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以西方觀點探討台灣人才管理 / Talent Management in Taiwan from a Western Perspective李佳蓁, Lee, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
Talent management comprises an organization’s efforts to attract, select, develop and retain high-potential employees, as well as the identification of key positions in multinational companies (Stahl et al., 2012). Taiwanese talent management differs greatly compared to western practice based on the sociocultural difference between countries (Varma & Budhwar, 2013). Many dissimilarities in the HR practices between Taiwanese and western firms can be led back to the significant alteration of individualist and collectivist perspectives and characteristics. However, many talent management differences in Taiwan as opposed to Western countries can also be connected to Confucianism and to influences of Taiwanese culture – which is unique due to Taiwan’s democratic laissez-faire market economy mixed with a pinch of Chinese characteristics. For Western companies seeking FDI in Taiwan or planning to set up a subsidy it is crucial to form a deep understanding of these differences which is essential to the firm’s hiring success.
This study focuses on exploring the differences between Taiwanese and Western Talent Management approaches and draws on deeper psychological research (MBTI) to analyze cultural and psychosomatic dissimilarities with regards to behavior.
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國家、知識、信仰: 《佛學叢報》與清末民初佛教的近代轉型 / Nation, Knowledge and Faith: Foxue congbao and Modern Transformation of Buddhism in the Late Qing and the Early Republic倪管嬣 Unknown Date (has links)
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澳門與中國山東兩地小學音樂教科書之內容比較分析 / Comparative analysis of music textbooks at the primary school in Macau and Shandong, China劉紫涵 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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黃宗義之經世思想研究齊婉先, QI,WAN-XIAN Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 緒論。概略介紹本文之研究動機、內容、方法與預期結果,并略述黃宗義生
第貳章 經世思想之探討源。主要乃自宏觀角度對經世思想之發展做溯源工作,以顯
第參章 黃宗義承心學而轉經世思想之歷程。此則由微觀角度就黃宗義之經世思想做
第肆章 黃宗義經世思想之論析。透過對黃宗義經世思想之內容本質、思想特色、切
第伍章 黃宗義經世思想對后世之啟發。則對黃宗義經世思想啟發后世之處,采比對
第陸章 結論。除總結本文外,并將申明傳統儒者所展現之悲壯精神。
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中國大陸傳播研究在台灣:1949-2002博碩士論文為例劉清耿 Unknown Date (has links)
「蘇聯共產報業理論」事實上是「極權主義」典範下所衍生的理論體系,而極權主義模式則是在冷戰氣氛下,西方資本主義國家用來「理解」共產世界的一套論述體系,而這樣的理論伴隨而來的則是「西方中心主義」的假設與預期,因此本文認為,扣合著中國大陸本身的動態發展,我們應該調整與發展新的理論典範,以跳脫傳統「蘇聯共產報業理論」的侷限與制約。 / Intending to analyze the domestic academic theses being related to “the communication research of Mainland China”, this study, choosing the communication studies of Mainland China as a starting point, is written with the aim of organizing and explaining the discourse image having been shown in these studies in Taiwan since half a century ago. Moreover, we wish to answer the following two questions in this study. First, what characteristics have been developed in “the communication studies of Mainland China” in Taiwan for the passing fifty years? And second, what particular meanings are presented in these characteristics?
Aiming at answering the first question, this study analyzes 111 academic theses of “the communication studies of Mainland China” by examining and generalizing their research topics, research methods and theoretical backgrounds. And the result shows that the Institute of Mainland China Studies and the Institute of Communication Studies tend to have similar research topics, research methods and theoretical backgrounds. Specifically speaking, both of them observe and explain the propagation of the mass media in Mainland China by the Soviet Communication Theory,.
However, the Soviet Communication Theory is actually a theoretical framework derived from the paradigm of totalitarianism, which is a discourse system used by the western capitalist countries to understand the communistic society in the cold-war atmosphere, and followed by the hypothesis and anticipation of the ethnocentrism. Therefore, this study claims that, following the dynamic development of Mainland China, we should adjust the previous theoretical framework and develop a new theoretical paradim to escape from the limitation of the traditional Soviet Communication Theory.
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東西方之千禧世代:社會價值, 個人態度與行為之比較 / Millennials in the East and the West: a comparative study of social values and individual attitudes周睿玲 Unknown Date (has links)
將本論文比較出生於1980年至1997年之東西方社會年輕人的社會價值與態度。 這群年輕人通稱為「千禧世代」。在新千禧長大的他們被視為歷史上平均受教育最多的一群人, 世界的未來也剛好在他們手上。因此,深入瞭解千禧世代的個人態度與行為模式相當重要。本論文與過往研究不同之處在於比較此世代在東方與西方社會中的區別。 本論文聚焦在個人學歷對 其社會價值及態度的影響,並進一步衡量當地不同文化帶來的效果。 / This research compares socials values and attitudes of individuals born in East Asian and Western societies after 1980 to 1997. The aforementioned time frame encompasses a generation that has been labeled Millennial, for it accounts for individuals who came of age in the beginning of the new millennium. It is considered the biggest and best educated generation in history and is the leader of the tomorrow’s economy; hence, it has become an increasingly important topic for research and discussion in order to understand its particular characteristics. This research study differentiates itself from those existent, in that it focuses on comparing Millennials from different geographic origins and cultural zones —East Asian and Western countries. It identifies and analyzes the effect of educational attainment on individuals’ attitudes toward the self and their role in society considering the particular features of their geographic zones of origin. The study shed light on the effect of education and origin on Millennials’ attitudes toward issues of social interest such as: abortion, homosexuality, divorce, sex before marriage and women emancipation; having East Asians, a more conservative approach than Westerns have. Furthermore, contrary to what it was expected, it was observed higher levels of self-centered attitude among East Asians when compared to their counterpart in the West.
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文本與讀者--從魏晉言意之辨與西方相關詮釋學論題的比較立論孫旭志, Sun, Xu-Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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確認PIAS1在促進大鼠空間學習與記憶的嶄新角色之探討 / Identification of a novel role of PIAS1 in facilitation of spatial memory formation in rats劉彥呈 Unknown Date (has links)
本實驗室於先前利用莫氏水迷津試驗篩選學習快與學習慢的大白鼠,取出其海馬迴組織並進行聚合酶連鎖反應差異顯示(PCR differential display),結果顯示學習快與學習慢的大白鼠背側海馬迴之間共有98個cDNA片段有差異表現。把這些cDNA片段進行定序並利用BLAST資料庫比對,其中一個cDNA片段為大白鼠的pias1 [protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 1)] 基因。為了瞭解pias1基因的表現是否和空間學習有所關聯,隨機把大白鼠分成兩組,一組為有訓練組別(有空間線索與隱藏式平台),另一組為無訓練的組別(沒有平台,作為游泳的控制組)同時進行莫氏水迷津學習試驗。試驗完畢,取出海馬迴組織進行即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應與西方墨點法來分析PIAS1的mRNA與蛋白質的表現。結果顯示有水迷津訓練的大白鼠,其PIAS1的mRNA與蛋白質表現皆明顯的高於無訓練的組別。為了更進一步確認PIAS1在空間學習中所扮演的角色,我們利用基因轉染的技術,轉染PIAS1 siRNA至大白鼠海馬迴CA1區域抑制PIAS1的表現。我們發現轉染PIAS1 siRNA至CA1區域會抑制大白鼠在水迷津的行為表現,然而轉染野生型的PIAS1質體基因至CA1區域卻會增進水迷津試驗的學習能力,同時我們也以西方墨點法發現,當轉染PIAS1 siRNA會增加STAT1 Tyr701的磷酸化,而轉染PIAS1 WT則會抑制STAT1 Tyr701的磷酸化。為了探討PIAS1促進記憶形成的分子機制,我們發現當轉染突變型的STAT1 Y701F質體基因至CA1區域,會抑制PIAS1 siRNA所造成記憶的損害。這些實驗結果代表著PIAS1會抑制STAT1 Tyr701的磷酸化,而PIAS1促進記憶的形成可能是藉由抑制STAT1 Tyr701的磷酸化而達成。另外,我們也單獨轉染突變型的STAT1 Y701F質體基因至CA1區域,水迷津實驗結果顯示會促進空間記憶的形成。目前PIAS1在免疫的角色已有許多研究證實,但是本篇研究是第一個提出PIAS1會參與哺乳類動物學習與記憶形成探討。 / Our laboratory has previously identified 98 cDNA fragments by using PCR differential display from rat dorsal hippocampus that are differentially expressed between fast learners and slow learners from the water maze learning task. After sequencing and BLAST analysis, one of these cDNA fragments encodes the rat pias1 [protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 1)] gene. In order to determine whether pias1 gene expression is associated with spatial learning, naïve rats were randomly assigned to the trained group (with visual cues and platform been present) and the non-trained group (without the platform as the swimming control). The dorsal hippocampus from these animals was dissected out at the end of the training and was subjected to RNA and protein extraction for real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of PIAS1 expression, respectively. Results revealed that the pias1 mRNA level and protein level was both higher in the hippocampus of trained rats than non-trained rats. To further examine the role of PIAS1 involved in spatial learning and memory, the specific PIAS1 siRNA was used to knockdown the expression of PIAS1 in rat hippocampal CA1 region. We found that transfection of PIAS1 siRNA to the CA1 area impaired water maze performance, whereas transfection of the wild-type PIAS1 DNA plasmid to the CA1 area facilitated water maze performance in rats. Meanwhile, PIAS1 siRNA increased STAT1 phosphorylation at Tyr701 whereas PIAS1 WT decreased STAT1 phosphorylation at this residue. In the examination of molecular mechanism underlying PIAS1-mediated memory facilitation, we have found that transfection of the STAT1 Y701F mutant plasmid antagonized the memory-impairing effect of PIAS1 siRNA, whereas transfection of STAT1 Y701F alone facilitated spatial memory formation. These results together suggest that one of the molecular mechanisms underlying PIAS1-mediated memory facilitation is through decreased STAT1 phosphorylation at Tyr701. All these manipulations did not affect visible platform learning in rats. In addition to the well documented role of PIAS1 in the immune system, here we have been the first to demonstrate a novel role of PIAS1 involved in spatial memory formation in rats.
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台灣西方翻譯文學作品之引用研究 / Citation Analysis of Taiwan Translational Literature李青親 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果如下:1.西方外國文學作品被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,文學作品被翻譯次數與被引用次數相關程度為低度正相關;(2)西班牙文學分區之作品與莎士比亞的作品在台灣被翻譯次數與在國外被引用次數皆成高度正相關;(3)被引用次數前三名的文學分區為英國、古代西洋、法國文學;(4)被引用次數前三名的文學作品為《伊里亞德》、《奧德賽》、《神曲》。2.被引用之年代分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區最高被引年代多集中在1990年代;(2) 各年代區段皆以英國文學分區被引次數最高;(3) 1970、1980與1990三個年代區段皆以《伊里亞德》被引次數最高。3.被引用之語言分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區皆被引用在英語文章中最多;(2) 各語言文章中所高度引用的文學分區與文學作品多與該地區所使用之語言相符。4.被引用之主題分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區除了古代西洋文學,皆被引用在文學主題領域文章中最多;(2) 各主題文章所高度引用之文學作品多屬古代西洋、英國、義大利、法國與德國文學作品。
本研究結果可應用於圖書資訊界在規劃館藏發展、進行參考服務及舉辦閱讀推廣活動時之參考。外文學門研究者可藉由不同文學分區之文學作品被引用的多寡與分佈情形,觀察各文學分區與文學作品被研究的狀況與範圍,進一步探討學術研究與發展史、觀察文學作品在不同語言國家與主題領域的影響力,並發現跨科際整合研究的契機,探掘文學作品更多元深沉的內涵。 / Citation Analysis reveals research characteristics, research development, scholarly communication, and helps to construct knowledge map. However, little research devoted to the cited situation of humanity discipline. This study aims to investigate how literary works were cited. Through Citation Index, the Western literary works highly translated in Taiwan during 1950 and 2008 were examined in terms of their cited times and cited distribution in foreign papers.
The findings are as follows. Correlational analysis of translated times of Western literary works in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research was lowly positive. Nevertheless, the translated times of Spanish literature in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research were highly positive correlated, and also the case in Shakespeare’s works. English literature was the most highly cited literary division in five year period, and Iliad was the most highly cited work in 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. In all literary divisions, more than half of the citing papers were in English. On the whole, the language of citing papers corresponded to the language of their highly citing literary division and works. Except for Classical literature, all literary divisions were highly cited by papers of literature subject area. In different subject areas, most highly cited works belonged to Classical literature, English literature, Italian literature, French literature, and German literature.
The results of the study may assist in Collection Development, Reference, and reading promotion. On the other hand, foreign literature researchers can further observe research progress, review literary theory, and proceed interdisciplinary research to explore the abundant and diverse connotation of literary works.
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俄羅斯傳統服飾與當代時裝產業之研究 / Russian traditional costume and contemporary fashion industry陳薇如, Chen, Wei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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