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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳禧遲, Chen,Michael Unknown Date (has links)
一個商業展覽通常需要投入大量資源,但只能在一定的地點、一定的期間內展現,如何有效地將展覽中最重要的資源 - 顧客關係,於展覽後繼續維持與發展? 這將是展覽服務業延伸展覽價值最重要的工作。 本研究從展覽的現場活動與參觀者互動開始,從互動中收集參觀者基本資料及各別需求,運用資料採礦技術來分析參觀者資料,並將結果做為進行顧客關係行銷與形成虛擬社群的依據。不同虛擬社群形成後,本研究使用異場域碰撞的典範轉移模式,試圖從腦神經模型中推演出人與人、社群與社群之間的互動關係,建構完成一展覽服務業的顧客關係管理參考架構。 關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理、資料採礦、虛擬社群、關係行銷、 異場域碰撞

探討Facebook、網路論壇、官方討論區不同社群成員在虛擬品牌社群互動關係之比較 / The relationship between users and website: An comparison of official website, internet forum, and facebook

王崇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的應用,逐漸開始改變人們生活的範圍以及習慣,透過網路滿足各項需求,在網路上可以看到相當多主題和性質不盡相同的線上虛擬社群,例如:提供人們交誼聯繫的社群、或是讓人們對共同的興趣討論和分享資訊的平台。其中,企業利用此平台讓品牌與社群使用者溝通並提供社群使用者在社群內瀏覽資訊和分享交流以及人際互動。目前在網路上常見的虛擬品牌社群主要可分為三類,「品牌官方網站討論區」、「第三方討論區」以及「臉書品牌粉絲專頁」,擁有一個良好的資訊交流、成員之間互動以及品牌形象的溝通對於三種社群而言都是相當重要,且是社群成員參與的主要動機。 為了探究不同類型的虛擬品牌社群會不會因為本來組成性質的差異,造成社群成員在參與這些不同社群與品牌互動時,發展成不同的社群模式,進而企業影響品牌行銷策略。本研究選擇在台灣使用過不同虛擬品牌社群的使用者作為研究對象,進行量化分析。「品牌官方網站討論區」是由官方所主導,品牌的力量最強,「第三方討論區」是讓對有共同興趣的成員交流討論的社群,而「臉書品牌粉絲專頁」因為其成員來自臉書其參與社群的目的是和朋友維持社交友誼。研究結果發現不同的虛擬品牌社群的功能特性對於成員在社群內交流互動的參與行為有不同的影響,因此企業在研擬網路社群行銷策略時,必須針對各自特性做出最合適的決策。

遊戲直播平台獲利模式之個案分析-以Twitch直播平台為例 / The study on profit model of the game live streaming platform- a case study of twitch

戴欣晟, Tai, Hsin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展加上行動裝置的普及,導致人們觀看影音媒體的方式逐漸數位化,資策會2015年報告指出,72%台灣民眾每週至少觀看一次線上影音平台。4G時代的來臨,使得網路直播成為一種新應用,世界各地也逐漸興起一股網路直播平台的風潮,多數的直播平台雖然擁有很高的用戶流量,卻沒辦法成功的把這些用戶流量轉化為金流,高額的頻寬成本造成直播平台連年虧損。然而,Twitch卻能脫穎而出,以專攻遊戲直播市場,2015年營收高達13.6億美元,更被亞馬遜以9.7億美元將其收購。究竟直播平台應該如何獲利?如何驅動營收的成長?為本研究欲探討之問題。 本研究挑選專攻遊戲直播市場的Twitch 為個案,運用多邊市場結構的概念分析Twitch的獲利模式;運用社群遞增動態循環四構面-內容、忠誠、輪廓和交易活動,分析Twitch如何驅動營收成長。 本研究發現,Twitch多元的獲利模式依賴其平台所連接之多邊市場,並且對不同的市場採取不同的獲利模式。Twitch多元的獲利模式歸納為:訂閱、廣告和交易模式。另外,直播平台想要驅動營收的成長,則需專注於核心領域、提升平台內容質量和平台成員之忠誠度,才能夠有效驅動平台多元的營收成長。 / The way of people watching media are changing to digitalization. According to Taiwan Institution for Information Industry’s report in 2015, 72 percent of population in Taiwan watch media through online video platform at least one time in a week. Also, the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology (4G) makes the application of online streaming popular, which leads more and more online streaming platforms came out all over the world. In fact, many online streaming platforms are losing money year after year, due to the huge cost of the Internet Bandwidth and without a successful profit model to transform the high volume of users into revenue. However, Twitch, which focus on game live streaming market, are very successful nowadays. Twitch claims 43% of market share in the gaming content industry and earned $3.8 billion in 2015. Also, Twitch was bought by Amazon for $970 million in 2014. Therefore, this research chooses Twitch as a research target, and focus on analysis of Twitch’s profit model and how Twitch increases its revenue through theoretical method This research finds that Twitch’s successful profit model is due to its multi-markets. Twitch uses different profit strategies on different markets. Twitch’s multiple profit models can be categorized into Subscription, Advertising, and Transaction Models. In addition, Twitch increases its revenue by focusing on core market, increasing the quality of platform contents and the loyalty of platform users.

自適應社群網路服務:以九校EMBA社群為例 / Adaptive Social Network Services: The Practice of 9EMBA.COM

鄭巧翊 Unknown Date (has links)

探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素 / Investigating the determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention in virtual community

游禮志, Yu, Li-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
過去三十年來學者針對創業意圖研究已有豐碩的成果,然而虛擬社群中創業意圖的發展與驗證卻未受到注視。因此,本論文採用Shapero-Krueger創業意圖模型與社會資本為理論基礎,提出研究模型探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素。此網路創業意圖模型中網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性扮演直接決定因素與中介變數,橋接型社會資本與結合型社會資本則為間接決定因素,而網路創業自我效能同時扮演間接決定因素與中介變數。本論文針對網路創業虛擬社群之成員共蒐集204份有效樣本,並以偏最小平方法進行研究模型之驗證與分析。研究結果顯示,橋接型社會資本、結合型社會資本與網路創業自我效能均透過網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性影響網路創業意圖。最後,本論文研究結果期許對網路創業意圖之理論發展與實務應用提出貢獻與建議。 / While the importance of entrepreneurial intentions has been recognized in entrepreneurial literature for at least three decades, the development and empirical validation of an entrepreneurial intentions model in a virtual community context had not been fully addressed. This dissertation aims to explore the evaluation determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention model in the virtual community context. Shapero- Krueger entrepreneurial intention model and social capital theory is utilized as the theoretical foundation to investigate the influences of entrepreneurial determinants that affect the intention to start a business online. A theoretical model of cyber-entrepreneurial intention proposes that cyber-entrepreneurial desirability and cyber-entrepreneurial feasibility serve as direct determinants, and mediators, bridging and bonding social capital serve as indirect determinants, whereas cyber- entrepreneurial self-efficacy serve as both indirect determinants and mediators. This dissertation collected 204 valid questionnaires and used them to test the proposed model. The results show that bridging and bonding social capital, and self-efficacy affect intention through desirability and feasibility. Theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are also presented.

虛擬社群與網路口碑訊息之研究—以香水社群為例 / A study of online Word-of-Mouth in the perfume virtual community

朱映燕, Chu, Ying Yen Unknown Date (has links)
網路技術的發展與進步,改變了人們日常生活中的溝通習慣,也讓網路成為人際溝通與獲取資訊的主要來源。對於尋求日常生活不論食、衣、住、行各類資訊的民眾而言,網路無疑是一種既快速又便利的取得資訊來源。透過彼此使用、購買經驗分享與傳授,網友們相互提供的口碑資訊得以在網路的虛擬空間裡不斷地累積擴散。其中,香水虛擬社群成員間的互動與口碑訊息交流,為本研究所感興趣欲進一步研究的議題。 本研究以虛擬社群台大PTT Perfume 板的成員為調查對象,以社會資本理論歸結出的成員特性: 相似性、認同感及信任感三構念,來探討影響社群使用者知識分享交流的動機與其對網路口碑訊息傳遞的影響;另以訊息訴求與訊息框架二構念來研究其對社群使用者溝通效果及後續口碑傳播意願的關聯。本研究以「問卷調查法」進行資料的蒐集,共蒐集有效樣本問卷227 份,使用SPSS 18.0 來進行資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型和相關假說。 研究結果發現: (一)、社群成員的「相似性」不論對成員間的「知識貢獻」、「知識欲求」與「口碑傳播意願」,均有顯著正向的影響。社群成員的「認同感」對成員間的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」,有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識欲求」則無顯著影響。社群成員的「信任感」對成員間的「知識欲求」有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」則無顯著影響。(二)、「正面框架」的訊息表達方式,以及不論「理性」、「感性」、或「自我象徵」的訊息訴求,對於社群使用者均能帶來正向顯著的「溝通效果」;另外,訊息的「溝通效果」,會對社群成員網路口碑傳播的意願帶來顯著正向的影響。(三)、最後,Perfume 板虛擬社群成員間的「知識交流」程度,亦會對社群內的「口碑傳播意願」帶來顯著正向的影響。 / The development and progress of Internet technology has changed human communication, especially interpersonal communication and information searching. Moreover, the Internet has become a convenient communication channel in our daily life for gathering product-related information. Product users can share their purchase and usage experience with one another over the virtual network and the impact of online word-of-mouth is escalating. Accordingly, this study is to discuss the sharing and transmission of the online word-of-mouth about perfume among the virtual community members. Data were collected by an online questionnaire survey from 227 members of PTT_Perfume, which is one of the most famous virtual communities in the area of BBS. The study incorporates similarity, identification, and trust from the perspective of the social capital theory to discuss the knowledge sharing intention and their influences on the word-of-mouth transmission;Besides, it investigates how the message appeals and message framing affect the communication effect and how online word-of-mouth spreads among the virtual community. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0. The findings of this research reveals that community similarity is positively associated with the knowledge sharing and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Identification is positively associated with the knowledge contribution and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Trust is only positively associated with the knowledge acquisition. Second, positive framing, rational, emotional and self-expressive appeals all have positive influences on communication effect. Finally, the communication effect of messages and the degree of knowledge sharing both have positive impacts on the intention of online word-of-mouth transmission.

以社會資本探討虛擬社群成員交流互動行為特性–Facebook與Mobile01之初探 / A study of interaction behavior between members in virtual community based on social capital–focusing on facebook and mobile01

吳銘峻, Wu, Ming Chun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發展,人們花費更多時間群聚在網路空間裡活動,實體社群 的概念也因此延伸至虛擬網路中。在網路空間瀏覽時,可以看到相當多主題和性 質不盡相同的線上虛擬社群,例如:提供人們交誼聯繫的社群、或是以論壇討論 形式存在,讓人們對共同的興趣討論和分享資訊的帄台。其中,資訊瀏覽和分享 的交流以及人際往來討論的互動,是網友參與虛擬社群的核心活動,故不論對哪 種虛擬社群來說,擁有一個良好的資訊交流和互動環境是相當重要的,也成員社 群經營者關心的問題。 本研究以探究社會群體活動特性的社會資本為基礎,將過去學者所定義的社會資本三構面:認知面(cognitive dimension)、結構面(structural dimension)、關係面(relational dimension),應用至虛擬社群成員交流互動的參與行為探討,並選擇在台灣具有代表性的虛擬社群–Facebook 和Mobile01 作為研究對象,Facebook 是讓參與成員和朋友維持社交友誼的社群,Mobile01 則是讓對相同主題有興趣的成員一起交流討論的社群,兩個虛擬社群主要內容和群聚成員參與的動機和目的都不盡相同,各代表了不同性質種類的虛擬社群。研究結果發現不同構面的社會資本對於成員在社群內交流互動的參與行為有不同程度的影響,而不同性質的虛擬社群在同一構面的社會資本下對於參與成員的行為債向也會有不同程度的影響。 / With the rapid development of internet, much more people have spent much more time surfing through internet. The concept of community in the real life also extends to the virtual network. There are so many kinds of virtual community in the virtual network space that it provide different content and benefit for members, including social contacts and common topic discussion. Actually, the information sharing and interpersonal social interactions are the core activities for members in the virtual communities. Therefore, it is important to form a good environment in the virtual communities. This research uses social capital, constituting cognitive dimension, structural dimension and relational dimension, to examine the behavior of members in virtual communities. We choose two different types of virtual community, Facebook and Mobile01, as our sampling source. Facebook provides members to stay in touch with their friends, and Mobile01 provides members to discuss common topic of conversation and interest. Therefore, members in these virtual community have different purpose and motivation. The results found that different social capital can influence members’ behavior in different ways. Also, different types of virtual communities can influence members’ behavior in different ways through the same social capital dimension.


謝佳凌 Unknown Date (has links)
文本的意義不僅是在觀看時協商,同時在對話中決定。本文目的在於了解電視劇迷在網路社群中談論電視劇的互動型態,以及如何實踐身為劇迷的身份。這個電視劇迷集結的網路空間,同時是虛擬社群、觀眾社群、也是迷的實踐社群的集合體。 研究過程以中情局BBS站中三個電視劇討論區以及奇摩家族中二個電視劇討論區為觀察主體,對討論區的文章作歸納分析、訪問討論區管理者以及進行迷們的電子問卷調查。研究發現,電視劇討論區受訪者認可其社群的存在,並感受尊敬、友善、溫馨、互助氣氛,但電視劇的播出壽命會主導著電視劇迷社群的興盛。這並非指該社群會消失,而是這群迷會轉往其它地方繼續存在。電視劇迷看電視劇原因以「喜愛該劇演員」為主,而電視劇討論區聚集了不同演員的支持者,因此電視劇討論區的凝聚力比起劇中演員的專門討論區來得小。 對電視劇迷群而言,電視劇觀看過程延攬至和朋友、同學、父母每日的對話,並融入網路這新興的口語書寫文化中。他╱她們從消化電視劇所提供的素材再生產出網路討論的文本,藉由對文本的共同詮釋來獲得歸屬感和友誼。 電視劇迷是具生產性的一群,不僅由書寫談論賦與媒體文本意義、創作同題材的網路小說,更聚集迷群力量,抗議製作體系拖戲及希望修改故事線。在討論區互動中,迷們接合現實空間和網際空間的分界,實踐、交換迷身份展現的論述。

日本與台灣間影集留言板之跨文化探討 / An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Study of Message Board of Sitcom Programs in Japan and Taiwan

李雅嵐, Lee, Ya-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
This study tried to have an exploratory study about the cross-cultural effect of the content of the message board by examining the sitcom programs both broadcasted in Japan and Taiwan. The theory of Individualism versus Collectivism from Hofstede is used as a basis of this study. Moreover, the other factors such as country of origin and viewers’ profile have specific effects toward our findings as well. The content analysis was applied to analyze the data collected from the message board. The practical research relates to the objective of customers and the segmentation of products by analyzing the data of a company. There are important implications of cross-cultural customers and marketing practices according to this research. The future research is expected by examining other aspects of relative issues.

虛擬社群之價值共創活動 -- 以BBS社群為例

張元力, Chang, Yuan Li Unknown Date (has links)
2000年dot com泡沫化後,許多人對於網路公司的夢想破滅,網際網路回到更務實的面向。網路中的價值創造並非無中生有,但是網路的價值創造打破了價值鍊的架構,而是以一種共創(Co-creation)的形式來進行。本研究以個案探討的方式,深入研究台灣具代表性的BBS虛擬社群平台,藉以探討下列三個問題: --在虛擬社群中,社群成員、發展者與社群平台如何共創價值? --商業化與非商業化社群在價值共創上是否有所不同? --從非商業化到商業化的過程中,虛擬社群的組成有何變化? 研究發現顯示,虛擬社群間的共創價值活動,仰賴著共同的經驗網路,以價值星系的方式來創造。而因為社群組成與內容的不同,會面臨不一樣的管理議題與平台需求。合適的跨平台與平台多角化,將可以拓展虛擬社群間共同的經驗網路,增加價值共創的機會。 而商業化與非商業化的虛擬社群,在價值共創的本質上並無不同,但是社群平台商業化色彩過濃將影響社群成員在其中的活躍度。非商業化社群的經營在學術網路的規範下,能取得營運經費的管道較少。但相對而言是一個較佳的發展環境。 從非商業化到商業化的過程中,產權的轉移需要妥善規劃,而在管理風格與管理理念上,也不應該有太大幅度的變動,否則將導致社群成員的重組、甚至流失。 / After the dot com foam, the dream to the internet company of a lot of people evaporated. The internet got back to more practical facing in 2000. The value in the internet is created and does not create something out of nothing, but the value of the internet creates the structure of breaking the value chain, but goes on in a kind of form created “Co-creation". The way probed into by the case in this research, further investigate representative BBS platform of virtual community of Taiwan, and use to probe into the following three questions: --In the virtual community, how with the platform, community, and developer create value? --Is commercial community different from in-commercial community in value co-creation? --From commercialization to commercialized course, what changes does the composition of virtual community have? Discover that shows, value creation activity among the virtual communities are dependent on the common experience network; create by way of value galaxy. And because the community makes up different content, it will face the different management topic and platform demand. Suitable stepping the platform can expand the common experience network among the virtual communities; offer more opportunities that value is created. Commercialization and in-commercialization virtual community are not different on the essence that value creates, but it will influence community members in activeness degree among them that the commercialized color of community platform is passed thick. Commercialize management of community under academic norm of network, can is it operate channel of funds less to obtain. But comparatively speaking a better development environment. From commercialization to commercialized course, the transformation of the property right needs appropriate planning, in idea; there should not be change by a large margin either in the managerial style and management, otherwise cause the reorganization, even loss of community members.

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