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複迴歸係數排列檢定方法探討 / Methods for testing significance of partial regression coefficients in regression model闕靖元, Chueh, Ching Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的迴歸模型架構下,統計推論的進行需要假設誤差項之間相互獨立,且來自於常態分配。當理論模型假設條件無法達成的時候,排列檢定(permutation tests)這種無母數的統計方法通常會是可行的替代方法。
在以往的文獻中,應用於複迴歸模型(multiple regression)之係數排列檢定方法主要以樞紐統計量(pivotal quantity)作為檢定統計量,進而探討不同排列檢定方式的差異。本文除了採用t統計量這一個樞紐統計量作為檢定統計量的排列檢定方式外,亦納入以非樞紐統計量的迴歸係數估計量b22所建構而成的排列檢定方式,藉由蒙地卡羅模擬方法,比較以此兩類檢定方式之型一誤差(type I error)機率以及檢定力(power),並觀察其可行性以及適用時機。模擬結果顯示,在解釋變數間不相關且誤差分配較不偏斜的情形下,Freedman and Lane (1983)、Levin and Robbins (1983)、Kennedy (1995)之排列方法在樣本數大時適用b2統計量,且其檢定力較使用t2統計量高,但差異程度不大;若解釋變數間呈現高度相關,則不論誤差的偏斜狀態,Freedman and Lane (1983)、Kennedy (1995) 之排列方法於樣本數大時適用b2統計量,其檢定力結果也較使用t2統計量高,而且兩者的差異程度比起解釋變數間不相關時更加明顯。整體而言,使用t2統計量適用的場合較廣;相反的,使用b2的模擬結果則常需視樣本數大小以及解釋變數間相關性而定。 / In traditional linear models, error term are usually assumed to be independently, identically, normally distributed with mean zero and a constant variance. When the assumptions cannot meet, permutation tests can be an alternative method.
Several permutation tests have been proposed to test the significance of a partial regression coefficient in a multiple regression model. t=b⁄(se(b)), an asymptotically pivotal quantity, is usually preferred and suggested as the test statistic. In this study, we take not only t statistics, but also the estimates of the partial regression coefficient as our test statistics. Their performance are compared in terms of the probability of committing a type I error and the power through the use of Monte Carlo simulation method. Situations where estimates of the partial regression coefficients may outperform t statistics are discussed.
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"Odor-functions map" in the olfactory cortex subareas characterized by distinct behavioral state signals / 嗅皮質の「匂い機能地図」仮説 : 多細胞同時記録法でみえた、亜領域ごとに異なる匂い--行動状態応答パターン / 嗅皮質の匂い機能地図仮説 : 多細胞同時記録法でみえた亜領域ごとに異なる匂い行動状態応答パターン / キュウヒシツ ノ ニオイ キノウ チズ カセツ : タサイボウ ドウジ キロクホウ デ ミエタ アリョウイキゴト ニ コトナル ニオイ コウドウ ジョウタイ オウトウ パターン谷隅 勇太, Yuta Tanisumi 22 March 2022 (has links)
「匂い」は私たちの生活を豊かにする感覚である。しかし、匂い情報が最初に大脳皮質に届く場である嗅皮質において、高次情報がどのように表現・分配されているのかは、不明である。本研究は、匂いを手掛かり刺激とした行動課題遂行中のラット・マウスを対象に、4つの嗅皮質亜領域から神経活動を記録した。そして、各領域のニューロンが異なる高次情報を表現することを発見し、それぞれが独自の機能を発揮する仮説を立案した。 / The olfactory cortex (OC), which consists of some distinct subareas, receives both olfactory sensory signals from the olfactory bulb and top-down signals from higher-order regions. However, it remains unknown as to how each area of the OC encodes for sensory- and behavior-related information. We addressed this issue in rodents, particularly focusing on four subareas of the OC. Using electrophysiological recordings in the OC subareas with an odor-guided go/no-go task, we found that each area showed unique behavioral state signals that were predicted by the cue odors (i.e., moving to the reward port, waiting for the reward, and drinking reward state). / 博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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國際競爭法的調和 / The Harmonization of International Competition Law謝孟珊, Meng-Shan Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
國際反托拉斯所帶來的問題大致可分為下述兩種,一是阻礙國際貿易的發展,二是因為各國不同的反托拉斯標準造成國際緊張以及企業成本。第一類問題可以細分為下述幾種情況:1. 國際卡特爾破壞市場競爭機制以及消費者福祉; 2. 跨國公司在全球濫用獨占力,影響國際競爭秩序和消費者福祉;3. 競爭法的缺乏以及競爭法的不力執行構成市場進入障礙。第二類問題亦可以細分為下屬幾種情況:1. 國際合併的多國標準造成企業的額外成本,不利國際合併之進行,並造成國際緊張;2. 國與國間產業政策以及競爭政策的衝突。
面對上述這些跨國性的反托拉斯問題,各界紛紛提出競爭法調和的呼籲,此議題近來在各國際組織也漸獲重視。事實上為了處理國外限制競爭行為對國內所產生的影響,以保護本國利益,國內法方面已有所謂的「域外適用(extraterritorial application)」對策產生。但是競爭法的域外適用並無法全然解決現時國際限制競爭行為所帶來的問題,反而還帶來了新的問題,並造成國際緊張。為了在國際案件有效執行反托拉斯法,不論是在卡特爾案件或是獨占力濫用案件,各國競爭法主管機關互相合作與協調都是不可或缺的。至於將競爭法提升至國際法層次,避免國家以非關稅措施破壞自由貿易制度,似乎也有需要。
第四章為國際組織,將討論UN, WTO和OECD在國際競爭法的發展。UN基本上雖為政治組織,但是對於競爭議題也相當重視;WTO部分則將討論目前競爭議題在WTO體系的進展,並進一步討論WTO進行國際競爭法調和工作的可行性和不可行性;OECD對於競爭議題也一直相當重視,本文將探討OECD在競爭議題方面的研究成果。
第五章為全球性的競爭法規範,討論的範圍有UNCTAD所提出的「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則(Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices)」以及DIAC。這兩套全球性的競爭法不但都具有實體規範也都提出一套制度性規範,雖然兩者都未能成為具有拘束力的國際競爭法,但是其所提出的實體規範內容和架構設計仍值得我們做進一步的研究。「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則」本身是以聯大決議的形式呈現,因此在某一角度而言,「管制限制性商業行為的一套多邊協議的公平原則和規則」並未失敗,然而DIAC原本乃是預定成為WTO的附件之一,唯最後這樣的理想並未實現,因此我們有必要去問,DIAC的失敗因素為何?是基於其實體內容的設計問題,或是制度面的設計問題?或者是因為其他的外在因素?
最後,在第六章的結論,本文將試圖分析各種競爭法調和方式的利弊得失,並且提出建議。 / Some people oppose globalization, while others support globalization. However, it is undeniable that globalization is an on-going trend. Another on-going trend is market-oriented economy structure. The structure of market-oriented economy bases on the theory that competition contributes to reasonable allocation of resource. On the other hand, globalization expands the scope of the allocation of resources. However, the proliferation of globalization and the structure of market-oriented economy and the elimination of trade barriers also promote the development of transnational anticompetitive activities. Antitrust is no more a pure domestic issue, it is also an international issue nowadays.
International antitrust problems could be divided into two parts. First, the international antitrust activities hinder the development of international trade. Second, different antitrust standards of each country cause international tense situation and increase enterprises’ cost. First situation contains following aspects: 1. International cartels ruin market competition system and welfare of consumers. 2. Transnational companies abuse their dominant power all globally and affect international competition order and consumers’ welfare. 3. Absence of competition law and unenforcement of it constitute market entrance obstacles. Second situation also contains following aspects: 1.Different standards of international mergers bring many results, such as increasing enterprises’ extra cost, hindering the proceedings of international mergers, and causing international tensions. 2. The conflict between industry policy and competition policy of countries.
Facing those transnational antitrust problems, the issue of the harmonization of competition law has been raised. This issue is drawing more and more attention in several international organizations day by day. In fact, to deal with the domestic effect of abroad anticompetitive activities to protect national interest, the theory “extraterritorial application” of domestic law has been raised. However, the extraterritorial application of domestic law is unable to solve all the problems that the international anticompetitive activities have brought. Furthermore, it has also made new problems and caused international tensions. To enforce antitrust law effectively in international cases, cooperation and coordination between national competition agencies are unavoidable. In addition, bringing antitrust law up to international law level and avoiding nations ruin free trade system by non-tariff strategy seem also be needed.
The main purpose of this essay is to understand and analysis the current situation of the harmonization of competition law and to find out the solution of transnational competition problems in the era of globalization and the era of free-trade.
This essay has been divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which illustrates the international competition problems in the era of globalization and brings out the studying scope and purpose of this essay.
The second chapter talks about international competition bilateral treaties between U.S. and E.U., Australia and New Zealand, Taiwan and other countries. The discussing scope contains the cooperation content which was set up by the bilateral treaty, its concrete result, and the reasons of its failure or success. As for Taiwan, this essay focuses on the review of its current situation and where its future is.
The third chapter talks about regional international organizations which involve in the harmonization of competition law, such as E.U., APEC and NAFTA. APEC’s activities are more closer to the harmonization of policies, which promote competition activities. NAFTA has substantial competition regulations. E.U. not only has substantial regulations but also has the first set of enforcement system of international competition law in the world.
The forth chapter is international organization, which talks about the development of international competition law in U.N., WTO and OECD. Although basically U.N. is a political organization, it also highly emphasizes competition issues. In addition, this chapter talks about the development of competition issues in the WTO system and the possibilities of promoting the harmonization of international competition law in WTO. Additionally, OECD also emphasizes competition issues very much. This chapter also talks about the study result of OECD in the competition issues.
The fifth chapter is the global competition regulations, which contains “Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices” of UNCTAD and “ Draft International Antitrust Code”. Both of the global competition laws contain substantial regulations and the design of enforcement systems. Although both of them ended up in unrestrictive regulations, they also deserve further research. “Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices” was brought out with the form of UN General Assembly Resolution, but it is successful in some aspect. DIAC was meant to be an Annex of WTO originally. However this idea was not realized at the end. Why DIAC failed? Was it because of the design of its substantial content or the design of the enforcement structure or other outside factors?
At last, this essay will analysis the shortages and advantages of all kinds of the harmonization of competition law and bring out recommendations in the conclusion of chapter 6.
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我國住宅地震保險相關法律問題之研究鄧啟宏, Teng ,Chi Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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