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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以詞彙功能語法分析中文的「移位矛盾」 / Movement Paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese: A Lexical-Functional Approach

顏婉玲, Yen,Wan ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「詞彙功能語法」來分析中文「移位矛盾」之現象,以Bresnan (2001)針對英文movement paradoxes以及Huang (1989),Her (1999)針對中文「移位矛盾」之研究為基礎,探討當述語所要求的典型的「名詞組賓語」被禁止出現時,將藉由體現為主題來滿足述語對賓語的要求,但並不是所有詞類的賓語都可以體現為滿足述語要求的主題。因此,本論文將中文中帶有移位矛盾現象的述語分為三大類,蒐集並分析這三大類述語在語料庫中的語料,將得以呈現只有名詞組、動詞組、句子以及帶有引介主題標記的介系詞組可以體現為主題。本論文更進一步為可以體現為主題的詞組建立一個階層,在此階層中位階最高的是名詞組,代表著名詞組在體現為帶有移位矛盾現象的述語之主題時,所受到的限制最小。除此之外,這個階層帶有遞移性,任一詞組若是可以體現為主題,則在階層中位階比該詞組高的詞組,也都可以體現為該述語的主題,反之則不一定成立。 / Based on Bresnan’s (2001) study of movement paradoxes in English and Huang’s (1989) and Her’s (1999) studies of movement paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese, this study discusses that when the prototypical NP object required by the predicate is forbidden to map to the OBJ function in the f-structure, this required NP argument must be realized as TOP identified with the missing OBJ to satisfy the Completeness and Coherence Conditions. However, not all category types of phrases can be realized as TOPs. Thus, this study classes the Mandarin Chinese predicates with movement paradoxes into three types; collect and analyze the data in the corpus. The analysis presents that only NP, VP, CP, and PP with topic-introducing marker can be realized as TOPs identified with the missing OBJ. Moreover, this study forms a hierarchy. The NP’s highest status in this hierarchy represents that it is the least restricted category type in being able to be realized as TOP of predicates with movement paradoxes. In addition, if one category type can be realized as TOP of one predicate, other category types with a higher priority can be realized as TOP of that predicate as well, but not vice versa.

從領屬到時貌-客語有字句之研究 / From Possession to Aspect---Evidence from Hakka Yu Constructions

陳如慧, Emily Chen, Ju-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
客語的「有」字就其語法功能而言可以作動詞、助動詞、及動詞補語用。就其意義上而言,「有」標示著領屬義、強調義、及結果完成義。在這些共時歧異的功能意義背後,實存在著一個核心意義---領有。本論文旨在用語法化理論將客語「有」字之共時分歧用法作一合理之解釋,而提出三個主張:第一、將存在的概念提升至更深層,將之視為領有義的預設。第二、將領有義分析為更基本的基模(source schemas)。第三、利用這些基本的基模來解釋「有」字的各種延伸意義。透過這樣的角度分析客語「有」字句,將可以更合理的解釋「有」的共時歧異現象。 / Hakka Yu 'to own, to possess' has various grammatical functions. It can function as a full-fledged verb, appear in a serial verb construction, serve as an auxiliary, and act as a verbal complement. With the structural complexity, Hakka Yu denotes possession, emphatic assertion and the existence of the resultative state of being. The divergent syntactic behaviors as well as the different functions of Hakka Yu do not share the same surface form by chance. The coincidence suggests that there must be an extant semantic core that links together all the seemingly unrelated functions exhibited by various syntactic structures of Yu. This thesis, aiming at linking the diversity of usage of Yu, claims that the structural divergence of Yu corresponds to the "cline of grammaticality," which synchronically refers to a continuum at one hand of which is a fuller lexical form, and at the opposite end, a reduced grammatical form. Three major claims are therefore advanced to account for the synchronic differences of Hakka Yu.


張雅媜 Unknown Date (has links)
擬聲詞是一特殊的詞類,靈活運用於各種文學作品與口語間。早從《詩經》開始,擬聲詞已頻繁地出現在各類文學作品中,到了元代,擬聲詞的運用更是大放異彩。本論文以《全元散曲》作為研究材料,歸納分析擬聲詞在元散曲中的構成方式與運用,探究其中的聲韻特色與語法功能,希冀藉由擬聲詞對元代語言與文學作如實客觀的分析。 擬聲詞在散曲上的運用與特色,必受其文學與時代背景的影響,因此論文內容首先即對擬聲詞的定義與性質歸屬作一統整與釐清,進而探究元散曲的語言特色與擬聲詞的關係。元散曲中的擬聲詞是為元散曲語言的其中一環,擬聲詞在《全元散曲》中的特色,與元散曲語言是息息相關的,從擬聲詞在元散曲中的靈活運用,更可佐證元散曲自然生動的用語、靈活變化的體式與優美和諧的聲韻。論文內容進一步歸納分析《全元散曲》中的擬聲詞,依擬聲詞構成音節數分類,其中再以描摹的對象分做自然現象所發之聲、蟲鳴鳥獸所發之聲、人類言行所發之聲、器物所發之聲等加以探討,歸結出《全元散曲》中的擬聲詞以雙音節結構為多,三音節ABB式結構較以往普遍,擬聲詞描摹對象則多為器物聲響。探究擬聲詞的音韻特色,描摹大自然聲音聲母多為擦音﹝s﹞;描摹器物之聲聲母多用塞音,韻尾則多為帶有共鳴效果的鼻音。單一詞素聲母發音方法以塞音居多,偶數音節聲母多含邊音成分,韻母結構類型則集中於單元音與陽聲韻。另從語法功能方面探究《全元散曲》中的擬聲詞,發現元散曲擬聲詞在語法上多作謂語功能,常見「擬聲詞+結構助詞」藉以平衡音節,三音節以上的擬聲詞多見於襯字中。 擬聲詞隨著時代的發展已逐漸多樣且富有變化,而元曲活潑自然與口語化的風格更讓擬聲詞的詞彙更為豐富,結構、音韻、語法更具特色。《全元散曲》中的擬聲詞不僅承襲了以往擬聲詞的運用,也拓展了擬聲詞的前瞻性,奠定了不可抹滅的地位。

中英文處所詞倒置之比較 / Comparison of locative inversion in Mandarin and English

黃郁玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是採用詞彙功能語法以及篇章功能語法來檢視處所詞倒置的結構在中英文裡的表現,分別從四個層次來檢視,包括了語意結構、詞組結構、句法功能結構、以及信息結構。首先,能進行處所詞倒置的動詞必須要是帶有一個客體及一個方位詞的論元結構,或是帶有一個由主事者和客體所組成的複合論元以及一個方位詞的論元結構。其次,在詞組結構中,英文的前置處所詞是屬於介系詞,而中文裡的前置處所詞是屬於名詞。再者,前置的處所詞在中文裡是位於主詞的位置,但在英文裡是句法功能結構上的主詞。最後,在句子的信息結構上,考量到信息編排的方式,後置的名詞傾向是無定的名詞而非代名詞,而且傾向是比前置的處所詞還要長的詞組。就篇章信息而言,處所詞倒置必須考慮到對前的連結及對後的連結。另外在文體修飾上為了對仗的效果也會促使處所詞倒置的產生。 透過對比分析,本篇論文有系統地比較英文和中文在處所詞結構的表現,主要目的在於為學習英文的中文講者提供教學上的啟發。而將理論語法運用在教學語法上,也顯示出這兩者語法之間的關連性以及合作性。一方面理論語法可以提供教學語法一個強而有力的理論後盾;另一方面,教學語法也提供了理論語法研究的動機。總的來說,將理論語法運用在教學方面,不僅對語言教學有助益,對語言學研究的領域上也有相當的幫助。 / This paper examines locative inversion construction by adopting Lexical Functional Grammar and discourse grammar. The examination concerns both English and Mandarin, from four structure levels, a-structure, c-structure, f-structure, and information structure. First, a locative inversion verb takes an a-structure of <theme locative> or <agent-theme locative>. Second, in c-structure, the preposed locative belongs to PP in English but to NP in Mandarin. Third, whereas the preposed locative phrase is in the subject position in Mandarin, the one in English is only a functional subject in f-structure. Finally, in information structure, given information packaging, the postposed theme is inclined to be an indefinite nominal instead of a pronoun and to be a longer constituent than the preposed locative phrase; in contextual information, a linking device, used either anaphorically or cataphorically, is necessary for locative inversion, and stylistic parallelism further facilitates the occurrence of locative inversion. With the systematic comparison of English and Mandarin, this paper aims to provide pedagogical suggestions in regard to English learning for Mandarin speakers, by virtue of the use of Contrastive Analysis. The application of theoretical grammar to the language teaching field indicates the correlation and cooperation between theoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar. On the one hand, the theoretical grammar provides a firm and reliable theoretical support for language teaching; on the other hand, the pedagogical grammar is the motivation to the research of theoretical grammar. All in all, the application of theoretical grammar to language teaching contributes not only to the language teaching filed but also to the linguistic research.

Taking Care of "Take": Frame and Constructions / 從語意架構和構造語法的觀點分析英語多義詞Take

李美芳, Mei-fang F. Lee Unknown Date (has links)
英語動詞take有許多不同的語意,而這些語意之間則存有密切的關聯性。藉著分析take的各種語意,可以讓我們更深入地瞭解多義詞現象。本論文藉助認知語言學派的語意架構理論和構造語法理論,深入分析了take出現在不同句法結構中所產生的不同語意及這些語意彼此之間的關聯性。研究結果發現︰當take出現在及物結構中(Caused-Affected Construction)時,透過語言使用者在觀點上不同的選擇(Windowing of Attention),會衍生出四個基本語意,分別為選擇、拿取、消耗、及狀態改變。此外,take可以與七類型的介詞片語共同表達出七種不同的語意功能。最後,take還可以與介詞組合成片語動詞,產生特殊的語意,為使動結構的邊緣衍生用法。 / The English verb take attests a wide range of meanings and provides rich resources for the exploration of polysemy. Attempting to examine how the various senses of take are related to one another, this thesis investigates the meaning relatedness under the framework of Frame Semantics, which postulates that a conceptual representation is required to fully capture verb semantics (Fillmore and Atkins 1992, 2000), and Construction Grammar, which holds that constructions found in language are the basic units of language and that verb semantics interacts with constructions, thus yielding different meanings (Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997). A careful examination of data reveals that take derives a variety of senses both from its interaction with the semantics of other components in the constructions and from different windowings of take’s conceptual frame. When integrated with the Caused-Affected Construction, the take construction acquires the senses of choosing, grabbing, consuming, and changing. When integrated with the Caused-Motion Construction, the take construction is found to be prototypically followed by prepositional phrases exhibiting seven semantic functions. When occurring in less prototypical cases of the Caused-Motion Construction, the meaning of the take construction blends into the meaning of the preposition following right behind it.

中文學習者的事件時間理解分析 / The Interpretation of Situation Time of Learners of Mandarin

吳志浩, Wu, Chi Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以“中文可以說是一種無時式(tenseless)的語言”(Lin 2006)為啟發,歸納整理中文事件謂語的種類,觀察到單一事件謂語因搭配的時間標記手段(Time-encoding Devices)不同,而可能產生不同的時間錨點(Time Anchorage),進而注意到中文實際上存在依靠單一有界[+telic]事件謂語,即能將時間錨點落在過去的可能性,也就是有界事件謂語存在過去時間默認視角(Default Viewpoint)。除了觀察單一事件謂語外,本研究亦納入了時間副詞、動詞後綴“了1”與篇章語法(Discourse Grammar)為觀察目標,本研究以問卷方式收集資料並進行量化分析,測試並觀察非中文為母語的中文學習者與中文母語人士的回饋有何異同。觀察重點如下:第一,單一有界事件謂語的過去時間默認視角存在與否;第二,單一/多重時間標記手段與單一有界事件謂語共現時,其對受試者理解事件時間產生影響。分析結果顯示,從大部分受試者的回饋中,“有界事件謂語存在過去時間默認視角”此觀念並不是普遍現象。這項結果顯示唯有標示足夠的時間標記手段,才能使聽話者理解事件時間的真正時間錨點。研究者最後以研究結果檢視現今通行的兩套華語文教材,發現中文時間標記教學練習不足,教師在教學現場時應扮演好引導學習者練習的重要角色。時間標記之所以重要,因為在在影響聽話者理解中文事件時間。本研究觀察學習者對時間的理解方式,有助於教學者,進行更有效的教學,協助達到有效的溝通。

論文中Tough-與Middle-結構句中的"容易"、"好"、與"難" / Between Tough and Middle: On Mandarin Rongyi, Hao, and Nan

劉淑梅, Liu, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在研究中文"容易","好",與"難"所屬的句式,內部結構,及此三者混淆難辨的原因。   我們認為"容易"屬Tough-結構,乃由Raising- 句主題化而來。"好"則屬Middle- 結構,是經詞彙律衍生而成。此分析正確的解釋二者表現之異同。  由歷史演變觀之,"難"應屬Tough- 結構,為"容易"之反義詞。但因近代Middle- 結構興起,表面結構與Tough同,類化作用於焉產生,"難看"為一例。 / This study aims to identify the constructions of rongyi, hao, and nan sentencesin Mandarin, analyze their internal structure, and provide appropriate accountstoward the long-term confusion among these three.   Rongyi, in our analysis, is a gradable stative verb leading a tough construction.The so-called Tough Construction in Mandarin is a topicalized raising construc-tion with a generic subject. This analysis not only captures the generalization among similalr constructions (Raising Construction, Tough Construction, and topicalized sentences) but also accounts for its characteristics such as overtagent, long-distance binding, and so on.   Hao is a prefix triggering Middle Rule which surpresses all the theta-roles of atransitive active verb but the patient-like one (with the feature [-r]), yieldinga statve verb haoV as a middle predicate. The appropriateness of middles is subject to two pragmatic constraints, which further support our treatment of middle as a lexical process. The lexical approach successfully explains the surpressed agent, the inseparability between hao and V, and some other characte-ristics of middles.   Judging from diachronic evidence, nan is basically the antonym of rongyi and ap-pears in a raising construction, tough construction, and topicalized sentences as rongyi does. Analogy takes place, however, that in some cases, nan and its following verb are reanalyzed and undergo semantic shift due to its identical linear order with middleconstruction. That reflects the characteristics of languagechange.

論動結式與使動用法的關系 : 從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹 = The relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction / Relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction;"從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹"

傅京 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

合成詞的內部構造和詞的語法屬性的相關性 = The correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese / Correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese

陳麗萍 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

「很X」構式在口語語料之句法語意分析 / The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Hěn X Constructions in Spoken Copora

陳妍儒, Chen, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討「很X」構式在口語語料中的語意變化,透過「很X」在口語語料庫及電視節目語料中的分布,分析「很X」語法化及詞彙化的情形,藉由語言學的角度,提供未來華語教學實用多樣的內涵。 過去相關文獻多集中於構式、詞類的分析,較少使用口語語料作為研究素材,而言談過程常是造成語言變化的重要因素,因此本文應用語法化及詞彙化理論,探討政治大學口語語料庫及公視節目「爸媽囧很大」中「很X」的分布情形,分析詞類結構、句法範疇及字數三個方面。兩個語料來源中「很X」的分布情形一致,「很」的語法化一直演變,「X」可擔任的範疇向其他詞類擴張,也可以由單詞、詞組、句子等字數不同的單位擔任。「很X」也藉由詞彙化持續演變,「很X」凝結為一個單位,用以修飾其他詞組或是句子。「很」除了保有表示高程度的副詞功能外,亦開始具有突顯「X」特性的功能,與特定詞類搭配時,「很X」必須一起出現才足以表達說話者的意思,這些現象顯示了「很X」的主觀性有逐漸提升的趨勢。本文以語法化和詞彙化理論來分析討論口語語料中「很X」的句法語意變化以及分布情形,研究結果可提供華語教學者進行相關學術研究、編撰教材以及實地教學的素材來源。 / The study aims to investigate the syntactic and semantic changes of hěn X constructions in spoken copora. Many studies have discussed the history of hěn, the development of its degree adverb function and the host expansion of X. To understand the gradual changes of hěn X in daily usages, the study, extracting the data from the NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese and Taiwan Public Telivision show, examines the grammaticalization and lexicalization patterns of hěn X . Several findings are found. First, the syntactic and semantic distributions of both sources are consistent. While adjectives and stative verbs still claim the majority of X, new categories of words are discovered, showing host expansion of hěn X. Second, not only words but also phrases and clauses can play the role of X. The flexibility of the length of hěn X demonstrates the gradual grammaticalization of hěn.On the other hand, hěn X can also be used as a unit to modify other grammatical constittuents, showing lexicalization process is also happening regarding. In particular, when hěn X is regarded as a unit, hěn appears to be obligatory, not only indicating degree but also highlighting the characteristics of X. The analysis of the spoken materials also clearly demonstrates that subjectivity is increasing in hěn X. These findings of hěn X in spoken copora can be applied to linguistic studies and Mandarin teaching.

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