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華語綜合性教材文化能力內容之現況與分析— 以《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》為例 / Cultural competence in Chinese language teaching — a critical examination of current Taiwanese teaching materials (practical audio-visual Chinese and far east everyday Chinese)林吟屏, Lin, Yin Ping Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文參考分析結果,從文化知識、文化技能、態度、文化意識等四部分,提出對於華語綜合性教材中文化能力內容編寫之建議,冀能對於未來教材文化能力內容之規劃及開發有所助益。 / This study aims to integrate some results of recent research in theory and practice of teaching culture competence in foreign language teaching into methods and materials of teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Researcher focus on three topics: (1) Which are the aims of teaching culture in foreign language teaching? And what are the subjects of teaching cultural competence? (2) To what extend do content and method in CSL comprehensive teaching materials conform to these aims and subjects? (3) What suggestions should be given to the editors of CSL comprehensive teaching materials in order to improve the acquisition of culture competence of Chinese language learners?
This study starts with an overview of theories of developing culture competence in foreign language teaching. The aims and methods of teaching culture in standard curricula for language teaching as the “AP Chinese language and culture course description”, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” will be analyzed. According to this, it can be seen that the goals of cultural teaching shifted from merely providing cultural knowledge to developing cultural competence.
There are different concepts about what culture competence is, how we can evaluate it, and how we can develop it. This study makes use of the description of cultural competence by means of four aspects: cultural knowledge, cultural skills, attitude and cultural awareness. These four aspects can be seen as a basic concept for teaching cultural competence, too. Modern didactics and materials should be aware to develop each aspect of culture competence.
How are these aims for developing culture competence presented in present CSL materials? A detailed analysis of two common teaching materials (“Practical Audio-Visual Chinese” and “Far East Everyday Chinese”) shows that teaching culture is mainly restricted on teaching cultural knowledge. There is a noticeable lack of exercises and practices to develop cultural skills, to promote a positive attitude to cultural diversity, and to develop cultural awareness.
Finally, the suggestions for developing cultural competence in CSL teaching materials will be given in conclusion, and wish this study will help development of Chinese teaching materials edition in future.
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初任華語教師遭遇的困擾與因應之個案研究 / A Case Study on Problems and Coping Strategies of Two Beginning TCSL Teachers劉思嫺 Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據個案的研究結果歸納出對於華語教師培訓機構、語言中心以及後續研究的建議。 / More and more people are engaging in Teaching Chinese as Second Language these years. There are many studies on teacher’s development which reveal that the beginning phase is the key phase in a teacher’s career. This study aims to understand the problems beginning teachers might encounter and what are their coping strategies by interviewing two cases.
The major findings reveal that their problems originate from three aspects:
(1) profession technique: lack understanding of students’ level and their reactions in class; classroom climate
(2) self-emotion: lack of confidence; skeptical of self
(3) working conditions: unstable income and the lack of welfare
And their coping strategies are: asking their colleagues, observing other seniors, talking directly with students.
At the end of the thesis, suggestions are given to the TCSL teacher training foundations and language center, to help TCSL teachers get through this unstable phase of teaching career.
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月隱福爾摩沙--北台灣華語穆斯林紀實攝影專題報導 / Neglected Muslims in Formosa: A Documentary Photography Project On Chinese-speaking Muslims in north Taiwan崔楠 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣伊斯蘭教(臺灣仍慣稱回教)的發展自古至今分為兩個階段,即明清時 期與 1949 及以後,且皆由中國大陸遷移而來。隨著 1949 年國民黨退居臺灣以來, 數萬信奉伊斯蘭教的軍公教人員分多批次隨之來台,使伊斯蘭教(回教)在臺灣 的發展加入了新的蓬勃血脈,雖然來台原因多有悲情成分,但此卻可謂是伊斯蘭 教(回教)在近現代正式傳入臺灣之始。
作為台灣的極少數族群,僅佔台灣人口 0.23%的台灣華人穆斯林如今已有明 顯的地方化與生活化現象,隨著老一代教胞的逐漸消逝與新生代脫教問題在該群 族中日益顯現,臺灣華人穆斯林的傳承問題便尤為棘手。對於臺灣社會來講,甚 少有人留意這群在臺灣多元社會中來自他鄉的離散者,實踐著與臺灣宗教生活中 佔據主流地方的佛教、道教信仰截然不同之宗教。此番情勢與穆斯林議題在世界 範圍內的討論熱度天壤之別,但卻與台灣在世界版圖中咸少被人提及的情況不謀 而合,而這本身亦是一種「弔詭」的現象值得人們反思。
本創作是台灣首次以民族誌影像的方式,利用紀實攝影手法完成的專題圖片 深度報導,主要拍攝為北台灣華語穆斯林族群,選取台北清真寺及桃園龍岡清真 寺為田野調查點,通過在這兩座清真寺進行日常禮拜的穆斯林,尋找不同年齡 層、不同性別、不同家庭環境的拍攝對象,力圖盡可能全面的再現北台灣華語穆 斯林宗教活動及日常生活的點滴過程,并最終以展覽形式呈現於世人。 / Islam in Taiwan-usually still called Hui Religion-has developed as two stages, Ming & Qing Dynasties and after 1949, which both were originated from Mainland China. Since Kuomintang’s retreat in 1949, thousands of Islamic soldiers came to Taiwan, infusing new blood into Islam’s development. Although the retreat is somewhat tragic, this could be called the formal initiation of modern Islam in Taiwan.
Living as minorities in Taiwan with a population of only 0.23% in Taiwan, Asian Islam have been very much localized. Given that old Muslims are passing away and new generations are no longer believing in Islam, the problem of inheritance becomes more and more tough. In Taiwan, few people notice that these travelers have been living a different religious life different from the mainstream Buddhism or Taoism, which is totally the opposite compared with the world scale. However, both being ignored by the world, it coincides with Taiwan’s international position, which is unusual and worth study.
This investigative project is designed to show as realistic as possible Asian Islam’s life in Taiwan as a whole by documenting religious and daily lives of Muslims of different ages, genders and families through photography, who are mainly from Northern Taiwan. Field researches have been done in Taipei Mosque and Taoyuan City Mosque. The final product will be a photo exhibition the mass.
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繪本與成人華語教學之教學研究:以中級程度免費班為例 / An Exploratory Study on Picture Books and Adult CSL Teaching: A Case Study on an Intermediate-level Free Course林昕儀, Lin, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據調查結果提出華語文教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語文教學者在成人華語繪本教學方面的參考。 / This study applied picture books to an adult CSL free course, aiming to investigate adult CSL (Chinese as a second language) learners’ perspectives toward using picture books in adult CSL teaching, and the learning efficiency through picture book instruction. The research methods adopted in the study include needs analysis, classroom observations, and focus group interview. The participants of the study are intermediate-level students from a Chinese language center of a university in Northern Taiwan.
The results of this study are (1) picture book instruction with interesting and language skill enhancing teaching activities suits adult CSL learners; (2) picture book instruction can benefit adult CSL learners both cognitively and affectively; (3) When using picture books to teach adult CSL learners, the main concerns are language difficulty, topic choice, and the style of pictures; (4) as the instruction time for the adult CSL free course is short and scattered, and it lacks the mandatory and binding force, such picture book instruction does not improve learners’ vocabulary and grammars significantly; however, it may serve as a good supplementary or review course; (5) the three major challenges for picture book adult free CSL course instruction are choices of picture book to suit learners’ needs, short and scattered instruction time, and learners’ various proficiency levels. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included in the end of the thesis
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華語教學中的婚俗文化教學研究 / A Research on Integrating Wedding Culture into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language鄭侑青, Cheng, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
1. 將華語學習者感興趣的婚俗文化與華語教學相結合
2. 編寫可實際執行之婚俗文化教材供學習者與教學者參考使用
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華語人物分類詞之社會文化意涵 / The Social-Cultural Significances of Mandarin Classifiers宋千儀 Unknown Date (has links)
共時研究以歷時研究及先導測試(pilot test)為基礎,以探討現代漢語的人物分類詞使用情形。從先導測試得知道德維度、知識維度、財富維度、權勢維度以及神聖性有等級之分,道德及知識維度有正負、高低,財富及權勢維度有多、中、寡及強、中、弱之分,神聖性有高低有無之分,依據維度挑選符合各維度正負、高低、多寡、強弱趨向的人物名詞。本研究亦經由先導測試取捨要測試的人物分類詞,由先導測試發現有些人物分類詞為晚近才成為人物分類詞如「坨」,便納入研究。此外,依據陳志信(1997)、黃光國(1984、1991、1999、2005a、2005b)主張「尊尊」「親親」為文化價值之所在,先導測試從「親親原則」、「尊尊原則」得到畫分人際圈子顯示社會連結的群體分類詞如「門」「派」「宗」等。從先導測試獲取施測的人物分類詞和人物名詞,做為本論文共時研究的設計基礎。
共時研究採訪談法蒐集口語語料,以長程深度訪談調取當代華語人士口語語料。訪談對象共36名,受訪者的社會變項依據年齡、教育程度區分。年齡層分為老年(60歲以上)、中年(40—55歲)、青年(18—30歲)三的年齡層,教育程度分為高教育程度(大學及大學以上)、中教育程度(高中)、低教育程度(國中及國中以下)三個教育程度。共時研究訪談問題為檢測受訪者對名詞與分類詞共現的選擇,並瞭解說話者擇取分類詞的理由。訪談問題分為由受訪者主動提供答案的開放式訪談問題(open-ended questions)及由本研究者提供選項讓受訪者選擇的封閉式訪談問題(closed-ended questions),訪談問題利用個體人物名詞檢測分類詞與名詞共現,問題共三部分,每部分之下另分題組。第一部份檢測人物名詞與個體人物分類詞之共現,第二部分檢測人物名詞與具有社會評價之人物分類詞之共現,第三部分檢測名詞與顯示社會連結的分類詞之共現。
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華語繪本研究與教學-以華語成人學習者為例 / Research in Picture Books for Adults in Learning Chinese as a Second Language石伊婷, Shih, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
學習語言主要目的為「溝通」及「運用」,如何使學習者習得更貼近母語者的應答習慣是教學者所關心的。研究顯示「圖像」不但可以幫助學習者在閱讀的過程中理解內容,進而延伸思考、融會貫通,更可以激發自我語言表達能力。然而台灣目前使用繪本於教學主要的對象為華裔青年或新移民配偶及其子女為主。因此,本文主要探討如何運用華語繪本於海外成人華語課程。本研究透過大量的文獻回顧探討中英教學中的繪本教學發展、教學理論與教學法、第二語言學習教材與挑選繪本評量標準,以此建立本文之理論架構,同時依據此架構規劃教學設計並執行。除此之外,也根據第二語言教學理論及挑選繪本之標準,建立一套運用於華語課程的繪本選取與評定原則。研究結果顯示繪本運用於成人華語課堂中不僅可以使得課程更加多元化,更可以透過不同的教學素材來延伸教學活動。研究者亦由6T教學法中讓學習者根據6T各項目進行回饋。回饋結果除了在任務及思緒的部分仍需要修正之外,整體來說,學生對於繪本運用於語言課堂有非常正面的看法。然而受到繪本文本詞彙之限制,較多的繪本是適合中級程度以上的學生使用。本研究一共分析了26本繪本,共得出26個主題,主題則以友情、成長、夢想、創意居多。最後參考了許多學術論述之後,制訂了繪本選取評定標準,評定表共分成教學、心理及藝術三個層面來說明,最後共得出50項標準供學界參考。研究者亦於文末提出了未來使用繪本於教學之研究建議。 / The main purpose of learning the language is to communicate and to use it. Therefore, language teacher concern more on how assisting the learners to use the language according to the native speaker’s habits. Research shows that ‘Picture’ can help to improve learner’s ability to understand the content while reading, which can trigger further critical thinking and ultimately mastering the ability to develop their own learning process. However, the use of picture books for teaching Chinese especially in Taiwan nowadays are limited only to the class of overseas Chinese learners, foreign spouses and their children. Hence, the main purpose of this research will be discussing on how to apply the picture book in adult Chinese language course abroad. The method of this research is based on a great amount of literature review on both teaching Chinese and English language using picture books, teaching method theory and pedagogy, second language acquisition material evaluation and criteria on selecting picture book. Afterthen through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on using picture book in language course. Besides, this research also intend to create an evaluation framework on how to select picture book in Chinese as a second language course. The result has shown using picture book in the adult Chinese language course can create more diverse classroom activates by applying different teaching materials in the class. The author has also conducted an after-class survey to understand learner’s learning condition. Overall, picture book as a class material receives a very positive feedback. Under the vocabulary restriction from the picture book, a lot of picture book is more suitable for intermediate level students only. Apart from above mentioned, this research also analyzed in total 26 picture books, and received 26 themes. The themes include friendship, growth, dream and creativity. Also this research has drawn up the framework of selecting the picture book for Chinese language learning class. This framework achieved in total 47 entries with three aspects, teaching, psychology and artistry. At the end of the research, there’s also suggestion for the further studies.
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台灣華語正常及構音異常幼童之習得現象:華音產製研究 / Phonological Development and Disorder in Taiwan Mandarin:The Status of Glides許馨云, Hsu, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文檢視台灣華語為母語之正常幼童以及構音異常幼童之滑音[j],[w], [ɥ]發展與產製表現,採長期觀察之方式,詳細描述正常幼兒滑音產製之出現及穩定年齡、頻率、正確率和發展順序,並且比較此三滑音於各音節位置之產製表現,進而比較兩組幼童之台灣華語滑音產製及音韻歷程之使用行為。本研究以標記理論及位置層級理論來檢驗幼兒滑音之發展與表現。
研究結果顯示,正常幼兒之滑音出現順序和穩定順序皆符合標記理論之預測,無標音早於有標音,其滑音產製之穩定度與音節位置相關,音節首位之滑音表現較音節中與音節末之滑音表現來的穩定,這與位置層級理論之推測相符合。構音異常幼童組中發現了有別於正常幼童之特殊取代模式,由較晚習得語音取代較早習得語音,其所產製的語音中會違反華語的音法限制。音韻歷程之表現在兩組幼童中皆偵測到刪除、換位、取代三種模式,其中皆以刪除為主要策略。 / The purpose of the present study is to report the developmental process of three Mandarin glides [w, j, ɥ] in terms of three word positions by examining the age of emergence and stabilization, the order of stabilization, and accuracy rate of thechildren’s production, and further compare the normative data with phonological disorder data in order to explore the possible phonological processes. This study alsoaccounts for the developmental process of glides on the basis of markedness theory and positional prominence hierarchy.
A longitudinal study was carried out for the investigation of two normally-developing children, aged between 0;9-2;4 and 0;10-2;4, and two phonologically-disordered children, one of whom is between 4;3 and 4;9, and the other between 3;10 and 4;3. The data were collected at two-week intervals.
The results showed that the order of glide emergence and stabilization of the normally-developing group is in accordance with the markedness theory. The unmarked [j], [w] precede marked [ɥ]. Moreover, the stabilization order of the three glides in terms of the three syllable positions was found to reflect the interaction between markedness constraint and positional prominence hierarchy. The unmarked glide in the initial position is the first to stabilize and the marked glide in the non-initial position is the last to stabilize. On the other hand, the children in the phonologically-disordered group were found to consistently replace the presumably earlier-developing glide with a presumably later-developing one, which differs from the process used in the normally-developing group. Furthermore, this group of children produced the combination that violates the phonotactic constraints of Taiwan Mandarin. In addition, there are three phonological processes, including deletion, metathesis, and substitution detected in children’s data. The most commonly used process is deletion in both groups of children.
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後殖民語境下的華語電影-解讀西方影展的「中國熱」現象胡清暉 Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,本研究以「中心╱邊陲」的後殖民思考架構,視「中國熱」現象為華語電影走向世界的過程中的四個階段-「重新被發現、新電影運動與西方中級影展、納入主流藝術電影院線、與好萊塢電影工業接軌」。同時,本研究也將進一步探討背後的文化意涵及其所代表的意義。 / Since late 1970s, the Western has gradually put more and more concentration on the Chinese films. The film reviews and the public opinions always regard the phenomenon as the “Chinese Cinema Fever”. This article, on the one hand, analyzes the phenomenon in the historical and cultural veins. While facing China, a state once made the western feel so distant and unfamiliar before, a kind of mentality in the “Western” has been molded by the cultural imagination, colonial experience, mysterious atmosphere, and realistic demand (such like strategic consideration and large-scale market, et al.), and displayed in the various fields. Meanwhile, the “Chinese Cinema Fever” is being a part in such complicated situation. On the other hand, the phenomenon, the Chinese Cinema Fever in the Western Film Festivals since late 1970s, will be considered under the framework of “Center-Periphery” and be regarded as a process of the Chinese film toward the world, which is composed of re-discovering, re-emphasizing, including into the mainstream in the system of the Art Theatre. Nowadays, the Chinese films have turned into a part of the worldwide culture and universal consumption. At the same time, I would like to go a step further to discuss the cultural meanings behind the appearance.
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繪本為初級成人華語閱讀教學輔助教材之研究 / Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners張郁笙, Chang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
學習者認為中文為困難的語言,學習評量成效不佳,此外受限每週課時,自學時間受專業課程壓縮,動機不足,故藉由兼具圖像與故事情節的繪本製作輔助教材,提高自學能力和興趣,增進閱讀理解,開展交際話題,促進觀點交流。製作繪本輔助教材作為課程材料,教授生詞、語法,從圖文創作:互證、互補、互釋和互斥四項模式教學,並且分析原創作中的圖像,示範教學方式。研究者自側面觀察紀錄教師教學,提供學習者心得回饋表,深入訪談教師和學習者經驗。結果指出學習者藉圖文教材提高學習樂趣,教學前的引導使其提前適應內容,故事討論加強全文組織、理解,增加話題,圖文模式應用於教學後更能掌握圖像互動,讀出其言外之意。最後討論動機的引起及維持、圖文模式和閱讀理解、教學目標和學習收穫,並提出未來華語教學之方向。 / Picture books enjoy great attention today. The readership of more sophisticated picture books like graphic novels increased in the last decade. Illustrated narratives are not confined to manga or children books anymore. Although Chinese teaching materials, too, made great advances in the last ten years and layout and design became more attractive than before, recent developments of teaching materials do not get catch up with the increased popularity of picture books, especially with graphic novels and other picture books for adults.
The present study aims to explore the conditions we should care about when we want to use picture books in classroom teaching. A focus is laid on teaching Chinese reading and character acquisition for beginners (A2) who only have a very limited knowledge of Chinese. Can picture books facilitate the learning process of reading? Can illustrations help to comprehend textual meaning? To answer questions like this, the present study examines various theories and research results about the interaction between the illustrations and the reading processes and reflects these theories with their didactic significance.
The background for the present study is a half year teaching experience using different picture books to teach reading and Chinese character acquisition to beginners who did not have much time in Taiwan for study and who are not very motivated to learn reading Chinese. At the beginning, the use of picture books as teaching materials aimed to motivate students to learn Chinese characters and to encourage them to read Chinese not only in the classroom, but also to apply their knowledge to their own activities in their leisure time. Later, the author deliberately used picture books as teaching materials to learn more about the advances and shortcomings of these materials.
Thus, the present study is the theoretical reflection of this teaching experience. It investigates picture books not only from the perspective how picture books can facilitate learning processes of Chinese reading competence, but also from the perspective how can picture books contribute to motivate students to read Chinese inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching materials based on three picture books are presented in this study.
These materials first were used for teaching beginners and become later more and more developed, evaluated and revised in accordance to teaching experience, learning outcome and students’ opinions. Course designs based on these materials are added at the end of the present study.
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