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人称制限と視点甘露, 統子 31 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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日露対照言語文化研究 - 気になる人目 -Kekidze, Tatiana, 田中, 聰子 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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日本統治下の台湾演劇 - 総督府が奨励した青年劇と皇民化劇をみる -李, 宛儒 31 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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快速生成建構於Web之客製化撮合系統 / Rapid Generation of Web-Based Customized Matching Systems吳儼翰, Wu, Yan Han Unknown Date (has links)
而什麼是撮合呢? 撮合是指有A、B兩群對象,在特定的規則與限制條件下,希望使每一A(B) 群對象可以連結至某些B(A)群對象,而使總體滿意度達到最大。以數學而言,一個A、B兩群間的撮合,就是一個滿足特定條件的A、B兩個集合間的二元關係。撮合類型可能是一對一、一對多、 多對多三種。一對一表示一個A群成員只能跟一個B群成員配對,一對多表示 一個A(B) 群成員能跟多個B(A) 群成員配對,多對多則指一個A群成員能跟多個B群成員配對且一個B群成員也能跟多個A群成員配對。
由於撮合型態與策略具有相當大的分歧性,以專用演算法實做並不實際,因此我們採用ASP(Answer set programming)實做撮合程式。ASP 是一種邏輯編程語言,具有宣告式程式特性,廣泛用於組合性問題的解決上,極適合應用在撮合策略的制定與實做。
在可真正執行撮合程式之前,必須預先建置A、B兩群對象的基本資料,因此我們的系統將允許開發者輸入A、B兩群對象的基本後設資料及撮合策略,而系統將據此建立對應Web介面與資料庫,允許使用者建立撮合對象的基本資料。一旦基本資料建立完成,系統即可依據系統設定的撮合策略以及以ASP實做的基本配對規則快速產生撮合結果,提供給使用者參考。 / There are a lot of application domains in which we may encounter the problem of finding a matching among two parties of entities. However, it is often the case that once a matching is needed, we cannot easily find a good matching strategy suitable for our purpose, not to mention one with a computerized implementation. This thesis aims to provide a web-based matching generation system allowing the quick generation of customized matching systems for users' need after their input of different demands of matching types and strategies. The supported types of matchings include most often used cases such as marriage/dating matching, paper review assignment, college admission dispatch and student-advisor selection etc.
What is a matching? A (bipartite) matching problem contains two parties of entities, each member of which has a preference over members of the opposite party. A matching in a matching problem is a binary relation between both parties of entities. The goal of a matching problem is to find one or more optimal matching in which the total satisfaction of both party members is maximized. Matching problems can be classified according restrictions imposed on matchings. 1-1 matching requires each member of both parties to be matched to at most one opposite party member, 1-m matching allows only members of one party to be matched to more than one opposite party member, and m-m matching allows members of both parties to be matched to more than one opposite party member.
Because there is a great variety of matching types and strategies, it is impractical to employ dedicated algorithm per case. It is thus eagerly expected to have a general framework in which different types of matching and strategies can be encoded. By applying Answer-set Programming (ASP) we provided one such framework in this thesis. ASP is logic programming language with declarative characteristics, widely applied in the solution of hard combinatorial problems, to be used in the encoding and solving of matching problems with different preference matching strategies.
Theoretical discussion of matching algorithms always assumes that party members and their preferences are available in advance. However, to engineer a matching system, we still need to provide means to achieve it. Our system is thus also a matching support system, through the web interface of which developers and end-users can enter meta and individual information about all concerned properties and/or preferences of party members. After a possibly further processing of users' preference on the values of concerned properties of opposite party members for deriving every member's preference on the member of the opposite party, succeeding matching thus can obtain all needed data.
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中日語言中「氣」的多義對比分析:以隱喻及轉喻為研究中心 / A comparative analysis on the polysemy of 'Qi' in Mandarin and Japanese: a study based on metaphor and metonymy葉淑美 Unknown Date (has links)
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La représentation du corps dans les textes narratifs de la première moitié du XVIe siècle / The Image of the Body in French Narratives of the First Half of the 16th CenturyIshibashi, Masataka 29 March 2013 (has links)
Au seuil de l’ère moderne sous le règne de François Ier et d’Henri II, la société et le régime connaissent des changements fondamentaux : la déchéance de la classe noble féodale et la montée de la classe bourgeoise modifient la dynamique de la société. Par conséquent, l’identité de l’homme, fondée jusque-là sur le statut social féodal nécessite un autre modèle de fondement. La quête d’une nouvelle forme d’identité s’effectue tout le long du siècle, préparant en conséquence l’individu moderne de la fin du siècle, représenté par l’idée de « moi » chez Montaigne. Cette évolution de la société affecte le monde des récits de la première moitié du siècle qui prennent alors leur essor. Succédant à la tradition française des conteurs, et sous l’influence de romans et de récits de tradition italienne et espagnole, les récits manifestent dans la représentation du corps le germe de l’individu moderne bien que dans la plupart des cas les personnages soient encore fondés sur des types cofidiés par la la littérature médiévale. La première partie montre dans les jeux de regard des récits l’émergence d’une individualisation de la représentation du corps, notamment dans les Angoysses douleureuses et dans l’Heptaméron. En même temps, elle se sert de l’image du corps percevant comme point de repère pour aborder les récits dont le genre reste encore problématique. La seconde partie analyse, sous le thème du corps perçu, l’évolution de la société et de la morale en ce qui concerne le corps qui se reflètent dans la description physique des récits. L’évolution militaire est étudiée avec l’œuvre de Rabelais. La troisième partie, dérivée de la deuxième partie se concentre sur le geste. Le dialogue gestuel dans Pantagruel est traité avec l’objectif de déchiffrer la signification de chaque geste et enfin d’interpréter le sens des dialogues. En établissant l’inventaire de gestes de l’époque, nous lançons une hypothèse sur la parodie et la critique de la réforme monastique qui précéde la Réforme comme arrière-plan de l’épisode. / Under the reigns of François I and Henri II, at the threshold of the modern era, both society and government were undergoing fundamental changes : the fall of the feudal nobility and the ascent of the middle-class were changing the dynamics of the society. As a result, man’s identity, which until then had been based upon the feudal system, necessitated a new social interpretation. The quest for a new form of identity took place throughout the century, eventually resulting in the concept of the modern individual by the end of the century, which Montaigne’s idea of the self represents. This societal evolution inspired the prolific writing of stories in the first half of the sixteenth century. Based on the tradition of the French storyteller and under the influence of Spanish and Italian stories, the stories show in the representation of the body the germ of the modern individual, though in most of the cases the characters are still based upon certain human types codified by medieval literature.The first part discusses the human game of observing the body and the individualization of the body, mainly in The Angoysses douleureuse and The Heptaméron. At the same time, it uses the image of the perceived body as a reference point for addressing gender narratives which still remain problematic. The second part, entitled the perceived body studies the evolution of society and the morality of the body through the described physical images in the stories. The military revolution is treated with Rabelais’ works. The third part, derived from the second part, focuses on gesture. The dialogs involving gesture in Pantagruel are analyzed, aiming at the deciphering of each gesture and finally interpreting the dialogs’ meaning. Through an inventory of the gestures of the period, a hypothesis for a parody and a critique is suggested for the monastic reformation which precedes the Reformation as a background of the episode.
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新台語歌的政治想像 / Political imagination of New Taiwanese Song張哲修 Unknown Date (has links)
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李賀近體詩韻律風格研究 / The Study On the Linguistic Style of Li He's Regulated Verse韋凌詠 Unknown Date (has links)
李賀詩風以「奇詭穠麗」著稱,以其在語言的改造、意象的連結、意境的創造上都展現 了高度的藝術技巧。歷來的研究也多聚焦在這些層面上,對於李賀的韻律表現少有著墨;關 於李賀樂府、古詩的研究甚多,近體詩卻常被忽略。李賀近體詩數量不多,然其韻律層次豐 富綿密,聲音表現平衡和美,李賀在近體韻律上亦苦心雕琢,自成風采。
本論文共分六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、範圍、方法,以及前人研究的成果; 第二到五章分別就頭韻、韻母、聲調及聲音重複四個層面描述、分析並詮釋李賀的韻律表現; 第六章為結論,總結研究成果,並綜合聲、韻、調的韻律,立體呈現李賀詩歌的朗誦效果, 最後提出研究檢討與展望。李賀的韻律特色歸結如下:
頭韻的部分,李賀善用頭韻縱向地連串句子,使句與句之間出現交疊連綿的呼應音效, 筆者稱之為連環相諧。連環相諧所呈現的音韻表現是整體性的,是連繫句與句、聯與聯的網 狀韻律,使得詩歌的音韻結構更為緊密,更具節奏感,更具音樂性。其次,李賀頭韻以舌根 音相諧為主要的旋律,雖說目前研究的唐、宋詩人的頭韻皆以舌根音為主,然而在李賀刻意 的編排下,舌根音在頭韻中佔了一半以上的比例,有非常突出的表現。
韻母的部分討論了用韻情形、句中韻及韻尾韻律,李賀韻部通押情形與《廣韻》有所出 入,此應為語音流變及方音所致,並非如前人所說的「用古韻」。李賀慣用響亮的韻部押韻, 如「東、冬、鍾、江」與「歌、戈、麻、佳」,與楊文雄提出的古體「選韻務求沉啞」大相 逕庭,蓋楊氏以聲情論用韻,以李賀坎坷故用韻沉啞,實則李賀用韻響亮的亦有幽憤之作, 故以聲情論韻是相當不妥的。其次,李賀五言近體超過一半以上首句入韻,不同於王力提出 的「五言詩以不入韻為正例」,尤其是五律,超過六成的比例。五言詩首句入韻,一方面使 押韻的節奏更為緊湊,一方面也使十 一韻的節奏變得更活潑。在句中韻的部分,李賀多用 音值相近(同)聲調不同的韻母,做一句中橫向的呼應,五、七言詩皆以一句兩個音節呼應 為主,然而七言詩有一句兩組的句中韻,且兩組在音效上呈現對比。韻尾韻律的部分,韻尾 多在重要音節上形成相諧,以響亮的陽聲韻為主,且多安排入聲韻調音,形成鼻音綿長與塞 音促止的對比交錯音效。
聲調部分,李賀多有出句句腳連續同聲調的情形,這些連續同聲調的句腳與詩歌的意義 段落多可相合。可見這是李賀刻意的安排,使聲音與詩意形成緊密的呼應。再者,入聲的運 用上,單一詩句中入聲多安排於中間音節,形成「長—短—長」的交錯迴環韻律的。一首詩 中,在首 或末 隔句安排入聲,形成句首或句末長短交錯的結構韻律。此外,還有一種特 殊的結構韻律,即在三句中,以層遞的方式安置入聲的位置,使三句入聲前後的長音個數呈 現遞增或遞減的韻律表現,筆者稱之為層遞韻律。
聲音重複的探討分為疊 、雙聲與疊韻,其中雙聲表現最為突出,且多為合成詞,可知 李賀不僅「使用」雙聲,更是「創造」雙聲。另外還有很多相鄰兩 的雙聲現象,這是利用 雙聲的重複音效,連綴了兩個音組,形成頂真連綴的韻律。疊 、疊韻則多出現在韻腳上, 使得韻的音響在預期的規律中提前出現,讓整齊的近體句式產生長短句的節奏。李賀重複音 響的詩例不多,對應形式極為豐富,說明了李賀安排重複音響的技巧是相當純熟多元的。
李賀詩韻律手法多元,呼應綿密,音調和美,如此的聲音表現並非信手走筆,自然天成, 乃是詩人精心錘鍊,將層層的韻律巧妙地交疊築構而成,展現出的高度藝術技巧。
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利用視象工具進行寫作前構思訓練對作文成績的影響 : 控制組前後測準實驗設計 = The influence of prewriting training by using visual tools on achievement in Chinese composition : control group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design何嘉華, 01 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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目標理解影響嬰兒的動作模仿 / Goal understanding influences infants' imitation of actions王維屏, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
目標解讀在許多不同的模仿理論中均受到重視,並被認為是模仿學習中的關鍵。其中,目標導向的模仿理論認為在模仿過程裡,觀察者會將動作要素以階層關係重組為主要目標和次要目標,在資源有限的情況下,次要目標在模仿中容易被忽略,只重現主要目標。本研究修訂過去研究嬰兒目標導向模仿之作業,探索示範中的動作方向及口語提示線索如何影響嬰兒的目標導向模仿。在實驗1中,嬰兒看到示範者以跳躍或滑行的動作方式將玩偶移動至桌面或盒子裡,結果發現嬰兒會在沒有盒子的情境中模仿不同的動作方式,並在有盒子的情境裡模仿示範者的位置選擇。實驗2修訂實驗1的程序,延後呈現運動方向提示目標的時間,結果發現移動路徑的改變會使嬰兒在有盒子情境裡模仿位置選擇的正確性下降。實驗3在示範開始前加入口語提示協助嬰兒區辨目標位置,並使用與實驗2相同的移動路徑,結果發現口語提示無法增加有盒子情境位置選擇的正確性,反而使無盒子情境中模仿動作方式的表現減少。嬰兒的模仿行為不能完全用目標導向模仿理論中目標的階層排序解釋,示範情境、溝通互動以及語言等不同線索皆可能影響嬰兒推理目標的方式,改變模仿的傾向。 / The goal-directed theory of imitation claims that infants imitate an action by decomposing it into separate and hierarchically organized goals. When resources are limited, infants ignore less important goals to reproduce main goals. The evidence of this theory is that infants prefer to imitate action outcomes over styles when an external goal was present. In contrast, infants take action styles as major goals when there was no observable outcome. In this research, we investigated how movement direction and verbal information influence the goal-directed imitation process. In Experiment 1, we replicated the goal-choice imitation task used in previous research. 18-month-old infants observed an adult moving a toy animal in different action styles (slide or hop) into one of the two boxes (box condition) or onto the table (no-box condition).The results showed that infants imitated the action styles in no-box condition and matched the location choice in box condition. In Experiment 2, we modify the task by delaying the timing of movement direction cue for goal choice. Infants imitated the box choices less accurately after observing the modified demonstration. In Experiment 3, we verbalized the actor’s goal to investigate whether the goal choice errors in Experiment 2 are due to the lack of goal salience. We found no increase for the accuracy of matching location in the box condition but a decrease for the imitation of action styles in the no-box condition. In addition to the tendency to imitate different goals in different conditions, the study suggests important roles of movement direction and verbal cues in infants’ goal-directed imitation.
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