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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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楊繼群, Yang, Ji-Chiun Unknown Date (has links)
目前,台灣地區的電視台對於電視收視率資料的使用,似乎較強調業務導向的數據解讀。然而,在節目收視表現的使用上,常由所有觀眾角度所詮釋的節目收視率,一來與廣告代理商實際執行廣告活動的「目標群設定」邏輯不符,沒法說明節目觀眾的全貌,二來也無法描繪觀眾收視行為的細節問題。因此,本研究試圖從收視率(TV Rating)的電視節目之節目編排的運用觀點出發,以剖析收視率在節目編排與應用的意涵。 本研究以六台「綜合性電視台」(民視、台視、中視、華視、三立台灣台與TVBS)之週間黃金時段為研究主題,透過數據分析與深訪資料,討探各台在節目編排策略的考量因素與電視收視調查資料(TV Audience Measurement,TAM)的實際使用情形。研究發現,電視收視調查資料著實可反映出電視產業中大多數的「外部因素」與部分的「內部因素」狀況,經營者可藉以瞭解電視收視市場,是電視收視市場的投射。研究建議,電視台可加強台內同仁在數據使用與解讀之人員訓練,並著重電視收視調查資料於節目編排之使用,使「業務」與「節目」兩數據使用面向並重。 此外,研究中以「電視收視調查」一辭替代「收視率調查」。因研究者認為「電視收視調查」是指「針對電視收視市場的調查研究」,是一種研究調查的方式;而「收視率」是電視收視調查研究中所呈現的一類「數據」,無法說明此研究調查的真正意涵;因此,在研究中對於此調查研究的名稱,都以「電視收視調查」論述之。 / In Taiwan, most of TV Channels prefer the analysis of the business-orientated information about the application of TV Rating. In program-orientated information, the program rating of total audience does not consist with the target setting of the advertising agency. In addition, this approach can neither draw out the audience’s profile nor describe the viewing behavior in detail. Therefore, the research tries to analyze the significance of TV Rating in programming and application. The research samples the prime time of weekday of six TV channels (FTV, TTV, CTV, CTS, Sanli and TVBS) as the research subject to probe into the critical factors are in the programming and the application of TV Audience Measurement (TAM) of each channel. From the research result, it is proved that TAM projects almost all the outside factors and parts of the inside factors about each TV channel. Moreover, the management team also can understand the situation of TV market through TAM. With this research, I suggest that the management team of TV channel should plan to enhance the training for the employee’s ability to use data. And they should put the business-oriented and the program-oriented in balance through emphasizing the application of TV Audience Measurement. Besides, the research will replace “TV Rating” with “TV Audience Measurement”. The writer regards the research of TV Audience Measurement as a research method of TV marketplace and “TV Rating” is just a kind of figure, part of survey result of TV Audience Measurement and cannot explain the real meaning behind the number. Hence, we proclaim the survey to the TV marketplace as TV Audience Measurement in this research.


林積慶 Unknown Date (has links)
本文是以處在文化全球化發展進程下的台灣社會現況做為研究背景,針對十四位現年二十三歲到二十九歲的台灣青年世代觀眾的美國影集收視經驗,進行深度訪談研究。這群台灣的青年觀眾因為熟稔網際網路與電腦科技操作,善於以下載數位檔案、燒錄光碟、以及購買DVD的方式,自行且主動安排出個人的電視收視方式與內容。本文關注這群青年觀眾利用各種傳播科技工具進行休閒娛樂,他們對諸多來源地區的外國電視節目做出取捨時,電視節目的出品地區是否對他們的消費心態有任何影響。筆者以Mittell(2004)所倡議的電視節目類型研究建議,結合全球化理論、消費理論、電視觀眾等研究傳統,設計出本文的研究架構。 本文的提問有二:其一是在全球化的文化情境背景下,主動且大量收看美國影集的台灣青年觀眾,在生活中利用什麼工具與方法、付出多少時間在收視美國影集一事上,而收看美國影集對於這群觀眾生活的其他部分有何影響。其二是關於受訪者是基於怎樣的品味標準,養成了獨鍾美國影集的收視選擇與收視習慣,對於生活中其他國家的電視劇又抱持怎樣的想法。 本文發現,美國影集在受訪者生活裡扮演的功能歷經數次重要的轉變,隨著年紀增長,受訪者對美國影集的收視態度也從被動到主動。受訪者喜歡在看美國影集時尋獲看見真實美國社會的感受,而他們認為日、韓、台三地的電視劇都無法提供這樣的寫實感。本文更進一步發現,這些受訪者的文化認同狀況,遠較單純地被美國文化洗腦來得複雜許多。他們是以不斷重覆消費腦中虛構的美國印象為工具,並以此鑑賞力為榮,他們認為自己的品味獨到,優於其他台灣民眾。 本文的研究發現有三:首先,本文認為吾人在思考文化全球化問題時,應避免以二分的對立觀點去看待全球化和在地化;我們應該思考個人是如何在權衡全球和在地兩方的力量之後,創造符合個人認知的生活方式。其次,本文認為收視節目的選擇有宣示個人品味的消費功能,而本文受訪者貴遠賤近的心態,也顯示區域文化商品的文化鄰近性優勢應被重新評估。最後,本文發現受訪者對個人虛構出來的美國印象產生文化認同,而且他們不經客觀事實查證也確信從美國影集中所得的資訊為美國社會之真實,證明電視的收視樂趣涉及感覺的消費,而受訪者希望以對美國影集的長期收視與喜愛,來與在地的其他地區電視節目收視品味區隔,以達成在文化資本上的秀異宣稱。

實境選秀節目的夢想建構—以【超級星光大道】為例 / A reaserach on dream construction of reality talent show: a case study of the tv show " Million Star"

王維玲 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代末至90年代開始,世界各地陸續出現了強調真人實況演出之節目 類型,這些以紀實手法製作的真實情境節目,而這些節目在歐美各地都創造了成功的收視率和話題性,其中,才藝類型的實境選秀節目在近年越來越受到各國電視觀眾的喜愛,掀起了一波全球實境選秀節目熱潮。 本文試圖透過對台灣實境選秀節目【超級星光大道】的個案分析,探究(1)【超級星光大道】及媒體論述如何透過宣傳語藝、自我宣稱及節目的運行方式建構出美夢成真的意識型態,吸引閱聽人觀看;(2)探究閱聽人在夢想成真的建構過程中,扮演了什麼角色,以及閱聽人如何與節目傳達的意識型態互動、協力、抗爭;(3)希望藉由參賽者的深度訪談以及網誌,儘可能地瞭解參賽選手在比賽過程的付出與獲得、與評審、主持人、工作人員的關係、心得感想,希望看到參賽者如何具體而微地實踐夢想,遭遇到哪些問題。 研究者從節目內容、媒體報導、參賽者以及閱聽人幾個層面來討論實境選秀節目的美夢建構,發現節目產製端、參賽者、閱聽人在這種意識型態的建構之中,都扮演了不可或缺的角色,彼此互相牽動,其中有來自資本的限制及收編、參賽者與閱聽人的的免費勞動及自主性的展現,而研究者便是試圖捕捉這個動態的複雜建構過程,希望展現出不同的參與者如何與權力鬥爭或是抵抗的細微過程。

財經頻道可信度之研究 / The Study of Financial Channel Credibility

何墨儀, Ho, Erin Mo-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在瞭解財經頻道的可信度。可信度是社會的資產;國內財經頻道成立至今12年,有其特殊的發展需要和歷程;本論文之研究期間,正值主管當局對財經頻道進行換照審議工作,財經頻道可信度的瞭解因此更為需要。本研究以文獻探討及財經頻道之前驅研究建立財經頻道可信度之架構,並以修正式德菲法對專家學者小組進行兩回合問卷調查,及四位學者專家的深度訪談,試圖建構國內財經頻道可信度面向及量表。 / 本研究將財經頻道可信度可分為可信賴性、專業性、正確性、多元性及社會責任等5個面向共38項題項,其中可信賴性有9項題項、專業性有9項題項、正確性有8項題項、多元性有4項題項、社會責任則有8項題項。 / 研究顯示,社會責任面向中的「從業人員不涉及股市內線交易」與「經營者以大眾利益為考量」等兩個題項是財經頻道可信度最重要的量表題項,相較於過去國內對一般新聞媒體可信度研究的結果對社會責任面向的不確定性,本研究認為社會責任面向為財經頻道可信度的面向之一;在可信賴性面向中,「平衡報導、多方並陳」因應財經頻道特質所納入的題項,也成為此面向中最重要的題項。可信賴性與社會責任兩個面向較偏向一般性的媒體可信度面向,專業性、正確性及多元性等三個面向則偏向財經頻道特有的可信度面向。研究發現,財經頻道的可信度與一般電視可信度的量表題項的確略有不同,理論界與實務界應將兩者區分開來,不應一視同仁。以此研究反觀國內八家財經頻道,大部份頻道的現況與本研究結果相去甚遠,值得欲永續經營的財經頻道經營者及從業人員深思。 / 研究建議,財經頻道應以中立的態度多方並陳、平衡報導,提升從業人員對自我的道德要求及專業訓練,加強議題的選擇、處理、追蹤的能力,並在組織內控上善盡把關之責,不但需要多元的內容呈現,也希望提供訊息來源並經過驗證,最後,對社會責任的認知及製作品質精良的節目是財經頻道未來應持續發展的方向。本研究結果期望能對財經頻道業者在經營及操作上提供參考,並提供閱聽眾在選擇收視財經頻道時做為評鑑之參考指標。 / This study aims to build evaluation criteria of financial news channel credibility. In comparison of news channels, there are comprehensive approaches to evaluate their credibility, but those approaches may not fit precisely with the feature of the financial news channel. Based on literature review and pilot study, a framework of credibility specific to financial news channels is built within this study. The scale of credibility evaluation is conducted by two rounds of questionnaires and in-depth interviews with professionals through Delphi method. / Through a total of 38 questions, this study categorizes financial channel credibility into five dimensions of trustworthiness, professionalism, accuracy, diversity, and social responsibility. It consists of 9 questions regarding trustworthiness, 9 questions on professionalism, 8 questions related to accuracy, 4 questions on diversity, and 8 questions on social responsibility. / In the social responsibility part, two issues of “no insider trading conducted by personnel in the business” and “managers make considerations based on public benefits” are the most important on the scale for financial channel credibility. To compare with the uncertainties on news media credibility in past domestic studies of social responsibility, this study reveals that social responsibility is one of most important dimensions of financial channel credibility. In the trustworthiness dimension, “balanced reporting and description of multiple sources” is incorporated in response to the features of financial channels, and is the most important issue in this aspect. In comparison with other media credibility studies, “trustworthiness” and “social responsibility” belong to general media credibility dimensions, while the three dimensions of professionalism, accuracy, and diversity are more unique to financial channel credibility. This study discovers that the credibility of financial channels indeed shows differences from issues on the credibility scales of general television; the two should be separated in theory and in practice. / The report suggests that financial channels should keep a neutral attitude to describe diverse sources and make balanced reports; elevate the ethical requirements and professional training for personnel in the business; strengthen the ability in selecting, treating, and tracking issues, and have adequate control in organizational change. Not only content diversity is necessary, but also the information source should be given and confirmed. Finally, perception of social responsibility and production of quality programming is a direction financial channels should develop in the future. It is expected the results of this study can provide a framework for financial channel business in operation and management, and also an evaluative indicator for members in public who choose to watch financial channels.

宗教節目與觀眾之接收和反應~以大愛電視《人間菩提》證嚴法師開示為例 / Religious Programs and the Reception and Reaction of the Audience~Case of “Life Wisdom”on DaAi TV, Master Cheng Yen’s Practical Interpretations

葉育鎏, Yeh, Yu Liu Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣目前共有七家宗教頻道,而慈濟所屬的大愛電視,自1998年成立後,透過衛星播出,遍及全球,現已成為全球華人世界第二大電視臺(僅次於大陸中央電視臺)。不過到底是宗教臺?或是公益頻道?證嚴法師言明大愛電視不是以宗教立場為出發點的電視媒體經營。因為在她的解讀中,每個人都須要有宗教的依靠;「宗」是生活的宗旨,「教」是生活的教育。慈濟號稱有五百萬以上的會員,志業範圍遍及全世界近50個國家,其組織與義工型態發展,點點滴滴都在累積社會信任的資本。 大愛電視有四套關於證嚴法師的節目,本研究以即時性最強,且兼具紀實教育功能的《人間菩提》節目收視作為研究對象;運用接收分析理論,採取質化方法研究,先抽選《人間菩提》兩集主題進行分析;接著以深度訪談方式,訪問八位觀眾。這些觀眾對慈濟事務,有高涉入和低涉入的差異;觀看節目也有高收視和低收視之不同,藉以瞭解不同背景的觀眾如何透過《人間菩提》這樣的節目,去建構日常生活中對社會真實的解讀與詮釋;並瞭解當觀看《人間菩提》節目,出現感動反應後,如何產生收視之後續行動。 本研究發現,《人間菩提》節目對觀眾而言,確實具有其宗教價值與行善助人雙重元素,但不會讓觀眾認為它是傳統印象中的宗教節目,反倒能連結至受眾個人的情感與生活體驗,帶動出一股慈善力量的動能。 / In Taiwan, there are seven local religious channels, DaAi TV is owned by the Tzuchi Foundation. DaAi TV was established in 1998. Through satellite broadcasting, it has already become the second largest television station among the global Chinese population. (next to the Central Committee Television in the mainland China). The Tzu Chi Foundation is a volunteer-based, nonprofit, spiritual and welfare organization that was founded in 1966 by Dharma Master Cheng Yen. For over 40 years, the Foundation has been contributing to improved social and community services, medical care, education, and humanism in Taiwan. Tzu Chi is an international organization with over 5 million supporters. Today, Master Cheng Yen's influence on the world is revealed through inspiring stories. There are four different programs about Master Cheng Yen on DaAi TV. The change Cheng Yen attempts to initiate in society begins with the individual. Among the four programs, the content of “Life Wisdom" is the most direct. Master Cheng Yen provides “living wisdom" daily for 12 minutes. The wisdom is a record of actual events and it is updated daily. This research adopts reception analysis, thorough interviews to understand how the audience watches this type of religious program. Further, it studies the manner in which the audience interprets the content and applies it in their daily lives, in order to construct a perspective of the real world. The present research also examines the reactions of the audience upon watching the program and the manner in which the act of watching Life Wisdom influences the larger community to work toward the betterment of society.

從文化傳播看族群電視台節目製作~以原住民電視台為例 / A study of the production of tribal television stations by interculture communication -Taiwan Indigenous Television

李賢華, Lee, Shien Hua Unknown Date (has links)
多元文化是目前社會的主流價值,事實上,每個文化都有其優勢,在不同時代都可以有貢獻。但族群文化常在傳播過程中出現矛盾與爭議,本研究試圖從文化傳播的觀點,找出製作族群電視台節目時,應掌握的原則和精神,並以原住民電視台為例,探討不同文化間如何有效的溝通。 本論文主要是以漢文化和原民文化為主,並透過社會學、人類學和文化傳播等文獻探討進行理論上的對話;同時,也探討原民文化重要的核心價值與內涵,期盼在文化傳播時能達到最佳效果。本研究採社會科學中的質性研究法,以深度訪談與焦點團體進行資料蒐集、分析與討論。 研究發現,在文化傳播歷程中族群電視台會遭遇下列幾種困難:閱聽人期待不同、文化節目製作團隊素質要高、族語和文字保留不易、文化衝突降低傳播效果、族群捍衛文化產生防衛心;但透過幽默、靠近、善用刻板印象、建立顧問團隊和政府刻意的協助,能突破困難,讓不同文化有良性溝通;除此之外,本研究也發現,族群文化反而可以為主流文化的瓶頸找一條出路,例如原住民文化中對大自然的尊重、部落意識、樂舞教導、和自然幽默的性格,與目前的全球思維等議題有密切關聯。 最後本研究提出三點建議:建議政府籌備第二台原住民電視台、主動培訓原住民傳播人才、學術界的文化學者應積極投入族群文化節目之製作團隊。筆者相信,如此必能提升文化傳播的效益,也能使多元文化的普世價值得到彰顯。 / Multi-culture is the mainstream in nowadays. Actually, each culture has its own advantages. There are conflicts and disputes of tribal culture in the communication process. This research aims the principles and the spirits of producing tribal television programs in the point of interculture communication. Taiwan Indigenous Television is taken as the example to discuss how to communicate effectively among different cultures. This research focuses on the Han culture and aboriginal culture and studies the theory through the documents of sociology, anthropology and interculture communication. At the same time, it also studies the core values and intensions of aboriginal culture. This research, gathering, analyzing, and discussing the data by deeply-interview and focus groups interview, takes the qualitative methods of sociology. The research finds out that tribal television stations may encounter the following problems: the different expect from audience, the quality of tribal television program producing team, the keep of the provin- cial speech and words, the ineffective communication results due to conflicts between different cultures, and the defend of indigenous people for their own culture. However, the problems would be solved by the help of humor, touching, breaking stereotypes, building consulting team, and the assistance from the government. The study also finds that tribal cultures may provide the solution for mainstream culture which is under the limits by itself. The advantages of aboriginal culture are the respect of the environment, tribal recognition, the teaching of music and dance, and the humor. They all are closely related to the global issues. There are three suggestions in the research. First, the government should plan to establish the second indigenous television station. Second, We should actively train indigenous media experts. Third, the scholars in the culture academic circle should eagerly involve producing tribal television programs. It is convinced that by doing so, the culture communication would be more effective, and the society would emphasize on multi-culture value much more.


歐陽至誠 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

命理節目接觸經驗與算命行為之關聯性研究 / A Study on the Relationship between the Experience of Exposing to Fortune Telling Programs and Fortune Telling Behavior

唐與璿, Tang,Yu-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
星座命理節目是近年來在台灣新興崛起的一種綜藝型態,尤其在國人對於未來越來越沒有信心與安全感的現今,命理節目的存在,無疑地為國人提供一個簡便預測未來的方法。命理節目在台灣雖已行之有年,但是針對命理節目收視行為所進行的研究卻相當少,本研究運用人口變項及外控傾向、刺激尋求動機等人格特質,試圖描繪出命理節目收視族群的輪廓,並且進一步探討命理節目的收視經驗與算命態度、算命行為之間的關聯性。 本研究使用網路問卷調查方式,經過歷時三週的調查,共有653名網友參與本研究。根據調查結果顯示,命理節目的收視族群以年輕未婚女性居多,職業多為學生、服務業或待業中人士,收入則在10000元以下,並且具有高刺激尋求動機的人格特質,至於外控傾向高低對於命理節目收視經驗並無顯著影響。此外,本研究發現命理節目接觸經驗對於算命態度與算命行為中實際算命次數、算命結果滿意度、未來從事付費算命可能及自認算命結果影響性均有正向的關係,足見命理節目接觸經驗越多對於算命態度與算命行為越有提升的效果。 / Recently,Fortune telling programs are newly developed in Taiwan. Nowadays,people are losing their confidence and sense of security for future. Therefore,fortune telling programs absolutely offer an easy solution for Taiwanese. Though fortune telling programs have been produced in Taiwan for years,the researches on fortune telling programs are rare. The author intends to address the fact of the audience by utilizing demographics and psychological orientation such as locus of control and sensation seeking. Moreover,the relationships among the experience of exposing to fortune telling programs、fortune telling attitude and fortune telling behavior are discussed. There are 653 internet users recruited and invited to complete the internet questionnaire in the period of three weeks. The results from the analysis indicate that the main audience of fortune telling programs are young single women. Students、people who are engaged in service industry and the unemployed occupy higher proportion of the participants,and their monthly income is under NT10000. To conclude,these people have the character of high sensation seeking. The character of external control has no obvious effect to the experience of exposing to fortune telling programs. In addition,the research points out that the experience of exposing to fortune telling programs has positive relationship with fortune telling attitude and fortune telling behavior. Obviously,when the audience have more the experience of exposing to fortune telling programs,there are more positive effects.

新聞媒介使用與民眾政治功效意識之關聯 / The Relationships Between News Media Use And Political Efficacy

孫天龍, Shun, Tien-long Unknown Date (has links)
政治功效意識普遍被學界認為是影響民眾政治態度與政治參與的重要因素之一,因為其為個人評估自己對政治事務瞭及影響能力的評估。另一方面,新聞媒介是提供民眾訊息的主要來源,從之前相關研究也發現,在民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介後,會對其政治態度造成一定程度的影響;不過,對於大眾傳播媒介的使用與政治功效意識的關聯,過去研究的結果則有不同的看法。因此,本研究試圖藉由非選舉與選舉時期的調查資料,透過民眾使用新聞媒介的習慣,來瞭解其與內在及外在政治功效意識的關聯。 研究結果顯示,不論是在非選舉或選舉時期,民眾的新聞媒介使用從注意程度與暴露程度觀察,電視是最主要的資訊來源,其次則為報紙。其餘廣播、新聞雜誌、網路等新聞媒介的使用率皆偏低;而電視與廣播政論性CALL-IN節目,有習慣收看、收聽的民眾也佔少數。 對於新聞媒介使用與政治功效意識關聯性的探討,在非選舉時期民眾對媒體所報導的新聞愈注意時,其內在及外在政治功效意識則可能愈高。不過,民眾收看電視新聞的時間愈長,其內在政治功效意識則可能愈低;但與外在政治功效意識的關係不顯著,代表與外在政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。 至於選舉時期,則是針對民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介報導的選舉新聞進行研究;發現民眾在選舉時期對於選舉新聞的接觸,與其政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。所以,由於政治功效意識是受到生活經驗長期培養而成,是深植於民眾心中長期穩定的政治態度;新聞媒介對於報導的選舉新聞則僅出現在接近選舉的一兩個月,因此這種短期因素較難與民眾的政治功效意識有顯著的關聯。 / Political efficacy is regarded as an important factor to influence political attitudes and political participation. On the other hand, mass media nowadays are the main sources to provide people political information and may furthermore influences people’s political attitudes. However, existed literarature shows different views about the relationships between the use of mass media and political efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the relationships between mass media use and their impact on internal and external political efficacy. By conducting secondary analysis of national surveys, which were collected during the period of election and non-election, this study has the following findings. First of all, television is the major news media for people to get information, and newspaper is second to it. Radio, magazine and internet are far below the importance of television and newspaper in acquiring political information. Second, our analysis shows that during the period of non-election, the more that people pay attention to news, the higher internal and external political efficacy they have. If people spend more time on watching news on television, they have less internal political efficacy. However, there is no correlation between the exposure of news media and external political efficacy. Finally, during the period of election, there is no correlation between the use of news media and political efficacy. It is inferred that because political efficacy is mostly influenced by people’s life-long experiences so it is stable in terms of political attitude. Therefore, it is not likely that election news will influence people’s political efficacy in a short period of time.

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