains both countries do not have any motivation to reduce taxes unilaterally. Therefore, only when these two countries decide to remove all restrictions on foreign capital mutually by signing bilateral investment treaties do they eliminate the deadweight loss which restraints bring about.
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2008年二次政黨輪替後之兩岸空運直航:問題與前景 / Cross-Strait Direct Air Transportation after Second Transfer of Power in 2008: Problem and Prospect王靜惠, Wang, Ching Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness.
Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan.
This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait. / Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness.
Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan.
This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait.
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臺灣對外投資廠商海外投資事業經營方式的影響因素 / The Determinants of Choices of Overseas Operation Modes in Taiwan FDI Manufacturing Industry蔡琪玲, Tsai, Chi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
海外經營方式會影響廠商能否成功達成其對外投資目的,本研究主要目的在探討廠商海外事業經營方式之影響因素,借由經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,透過廠商特性、投資動機、地主國特性及營運特性四大面向進行討論,運用兩階段Multinomial Logit Model進行實證分析。經第一階段實證研究發現,擴張型市場動機、經濟動機、策略動機及原料來源是廠商選擇海外事業經營製造業、銷售服務業或同時經營製造及銷售服務業的影響因素;第二階段實證則發現經濟動機及母子公司分工關係是影響製造業廠商海外經營代工、自有產品或同時經營代工與自有產品製造的影響因素。
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企業購併策略之研究-以賽局理論分析胡漢之 Unknown Date (has links)
本文欲透過加入不確定性,試圖找出與前人研究之異同處;而透過本文之模型設定,我們發現了與前人相似之結論,亦即存在上下游之廠商結構中,將有可能出現廠商間完全分離(沒有任何水平或垂直整合發生)之現象。 / This thesis tries to find out the interaction between firms, especially when these firms face the decision of merging. We also try to figure out the reason why these firms try to merge than stay separation. Here we design a game with some specific conditions for firms to observe the process they merge and the outcomes.
In this dynamic game, we design 2 layers, 3 kinds, total 4 firms to be the players of the game. Upstream firm has to make decision whether to merge the downstream firms. Then downstream firms try to merge horizontally after they receive the signal that they knows that upstream firm’s willingness to vertical merge. Here we have to kinds of downstream firms, the one who has better technology has lower marginal cost, in this thesis we assume the marginal cost to be zero. The game have 3 downstream firms totally, so the other 2 downstream firms have the same technology and have the marginal cost above zero. While the downstream firms merge horizontally, they face the uncertainty of the marginal cost changes and the rise of fixed cost, recognized as the failure of integrations. Then the upstream stick to its promise to vertical merge, it will tend to merge the downstream firm which had horizontal merge previously.
The result is far beyond the expectation we had before we run this model. The inferior downstream firms will not join the game, even they won’t produce any when the superior downstream firms is vertically merge by upstream firm, no matter the downstream firms merge each other. More, the probability of success in horizontal merge will affect upstream firm to make the decision of vertical merge. The game has only two equilibriums in the end, one is all firms stay separately, and the other outcome is one inferior downstream firm will rule out from the game, and other firms will be merge to one firm and become the monopoly firm in the entire market.
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香港所得稅制之研究 / A Study of Income Tax System in Hong Kong林音茵, Lin, Yin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
四、實證結果-直接稅占稅收的比重與經濟成長率成負相關。直接稅占稅收的比重提高1%時,經濟成長率將降低0.1767%;即欲維持一定的經濟成長,必降低直接稅的比重。 / Taiwan’s Economic Performance is not satisfactory for the past few years; meanwhile, government’s total expenditures exceed the tax revenue that it generates. Consequently, it is the research motive to explore the brand-new thinking of public service to develop new scope of taxation by comprehending different taxation systems of other countries in the world. The research purpose is to explore:
1. why most of the countries put the global income tax into practice in the world, Hong Kong is still adopting the schedular income tax.
2. why most of the countries regulate the ratio of direct tax to indirect tax for responding to the change of population structure and avoiding the influence of incentives to work in the world, Hong Kong is still adopting higher percentage of direct tax, and whether which is related to economic growth and which is required to regulate.
The research mainly explore the reasons of adopting the schedular income tax and the relations between the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue and economic growth by comprehending the background and evolution of income tax, and the change of taxation structures over the years in Hong Kong. Its conclusions are as follows:
1.Geographic and historical variation—Based on inheriting British’s income tax system, Hong Kong has become the important center for international trade and shipping. Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance is based on the taxation system established in the period of British Colony. Besides, Hong Kong is situated at the crossroads of Eurasia and the Pacific, its physical location is convenient to go everywhere in the world; moreover, it is China’s transit trade port because of adjoining Mainland China. As a result, taxation system is as simple as possible to attract foreign capital and promote economic development.
2.Simple and efficient principle—Simple and low-rate tax system.
Hong Kong is a small-sized economic entity. For maintaining competitive advantages, Hong Kong has to persist in the taxation policy of low-rate tax and territoriality principle, and has repealed interest tax, and does not impose capital gains tax and dividend tax. Besides, there are few barriers to capital movement and investment outward and few restrictions on financial and banking industry for Hong Kong to attain a higher position in the international financial center, so it is not necessary to carry out the taxation reform.
3.Economic and fiscal budget policy—Laissez-faire and the principle of keeping the expenditure within the limits of revenues.
As a result of market-oriented, laissez-faire economy, adoption of the fiscal budget policy of prudent financial management and the principle of keeping the expenditure within the limits of revenues, Hong Kong government budget is surplus frequently and its economy is prosperous, and therefore does not have the motive to carry out the taxation reform.
4.Empirical results—The correlation between the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue and the rate of economic growth is a negative number.
If the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue increases by 1%, the rate of economic growth decreases by 0.1767%, i.e., the first requisite for sustaining a certain rate of economic growth is decreasing the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue.
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台灣電子科技業員工工作滿意度分析─以某集團土城廠區為例 / Employees' Job Satisfaction Analysis of Taiwan Electronics Industry─ An Example of H Group in Tucheng黃佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:工作滿意度、直屬主管領導型態、工作特性 / Electronics industry market is highly competitive and rapidly changing, especially electronics industry is one of the main industries in Taiwan, therefore, how to choose right people and retain right people to improve business performance and reduce training costs are the important issues for companies to find sustainable and survival solutions. Moreover, more and more enterprises pay attention to employees' job satisfaction and do job satisfaction survey internally. In this study, focus on one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group case studies for discussion of personal property by research variables gender, age, seniority, marital status, educational level of job satisfaction and environmental attributes the differences in variables immediate supervisor leadership style and job characteristics on job satisfaction relevance, hope the findings and recommendations can provide references related to human resources field workers.
The study adopted a structured questionnaire for one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group and sent 300 questionnaires out, and returned 292 valid questionnaires, the recovery rate was 97.33%, the main research results are shown below:
1. A different age of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significant differences.
2. Under different leadership of supervisors of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists.
3. A different job characteristics of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists.
Keywords: job satisfaction, supervisor leadership style, job characteristics
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日本海外直接投資之研究-以1994年至2007年為例- / Studies on Japanese foreign direct investment:1994~2007蔡嘉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
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