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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國小學生多元智能與英語閱讀能力之相關性研究 / The Correlation between Elementary School Students' Multiple Intelligences and English Reading Proficiency

韓維仁, Han, Wei-jen Unknown Date (has links)
過去二十多年來,多元智能理論在教育界受到極大的重視與推崇,該理論對於外語課程與教學亦有所啟發。本研究旨在調查國小高年級學生的多元智能與英語閱讀能力之關係,主要探討和英語閱讀能力相關的多元智能,並比較英語閱讀高低成就者與不同性別學生在多元智能與英語閱讀成績方面之差異,以供英語閱讀課程設計及教學作參考。 本研究之對象為台北縣257名國小六年級學生,以「多元智能評量表」及「英語閱讀能力測驗」為研究工具,進行量化調查研究,以描述統計、多元迴歸、獨立樣本T考驗等統計方法分析結果。 本研究之主要結果如下: 一、以國小學生之多元智能分佈而言,其人際智能、空間智能、內省智能以及 肢體運動智能較強,然其自然智能、語言智能以及音樂智能較弱。 二、以國小學生之英語閱讀能力而言,其英語對話能力差異較大,然其單字部 分差異則較小。 三、國小學生的英語閱讀能力與多元智能有顯著相關,亦即英語閱讀能力與邏 輯數理智能、音樂智能達顯著正相關,與自然觀察智能達顯著負相關。 四、英語閱讀高低成就者在多元智能分佈上有顯著差異。亦即高成就者每一項 多元智能皆顯著高於低成就者,且以邏輯數理智能、音樂智能、及語文智 能差異最大。 五、英語閱讀高低成就者在英語閱讀能力方面有顯著差異。亦即高成就者之英 語閱讀能力,在單字、句子、對話的等方面,皆顯著高於低成就者之英語 閱讀能力。 六、不同性別的學生在多元智能分佈有顯著差異。亦即女生的音樂、人際、語 文、內省等智能皆顯著高於男生。 七、不同性別的學生在英語閱讀能力上有顯著差異。亦即女生在閱讀英語單 字、句子的表現方面,皆顯著高於男生。 八、不同性別的學生主要和英語閱讀能力相關的多元智能並無差異,亦即男女 生之邏輯數理智能皆與英語閱讀能力達顯著正相關,且女生的人際智能和 英語閱讀能力達顯著負相關。 最後,研究者根據上述之研究結果,對英語教師與教材編輯者提出建言,期能藉由瞭解國小生多元智能與英語閱讀能力之相關性,增進對於英語閱讀能力的理解,進而提升英語閱讀課程設計與教學之效能。 / The Multiple Intelligences theory, having received great attention of educators over the past two decades, has made great contributions to language education by casting light on curriculum development and pedagogy. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between elementary school students’ multiple intelligences and English reading proficiency. In addition, the study compared the differences between students’ English reading proficiency and multiple intelligences in terms of proficiency level and gender. The participants were 257 sixth graders from two urban and two rural elementary schools in Taipei County. The MI Inventory and English reading proficiency test were adopted in the study. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and T-test. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Elementary school students were stronger interpersonal, spatial-visual, intrapersonal, and bodily- kinesthetic intelligences, yet weaker in naturalist, linguistic, and musical intelligences. 2. As far as elementary school students’ English reading proficiency was concerned, the greatest gap existed in their dialogue ability, yet the smallest gap existed in their vocabulary ability. 3. Elementary school students’ multiple intelligences were significantly correlated with English reading proficiency. Their English reading proficiency was positively correlated with logical-mathematical and musical intelligences, but negatively correlated with naturalist intelligence. 4. There were significant differences in the distribution of multiple intelligences between high and low achievers in English reading proficiency. High achievers were stronger in all of the eight multiple intelligences than their counterparts, particularly in logical-mathematical, musical, and linguistic intelligences. 5. There were significant differences in English reading proficiency between high and low achievers. Compared with low achievers, high achievers performed better in the vocabulary, sentence, and dialogue sections of the English reading proficiency test. 6. There were significant differences in the distributions of multiple intelligences between different genders. Namely, girls’ musical, interpersonal, linguistic, and intrapersonal intelligences were significantly stronger than those of boys’. 7. There were significant differences in English reading proficiency between different genders. More specifically, girls performed better than boys in the vocabulary and sentence sections of the English reading proficiency test. 8. Boys and girls had the same dominant intelligence of English reading proficiency, i.e. logical-mathematical intelligence. In addition, girls’ interpersonal intelligence was negatively correlated with English reading proficiency. Based on the findings of the correlation between multiple intelligences and English reading proficiency, the researcher provided English teachers and material designers with constructive suggestions to improve the curriculum development and pedagogy for English reading.

國中師生認知風格與學生英語學習表現之相關研究 / The Relationship between Student-Teacher Cognitive Styles and Students' English Performance in Junior High School

廖惠君, Hui-chun,Liao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論台灣國中師生認知風格與學生英文學習表現的關係。此研究目的是要探討(1)不同認知風格的學生在英文學習表現上是否有顯著性的相關,(2)不同認知風格的老師在教學成效方面是否有顯著性的相關,(3)師生認知風格相符合的學生群和不相符合的學生群在英文學習表現方面是否有顯著性的相關。 研究樣本以新竹一所國中242位學生及4位老師為研究對象。藏圖測驗用來區分研究對象之認知風格是否為場地獨立型或場地依賴型之學習者。此242位學生皆參與全民英檢之聽、讀、寫測驗;此外,研究者亦對師生進行個別訪談以獲得更進一步的解釋。 本研究採描述統計及Pearson積差相關進行資料分析。研究結果顯示(1)場地獨立型學生在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上較場地依賴型學生佳,並有顯著性相關;(2)場地獨立型老師所教的學生在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上雖較場地依賴型老師所教的學生佳,卻無顯著性相關;然而當男女學生分開進行檢測時,場地獨立型老師所教的女學生在聽力的學習表現方面較場地依賴型老師所教的女學生佳,並有顯著性相關;(3)師生認知風格不相符合的學生群在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上雖較師生認知風格相符合的學生群佳,卻無顯著性相關;而當進行更進一步的數據檢測時,師生場地依賴型風格不相符合的學生群在聽力及寫作的學習表現方面較師生場地依賴型風格相符合的學生群佳,並有顯著性相關;此外,其老師為場地依賴型的場地獨立型學生在閱讀的學習表現上較師生場地依頼型風格相符合的學生群佳,並有顯著性相關。訪談的結果發現,師生場地獨立型風格相符合的學生群能受惠於教師的教學,而師生場地依賴型風格相符合的學生群能夠在與教師的人際互動中受益。 最後,研究者根據研究發現提出數點建議。首先,對於師生認知風格的確認在教學上有其必要性。其次,教師的教學應力求多樣化,並且對於不同認知風格的學生能施予不同的教學法。再者,師資培育者應提供相關的教學訓練,幫助英語教師在教學上能依據學生不同的認知風格予以不同的教法。最後,本研究建議未來能有更多的研究探討場地獨立型或場地依賴型的師生在英語教學或學習中所扮演的角色,並提供更多更有建設性的貢獻。 / The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between student-teacher field-independence-dependence cognitive styles and students’ English performance in a Taiwanese junior high school. The purpose of this study was to explore: (a) different language tasks achieved successfully by students with different cognitive styles, (b) the teaching effectiveness of teachers with different cognitive styles, and (c) language performance under matching cognitive styles between students and teachers. Two hundred forty-two student participants and four teacher participants from a junior high school in Hsin-chu city were chosen in this study. The Hidden Figures Test (HFT) was conducted to measure the participants’ cognitive styles to be field independence (FI) or field dependence (FD). These 242 students took the General English Proficiency Tests (GEPT) with regard to listening, reading and writing. Interview was also given to both the student and teacher participants. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson product-moment correlations. The results show: (a) FI students performed better than FD students in the listening, reading and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students and students’ English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; (b) students with FI teachers outperformed students with FD teachers in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between teachers’ cognitive styles and students’ performance in the listening, reading and writing test; but when the data were re-tested between female groups and male groups, female students with FI teachers were found to perform better than those with FD teachers in the listening test, and there was a significant correlation between female with FI teachers and students’ performance in the listening test; (c) student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups performed better than student-teacher FI/FD match groups in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups and students English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; however, the further examination indicated that FD mismatch groups performed better than FD match groups in the listening and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FD mismatch groups and students’ performance in the listening and writing test; and the further examination also revealed that FI students with FD teachers outperformed FD students with FD teachers in the reading test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students with FD teachers and students’ English performance in the reading test. The result of the interview revealed that FI match groups benefited from the teacher instruction while FD match groups benefited from the interpersonal aspect of the teachers. Pedagogically, the findings of the study suggested the necessity of the awareness of students’ and teachers’ cognitive styles; in addition, teachers were suggested to be cognitive-flexible, and teacher education programs were also advised to offer related language training to assist teachers in achieving cognitive flexibility. Further research should be conducted to understand to what extent field independence/dependence plays a role in how students learn and how teachers teach, hence providing more constructive insights for English language education.


楊靜珩, Yang, Ching Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是希望對形象投票進行更深入的探究;嘗試更進一歩地探討候選人的形象會不會影響?如何去影響?選民的偏好與支持。候選人媒體形象一直是影響投票行為的重要變數。近年來在政治行銷的趨勢下,整合行銷傳播的概念應用於選戰行銷的趨勢也愈發明顯,所強調的成功行銷策略就是訊息的整合,訊息的一致性可以幫助達成最大的行銷效益。另一方面,2005年國民黨黨主席選舉確實有其劃時代的意義,再加上兩位候選人王金平、馬英九媒體形象的突出性和對比性,顯示形象投票的模式的確在此次選戰中發酵,而兩人在此次選戰的媒體形象塑造和過去長期以來相較,似乎王金平是嘗試區隔、馬英九則是企圖延續。本研究因此試圖以此次個案來觀察候選人媒體形象一致性與選民的偏好程度之間的關係。本研究試圖加入行銷學的理論,視候選人為單一商品;視候選人媒體形象訊息的一致性為商品的販售策略;以選民的偏好程度為商品行銷成功與否的標準,探討候選人媒體形象一致性程度所產生的影響;檢驗候選人的媒體形象若一致性愈高,是否愈能提高選民的偏好,如同商品若行銷訊息一致性愈高,愈能提高行銷的效益。 研究結果顯示驗證了本研究的假設:即王金平長期性和短期性的媒體形象較不一致;候選人馬英九較一致;選民對馬英九的偏好度是持續上升的,反觀對王金平的偏好度是緩慢下降。換言之,王金平的媒體形象訊息較不一致,因此可能較難突顯他的個人定位和加深民眾的認知強度;而馬英九則相反,由於形象訊息較具延續性,因此容易強化個人的定位和民眾的認知,而較能增加選民的偏好。 從研究結果可以發現,整合行銷傳播所強調,成功的行銷策略—「訊息的整合」,確實對於競選策略的規劃上有其參考的意義和價值;「訊息的一致性」不僅可以幫助在商業市場中販售商品達到最大的行銷效益,在本研究的結果中或許能夠初步印証,也可以將此概念移植到政治競選領域中,幫助選戰候選人獲得勝選、增加選民的偏好與支持。

中國大陸威權政體轉型的研究-以台灣經驗之對照 / A Study on the Transition of the Authoritarian Regime in China - A Case Study of Taiwan

陳佳梅, Chen,Chia-Mei Unknown Date (has links)

外語教學的「真實性」問題:現行國中英語教科書中課程活動設計之「真實性」探討 / Authenticity in Foreigner Language Teaching: A Case Study in Task-based Activities in Current Textbooks

吳秋慧, WuChiu-hui Unknown Date (has links)
「真實性」是外語教學在內容設計及呈現上一項不可忽視的原則。它強調:教科書的編寫,要有意識地為學習者展現出語言在實際運用中的意義和功能。而除了文本(text)之外,有越來越多的教育者也強調「真實性的教學活動(authentic tasks/activities)」在教學過程中的重要性。本篇論文主要在探討是否現行國中英語教科書中的活動設計符合「真實性」的原則。此研究以Littlewood(2004)提出的教學活動分類作為架構,觀察台灣現行使用率最高的五套國中英語教科書中的教學活動分屬何種類型,分析及探究其中有哪些活動是符合「以真實溝通為目的」的原則,同時比較真實性教學活動分布在這五版教科書中的情況。 分析結果顯示,絕大多數的活動設計,是以學習語言形式為主要目的,極少數的活動有機會讓學習者運用語言、傳達訊息。此外,有些教科書中,甚至完全缺少以真實溝通為目的的教學活動。也就是說,透過現行的教科書,學生只是從事句型文法的練習,極少實際利用學到的語言進行溝通。顯然這些開放後由民間出版社編輯的英語教科書,就教學活動真實性的問題,尚有很大的改善空間。 / Authenticity has been regarded as one of the essential principles in EFL/ESL teaching. It is emphasized that the content of the textbooks can realistically reflect the genuine meaning and function of the language used in real-life situations. Aside from the authenticity of text itself, more and more teachers and educators recognize the value of using authentic activities for teaching and learning purposes. The thesis aims to examine whether and how the language learning activities in our EFL textbooks pertain to authenticity. We explore what authentic learning activities in these textbooks are, and how they are different as found in different textbooks. By following a rating scale developed on the basis of Littlewood’s (2004) five activity types (non-communicative learning, pre-communicative language practice, communicative language practice, structured communication and authentic communication), we evaluate and compare the language learning activities provided in five sets of English textbooks frequently used in Taiwan in terms of their task authenticity. The result of our analysis reveals that most language learning activities in the five commonly used sets of English textbooks are designed mainly for the practice of the linguistic forms. Few of the activities provide learners with the chance of exposure to real communication situations and applying their language skills in authentic ways. Even some of the textbook series don’t contain any authentic learning activities at all. It is clear that textbook writing in Taiwan still focuses on linguistic forms – a situation that has lasted for decades and more changes in textbook writing are needed in order to move forward to genuine communication.

英語教學在職碩士班對高中英文老師影響之研究 / A Study on the Influence of In-svice English Teaching Graduate Programs on Senior High School English Teachers

黃素端, Huang,Su Duan Unknown Date (has links)
教師的專業發展是提昇教師品質的關鍵,它包含職前的師資教育以及在職的教師進修。在臺灣,為了倡導英文教師的終身學習,在職英語教學碩士專班在民國八十八年成立。 本研究旨在探討在職英語教學碩士班對高中英文老師的影響。研究方法包含問卷,訪談及教室觀察。問卷調查部分,所使用的問卷是研究者根據文獻及三所在職英語教學碩士專班課程內容所編製的,目的在於瞭解進修教師對於在職英語教學碩士專班對他們的專業態度,專業知能及教室實務影響的自我認知。問卷調查採全國普查,有九十八所學校回函,有效問卷為一百零九份。教室觀察的部分則對兩組教師的教學進行觀察、錄影、分析及比較。這兩組教師來自同一所高中,第一組的兩位教師有在職英語教學碩士班進修的經驗,另一組的兩位教師則無。 本研究的重要發現為: 1. 在專業態度方面,在職英語教學碩士班增強了進修教師嚐試新教學法的動機,  提高了他們的專業自信及教學熱忱,並增強了他們參與進修活動的動機。 2. 在專業知能方面,進修教師在本身的讀寫能力及語法、構詞及言談分析等語言  知識獲益最多。 3. 在教室實務方面,專業知能的充實非常有助於進修教師應用新的教學技巧於字  彙、語法、閱讀和寫作的教學,並有助於他們採用更多樣的教學資源及材料。 4. 運用進修所得知識於教學中讓具有在職英語教學碩士班進修經驗的教師在教 學上和不具此經驗的教師有所不同。 此研究結果對進修在職英語教學碩士班與改進英文教學方式之間的關係具有豐富啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。 關鍵字: 在職進修  研究所  高中英文老師  專業態度  專業知能     教室實務 / Teachers’ professional development is the key to teacher quality. It encompasses pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher training. In Taiwan, in an effort to promote English teachers’ continual learning, in-service English teaching graduate programs were started in 1999 in place of what was called "Forty-Credit Program". This study aims to investigate the influence of the in-service English teaching graduate programs on senior high school English teachers. Three methods, questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation, were used. In the part of questionnaire survey, a questionnaire was designed to elicit participants’ self-perceptions of the influence the in-service English teaching graduate programs have on their professional attitudes, professional knowledge and classroom practice. Then, a general survey was conducted island-wide. Ninety-eight schools responded with 109 valid questionnaires. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with seven willing respondents to further explore how they apply their new knowledge to their teaching. Regarding the classroom observation, two groups of English teachers from the same school participated in this part of study. In the first group were two teachers with the in-service English teaching graduate program experience while in the second group were two teachers without the experience. The teaching of one lesson conducted by the four teachers were observed, video-taped, analyzed, and compared. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each teacher after the observational data were collected. The purpose of the interview was to know the reasons why they adopted current ways of teaching. This study has the following important findings. Firstly, in terms of professional attitudes, the in-service programs affect participants most in their motivation to try out new teaching methods, professional confidence, enthusiasm for English teaching and motivation to partake in in-service training activities. Secondly, in the aspect of knowledge about the English language, participants benefit from the programs the most in their own reading and writing ability as well as in knowledge of syntax, morphology, and discourse analysis. Thirdly, with regard to classroom practice, the enrichment of professional knowledge helps a lot in participants' application of new techniques to their instruction of vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing. It also contributes to participants’ use of varieties of learning resources and materials. Lastly, the application of the new knowledge leads to the differences between teachers who have the in-service English teaching graduate program experience and those who do not. These findings have rich implications for the relationship between in-service English teaching graduate programs and the improvement of English teaching practice of senior high school English teachers, an area well worth more attention and research. Key words: in-service graduate programs senior high school English teachers professional attitudes professional knowledge classroom practice


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。

外籍專業人士在台工作及其相關權益之探討--以外籍英語教師為例 / White-Collar Foreign Workers in Taiwan: A Preliminary Research

賴加華, Lai, Nancy Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討外籍專業人士來台工作的三個階段(來台前、來台工作期間與 未來規劃),藉以瞭解外籍專業人士選擇來台工作的管道,在台期間工作狀況與 生活適應情形,未來的職涯規劃,以及勞雇雙方對我國相關規定的評價和看法, 以瞭解台印間的交流情形與狀況。 在方法上,本研究自2007 年3 月25 日起至2007 年4 月22 日止,為期約一 個月,總共9 位對象進行訪談,包括7 位外籍教師和2 位本國籍雇主。而本研究 主要發現為: 一、 來台前: (一) 促使外籍人才向外流動的推力多為個人因素決定,而非原生國存在就業困 難。 (二) 網際網路的連結與社會網絡的關係,成為外籍專業人士獲得台灣工作機會 資訊,以及在台期間解決日常生活問題的重要因素。 (三) 本國籍雇主在招募外籍專業人士的過程中會因為地理因素而產生風險。 (四) 勞委會實施單一窗口制度之後,申請與引進外國專技人員過程所花費的時 間與交易成本仍有改進空間。 二、在台期間: (一) 生活上 1.受訪的外籍教師表示在台灣的生活很安全,適應情形良好。 2.英語溝通與國際化生活環境的確會成為外籍教師在台工作的困擾。 (二) 工作上 1. 受訪的外籍教師對於自身在台工作權益的瞭解有限。 2. 國內聘用外籍教師的制度較為被動,無充足誘因吸引海外人才來台。 3. 整體而言,引進外籍教師須先顧及本籍英語教師資格任用制度,且聘用 外師也需要一通盤原則,對提升我國英語環境才有正面效益。 4. 目前台灣的學術研究環境因為資源分配和地區發展不均,造成城鄉英語 環境落差較大,外師應盡速引進至資源缺乏的地區。 三、未來規劃: 1. 獲得豐富的國外工作經驗對於受訪的外籍英語教師將來回原生國的生 活與工作相當有幫助。 2. 台灣人熱情且友善的態度讓人留下好印象,可能成為外籍英語教師回 流台灣工作服務的因素之一。 最後,本研究建議政府應該注重各相關部會的整合,以及繼續改善我國國際 化環境,加強外籍專業人士與我國勞動市場的供需媒合機制,促使我國與各歐美 國家的連結更為密切,有助於國家經濟和國際形象的發展。 / This research wants to probe into the three phases (before, during, and after) of foreign professionals working in Taiwan, so as to understand the working communication in Taiwan that foreign professionals use, their working situation and living adaptation during in Taiwan, their career plans in the future, and the opinions of employees and employers on related regulations. This research uses the method of having interviews with the foreign English teachers and native employers. From March 2007 to April 2007, 7 foreign English teachers and 2 native employers were conducted. The main findings of this research are as below: I. Before coming to Taiwan: 1. Explore life experience is the reason that most foreign English teachers want to find a job out of original country. 2. The connection of internet and relation of social network become the most important factors for foreign professional skills about acquiring the information of work opportunity, and solving the daily lives problems in Taiwan. 3. Because of distance, it causes risk factors through Taiwanese employers recruit foreign English teachers. 4. There still have the spaces to improve the transaction cost spent in foreign professionals importing and applying procedure after CLA implementing the “Single Window” program. II. Staying in Taiwan: 1. In Living: a. In general, foreign English teachers in these interviews are satisfied with the living environment in Taiwan. b.Disappointedly, there is a blemish which is the English condition in Taiwan not good enough, and there are no bilingual instruction in many public places facilities, documents, and products. 2. In Work: a. There are limitation for foreign English teachers to know about their own work rights and interests in Taiwan. b. The NSC system in attracting foreign professionals tends to be passive, there is not enough attractiveness. c. In general, we should consider native English teachers’ work rights and then introduces the foreign teacher. There is a great positive benefit to our development in promote English ability. d. There are some problems existing in the environment of scholarly research in Taiwan recently which are the unbalance of the resources distribution and disproportion of region development. III. Future plan: 1. Acquiring the foreign work experience is very important for these foreign English teachers living and works in original country finally. 2. Taiwanese friendship and enthusiasm may become one of the factors that make foreign English teachers come again. To sum up, this research suggests that we government should emphasize more on the integration of related departments to indeed implement “Single Window” system, keep on improving our international condition, and strengthen the work connection between the West and Taiwan, all of the above will help promoting Taiwanese economic development and international image.

教師回饋在多次文稿寫作上的成效--以台灣高中英文課為例 / The Efficacy of Teacher Feedback on Multi-draft Writing--A Case Study in Taiwan High School English Class

黃淑萍, Huang, Shu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
教師回饋在學生的寫作過程中是很重要的,所以如何給予有效的回饋是個值得探討的議題。這個研究是在評估老師的書面回饋對於高中生多次文稿英文寫作練習的成效。桃園市某所國立高中的高三學生,一班共36位 (男生27位,女生9位) 參與這項為期從2007年九月到2008年一月的研究。教師回饋的方式是在第一次文稿上給予代號批改及評語,在第二次文稿上直接寫上正確答案及評語,在第三次文稿上直接給予答案並附上評語。老師不會在每次的文稿上評分,而學生在繳交改寫的文稿時要附上心得單。這項研究包含敘述文體的前測及後測、兩份參與者對教師回饋的問卷、及參與者的訪談。研究結果如下:第一,這種教師回饋對於整體的寫作品質上的進步有所貢獻。第二,雖然這樣的教師回饋對於整體的寫作正確度上沒有明顯的改善,但在時態及標點符號方面卻有正向的影響。第三,參與者對於這樣的教師回饋抱持著正面的態度。最後,討論此研究在教學上的意涵及對未來研究的建議。 / Teacher feedback is important in students’ writing process, so how to give effective teacher feedback is an issue worth investigation. The present study assessed the effect of teacher written feedback on high school students’ multi-draft English writing practice. A class of 36 seniors (27 boys and 9 girls) in a national senior high school in Taoyuan City participated in this study from Sep. 2007 through Jan. 2008. The teacher feedback was to give coded correction and comments on Draft 1, to offer direct correction and comments on Draft 2, and to provide direct correction and comments on Draft 3. Grades were assigned randomly and the participants had to submit cover sheets in revision. The study included the pre-test and the post-test on narrative writing, two questionnaires on the participants’ perceptions of the teacher feedback, and interviews. The results are as follows: First, this teacher feedback contributed to significant improvement in the overall writing quality. Second, this teacher feedback yielded no significant difference in the overall writing accuracy, but it had some positive effect on tense and punctuation. Third, the participants took a positive attitude toward this teacher feedback. Finally, some implications for teaching and suggestions for future research were discussed.

平衡閱讀教學對英語初學者字母知識、語音覺識 、及閱讀態度之影響-以台灣補習班 / The impact of BRI on the letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and attitude of EFL beginners in a Taiwan cram school.

王寶佳, SHIRLY Unknown Date (has links)
視英語為第一外語的學習,一直是學生生活中一個重要的課題。英語的使用變的更為普遍,以位於東亞國家的台灣來說,就已經開始重視英語的教學。然而,大部分的家長仍不滿意孩子們的英語能力,因此,而產生了所謂的補習班。為了增進學生的閱讀能力與態度,任何一種有效的教學策略都是值得探討的。本研究的主要目的之一,便是了解平衡閱讀教學的出現,如何增進國小學生英語學習的效能。而實施行動研究的目的,主要是為了確認平衡閱讀教學的效果。在為期五個月的前導研究完成後,其研究成果便成為正式研究的基礎架構。本研究之對象為15位台北市國小一年級參加補習班的學童。研究結果顯示,平衡閱讀教學對於增進學生字彙的認知能力、語音覺識與技巧有所幫助,同時,也能大幅增進學生學習英語的自信心。除此之外,平時就有參加補習班的學童進步的程度也明顯大於未參加的學童。然而,為了增進教學的效能,系統化的發音教學範例在幫助教師制定更為合適的教學計畫與學習內容上,是極為必要的。 關鍵字:平衡閱讀教學、字母知識、語音覺識,閱讀態度,英語初學者。 / English language learning as the first and foreign language has always been an important factor in a child’s life as a student. As the usage of the English language becomes ever more apparent, East Asian nation like Taiwan has started to place much focus on its teaching. However, many parents in Taiwan are still unsatisfied with their children’s English abilities where they gained from formal school, hence the so-called cram school. In order to improve student reading ability and attitude, any effective teaching strategies are worth exploring. The main objective of this study is to determine how balanced reading instruction will enhance English learning effectiveness among EFL beginners. An action study was done in order to identify teaching effects of a balanced reading instruction. A pilot study was first accomplished, which later served as the backbone of the formal study. Participants were fifteen first graders at an English cram school in Taipei. Data collections were gained from abecedarian reading assessment, reading attitude questionnaires, observations, interviews and recordings methods. Results showed that balanced reading instruction is helpful in enhancing students’ letter knowledge, phonological awareness and increasing the students’ reading attitude. In addition, students who attended class in the cram school regularly improved better than those who did not. However, in order to improve teaching efficiency, more systematic phonics teaching are needed in order to help teachers make appropriate teaching plans for the EFL beginners. Keywords: balanced reading instruction, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, reading attitude, EFL beginners

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