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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王玉, WANG, YU Unknown Date (has links)
社會福利政策為近年各國施政之重點,然因實施後產生若干問題,致引起對其功能力 懷疑,故本文以英國社會安全制度之實施影響為研究主題,俾瞭解社會福利之施行效 益,並做為我國今後推行之參考。 全文共七章十九節,約八萬餘言,各章要點如下: 第一章:緒論:敘述社會福利之興起背景及意義,目的及有關之爭論,進而說明本文 研究動機、目的、架構及限制。 第二章:英國社會安全制度之發展:敘述社會安全之概念及英國社會安全制度由十四 世紀迄今之演進。 第三章:英國社會安全制度之現況:分述國民保險、補充給付、兒童給付、家庭收入 補助等措施及其行政組織。 第王章:社會安全制度對社會之影響:首先探討福利主義價值體系與資本主義價值體 系之衝突;次說明政府提供人民各種社會福利後,造成家庭減少對成員的責任和權威 ,及家庭道德觀衰退等影響;最後則分析社會福利之擴大實施,導致階級解組之原因 。 第五章:社會安全制度對政治之影響:首先對社會安全制度造成政治文化轉變、多元 主義停滯、政府職能擴大,導致政治不穩定之現象做一分析;次說明社會安全制度之 擴大實施,因其具有強制性、廣泛性、一致性和繁複性,致對人民自由產生負面影響 。 第六章:社會安全制度對經濟之影響:探討社會安全制度未發揮所得再分配功能,致 無法消弭貧窮現象之原因;次說明社會福利支出之持續增加,使政府面臨財政危機之 困境;最後分由社會安全制度對人民工作意願、消費和投資、通貨膨脹、生產量的負 面影響,說明其阻礙經濟成長之原因。 第七章:結論:敘述英國近年對社會安全制度所做之改革;以次英國之實施經驗,檢 討我國社會安全制度之現況,並提出改進建議。

文化取向的傳播研究--雷蒙、威廉斯(RAYMOND WILLIAMS)論點之探討

謝國雄, XIE, GUO-XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
文中所稱之「文化取向的傳播研究」,是以英國的文化研究(CULTURAL STUDIES)為 代表。第一章導論,分析傳播之主流研究,並指出其極限,進而說明文化研究正可補 其不足。第二章試圖勾勒出研究的內涵。第三、四、五章闡釋文化研究的巨擘──雷 蒙•威廉斯之三組核心概念,分別是:1•文化、傳播與過程社區(COMMUNITY OF PROCESS) ;2•感知結構(STRUCTURE OF FEELING) ;3•整體傳播過程中的意圖 (INTENTION) 與霸權(HEGEMONY)。第六章結論,檢討威廉斯所代表之文化研究, 並嘗試指出威廉斯論點中何供本地文化及傳播研究借鏡之處。


劉唐芬, LIU, TANG-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
艾得蒙•柏克(EDMUD BURKE, 1729-1897)是闡釋保守主義哲學的思想家。其保守主 義思與英國憲政傳統有密切的關連,本文即由柏克維護英國憲政傳統此一觀點來採討 柏克的保守主義。全文分五章十四節以及前言、結論和附錄,共約八萬左右。 本文第章第二章分別敘述柏克的生平及十八世紀下半葉英國憲政的危機,屬本文之背 景,則適值喬治三世擴張王權,以及英國國內激進主義的萌發和成長,柏克的保守主 義即由此種背景產生。 本文第三章至第五章分別為「政黨理論」、「實質代議說」及「古憲法說」,探討柏 克自一七六○年代至一七九○年代對英國憲政傳統的維護。柏克的政黨說係與喬治三 世個人統治的對抗,其目的是建立政黨政府,恢復內閣制度。而實質代議說則針對英 國國內激進的代議理論而發,柏克反對議會改革,極力維護既有的選舉制度。至於古 憲法說則為對英國習慣法傳統的再闡釋,以維護被法國大革命衝擊的英國憲政體制, 並以此為批判激進主義的依據。


黃清和, Huang, Qing-Huo Unknown Date (has links)
第一章;因訴願制度乃行政救濟制度之一環,故本章先簡介行政救濟的意義、目前世 界上兩個主要行政救濟制度類型(英美法型與大陸法型)之概況及其優劣比較,並略 述行政救濟制度之發展趨勢。 第二章;本章採歷史途徑,分述訴願制度之基本概念(如意義、功能及其淵源)及歷 次訴願法修改之特色。 第三、四章;此二章採法制分析途徑,根據司法院解釋,行政法院判例、學者主要學 說、訴願法及其相關法規之規定,分成訴願之要件、提起、管轄、審理、決定及執行 等六個面向,剖析現行訴願制度之主要內容。 第五章;本章主要從實證觀點,檢討現行訴願法規、訴願程序、訴願會組織及人事等 實務,在運作過程中所顯現的缺失。 第六章;本章提出對我國現行訴願制度的綜合看法,並針對現行訴願制度之缺失,參 酌學者專家之見解,試擬可行的改進意見。


黃健良, Huang, Jian-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
主要研究內容為針對一九三七年到一九三九年間,英國首相張伯倫對德國推行綏靖政 策之探討。 第一章擬就「綏靖」(Appeasement )一辭的含意加以討論,並介紹綏靖政策的基本 概念。 第二章則針對當時英國所處的國際處境,國內環境,以及英國決策者個人背景,分析 張伯倫綏靖政策的形成背景。 第三章討論張伯倫綏靖政策的戰略構想,以及張伯倫與外相艾登之間外交政策的衝突 。並申論英國對德國殖民地綏靖政策。 第四章分析捷克蘇台德問題之形成,以及希特勒如何利用民族自決向捷克擴張。張伯 倫為追求和平,而不斷壓迫捷克接受德方的要求,終於達成了綏靖政策的最高峰── 慕尼黑協定。 第五章申述德國併吞捷克後英國外交政策之轉變,為了歐洲的權力平衡,終於使得英 國對波蘭提出了保證。 第六章結論擬就張伯倫的外交政策作一綜合性的評估與探討。

Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.

英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)

牟藜娟, Mou, Li Chuan (Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
教育部自九十年度起實施九年一貫英語教學課程,由於學生程度不一,班級人數過多,教學媒體不足,研究報告指出應該成立英語教學資源中心,提高教師教學品質,規劃線上輔助教學,以增進學生學習機會及學習效果。 本研究從知識管理角度探索英語線上輔助教學,建構英語教學內容知識結構模式及教學知識流程架構;俾使線上教學具備語意查詢機制,開啟英語線上輔助教學創新模式。 英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。 本研究引介物件導向,視內容知識為一個物件,具有不同之狀態及行為;將狀態與行為封裝,物件與物件間藉由訊息進行協調動作,達成整體運作之功能。學生亦為學習流程中一個物件,具有不同之屬性及行為;透過訊息之交換、進行任務協調,達成學習之最終目的。 以UML表示法建構英語線上學習流程三大模型:功能模型─使用案例模型將使用者對系統的需求模型化,靜態模型─物件模型抽出物件,表現出靜態的結構,動態模型─表示出物件與物件之間訊息的流向。 研究中試圖探討有關國小英語線上輔助教學網站之現況。未來期望架構具備語意檢索機制之網站,採自由選擇學習、多元適切評量模式,能紀錄分析學習及測試結果,建立學習紀錄(包括學習風格、習性、態度及學習效果等等)以期增進學生學習機會,分享教學資源。 藉由新的學習模式,學生可以獲得自我成長的資源,同時希望可以喚起更多關懷英語教學網站之研究與發展,為我們的孩子及新的學習方式注入更多生命力。本研究所建構之模式,希望能作為未來發展兒童英語線上學習之參考,以提昇國內兒童英語教育實施之成效。 關鍵詞:九年一貫英語課程、知識管理、知識本體、語意資訊檢索、物件導向、UML / The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects. In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids. The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research. The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination. UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects. This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers. Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children. Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML

圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力之影響 / The Effects of Pictures at Different Time Periods on the Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students in Taiwan

吳嘉容, Wu, Jia-rong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力的影響,而圖像輔助呈現時機則分為在聽力活動前與在聽力活動進行中。同時為了深入探究其效益,本研究更著重於其對高、中、低三個不同能力組別學生的影響。除此之外,並對於二份學生問卷的回答加以探討: (1)問卷一有關學生們先前學習英語的背景資料。 (2)問卷一有關學生們在聽力過程中主要遭遇的問題,涵蓋聽力內容、聽者本身與外在因素等。 (3)問卷二有關學生們對圖像式聽力測驗的反應與他們對實施聽力測驗時,圖片展示時間的看法。 本研究以台中縣光正國中一個國三班級42位同學為對象,經過英語聽力能力測驗後,他們被分為高中低三組。實驗前,學生們先填寫第一份問卷。隨後,三組學生一起接受兩種實驗: (1)邊聽邊看圖片; (2)先展示圖片再聽。在完成所有實驗後,隨即填寫第二份問卷。本研究主要結果如下: (1)大多數的受試者已學習英語3年以上,卻對自己的聽力缺乏信心。此現象乃肇因於學生們有限的練習時間。也因此,他們大多不贊成將來升高中大考有聽力測驗的項目。另外,眾多的學生表達了希望獲得老師在聽力方面指導的強烈需求。 (2)聽力能力愈差的學生,遇到更多的聽力問題,尤其在聽力內容與聽者本身方面問題為最。 (3)以整體學生的聽力表現而言,聽前呈現圖片對學生的幫助比邊聽邊呈現圖片的效果來的顯著。 (4)以各個組別學生的聽力表現而言,聽前呈現圖片最能彌補中低程度學生聽力的不足。 (5)超過半數以上的學生表達較喜愛圖像式的英語聽力測驗,尤其是圖像呈現在正式的聽力活動之前為最。 根據研究的結果,聽前呈現圖像輔助對不同程度的學生均有助益,尤其對中低程度者聽力理解的幫助更為顯著。因此,本論文呼籲,國中英語老師可在實施英語聽力測驗時,多善用圖像輔助以引發學生的學習動機並藉由聽前呈現圖片技巧來提昇學生們的英語聽力理解。 / The purpose of the present study is to explore the effects of pictures as cues supplied at different time periods, the picture before listening comprehension test (BLCT) and during listening comprehension test (DLCT). More specific, it is focused on the comparisons of the effects of BLCT and DLCT on the high, middle and low proficiency groups. Also probed are students’responses to two questionnaires on the following issues. (1) The subjects’ previous English learning background as shown in Questionnaire One; (2) The main listening problems the subjects encounter in the process of listening, including the oral text, the listener and external aspects; (3) The subjects reactions to the listening comprehension with the picture format and their preference for the timing of picture-giving. The subjects of this study are 42 students of nine-grade junior high school students in Kuang-cheng Junior High School in Taichung County. They are divided into three proficiency groups—the high proficiency group (HPG), the intermediate proficiency group (MPG) and the low proficiency group (LPG) according to the scores of the listening comprehension test in the subjects’ second mid-term examination. At the beginning of the overall experiment, they are demanded to finish Questionnaire One. After that, they are assigned to take two listening comprehension tests: a listening comprehension test with a picture before listening and during listening. After receiving the two treatments, the subjects are asked to complete Questionnaire Two to reveal their attitudes toward the listening comprehension tests with visual cues. The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows: (1) Although most of the subjects have learned English for more than three years, they do not establish much confidence in their own listening ability due to the limited time of practice in listening. Many of them do not support the idea of incorporating the listening comprehension test into the future high school entrance exam. However, they express their eagerness for obtaining the teacher’s guidance in listening. (2) The worse the listeners achieve, the more listening difficulties they would come across, especially in the oral text and the listener himself/herself. (3) BLCT is more effective than DLCT. This can be proved by the mean scores and standard deviation of BLCT and DLCT respectively. (4) As the three different proficiency groups are taken into consideration, BLCT lends itself to the low proficiency groups (LPG) and the intermediate proficiency groups (MPG). (5) Most of the subjects prefer the listening comprehension test with the picture format, particularly the visual cue before the listening activity. Based on the results of the study, the picture before listening benefits all of the three proficiency groups, especially the lower achievers. The researcher suggests that English teachers in junior high school try to make good use of visual cues in constructing listening comprehension tests to arouse students’ motivation and thus improve students’ listening comprehension.

How to Improve Low-Achievers' Listening Abilities─Using PE students as An Example / 如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力─以體育生為例

黃永蓮, Huang,, Yung-lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力,除了研究何種聽力教材符合低學習成就者認知上的需求之外,並在英聽課從情意因素著手,引起低學習成就者學習動機,而且英聽課程設計也融入多元智慧,從外在成績的提昇激勵低學習成就者內發性地自主學習動機。 本研究以14位高三體育生為研究對象,研究時間持續一學期從2003年9月到2004年1月,研究工具以日記方式由學生記錄聽英文歌曲以及英文文章段落的課後心得。資料分析取自學生日記。 本研究結果如下:〈一〉淺顯易懂與學生日常生活相關而且包括學生先前學過的生字、片語、句型的英文歌曲以及文章段落有益於增進低學習成就者英聽能力。〈二〉愉快而且充滿互助的教室氣氛減少英文學習的焦慮,維持低學習成就者自尊,增加低學習成就者自信,引起學習動機。〈三〉融入六種多元智慧〈語文智慧、音樂智慧、視覺空間智慧、肢體-動覺智慧、人際智慧、內省智慧〉的英聽課程以聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(while-listening)、聽後(post-listening)三階段可有效的加強低學習成就者英聽能力。〈四〉外在的獎賞可激勵低學習成就者內發性自主學習。 / This research investigated how to improve low achievers’ listening ability, using PE students as the subject of the study. The purpose was (a) to investigate what kind of listening materials meet low achievers’ cognitive needs; (b) to motivate low achievers in listening course affectively; (c) to apply MI theory into listening curriculum development for low achievers; (d) to trigger low achievers extrinsically and intrinsically in English class. A total of 14 high school PE seniors in Taipei County in Taiwan participated in the study. The research period lasted for a semester from September 2003 to January 2004. Journals on listening to songs and listening to passages were employed as instruments. Data for the research were collected from students’ journals. The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Comprehensible English songs and English passages related to learners’ daily life, including lexis, phrases, and sentence patterns they previously learned were especially beneficial for low achievers to improve their listening ability. (2) A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere enables low achievers to reduce language learning anxiety and maintain low achievers’ self-esteem. (3) Courses integrating six intelligences (i.e. verbal/linguistic, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences) were designed into three stages; i.e. pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening in the listening treatment, and proved to be effective. (4) Low achievers were inspired by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic factors. Better grades and positive feedback inspired low achievers’ extrinsic motivation. Besides, intrinsic motivation derived from comprehensible input and listening to English songs. The findings of the study suggest that low achievers’ listening ability can be effectively improved as long as listening materials are carefully designed to suit students’ needs.

高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念與實踐 / Vocational High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Integrating Vocabulary Learning Strategies into Their Instruction

廖乙驊, Liao,I hua Unknown Date (has links)
回溯過去的研究,教師信念對於其教學行為影響非常深遠,但是對於字彙學習策略融入教學這個議題,相關的研究仍然不多。本研究旨在探討高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念還有實際的教學情形。文獻探討涵蓋字彙教學的發展、字彙學習策略的理論以及教師信念與實踐。 本研究所蒐集到的有效問卷為二百零一份,研究的對象為台灣的高職英文教師。研究方式採用量化的教師問卷佐以質性的教師訪談。共有八位教師參與本研究的訪談。訪談的內容經過整理分析,用來解釋或補充問卷統計的結果。分析問卷時,採用的統計方法有描述性統計、相關係數、單因子變異數分析。本研究的主題如下:(一) 教師信念及教學情形:分別以認知策略、社會策略、後設認知以及學習媒介等策略來探討、(二)教師信念與其實踐情形是否符合,與造成兩者之間不相符的可能原因以及(三)探討影響教師信念與實踐的各種因素。 本研究的主要發現是: 1. 教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學抱持相當正面的態度,而實踐程度是中低等以上。 2. 由於統計顯示教師信念和實踐是正相關,教師實踐和他們的信念大致符合,不過教師所面臨的一些問題如教學時數限制、學生動機、教科書的設計、資源不足等會使他們無法完全遵照其信念於教學。 3. 一些因素如教學年資、教師學歷、學生程度、英語教學時間長短、教師是否參加字彙相關研習,以及是否接觸學習策略相關的研究報告等確實會影響教師的教學信念與實踐。 本研究有助於了解高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念以及他們實踐的情形,希望能夠提升老師對於策略教學的覺知。研究者對於英文教師、師資培育機構、教育部還有教師書出版社提出建議改善之道,期望能進一步提升高職的英語教學。 / Although research has shown that teacher beliefs play a decisive role in teachers’ instructional judgments and decisions, their beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies have not gained enough attention in the recent English educational forum. This study aimed to explore what attitudes vocational high school English teachers held toward the instruction of vocabulary learning strategies and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review ranged from vocabulary instruction, vocabulary learning strategies to teachers’ beliefs and practices. The participants of this study were vocational high school teachers in Taiwan. The data collection instruments were questionnaire and interview. The former provided mainly quantitative data and the latter qualitative data. A total of 201 valid questionnaires were analyzed and computed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Eight teachers were contacted for the follow-up interviews. Their interview results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire data. There were three issues investigated in this study. The first one was teachers’ beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their instruction. Teachers’ beliefs and practices of cognitive strategies, social strategies, multiple sources, and metacognitive strategies were discussed. The second was the consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ beliefs and their practices and the possible problems that might cause the inconsistency. The third one was influential factors that affected teachers’ beliefs and practices. Based on the results of the study, major findings were summarized. First, teachers approved highly of the integration of vocabulary learning strategies and the frequency of their practices ranged from low to high. Second, based on the significant correlation of teachers’ beliefs and practices, the relationship was generally consistent. However, teachers were not able to teach what they believed completely. Some of the strategies revealed larger gap due to the problems from the curriculum, students’ motivation, textbook design and teachers’ preparation. Third, variables such as teachers’ teaching experience, educational background, students’ BCT test score, instructional time, teachers’ attendance of workshops and their exposure to related research were found to be significant in affecting teachers’ beliefs and practices. It is hoped that the study can contribute to more understanding of vocational high school teachers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning strategies. Teachers may inspect their teaching process and raise the awareness of integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their teaching. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher further made suggestions to English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education and the textbook publishers. Results of this study might help enhance English teaching in vocational high schools.

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