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外資在天津房地產價格的角色-是主嫌還是從犯? / The role of foreign investment in real estate prices of Tianjin-The principal or an accomplice陳揚升, Chen, Yang Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以中國大陸天津做為觀察標的,運用共整合ARDL模型探討外商直接投資(FDI)對房地產價格波動的影響,釐清外資在房地產價格所扮演的角色。實證模型並納入物價指數(CPI)、人均收入(INC)、貸款利率(INT)、匯率(EXC)與股價(STOCK)為解釋變數,以做為觀察總體經濟因素對大陸房地產市場的影響。實證結果表明,在短期關係上外資的確有拉抬房價效果,不過長期關係影響並不顯著,顯示外資不是實際推升房地產價格的主因,角色定位應為「從犯」而非「主嫌」。研究結果並發現,匯率變動對房地產價格有著顯著實質影響,這意味如果大陸政府要運用匯率這項工具來抑制漲勢不斷的房價,就必須讓人民幣適時升值。不過目前中國大陸仍屬以出口導向為大宗的國家,長期而言,人民幣升值將對其出口造成某種程度衝擊,是以在匯率政策的操作上恐陷入兩難(升值或貶值)的困境。 / The reform and opening in mainland China in 1978 had fretted the surface of the water of the economic market. The concepts of public housing and housing welfare system had been broken, leading to a line of hope in the reform of the house property system. After Xiaoping Deng's speech during his south tour, he set up the basic route of the "socialism market economy with Chinese features", resolving the market economy ideology issue from the root. Since then, the house property market in Chine has been activated. In the recent decade, the average price of commercial residential buildings had increased from YMB$2,112 in 2000 to YMB$5,032 in 2010. In major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the prices had already went over YMB$10,000.
The asymmetric development of the house property market has further caused structural conflicts and confrontations in Mainland China. Apparently, high housing prices were not beneficial to the sound development of the domestic economy. And thus the central government in Mainland China had to face up to this serious problem and aggressively took the microscope controlling measure in the attempt to suppress the increasing housing prices to resolve people's complaints. In the mean time, under the desire for the great profits behind the rapid development of the economy in Mainland China, foreign funds had entered the Chinese market one by one, getting some extra attention of the Chinese government. Because the rumor of "foreign funds in real estate speculation" and some doubles had continuously bothered the Chinese government, under the atmosphere with high housing prices and high social grievance, requests for reviewing foreign funds in the industrial, governmental, academic, and research circles were very broad. However, whether there was real estate speculation with foreign funds behind high housing prices is worth thinking and studying.
Using Tianjin City in Mainland China as a target for observation, this study attempted to apply the autoregressive ARDL model to explore the influences of foreign direct investment (FDI) on price changes in housing property, in order to clarify the role foreign funds play in real estate prices. The independent variables included in the model were consumer price index (CPI), per capita income (INC), loan interest (INT), exchange rate (EXC), and stock price (STOCK), in order to observe the influences of the macro economical factors on the Chinese real estate market. According to the empirical results, in the short run, foreign funds could indeed drive up housing prices. However, in the long run, the influence was not significant. This means foreign funds are not the main cause driving up real estate prices. The role they played was a "partner in crime" instead of a "main suspect". The study found that there was indeed a significant and substantial influence of exchange rate changes on real estate prices, meaning that if the Chinese government would like to surprise increasing housing prices using exchange rates as a tool, it is necessary to allow YMB appreciation. However, currently, Mainland China is still a country with mainly exports. In the long run, YMB appreciation may lead to certain impact on China's exportation. Therefore, operating exchange rate related policies may lead to a dilemma (to appreciate or depreciate).
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中共對臺旅遊政策研究 / The tourism policy research of China to Taiwan李謙宏, Lee, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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俄羅斯外人直接投資與貧窮改善之研究 / The relations of foreign direct investment and poverty in Russia徐牧群 Unknown Date (has links)
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系統家具廠商垂直整合營運模式分析 / A study on business model of system furniture - virtual vertical integration林其泉, Lin, Chi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去傢俱業的產業價值鏈,大多採取專業分工模式。近年來,傢俱業整體產業經營環境開始產生轉變,導致國內傢俱業的外銷市場受到嚴重威脅,更重要的是,隨傢俱產業逐漸走向高級化、精緻化及多樣化,傳統廉價大量生產模式的傢俱業,已漸漸被取代。因此,台灣傢俱業者已逐漸體認到技術整合與技術升級的重要性。近來許多傢俱業者開始紛紛從專業分工模式,轉為朝向上、下游整合的經營模式,從專注少樣多量轉為多樣少量的生產模式。個案公司在本身資源相對不足的情況下,再加上為了加速回應市場變化的速度,以及提高對消費者的服務價值,即藉由虛擬垂直整合模式,間接減少消費者交易成本,策略性的採取上、下游虛擬整合模式,提供全方位的整合性服務。本研究即探討個案公司如何架構更具彈性的新興商業模式,有效進行產業價值鏈的整合,架構一個整合各方資源的虛擬平台,維持經營彈性,同時探討虛擬垂直整合模式的可行性及成功要素。 / The value chain of furniture mostly appears professional job assignment in the past years. Recently, furniture industry changes in operating environment caused export market to be seriously threatened. Furniture industry had transferred mass production mode into sophistication and diversity. Therefore, Managers with furniture industry have become conscious that technology integration and upgrades are very importance. Besides, many managers transferred specialization mode into up-and downstream integrated business model. In this paper, the case company which is relative shortage of resources adopts up-and downstream integrated business model to provide total solution services in order to response to changes in the market. The paper discusses the issue of how to build up a new business model, integrate value chain and creative a resources pool of virtual platform. Finally, the feasibility and success factors of virtual vertical integration are also discussed.
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符号化OFDM通信方式における複数シンボルマッピングによる最大瞬時電力抑圧手法原田, 政明, 山里, 敬也, 岡田, 啓, 片山, 正昭, 小川, 明 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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インパルス性無線雑音の同相成分と直交成分の非独立性を利用した受信機宮本, 伸一, 片山, 正昭, 森永, 規彦 20 February 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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廠商海外生產對台灣就業之影響-以資訊電子產業為例黃琮祺 Unknown Date (has links)
另外本論文建議,政府應該改善投資環境,輔導廠商在地升級,協助提升廠商全球運籌佈局能力,改善生活環境加強人才培訓,才能提升廠商競爭力,如此才能有效降低廠商海外生產的比率。 / Taiwan economy is highly dependent on its international trade -- economic growth is highly influenced by exports growth. Nevertheless, the increasing outward investment, especially the huge IT investments in China, may change this trend. Some people argue that overseas production is the key factor of slacked export, diminished job opportunities, and industrial hollowing-out, the other people insist that the above phenomenon is an evidence of Taiwan’s globalization, liberalization, and Industrial Upgrades.
The Taiwan’s outward investment started from 1987, accelerated in 1990, the year that Taiwanese government lifted the ban against indirectly investing China and formed a new business model of “Taiwan Orders, Overseas (Chinese) Productions”. What is the influence of this new business model? Is this the root of diminished job opportunities and industrial hollowing-out? What’s the correlation between overseas production growth rate and unemployment rate in Taiwan IT Industry particularly?
This article discovered the increment of outward investment and export ratio in IT industry could boost job opportunities; however, overseas production is the key factor to cause layoffs. As a result of short product life cycle characters, the low value-added IT production should apply open door policy while high value-added ones should be encouraged to produce locally and keep the core competency domestically. Keep the key component or technology manufacture in Taiwan will help create Taiwanese international competitiveness, increase added values, inspire research and innovation, direct brand marketing, upgrade industries levels, connect globally, and lower the impact of overseas production on employment.
In addition, this article advised the government should cement Taiwanese companies’ international competitiveness and lower overseas production ratio by improving the investment climate, assisting local industries’ upgrades and the abilities of global logistics, improving living environment, and reinforcing manpower cultivation.
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嬰童服飾產業兩岸垂直及水平分工整合研究以麗嬰房公司為例 / Research on Vertical and Horizontal Division of Labor Across the Strait of Childrenwear and Baby Garment Industry Case Study: les enphants林光儀, Lin,Kuang-I Unknown Date (has links)
一.以大陸廉價的勞工設立工廠,從微笑曲線來看卻是附加價值最低的投資。二.「自有品牌 + 自有通路 + 國際嬰童品牌合作」麗嬰房核心競爭策略,台商經營嬰童服飾,擺脫代工廠的角色,此一商業模式可為經營參考。三.針對兩岸不同的市場需求,採取水平分工,但在朝向國際化或區域性發展,母公司負責產品設計研發整合,繼而兩岸的生產功能整合,藉合併生產擴大規模經濟。四、國際童裝紛紛將生產基地設在中國大陸,避免斷絕與世界名牌童裝接軌的機會,政府應加速開放中國製童裝紡品輸入,加速台灣嬰童服飾產業與世界領導品牌合作。 / The cause of this study is to analyze whether it is possible for some traditional industries to extend company lives, increase profits and promote operational performance through division of labor across the straits. I will present the case of childrenwear and baby garment industry for substantial examinations in three dimensions: 1. To examine the opportunity and development of China market due to the drop of birth rates in Taiwan. 2. To discuss how business operational performances are influenced by division of labor across the straits. 3. To explore the business models and the critical moment of transformation for Taiwan business through the value chain of children industry.
The research consists of six chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction. Chapter two is the documentation of vertical and horizontal division of labor theory. Chapter three outline of childrenwear and baby garment industry in Taiwan and China. Chapter four presents the in-depth interview with Les Enphants, topics include SWOT Analysis, the Five Forces Model, Operational Strategy Analysis, Analysis of Business Operation across the Strait, global division of labor for Nike childrenwear vs. division of labor across the Strait for Les Enphants. Chapter five on the division of labor of childrenwear, analysis of industry characteristics and value chain, and analysis on division of labor of international chidrenwear companies and les enphants. Chapter six draws up conclusion and suggestions. Les Enphants is the major company of case study, the research methods include data collection and in-depth interviews.
The conclusion and suggestions to childrenwear and baby garment industry are:
1.The cheap and affluent labors in China is the least value-added investment in terms of Smile Curve theory.
2.“Own-brand + own channel + international children brand cooperation” adopted by Les Enphants is a feasible business model for Taiwan’s childrenwear and baby garment industry.
3.Horizontal division of labor is necessary for different markets across the Straits, but early integration of product design is the key for production combination in larger scale.
4.More and more international childrenwear companies set up production base in Mainland China, in order not to cut ourselves from international re-known childrenwear brands, the government should lift the bar on the import of childrenwear and textile products made in China, to speed up the cooperation of Taiwan childrenwear industry and international leading brands.
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僑外直接投資台灣的決定因素 / Determinants of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan張淑音, Chang,Shu-ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用1995年至2004年間的時間數列月資料,以普通最小平方迴歸模型,估計僑外資、僑資、外資、製造業及服務業等五種模型的直接投資決定因素。結果顯示在僑外資及外資的模型中,其顯著變數有工資、利率、世界競爭力及政黨輪替。僑資模型的顯著因素有犯罪率及政黨輪替。製造業模型的顯著變數有工資、匯率及利率。而服務業模型則有工資、利率及研究發展經費為顯著變項。另各模型時間變數方面,僑外資、外資及服務業等模型的第6年虛擬變數具顯著效果。在月虛擬變數上,投資正相關的月份僑外資為6、7月及10至12月;僑資為7、8兩月;外資於5月後各月;製造業則為3月及5月後各月;服務業則為7、11及12月。又僑資及服務業兩模型中,4月均為負相關。至於經濟成長率、每人國內生產毛額及政黨比率等不顯著變項,表示均非僑外商投資所關注的因素。 / Taiwan’s saucer-shallow economic scale and scarce natural resources make capital formation very difficult. Nevertheless, capital formation, especially accumulation of fixed investment, is essential to economic development. Among various sources of capital formation, foreign direct investment imposes least pressure on the balance of payments and inflation, introduces innovative technology and management skills, and hence contributes most significantly to sustainable industrial development and the realization of business management ideals. Taiwan ranks among the four newly-industrialized Asian tigers. Among the funding sources that have promoted Taiwan’s economic growth over the years, direct investment from overseas Chinese and foreigners plays an indispensable part. In recent years, however, even though nominal interest rates have continuously fallen, at times even to the level of negative real interest rates, investment momentum still appeared weakened. Based on this observation, this study tries to understand what drives decisions to invest in Taiwan by focusing on overseas Chinese and foreign investors who are highly investment sensitive. The main purpose of the study is to discuss the determinants of overseas Chinese and foreign direct investment in Taiwan.
This study applies the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression model to analyze the monthly time-series data during the period of 1995-2004. Determinants of direct investment are examined in five groups, i.e. overseas
Chinese & foreign investment, overseas Chinese investment, foreign investment, the manufacturing sector, and the services sector. The result shows that wages, interest rates, world competitiveness, and the rotation of ruling parties are the most important factors for overseas Chinese & foreign investment, and foreign investment. Overseas Chinese investment is significantly affected by the crime rate and the rotation of ruling parties. For the manufacturing sector, wages, exchange rates and interest rates are important variables. Wages, interest rates and R&D spending significantly affect investment in the services sector. In terms of the time variables in each group, the sixth year dummy variable has a significant effect on overseas Chinese & foreign investment, foreign investment, and the services sector. With regard to monthly dummy variables, positively correlated to investment are June, July, and October to December for overseas Chinese & foreign investment; July and August for overseas Chinese investment; May to December for foreign investment; March, and May to December for the manufacturing sector; and July, November, and December for the services sector. In addition, April shows a negative correlation for both overseas Chinese investment and the services sector. Variables with insignificant effects, including economic growth rates, per capita GDP, and the congressional seats of political parties, are not among the concerns of overseas Chinese and foreign investors.
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中國大陸外資企業獲利變動之決定因素呂維智 Unknown Date (has links)
就企業營運方面而言,根據實證結果顯示資金當地取得比例與企業的獲利變動呈現負相關,外商企業自大陸貸款取得資金比重愈高,其獲利反而愈不利,另外對外資企業之機器進口比例提高,對獲利變動有正面影響,亦即企業進口更多機器設備,對獲利是有幫助。另外筆者發現,員工報酬等級的變動,對獲利變動呈現明顯正相關。就企業成立時間長短對獲利變動影響而言,筆者研究發現,在大陸的外資企業,愈後進者愈能充分表現在搭便車效果,對企業獲利明顯有利。 / The goals of the thesis are researching the following:
(i) Impact of investment environment and foreign investment policy changes in mainland
China in recent years on foreign firms in mainland China;
(ii) Determinant of Profitability change to foreign enterprises in Mainland China;
(iii) Analysis determinant of different country firms, different industry firms, different
entry modes and different locations of foreign firms in mainland China。
The project concludes the following:
1. The effort of liberalization and internationalization of Mainland China in recent years attracts the inflow of multinationals into Mainland China; with the entry into WTO the inflow will be further encouraged.
2. Foreign investment profitability affected by policies and environment of Mainland China, firms should be more cautious in evaluating their investments in Mainland China.
3. The scales and workers become larger and more, profits of firm will increase
4. More local finance loan rate decrease profits of firms, because cost of loan increase after 1993
5. Obtainment and keeping ability workers show well profits of firms and more efficient equipments do it, too.
6. Early entry firm will not get more profit than latter entry firms; profitability depends on competence of firms.
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