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語言特區理論框架下的宋詞語言現象研究 / Study of songci language under the framework of special linguistic zone theory張力 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese Language and Literature
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臺語述補式結構之研究-以論旨結構為本之分析 / The Strucuture of Verb-Complement Constructions in Taiwanese: An Argument Structure Approach杜陳聖, Du, Chen Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文擬論述臺語述補式結構之語法與語意特性。述補式複合結構由兩個動詞或一個動詞及一個表示此一動詞之時帽組合成。由於臺語文獻中缺乏此類結構之研究,我們瀏灠了漢語中有關術補式複合動詞之研究,並採用張郇慧教授以論旨結構為本之分析模式。此結構之形成與論旨結構及句法上之及物性密切相關。除了此結構之形成外,我們亦討論其句法及語意系統與論旨結構之關聯。我們希望能藉此研究對此結構提供清楚而基本之概念。 / The previous studies on Taiwanese focus on the phonology and written forms, but few on other fields.In the thesis, we adopt a widely usde structure: Verb-Complement Construction to explore the syntax and semantics of the construction.Verb-Complement Constructions consist of two verbs or one verb plus a functional item which specifies verbal of the first verb. Due to the lack of previous studies on the topic, we first review several analyses on Mandarin Verb-Complement Compounds and adopt Chang's (1994) argument-structure-based analysis as the research approach. We propose that two factors contribute to the formation of this construction: syntactic transitivity and argument structure.The argument structure is divided into two categories: full-fledged and degenerated. Verb-complement Constructions, syntactically speaking, are formed by the combinations of transitive-transitive, intransitive-intransitive, and transitive-intransitive. Verb-Complement Constructions with full-fledged argument structure are distinguished into eight types based on the five types of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity; Verb-complement constructions with degenerated argument structure are classified into four types based on the four kinds of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity. We argue that different syntactic structures such as middle forms, verb copying constructions, HO construction, and KA construction as well as semantics of the construction can be effectively accounted for by argument structure.By the study, we hope to provide a fundamental and clear picture on the construction.
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臺灣華語「在」構式的時空用法分析與應用 / The Spatial and Temporal Functions of Zài Constructions in Taiwan Mandarin: Analyses and Applications陳英智, Chen,Yin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於探討「在」各種構式的概念、句式的意義以及語意上的各種分布,從語料中觀察母語人士和非母語人士「在」使用上的差異,並將研究結果應用於華語教材的設計中。研究者將先前關於「在」的詞類討論、構式的內容、句式義、相關變式的文獻做一整裡,發現過去「在」的研究多集中於語言現象的討論,在教學上的應用較少,於是運用認知功能學派的理論釐清「在」的概念、構式意義和功能後,調查語料庫「在」的語意和構式的分布,發現「在+處所」的構式無論是臺灣母語人士的語料庫還是中介語語料庫都顯示極高的頻率,占學習者書面語語料中的76.6%,口語語料也占了63.5%,其他語意範疇所占的比例不高,和母語人士相較下,調查結果顯示非母語人士在書面語上對「在」的使用掌握度不夠全面,仍停留在原型的語意,而口語的掌握度較高。因此,本文以構式語法和認知語言學的理論為基礎,一方面使用語料庫研究法考察語意範疇的分布,另一方面採用對比法研究檢視華語學習者的中介語句,並使用變換分析法討論句式變化的合理性,更進一步將構式、隱現、相關變式的考察成果結合認知功能教學法與任務式教學法,設計出符合認知功能主張的教材內容與練習,以幫助學生徹底掌握「在」構式的深刻內涵。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate concepts associated with zài constructions, focusing on their different meanings and semantic distributions. Having observed native speakers’ and non-native speakers’ different performances in corpora, the researcher applies the study results to the design of Taiwan Mandarin teaching materials. After reviewing literature on discussions about part of speeches of zài, zài constructions, meanings of sentences and related transformations, the researcher discovers that previous studies have made more efforts to discuss linguistic phenomena rather than pedagogic applications. As a result, by utilizing the theories of cognitive-functional approaches to clarify the concepts, constructional meanings, and functions of zài, the researcher investigates the semantic and construction distributions of zài and finds out that “zài+ location” displays the highest frequency in both corpora of native and non-native speakers: 76.6% in interlanguage corpora in form of written language and 63.5% in interlanguage corpora in form of spoken language. Other semantic categories, however, have lower frequency. In addition, the result of investigation indicates that non-native speakers hardly master all dimensions of zài, and they still remain at the prototypical level in written language, but know spoken language better. Therefore, based on construction grammar and cognitive linguistics, this study on the one hand uses corpus study to inspect the distribution of semantic categories, and on the other hand, adopts contrastive study to inspect Mandarin learners’ interlanguage and employs transformation analysis to debate the rationality of transformation. Furthermore, the researcher, based on the results of studies on constructions, appearance and disappearance of zài , transformations with cognition-functional teaching methods and the task-based approach, designs contents and exercises conforming to cognition-functional approaches in order to help Mandarin learners know zài constructions thoroughly.
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Argument-Function Linking in Yami:An Optimality-Theoretic Account / 雅美語的論旨角色與語法功能連結:以優選理論分析鄧敦弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在描述並嘗試以優選詞彙功能語法理論(OT-LMT)處理雅美語的論旨角色與語法功能的連結。雅美語的論旨角色與語法功能連結呈現出作格語言的特性,以致跟中文或英文有很大的差別。並且雅美語的連結又受到了焦點系統的影響,所以更加的複雜。現存的連結理論無論是以變換語法理論為基礎或以詞彙語法為基礎的,似乎都無法很直接簡潔的描述雅美語。本論文嘗試架構一個以優選理論為基礎的新連結模型,並且除了將之使用在雅美語上之外,也同時以這個新的模型來處理中文和英文中的連結。由於優選理論具有彈性的特性,這三種語言不同的連結模式,都可以被包含在這個新的模型當中。 / This thesis studies the problem of argument-function linking in Yami and makes the fundamental claim that linking in Yami shows an ergative pattern, quite different from that in accusative languages, such as Mandarin and English. The linking phenomenon in Yami is complicated by its special voice system. Existing linking theories do not account for Yami straightforwardly. In trying to find a framework that can handle the Yami data, we find the flexibility of Optimality Theory a promising solution. The first part of this thesis is a description of the argument-function linking pattern in Yami and the proper place of the voice system is also discussed. And then we review several grammatical theories on linking. Both transformation-based theories and lexicalist theories are examined. We will demonstrate how these theories fail to account for linking in Yami in a straightforward manner. Thus we provide an optimality-theoretic account based on the lexical mapping theory of Lexical-Functional Grammar. This newly developed framework is applied not only to the Yami data but also to the relevant Mandarin and English data. It is claimed that this framework can accommodate all three different languages.
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認知情態義與主觀化之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究 / The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka葉秋杏, Yeh, Chiou-shing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據現代客語語料庫,探討臺灣客語評注性情態副詞在語法化、詞彙化以及語用化運作之下的發展過程,以及情態與語言演變機制之間的關係。藉由三個知識性情態詞,本文對於評注性情態副詞之分佈、語義和句法特徵進行詳細的描述。藉由檢視其構式結構以及運用相關測試,證實評注性情態副詞不但遵守副詞修飾範域:話語行為副詞 > 情態副詞 (評論副詞 > 知識性情態副詞) > 附加副詞,也同樣依循情態詞之階層分佈:知識性情態詞 > 義務性情態詞 > 動力性情態詞。在他們所處之語意語境以及語用語境影響之下,語用推論的產生導引出重新分析,此轉喻強化現象,致使評注性情態副詞在階段發展中經歷了語法及語意之轉變。在語言使用之溝通目的下,評注性情態副詞透過語境誘發之重新解釋形成了歧義現象,並進一步固定化為獨立之語意。綜言之,奠基於臺灣客語語料庫之實際語料,本文提供了對評注性情態副詞全面的深入探索。研究結果具有兩項主要貢獻:將語法化,詞彙化和語用化的理論框架納入臺灣客語情態副詞之分析;並藉由語言實證展示情態與主觀性之間相互關係之理論模式。 / This dissertation takes a corpus-based approach in an attempt to explain the development of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts with epistemic interpretation on the theoretical ground of the mechanisms of linguistic change, including grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization. The main focus of this research is on the interaction between modality and the three mechanisms. A fine-grained analysis is provided to examine the morphological characteristics and syntactic structures of epistemic and evaluative modality disjuncts, exemplified by three cases in Taiwan Hakka. Several constructions and tests are manipulated to figure out the scope of modal disjuncts, which warrant the postulation of the scope hierarchy of illocutionary disjunct > modality disjunct (evaluative > epistemic) > adjunct, as well as the ranking of epistemic modal > deontic modal > dynamic modal. Thanks to their semantic-pragmatic contexts, the operation of pragmatic inferences lead them into reanalysis, giving rise to grammatical and semantic shift from one stage to the next. Metonymic strengthening is claimed to be the key to motivate such developments. The usage in a context triggers context-induced reinterpretation, resulting in ambiguity.
Overall, this dissertation, probing into actual language usages from corpora, proposes a full-fledged analysis on modality disjuncts. The findings feature two significant contributions—an integration of the theoretical frameworks of grammaticalization, lexicalization and pragmaticalization into the analysis of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts; and a demonstration of linguistic investigation for the theorization on the relationship between modality and subjectivity.
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臺灣客語強化程度副詞之分析:以口語語料庫為本 / Degree Intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka: a study based on a Spoken Corpus胡雪瀅, Hu, Hsueh-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
日常生活中,由於表達的需要,說話者常會使用強化程度副詞,作為增強或強調其所欲言的一種手段。本論文旨在藉由觀察口語語料庫中的對話,將臺灣客語六個常見強化程度副詞「恁、當、蓋、盡、異、還」視作強化程度副詞詞群,進一步以[DI. + X] 結構討論以下面向:(一) 探討其後接修飾之成分在句法、語意層面之表現。本文發現其後接成分可分為典型成分類與非典型成分類,以形容詞一類為大宗,其後接成分會受到等級性(gradability)、有界與無界性(boundedness)等參數影響語意的解讀。(二) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X]結構於句法所扮演的角色。本文發現此結構多半出現在謂語之位置,除了強化語意外,同時也展現說話者之態度或對某主題之評價。(三) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X] 結構於口語使用中的語法化與詞彙化現象,本文認為這些現象由於溝通需要,亦會伴隨提升主觀性(subjectivity),尤其是強化程度副詞「恁」的主觀性為詞群中最高。藉由上述不同面向探討與分析臺灣客語六個強化程度副詞「恁」、「當」、「蓋」、「盡」、「異」、「還」之表現,以期能更系統性解釋強化程度副詞是如何在口語使用中展現與運作。 / The aim of the present study is to examine the [DI. + X] construction manifested by the six degree intensifiers 恁an2, 當dong1, 蓋goi3 , 盡qin3 ,異i3 , and還han5 in Taiwan Hakka based on their authentic usages in a spoken corpus. Three findings can be reported as follows. First, by exploring the modified elements from the aspect of their structure and meaning, the study classifies the modified elements into canonical and non-canonical usages. X as AP takes up the majority of the occurrences of the syntactic categories. Such manifestation can be accounted for various linguistic behaviors of gradability and boundedness. Second, the [DI. + X] construction usually serves as a predicate, the prominent grammatical function, in a clause. This implies that the [DI. + X] construction is generally adopted by different speakers to not only add intensity but also make judgements or comments. Third, the [DI. + X] construction displays grammaticalization and lexicalization. Due to communication needs, these linguistic phenomena can also motivate the subjectivity. It is found that the [恁an2 + X] construction can display the highest subjectivity among the six. To sum up, this study, with its analysis of different syntactic and semantic aspects of the six degree intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka, offers useful insights into explaining the manifestation of degree intensifiers during speech.
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《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯與語義研究 / Alogical and Semantic Study of negatives in Zutangji張皓得, Chang, Ho-Deug Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞為研究對象。首先,用演繹法來建立假設,用歸納法(完全歸納法)來驗證其假設。我們所處的現實世界都是由時間和空間構成的,這種世界與時間結合而造成「事」,與空間結合而產生「物」,我們通常合稱為「事物」。基於這種基本觀點,可說語言結構是一種現實世界的表達,因而它如實地或刻意地反映這種現實世界,而且這些看法也可適用於漢語否定詞的體系。由此,筆者主要用演繹法來大膽地假設說漢語的m系否定詞表達「空間性概念」,而p系否定詞表達「時間性概念」。第參、肆、伍和陸章,利用這種假設,剖析《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞而驗證此假設與《祖堂集》的否定詞用法是否吻合。第二,在語言的邏輯結構層次分析上,在本篇論文的第參章裡,用謂詞邏輯研究法分析《祖堂集》裡出現的否定句以解釋早期近代漢語否定詞的邏輯結構與語言結構的同異。第三,用具有普遍性的語言學方法論,如「區別性特徵(distinctive feature) 」、「標記成分(marked member)」、「直接成分分析法(immediate constituent analysis,ICA)」、「互補分布(complementary distribution)」、「有定(definite reference)和無定(indefinite reference)」、「焦點(focus)、新信息(new information)以及舊信息(old information) 」、「義素分析法(seme analysis或componential analysis)」等,在第肆、伍和陸章裡分析探討《祖堂集》否定詞在邏輯語言結構層次或純粹語言結構層次上的語法結構和語義特點。第四,用計量和統計方法來分析《祖堂集》否定詞的分布情況以解釋近代漢語否定詞的面貌和體系。最後,用漢語否定詞的歷時演變來解釋《祖堂集》否定詞的共時結構,並且透過這種解釋來檢討本篇論文的結論是否具有妥當性。就研究步驟來說,先把《祖堂集》全文輸入到電腦,按否定詞類別歸類而分析探討否定詞的邏輯、語法和語義。
本篇文論共分八章,579頁。第壹章敘論,主要論及研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法、否定界說、否定範圍和否定焦點。第貳章邏輯結構、語言結構和否定詞,主要討論「邏輯結構與語言結構之間的同異」、「邏輯的同異問題與否定」以及「時空、語言實詞分類和《祖堂集》否定詞分類(m系否定詞和p系否定詞)之間的關係」。第參章《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯意義分析,主要用謂詞邏輯學的方法分析《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯結構和邏輯意義。第肆章《祖堂集》m系「否定詞」之語義分析(一)-「無」,主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討m系否定詞當中「無」字在邏輯語言層次和純粹語言層次上之邏輯結構、語法結構和語義特點。第伍章《祖堂集》m系「否定詞」之語義分析(二),主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討其他m系否寫詞在純粹語言層次上之語法結構和語義特徵,如「未」、「莫」、「勿」、「沒」、「亡」、「罔」、「靡」和「微」。第陸章《祖堂集》p系「否定詞」之語義分析,主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討《祖堂集》的p系否定詞在邏輯語言層次和純粹語言層次上之邏輯意義、語法結構和語義特點,如「不」、「非」、「匪」、「否」和「弗」。本章後面附帶討論「休」字,上古漢語時期它的否定用法不存在,到後來產生於方言之中,因此它不屬於所謂m/p系否定詞。第柒章《祖堂集》中「否定詞」之邏輯和語義特點,主要探討《祖堂集》否定詞在邏輯層次和語言層次上之特點,如「矛盾關係(contradictory relation)、反對關係(contrary relation)與否定詞」、「時空關係與否定詞」、「主客關係與否定詞」、「常變關係、動靜關係與否定詞」、「時間的空間化(量化)」、「空間的時間化」、「客觀現象的意志化」、「肯定與否定的選擇(疑問)」、「測度否定」、「名詞的述語化」、「雙重否定」、「否定詞之互用」等等。第捌章結論,用三張圖表,把《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞系統化,扼要地解釋而究明第壹章敘論中的六條研究目標。最後附有引用及主要參考書目和《祖堂集》否定詞索引。
總之,筆者利用《祖堂集》裡出現的否定詞探討否定詞在符號隱性系統和符號顯性系統上的特徵。由此,筆者發現到幾點新理論,第一、語言研究要區分符號隱性系統和符號顯性系統,才能得到完善的結果。第二、邏輯學的「矛盾(contradiction)」和「反對(contrary)」顯現為語言的否定詞時,在《祖堂集》裡,區別「矛盾」和「反對」的關鍵在於否定詞是否替代其相應的肯定形式。第三、《祖堂集》的漢語否定詞不僅具有一個完整的系統(paradigm),而且從古到今一直維持m系和p系兩組系統,因為m系和p系否定詞分別表示邏輯意義上的空間概念和時間概念。其他純粹語言結構層次上的否定詞用法都是在這種邏輯意義的基礎上衍生出來的,如「時間的量化否定」、「疑問否定」、「測度否定」、「『無』義否定」等等。第四、邏輯學的矛盾概念和反對概念顯現為語言符號時,產生一些問題,因此研究符號顯性系統的否定詞,反對概念還要分成「確定反對(definite contrary)」和「不定反對(indefinite contrary)」。
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謎と力 エリザベス朝悲劇の成立と変容三盃, 隆一 25 November 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第13283号 / 論文博第647号 / 新制||文||681(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 廣田 篤彦, 教授 佐々木 徹, 准教授 森 慎一郎 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM
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