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來台之大學外籍交換生的華語學習探討—以某公立大學之交換生為例 / The Chinese Language Learning of Foreign Exchange Students at College Level in Taiwan- A Case Study in a Public University李豫, Lee, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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華、韓語同形漢字詞之比較及教學建議:以「台灣華語八千詞」及《韓國漢字語辭典》分析為例 / Semantic and pragmatic features of Chinese and Korean homographic words with didactic suggestions for teaching Chinese to Korean students-a comparative analysis of basic Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary金昭蓮, so yeon kim Unknown Date (has links)
依據1957年韓文學會的《韓國語大辭典》 的分類,在韓國語詞彙中漢字詞占總詞彙的53%,與之相比,非漢字詞彙占47%。由此可見,由於韓國屬於漢字文化圈,所以韓國人在學習華語的時候,與非漢字文化圈的人相比,存在著許多優勢。不過實際上韓國學生在學習華語時經常遇到很多困難,而且有時候並不能精確地使用詞彙。我們發現韓語中部分的漢字詞與相對應的華語詞彙存在著同形同義和同形異義的現象,雖然同形同義詞只是在語法上有些微的差異,但這些差異會成為韓國學習者學習華語的困擾。不僅在學習華語時會產生誤解和誤用,甚而會影響華語交際。由於韓國學習者的漢字基礎常常會誤導他們,所以他們在學習與運用華語時,已有的韓語漢字基礎會對學習產生負遷移。
在第二語言學習中甘瑞瑗(2002) 指出,詞彙習得和詞彙教學是很重要的一環。對韓國學生來說,掌握華韓語之間漢字詞的關連性是能否有效運用華語的關鍵之一。因此,筆者認為,比較和分析「台灣華語8000詞」和與之相應的韓語漢字詞,具有學習上的幫助。
本文旨在以「台灣華語8000詞」 為中心,對照《韓國漢字語辭典》找出兩者之間的同形漢字詞,並把這些同形漢字詞分為同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞三類,具體地分析台灣華語詞和韓語漢字詞的異同。接著以個案研究的方式,探討韓語漢字詞在韓國學生學習華語詞彙時是否帶來正遷移的現象;並以問卷調查的方式來檢驗韓國學生已認識的韓語漢字詞,是否也對華語詞彙學習造成負遷移的影響。
最後,根據個案調查及問卷研究結果,分別對華韓同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞等三類,提出華語詞彙教學建議。 / According to the research of the Chinese Character Society which get published 1957 in the Korean Dictionary, 53% of the Korean vocabulary is based on the Chinese language. This high percentage demonstrates the great impact of the Chinese culture on the Korean language over a long time. Today, Korean learners of the Chinese language may take advantage of this historical and linguistic fact when compared to learners from Western countries. However, in practice, Korean learners still have great difficulties in acquiring the correct usage of a variety of Chinese words in spite of lexical similarities with their mother tongue. Interferences from the Korean language usage on the learners’ target language are an obvious fact.
In a first approach, compared with the homographic vocabulary of the Chinese language, Chinese loan words in the Korean language can be classified into three main categories according to their semantic congruency: 1. homosemantic words: homographic words in both languages share principally the same lexical meaning (同形同義詞); 2. semantic congruent words: homographic words in both languages share a congruent basic meaning but lexical meaning differs in certain properties (同形部分異義詞); 3. semantic incongruent words: homographic words in both languages principally do not share a common lexical meaning (同形完全異義詞). The reason may be due to historical meaning changes in both languages.
Semantic differences in basically semantic congruent words and semantic incongruency of homographic words both handicap correct vocabulary acquisition of the Chinese language by Korean learners and complicate their correct comprehension and correct usage of the Chinese language. The relevance of correct vocabulary acquisition was already pointed out by the research of Gan Ruiyuan (甘瑞瑗,2002).
The present study wants to do a fresh approach in the study of the basic homographic vocabulary of Chinese and Korean languages in its significance for Chinese language teaching to Korean students. To do this, it compares the semantic features of the Chinese basic vocabulary listed in the Taiwanese dictionary 8000 Words in Chinese with their Korean homographics listed in the Dictionary of the Sino-Korean language and classifies the results according to the three categories of semantic congruency mentioned above. Semantic incongruent features are discussed regarding their difficulty both in acquisition and in the correct usage for Korean learners of the Chinese language. In addition, a short learner’s enquiry wants to give further insights into phenomena of language interference which appear in the usage of Chinese homographic vocabulary by Korean students.
Finally, the study wants to give some practical suggestions for teaching Chinese homographic vocabulary to Korean students.
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在墨西哥創設中文學校之商業企畫書 / Business plan for a chinese language institute in mexico古睿森, Cruz, Carlos Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis I provide a business plan for the establishment of a Chinese Language Institute in the city of Querétaro, México. The city of Querétaro is and advantageous location for the operations of this institute. It is highly developed and ranked the most innovative in the country for its industry and education, which is reflected in its population’s levels of education, professional capabilities and income. The city is also attractive to foreign investment for the establishment of their operations, and more recently, attracting interest from Asian corporations.
With competitive prices, academic excellence and comprehensive materials, we expect to serve the population in Queretaro ranging of ages between 3 and 45. We will deliver quality services with mandarin native-speaking professors who will additional have a background and training in teaching and languages. This will be our main differentiator. We believe this will provide students of all ages with the tools and preparation to be competitive in the global panorama in which we live today.
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跨文化華語教學中的現代文學課程設計與實踐 / Modern Chinese literature course design and practice in intercultural Chinese teaching許鐘尹, Hsu, Chung Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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習俗傳說融入跨文化華語教學之課程設計與實踐 / An instructional design and implementation of customary legends in intercultural Chinese teaching林以涵, Lin, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究結果如下:第一,於教學設計方面,本研究採用兩項教學模式之融合,為ADDIE教學模式及Moran之體驗式學習循環,有助於文化教學更加完整,達到跨文化的範疇,另外,於教材設計中,需針對學習者程度考量詞彙難易度,並注意應符合教學宗旨與課堂設計;第二,於實施成效方面,以習俗傳說為素材之華語教學課程,能夠增進學習者的語言技能,提供文化學習與體驗的機會,達到跨文化的目的。 / Language and culture are inextricably linked. Cultural concepts are considerably important for language learning and teaching, particularly for Chinese, a highly contextualized language with rich cultural implications. Folk customs in Chinese society are closely related to everyday life and can serve as important clues for understanding the living culture. Stories involving customs and legends can help learners of Chinese understand Chinese cultural implications, avoid cultural misunderstandings, achieve respect for others, and develop interculturel competence.
The teaching of folktales is usually used in the education of native Chinese speakers. In the field of teaching Chinese as a second language, it is generally restricted to heritage learners or learners at or above the high intermediate level. This study focuses on customary legends in folk literature with intermediate learners as the target group. Content analysis is used to determine appropriate topics for cultural teaching and text analysis to analyze teaching materials and intercultural teaching points. Established theories of cultural materials compilation and instructional design were referenced to inform our own instructional design. In addition, I adopted action research design and developed a survey instrument to use as an aid in examining the practice of Chinese language teaching.
The study has two objectives: first, to develop an instructional design for the teaching of customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses; and second, to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses. ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and Moran’s experiential learning cycle (knowing about, knowing how, knowing why, and knowing oneself) were used as models for course design. In addition, videos, questionnaires, and interviews were used to evaluate the implementation outcomes, and served as a basis for revision.
The results were as follows: First, the two teaching models that were incorporated into the instructional design for this study, the ADDIE Model and Moran’s experiential learning cycle, contributed to the comprehensiveness of cultural teaching and the achievement of an intercultural scope. However, during materials development, it was important to ensure that the degree of difficulty of the vocabulary matched learner levels, and that the vocabulary aligned with the teaching objectives and course design. Second, in respect to the effectiveness of implementation, I concluded that a Chinese language teaching course utilizing customary legends as teaching materials can enhance learner language skills, provide cultural learning and experiential opportunities, and achieve intercultural goals.
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華語遠距混成式之課程模式構建與教學實施 / An action research and lesson model construction of Mandarin distance learning in a blended learning context蔡雨芹, Tsai, Yu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果發現,在非同步學習活動設計中,若能提升學生的自主學習願望、細部經營遠距的人際互動方式,並關注回饋機制的設計,並運用同步課程在科技問題、學習內容上輔助非同步的學習活動,如此能有效調動學習者的學習動機。提升自主學習願望的方式包含運用競爭心理、社交願望,並透過資源整合增加學生感知的活動學習效率。在遠距人際互動方面,需仔細經營互動氣氛,提供恰當的工具,在回饋機制的設計上,關注獎勵的間隔時間、及回饋的即時性。 / There are more and more adult learners who require time flexibility for Mandarin learning. The demand for distant learning has increased. There are various online technological tools to assist learning, however, the features on the various websites are often disorganized. This study collects different kinds of technology assisted digital learning websites, and applies their features - such as multimedia players, timers, scoring systems, social interaction, role playing, and speech recognition - into Mandarin teaching. It is designed for adult learners who have fewer learning hours and require time flexibility to learn Mandarin. It aims to create asynchronous learning activities, with high interaction, in order to increase students’ motivation, interest, and communication willingness along with synchronous lessons. It applies the ADDIE model for systematic instructional design and concludes with the most efficient distance lesson model that could best encourage students’ motivation. It draws conclusions from the students’ interview about their learning experience, the teacher’s observations during the lessons, and from the recordings of the experimental lessons.
The study result reveals the keys to foster motivation in distance Mandarin lessons: raising learner autonomy, undertaking distant social interaction, focusing on the design of a feedback mechanism, and utilizing synchronous lessons to help solve their learning or technical problems during asynchronous self-learning time. Making good use of students’ tendency for competition, willingness to socialize, and increasing the students’ awareness of learning efficiency, effectively fosters motivation for self-learning in distance Mandarin lessons.
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阿根廷華語文學習者的需求分析與教學建議 / Analysis and Suggestions for Chinese Teaching Materials in Argentina郭恩光, Kuo, Silvia Luz Unknown Date (has links)
在過去幾十年的時間,西方國家逐漸興起華文熱。拉丁美洲則到2000年代才漸漸開始看到越來越多的華語課程,因此如今華語教學在此地區仍處於一個不斷變化的階段。在阿根廷,由於華語教師以及華語教材的需求日益增長,當地的華語教師經常必須自備教材或是遷就於不適合的教材。筆者在阿根廷實際從事過華語職業教師數年,於此時期內發現當地使用的對外華語教學教材之理念與教學的實際做法之間存在明顯的差異性。筆者在教學中發現阿根廷學習者具有獨特的語言學習需求與習慣,因此教學法應該迎合學習者的特色與需求。如今阿根廷的華語教學界裡所面臨的問題涉及以下三方面:一是要如何滿足學員的需求、再者是要如何迎合當地學員的語言學習習慣與當地華語教師所使用的教學法、三是要如何突破教目前所使用的教材之無相關性和無效性。目前阿根廷的華語學習者所使用的教材中,有一半是以英語編寫,主要對象是以英語為母語者。另一半是來自中華人民共和國,並以西班牙文編寫的教材。在2009年間,當地的教師出版了一本號稱針對拉丁美洲華語學習者所寫得教材,但是本教材在教學品質及內容相關性皆有缺失。雖然這些教材在阿根廷被廣泛使用,然而對於當地學習者而言卻稱不上是最理想的教材。阿根廷目前所使用的教材主要的缺失,首先在於議題和語言內容與學習者的生活毫無相關。再者,此類教材的設計與教學法不符合當地學習者的需求。最後,教材所採用的練習題無法激勵學習者的思考和溝通能力。本研究的目的為初步分析阿根廷目前所使用的華語教材,並探討其實用性(或有效性)及相關性。藉由了解學習者的需求和當地教師們對於教材的意見,筆者將提出較有效的教學法和相稱的教材。本論文結合了筆者本人在阿根廷教學的實務經驗和當地學習者之意見。在經過教材分析後,筆者以最適合當地華語學習者的溝通教學法(特別採用溝通性教學法)設計出一個課程單元教案,希冀能提升往後西班牙語為母語者的華語學習效果,並對推動區域化華語文教材的編制能有些許貢獻。 / In the past decade, most countries of the Western hemisphere witnessed the surge of the “Chinese Language Fever”. Such a wave arrived in Latin America in mid 2000, with the emergence of Chinese language courses. At present, the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in this part of the world is still at an early stage of development. In Argentina, the need for qualified Chinese teachers as well as adequate teaching materials is nowadays most urgent, as local teachers find themselves having to adjust to available teaching materials, or in need of preparing additional teaching material to compensate for the shortcomings of currently used course books. During my years as a teacher of Chinese in Argentina, I realized that the underpinnings of the Chinese pedagogical materials are in stark contrast with the practices in the actual classroom. Through my teaching it became apparent that Argentine learners possess distinctive language learning habits and needs, which had to be catered for by means of a suitable teaching methodology. In order to improve the current situation, teachers of Chinese in Argentina must seriously address the following three questions: How should learners’ needs be addressed? How should we reconcile the discrepancy between teaching methodologies and students’ language learning habits? And lastly, how should we reconcile the lack of relevance and effectiveness of Chinese teaching materials? At the moment, half of the materials used by local learners are written in English, i.e. with an English speaking learner in mind. The other half is published in the People’s Republic of China with explanations and instructions written in Spanish. Although circa 2009 a book published by local teachers emerged claiming to be designed specifically for the Latin American learner, the pedagogical quality and relevance of the content are highly questionable. Although these materials are widely used in Argentina, they are far from being ideal for the local learner. The main flaws of Chinese teaching materials currently used in Argentina are namely, the lack of relevance of the themes and linguistic content with respect to the learner’s world experience, and last, but not least, the failure of the practice activities to encourage significant intellectual processes and the development of communicational skills. The aim of this research is, therefore, to analyze the pedagogical materials currently in use in Argentina, in order to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance. In view of the needs revealed by local learners and the opinions of Chinese teachers in said country, I intend to propose a more adequate methodology, as well as a set of sample materials. Thus the present paper is the result of my personal experience as a teacher of Chinese in Argentina and the integration of the opinions of local Chinese language learners. After having analyzed the materials currently available, I will present a set of sample materials, in the hope that it will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Chinese learning process for Spanish speakers, as well as to promote the future development of localized Chinese teaching materials.
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一場歷史與當代的辯證︰論九○年代後華語電影中的文革再現 / The Dialectics of History and Contemporary: The Representations of Cultural Revolution in Chinese Language Films Made During and After 1990s.關志華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的最後一個部份,是針對《太陽照常升起》進行分析。筆者發現,這部電影是在「國族寓言」與「反國族寓言」的元素中滑動。首先,它通過絢爛艷麗色彩的攝影,再加上獨特的場面調度,把它的時空背景處理得充滿夢幻色彩,更創造了一個如夢如幻的文革時代。其次,這部電影也通過對文革樣板戲中的女性形象的戲仿,搗毀了女性扮演「國族寓言」的文化角色。然而,這部電影裡頭卻增添了從國外回歸「祖國」的兩個華僑角色。他們在文革時候的遭遇,卻又可以化身為寓意中國現今處境的國族寓言,而這國族寓言跟一九八○年代的文化反思和歷史反思思潮下的國族寓言以及第五代導演的寓言策略有所不同。這部電影中的國族寓言所寓意的,更是和二十一世紀的中國在全球政治和經濟上的崛起有關。而中國在政治經濟上的崛起,卻又和「大中華」的文化認同息息相關。 / This essay focus on analyzing the portraits of China’s Cultural Revolution in seven Chinese Language films made during and after the 1990s. This essay points out that three films made by the “fifth generation” directors namely Blue Kite, Farewell My Concubine and To Live, tend to treat the history of Cultural Revolution as a “national allegory”. These “fifth generation” directors are trying to articulate their narrations of Cultural Revolution to the “cultural reflection” ideological trend of the New Era in the late 1970s and 1980s which searched for the “enlightenment” and “salvation” for the Chinese culture.
But this essay also points out that the other three films namely In the Heat of the Sun, Balzac Et La Petite Tailleuse Chinoise and The Foliage, didn’t display the harsher aspects of the Cultural Revolution. Instead they focus on the vigorous and enthusiastic adolescence life of the young protagonists. In the Heat of the Sun also displays the construction and the uncertainty of the human memory, to express that we can’t recapture an “absolute” and a “total” historical image of Cultural Revolution. The portraits of Cultural Revolution in these three films also distance themselves away from the “enlightenment” and “salvation” cultural discourse during the New Era in the late 1970s and 1980s.
Lastly, this essay focuses on the film The Sun Also Rises directed by China’s famous actor-cum-director JIANG Wen. This film slides between elements of “national allegory” and “anti-national allegory” for China. Firstly, this film through its brightly colorful cinematography and unique mise en scene, created a film space that is full of fantasy and a dreamlike historical events of Cultural Revolution. Secondly, this film through its parody of the revolutionary model theater of women images, destroys the role of the women in performing the national allegory. But this film added two characters of overseas Chinese returned to China. Their unpleasant experiences during the time of Cultural Revolution can be read as the national allegory of China. Lastly, this film through its unique narrative structure put the ethnic consciousness of “Chineseness” and the concept of “Greater China” into a process of continuing deconstruction and reconstruction.
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台灣華語母音的聲學研究 / An acoustic study on Taiwan Mandarin vowels張恆毅, Zhang, Heng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的受試者為六名生長在台灣台北市的男性華語母語使用者。本研究使用的測試字為70個包含所有韻母型態的單音節字。語音資料是利用KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics)來錄製及分析。本研究所採用的資料為獨立發音且無聲母的測試字。
根據共振峰頻率資料本研究得到以下有關台灣華語母音音質的發現。首先研究的部分為音標所隱含的語音對比。在齒槽(alveolar)及後齒槽(post-alveolar)組的舌尖母音(apical vowels)間並沒有發現音質上的顯著差別,但統計及其它證據支持低母音裡的前後對比及中母音裡的半開(open-mid)及半閉(closed-mid)對比的存在。
其次,研究的結果也包括語音環境中的音段對於母音音質的影響。結果發現韻母中的元素,包含母音前介音、母音後介音、及韻尾鼻音,都對母音有不同的語音制約(conditioning)。另外,本研究發現順同化(progressive assimilation)比逆同化(regressive assimilation)對於低母音音質有較大的影響。
最後,本研究以共振峰頻率的形式描述及紀錄了當代台灣華語表層母音的音質。希望這些資料能對台灣華語母音的研究有所貢獻。 / This thesis is an acoustic study that investigates the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin vowels with formant frequency data.
The subjects of this study included six male native Mandarin speakers born and raised in Taipei city, Taiwan. Testing items used in this study were 70 syllables that involve all combinations of segment in the syllable final. The speech data were recorded and analyzed with KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics). The data discussed in this study were testing items produced in citation form without initial consonant. The vowel qualities of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel were measured and analyzed.
Several results concerning the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were reported based on the formant frequency data. Firstly, the distinction between vowel phones implied by their transcription was examined. The difference in vowel quality was not observed in the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels, while the front-back distinction in low vowels and the open-mid and closed-mid distinction in mid vowels were found with statistic and other evidence.
Secondly, the conditioning of segments in the neighboring environments on the vowel quality was investigated. It is found that elements in the syllable final, including pre-nuclear, post-nuclear glide and coda nasals, generally have different types of conditioning on the vowel. In addition, the progressive assimilation was found have greater influence on the vowel quality of low vowel phones than the regressive assimilation.
Thirdly, the change in vowel quality was discussed through the comparison with results in previous acoustic studies. The difference in vowel backness between the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels were found to be decreasing and eventually disappeared. Besides, the relative vowel height and backness of closed-mid and open-mid vowel were found to be in reverse compared with that in the literature. Comparison in formant frequencies showed that this reverse lay in the change of vowel quality in the close-mid [e]. However, further investigations were needed to offer reasonable explanations for the change.
Finally, the vowel qualities of present Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were described and recorded as the formant frequency data presented in this study. Hopefully, the data could contribute to the study of vowels in Taiwan Mandarin.
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以本體論為基礎的中文成語練習系統之研究 / A study on the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system李瑄, Li, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
系統效能及滿意度評估方面,本研究以準實驗設計進行,結果發現利用本研究之系統輔助教學的學生學習成效顯著高於使用傳統教學的學生,尤其對中、低能力程度學生具有顯著學習成效。在實際成語造句方面,以本研究之系統輔助教學之學生成語語法、語義使用正確性也較傳統教學學生顯著為高。學生也覺得本研究之系統是易用及有用的,並感到滿意。另外,在系統的可行性方面,受訪教師皆認為本研究之系統可以應用於學生自學成語。 / Using idioms would benefit a higher level of language perception, learning and application. It is also a kind of important but basic training in both reading and writing. However, presently, most platforms or software of Chinese idiom teaching and learning only offer static data inquiry or teaching resources, lack the environment of relying mainly on the fact that students practice.
The purpose of this research is to develop the “ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system”. At first, we probed into the meta-data of Chinese idioms from any kind of studies and references to building and forming the ontology of the Chinese idiom, and summed up the wrong sentence with Chinese idioms to analyze the reasons of missing to design the feasible diagnosis mechanism of the computer. And then, we used above-mentioned ideas to develop the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system. The system can offer the on-line teaching material of Chinese idioms, can automatically produce true-false, multiple-choice, and matching questions to examine, can offer a platform that users can actually practice sentence-making with Chinese idioms under a provided situation utilizing situational words and idioms. The system can also judge question sheet result or diagnose user-making sentences to be reasonable and can give feedback aiming at the blind spot immediately. This research can break through the restriction that the questions of existing on-line testing of Chinese idioms are always selected from the setting up question bank and can offer the situational environment that uses idioms to make sentences.
Using quasi-experimental design, one class was assigned to experimental group using the system of this research assisted learning and the other class, the control group, using traditional teaching method. Related results demonstrated the performance of the experimental group was higher than the control group, especially it made better effect to the students of middle and low abilities in the experimental group. In making actual sentences with Chinese idiom, the number of correctness of Chinese idiom grammar and meaning using of the experimental group was higher than the control group. The students of the experimental group thought the system of this research is apt to use and useful, and feel satisfied. In addition, the teachers using the system actually thought the system of this research is practicable when the students study Chinese idiom by themselves.
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