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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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母語音韻覺識在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色 / The Role of L1 Phonological Awareness in English Word Spelling and Reading

詹益智, Chan, I-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上認為以中文為母語的孩童並不具有「音位覺識能力」(phonemic awareness),本研究以實驗方式直接測量以中文為母語孩童的「音位覺識能力」,同時探討孩童「音位覺識能力」及「聲母—韻母覺識能力」(onset-rime awareness) 在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色。在本研究中,一百九十二位國小四年級的孩童參與二項「母語音韻覺識測驗」,包括「聲母/韻母異音測驗」(onset/rime oddity test) 和「韻腹/韻尾異音測驗」(nucleus/coda oddity test)。根據上述二項測驗的成績,將孩童分為三組:第一組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳;第二組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差;第三組孩童(共26人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差。我們接著利用「拼英文假字測驗」和「讀英文假字測驗」來測量三組孩童的英文拼字與讀字的能力,在施測之前,孩童們有八次的機會學會「拼字」與「讀字」兩項測驗所需具備的「字音對應規則」。結果顯示,雖然孩童的「音位覺識能力」在程度上有所不同,但以中文為母語的孩童已具備「音位覺識能力」。此外,在考慮了孩童們「記憶廣度」(digit span)與「英文聽話字彙」 (English receptive vocabulary)的差異後,「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳的孩童,在拼字的表現上優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童來,接著「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童的拼字表現優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差的孩童。最後,「音位覺識能力」佳的的孩童,在讀字的表現上優於「音位覺識能力」差的的孩童,此外,並無證據顯示「聲母—韻母覺識能力」在孩童的讀字能力上扮演著重要的角色。整體而言,本研究的結果支持其他研究的看法,這些研究認為以中文為母語的孩童在母語習得過程中所發展出來的「音韻覺識能力」對於其英文拼字與讀字的能力上有著一定的貢獻,此外,本研究更進一步顯示,這種貢獻會隨著「音韻覺識」程度的不同而有所改變。 / It has been conventionally assumed that Chinese-speaking children do not have phonemic awareness. In this study, Chinese-speaking children’s phonemic awareness was empirically tested and its role, relative to onset-rime awareness, in the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities was examined. Two L1 phonological awareness tests (i.e., an onset/rime oddity test and a nucleus/coda oddity test) were administered to a total of 192 Chinese-speaking fourth-graders. The children were selected and categorized based on their performances on the two L1 phonological awareness tests: 29 children with good onset-rime awareness and good phonemic awareness, 29 children with good onset-rime awareness but poor phonemic awareness, and 26 children with poor onset-rime awareness and poor phonemic awareness. The three groups of children were then tested on their abilities to spell and read English pseudowords. Before taking the English pseudoword spelling and reading tasks, the children were provided with eight opportunities to master the requisite letter-sound knowledge for the success in spelling and reading the pseudowords. The results showed that Chinese-speaking children demonstrated phonological awareness at the phonemic level, though varying in degree. Considered along with individual differences in digit span and English receptive vocabulary, children with better phonological awareness at both the onset-rime level and the phonemic level performed better in English pseudoword spelling than children with better onset-rime awareness but poorer phonemic awareness, who in turn, performed better than children with poorer phonological awareness at both levels. Finally, children with better phonemic awareness outperformed the other two groups of children with poorer phonemic awareness in pseudoword reading. Onset-rime awareness did not seem to play a significant role in pseudoword reading. These results support and extend other studies suggesting that the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities in Chinese-speaking children benefits from the phonological awareness obtained during the course of first language acquisition and that the beneficial effect varies with the levels of phonological awareness.

可解碼故事書應用於英語補救教學之成效研究 / The effects of decodable storybook instruction on early reading skills in a remedial english class

邱筠佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究以可解碼英文故事書(decodable storybook)為主的英語教學,對低年級英語低成就學童的影響,特別是在此補救教學方案下,學童早期英語閱讀能力及學習態度之改變及表現,並探討造成其改變的可能原因。本研究分兩階段進行,第一階段先進行小規模的預試研究作為正式研究之準備,目的在測試選用的英語可解碼故事書做為教材是否適切、教學活動是否可行,並根據初探結果規劃正式研究。第二階段的正式研究,根據第一階段的結果改良部分測驗、增加閱讀讀本、以及增加教師訪談等質性資料,以期進一步探討此補救教學方案對於學童早期閱讀能力及學習態度的影響。 在正式研究中,研究對象為台北市某國小英語攜手班(補救教學班)之五名二年級學習低成就學童(學業表現為後15%至20%)。研究者選擇Scholastic Company所出版的某系列分級可解碼英語故事書之第一套部分冊數作為讀本,搭配由整體到細部的架構理念設計課程,發展出適合本校學童的補救教學方案,將字母拼讀技巧訓練融入自然有趣的閱讀情境中。 本研究為行動研究,透過以質性為主的資料蒐集法,包含課室錄影錄音觀察、訪談、多方文件彙集及前後測評量,來進行研究結果之分析詮釋。學童每週均接受一次教學(每次三節課,共120分鐘),共持續十六週。經過一學期補救教學後,對照學童前後測評量及各種質性資料分析,發現學童在字母認讀、單字辨識、單字拼讀及學習態度上均有正向改變。本研究也發現,使用可解碼故事書的內容來設計閱讀及自然發音教學活動,的確有助於低成就學童早期閱讀能力及內在動機之提升。本研究之結果及教學建議可供未來國小補救教學之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of decodable storybook instruction on the early reading performances and learning attitudes of Taiwanese EFL lower-grade underachievers in an elementary school in Taipei. An attempt is also made to explore the possible reasons for any improvement among the underachievers’ with respect to this remedial program. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was implemented as a preparation for the formal study in advance. The purpose of the pilot study was to investigate if the reading text of the selected storybook series is appropriate for underachievers, the feasibility of the decodable storybook instruction and the effects of the instruction on learners’ early reading ability and learning attitudes. Afterwards, the formal study was revised in modifying some test words as well as the scoring procedure on the early reading assessments, adding more reading materials and qualitative data sources such as teacher interviews. In the formal study, the participants are one remedial English class of five second graders (whose academic performances were at the bottom 15% to 20% of the grade). The curriculum was based on the contents of a commercial series of decodable story books—Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program—pack one. The researcher adopted the framework of whole-to-parts phonics instruction to integrate reading activities and phonics training in an interesting and meaningful reading context. A variety of reading activities integrating four skills were designed and based on the content and topic of the storybooks to rouse learners’ interest. Decodable CVC words embedded in the story series were then explicitly taught to learners to apply letter-sound knowledge in their reading process. This study triangulates action research with qualitative data using classroom observations (video or taping), interviews, assessment records, and document analysis. Data analysis interprets the study results. After the sixteen weeks of remedial instruction, a comparison between the results of pre-tests and post-tests showed some changes in learners’ early reading ability, including letter-sound recognition, word recognition and visual blending, as well as a positive change in learning attitudes. The other findings were as follows. (1) Multiple teaching activities generated from the decodable story book can be beneficial to learners’ early reading ability and learning motivation. (2) The decodable story book is an effective language learning medium for learners to apply their decoding skills as well as to provide them with an interesting reading context to lower their anxiety in learning English. Based on the findings, a number of suggestions and pedagogical implications are provided for EFL elementary school teachers and further studies in the remedial instruction field alike.

閱讀認知策略鷹架對於國中生英語閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / The effects of the cognitive reading strategy scaffold on junior high school students’ reading comprehension

林美秀, Lin, Mei Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊社會的來臨,數位文本逐漸普及,數位閱讀已成為閱讀的主要發展趨勢。相較於傳統偏向於線性閱讀的紙本閱讀模式,在閱讀過程中常以非線性進行閱讀的數位閱讀必須要有適當的輔助閱讀策略或機制,方能改善淺層閱讀,以及無法長期持續閱讀的問題。換言之,為提昇讀者在數位閱讀環境中的閱讀理解和成效,數位文本需要設計更有效的輔助閱讀機制來引導讀者進行更有效的閱讀學習,而發展高層次的閱讀認知策略鷹架輔以閱讀,為一可行的發展方向。 基於上述原因,本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以數位閱讀的環境中發展閱讀認知策略鷹架,並與沒有結合此鷹架的「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」進行比較,以驗證有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的實驗組學習者,是否在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度上優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的控制組學習者。也進一步探討「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以所結合的閱讀認知策略鷹架對於場地獨立與場地依賴不同認知風格、以及高低不同英語起始能力者在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度的影響。 實驗結果發現,在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」之學習情境下,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之實驗組學習者的閱讀理解成效、平台瀏覽次數以及各類型策略標註數量皆優於控制組學習者;並且場地相依型學習者的閱讀理解進步分數優於場地獨立型學習者。也就是本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」所發展的閱讀認知策略鷹架能有效協助學習者提升其閱讀理解成效,特別是場地相依型認知風格的學習者。另外,無論是對高分、中間、或低分組的學習者而言,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之英語閱讀理解成效皆優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架;最後也發現認知有用性、認知易用性及學習滿意度三者之間具有顯著關連性。 / With the coming of the Information Age, digital texts are getting more and more popular. Compared to the traditional paper-based reading, nonlinear digital reading requires proper strategies or mechanism to help improve the shallow reading and short-term retention, which have been reported as the main disadvantages of digital reading. In other words, readers need inferential reasoning and comprehension monitoring strategies in order to keep concentration while reading digital texts. A scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, therefore, was developed and combined into Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System (CDRS) in this study. It aimed to confirm whether the learners in the experimental group with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support outperformed the learners in the control group without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, this study also examined the effects of distinct cognitive styles of field independence and field dependence and learning capability between both groups on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. The experimental results present the following findings. First, the learners in the experimental group applying CDRS with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies outperformed the learners in the control group using CDRS without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies on English reading comprehension, platform views and annotation numbers of four different cognitive strategies. Besides, while reading by CDRS combined with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, the field-dependent learners significantly outperformed the field-independent ones on reading comprehension gain. Moreover, the learners in the experimental group, either with high, medium or low learning capability, remarkably outperformed the ones in the control group on English reading comprehension. Finally, significant correlations among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction in both groups were found.

不同設計元素之遊戲式英文單字學習APP在學習成效、情緒及注意力之影響研究 / Effects of Design Factors of Game-based English Vocabulary Learning APP on Learning Performance, Emotion, and Attention

曹鼎, Cao, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
遊戲式學習已被證實能夠有效提升學習者的學習成效,而遊戲的愉悅度是否設計得越強烈,對學習成效越有幫助,是個值得探索的問題。此外,遊戲過程中,有哪些遊戲設計要素能夠影響學習成效,同時讓學習者在遊戲中亦能夠感到趣味性,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,學習的專注力及情緒在學習型遊戲設計中,也是必須納入考量的面向。因此,本研究分別探討兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,對於學習者學習成效、專注力、放鬆度及單字記憶保留上的影響。 本研究以馬祖高中高三的36位學生為研究對象,根據英語字彙前測成績及性別將其隨機分派至兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,進行四週的英語字彙學習。結果顯示遊戲設計要素較低的組別的學習者,在英文單字學習成效、單字記憶保留上的成效均顯著優於遊戲設計要素較高組別學習者,同時放鬆度亦較高,而專注度不如遊戲設計要素較高的組別,且各依變項間彼此有顯著的正相關。此外,本研究亦進一步證實性別差異存在於不同遊戲設計要素的英語字彙學習APP中,在遊戲設計要素較低的英文單字學習APP中,發現女性學習者擁有顯著較優的英語字彙學習成效及記憶保留度。而本研究也發現「符合程度的挑戰性」為設計遊戲式英文單字學習APP時最需要重視的遊戲設計要素。 綜上所述,本研究證實相較於遊戲設計要素較高的高刺激性英文單字學習APP,遊戲設計要素較低的低刺激性英文單字遊戲APP對於學習成效、單字記憶保留上具有較正面的效應。此一結果顯示像英語字彙學習這樣的認知型學習,在遊戲設計上並不適合納入刺激性較高的遊戲設計要素。此外,對遊戲設計者來說,未來設計英文單字遊戲學習APP時,亦應將性別差異納入設計考量,同時儘可能在遊戲娛樂性及教育性中取得平衡。 / Game-based learning has been proved to effectively boost learners’ learning performance, while whether more enjoyment designed in the game brings better learning performance remains unknown. Besides, what game design factors will affect learning performance and simultaneously keep learners interested in the game is also worth investigating. Moreover, attention and emotion are two dimensions which should be taken into account when designing learning games. As a result, this study tries to assess the effects of using two different English vocabulary learning APPs with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, meditation, and vocabulary memory retention, respectively. A pilot study was conducted beforehand to examine whether the two considered English vocabulary game APPs differ significantly in game design factors including concentration, feedback, challenges match player skills, control, and immersion. In the formal study, thirty-six Grade 12 students from Matsu senior high school participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups based on gender and pretest scores, separately using two English vocabulary game APPs with significantly different game design factors for English vocabulary learning. The study lasted for four weeks. Analytical results show that students using game with lower scores in game design factors generated significantly better vocabulary learning performance, memory retention and meditation level than those using game with higher scores in game design factors, while sustained attention level was lower. Also, they were significantly correlated to one another. Moreover, this study further confirms that gender differences existed among English vocabulary learning games with different game design factors. Girls were found to have significantly better English vocabulary learning performance and memory retention in the game APP with lower scores in game design factors. Furthermore, “challenge matches players’ skill” was found to be the most important game design factor when designing game-based English vocabulary learning APPs. In conclusion, this study confirms that English vocabulary game APPs with lower exciting elements have more positive learning effects on learning performance, memory retention than those with higher scores in game design factors. The result indicates that when designing games, higher exciting game design factors are not suitable for cognitive learning, such as English vocabulary learning. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future game-design developers to take gender differences into consideration when designing English vocabulary learning game APPs, and meanwhile tries to strike the balance between educational purpose and entertainment of the game APPs.

影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension

陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。 研究結果發現,使用VALRM的學習者,其聽力理解成效顯著優於使用SDLRM的學習者。此外,使用VALRM的學習者,其學習滿意度與科技接受度高於使用SDLRM的學習者;認知負荷度則低於使用SDLRM的學習者。最後,採用VALRM及SDLRM之不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者的英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷度不具有顯著差異。研究結果顯示,學習者使用VALRM輔以英語聽力學習,能有效提昇學習者的英語聽力理解表現。


洪裕翔 Unknown Date (has links)
公司是現今社會上最重要的營利主體之一,在日常生活上,一般大眾與公司經常會發生交易行為。而公司名稱,乃是表彰法人主體,俾與他公司相區別之重要標誌。雖然公司名稱就如同自然人之姓名一般,但因為公司為營利法人,其以從事商業活動為法人存續目的,故當公司在經營業務時,勢必與眾多交易相對人及消費者發生法律關係。為避免他人使用相同或近似的公司名稱而造成社會大眾混淆,進而破壞交易秩序,吾人在分析公司名稱權之性質,以及探討其保護時,便須跳脫單純「姓名權」之角度,轉而以防止他人冒濫使用而造成大眾混淆等不公平競爭的觀點來思考、防範,才能達成規範上之效果。此尤其在公司名稱已達著名程度時,如遭他人仿冒濫用其名稱,不僅侵害原公司之商譽,消費者亦將因此受到混淆,轉而與仿冒行為人進行交易。由於仿冒人之行為,已非單純侵害原公司之姓名權,還包括破壞競爭秩序和侵害公眾利益,故在此情形,如何保護公益免受混淆誤認,便成為立論上之重要課題。 有關公司名稱的規範,我國以往都是由公司法第十八條進行第一線的把關過濾,以保護既有公司名稱免受他人仿冒侵害。然而,此種通案審查之方式,不但理論上並無堅強依據,實務運作上也屢生爭議,以致審查逐漸流於形式化,而無從達其規範功能。因此,我國立法者在權衡各項因素後,乃在民國九十年公司法修正時,就公司名稱之使用登記,限縮其規範範圍僅限於同名之審查,若有涉及不正競爭情事時,則交由公平法與民法等相關規定來處理。自此,公司法對公司名稱之規範,僅有單純賦予公司名稱權之功能,而不再有防範不公平競爭之旨。 有鑑於在現制下,公平法之相關規定已成為保護公司名稱之最主要規範,所以本文在編排上,乃特別針對公平會所處理過有關公司名稱之重要案例,以【案例一】到【案例二十八】之接續方式來加以歸納、整理,以檢視公平會在實務上對公司名稱所涉及爭議問題之態度為何。此外,日本法上對於公司名稱所提供之保護規範由來已久,在實務上亦有相當多值得參考之案例,因此在比較法方面,本文將以日本法為中心,就我國法在實務運作或規範有所不足之處,能夠加以借鏡、比較,以期得到更合理之結果。而經本文從理論和學說的探討中可知,雖然公平法第二十條以及第二十四條等相關規定應可有效保護著名公司名稱,但實務之運作上卻有許多缺失之處。主要理由在於,早期公平會為避免公司法與公平法在適用上有所扞格,所以個案上若公司已取得名稱登記,公平會多半尊重該公司使用其名稱之權利。亦即,當經濟部認為系爭公司選用之名稱並無仿冒使用他人相同或類似之名稱時,公平會在過去常常也會採取尊重立場而持相同見解。但如此一來,反而使不肖業者經常利用舊公司法第十八條第二項中「二公司名稱標明不同業務種類者,其公司名稱視為不相同或不相似」之規範缺漏,而大行攀附知名公司名稱之行為,造成我國現有公司下,以「華碩」、「味全」、「長榮」、「台塑」為特取名稱之公司到處林立。公平會以往之作法,雖然可達成法規適用之調和,但此是否符合公平法之立法意旨,值得商榷。所幸,隨著公平法第二十條修正後改採「先行政後司法」之法律效果,加上公司法第十八條修正後已成為單純之行政管理法規,而不再有防止不正競爭之意旨,公平會已逐步使第二十條之適用回歸正常化,並開始以之來做為處分攀附知名公司名稱之依據。對於公平會已逐漸擺脫謹慎立場,就個案上公司名稱之使用所產生狹義混淆的情形已不再迴避第二十條之適用,值得肯定,如此也才能讓第二十四條真正回復補充規範之功能。 另外,實務上另一重大爭議問題,即為公司名稱與商標間之適用關係與衝突。其中最為常見的情形,就是將他人公司名稱註冊為商標,或使用他人商標中的文字來登記為公司名稱等。對此,本文認為由於舊商標法並未明確指出其保護法益為何,以致學說和實務所產生之爭議繁多,而作為維護競爭秩序之公平法,也經常代替商標法而成為規範此等不公平競爭行為之主要依據。惟,民國九十二年新修正之商標法,已從「防止混淆誤認」之角度來妥適調和二者關係。故而,此部份之爭議應可回歸商標法之規範,而公平法之適用餘地,將會大幅減少。 有關公司名稱侵害之救濟與責任部分,我國法院通常會在判決主文命行為人「變更公司名稱登記」,以達到排除侵害之效果。至於公平會所做之處分,都只是命行為人停止個別的不當使用公司名稱之行為,從無以職權來撤銷該冒用之公司名稱。此種作法,實難徹底除去侵害。雖有論者認為,個案上可否進一步要求被處分人不得使用其公司名稱,並非公平會所能置喙。但經本文之分析,公平會處以變更公司名稱之作法,應為公平法第四十一條所賦予公平會之權力,公平會若做出此項處分,於法有據,並無違反依法行政之精神。未來,希望公平會對於侵害著名公司名稱之情節重大者,能依公平法第四十一條所賦予之職權做出「命當事人變更公司名稱」之處分,才能達成保護公眾免受混淆誤認,以及有效制止不公平競爭之效果。

英美圖書館學會館員繼續專業教育之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of CILIP’s and ALA’s Librarians Continuing Professional Education

張玉靖, Chang ,Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代的來臨,使得館員自身的工作範圍變得更多元,而館員的工作不在侷限於傳統的流通、編目以及傳統的參考服務。讀者對於館員的要求也不再只是「借還書的圖書館員」,對於圖書館的要求也不再只是「借還書的地方」,讀者對館員的要求是,多元的資訊服務,以提高圖書館整體的服務品質。因此,在此種環境下,館員必須利用不斷地自我學習及接受繼續教育等管道獲得新知,增加自我的工作能力,跟上時代的需求,滿足讀者的資訊需求,因此繼續教育對館員的成長非常重要。 本研究採用文獻分析與比較研究法,研究的目的,是希望藉由英美兩國圖書館學會對於館員的繼續教育情形作借鏡與整理,讓我國圖書館學會能根據英美圖書館學會的先例以及方式,選擇適合我國圖書館學會舉行繼續教育的方式與課程。 英國圖書館學會在西元2002年與資訊科學學會合併,對於英國圖書館學界來說,是一個很大的轉變,其中對於研習班與特殊興趣小組而言,更是增加了一些與資訊科學相關的研習班與興趣小組,因此,讓圖書館學不再只是傳統的圖書館學,而是因應時代成為資訊化社會的圖書館。美國圖書館學會對於繼續教育十分的重視,除了每年藉由年會所舉辦的各個主題的研習班之外,更在西元1999年開始了專業教育會議(Congresses on Professional Education,簡稱COPE),在近幾年已經舉辦三次,每次所探討的重點不一,其中以第二次專業教育會議(COPE II)對於專業館員的繼續教育作了很深刻的討論,並將討論的結果交付美國圖書館學會實行與研議。 英美圖書館學會對於繼續教育的比較,可分成四個部分作比較,由於國情的不同,因此兩國對於館員繼續教育的方式除了一般的研習班之外,英國多了所謂的特殊興趣小組,讓會員們能根據自己的喜好而加入與學習,而美國則是對於繼續教育的政策與實行的方式舉辦了專業教育會議,讓圖書館專業人員對於繼續教育的認可、與制度有重新的認識與方針。 最後就英美圖書館學會的繼續教育的優點,向中國圖書館學會提出的建議為:(一)建立中國圖書館學會的領導地位;(二)制定館員的繼續專業教育計畫;(三)擬定圖書館員的繼續專業訓練手冊;(四)加強研習班的內容多元化;(五)研擬圖書館員繼續教育的認可制度。 / In the information age, the librarians can not be traditional librarians. Just working for the traditional circulation、cataloging and traditional service. Facing the information technology evolution, librarians must adopt new strategies and educate themselves through continuing education. This thesis presents the continuing education policy and workshop in the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and in the American Library Association (ALA). CILIP’s aim is to provide the highest quality workshops, onsite training and executive briefings for all library and information staff. All our workshops are tailored to meet the learning, training and developmental needs of the modern library and information community. And every Member of CILIP is entitled to join two Special Interest Groups free of charge. In the ALA, 1999 Annual Conference meeting the ALA Executive Board, decided to set up for a subcommittee with developing a preliminary outline for a 2nd Congress on Professional Education. The appointment of a steering committee to plan such a congress was approved at the Board’s Fall 1999 meeting with the 2nd Congress to be held late in 2000. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1.Establishing the leader position for the Library Association, R.O.C.;2. Drafting the Librarians Training Headbook for the continuing education; 3. Diversifying the contents of workshops; 4. Formulating the plan for the continuing education of the librarians; 5 Drafting a system for the accreditation of the continuing education of the librarians.

英文童謠教學對國小英語補救教學效能之研究 / The Effects of Nursery Rhyme Instruction on EFL Remedial Teaching in Elementary School

吳雅真, Wu,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英文童謠教學對台灣國小英語學習低成就學童對英語的音素覺識、認字、拼字能力、以及英語學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測作為正式研究的準備,先行測試選用的英語童謠是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及低成就學童在音素覺識與學習態度是否因此改善等等,並根據初探結果規劃正式實驗。第二階段的正式實驗,除音素覺識與學習態度外,更進一步探討英文童謠教學對認字及拼字能力的影響。 在正式實驗中,實驗對象為桃園市某國小36名四年級的學習低成就學童(學業表現為後百分之十)。研究者將此36名學童隨機平均分配為兩組;實驗組及對照組兩組,各18名學生。對實驗組施以平衡閱讀「由整體到細部」(whole-to-parts)架構設計的英文童謠教學,將音素覺識及字母拼讀法(phonics)等技巧訓練自然地融入有趣的英文童謠情境中;而對照組則單獨採用字母拼讀教學,循序教授字母與音的對應關係。實驗組及對照組每週均有兩節英語補救教學,每節課40分鐘,持續十二週。兩組學生在教學前後各施以前測及後測,內容包括音素覺識測驗、認字測驗、拼字測驗,以及英語學習態度問卷調查,以評量受試者在早期讀寫技巧上的發展,及學習態度上的改變情形。 同組組內前後測比較結果顯示,在十二週實驗教學後,實驗組及對照組二組學生在音素覺識、認字及拼字能力三方面,均有顯著的進步。然而,只有實驗組學生對英語學習的態度有顯著的正向改變,對照組學生則無。此外,兩組組間比較結果發現,雖然在實驗前,兩組學生英語拼讀能力相當,對英語的看法也類似,但經實驗教學後,兩組的後測成績有非常明顯的差異,實驗組學生在音素覺識、認字、拼字能力的進步幅度,以及學習態度各方面,均顯著優於對照組。 以上研究結果顯示,運用英文童謠進行補救教學確實極為有效,不但能增進台灣英語低成就學童的早期讀寫技巧,且能改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小補救教學相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on Taiwanese elementary school EFL underachievers with regard to their development on phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities, and their attitudinal changes toward learning English. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was first carried out as a preparation for the formal study. The feasibility of nursery rhyme instruction and the effects of this instruction on phonemic awareness and learning attitudes were tested on seven EFL underachievers preliminary to the formal study. In the second stage, a formal study which followed closely the design of the pilot study, further explored the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on word recognition and spelling abilities. In the formal study, thirty-six fourth grade underachievers (whose academic performances were at the bottom 10 percent) with deficient phonemic awareness were screened for this study. The experimental group and the control group were evenly matched with eighteen students each. The experimental group received nursery rhyme instruction using the “whole-to-parts” framework of balanced reading within which training in skills including phonemic awareness and phonics is embedded into the context of children’s literature. The eighteen subjects in the matched control group received explicit phonics instruction wherein the isolated sound-letter correspondences were sequenced and taught explicitly and systematically. To assess their development in early literacy skills, all subjects took the pretests and posttests of phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling. Moreover, to measure their attitudinal changes toward learning English, they were administered the attitude questionnaires before and after the remedial instruction. Data was collected from early-September until early-December, 2006, covering twenty four 40-minute class periods for each group. Comparison of within-group performance indicated that both the experimental group and the control group made significant post- over pretest improvements in phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities. However, only the experimental group had a significant positive change on their attitudes toward English. In addition, at the onset of the study, both groups started with equivalent early literacy skills, and held similar attitudes toward English learning. However, posttest scores revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in phonemic awareness skills, word recognition and spelling abilities. Significant differences can also be found in their attitudes towards learning English. The findings from this study indicate that a remedial instruction utilizing nursery rhymes can effectively help Taiwanese EFL underachievers improve their early literacy skills, and more significantly, their learning attitudes towards English. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are provided.

以IEARN為主之專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習:以兩個國中班級為例之個案研究 / IEARN as Project-based Telecommunication Activities for EFL Learning: A Case Study on Two Junior High Classrooms

林淑媛, Lin, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本質性個案研究目的在探討以國際教育網路社群IEARN進行專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習的英語教學設計。該學習方式與教學模式特性諸多符合九年一貫課程改革理念。然而,在國內文獻及研究顯示,極少英語教師進行專題式網路教學設計。本研究個案是國中兩名英語教師與其班導學生為期兩年半的跨國文化專題學習。從個案訪談與課室觀察中發現,資訊科技融入英語教學,教師具備高度科技能力並非必要考量,而是教學策略、班級經營、師生合作為首務。 依據個案進行專題式導向學習過程中所面臨的挑戰與完成的歷程,研究者對教師、學校主管、教育當局與社會提出建言,以求改善與進步。這項教學革新並非只是順應課程改革,更是為了發展學生全面的學習與實踐終身學習為目標。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the challenge of project-based telecommunication activities through the IEARN for EFL learning. The learning methods and teaching strategies of project-based learning (PBL) conform to the rationale of Grade 1-9 Curriculum reform. However, literature showed that very few EFL teachers became involved in PBL with information technology for instruction. This research, conducted as a case study in the qualitative methodology, describes how two junior high school English teachers and their homeroom students implemented PBL through international network and how they developed cross-culture awareness in half and two years. It was found that successful EFL learning infused with information technology relied much more on pedagogy, class management and teacher-student collaboration than on teacher's computer skills. Based on the challenges and implement revealed in the process of PBL through telecommunication activities, the researcher gave suggestions to teachers, school administrators, educational authority and community for further improvement. The instructional innovation not only met educational reform standards but also developed EFL students' holistic learning in a lifelong fashion.


朱宜君 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係在探討強制汽車責任保險法之代位制度,包括第二十九條之保險人對被保險人代位、第三十三條之保險人對第三人代位及第四十二條之特別補償基金之代位權。此三種代位類型的相關條文內容,於二○○五年強制汽車責任保險法之修正中皆有相當幅度的變動,其規定之妥適性實值得探討。此外,當論及保險代位時,例如:求償所得金額應如何分配?代位權受妨礙應如何處理?代位權的時效應如何起算?等議題,學界與實務界始終爭議不斷,且這些問題於強制汽車責任保險法之三種代位類型中亦皆存在,若不儘速解決這些爭論,將影響制度的健全發展。 本文蒐集國內外文獻,並歸納比較國內外之學說與立法例,對各個議題進行探討,且由代位制度之法理基礎論起,以期能以體系一貫的理論,為代位制度之相關爭議,尋求合理而適宜的解決之道。最後,再依據所建構的原則檢討強制汽車責任保險法代位制度之規範,並進一步提出具體修正建議,修正要點則包括:一、明定保險人與特別補償基金代位行使權利時,應使用之名義;二、增訂求償所得金額分配方式之規定;三、修正妨礙代位之法律效果;四、針對代位制度增訂協力義務之規定;五、刪除短期消滅時效之規定,期能供未來立法參酌。

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