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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鄭為庠, Zheng, Wei-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對解決代理問題機能中的管理激勵計畫作深入探討,實證國內民營企業高階主管薪酬計畫的實施情況,並探討情境因素對薪酬計畫的影響另外,並由高階主管薪酬的決定因素中,瞭解薪酬與績效的關連。 本研究以民國七十疚手為研究期間,利用問卷調查方式,以國內製造業與服務業各前五百大的民營企業總經理為分析對象,實際有效樣本在薪酬計畫與薪酬決定因素中分別為115 與88家公司。 本研究的實證結果如下: 1.高階主管薪酬計畫實施分析 (1)民營企業對其高階主管較常使用的薪酬項目依序為:年終獎金、當年給付紅利、加薪。 (2)民營企業較常採用「獎助過去的薪酬」,較少採用「獎助過去並激勵未來的薪酬」。 2.情境因素對高階主管薪酬計畫的影響 (1)製造業在股票購買選擇權及績效股的採行上,顯著多於服務業。 (2)上市公司在股票購買選擇權、績效股、當年給付紅、利提升身份地位的採行上,顯著多於未上市公司。 3.高階主管薪酬決定因素 (1)在決定總經理總薪酬時,公司規模、公司績效與高階主管的權力均為重要因素。而其中以權力一項影響程度較大,公司規模次之,公司績效則居後。 (2)在決定總經理薪資時,公司規模是最重要的考量因素,受教育年數則次之。 (3)在決定總經理獎金紅利數額時,權力是最重要的考量,績效則居次。

我國上市、上櫃公司設置薪酬委員會對企業績效與董事薪酬之影響 / The Establishment of Remuneration Committee in a TSEC/GTSM Listed Company toward the Impact of Corporate Performance and Director Compensation

黃源福, Huang, Yuan Fu Unknown Date (has links)
根據公開資訊觀測站「公司治理專區」揭露上市公司2011年度稅後虧損,惟董監事酬金卻反而增加之相關資訊,共有智寶、誠創、茂矽等28家上市公司2011年度虧損,但平均每位董監事酬金卻不減反增;另外,全台、龍邦董事酬金則高過2011年全公司總獲利。2011年03月18日,行政院金融監督管理委員會證券期貨局依據增訂證券交易法第十四條之六條文,正式訂定發佈「股票上市或於證券商營業處所買賣公司薪資報酬委員會設置及行使職權辦法」,規定上市/櫃、興櫃公司實收資本額100億元以上者,須於2011年9月30日前設置薪酬委員會(Remuneration Committee);未達100億元者則須於2011年12月31日前設置完成。本研究主要探討強制設置薪酬委員會對企業經營績效與董事薪酬水準之影響。設置薪酬委員會有助於企業績效之提升;在薪酬委員會監督下則會降低董事薪酬水準;且經營績效越高的企業,設置薪酬委員會對降低董事薪酬水準的影響也越大。


黃韻如, Huang, Yun Ru Unknown Date (has links)

薪酬委員會組成及品質與代理問題之關聯性 / The association between the composition and quality of compensation committee and agency problem

周盈萱, Chou, Ying Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
功能性委員會-薪酬委員會之設置可被認為是強化公司治理的關鍵之一, 其主要功能是在於協助公司完成健全高階經理人之考核與薪酬管理制度,並讓 公司治理結構更加完善。薪酬委員會之設置已在歐美國家行之有年,而我國至 最近 2011 年才強制上市櫃及興櫃公司設置薪酬委員會,目的在於希望藉由薪 酬委員會之設置能有助於屏除公司經營團隊存有肥貓之疑慮。而距離實施已有 一年之時間,本研究主要在於探討現階段上市櫃公司薪酬委員會組成及品質與 代理問題之關聯性。實證結果發現:由公股主導之上市櫃公司,委員會委員擁 有學術背景之佔比愈高;專業經理人治理及盈餘分配比愈高之上市櫃公司,委 員會委員擁有企業界背景之佔比愈高;機構投資人持股比愈高之上市櫃公司, 委員會委員擁有學術及企業兩者經驗之佔比愈高;經理人持股愈高、機構投資 人持股比愈高之上市櫃公司,薪酬委員會品質愈佳;盈餘分配比愈高、有交叉 持股行為之上市櫃公司,其薪酬委員會品質愈差。 / The compensation committee plays an important role in enhancing cooperate governance. The purpose of the compensation committee is not only to administer and evaluate the company's compensation policies for the board of directors, but also to set appropriate and supportable pay programs for the CEO and other executive officers of the company. The existence of compensation committee is common in developed countries, but was just required in Taiwan since 2011. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the composition of compensation committee and its quality associated with agency problem. By using sample of 1,440 listed companies in Taiwan, the result shows that government-owned corporations tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members from academic background; companies ruled by managers tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members with business background; the higher the proportion of institutional investors in the company, the higher the proportion of the compensation committee members possess both academic and business experience. In addition, CEO’s shareholding and institutional investors’ shareholding are positively associated with the quality of the compensation committee. However, the cash flow right is negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee; a company with cross-shareholding characteristic is also negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee. Key

高階經理人薪酬與現金股利政策關聯性之研究 / Executive compensation and cash dividend policy: an empirical study of Taiwan listed companies

林斐嬋 Unknown Date (has links)
Bhattacharyya(2007)建立一個連結企業管理階層薪酬與現金股利的模型。該模型指出在既定的可用現金下,企業管理階層薪酬與現金股利支付率呈負相關。本研究參考上述模型,以2005年至2008年國內上市櫃公司資料為樣本,使用Tobit模型檢視樣本公司高階經理人薪酬、董監事薪酬與現金股利支付率之關聯性。本研究實證結果符合上述模型之推論,亦即高階經理人總薪酬與公司之現金股利支付率呈顯著負相關。   本研究另將高階經理人薪酬區分為現金薪酬與股票薪酬,進行額外的分析,其結果顯示高階經理人之股票薪酬與公司現金股利支付率呈顯著負相關。換言之,台灣上市櫃公司(尤其高科技產業)常使用之股票薪酬合約,其性質具有長期激勵之效果。在公司既定的可用現金下,此種合約不但可激勵高品質的高階經理人選擇淨現值為正的投資方案,且可確保經理人不因短期投資方案而犧牲公司的長期利益。 / Bhattacharyya (2007) proposed a dividend payout model in which executive compensation is associated with the level of cash dividends. The model shows that for a given level of cash available for distribution, there is a negative relationship between a company’s dividend payout ratio and its managerial compensation. This study applies the above model to a sample of the listed companies at the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) and the Gre Tai Securities Market (GTSM) from 2005 to 2008. The Tobit regression results are consistent with the Bhattacharyya (2007) model’s prediction, i.e., the dividend payout ratios of sample firms have negative associations with their managerial compensations.   In addition, this study classifies executive compensation into cash and stock payments for further analyses. The results show that dividend payout ratio is negatively correlated only with the stock portion of executive compensation. It means that for a given level of available cash for distribution, the nature of stock compensation has the long term effects which not only encourage a company’s executives to invest more in the projects with positive NPV without sacrificing the company’s benefits, bus also leave less cash for distribution as dividends.

企業經營績效、員工及董監事薪酬與公司治理之相關性研究 / The Study on the Correlation of Employee and Board Director Compensation, Business Performance and Corporate Governance

游建鋒, Yu, Chien Fong Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討企業獲利與分配員工間的合理性問題。利用2008年至2014年的公開發行以上公司之資料進行實證分析。首先,本文發現企業營收成長率與員工薪酬成長率、董監事薪酬成長率具顯著正相關,顯示員工薪酬確實隨著企業營收而有所調升。然而,員工薪酬成長率低於營收成長率之幅度達0.2%。董監事薪酬的成長率則顯著高於營收成長率5.1%。顯示企業員工的薪酬成長率低於董監事薪酬的成長率。 本文進一步分析不同公司治理環境對企業營收成長率與員工薪酬成長率、董監事薪酬成長率之影響。實證結果發現家族企業與董監事兼任總經理之企業,其(1)營收成長率高於員工薪酬成長率的情形、以及(2)董監事薪酬成長率高於營收成長率的情形更為明顯。換言之,公司治理對企業的員工薪酬分配或董監事薪酬分配有顯著影響。 基於上述發現,本文認為《公司法》第235-1條應針對勞方的酬勞分配訂定合理的範圍,建議可行的方案為訂定董監事酬勞發放率與員工分紅率的上下限或兩者之相對比率,此比率可隨著產業特性與風險、公司規模做適度的調整,以避免企業分紅政策失去彈性、企業負擔過於沉重或造成中小企業行政困擾的問題。此外,避免企業違背修法的精神,本文建議可參考歐洲的員工董事制度或比照美國立法要求企業揭露高階主管、董監事與一般員工之薪酬差距,並列為公司治理指標。


葉旻其 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從家族治理、機構投資人持股、董事會組成、董事會效能之角度探討公司治理機制對企業績效與董監薪酬之影響。家族治理方面,家族持股愈多,企業績效愈好,但家族參與經營程度愈高,企業績效卻愈差;而家族治理下,董監薪酬水準、薪酬績效連結性均較低。機構投資者方面,本國金融機構持股愈高,企業績效愈高。董事會組成方面,董事長兼總經理下,企業績效較差、董監薪酬績效連結性較低,而執行董事、獨立董監席次比例愈高,企業績效、董監薪酬績效連結性均愈高;董事長兼總經理下及執行董事席次比例愈高時,董監薪酬水準愈低,而獨立董監席次比例愈高,董監薪酬水準愈高。董事會效能方面,正常營運下之企業,董事會開會次數愈多、出席率愈高,企業績效均提升;董事會出席率愈高,董監薪酬水準、薪酬績效連結性均愈高。 / The study uses family governance, institutional ownership, board structure, and board activities to empirically investigate the influence of corporate governance on firm performance and board compensation. Empirical result shows that the firm performance is higher when family ownership, institutional ownership, executive directors, independent board members, and board activities increase, and that the firm performance is lower when family involvement increase and when chairman and CEO is the same person. In addition, the board compensation is higher when independent board members and board activities increase, and the board compensation are lower when family governance, institutional ownership, executive directors increase and when chairman and CEO is the same person. Moreover, the pay-performance sensitivity is higher when institutional ownership, executive directors, independent board members, and board activities increase, and the pay-performance sensitivity is lower when family governance increase and when chairman and CEO is the same person.


楊翔傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究參考Sloan (1993)之研究方法,以交乘項之方式研究公司特性與公司治理如何影響高階主管股票薪酬對於會計及市場績效之關聯程度。其中,公司特性包括公司成長機會、公司規模、公司風險與負債比例;而公司治理主要包括董事會特性與高階主管權力兩大構面。 研究結果發現,當公司具有高度成長機會時,會計、市場兩績效與高階主管股票薪酬之關聯程度會顯著降低。此一實證結果顯示,當公司未來具有高度成長機會時,以當期會計或市場績效指標無法充分反映經理人之投資決策經濟效果。 在公司規模方面,本研究發現公司規模愈大,會計績效與高階主管股票薪酬之關聯程度會顯著降低,但與市場績效之關聯程度則未有顯著改變。此一實證結果顯示,當公司規模愈大時,在人力資源供給有限之情況下,需要人才之能力愈高,為了留住有能力之高階主管,公司必須支付更高之基本薪酬,而降低其與績效之關聯程度。 在公司風險方面,本研究發現公司風險愈高,會計績效與高階主管股票薪酬之關聯程度會顯著提高,但與市場績效之關聯程度則會顯著降低。此一實證結果顯示,當公司風險愈高時,市場績效所包含之雜訊愈多,愈無法充分顯示高階主管的努力程度,故薪酬契約會降低高階主管股票薪酬與市場績效的關聯程度,加強會計績效所佔之比重。 在負債比率方面,本研究發現公司負債比率愈高,會計績效與高階主管股票薪酬之關聯程度會顯著提高,但與市場績效之關聯程度則未有顯著的變化。此一實證結果顯示,當公司債務投資人比重愈高,薪酬契約之訂定會加強高階主管薪酬與會計績效之關聯程度,也表示債務投資人較重視財務報表上之績效指標或者財務比率,以彰顯公司之償債能力。 在董事會規模方面,發現董事會規模愈大,高階主管股票薪酬與會計績效之關聯性會顯著降低,但與市場績效則無顯著關係。此一結果顯示,當董事會人數愈多時,董事會決策能力愈差,愈難整合所有董事之意見去訂定有效之薪酬契約以提升績效與高階主管股票薪酬之關聯性。 在經理人董事席次比例方面,發現經理人董事席次比例愈高,高階主管股票薪酬與會計績效之關聯性會顯著降低,但與市場績效則無顯著關係。此一結果顯示,當經理人同時具有董事身分,且比重愈大時,愈有可能透過自身之影響力為自某取較高的股票薪酬,降低其與會計績效之敏感程度。 在其他變數方面,獨立董事席次比率、席次控制權與盈餘分配權偏離倍數、董事長是否兼任總經理及經理人持股比率中,並未發現高階主管股票薪酬與會計、市場兩績效之關聯性會受到此四個變數之影響。

高階主管薪酬與企業研究發展支出決策之關聯性研究 / The relationship between the executive compensation and r&d expenditure

陳韋穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過代理理論並考量內生性因素來探討高階主管薪酬結構與企業研發支出間之關聯性。實證結果指出權益型薪酬與股票紅利佔個人總薪酬之比率均對研發支出有正向影響,此顯示出高階主管為增加股票紅利的價值,故會重視研發支出所帶來的效益,也較不會有刪減研發費用等短視行為。在股票紅利方面,當經理人持股比率越高時,其利益會和股東越趨於一致,故企業可以不用透過股份基礎報酬來減少經理人的短視行為,此論點支持利益收斂假說,因此企業應該重視經理人薪酬制度,進而設計出一套合理的薪酬制度來增加高階主管之工作誘因,並增進經理人與股東間共同的利益目標,用以減少代理問題與監督成本。 最後,本研究亦探討在2008年實施員工分紅費用化後,台灣企業是否會因應員工分紅費用化,而改變高階主管薪酬之結構。經由實證結果可知在員工分紅費用化之後,企業會因認列較多的薪資費用而降低盈餘,致使股價下跌且亦讓每股盈餘大幅稀釋,故會減少公司股份的價值,因而發放給高階主管較少之員工認股權、股票紅利與權益型之股份基礎的報酬,轉而給予較多現金基礎的報酬。 / This paper examines the interaction between corporate executive compensation structure and R&D investment decisions during year 2005 to 2008. Considering the endogenesis between compensation and R&D expenditure, that I use two–stage limited method. The empirical results indicate that the percentage of equity-based compensation and stock bonuses to total executive compensation exhibits positive influences on R&D investments, which support the hypotheses that the executives are rewarded based on changes in the stock price to induce a long-term focus on R&D investments. Besides, in respect of the percentage of stock bonuses, the result demonstrates that managerial ownership helps to align manager’s interest with the interest with of stockholder; therefore, corporations decrease the use of equity-based compensation to curb the myopic investment behavior, which supports the convergence of interest hypothesis. This suggests that corporations should design their executive compensation policy appropriately to motivate managers, and improve the alignments between managements and stockholders. Finally, the empirical results also show that after the mandating expensing of employee bonus expense in 2008, corporations recognize that equity-based compensation reduces earnings and dilutes shares price and earnings per share; thus, corporations use more cash-based compensation than equity-based compensation, such as stock option and stock bonus.

中國肥貓對夥計慷慨嗎? / Do china Fat Cats pay their employees more?

林玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究檢視以下兩項議題之研究:高管薪酬以及異常高管薪酬對職工工資的線性及非線性影響,以及所有權型態(國有企業與民營企業)對前述兩者關係之影響。而實證結果發現,高管薪酬及職工工資皆與公司績效呈正向相關,市場化程度高的地區亦會影響其薪酬水準。若以董事會獨立性與是否設立薪酬委員會做為公司治理良窳的指標則與高管薪酬的水準為正相關,但董事會獨立性與職工工資無關。另外與高管薪酬不同的是,機構投資人持股比率會提高職工工資的水準,但對高管薪酬的影響並不顯著。對所有權型態而言,在其他條件不變的情況下,國有企業的高管薪酬及職工工資皆大於非國有企業的高管薪酬。 最後,本研究對發現異常高管薪酬與職工工資的關係呈顯著正相關。而就任職於國有企業的職工與就職於民營企業的職工相比,若其服務企業的異常高管薪酬皆屬於每年前20%者,二組的職工工資並無顯著差異。但是,若其服務企業的異常高管薪酬皆屬於每年後20%者,則國有企業的職工工資會大於民營企業的職工工資。 / This study focuses on two issues: the effect of executive compensation and abnormal executive compensation on salary, and the effect of different ownership types on the relations of two types of compensation and salary. The empirical results show that executives and employees of companies with better performance enjoy higher compensation and salary. Moreover, the marketization level can affect the level of compensation and salary. The results also indicate that the independence level of boards of directors and the establishment of compensation committee both have a positive relationship with executive compensation. However, the independence level of the board of directors has no effect on salary. On the other hand, the shareholding ratio of institutional investors has a positive relationship with salary level, but has no effect on executive compensation. For all the ownership types, all other conditions remain constant, the executive compensation and salary of state-owned enterprises are higher than those of non-state enterprises. In conclusion, this study states that abnormal executive compensation has a positive relationship with salary level. There is no significant difference in salaries between state-owned enterprises and non-state enterprises if the abnormal executive compensation belongs to the top 20% of the sample each year. Conversely, if abnormal executive compensation belongs to the last 20% of the sample each year, the salary of state-owned enterprises is higher than that of non-state enterprises.

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