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金融資訊服務業晶片卡應用策略之個案研究曲永皓 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於網路詐騙與與盜用身分事件層出不窮,本研究期望能夠針對相關網路業者在身分與交易認證方面的需求,進行相關認證機制與忠誠管理解決方案的規劃,不僅能夠解決業者面對的 相關詐騙與盜用的問題,還能夠滿足業者未來忠誠管理的需要,更能夠運用此整合創新模式,進行更為靈活的網路行銷。本研究能夠帶來下列的創新應用:
1. 對一個虛擬身分保證其支付能力。
2. 虛擬身分與實體身分的有效對應。
3. 實體貨幣與虛擬貨幣之間的交換暨清算。
4. 客製化的忠誠管理方案服務。
1. 透過晶片信用卡與持卡者銀行實體登錄身分,完善虛擬身分與真實身分的結合,確保身分認證的真實性與完整性。
2. 在利用晶片卡交易的過程為電子商務網站對持卡人之信用額度進行驗證,以確保持卡人的支付能力,並在晶片卡認證機制上保證交易之不可否認性。
3. 使用信用卡交易可以透過紅利積點進行忠誠管理,業者也可以透過持卡人在網站上交易給予紅利回饋,而銀行與業者間的紅利可以透過平台的忠誠管理機制,進行雙方的虛擬貨幣交換,達到更多共同行銷與擴大利基的效益。
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主機板產業因應市場環境變化之策略研究林千春 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的分析是依照Aaker 的策略分析架構,從外在環境因素到內在現況分析,期發現華碩與其競爭對手間,在目前所遇到的困境與難題,優勢及劣勢,從而了解華碩如何在此市場變化迅速之環境中,制定現行的策略。
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平衡計分卡之設計及運用-以某研究機構為模擬李佳恩 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織(Nonprofit Organizations,簡稱 NPO )近年來在國內外蓬勃發展,儼然成為社會良心與進步的另一主要推動力。雖然 NPO 無所謂的財務利潤底線與市場機制,但對管理制度亦有其實務上的需求,再加上大環境急劇變化所帶來的挑戰,因此 NPO 相較營利事業反而更需要好的管理制度( Drucker,1990)。
『平衡計分卡』(The Balanced Scorecard,簡稱 BSC )是一在歐美政府部門以及 NPO 已應用多年,且有許多成功案例的整合性策略管理系統與績效評量工具,其功能足以協助組織整合資源,聚焦策略,及落實策略,具體改善組織的績效表現。本研究以國家型研究機構為研究對象,設計一包括策略形成到策略執行的BSC應用架構及模式。以下為本研究發現﹕
一、在策略形成方面﹕NPO從使命出發,結合BSC SWOT與波特等的策略理論,可協助組織從最重要的四個管理構面上,找出發展的最佳策略。這些策略內容涵蓋最重要的利益關係人,以及營運成功必需考量的完整構面,並具有明確的策略假設與立論邏輯,有助策略的澄清、檢討、改進。
本研究嘗試為非營利部門設計一套BSC的應用模式,希望協助NPO將崇高的理想經由BSC落實,彌補NPO長期以來執行經營較弱的一環。 / Nonprofit Organizations, abbreviated as NPO, have been developed vigorously throughout the world in recent years. On such issues as Environmental Protection, Aid to Minority Groups, Education & Culture, Health Caring, and Spiritual Purification, NPO no doubt has become one of the most important driving forces to promote social conscience and the society progressing. Most of the NPO neither have the so-called bottom line on financial profits nor have the market mechanism, plus the lack of proper managerial tools, which easily leads an inefficient result. NPO, like many for-profit organizations are facing many severe challenges from the rapid changes in environment. As Dr. Peter Drucker concluded, it is even more necessary for NPO to have a better managerial system than Profit Organization has (Drucker, 1990).
The Balanced Scorecard (abbreviated as BSC) has been implemented into big conglomerates, public sectors, and NPO in Europe and USA for many years, and proved to be a powerful integrating tool for strategic management and performance measurement system through many successful cases. BSC could help the organizations to focus the resources on strategy and execute the strategy properly to enhance the performance of the organizations. This research will design a BSC implementing model for a mid-size NPO, Taiwan Sunshine Welfare Foundation. The model will include strategy formation, planning, and executing. The findings from this research are as follows:
1. The strategic formation: Based on mission, the BSC SWOT and the strategic theories could be great tools for NPO to find out the best and workable strategies in the most important perspectives. These strategies will cover all the important stakeholders and a complete framework that is essential to success. Precise assumptions and logical argumentations characterize the nature of this strategy formation, which could support the clarification and review of strategies as well as the strategic learning.
2. The planning of strategies execution: The framework provided by BSC covers all the necessary elements and managing perspectives required for the successful execution of strategies. These strategic elements are connected each other with logical and cause-and effect relations, so they are easy to be verified, examined, and improved. Having been transferred to the daily activities of the employees, the strategies have great workability as well.
This research has attempted to design an application model for NPO to implement BSC, and expects to assist NPO in transferring the great ideas to a real success and compensate the long-existed weakness in NPO operation.
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財團法人國家文化藝術基金會績效管理個案研究陳宜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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策略及策略執行力對經營績效之影響 / Strategy and Strategy Execution to Business Management程孝盈, Cheng, Hsiao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究想探討策略及策略執行力對經營績效之影響,經由因素分析萃取出五個策略及流程構面,分別為策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力; 在經營績效方面萃取出營運績效及財務績效兩個構面。 經由典型相關分析發現在投入項(X組)策略及流程構面,分別為策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力五個構面(因素)對於產出項(Y組)營運績效及財務績效兩個構面有顯著相關。
本研究採取多元迴歸分析,分別就策略及策略執行力的構面包括策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面對營運績效及財務績效構面探討分析,結果發現在策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面對營運績效具有正向影響; 同樣的財務績效上亦同樣受策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面的正向影響。
本研究旨在探討企業策略的運用可謂是企業的思考,對於企業整體外在環境的變遷及經營實況都要在策略規 劃中確實考量分析,將成功關鍵因素能夠融入在策略中來運用,真正根據事實來做決策。 而企業策略是指引流程運作的藍圖,企業在流程運作及績效訂定須與策略規劃要能夠精準的連結,流程能有效執行策略的規劃,如此方能展現企業執行力與策略的一致性。 企業須知策略是否能有效地貫穿在整個組織中來運作須藉由流程有效的運作來實現,故企業在執行流程時應有效界定策略執行力指標,來做為流程日常運作量測及監控,並做為流程持續改善相當重要的來源。 企業平時若能有效執行策略執行力的監控與改善則不論在成本及效率上更具有競爭力,並且能有效達成企業經營策略上的要求。
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策略形成及執行系統之設計-以食品業為例陳文慶 Unknown Date (has links)
而在策略形成之後,本研究依據 Kaplan and Norton(1992)提出的平衡計分卡做為策略執行的工具,並展開策略地圖、定訂個策略議題的策略目標及未來評估的目標值。
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提升策略執行成效之研究-以高科技公司NB事業單位為例 / Enhancing Strategy Implementation—The Case of the NB Business Group of a High-tech Firm莊訓焚, Chuang, Shan Van Unknown Date (has links)
台灣NB產業從1990年代的百花齊放,到 2000年代優勝劣敗淘汰賽後,再歷經10年的各種嚴峻考驗及挑戰,早已進入微利時代的競爭。觀察包括個案公司的多數企業,在競爭策略的規劃與執行之議題上,呈現下列的問題:
本研究第一階段先分析總體經濟環境變化、產業競爭環境變化與企業內部資源與能力水準,再探討如何定位NB ODM之事業競爭策略。
最後,本研究針對學術與研究上的發現,歸納成結論與建議,供個案公司參考,並對後續之研究提出參考建議。 / Taiwan NB industry flourished from the 1990s to the 2000s. However, after 10 years of intense competition and all kinds of severe challenges and trial, the NB industry now moves well into the era of competing for meager profits.
Most firms, including firm examined in the study, encounter the following issues for strategy planning and implementation:
(1)Committing to short-term operations but overlooking long-term strategies;
(2)Striving for gaining more brand customers to generate volumes but overlooking reaping synergy;
(3)Lack of understanding and awareness of the nature of resources and capabilities, especially organizational capability; and
(4)Improvements often encountering barriers associated with organizational systems.
People blame the lack of awareness of strategic management for above-mentioned issues, leading to problems in integration. The fact is, many firms only issue challenge goals and then delegating the goals to units to achieve them. There is no systematic approach for analysis and planning, much less a transformation system to perform innovated activities. The results are firm failure and poor performance.
Some companies do have a very strict strategy analysis and planning, but ignore the important elements of strategy implementation. They think as long as they are in the right strategic direction, they will be able to play the effects of strategy, and be able to delivery of the result of implementation, eventually still no strategic performance with good results.
This case study hopes to establish a systematic strategy management model, especially the implementation of the strategy model for the reference of the case study company.
In this study, the first phase, analysis of changes in the overall economic environment, the competitive environment changes and internal resources and capability level, and then explore how to position of NB ODM Enterprises competitive strategy.
The second phase of this study is to explore ways to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of strategy implementation for the positioning through the first phase of cost leadership strategy. The main research approach is first interviews for the 10 cost drivers to get the strategic issues, then for all strategic issues, analysis of the new strategic issues in the past to execute, analysis of strategic issues corresponding to the relationship between resources and capabilities, analysis of existing resources and capabilities to perform the efficiency of the new strategic issues.
Through the survey of the above strategy implementation, this study then propose how to improve existing resources and capabilities of the change management and promoting program , so that the effectiveness and efficiency of strategy implementation can be improved.
Finally, this study for the academic and empirical findings, summarized into conclusions and recommendations for the reference of the case company, and proposed the reference recommendations for follow-up study and survey.
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政府機構轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程 / Adopting and Implementing IT infrastructure: A Case Study of the Transformation Process in a Government Agency汪其芬, Wang, Chi-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用個案研究法,觀察經濟部國際貿易局這個成功案例如何進行資訊科技基礎設施的轉換。該個案有幾個特徵:一、政府機構;二、面臨內外危機及電子化政府的壓力;三、採行的技術策略,對組織而言是一種全面性、突破性(Radical change)的改變,技術無法累積,必需重新學習。
本研究發現,轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程無法以單一的歷程模式加以描繪。轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程涉及一組相關問題的解決,通常在大眾印象中多只看到硬體設施的建置及導入,極易忽略真正困難的問題在於人員觀念的轉變與不斷的學習。由於這些隱藏的問題,整個歷程會出現一些意想不到的狀況。本研究可作為實務界導入資訊科技基礎設施、組織變革及組織創新的參考;對於涉及長達七年轉換歷程的資料,還可以提供未來學術界研究之基礎。 / Adopting and implementing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure , like the removing already-built premises for reconstruction, involves a comprehensive and massive conversion. Less than two years before the Y2K crisis, when the Microsoft platform had not been fully developed, there were only a few successful cases of domestic IT infrastructure adoption and implementation. Moreover, Internal personnel of organization was not proficient with the related technology, and IT department was not able to effectively handle the issues; however , top management adopted a strategy of IT infrastructure conversion by switching the mainframe to Local Area Network servers and then re-developing all the application information systems. How did they successfully implement this strategy amidst such a massive re-engineering, and with high-risk information technology ?
In reality, IT infrastructure adoption and implementation involves extremely broad and complicated levels, including hardware, software, procedures, systems, personnel, and so on. Machines and equipment can be updated at once, but the core application information systems installed on new machines and equipment must be sequentially developed and adjusted. To achieve the desired effects, people especially, need to change their ways of thinking and learn constantly if they want their equipment, systems, and system standards to be aligned with the needs and business goals of the organization. However, results cannot be achieved in a short time. Therefore the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process needs to be studied longitudinally. With respect to time, we can see the impact of IT infrastructure adaptation on organizational changes and its interactive association.
This study uses the case study approach to observe how the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan has successfully adopted and implemented IT infrastructure. This case is characterized by the following properties: (1) It is a government organization; (2) It encountered internal and external challenges and pressure to launch an “e-Government;” and (3) It used technological strategies, which are comprehensive and radical changes to organization, so that the technologies involved were unable to be accumulated and needed be relearned.
As it is a very long and complicated process to adopt and implement IT infrastructure, this article uses a general research framework (consisting of contents, context, and processes), supplemented by “problem solving”, to systematically describe the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process. Moreover, with the hope of properly controlling the information for this research, three major issues are described and analyzed: (1) How to formulate and implement strategies; (2) How to integrate and apply information; and (3) How to transform the information system department and its personnel.
Additionally, the characteristics of a transformation process can be studied using the organizational process model derived by Chiang Chi-ku (1999), comprising of a planned model, an adaptive model, and an emergent model. This organizational process model studies the properties and differences of these three process models using the two components of “problem solving” —“goal setting for problem solving” and “status control and resource allocation.” Moreover, this article also studies the roles played by the problem solvers (i.e., top management, information manager, and the executive team) in these processes and their effects.
According to the findings of this study, the process of adopting and implementing IT infrastructure can’t be described as a single process. Moreover, it involves solutions to a series of related problems. Generally speaking, most people only recognize the construction and implementation of hardware, but easily disregard the real difficulty in personnel’s conceptual change and constant learning. Due to these hidden problems, some unexpected conditions may appear throughout the transformation process. Hence, this research can be taken as a reference for the business sector in adopting and implementing of IT infrastructure, organizational change, and organizational innovation. Moreover, it can also provide the basis for future academic research of the data involving a seven-year-long adaptation process.
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