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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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英雄史詩的結構與流傳-以中國少數民族文學三大英雄史詩為中心 / The Structure and Diffusion of Hero-epic - The Three Great Hero- epic of Minority Ethnic Literature in China

黃季平, Huang, Chi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在結構上,除去「緒論」與「結論」外,「本論」共分成五章。第一章「三大英雄史詩的產生及其內容」,第二章「三大英雄史詩的情節類型」,第三章「三大英雄史詩生存的社會背景」,第四章「三大英雄史詩的流傳」,第五章「從比較文學看三大英雄史詩」。   第一章,是對「三大英雄史詩」作一個整體性的論述。英雄史詩與民族的關係不但非常密切,而且能成為該民族文學的活水源頭與象徵,變成後期文學攫取養分的精神寶庫。本論文以中國少數民族文學裡最具代表性的「三大英雄史詩」《格薩爾》、《江格爾》、《瑪納斯》為對象,它們比諸世界上其他民族的英雄史詩雖然內容相同(歌頌英雄的戰績),但是在類型上卻有很大的不同(已定型或仍在繼續生長)。了解「三大英雄史詩」的形成、發展、茁壯、消退,將會讓我們更清楚「英雄史詩」在民族文學史以至於世界文學史上的重要地位。   對英雄史詩的整體了解之後,我們進入英雄史詩的內部結構。「三大英雄史詩」作品內容都有大同小異的情節,經過比較和分析,可以找出相對固定的情節,也就是所謂的「情節板塊」。本論文大膽使用「板塊」這個概念,整理出《格薩爾》板塊13個、《江格爾》板塊10個、《瑪納斯》板塊20個。由於英雄史詩的情節大多是相對固定的「板塊」構成。歌手按一定的情節模式構造的「板塊」,以不同的方式連接拼綴起來,加上藝術的加工和個人的即興發揮,一個個完整的故事便千姿百態地呈現出來。因此只要掌握「情節板塊」,不管史詩故事如何的離奇怪異,都可以輕易指出它的故事結構。本論文第二章利用「板塊」來分析比較「三大英雄史詩」,這應該是「三大英雄史詩」結構分析的研究裡較為突出並呈現整貌的一坎。   透過英雄史詩作品的結構掌握到英雄史詩的內部之後,第三章是探討英雄史詩的生存的社會環境。宗教與娛樂的社會功能,是英雄史詩能夠廣泛流傳的重要條件,透過了解這兩項重要的條件,我們才能進一步知道英雄史詩能夠生存的背景環境。 第四章「三大英雄史詩」的流傳,本論文從四個方面下手,即「三大英雄史詩」的演唱環境、說唱藝人的傳承、書面版本的傳播、以及「三大英雄史詩」的跨族流傳現象。整章完全環繞「流傳」這個主題,從各種不同的面向,討論「三大英雄史詩」的傳播過程。因為藝人傳承在過去是比較被忽略的,而「三大英雄史詩」的版本也過於繁瑣散亂,無法理出頭緒,所以本章較費心力是在整理藝人傳承的發展以及書面版本的匯整。   本論文對「三大英雄史詩」的了解是先從外在大環境的分析開始,然後深入史詩內部結構剖析,再回到「三大英雄史詩」的生存環境,探討史詩的社會功能而明自「三大英雄史詩」的流傳現象。最後一章則從比較文學的角度來探討,「三大英雄史詩」的地位與影響力。   對「中國少數民族文學」而言,精華之所在是「民間文學」,而「民間文學」燦爛耀眼的地方在「史詩」,史詩則以「三大英雄史詩」聞名。反過來說,研究「三大英雄史詩」正是採擷到史詩的粹精。

國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan

林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學基本學力測驗(簡稱「基測」)英語科屬高代價之語言測驗,測驗結果攸關每年三十萬左右國中畢業生的升學依據,影響層面甚廣,測驗對教學的影響即語言測驗文獻中所探討之回沖效應。 本研究旨在探討基測英語科對台灣北部地區九年級學生英語學習的回沖效應,以問卷調查台灣北部地區(基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣)九年級學生,從以下四個面向探討基測英語科所造成的回沖效應:(1)學生對基測英語科試題的了解及看法;(2)學生的學習目的;(3)學生的學習方式;(4)課堂活動。本研究以四個行政層級(直轄市、市、鎮、鄉)作為抽樣依據,共計發出1,490份問卷。 研究主要結果如下: 一、大多數學生了解基測英語科之題型及測驗目的。僅有半數學生認為試題簡單,進一步分析顯示,比較了解題型及目的的學生認為試題簡單。 二、學生學習目的與《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》英語課程目標一致。不以基測作為主要英語學習目標的學生英語成績較好。 三、學生最常從事的學習活動是聽英語歌曲、看英語影片或節目,也會學習千字表之外的字詞。大部分的學生沒有藉由參考書、參加校內課後輔導或校外補習來準備基測英語科。 四、最常見的課堂活動是老師帶唸課文或單字、文法練習,及寫測驗卷或聽老師檢討內容。相較之下,口說聽力的教學活動較少。 結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test. 2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning. 3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school. 4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching. Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.

數位學習產品的特性對開發活動的影響-以個人英語學習產品為例 / The impact of characteristics of e-learning products on product development activities: the case of personal english learning products

盧世雄 Unknown Date (has links)
我國的數位學習環境,自政府於2003年啟動「數位學習國家型科技計畫」開始,市場需求與產業發展日漸加溫,近年更是有許多創新產品的誕生。另一方面,從文獻回顧中不難發現,關於學校與企業用戶所使用的學習帄台,由於市場規模較大且發展得早,因此產品開發的相關文獻也較為豐富;而在個人市場中,不論產品所使用的技術或是產品本身的商業模式都比學校與企業用戶來得更加多元化,但很可惜的,關於個人市場中廠商如何進行產品開發的文獻卻是非常的少。   本研究以我國個人數位英語學習產品為例,來探討數位學習產品的特性對開發活動的影響。故本研究的構面為數位學習產品的特性與開發活動兩大部分,前者包括以學習者為中心、教材重複使用性、知識多元性、資金回收期長、師生互動性、客製化的內容與媒體互動性等七個特性;後者則試圖以較整體性的方式,來探討數位學習產品的開發活動,其中包括概念的形成與發展、專案的組織與分工、專案的領導、問題解決與溝通、時程的控制與測詴、高階主管的角色。而本研究選擇四家數位學習廠商作為深入個案分析的研究對象,其中包括教材、工具軟體與整合服務類別的廠商,來進行專案層次的探討。   本研究所得到關於數位學習產品開發的結論包括:(1)數位學習產品的開發專案多由CEO發起。(2)產品在初始創意的產生上,多由具有相關產品開發經歷或技術專長者依據當時代重要的數位學習產品特性來提出;而在之後概念的發展上,為了強化產品與學習理論的連結,則會由教育專長的成員來進行細部規格的設計。(3)產品開發專案多採用固定式工作團隊型式,且成員的專職性高;並且,專案普遍透過組織外部網絡來分擔製作上的工作量。(4)數位學習產品皆具有「以學習者為中心」、「教材重複使用性」、「知識多元性」和「資金回收期長」的特性;而隨著數位學習產品的定位與所使用的技術之不同,產品可能具有「師生互動性」、「客製化的內容」或「媒體互動性」的特性。(5)數位學習產品具知識多元性,因此,其概念的發展需要跨領域的知識交流,在團隊組成上也較為多元。(6)數位學習產品具資金回收期長的特性,因此,高階主管對於產品開發專案涉入程度高。(7)具師生互動性的產品,其概念的提出者具網路服務業的背景,且課程部分的規劃會強調由具有豐富實體教學經驗的成員來執行。(8)具客製化內容的產品,其開發團隊會透過與外部內容商合作來取得部分或全部的教材;反之,團隊多自行開發教材。(9)具媒體互動性的產品,其測詴大多會由專職的測詴人員來執行,並且會透過外測以了解使用者實際使用產品的狀況及找出其他尚未發現的程式錯誤。本研究最後對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / When talking about the e-learning industry development in Taiwan, it has become prosperous since our government laughed “Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project” in 2003. Moreover, a large number of innovative products are developed in this industry. But unfortunately, the literature about how companies conduct product development is very insufficient.   This study which takes English learning products as example researches on how the characteristics of e-learning products affect product developing activities. Therefore, the framework of this research includes two parts, one is characteristic of e-learning products, and another one is product development activity. The former part includes learner-centeredness, reuse of materials, knowledge diversity, long payback period, interactivity, customizable content, interactive media; the latter part includes idea generation, project organization and staffing, project leadership, problem solving, schedule control and testing, role of high-level managers. This research adopts four Taiwanese e-learning companies as case studies. The major conclusion of this study includes (1) E-learning product development projects are most launched by CEO. (2) Ideas of products are most produced by the people who are not educational background, and the linkage of the products with learning theory are strengthen by people who are educational background in later stage. (3) Projects most adopt the team type “fixed team,” and outsource partial works. (4) All the e-learning products are learner-centered, reuse of materials, knowledge-diversified, long payback period; with different positioning and technology, products are or are not interactive, with customizable content, with interactive media. (6) E-learning products have long payback period, so high-level managers deeply involve the projects. (7) Products which are interactive, the concept of products are most proposed by people with background of internet service industry. (8) Product with customizable content, some part or all of its material are acquired by cooperating with content providers. (9) Products with interactive media, their testing work are most executed by individual testing member and most projects have external testing.

以型態組合為主的關鍵詞擷取技術在學術寫作字彙上的研究 / A pattern approach to keyword extraction for academic writing vocabulary

邵智捷, Shao, Chih Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時間的推移演進,人們瞭解到將知識經驗著作成文獻典籍保存下來供後人研究開發的重要性。時至今日,以英語為主的學術寫作論文成為全世界最主要的研究交流媒介。而對於英語為非母語的研究專家而言,在進行英語學術寫作上常常會遇到用了不適當的字彙或搭配詞導致無法確切的傳達自己的研究成果,或是在表達上過於貧乏的問題,因此英語學術寫作字彙與搭配詞的學習與使用就顯得相當重要。 在本研究中,我們藉由收集大量不同國家以及不同研究領域的學術論文為基礎,建構現實中實際使用的語料庫,並且建立數種詞性標籤型態,使用關鍵詞擷取關鍵詞擷取(Keyword Extraction)技術從中擷取出學術著作中常用的學術寫作字彙候選詞,當作是學術常用寫作字彙之初步結果,隨即將候選詞導入關鍵詞分析的指標形態模型,將候選詞依照指標特徵選出具有代表指標意義的進一步候選詞。 在實驗方面,透過對不同範圍的樣本資料進行篩選,並導入統計上的方法對字彙進行不同領域共通性的分析檢證,再加上輔助篩選的機制後,最後求得名詞和動詞分別在學術寫作中常用的字彙,也以此字彙為基礎,發掘出語料庫中常用的搭配詞組合,提出以英語為外國語的研究學者以及學生在學術寫作上的常用字彙與搭配詞組合作為參考,在學術寫作上能夠提供更多樣性且正確的研究論述的協助。 / With the evolution over time, people start to know the importance of taking their knowledge and experience into literature texts and preserving them for future research. Until now, academic writing research papers mainly in English become the world’s leading communication media all over the world. For those non-native English researchers, they often encounter with the inappropriate vocabularies or collocations which causes them not to pass on their idea accurately or to express their research poorly. As a result, it’s very important to know how to learn or to use the correct academic writing in English vocabularies and collocations. In this study, we constructed the real academic thesis corpus which includes different countries and fields of academic research. The keyword extraction technique based on the several Part-of-Speech tag patterns is used for capturing the common academic writing vocabulary candidates in the academic works to be the initial result of the common vocabulary of academic writing. The candidate words would be introduced to the index analysis model of keyword and be picked out to the further meaningful candidate words according to the index characteristics. For the experiments, the sample data with different fields would be filtered and the vocabularies on different fields of commonality would be analyzed and verified through statistical methods. Moreover, the auxiliary filter mechanism would also be applied to get the common vocabularies in academic writing with nouns and verbs. Based on these vocabularies, we could discover the common combination with the words in the academic thesis corpus and provide them to the non-native English researchers and students as a reference with the common vocabularies and collocations in academic writing. Hopefully the study could help them to write more rich and correct research papers in the future.

論俄烏天然氣衝突之政治意涵―以2006年與2009年衝突為例 / A study on the political implications of natural gas conflicts between russia and ukraine: the cases in 2006 and 2009

游雅韻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以地緣政治研究途徑針對國際層面、國家層面來解釋俄烏天然氣爆發的深層政治因素與俄羅斯此作為的實際目的何在。 烏克蘭擁有黑海出海口,位居歐亞大陸中心,俄羅斯若控制了烏克蘭,便可直接與歐洲對話,因此烏克蘭對俄羅斯的戰略意義是不可忽視的。同時,2004年北約東擴後,烏克蘭是俄羅斯地緣安全的最後一道防線,尤申科加入北約之政策,自然招致莫斯科反彈。綜合以上因素,可以解釋出橙色革命後,俄羅斯與烏克蘭兩造於對外政策之矛盾,形成了天然氣衝突之背景。 從國際層面分析,長年依賴自俄羅斯進口之低廉能源導致烏國能源部門效率相對低落,加強了莫斯科對基輔的能源外交力度,故本文認為兩次天然氣衝突皆為俄羅斯藉由天然氣議題對烏克蘭施壓。儘管斷氣風波也招致歐盟抨擊,使得俄烏兩國國際形象大為受損;但短期來說,俄羅斯與歐盟的能源合作難以改變,但烏克蘭之能源過境地位則可能因為替代管線投入營運因素而受到弱化。 從國家層面分析,烏克蘭東部與南部多數人民支持親俄政權,西部多數人民則支持親西方政權,究其原因可分為:語言因素、宗教因素、民族因素、經濟因素、與歷史因素。本研究認為烏克蘭政治菁英之分歧導致政局動盪,同時,天然氣衝突給予不同政黨互相攻訐之議題,加上烏克蘭目前處於政治轉型之階段,以致於2006年至2008年爆發了多次政治危機。 2009年之天然氣協議提升了兩國交易透明度,然而烏克蘭之積欠天然氣債務問題仍為未知數,意味著未來俄羅斯依舊有再度對烏克蘭施壓之空間。 / In this study, I attempt to explain the political implications of natural gas conflicts between Russia and Ukraine at international and international level by means of geopolitical approach. Ukraine faces Black Sea and possesses central location in Euro-Asia continent. Russia has an initiative to intervene in European affairs if Ukraine is under its control. In a result, Ukraine is critical to Russia in its strategic layout. Meanwhile, after NATO Enlargement, Ukraine is the last defense boundary of Russia to ensure its geopolitical security. The policy of joining NATO under Yushchenko definitely brought Russia’s objections. It shows after Orange Revolution the discrepancy in foreign policy between Russia and Ukraine gave an incentive to natural gas conflicts. In the International system level, relying on gas imported from Russia at a low price led to relatively low-efficiency in Ukraine’s energy sections which strengthens the power of Russia’s energy diplomacy. Therefore, I believe the natural gas conflicts were aimed to put political pressure upon Ukraine. Although the interruptions brought about criticism from EC and caused great damage to the reputations of Russia and Ukraine, in the short term, it is unlikely to cease Russia-EC cooperation relationship in energy field. However, the status of Ukraine in energy transition could become less important due to the operations of alternative pipelines. In the state system level, most people in Eastern and Southern are in favor of pro-Russia parties or candidates and those in Western and Northern are in the opposite. There are five factors that led to its discrepancy: race, religion, language, economic, and history. The political unrest in Ukraine came from disagreements among elites and gas conflicts provided a pretext for them to attack their opponents. Additionally, this country was under political transformation. Because of these elements, Ukraine suffered from several political crises in the following three years since 2006. The new contract in 2009 provided a better transparency to Russia-Ukraine gas deal, but the problem of Ukraine’s gas debts was not yet dissolved. It suggests Russia is likely to put pressure upon Ukraine by means of energy diplomacy in the future.

古代「雜文」的演變─從《文心雕龍》、《昭明文選》到《文苑英華》 / The Change Of Ancient 〝Tza-Wen〞 ─From Wen Xin Diau Lung 、 Jau Ming Wen Shiuan To Wen Yuan Ying Hua

郭章裕, Kuo, Zhang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「雜文」作為一種切確的文類,可以溯源自劉勰《文心雕龍》,其中有〈雜文〉一篇,明確劃定出範圍,及其所含之體類,與體類之特性。 劉勰「雜文」範圍內體類繁多,兼有「文」、「筆」性質,但以「問答(含設論)」、「七」、「連珠」三者為主要,此三者其實賦體,但不以賦為名的體類,我們可以後設稱之為「賦體雜文」。整體說來,「雜文」中的各種對象,它們是在文學史上較為新出,由「詩」、「賦」、「章」、「奏」等各種主要體類,所流衍派生的對象,當然重要性也就不如其主要體類,且實際功能或政教意義,也較為淡薄。總之,「雜文」文類的劃定,其實本於劉勰的文學觀念,是一種對於文學體類發展演變的詮釋。 下及宋初《文苑英華》,雖然在整體體類的編目上,大抵上承《昭明文選》,但其中卻也出現「雜文」一類。單就此文類看來,應該與《文心雕龍》淵源更深,但內容更趨複雜,下分「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」、「明道」、「雜說」、「辯論」、「贈送」、「箴誡」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「雜製作」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」共十六類目。而其中體類對象,除「賦體雜文」,另外還有箴體、論體、記體但不以箴、論、記為名的「箴體雜文」(「誡」)、「論體雜文」(「說」、 「辯」、「解」、「原」、「題跋」)、「記體雜文」(「志」、「述」),及「雜著」(不具體類名稱的篇章)與少數「越界文體」(有其體類之名,但無其體類之實的篇章)之作,分佈在其中。 「賦體雜文」體類,集中於「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」三子目,「箴體雜文」體類,則集中在「箴誡」;此外,「論體雜文」、「記體雜文」、「雜著」及「越界文體」則分佈於其他十二目。進一步發現,「問答」目中,合併了傳統「對問(含設論)」、「七」二種體類;「騷」雖自六朝總集中有之,但廣泛包含擬騷之作,非往昔《楚辭》篇章專屬;「帝道」其實為六朝「符命(封禪)」之文。「箴誡」目中,主要為「誡」,而「誡」又分有韻、無韻,前者似「箴」,後者則近於「論」、「記」。「明道」、「贈送」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」是 依照文章題材與主旨所劃分的類目。「雜說」、「辯論」、「雜製作」分類依據不明,但目中分別以「說」、「辯」與「原」、「題跋」篇章較為偏多,所以推測有凸顯這些體類的意義。 可見「雜文」的內容,前後差異極大。從原本「賦體雜文」為重心,後來則各種對象紛呈。這種現象的轉變,一來與六朝至唐代,「文」之觀念與範圍演變相關,二來也與唐代散文風氣及務實文學觀的興盛,造成文學創作方式的改變相關。 《文苑英華》「雜文」直接影響《唐文粹》「古文」的形成,然則後人對於「古文」;以及後來總集中「雜文」、「雜著」之類,在文類的觀念及內涵上,我們當不能忽略《文苑英華》「雜文」對於後代的影響。而這是本論文結束之後,即將在拓進的研究方向。

台灣政黨體系的變遷:1986-2008 / The changing process of Taiwan's party system:1986-2008

莊天憐, Chuang, Tien Lien Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論焦點在於台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,影響台灣政黨體系變遷的因素,以及台灣政黨體系未來的可能走向。分別使用社會分歧理論、政治菁英理論以及制度論來解釋台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,並由各政黨在選舉結果的消長與選民政黨認同的變化兩個指標來觀察我國政黨體系的變遷。試圖建構一個通用的模式來解釋我國政黨體系發展的過程,以預期台灣政黨體系發展的未來走向。 經過全面觀察各政黨選舉結果的消長,以及選民政黨認同的變動情形之後,本文發現台灣政黨體系的變遷,主要發生在四個重要的時間點,第一個時間點是1986年民進黨的成立,第二個時間點是1993年新黨的成立,第三個時間點是2000年親民黨的成立與2001年台聯的成立,第四個時間點則是立委選制改變後的2008年立委選舉。 在變動的因素方面,雖然每一個變遷的時間點都有新政黨的出現,但是民進黨的出現是整個憲政環境由威權時期轉成民主化的結果,而新黨、親民黨與台聯則都是政治菁英之間的分裂。2008年主要是選舉制度的影響,不但新成立的政黨無法生存,連原有的小黨也都消失無蹤。 在穩定不變的因素方面,在台灣的政黨體系整個變遷的過程裡面,藍綠的區分一直都存在著。在藍綠對抗的主軸之下,台灣的政黨體系受到省籍、統獨立場以及國家認同等因素混合在內的分歧結構的長期影響,泛綠基本上掌握三成左右的基本盤,泛藍則是有四成出頭的支持度,中間還有二成多搖擺不定的部分,這個部分就是藍綠角逐的關鍵所在。這個藍綠對抗中第一個最重要的因素就是混雜了統獨立場、國家認同與省籍在內的社會與議題分歧,其次是政治菁英在歷次選舉過程中不斷地去操作這個分歧結構,藉此找到新政黨在意識型態光譜上的定位點,再加上SNTV選制容許小黨有生存空間,因此台灣的政黨體系隨之產生變遷。最後到了2008年,選舉制度的變革發揮了決定性的影響,使得我國的政黨體系確立為兩黨制。 在未來的發展趨勢上,研究發現,無論就政黨得票率、政黨支持度以及選舉制度的層面來看,國民黨似乎已經逐漸取回過半的優勢,民進黨則回到四成左右的基本盤。在沒有新議題或是新的政治社會分歧足以重新切割現有政黨體系之下,在目前雙首長制的憲政架構以及單一選區兩票制的國會選舉制度之下,我們預期政治菁英們的互動將朝向由國民黨代表泛藍勢力,民進黨代表泛綠勢力的兩黨政治體系逐步鞏固的方向前進。 / The main theme of this thesis focuses on the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, the factors which effecting the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, and the trend of Taiwan’s party system in the future. The author use social cleavage theory、political elite theory and institutional theory to explain the changing process of Taiwan’s party system. The author also uses two indexes including the vote-share of each party in every election, and the changing of voter’s party identification to observe the changing of Taiwan’s party system. This thesis tries to build a general model to explain the developing process of Taiwan’s party system and predict the future trend of Taiwan’s party system. After observing the election outcomes of each party and the changing of voter’s party identification, this thesis points out four important time points of Taiwan’s party system changing. The first time point is the presence of DPP in 1986, the second time point is the presence of NP in 1993, the third time point is the presence of PFP in 2000 and the presence of TSU in 2001, the fourth time point is the changing of electoral rule of legislative election in 2008. About the changing factor, in spite of the new party presence in each changing time point, the presence of DPP is due to the constitutional environment which the authoritarian regime transferred into democracy. The presence of NP、PFP and TSU are the outcome of the separation of political elites. The changing of party system in 2008 is mainly effected by electoral system, not only the new parties can’t survive, but the existing small parties also disappear. About the stable factor, during the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, there’s always a clearly distinction between “blue” and ”green”. Underneath the main stream of the confrontation between “blue” and “green”, Taiwan’s party system has long been effected by the cleavage structure which mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. The pan-green group basically maintains about 30% of vote share, the pan-blue group has more than 40% of vote share, the remaining 20% more of vote share is the key point for the struggle of pan-green and pan-blue forces. The most important factor in this confrontation process is the social and issue cleavage mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. Meanwhile the political elites are consequently manipulating the cleavage structure in every election process, in order to find some spaces in the ideological spectrum to form new parties. In addition to the SNTV electoral system allows small parties to appear and survive. That’s the reason why Taiwan’s party system changes over time. But in 2008, the changing of electoral system has the decisive influence and turn Taiwan’s party system into the two-party system. In the trend of future development, the research shows that, no matter in party’s vote share、party support rate or electoral system, KMT seems gradually having a leading advantage to get more than 50% of vote share. DPP has about 40% of vote share. If no more new issue or political-social cleavages to cut the existing party system, in the two-head executive constitutional structure and MMM electoral system, the interactions of political elites will tend to a consolidation of the two-party system which including a pan-blue force presented by KMT, and a pan-green force presented by DPP.

權力抗衡到政治均衡:以近代愛爾蘭經濟與外交策略為例 / From balance of power to political equilibrium: in the case of modern Irish economic and diplomatic strategy

陳建豪, Chen, Chien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先討論權力平衡與政治均衡的差異。以Waltz為代表的新現實主義是力學式、演繹邏輯的國際觀;而Schroeder的政治均衡則是生物學式、整體式、歸納的國際觀。權力平衡與政治均衡構成本文的分析架構。本文採歷史研究法,以愛爾蘭為例,說明愛爾蘭在受到「國家」、「人」、「國際體系」的影響後,放棄抗衡的策略後,均衡的國際觀才為愛爾蘭帶來和平與繁榮。 愛爾蘭自十二世紀起成為英國的殖民地,累積八個世紀的恩怨情仇在二十世紀初爆發。愛爾蘭政治家de Valera採用抗衡式的經濟外交策略,即使愛爾蘭成為歐洲的乞丐也在所不惜。1959年接手主政的Lemass對國家利益則有完全不同的見解。取消閉關自守的經貿政策、大膽與英國簽訂英愛自由貿易協定,促使愛爾蘭在1973年順利加入歐洲共同體,開啟了塞爾特之虎的序幕。 文末則是回到兩岸關係的探討。台灣與愛爾蘭相似點在於,同屬小國且也同樣面對同文同種的強敵威脅。台灣或可以愛爾蘭為鏡,走出成功的小國國際政治。

比較HAPPEN與其同義字: 以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎的非賓格存現動詞之研究 / Comparing unaccusative HAPPEN and its synonyms: a study of existence/appearance verbs based on native speaker and learner corpora

王亮鈞, Wang, Liang Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究,基於分辨非賓存現動詞及瞭解二語學習者如何讓習得此類動詞之需求,旨在分析一個高頻率之非賓格存現動詞 HAPPEN與其三個同義字(OCCUR,APPEAR,與EXIST)和中文同義字「發生」從語言使用者角度作比較。採用了母語語料庫 (英文採用英國國家語料庫 BNC;中文採用十億詞語料庫 GW 2.0)及學習者語料庫(含語言訓練與測驗中心學習者語料庫the LTTC,國際英語學習者語料庫the ICLE,及政治大學外語學習者語料庫the NCCU)作為第一部分的語料庫分析。此外,為了探索二語英文錯誤及母語中文遷移的關係,我們也進行了以語料庫為基礎的心理語言學實驗(兩個關於中英文HAPPEN句子結構的接受度判斷測驗)。 本研究結果發現,其一,就語料庫中的文法形式(Grammatical form)來分析HAPPEN、OCCUR、APPEAR與EXIST,英文母語語料庫中的高頻文法形式(例如:happened或happen)與學習者語料庫中有相同的現象。然而大部份的高頻文法形式都是二語學習者經常誤用之處,且容易與兩個常見非賓動詞錯誤—過度被動化錯誤(Overpassivization)和及物化錯誤(Transitivization)—共現(Collocated)。其二,從語料庫錯誤分析各種錯誤類型得知, HAPPEN與OCCUR較常出現過度被動化錯誤;APPEAR與 EXIST較常有及物化錯誤。此結果顯示每個非賓存現動詞可能會犯不同錯誤,也因此造成其錯誤的原因有所不同。其三,從分析心理語言實驗結果得知,我們發現母語中文文法句型(L1 Chinese grammatical patterns),例如:「V-了」-「出現了」;抑或是「V+N」-「發生車禍」、「發生戰爭」、「存在缺失」,都影響了二語學習者對英文非賓動詞之文法形式的正確判定。由此揭示了母語中文大多都對二語英文非賓動詞習得有所干擾。 基於所得結果,我們提出「完成體」(Perfectivity)及「及物性」(Transitivity)之不同來探討中英文間存現動詞用法之異同,並試著解釋造成二語非賓動詞學習複雜化的原因。 此研究克服了過去文獻中比較非賓存現動詞之困難也透過語料庫結合心理實驗研究法提供對非賓動詞習得之解釋方法。這些發現可進一步作為詮釋非賓動詞的假說,並將其應用於語言教材設計或被視為未來跨語言分析研究之基石。 / Owing to the necessity to identify unaccusative existence/appearance verbs and realize how they are acquired by L2 learners, this present thesis aims to analyze a highly frequent English unaccusative verb HAPPEN and compare it with its three other synonyms (OCCUR, APPEAR, and EXIST), as well as its Chinese counterpart發生 fāshēn ‘happen.’ Native speaker corpora (the British National Corpus (BNC) for English and Chinese Gigaword 2 Corpus (GW 2.0) for the Chinese), and L2 learner corpora (the Language Training and Testing Learner Corpus (the LTTC), International Corpus of Learner English 2.0 (the ICLE), and the National Chengchi University Foreign Language Learner Corpus (the NCCU)) are utilized to analyze the unaccusative verbs in the first main section. In addition, in order to discover the relationship between L2 English errors and L1 Chinese transfer, psycholinguistic experiments (two acceptability judgments tasks with comparable Chinese and English HAPPEN sentence constructions) based on the corpora data were conducted in this thesis. The results in this thesis showed that, first, the highly frequent grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs (e.g., happened or happen) in the English native speaker corpus share some similarities with those of L2 learner corpora. However, these grammatical forms were usually misused by L2 learners and were frequently collocated with the two common unaccusative errors (overpassivization, e.g., *What is happened? and trasitivization, e.g., *I happen a car accident.). Second, as for the distributions of unaccusative error types, HAPPEN and OCCUR were found to mainly co-occur with overpassivization errors, whereas APPEAR and EXIST were found to mainly co-occur with transitivization errors. This indicates that each unaccusative verb may have different potential for L2 unaccusative errors, and therefore the causes of these errors with different verbs may vary. Third, from the analysis of psycholinguistic experiments, we discover that the L1 Chinese grammatical patterns, such as the V-le grammatical pattern (e.g., 出現了chūxiànle ‘appear-le’) and the V+N grammatical pattern (e.g., 發生車禍fāshēngchēhuò ‘The car accident happened’, 發生戰爭 fāshēngzhànzhēng ‘The war occurred’, and存在缺失 cúnzàiquēshī ‘The pitfalls existed’) may influence L2 learners’ correct judgment as to the grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs. This reveals that generally L1 Chinese might have some interference with L2 unaccusative acquisition. Based on the results, we proposed that the perfectivity and transitivity differences between English and Chinese unaccusative existence/appearance verbs could distinguish the uses among the English HAPPEN and the Chinese發生 fāshēn ‘happen’ with their synonyms. These differences could also provide a possible reason for the cause of the problematic L2 unaccusative acquisition. This thesis overcomes the difficulties of comparing unaccusative existence/appearance verbs in the previous studies and attempts to unravel the enigma of acquiring this verb type from the integrated corpus-based and empirical findings. These findings in turn serve as the suggested assumptions to interpret unaccusative verbs, which can be applied to the design of language teaching materials or can be viewed as the basis of cross-language analysis in the future studies.

英語學習動機模式之建立: 以台北市大一學生為例 / The development of english learning motivation model: a study on college freshmen in Taipei City

林桂如, Lin, Gui Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討影響台灣非英語系大學生英語學習動機之因素,並建構動機模式。透過文獻探討,此動機模型包含以下五種動機成分:「融合取向」(Integrativeness)」、「工具取向(Instrumentality)」、「內在取向(Intrinsic Orientation)」、「外在取向(Extrinsic orientation)」及「動機行為(Motivational Behaviors) 」。本研究之研究對象為302位來自台北市8所大學的非英語系大一生。研究工具為包含「融合取向」(Integrativeness)」、「工具取向(Instrumentality)」、「內在取向(Intrinsic Orientation)」、「外在取向(Extrinsic orientation)」及「動機行為(Motivational Behaviors) 」五個量表的動機問卷。資料分析方法為結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling)。首先探討初始假設模型與樣本的適配情形,其次根據修正指標及相關理論進行模式修正,修正後之模式與資料適配。修正後的模式中,「融合取向」(Integrativeness)」、「工具取向(Instrumentality)」、「內在取向(Intrinsic Orientation)」、「外在取向(Extrinsic orientation)」彼此相關。然而,在此四變項中,僅「融合取向」(Integrativeness)」對於「動機行為(Motivational Behaviors) 」有顯著影響。此結果顯示「融合取向」(Integrativeness)」之定義可能已有所轉變。而研究對象之背景、變項之間的相互抵銷作用以及中介變項可能是其餘三變項對於「動機行為(Motivational Behaviors) 」無顯著影響之因。文末進一步提出相關建議,以期能作為台灣英語教師及未來研究參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate what kinds of motivational component influence motivational behaviors of Taiwanese non-English majors, and to propose an empirically grounded model of English learning motivation which presented the relationship among these components. The components in the model are Integrativeness, Instrumentality, Intrinsic Orientation, Extrinsic orientation and Motivational Behaviors. The participants in the study were 302 freshmen studying in Taipei City. The instrument was an adapted questionnaire composed scales of Integrativeness, Instrumentality, Intrinsic Orientation, Extrinsic orientation and Motivational Behaviors. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze the data. The hypothesized model was tested and modified using the 302 samples of the participants. In the final model, the four components, Integrativeness, Instrumentality, Intrinsic Orientation, and Extrinsic Orientation were found to correlate with one another. However, among the hypothesized influences on Motivational Behaviors, namely, the influences from Integrativeness, Instrumentality, Intrinsic Orientation, and Extrinsic Orientation on Motivational Behaviors, only the path between Integrativeness and Motivational Behaviors was left in the modified model. The result may indicate the transfer of the definition of Integrativeness, and the two removed paths and one no significant path may be explained by the background of the participants, the compensatory effects, and the existence of mediating variables. Finally, it is expected that the results of the present study offer a new perspective to understand Taiwanese EFL learners’ English learning motivation, and provide pedagogical implications for English instructors in Taiwan and future studies.

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