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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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經理人權益基礎薪酬與策略聯盟之關聯性研究 / An Empirical Study of the Association between Executive Equity-based Compensation and Strategic Alliances

陳襄瑋, Chen, Hsiang Wei Unknown Date (has links)


姚艷華, Yao, Yan-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
論文內容主要分成二部份,一部份探討台灣各主要研究機構薪酬制度之現況,第二 部份以A 機構為對象,探討研究貝對薪酬誘因的知覺情形,與工作績效、工作滿足 、離職意願等因素之間的關係,並探討影響薪酬滿足的重要因素。 第一章 為緒論。分為三節:第一節研究動機與研究目的。第二節研究範圍與研究 對象。第三節研究報告的結構綱要。 第二章 為研究機構薪酬制度相關理論與研究之探討。第一節薪酬制度之理論模式 。第二節相關因素之實證探討。第三節本研究之理論架構與研究假設。 第三章 研究方法。第一節研究設計與樣本。第二研究變項之衡量。第三節研究程 序與研究限制。第四節分析方法。 第四章 研究結果。第一節研究機構薪酬制度現況之分析。第二節個人在職特徵之 比較分析。第三節管理人員與研究人員在誘因知覺、薪酬滿足、工作動機上之比較 分析。第四節組織中各單位間之比較分析。第五節誘因知覺情形對績效、工作動機 與離職意願之影響。第六節影響薪酬滿足之相關因素。 第五章 結論與建議。第一節結論。第二節建議。 #2810574 #2810574


洪士剛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探究專利權對於高階經理人薪酬制度之影響,並提出以下之假說:(1)專利權與高階經理人之現金薪酬有正向關係;(2)專利權與高階經理人之年度股票薪酬有正向關係;(3)專利權與高階經理人之年度總薪酬有正向關係;(4)專利權與高階經理人之股票薪酬所佔總薪酬比例有正向關係。 本文以美國製造業的高階經理人薪酬為樣本,經實證結果發現,專利權申請數、股東權益報酬率及股票報酬率對於高階經理人,無論是在現金薪酬或股票薪酬制度下,皆有顯著正向影響,此正說明在製造業的公司中,專利權對高階經理人薪酬是很重要的非財務性指標。並且,專利權亦與股票薪酬所佔總薪酬之比有顯著正向相關,也顯示有專利權的公司在對經理人的薪酬上較為偏好使用股票薪酬。 / The research is to explore the association between patent count and top management remuneration system. I hypothesize that : (1) CEO cash compensation is positively associated with patent count; (2) patent count and CEO annual stocks compensation have a positive relationship; (3) patent count is positively associated with CEO total annual pay; (4) The proportion of stock compensation in CEO pay is positively associated with patent count. Using a sample of manufacturing firms I document that patent count is positively associated with CEO compensation, consistent with my hypotheses. I also find strong evidence that patent count impacts the proportion of stock compensation in CEO pay. Overall, these findings suggest that patent count is an important non-financial indicator in CEO compensation.


陳姿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討,企業社會責任這個議題,是否能跳脫傳統從企業道德﹝business ethics﹞的角度,以更實用性的思考,結合企業所最為關心的經濟利益考量,成功地說服企業用更主動積極的方式從事與企業社會責任相關的決策與投資活動。為了達成該研究目的,本研究採用由道瓊永續性北美指數2005-2007連續三年評選入榜的企業為研究標的,觀測其財務績效相關指標是否明顯優於其餘未入榜的企業。而在現今許多所有權與經營權分離的企業當中,如何成功地降低待理問題,使高階經理人能將組織長遠永續發展的目標結合自身利益,為股東與其他利害關係人帶來最大的利益是本研究第二個探討的議題。藉由分析S&P execucomp資料庫2005-2007年的資料,本研究從高階經理人的年度薪酬資料,去了解企業社會責任執行佳的企業是否在薪酬結構的設計上有不同的設計。資料分析結果顯示,連續三年評選進入道瓊永續性北美指數的企業,其公司成長性顯著優於未入榜的企業;而主要與企業短期績效表現連動的薪酬制度──紅利,其所佔比例越高,將誘使高階經理人挪用於其他能創造短期財務績效的投資活動,長遠來看,將不利於公司企業社會責任活動的執行與發展。 / The goal of this study is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practice included under the term of “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).”To achieve this goal, the relation between CSR and some accounting or market indicators are analyzed and the existence of significant difference in performance indicators between North American firms that have adopt CSR and others that have not is also examined. Besides, this study takes a further step to explore the extent to which Boards use executive compensation to incite firms to act in accordance with social and environmental objectives. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index- North America is used for distinguishing firms that constantly comply with CSR practice for 3 years (2005-2007) from the rest. Empirical analysis supports the conclusion that differences in performance exist between firms that belong to the DJSI-North America (doing CSR good) and the rest (not doing CSR good). Moreover, the bonus of executive compensation has significant negative relationship with CSR. This finding implies that the compensation linking to short-term performance provides no incentives to executives for doing CSR which has long-term benefit for firms. This in turn suggests that executive compensation can be an effective tool in aligning executives’ welfare with that of the “common good”, which results in more socially responsible firms.

經理人薪酬及其避險行為 / Executive Compensation and Hedging Behavior

黃怡婷, Huang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討經理人的風險承擔誘因與公司非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品使用之關聯性。研究結果發現,第一,經理人之風險承擔誘因與非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品的使用呈顯著負向關係,此結果顯示以股權為基礎之薪酬結構的確可以提高經理人之風險承擔誘因。第二,本研究比較若採不同類型之員工認股權,則指數型員工認股權較傳統型員工認股權提供較大的經理人風險承擔誘因。第三,若將股權為基礎之薪酬分為股票及員工認股權,發現經理人持有員工認股權與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向且顯著關係;而經理人持有公司股票則與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向關係但並不顯著。 / This study examines the relation between managerial risk-taking incentives and hedging derivatives usage. First, executives’ risk-taking incentives are negatively related to the hedging derivatives holdings, the result is consistent with equity-based compensation that promotes risk taking. Second, the indexed stock options appear to create stronger risk-taking incentives than the traditional stock options. Third, managerial risk-taking incentives are significantly related to executive stock options but not stock holdings.

權益薪酬會影響審計委員會監督關係人交易之效果嗎? / Does Equity-based Compensation Affect Audit Committee Supervision on Related Party Transactions?

黃玉如, Huang, Yu Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討權益薪酬對審計委員會監督關係人交易效果之影響。本研究從美國證券交易所公開資訊EDGAR資料庫以手動蒐集關係人交易資訊,以2010年至2013年間之中小企業為樣本進行實證分析。實證結果發現關係人交易與權益薪酬交乘項與企業價值呈現顯著負相關,意即發放權益薪酬使得審計委員會極大化個人利益而過度注重短期財務績效,選擇默許管理階層不當之關係人交易安排,進而造成企業價值不利之影響。額外分析亦指出審計委員會之權益薪酬對其監督關係人交易效果有負面影響,但未發現證據指出審計委員會之現金薪酬與其監督關係人交易效果有關聯性。 / This study investigates whether equity-based compensation for audit committee members is associated with the effectiveness of their supervision on related party transactions. We hand collect the data of related party transactions for small and medium-size firms from EDGAR database for the period 2010-2013. We find that the interaction effect between related party transactions and stock compensation for audit committee members is negatively associated with firm value. It suggests that in order to maximize short-term benefits, audit committee members with stock compensation are inclined to be more tolerable to earnings management through related party transactions that are unfavorable to shareholders. Additionally, we do not find any evidence indicating that cash compensation is associated with the effectiveness of audit committee’s oversight on related party transactions.

Clawback條款、權益基礎薪酬和審計委員會之監督效率性 / Clawback provisions, equity-based compensation, and audit committees' oversight effectiveness

林玉君, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
This study first examines whether equity-based compensation (i.e., stocks and options) is associated with audit committees’ oversight failures. I then examine whether this association between equity-based compensation and oversight failures is affected when firms initiate the clawback provisions in their compensation contracts. I use the likelihood of restatements, the incidence of internal control weaknesses (ICW), and earnings management measures to proxy for audit committees’ oversight failures. Based on a sample of 129 firms that voluntarily adopt the clawback provisions during 2003-09 and a matched sample created from the propensity score matching technique, I find several important results. First, larger amounts and portions of stocks and options are associated with higher restatement and ICW likelihood and greater earnings management. Second, equity-based compensation appears to harm audit committees' oversight effectiveness. However, the adoption of the clawback provisions significantly mitigates such negative effect. Finally, the clawback provisions are effective in reducing restatements, ICW, and earnings management only when these provisions are triggered by "bad faith" rather than restatements. Overall, my empirical results bear policy implications on audit committees’ compensation practice and the mandatory adoption of the clawback provisions.

臺灣上市櫃董監事薪酬影響因子與投資組合 / Determinants of Board Compensation of Taiwan Listed Companies and Investment Portfolios

李宛諭, Li, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國上市櫃公司的董監薪酬影響因素,採用新制董監薪酬揭露制度,將董監事兼任經理人、兼任員工的薪酬與分紅排除後,以董監薪酬合計和平均董監薪酬作為研究對象。本研究以2005年至2013年所有上市上櫃(含下市下櫃)的公司為研究樣本,並使用普通最小平方法則和固定效果模型進行檢測影響董監薪酬因子。 研究結果發現我國上市櫃公司的董監薪酬確實受到董事會特性、公司特性以及公司經營績效影響。董事會特性中以董事會規模、董監事持股比例和董事兼任經理人比例具有顯著之影響;公司特性以公司規模、負債比例、股價日報酬波動度和投資機會均對董監薪酬具顯著影響;最後,公司經營績效指標中以Tobin's Q、資產報酬率、營業收入淨額與股利殖利率與董監薪酬呈顯著正向影響。這表示我國公司在制定公司董監薪酬時,確實會考量其董事會特性、公司特性以及公司之經營績效。 最後,本研究使用迴歸式的殘差項由大至小組合投資組合以觀察其績效表現,殘差項最大(小)投資組合表示支付過高(低)董監薪酬的公司,研究發現並無法從投資組合的績效表現看出支付過高(低)董監薪酬對公司股價報酬表現之影響,本研究認為這可能是因為支付過高董監薪酬可能同時包含因為該公司的董監事之能力佳而支付較高的薪酬亦可能該公司的董監事僅為坐領高薪的肥貓。 / This study empirically examines variables that influence director compensation of Taiwanese companies. With new disclosure rule for board compensation, we exclude the salaries and bonus of concurrently serving as managers or employees, and divide board compensation as total director compensation and average director compensation. We collect 2005 to 2013 listed companies on Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange as research samples. In our regression analysis, we distinguish three types of determinants: board characteristics, firm characteristics and corporate performance. Using ordinary least squares estimator method and fixed effect method, our results show that board characteristics, firm characteristics and corporate performance do affect board compensation. We find board size, directors’ equity holding ratio and the ratio of director concurrently serving as manager that significant influence director compensation. From the aspect of firm characteristics, results show that firm size, leverage ratio, daily stock returns volatility and investment opportunity also significant influence director compensation. We also provide evidence that higher Tobin’s Q, ROA, sales and dividend yield, higher director compensation. Finally, we use residuals from the regression to construct portfolios and observe their performance. The portfolio with highest (lowest) residuals considers as companies overpaying (underpaying) their directors. However, from performance of portfolios, we cannot conclude that directors are overpaid or underpaid can reflect companies future performance, since directors are overpaid may because of their extraordinary ability or simply because they are fat cats.

家族控制,負債與高階經營團隊薪酬 / Family control, debt, and top management compensation

陳昭蓉, Chen,Chao-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要分別探討家族控制、負債與高階經營團隊薪酬的關係。實證結果發現,根據利益一致效果,家族企業通常會發放較少變動薪酬給高階經營團隊。然而,當家族企業偏離問題較嚴重,且由家族成員擔任高階經理人時,則會支付較高變動薪酬給家族高階經營團隊,此種現象在非電子業中尤為明顯。本文亦探討負債與薪酬的關係,結果發現,負債與高階經營團隊薪酬呈非線性關係,再將負債進一步細分,發現長期銀行負債對薪酬的監督效果高於短期銀行負債及一般公司債。本文也發現相較於非家族企業,負債對高階經營團隊薪酬的監督效果在家族企業中較弱。 / This paper investigates the variable compensation of top management teams. Prior literature suggests that compensation policy can help firms reduce the agency problem between principals and agents. Most of these studies, however, emphasize the agency problem between shareholders and managers, and only a few examine those between controlling and minority shareholders and between shareholders and debtholders. This study investigates the effects of family control and debt on top management compensation, respectively. The empirical results show that, on average, family-controlled firms are associated with a lower proportion of variable compensation, which is consistent with the alignment effect. However, family-controlled firms with greater control divergence and whose CEO is a family member, which gives rise to a central agency problem, pay higher variable compensation to family top management, as evident in the non-electronic industry. Furthermore, the empirical results find a U-shaped relationship between debt and top management compensation. In addition, the monitoring effect of long-term bank debt on top management compensation is greater than that of short-term bank debt and common bond. Finally, the monitoring effect of debt on top management compensation is weaker in family-controlled firms than in non-family-controlled firms.

我國上市公司股權集中度,薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Top Executive Compensation Scheme, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance for Listed Companies in Taiwan

吳政穎, Wu, Cheng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管薪酬計畫與股權結構是解決公司代理問題的重要機制,代理理論提出以績效決定酬勞的制度,可提供高階主管努力誘因,促使股東與高階主管之間的目標一致;同時股權結構也會影響高階主管的努力,進而對公司的。故本研究旨在探討我國上市公司股權集中度、酬勞計畫與公司經營績效之關係,並利用模式推導相關的命題與假說。 本研究利用混合迴歸就四年度主管薪酬資料加以分析,Scheffe檢定檢驗高階主管的持股比例與薪酬計畫的關係,實證結果整理如下: 1、董事長持股比例與薪酬無關,總經理持股比例與薪酬有關。 2、公司價值與董事會持股比例呈非線性的關係。 3、機構投資人偏向效率監督假說。 4、總經理薪酬計畫中的項目比薪酬水準的高低重要。 5、公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms'' top executive with firms''stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses. Pooling regressions using four years'' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows: 1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with. 2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors. 3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis. 4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme. 5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive''s cash compensation.

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