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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以認知語言學看臺灣華語「V到」之語義 / The semantic of V Dao in Taiwan mandarin: a cognitive linguistic analysis

吳孟盈, Wu, Meng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
在多種方言交會影響之下,臺灣地區已逐漸發展出與普通話有所差異的「臺灣華語」。根據前人的研究,臺灣地區的「V到」結構已具有多樣化的語義內涵和複雜的使用情況。故本文以認知語言學為出發點,結合在臺灣地區所搜集之語料,試圖分析「V到」語義的演變方式與變化途徑,並找出各語義之間的關聯性。 根據本文的分析結果,「到」多種意義皆與其路徑圖式相關,在路徑圖式的基礎上,考量前方動詞的語義框架,「到」從空間位移義延伸至時間與程度概念。藉由路徑中拋射物的位移,以及路徑中焦點轉移的特性,賦予了「到」的成功義與接觸義。在「狀態動詞+到」的結構中,在隱喻概念的影響之下,「到」具有產生了某種結果之意義,說話者也能藉由「到」表達事實與預期之間有差異的主觀態度。 除此之外,我們也證實了「到」對前方動詞時間結構的影響能力,前方動詞再加上「到」之後,整個「V到」複合詞的情狀類型為「達成情狀」或「完成情狀」。我們也發現「V到」結構常與可能補語以及「有字句」、「把字句」、「被字句」等句式搭配,因此這些搭配情形也在我們的討論範圍之中。 「V到」結構雖尚未完全穩定,但語言的變化是不可忽視的事實。我們希望藉由以上分析對臺灣地區「V到」的語義變化和使用情形提出較為完整的觀察和描述,也為臺灣華語提出另一個思考的角度與方向。

臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程: 從雙音節詞來看 / Spoken word recognition in Taiwan Mandarin: evidence from isolated disyllabic words

錢昱夫, Chien, Yu Fu Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容:(共一冊,17770字,分六章) 本研究用雙音節詞來探討不同音段和聲調在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。Cohort模型(1978)非常強調詞首訊息的重要性,然而Merge模型(2000)認為訊息輸入和音韻表徵的整體吻合才是最重要的。因此,本研究企圖探索不同音段和詞首詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。然而,聲調的問題並無在先前的模型裡被討論。因此,聲調在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中所扮演的角色也會在本研究中被討論。另外,詞頻效應也會在本研究中被探索。本研究的三個實驗均由同樣的十五名受試者參加。實驗一是測試不同音段在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。實驗一操弄十二個雙音節高頻詞和十二個雙音節低頻詞,每一個雙音節詞的每一個音段都分別被噪音擋住。實驗二是在探索詞首和詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中的重要性。實驗二操弄十二個雙音節高頻詞和十二個雙音節低頻詞。這些雙音節詞的詞首CV或詞尾VG/N都分別被雜音擋住。實驗三操弄二十四個雙音節高頻詞和二十四個雙音節低頻詞。這些雙音節詞的聲調都被拉平到100赫茲。在這三個實驗中,受試者必須聽這些被操弄過的雙音節詞,並且辨認它們。受試者的反應時間和辨詞的準確率都用E-Prime來記錄。實驗結果顯示,傳統的Cohort模型不能被完全支持,因為詞首訊息被噪音擋住的詞仍能被受試者成功的辨識出來。強調聲音訊息和音韻表徵的整體吻合度的Merge模型,比較能解釋實驗的結果。然而,Merge模型必須要加入韻律節點才能處理臺灣華語的聲調辨識的問題。本研究也顯示,雙音節詞的第一個音節的母音在口語詞彙辨識歷程中是最重要的,而雙音節詞的第二個音節的母音是第二重要的。這是因為母音帶了最多訊息,包括聲調。另外,雙音節詞的詞首和詞尾在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中是扮演差不多重要的角色。母音對於聲調的感知是最重要的。詞頻效應也完全表現在臺灣華語的口語詞彙辨識歷程中。 關鍵詞:口語詞彙辨識歷程、臺灣華語、華語聲調、音段、Cohort模型、Merge模型 / The present study investigated the importance of different segments and the importance of tone in spoken word recognition in Taiwan Mandarin by using isolated disyllabic words. Cohort model (1978) emphasized the absolute importance of the initial information. On the contrary, Merge (2000) proposed that the overall match between the input and the phonological representation is the most crucial. Therefore, this study tried to investigate the importance of different segments and the importance of onsets and offsets in the processing of Mandarin spoken words. However, the issues of tone were not included in the previous models. Thus, the importance of tone was also investigated in this study. The issues about frequency effect were also explored here. Three experiments were designed in this study. Fifteen subjects were invited to participate in all three experiments. Experiment 1 was designed to investigate the importance of different segments in Taiwan Mandarin. In experiment 1, 12 high-frequency disyllabic words and 12 low-frequency disyllabic words were selected. Each segment of each disyllabic word was replaced by the hiccup noise. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the importance of onsets and offsets. In experiment 2, 12 high-frequency disyllabic words and 12 low-frequency disyllabic words were chosen. The CV of the first syllable and the VG/N of the second syllable were replaced by the hiccup noise. Experiment 3 was designed to investigate the importance of Mandarin tones. In experiment 3, 24 high-frequency disyllabic words and 24 low-frequency disyllabic words were selected. The tones of the disyllabic words were leveled to 100 Hz. In the three experiments, subjects listened to the stimuli and recognized them. The reaction time and accuracy were measured by E-Prime. The results indicated that traditional Cohort model cannot be fully supported because words can still be correctly recognized when word initial information is disruptive. Merge model, which proposed that the overall match between the input and the lexical representation is the most important, was more compatible with the results here. However, Merge model needs to include the prosody nodes, so that it can account for the processing of tones in Taiwan Mandarin. In addition, the current study also showed that the first vowel of the disyllabic word is the most crucial and the second vowel of the disyllabic word is the second influential since the vowel carries the most important information, including tones. The results of experiment 2 demonstrated that the onsets and offsets are almost the same important in Mandarin. Furthermore, vowel is the most influential segment for the perception of Mandarin tones. Finally, frequency effect appeared in the processing of Mandarin words. Keywords: spoken word recognition, Taiwan Mandarin, Mandarin tones, segments, Cohort, Merge

環保議題融入中高級華語課程設計與實踐 / Environmental Issues in CSL Curriculum Design and Implementation for Intermediate-High Level Learners

林芝逸, Lin, Chih Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究期望能設計以環境保護為主題的華語課程,使中高級華語學習者在學習語言的同時,亦能了解相關環保知識,並透過共同討論現實世界所面臨的問題提升其環保意識。 研究目的為:一、了解中高級華語學習者之學習需求。二、提供環保議題融入華語教學課程設計參考模式。三、評估具體教學成效。在課程設計前,透過文獻分析釐清本課程適合的教學方法、教學目標訂定方式以及教學材料的選取、編寫準則,主要以主題式教學法(Theme-Based Language Instruction)、溝通式教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)、美國外語教學學會(ACTFL)之5C準則(5C Standards)及貝爾格勒憲章(The Belgrade Charter)中的六項環境教育目標為本研究之教學理念,並參考英語教學之經驗,思考環境議題融入語言課程可行方式。亦透過需求分析,向中高級學習者與教師發放問卷,了解「教」與「學」兩方對於環保主題課程的態度及看法。綜合文獻與需求分析結果為本研究課程設計總體方向,依此進行課程發展設計,並實際進行兩次課程實施以評估學習成就及整體課程設計,提出改進之道及後續研究建議。 本文主要研究方法為發展研究法、問卷及訪談調查法。發展研究法提供本研究可參照之設計流程,包含分析、設計發展、課程實施、成效評估、修正等階段。問卷調查用於課程設計前之學習需求分析、課程實施後之課程滿意度調查;訪談則用於課程實施後,了解學習者對本課程的想法、心得與建議,進一步回饋至修正建議。 透過教學實施,學習者對於本課程皆給予正面評價,認為本課程有意思且實用,不僅能使語言技能進步,亦能關心、討論環境議題,也讓平常少有機會接觸時事的學生更了解台灣社會與文化。本研究根據教學成效提出幾點教學建議:一、在教學內容選取上,現實議題探討能加強學習者之社會語言能力,且符合學習興趣,使學習者能更了解所處的社會環境。議題以真實材料或非真實材料呈現皆有其須注意之處。二、在環境教育目標於華語課程之實踐上,教師須於課堂提供察覺、認識之契機,透過引導,學習者能自行運用其技能與評估能力,最後發展出個人觀點與態度。三、在課堂活動規劃上,輸入、輸出型活動須搭配且循序運用。筆者並於篇末提出後續研究建議。 / This study examines the design of a Chinese language curriculum focused on environmental protection, and aims to enhance students’ language skills while increasing awareness about environmental issues. There are three purposes of this study; the first is to analyze the learning needs of intermediate-high CSL students, the second is to provide a design model for an environmentally themed CSL curriculum, and the third is to evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation. Also included is a review of previous studies that highlights appropriate methods of developing objectives, editing materials, and teaching. The instructional philosophy of this study is based on theme-based language instruction, communicative language teaching, the 5 C’s language teaching standards (ACTFL) , and the six objectives of environmental education in the Belgrade Charter. A learning needs questionnaire is also given to both teachers and students in order to survey their opinions on teaching and learning. The results of this needs analysis and extensive review of existing literature provide the main guiding principles behind the curriculum’s development. The results of two terms of implementations are presented, as well as potential further improvements. The main research method of this study is developmental research; surveys and interviews are used to as supplemental methods. The developmental research method provides a model for curriculum design, and calls for various phases of analysis, design (development), implementation, and evaluation. Survey research is then used to forecast learning needs before the design phase, and also to gather students’ feedback after the completion of the class. Interviews are used after each complete implementation to gather more information and impressions from students. After two complete implementations of the curriculum, the interview results show that students find the course practical and interesting, as they can not only enhance their language skills, but also raise their awareness of environmental issues through class discussion. In addition, they felt the class increased their understanding of Taiwan society and culture via discussion of current events. The main findings are as follows: 1) Content relating to social issues can simultaneously improve students’ sociolinguistic competence and also meet their learning needs. The contents can be provided in authentic or inauthentic contexts, but should follow certain design principles. 2) To fulfill the six objectives of environmental education in a CSL curriculum, the instructor needs to help students understand environmental issues first, and then guide students to use their analysis skills to evaluate current events. Afterwards, students will develop their own perspective and attitude. 3) To develop an effective course, the input and output activities should be arranged in sequence.

華語語言功能教學的學習成效研究 / Teaching language functions to learners of Mandarin as a second language

陳惠芳, Chen, Hui Fang Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的語言教學,著重於語言技能的學習成效,忽略語言功能的重要性,對於新興學科華語教學而言此一現象尤為明顯。為使華語學習者使用目標語時,其正確性與適切性能獲得均衡的提升,因此本研究以語言功能理論為基礎,進行語言功能教學實驗,並預期其語言功能學習成效將對華語/華人的態度帶來正向改變。 本研究以2011年寒假華裔青年短期語文班的11名學員為對象,進行研究與教學實驗,學員來自紐澳,均以英語為第一語,華語能力為該營隊次高級程度。教學分實驗組與對照組,兩組語言形式教學的部分由該語文班同一名教師進行教學;語言功能部分由研究者對實驗組進行教學。教學實驗內容以影響語言風格之不同正式程度的語碼形式為切入點,運用歸納法引導學生發現5種語碼形式的規律,並運用演繹法教授擇用的原則。 本研究共設計4份問卷,以調取研究所需之資料。包括受試者的基本資料、對華語/華人的態度、華語學習成效(含功能與形式)以及華語學習動機。其中針對態度與學習成效進行前後測。 經數據統計分析,本研究大部分的假設都獲得了驗證,包括:(1)語言功能的觀念可以透過課堂學習獲得;(2)語言功能教學可提升受試者對語言功能的注意;(3)語言功能的學習成效高,其語言形式的學習成效也提升;(4)受試者的華語功能學習成效、華語使用頻率、華人文化背景為正相關。至於受試者的華語功能學習成效與華語學習動機之間的關係則未獲驗證。但是透過個別訪談,實驗組學生都對此次教學活動持肯定態度。 本研究的結論是語言功能可以透過堂內系統化的方式進行教學,教學後改善了對華語/華人的語言態度,足證語言功能教學的必要性。此外本研究為語言功能教學建立了可用的教學設計,並對華裔的背景與其華語學習情況有更具體的了解:(1)華裔青年使用華語的頻率在對象、地點與話題的範疇中,以對象為主導;(2)華裔青年與華人傳統文化之間的關係是疏遠的;(3)華裔青年的華語能力與華語使用頻率、華語能力與對華人文化的理解、華人文化的理解與華人態度成正相關。 本研究在第四章中也對華裔華語教學提出各種具體建議,大致可歸納為:(1)教學設計應考量華裔在不同範疇中使用華語的頻率;(2)將節慶儀式操演納入教學,並重視清明節的介紹;(3)除了教材內的書面語/口語語碼形式的對照,也可由學生蒐集真實語境中的書面語語料進行補充教學。

聲調標記與詞彙熟悉度對華語學習者閱讀影響之眼動研究 / The influence of tone marker and word familiarity on reading of Chinese learners : An eye-tracking study

許宇萱, Hsu, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
對華語學習者而言,漢字的諸多特性使漢字閱讀成為學習者面臨的難點之一,而華語聲調也是許多學習者在聽和說上的難點。閱讀為連結字形與字音,再對應至字義的過程,因此本文以華語學習者為對象,嘗試找出漢字閱讀與華語聲調之間的關係,以不同形式的聲調標記(tone marker)作為視覺提示及不同熟悉度(word familiarity)的詞彙作為操弄變項,使用眼動儀(eye-tracker)為實驗工具,設計閱讀理解作業,了解聲調標記及詞彙熟悉度對閱讀程度不同的華語學習者在閱讀時的影響。 實驗採完全受試者內設計,操弄三種聲調標記(聲調輪廓、聲調數字及中性刺激)的實驗句呈現方式與實驗句中的目標詞熟悉程度(高、低),記錄閱讀實驗句的眼動資料。實驗共分三階段進行,每一階段受試者需閱讀具相同聲調標記的實驗句,並回答隨機出現的理解題;研究同時輔以中文年級認字量表、LEAP-Q問卷及目標詞理解程度問卷三項工具來評定受試者客觀及主觀上的中文閱讀程度差異,以及主觀對操弄目標詞的理解程度。眼動資料包含整體性、區域性及以實驗句中每個詞為單位分析的三種眼動表現,並以閱讀能力為分析變項,比較閱讀能力高、低兩組眼動表現的異同。 研究發現無論學習者閱讀程度為何,皆可以穩定地看到熟悉度的效果,閱讀高熟悉度詞彙的速度較快,顯示熟悉度影響了閱讀歷程。而聲調標記的效果較不明顯,但是聲調標記對低程度組的影響較大,且在閱讀高熟悉度詞彙時,添加帶有較多資訊的聲調輪廓標記可能是一種干擾,反之在閱讀低熟悉度詞彙時,可以幫助學習者辨識字詞。而在中文年級認字量表的結果中,有部分學習者容易將字唸為含有該字雙字詞的另一個字(蝶唸為蝴),這可能與學習者傾向以詞彙為單位記憶有關,因此本文也在最後進行詞素教學的相關討論,並針對華語學習者提出教學建議。

開發中國家之中文學習探討 / The Exploration of the Chinese Language (Mandarin) in a Developing Country- Saint Lucia

莫楷人, Modeste, Karen Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this business plan is to perform a feasibility analysis of establishing a language school, Academy for Chinese Language (ACL) in a developing country, Saint Lucia. The ACL expects to captivate the interest of students, professionals and regular clients by offering a broad range of Chinese courses. The ACL intends to capture a strong market share .The need for learning mandarin is unquestionable. Knowing Chinese and another language such as English may give one a competitive edge for an important position in a firm. It may open windows of opportunities for an exciting career, be able to communicate better with peers and do business on a global scale. The incentives for learning Chinese is not always money driven. Moreover, it enhances academic progress in other subject areas, cognitive learning skills, aids in cross cultural understanding and global awareness and provides a deeper understanding of different communities and societies.

從優選理論分析華語擬聲詞結構 / An optimality theory analysis of Mandarin onomatopoeia

葉雯琪, Yeh, Wenchi Unknown Date (has links)
本計畫擬於優選理論 (Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) 框架下,探討現代華語擬聲詞在音韻上的特點與表現,並分析優選理如何論操作單音節及雙音節輸入項所衍生出的雙音節擬聲詞,進而完全或部分重疊成三音節及四音節華語擬聲詞。擬聲詞為模仿自然界中的聲音形成的詞彙,但並非隨意衍生形成,仍然需要遵循語言的構詞及音韻規律,才能衍生成為合法詞彙並順暢地使用。在華語音韻研究方面,歷來學者對於擬聲詞的討論並不豐富詳盡,因此本碩士論文便嘗試探討華語雙音節、三音節及四音節擬聲詞在音韻分析中的樣貌。 重疊在漢語擬聲詞中為極為常見的現象。如現代華語中單音節的「咕」與雙音節的「咕咕」;雙音節的「滴答」與四音節的「滴滴答答」。故擬聲詞衍生中的重疊機制為本計畫中主要討論議題,此外由於華語擬聲詞結構在音段選擇中展現一致性,故另聚焦於固定音段, 如邊音/l/及前元音/i/在現代華語擬聲詞中高度頻繁地出現,我將對其起源提出假設並分析,如現代華語「劈哩啪啦」的/l/及/i/。而華語雙音節擬聲詞的來源二分為單音節輸入項及雙音節輸入項亦為討論對象。 最後預期華語擬聲詞大致符合現代華語成詞的語法,但進行重疊時與實詞相異,語意因素不會成為衍生動機;經由優選理論分析,從音韻結構角度切入,不僅可了解華語擬聲詞衍生的制約排序,亦更加了解其音韻構詞規範,且與實詞如形容詞進行重疊時的制約排序進行比較,說明華語擬聲詞在衍生過程中傾向遵循邊緣音韻規則,與其他實詞多依據核心音韻 規則的狀況大異其趣。以此為基石去了解其他漢語方言對於擬聲成詞的標準,甚或研究日語、韓語中豐富的擬聲詞,便能構擬出擬聲成詞更具體且具有說服力的語法規則。 / In this thesis, the generation of Modern Mandarin disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic onomatopoeia under phonological viewpoint via Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) approach will be discussed. In my M.A. Thesis ‘An OT analysis of Mandarin Onomatopoeia’, four factors motivated this study. First, the different sources of Mandarin disyllabic onomatopoeia which I thought there are monosyllabic and disyllabic inputs aroused my interests. Second, there are some similarities of Mandarin onomatopoeia between Mandarin core lexicons. Third, the reduplication mechanism in Mandarin onomatopoeia will be taken as a main point in this study. For example, in Modern Mandarin ‘gu’ (Sound of bird sing once) will extend into ‘gugu’ (Sound of birdsong) under total reduplication. Finally, the issue concerning what will be the best choice when Mandarin onomatopoeia is reduplicated with fixed segmentism also plays an important role in this study. For instance, the /l/ and /i/ in Modern Mandarin’s ‘pilipala’ (Sound of many things falling). Onomatopoeias have their special function as sound-imitating icons. They are not the words which are formed by arbitrary but by the rules. They sometimes violate phonological structures of the language in which they occur; hence they belong to the peripheral phonology rather than core one. The Mandarin onomatopoeia is different from Mandarin content words; they are not motivated by semantic factors. So the Chinese onomatopoeia generation analysis via OT approach supplies not only the morpho-phonological constraints but also the comparison of peripheral words between content words. I would like to assume that the Mandarin onomatopoeia generation follows the peripheral phonological rules. This study will provide as a basement to study on other Chinese language’s onomatopoeia or even onomatopoeia in Tibetan, Japanese and Korean.

英美學生華語時間表述方位詞之第二語言習得 / L2 Acquisition of Spatial Words in Chinese Time Expressions by English-speaking Learners

吳品嬅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討母語為英語之外籍學生華語時間表述方位詞之第二語言習得,藉由實證研究發現結果,瞭解外籍學生之時間表述方位詞習得順序,進而歸納出所可能出現之偏誤及其他影響因素。其主要研究議題包括「時間表述方位詞之習得順序」、「母語對外籍學生習得之影響」、「不同程度學習者可能出現之偏誤類型」、「習得發展之趨勢」、「理解層面與應用層面之差異」。本研究採取質性研究方法,以六個月時間觀察外籍學生之第二語言習得。研究對象主要為三名來自初級、中級及中高級之英美學生,每個月進行一次測驗,共計六次。測驗題型含兩大類:「文法選擇」及「看圖說故事」。   研究結果顯示,對母語為英語之外籍學生而言,「上下類」表時結構較「前後類」表時結構容易習得,因其母語並無「上下類」相應用法,導致出現偏誤次數較「前後類」來得低。而分析四個方位詞時,亦發現「下>後>上>前」之順序,說明了對母語為英語之外籍學生而言,表「未來」概念之方位詞較為容易掌握。其次,外籍學生易出現之偏誤類型可分為「錯序」、「誤代」、「誤加」、「遺漏」四大類,其中,初級程度出現偏誤以「誤代」為主,中級程度則是以「誤加」出現次數較多,而中高級程度雖是以「誤代」為主,但出現次數明顯降低許多。第三,由測驗結果可看出,外籍學生在理解及應用層面之發展不一,學生在理解層面掌握較快,應用層面則是相對較晚。   本研究同時依據實證結果提供教學活動設計,並提出相關教學建議,以作為日後教師教學時之參考。 / The purpose of the thesis is to conduct a qualitative study to investigate the L2 acquisition of spatial words in Chinese time expressions by English-speaking learners. The major issues addressed include: the acquisition of Chinese spatial words, L1 transfer, L2 error types, L2 learners’ developmental sequences, and differences between comprehension and production. Three subjects were selected from different proficiency levels: beginning, low intermediate, and intermediate. Each subject was observed and assessed monthly for six months. A comprehension task (i.e. a grammatical judgment task) and a production task (i.e. a picture-cue description task) were employed to examine the subjects’ L2 acquisition of Chinese time expressions and their responses were compared with the findings obtained from 12 native controls. The overall results are as follows: First, for English-speaking learners, the shang-xia ‘up-down’ type of time expressions was easier than qian-hou ‘before-after’ type. This is because there are no corresponding “up-down” expressions in the subjects’ mother tongue. Moreover, a hierarchical sequence of L2 time expressions was found: xia ‘down’> hou ‘after’> shang ‘up’> qian ‘before,’ implying that future time expressions were less challenging than past time expressions. Second, it was found the subjects’ common errors included “wrong omission,” “wrong addition,” “wrong substitution,” and “wrong word order.” The beginning and low-intermediate L2 learners’ major errors were of the “wrong substitution” type, but the intermediate L2 learner’s error was of the “wrong substitution” type. Third, there was a significant difference between the subjects’ comprehension and production. The subjects performed better on the grammaticality judgment task than on the picture description task. Finally, given the developmental order found in the present study, a lesson plan is designed for teaching Chinese time expressions to foreign students in the L2 Chinese classroom.

在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸華語口音之看法初探 / An Exploratory Study on How CFL Students in Taiwan View the Accent of Mandarin Chinese Produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders

吳艾芸, Wu, Ai Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由瞭解在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸口音的看法,以供臺灣華語教師在教學現場應使用何種口音作為參考。研究對象是臺灣北部某國立大學的華語文教學中心中級班以上的外籍學生。研究方法包含假貌相比測驗法(Matched-Guise technique)、問卷調查和焦點團體訪談三項研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)多數外籍學生具有聽辨兩岸口音差異之能力;(二)兩岸口音各有其擁護者;(三)兩岸口音的印象差異,除了在聲母、韻母及聲調,如:捲舌音、輕聲及兒化韻等等的差別以外,說話的語氣,如:聲音的大小、說話的速度、聲音的高低等,也會影響外籍學生對兩岸口音的印象;(四)外籍學生在選擇華語口音時所考慮的要素為「不同學習階段的需求」、「易學」、「當地文化與朋友」、「好聽」以及「較具親和力」等五項因素;(五)本研究的外籍學生認為在現階段應學習臺灣口音的華語,奠立良好的口音基礎,進而拓展聽力寬度,然後再進入多元口音輸出的階段。 最後根據調查結果提出華語教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在兩岸華語口音方面的參考。 / This study aims to investigate how CFL(Chinese as a foreign language) students in Taiwan view the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders. The participants of the study are from a university in Taipei city, and they are at intermediate-level and above. The research methods adopted in the study include Matched-Guise technique, questionnaire survey, and focus group interview. The major findings are: (1) Most CFL students have the ability to distinguish the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders; (2) the two accents have their own supporters; (3) CFL students’ impressions of the two accents include not only initials, finals and tones, but also volume, speed and pitch. Another interesting finding is that most CFL students in Taiwan want to learn Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent because (1) Taiwanese accent is easier to learn; (2) CFL students in Taiwan want to interact with Taiwanese and learn Taiwanese culture. When CFL students in Taiwan become high intermediate or advanced students, they also wish to be exposed to Mandarin with mainlander’s accent in order to expand their repertoire of the Chinese language. At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included.

成人華語文教學課堂遊戲之調查研究 / A survey on using games to teach adult Chinese learners

翁書怡, Weng, Shu I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前成人華語文教學課堂遊戲設計、規劃與實施的現況,以及成人華語教師對課堂遊戲的看法;調查的內容包括遊戲實施的頻率、目的、優缺點和適用性等。為達成研究目的,本研究採用調查研究法,以調查問卷與焦點團體訪談為研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。本調查研究針對臺北市11所公私立大學校院華語文教學中心之華語教師進行調查,以滾雪球抽樣發出120份調查問卷,回收有效問卷91份,彙整分析調查結果。其後,從表達參與訪談意願的受試華語教師中,隨機選取6位教師進行焦點團體訪談,探討華語教師對成人華語文教學課堂遊戲實施的經驗、想法與意見。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)儘管課堂遊戲並非臺灣成人華語文教學課堂中的主要活動,多數教師仍肯定課堂遊戲應用於成人學生的適用性,並且同意課堂遊戲能有效提升學生的語言能力與學習興趣;課堂遊戲訓練學生的主要語言技能為口說和聽力,確實表現了語言的溝通交際功能;成人學生的華語程度、個性、年齡是主要影響課堂遊戲實施的個別差異。(二)華語教師的「教育程度」會影響其對於「遊戲能否有效提升學生學習興趣」的評估;華語教師在「成人華語文教學以外的教學工作類型」會影響其「設計或規劃課堂遊戲的時間點」。(三)華語教師認為使用課堂遊戲所遭遇的主要問題為「遊戲設計與教具製作費時、缺乏遊戲資料來源」,建議包括同事交換心得、參加教學研習、請學生提供適合的遊戲等;次要問題為「成人學生對課堂遊戲沒興趣、參與意願低」,建議是一旦出現學生不配合的情況,教師應該改變遊戲規則、類型、帶領方式,或是直接結束遊戲。 最後根據調查結果提出相關建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在成人華語文教學課堂遊戲設計、規劃與實施等方面的參考。 / The present study aims to investigate the current situation of classroom games applied in adult Chinese teaching, and teachers’ perspectives toward games used in adult Chinese teaching. A total of 91 teachers of Chinese language center, from universities in Taipei city, responded to a questionnaire designed for this survey. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and cross analysis. Afterward, six Chinese teachers were chosen randomly to participate in a focus group interview. They discussed their experiences and perception of using games to teach adult Chinese learners. Results of this study show: (1) Games are not the main activity used in adult Chinese teaching, but teachers mostly have positive response toward game-using in teaching adult Chinese learners. (2) Teachers’ different educational backgrounds significantly influence their attitude toward the statement “games teaching would increase students’ learning interest”. Teachers’ teaching experiences also influence significantly the timing of preparing classroom games. (3) The duration of game-preparing, the insufficiency of game material, and adult students are unwilling to participate in those games are the main challenges reported by teachers. Based on the findings of the survey, teaching implications and suggestions for further research are included at the end of the thesis.

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