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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公務員薪酬制度 : 澳門與香港的比較 / 澳門與香港的比較

鄧安琪 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

我國公務人員待遇制度公平合理性之研究 / Research on the Equity and Justice of Compensation System for the Civil Servants in Taiwan , R.O.C.

周瑞貞, Juei-Jen Chou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從公平合理性的角度探討我國政府機關的待遇制度,並分析制度設計和執行上的優缺點及指出所遭遇的困境,進而提出具體的參考建議。 待遇制度的訂定有相當多的理論基礎,本研究選擇薪資管理理論、工資理論、滿意理論、公平理論及期望理論、激勵-保健二因素理論、多重構面待遇滿足感等理論作介紹,試圖從中尋找我國政府待遇制度的立論依據。又為借鑑國外的經驗,同時進行瞭解及比較世界上幾個先進國家如美國、英國、法國、德國和日本的公務員待遇制度,併同和我國關係日益密切的中華人民共和國之國家公務員工資制度進行分析及比較。 公平合理原為精神層次的抽象概念,與之類似的用語尚有正道、正義、公道、均衡、理性、公正、協調等。本研究將以所設計之用以檢視待遇制度具有公平合理性的八項指標:衡平性、補償性、差別性、公開性、效率性、程序性、參與性以及彈性,設計實地訪談的非結構式問卷,並尋求對待遇制度具有規劃或執行經驗的政府機關主管及專家學者,進行深度訪談,藉以瞭解我國政府待遇制度設計和執行的實然狀況。 經參考國內、外的相關資料,及依本研究設計之指標進行實地訪談的結果,發現我國政府的待遇制度在規劃和執行上所遭遇的若干困境:無法達到絕對衡平、尚未具補償意義、本俸及專業加給未作差別性的設計、缺乏公務人員參與意見表達、績效獎金成本太高,效果有限、欠缺公正的制定及調整程序、法制化與彈性的兼顧、民間薪資調查作業及待遇支給應與個人貢獻相符合等,並針對所發現的問題提出研究建議,期使我國公務人員的待遇制度更臻於公平合理。 / This research reviews the compensation system of our governmental institutes basing on equity and justice angle, it also analyzes system design, advantage and discrepancy under execution, and points out the predicament encountered, further; it has provided concrete proposal for reference. There are plenty theories about establishment for compensation system; this research has selected Salary Management Theory、Wages Theory、Satisfaction Theory、Equity Theory and Expectancy Theory 、 Motivators–Hygiene Two-Factor Theory、Multi-construction Compensation Satisfaction etc as introductions; it tries to find the theory basis of compensation system of our government. Furthermore, for referring to foreign experience, it proceeds in understanding and comparing with several advanced countries like USA、United Kingdom、France、Germany and Japan regarding their official compensation system simultaneously, as well as combining official wage system of People’s Republic of China who is closer and closer to us in order to proceed analysis and comparison. Originally, equity and justice are spiritual abstract concept, there are other similar words such as rightness、fairness、moderation、balance、sense、reasonableness、compromise and so on. This research will check the compensation system with it design for reaching eight targets which are equity and justice : Equality、Compensability、Difference、Openness、Efficiency、Procedure、Participation and Elasticity, to design qualitative interviewing non-construction questionnaire, to look for and deeply visit chief, specialist and scholar of governmental institute who already have planning and executing experience on compensation system in order to understand real situation about design and execution of compensation system of our government. After referring to related national and foreign information, as well as the result from proceeding in-depth interviewing in accordance with the target designed by this research, it has found out some predicaments encountered during planning and execution from compensation system of our government: absolute balance cannot be reached、compensation meaning has not been accomplished、differential design for base pay and professional allowance have not been finished、officials did not participate in expressing their opinions、high cost on efficiency bonus、the effect is limited、short of equity establishment and adjustment procedure、cannot consider both systemization and elasticity、civil salary investigation and compensation pay should be matched for individual contribution etc. Besides, it has provided suggestions focusing on the problems found, anticipate that compensation system in our country can be more equity and justness.


蔡雅媛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針對影響董監酬勞與會計(市場)績效關聯性之因素進行探討。在現代公司之經營管理架構中,係由股東在股東大會選出代表進入董事會,由董事會成員選出主要執行業務經營之人,並代理所有投資人監督及管理經營層。換言之,相對於經理人,董事會成員為股東最為直接之代理人。因此,本研究認為董事會成員為外部股東最直接之代理人,故以董監酬勞為分析對象,從公司治理之角度,以股權結構(如是屬於家族控制企業、董監持股、外部大股東持股等)及董事會特性(獨立董監席次比率、董事是否兼任經理人、董事長是否兼任總經理)等相關變數,探討其對於董監酬勞與會計、市場績效間關聯性之影響。 實證結果顯示,家族企業與公司經理人兼任董事會職位時,會提升董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性;董監持股比例愈高、外部大股東持股比例愈高、獨立董監席次比例越高及董事長兼任總經理時,會降低董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性。 / This study argues that members of corporate boards are the most direct delegate of external shareholders. Agency problem may exist between board members and external shareholders. Using a sample of firms listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange Corporation and Gre Tai Securities Market over 1996-2005, this study empirically examines the effect of ownership and board structures on the compensation of board members. This study expects that the pay-performance sensitivity of board compensation is weakened when a strong monitoring mechanism is in place. Using return on assets as the measures for performance, the primary empirical results show that family-controlled firms and firms with representation of executive directors illustrate higher pay-performance sensitivity. On the contrary, firms with higher shareholdings by board members and by outside block holders, and firms with representation of independent board members demonstrate lower pay-performance sensitivity.


林時功 Unknown Date (has links)
在設計經理人的薪酬契約時,會計績效衡量指標和市場績效衡量指標對於計 算經理人薪酬的相對重要性,是一個重要的議題,將影響到公司未來營運及發 展。如能了解在不同公司治理架構之下,績效衡量指標於經理人薪酬契約中之相 對重要性是否有所不同,可以幫助企業在訂定經理人薪酬水準與制度時,不只著 重於某一方面的績效衡量指標,而應針對不同的特性予以彈性調整,並可幫助外 部股東檢視經理人薪酬契約的訂定是否合理。 本研究以我國1997年至2006年之上市櫃公司為研究樣本,實證結果顯示如 下: 一、在董事長兼任總經理方面,董事長兼任總經理在董事會的影響較大,使得高 階經理人之薪酬受會計績效衡量指標的影響較大。 二、在機構投資人方面,在機構投資人持股較大的公司裡,高階經理人薪酬受會 計績效衡量指標的影響較小。 三、在第二大股東方面,第二大股東持股比例較高的公司,高階經理人薪酬受會 計績效衡量指標的影響較小。 四、在監察人規模方面,當監察人人數佔董監事合計人數比例越高時,則高階經 理人薪酬受會計績效衡量指標的影響越小。

員工獎酬策略與績效衡量指標之探討 / The Strategy of Employee Performance Appraisal and Compensation and Benefit

陳曄佳 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源管理為公司營運管理之中日趨重要之學門;而其中績效管理與薪酬管理為人力資源管理中極重要之一環。根據過去實習經驗,績效管理與獎酬制度時常有制度流於形式、分配不公平、激勵效果不彰等議題;是以希望透過本研究來釐清上述問題於公司中,實際發生情況,並對照學術理論架構來思考對應策略,期待可以對歸納公司實務之員工獎酬與績效衡量指標之執行方式、與學術理論之對應性與出入、找出公司問題之痛點、並進一步提出改善建議。 本研究乃以質化方式來探討欲研究之議題,採用三段式之訪談架構,約訪個案公司之人力資源主管、業務單位主管與公司統籌營運之高階主管。透過人資主管,彙整歸納訪談紀錄,了解該公司乃之績效考評制度與獎酬分配方式;與業務主管訪談,則了解該公司該套管理制度之實際運行程效以及所面臨之問題;與高階主管訪談,則進一步釐清該公司所面臨的問題,並討論各項問題之解套方式。 而個案公司之績效考評制度乃採用等級評分法、硬性分配法、評語法與目標評分法,並依照職等與職位別來設計每一單位之績效評核表,每年進行一次年度總體員工績效衡量。其獎酬制度,則依據其績效考評結果,有年度年終獎金、酬勞金,季度專案獎金,月度績效獎金等類別。個案公司於績效獎酬制度之架構雖完整,但仍存在獎勵不夠及時、激勵效果不佳等議題。彙整語對照學術理論與業界實際執行情況後,本研究認為,業界與學術界績效衡量與獎酬制度之相對應性;而績效衡量辦法實務衍伸之問題,包含:業務單位之獎酬策略與績效衡量指標探討、內勤單位之績效衡量議題、主管主觀意識影響績效衡量結果,需要依賴公司持續檢討制度之問題點、教育訓練主管、以及協助主管除了執行績效評定之外,善用其他管理工具,方能達成績效衡量指標予員工獎酬策略之效率與管理意涵。

高階經理人薪酬與自願性盈餘預測之關聯性 / On the association between CEO’s compensation and voluntary disclosure

吳元婷 Unknown Date (has links)
自願性財務預測對公司來說,是傳遞內部資訊給外部使用者之方法之一,透過自願性財務預測,藉以消弭因資訊不對稱所產生之代理問題。公司為了減輕代理問題,透過薪酬之設計,使經營者與股東之目標趨於一致,因此,本研究欲探討高階經理人之薪酬,是否會受到其自願性財務預測之影響。 本研究針對2000年至2009年標準普爾前五百(S&P 500)之公司,進行高階經理人薪酬及自願性財務預測關聯性之探討。以是否發佈自願性財務預測、是否未達成自願性財務預測,以及自願性財務預測之準確性,分別探討其與高階經理人薪酬之關聯。實證結果發現,公司當年度有發佈自願性年盈餘預測,高階經理人薪酬變動會增加;本研究亦發現當未達到自願性年盈餘預測時,高階經理人薪酬有負向變動,而未達到季盈餘預測的情況下並未發現同樣結果;而預測之準確性,不論是年樣本或季樣本,皆未發現與高階經理人薪酬有顯著之關聯性。 關鍵

會展產業薪酬制度與商業模式之適配性探討–以展覽運輸業E為例 / Compensation and business model in exhibition logistics - E Company case study

張瑞鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
在廿一世紀的商務活動中,由於展覽服務業除了能夠協助企業掌握新產品/服務的資訊、有效鎖定產品/服務的訴求對象外,更能進一步衍生創造龐大的關聯產值及市場商機,使得展覽服務業成為世界各國所重視並競相發展的產業,成為當前快速崛起發展的新興產業之一。 在展覽服務業所涵蓋的眾多行業中,展覽運輸服務業是一個重要且極富挑戰的利基型服務業。展覽運輸服務業者在從事物流運籌服務的過程中,因各國或地區對於展品之進出口方式有不同規定,故在提供運輸服務時,必須釐清所可能遭遇之各類規定,其必需具備相當程度的展品及報關知識和經驗。 然而,國內探討展覽運輸服務業的文獻相當稀少,就連相關的研究報告亦不多。基於此,本研究藉由台灣展覽運輸服務業中已經營二十幾年且獲利位居上位的個案公司E,探討該公司在過去二十幾年中,如何適配其商業模式及薪酬制度,以確保員工能夠協助公司有效執行其競爭策略,達成所設定的營運目標,俾利展覽運輸業及會展產業作為參考運用。 / Due to MICE industry’s being able to assist firms taking advantage of market opportunities, appealing to the target segments efficiently, and create enormous market value; it has been emphasized and promoted by countries all around the world, and hence become one of the most fast-growing industries. Among the segments of MICE industry, Exhibition logistics is a very important and challenging sub sector with potential niches to develop. Besides, due to firms’ engaging in Exhibition logistics being facing lots of challenges, a great part of which come from the different customs regulation, they have to be equipped with in-depth knowledge and experience regarding exhibitions and custom clearance, which makes the subsector a potential object worthy digging into. However, there is rare literature concerning exhibition logistics, let along related reports. Therefore, this thesis adopts case study method and researches into Company A, which has been engaged in exhibition logistics for more than twenty years and earned relatively strong profit, to understand how it matches its business model and compensation so as to make sure that its employees could execute its competitive strategy effectively.

薪酬委員會設置對家族企業之影響 / The Impact of Compensation Committee on the Relationship between Family Firms

翁郁媚, Weng, Yu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
為強化公司治理,我國強制上市(櫃)公司須於2011年底前設置薪酬委員會,本研究首先探討公司自願在2011年底前設置薪酬委員會之因素。因為法令還未強制設置薪酬委員會前,我國已自願設置薪酬委員會之公司約2%,無法使用差異中之差異法(Difference-in-difference),故本研究以我國家族企業為研究對象,探討相較於非家族企業,薪酬委員會設置對家族企業之公司價值的影響。 本研究結果顯示產業龍頭公司有設置薪酬委員會、公司規模、股東權益報酬率及董事會之獨立性與自願設置薪酬委員會呈現正相關。另外,家族企業相較於非家族企業而言公司價值較低,設置薪酬委員會後公司價值差距變小,但是未達統計上的顯著,亦即,設置薪酬委員會對家族企業的效益及非家族企業的效益沒有顯著差異。 / In order to enhance corporate governance, the R.O.C. Securities and Exchange Act was amended in 2010 to force listed companies to establish a Compensation Committee by the end of 2011. First, this study is to investigate which determinants may encourage companies to voluntarily establish the compensation committee. Then, we investigate whether setting compensation committee or not can increase firm value in family firms more than non-family firms. Because of few volunteers, we can’t use difference-in-difference. The results implicate that voluntary formation of compensation committee is associated with leading enterprise in industry which establishes compensation committee, greater size of the firms, higher return on equity and higher independence of the board of directors. In addition, on comparing Compensation Committees established or not, there appears to be no significant correlation with firm value between family firms and non-family firms.

企業社會責任對高階主管薪酬與績效關聯性影響之探討 / A study on the effect of corporate social responsibility on the relationship between top managements’ compensation and performance

朱梓齊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討企業社會責任對高階主管薪酬、及對高階主管薪酬與績效關聯性之影響。以員工、社會和環境構面及此三構面之綜合表現來衡量企業社會責任。研究結果顯示,企業社會責任綜合表現、員工和社會構面表現愈好之公司,對高階主管薪酬有正向顯著影響。然而,在環境構面表現良好之公司,對高階主管薪酬則有負向顯著影響。 對高階主管薪酬與績效關聯性而言,企業社會責任表現良好之公司,可有效降低代理成本,亦即減少對薪酬誘因契約之依賴;然而,亦存在企業社會責任表現良好之公司,其薪酬誘因契約之依賴程度增加之情況。本研究認為,若將企業社會責任視為提升公司競爭能力之策略,則增加薪酬誘因契約可以督促高階主管謹慎考量企業社會責任,將其與公司經營績效連結。 / This study examines the effect of corporate social responsibility on top managements’ compensation and on the relationship between top managements’ compensation and firm’s performance. Corporate social responsibility is measured by several dimensions, including employees、community、environment、and the combined performance of these three dimensions. The first empirical results show that the better the dimensions of combined performance、employees、and community are, the more the top managements’ compensation are. However, good performance in environment dimension will lead to less top managements’ compensation. The second empirical results show the effect of corporate social responsibility on the relationship between compensation and firm’s performance. If combined performance was better, agency cost would be decreased efficiently. That is, the dependence on the compensation contracts would be reduced. However, there still exists that better combined performance will cause the increase in the dependence on the compensation contracts. The reason might be if we considered corporate social responsibility a strategy reinforcing firm’s competitive ability, increase in the dependence on the compensation contracts could urge top management to link corporate social responsibility and firm’s performance tightly.


周仰晴 Unknown Date (has links)
具有競爭力的薪酬策略制定是企業留住優秀人才之手段,在2008年以前,我國電子產業之股票分紅對於招攬國內外菁英與留用人才效果驚人,帶動我國科技業經濟奇蹟,同時創造大批科技新貴。但,2008年我國實施員工分紅費用化,企業必須將員工分紅之發放從盈餘項下轉為企業費用,並規定股票分紅配發股數之計算基礎改以公平價值計算,不能再以面額(10元)認列。此舉將造成企業淨利及每股盈餘下降,於是企業不再使用股票分紅作為激勵員工之手段,使員工薪酬減少,電子產業相繼提出費用化制度造成留才之困難。本研究利用差異中之差異模型及兩階段迴歸模型,針對我國電子產業2003年至2012年之所有上市上櫃企業資料,探討薪酬對於員工流動率之影響。 本研究結果顯示員工薪酬多寡對於流動率有負向地影響,但是高階經理人之薪酬多寡對於流動率則沒有影響。在高研發費用率之企業,其投入之創新成本比例較高,人力資本相對重要,薪酬與流動率間是顯著且負向的關係。薪酬針對高大專以上員工比例及低大專以上員工比例兩者的影響程度沒有太大差異。低股價公司之員工總薪酬對於流動率之影響效果是顯著且負向的影響,但在高股價公司薪酬不是影響流動率之主因。

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