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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


阮志強 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

漫遊於紐約三部曲底下的人們 / Paul Auster's New Yorker in The New York Trilogy

張瀞云 Unknown Date (has links)
紐約三部曲,顧名思義,是三個關於後現代資本首都,紐約,的故事。然而,作者並未著重描繪後現代城市,迥異於後資本觀點如:物化、戀物癖、時尚、為主的敘事,而著重於描述身處於後現代空間主體如何因應、如何遭遇挫折、心態如何變化的現代啟示錄。 空間形塑主體,主體也反之形塑空間。現代空間所帶來的整齊清潔的身份認同童話已然消失,代之而興的,是後現代破碎、曖昧、精神分裂、主體消失的超現實空間,在這個獨特的空間場域裡,本論文試圖分析紐約人在紐約此一獨特空間之作為:透過行走、書寫、命名、記憶、偵察、地圖認知等方式來定位/重新定位/喪失定位的過程。 悲劇在於,籠罩於後現代的的烏雲下,雖然現代主義式英雄早已是一條死路,但提不出任何新的突破之路的主角們,終究不由自主地,以舊式現代主義英雄式的方法去探究、去找尋,去試圖重整秩序,緊接著便是,在這做玻璃之城裡,去失望、去挫折,去瘋狂,去死亡。 / Space is an influential, even determining factor to establish concerning subjectivity, and vice versa. The modern space and its fairy tale-type ordered/reasoned/omniscient city dwellers and detectives have already proved to be just an illusion. The world is no longer a comprehensible and legible universe. The omnipotent position the humans believe they firmly stand is just an ideological illusion. What exists in New York now is a hyperspace with ambiguity, contingency, self-dislocation, schizophrenia, and pastiche. Even though Auster’s texts are frequently regarded as postmodern, the Postmodernity is delineated and constructed not upon the illustration/configuration of the late urban capitalism logic which Jameson sees as the dominant features, but upon the textual characteristics of meta-fictionality and the self–deconstruction. But the New York tragedy is, facing with the mental crisis of the new age, the protagonists, or the heroes, the representative of every city dwellers living in the “mutation of the built space,” can’t propose any efficient and effective resolutions. The modernist efforts are proved to be a failure along with the changing of the city. Even though we know the condition is different, we still can’t have a new way to overcome our incapability and incompetents. This failure leads to various crises of subjectivity, ending in disappointment, frustration, disappearance, madness and death. So, in this dissertation, I will attempt to analyze the behaviors of New Yorkers and the way they take actions: through the ways of writing, walking, naming and remembering, they endeavor to orient/reorient/disorient themselves in this particular the biggest late capitalism metropolis.


張麗蕙, ZHANG, LI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
近一、二年來台灣的股市蓬勃發展,投入股市的群眾驟增。但究竟是什麼因素在推動 著股價的波動?在此,我們將探討除了一般之基本分析,技術分析所提供的訊息外, 還有什麼其他的因素可能影響股價?希望以總體的觀點出發,用各種不同的角度來討 討論影響股價波動的因素。 我們將所欲研究的內容分成四大部分,茲分述如下: Ⅰ、定期公佈的總體經濟變數(加:貨幣供給額、通貨膨脹率…等)之統計值,仍是 對整個經濟情勢的評估,亦是投資者據以做決策的參考。所以,我們希望研究這些經 濟變數是否有左右股價的力量? Ⅱ、在這個資訊發達的時代,國與國間的關係日趨密切,連帶地各國股市的發展亦息 息相關。我們選擇了紐約、東京、香港等地,探討這些地區股價的變動是否會影響至 台灣的股價?各國間的相關程度如何? Ⅲ、資產市價應該要能反應“基本價值”(FUNDAMENTAL VALUE ),而台灣股票的市 價似乎超過其應有的“基本價值”太多了。因此,我們想利用“泡沫理論”(BUBBLE S THEORY)來檢定台灣股市是否存在有這種“自我預期實現”的泡沫現象? Ⅳ、最後,擬利用變異數區間檢定(VARIANCE BOUND TEST )來檢定台灣的股價是否過度波動,而不是一個“效率性”的市場。 我們將利用計量經濟模型來探討這些問題。希望找出那些因素可以用來解釋台灣股價 變動的情形。

《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型歷程分析:1996~2016 / Analysis on the Digitalization of the New York Times Newsroom from 1996 to 2016

曾筱媛, Tseng, Hsaio Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
1996年來,《紐約時報》緊跟數位科技發展,跨媒體經營網站,其內部新聞室也出現轉折,以產製數位新聞目標,逐步調整新聞產製的內容與方式。本研究從新聞產製取徑出發,分析《紐約時報》自1996年到2016年間的新聞室數位化轉型歷程,剖析產製數位新聞與工作常規轉變之間的關聯性。經文獻回顧所整理的分析架構,將研究個案的分三階段探討:第一階段變革(1996-1999)、第二階段變革(2000-2007)、第三階段變革(2008-2016),文獻分析法,系統性地整理現有歷史資料,剖析研究個案在不同階段的轉型歷程。 研究發現,《紐約時報》在各階段數位科技發展中從未缺席,甚至積極擁抱改變,拋棄過往歷經百年的印刷報紙產製流程,以求市場領先地位。其歷年來的數位新聞服務多元,儘管過程中有些服務宣告失敗,但經營者與高層主管總有獨到見解,積極投入資源,內部新聞從業人員也總能快速因應,不斷招募新的數位科技人才,設立新職務,打造不同以往的新聞產製流程與工作常規。相較於過去,《紐約時報》網站與報紙新聞室之間的關係已經反客為主,從「網路優先」概念進展到「行動優先」,並持續在新聞室中拓展不一樣的新聞工作常規和產製流程,為《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型,埋下成功的因子。 / Today, journalists across the organization are hungry to bring about change while facing a vital moment where digitalization has pushed the entire newspaper industry to accelerate transformation. In the past few years, The New York Times, as a pioneer of the American newspaper industry, has tried to change news routines and produce progress that takes advantage of today’s changing media landscape. In light of the importance of digitalization, this case study takes a historical approach to analyze the digitalization of The New York Times newsroom from 1996 to 2016, as well as other endeavors, in order to provide a framework of the newspaper’s news routines during the digitalization era. The analysis framework is composed into three periods of time: 1996-1999, 2000-2007, and 2008-2016. This study concludes that as The New York Times is uniquely well-positioned to transform itself quickly, it buried the traditional news routines of print newspaper and moved forward to make digital progress as soon as possible. Their digital-first strategy is still ongoing, and, as a result, this report shows that The New York Times has played a vital role in a changing world and has brought about different types of digital progress.

以博物館行銷觀點探討博物館形象建立 / On building museum image from the viewpoint of museum marketing

張瑜倩 Unknown Date (has links)
行銷源自企業界,而行銷大師菲利普,科特勒(Philip Kolter)將行銷應用於非營利機構中,除了可以開拓財源之外,更可以有效地達成非營利機構中重要使命(Mission)。 而博物館屬於非營利機構的一種,加上處於競爭十分激烈的現代,行銷已成為不二法門。博物館行銷在八○美國廣泛運用以來,已有二十餘年;其間,有些博物館因運用行銷策略,從沒沒無聞至聲名大躁;有些則從倒閉邊緣起死回生;而有些則一直保持其巔峰的地位。博物館行銷不僅能吸引更多觀眾、開發資源、籌募經費等利益,更幫博物館建立起其特定的形象。我國博物館近幾年來成長速度迅速,同時,博物館之間所面臨的競爭壓力相對提高,不但要和同行,更需要和其他行業競爭。目前國內博物館在面臨種種壓力之下,已開始重視到博物館行銷之重要性及可行性;然而,大部份的博物館對行銷觀念仍不清楚,常常將促銷當作是博物館行銷之錯誤觀念。 有鑑於以上之觀察,本研究嘗試藉由國外博物館行銷之成功經驗及相關理論探究博物館行銷之本質,並以美國紐約大都會博物館為典範,試圖整理出博物館行銷之模式,並以國立歷史博物館之行銷工作為個案研究之對象,瞭解其博物館行銷之現況與問題所在,進而給予建議,期望能作為國內博物館在進行博物館行銷工作及後續相關研究之參考。 在研究最後,針對現今國內博物館在執行行銷工作時所面臨的之重要課題,提出七項建議:(一)提供博物館內行銷工作的層級;(二)統一博物館行銷業務;(三)培養博物館行銷人才;(四)開發市場,瞭解觀眾需求;(五)做好博物館行銷評鑑工作;(六)博物館行銷之在職訓練;(七)積極開發社會資源。

蔡國強與村上隆經營模式之比較分析:從紐約當代藝術談起 / A comparative analysis of cai guo-qiang and murakami' business model : the study follows new york contemporary arts

林丁禾, Lin, Ding He Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出「紐約當代藝術家經營模式」的研究架構,其後進行個案研究,觀察蔡國強與村上隆兩位國際級的當代藝術家的創作內涵與經營事蹟,使讀者與後續研究者能夠有系統地解讀其藝術事業的具體結構。 / This study first proposes the research framework of " Business Model of New York contemporary artists ", then does a case study on two world-class contemporary artists, Cai Guo Qiang and Takashi Murakami, and observe their creation and business in order that the readers and future researchers can interpret the concrete structure of their artistic business in a systematic manner.

中國傳媒建構國際話語權策略分析 以新疆「7.5事件」為例 / The strategy analysis of Chinese media constructing discursive power: A case study of July 2009 Urumqi riots

張芷瑄, Chang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著冷戰結束,美國藉由其強大國力和自身的話語權力,在國際社會爭取自身利益。近年來,由於中國國力日漸強大,開始重視話語權的建構,加上 2008年西藏拉薩「3.14事件」發生時,中國封鎖消息,沒有官方來源的情況下,國外媒體紛紛透過其他管道採訪,出現許多次錯誤報導,讓中國失去主動建立話語權的機會。中國政府當局深知此事傷害中國形象甚尤,為了避免形成所謂「以美國為主的國際話語和國際輿論霸權」以及「傳播美國化」的問題,中國在2009年新疆「7.5事件」中放寬新聞管制,主動提供外國媒體信息,並安排外國記者採訪事宜,使訊息較為透明化,避免世界一邊倒的輿論偏向,企圖獲得中國話語權。 在2009年新疆烏魯木齊「7.5事件」中,中國政府採取不同於過往的處理方式,中國當局記取改善信息發佈制度,事件發生後幾小時內,中國國務院新聞辦公室邀請外國記者到烏魯木齊採訪,安排記者採訪事宜,較諸2008年西藏拉薩「3.14事件」。因此,本研究採取內容分析和論述分析等,透過分析新疆「7.5事件」新聞,試圖了解中國傳媒如何藉由新疆「7.5事件」新聞報導建構中國話語權策略,並以美國《紐約時報》作為論證,檢視中國藉由新疆「7.5事件」建構話語權的成效為何。研究結果發現,《中新社》運用的九項報導策略,在《紐約時報》並沒有提及類似的新聞內容,證明《中新社》的報導策略在《紐約時報》試圖從報導新疆「7.5事件」建構的國際話語權策略,成效有限。 / While Cold War ended, the United States fought for their own interests in the global society through their own national power and discursive power. In recent years, China’s national power has become stronger, and started to focus on discursive power. When 2008 Tibetan unrest happened, China blocked all the information. There is no official source so that the foreign media have to use irregular channels to interview people. There are some error reports in foreign media, so China lost the opportunity to take the initiative to establish the right to speak. Chinese authorities knew that the matter hurt Chinese image severely. In order to avoid the problems so-called “US-based international hegemonic discourse” and “dissemination of Americanization,” China, in July 2009 Urumqi riots, loosened restrictions in media and took initiative to provide information to journalists. Chinese government also arranged some interviews for foreign so that the messages were more transparent to avoid one-sided opinions to gain Chinese discursive power. In July 2009 Urumqi riots, the Chinese government adopted the approach different from the past, which improved information release system. Within a few hours after the incident, China's State Council Information Office invited foreign reporters to Urumqi to do interviews which differed from 2008 Tibetan unrest. Therefore, this study adopts content analysis and discourse analysis etc. to realize how Chinese media constructs Chinese discourse strategies and uses U.S.A. “New York Times” as a proof to view Chinese discourse strategies’ effects through July 2009 Urumqi riots news. The study finds that China News Service uses 9 strategies in reporting Urumqi riots. However, New York Times do not mention the similar coverage. It proved that China News Service use the strategies to construct international discursive power in reporting Urumqi riots, to be limited success.

論我國保險經紀人公司之監理- 自2012年保險法修訂後之裁罰案觀察 / Supervision Mechanism and Regulations for Insurance Brokers in Taiwan:A View from the Penalties after 2012

郭姿君, Kuo, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來保險經紀人、代理人公司家數及市場占有率逐漸上升,並且因為監理政策調整,保經代公司越來越朝向大型化發展。保險經紀人、保險代理人已成為保險行銷、仲介極重要之通路,其招攬之話術、資訊之揭露、適合度之評估等對於消費者權益影響重大。立法者、主管機關金融監督管理委員會基於保護消費者權益,對於保險經紀人、保險代理人等保險輔助人之規範政策及管理態度,從過往寬鬆,皆轉向積極立法、緊縮監理,且嚴加查核,近期做出之裁罰案甚至超過過去數十年之總和。 由於保險經紀人管理規則於2011年2月25日修正發布全文49條條文,12月29日再修正11條條文、新增3條條文並刪除1條條文,修正幅度接近三分之一,對保險經紀人公司營運具重大影響性。本文遂以2012年為界,蒐集自2012年來主管機關金融監督管理委員會對於保險經紀人公司之裁罰案,分析其裁罰原因、理由;並類型化成三種主要之裁罰類型,包含:一、未落實保險經紀人簽署制度;二、違反禁止策略聯盟、轉單掛件制度;三、所使用之廣告、文宣用品未經保險業同意;逐一詳細探討其適法性,並提出修正本文看法。 由於探討上開三類裁罰案類型之法律依據的適法性,與學說、實務上對保險經紀人之定位、保險經紀人與保險公司、要保人間之契約關係屬性,甚至是現行我國對保險經紀人之管理制度等,皆密切關連。故本文開頭,先詳細介紹我國保險經紀人管理制度,並參考歐盟保險仲介指令、紐約州保險法第二十一章、以及國際保險監理官協會所頒佈之保險核心原則第十八點,有關保險經紀人之監理規範,定位我國保險經紀人之地位後,才進入本文重點,探討常見裁罰案背後規範的妥適性。 希冀藉由本文分析能稍釐清取我國保險經紀人之定位,並且取得主管機關所欲達成保護消費者權益,以及業者經營保險經紀人公司成本之平衡,提升保險經紀人之專業及信賴性,創造整體社會最大之福祉。


陳曉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
世界上成功之交易所大多可以提供附廣度以及深度的商品,滿足各種投資人。若交易所提供證券、金融期貨、商品期貨、選擇權等商品以供投資人選擇,這就是附有廣度的交易所,具備完整性的市場,此外流動性也是交易所各類商品是否得以成功上市之關鍵因素之一,高度流動性可以降低交易成本,提高投資人繼續參與市場之意願,進而帶動商品後續的成長動力,這就是附有深度的市場。兼具廣度與深度性質之交易所,不僅僅能滿足各類投資人之需求,更能幫助經濟之發展。 臺灣期貨交易所(Taiwan Futures Exchange;TAIFEX)現行交易商品包括臺股期貨、電子期貨、金融期貨、小型臺指期貨、臺灣50指數期貨等等,這些商品是以金融期貨(Financial futures)為主,為了建構市場的完整性,增加市場的廣度,是有必要推出商品期貨(Commodity futures),不僅可滿足更多投資大眾之需求、促進商品現貨之避險套利活動,並且有助於市場效率。在眾多商品期貨中挑選貴重金屬期貨當成先發在目前此一環境是相當重要的,因為天然資源最大的先天限制在於蘊藏量在短期下是有限量的,再加上近幾年總體經濟面臨通膨壓力下,與通膨高度相關的黃金投資將再度成為市場上的寵兒。在這樣背景之下臺灣期貨交易所擬在2006年3月27日推出第一檔商品期貨-黃金期貨是很受肯定的,因此本論文將以黃金期貨(GDF)為例子,進一步闡釋如何為商品期貨市場建立相關的提供流動性之制度與計畫,使得市場的深度得以透過此等制度而成功建造。 在國外交易所剛推出商品期貨或者金融期貨都會面臨到流動性不足之現象,但是前者標的商品並不若後者來的具備齊一性,使商品期貨流動性的問題較金融期貨來更受重視。因此國外交易所在推出商品期貨常會順勢引入造市者制度,透過造市者在市場建立之初創造流動性,使買賣價差縮小,將有助於交易者的交易成本降低,另外遠期現貨價格也將透過高流動性逐漸反映在期貨的價格上,避險者也會有信心進場避險,如此一個成功的期貨商品才算是真正成功推出。所以造市者制度對於新期貨商品之推出是很關鍵的,尤其是對商品期貨更是如此,因此臺灣期貨交易所在推出黃金期貨時,為了樹立成功的商品期貨典範並且吸引更多投資者進入商品期貨市場交易,實有建立屬於期貨市場造市者制度之必要。 / Successful exchanges could provide both breadth and depth of financial products to fulfill investors’needs. An exchange filled with breadth indicates that it could provide many different kinds of financial products to investors. As for depth, also called liquidity, it means the ease of entering or exiting a market. Generally speaking, liquidity plays an important part and is also one of the successful keys in financial markets. Because high liquidity could reduce the transaction cost and enhance investors’interests towards the markets, it could bring the growth engine of financial products. As a result, an exchange filled with breadth and depth could not only fulfill investors’needs, but also help the development of the economy. As for Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX), until 27th March, 2006, it has already provided TAIEX futures, Taiwan 50 futures, and so on. Among these products, it is easy to tell that TAIFEX only provides financial futures but no commodity futures. Therefore, to improve the completeness and efficiency of the market, TAIFEX considers providing commodity futures so that all kinds of investors, such as speculators, hedgers, and arbitrager, could be effectively satisfied. As for the underlying assets of this commodity futures, since the price of gold has been getting higher and higher, and financial products associated with gold have also become more important, TAIFEX decided to launch gold futures on 27th March, 2006. Based on the previous background, this thesis would concentrate on illustrating how liquidity of commodity futures could be improved by executing the market maker program of gold futures. Usually, when exchanges launched new futures, most of them had difficulties in the illiquidity. Moreover, the underlying assets of commodity futures are not as identical as that of financial futures. Therefore, exchanges need to make more efforts in creating the liquidity of commodity futures. Market maker program is a good solution to this problem. Through actively trading of the market makers, it could increase market’s liquidity, reduce bid-ask spread, and further decrease the transaction cost. As a result, in order to provide successful commodity futures and attract more investors entering the markets, it is necessary for TAIFEX to adopt and design their own market maker program. To sum up, if TAIEX set a good example through gold futures, it will pave the light way for the other kinds of commodity futures.

臺灣銀行業之全球挑戰:防制洗錢與打擊資助恐怖主義–以兆豐國際商業銀行為例 / A global challenge of taiwanese banking industry : anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism – a case study of mega international commercial bank

孫曼蓉, Sun, Man-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Money laundering (ML) involves a wide range of predicate offenses, including drug trafficking, human smuggling, arms smuggling, gambling, fraud, tax evasion, etc. Additionally, money laundering activities had been associated with drug trafficking or organized crime in the past, but the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 have highlighted the link between money laundering activities and terrorist financing (TF). Due to the over-banking phenomenon in Taiwan, banks focus more on business performance than compliance, resulting in the violation incident of Mega International Commercial Bank (Mega Bank) New York Branch with a huge penalty of US$180 million fined by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) in August, 2016. The violation incident of Mega Bank New York Branch has reinforced the importance of compliance with international Anti-money laundering/Combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards for risk mitigation. Taiwan will undergo the third round of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) mutual evaluations in 2018, it calls for not only government legislation but also raising public awareness of ML/TF crimes and involves the public cooperation with the government in the fight against ML/TF.

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