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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

漢語親子對話中的問答現象 / Questions and Responses in Mandarin Parent-child Conversation

林以舷, Lin, Yi Xian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語母子對話中孩童問句的語言形式和語用功能,以及其問句和母親回應之間的關係。研究語料來自於一對以漢語為母語的母子在日常生活的對話,孩童的年紀約為二至三歲。研究將孩童問句的語用功能分為四類:詢問訊息(informational)、請求行為(directive)、對話修補(conversational)以及針對自我(self-directed)。母親針對孩童問句所作的回應分為三類:直接回應(answers)、非直接回應(non-answer responses)與無回應(no answers)。研究發現漢語孩童大量依賴疑問詞問句和語助詞問句,而隨著年紀增長,孩童的問句語言形式也更趨多元。研究也發現孩童多使用問句來詢問訊息,而孩童使用問句執行對話修補功能的比例也隨著年紀增長而有所增加,另外,執行此項功能的問句的語言形式也隨年紀增長而越加豐富。最後,研究發現孩童問句多伴隨母親的回應,而母親的回應有時會重複孩童問句或以問句形式出現鼓勵孩童參與對話。 / The study aims to investigate forms and functions the child’s questions and their relations to the mother’s responses in Mandarin mother-child conversations. The data examined are from one mother-child dyad. The child is around two and three years old. The pragmatic functions of the child’s questions are categorized into four types: informational, directive, conversational and self-directed. The mother’s responses to the child’s questions are categorized into three types: answers, non-answer responses and no answers. The results show that the child mostly uses wh-questions and sentence-final particle questions. As the child grows older, the question forms he uses become more various. In addition, the child uses questions mainly to ask for factual knowledge. The child’s questions which repair the breakdown of the conversation are significant as the child grows older. The result suggests that the child gradually becomes a skillful conversationalist. Last, the data reveals that the child’s questions are mostly followed by the mother’s responses, and the mother’s responses may be related to the pragmatic functions of the child’s questions. The mother’s responses also exhibit some characteristics in child-directed speech in order to encourage the child’s participation in verbal interactions.


小松原, 哲太 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19080号 / 人博第733号 / 新制||人||176(附属図書館) / 26||人博||733(吉田南総合図書館) / 32031 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)准教授 谷口 一美, 教授 東郷 雄二, 教授 須田 千里, 教授 山梨 正明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

語用論的観点から見たドイツ語存在表現―es gibt構文の分類と用法を中心に―

大喜, 祐太 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21169号 / 人博第841号 / 新制||人||202(附属図書館) / 29||人博||841(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 河崎 靖, 教授 齋藤 治之, 准教授 守田 貴弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

民間預兆在現代俄語話語中的語義與語用功能分析 / Folk Omens in the Modern Russian Discourse: Semantic, Functional, and Pragmatic Aspects

王薇媛, Wang, Wei Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
「預兆」即為民間創作微體裁,作為語言中的固定格言,同時也是具勸諭性的完整句。它的存在相當根深柢固,因為人人皆有將時、事、已知與未知連結起來的心理需求,並希望獲知未來訊息、根據預測修正自己的行為。 近年來,民間創作微體裁引起俄羅斯與各國學者的興趣,並受到各流派的研究。大部份的民間創作體裁已逐漸消亡,其中包括壯士歌、童話與歷史歌曲等。但是作為話語體裁的民間預兆不同於上述創作,在現代俄羅斯語言文化學的地位仍極為穩固,Primeta.yaxy.ru、Primety.net等相關網站即可間接證明該論點。 本論文旨在研究民間預兆於俄語國家語料庫(НКРЯ)十八世紀末至二十一世紀初文學及政論作品中的語義與語用功能。學者的首要研究著重在天氣徵兆、與天氣息息相關的禮俗、產業、日子以及其他主題性的預兆。對與物品相關,且含有「錢」、「房屋、器具」、「食物」、「衣服、鞋、配飾」等意義關鍵成分的預兆研究相對少很多。因此,對它們的研究便顯得更加重要。

臺灣英語為外語師生語用教學動機相關經驗:一個質化個案研究 / A Qualitative Case Study on Teacher’s and Students’ Motivation-related Experiences of L2 Pragmatics in Taiwan

謝明宏, Hsieh, Ming Hung Unknown Date (has links)
語用教學研究大多專注在教學成效,並以量化研究比較跨文化語用文化規範和溝通策略之差異,然,只有少數的質化研究探討語用研究理論如何落實在外語教學師生的學習動機。準確來說,本研究檢視以英語為外語師生如何看待語用能力培養,以及學習社會語言之動機相關經驗。先前文獻已經指出,第二語言語用學習動機研究,需要投入更多的努力。 因此,本質化個案研究旨在探討臺灣以英語為外語師生學習語用動機。資料蒐集透過面訪、課室觀察和課堂筆記以及研究者的省思日誌,從學習動機的角度審視外語語用教學,洞悉多層次語言學習動機。 研究結果顯示,受訪師生均認為語用教學對第二語言發展極為重要,縱使社會政治情境因素的干擾,諸如考試領導教學、授課時數嚴重不足和偏重語法教學,然而,在學習語言禮貌和適切性方面,受訪者均偏好語言實用功能和實際生活應用,甚於傳統單一語法教學。受訪老師指出在語言四項技能統整課程,語用教學比例明顯偏低,認為語用教學在臺灣並不普及。另外,臺灣英語為外語老師普遍未能滿足學生語用學習需求。 雖然師生起初對學習外語語用似乎未注意其重要性,然而,在回顧外語學習的歷程中,受訪者提高對於文化適切表達之醒覺。本研究期許幫助臺灣學習英語為外語師生了解語用教學在溝通功能中扮演的重要角色,促進未來語用教學研究之實踐,發展語言使用者之溝通能力。 / Though much of L2 pragmatics research has focused on the effectiveness of instructional pragmatics and cross-cultural variations of pragmatic norms and strategies used in the target language via cross-sectional quantitative research, little, however, has been conducted to explore teachers’ and students’ motivational experiences of implementing pragmatics instruction in real-life teaching and learning practices in EFL contexts. Specifically, little was known about what and how teachers and students perceive the role of developing pragmatic ability and their motivations to teach and learn socio-pragmatic functions since prior research has suggested that more research efforts should be done in the line of L2 pragmatics research. Therefore, this study aims to investigate both teachers’ and students’ motivations of learning and teaching pragmatics through qualitative research. Multiple data sources were collected through face-to-face interviews, classroom observations and field notes as well as the researcher’s reflective journals, to illuminate the dynamic, multifaceted motivational experiences of L2 instructional pragmatics. The findings suggest that both teachers and students considered the role of teaching and learning pragmatics essential to second language development pertaining to the polite and appropriate use of the target language, and its learning utility, practical functions and intrinsic interest in using language for authentic communication purposes despite the sociopolitical factors, such as exam-oriented teaching, lack of top-down institutional support and the implementation of English language policy in Taiwan. Nevertheless, the teacher voiced her inadequacy of teaching L2 pragmatics in a four-skill integrated course and demonstrated her concerns about the prevalence of teaching students how to speak English in a culturally appropriate way, which is, however, contrary to students’ eager expectations to learn L2 pragmatics. Albeit both the teacher and the students tended to ignore L2 pragmatics at first, after the initial reflections they raised their awareness of culturally speaking in an appropriate way. In this study, it was hoped to empower both teachers and students to understand their teaching and learning practices by sensitizing them to L2 pragmatics in EFL contexts, to facilitate the implementation of L2 pragmatics instruction in the classroom and to underscore the importance of developing learners’ communicative competence in Taiwan.

從跨文化角度分析台灣英語學習者回應間接抱怨語之行為 / A cross-cultural study on Chinese EFL learners' responses to indirect complaints

廖盈淑, Liao, Ying Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究以「間接抱怨的反應」的語言行為為研究方向;一方面以跨文化語用學的探討為主,研究母語為中文的台灣人與母語為美語的美國人語言行為之差異,藉以探討該語言行為的文化普遍性、獨特性;另一方面是以外語語用學的探討為主,研究台灣大專生學習美語的外語行為是否接近母語為英語的美國人,以深究研究對象的語用轉移現象。研究的四組受試人分別為36位以英語為母語的美國大學生、36位以中文為母語且以中文為學習主要媒介的台灣的大學生、36位英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生、36位英語學習程度中等的台灣大學生。蒐集語言資料的工具是語言言談情境問卷(Discourse Completion Task,簡稱DCT),依照蒐集到的語料進行量化、質化的資料分析。研究結果顯示:四組研究對象皆傾向以憐憫策略來回應間接抱怨。然而以兩項研究變項(性別與社交關係)來進一步討論時,研究結果呈現不同的策略使用:以中文為母語和英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生這兩個研究對象趨於以沉默或是轉移話題來回應女性陌生人的間接抱怨,但是英語學習程度較中等的台灣大學生,卻是較常使用建議策略來回覆陌生人。再者,探究研究對象們的語用標記時,英語學習者常轉化中文的發語詞於英語表達中,相較於以英語為母語的美國大學生,他們的語用句型也較為簡化。根據研究結果與探討,英語學習者們的英語學習程度高低並不與其語用表現成正比,這論述可以呼應語用知識是有別於語言知識的概念。故在英語為外語教學上,除了英語能力的提升外,學習者應能有機會體驗不同情境下的語用表現,自覺性的討論出該表現背後的不同文化意涵,進而提升其對母語文化以及目標語文化所該具有的知識與內涵。 / This study investigated response strategies to indirect complaints (IC). On the one hand, it explored the cross-cultural differences in speech behaviors between native Mandarin Chinese speakers and native American English speakers. On the other hand, it examined EFL learners’ IC response behaviors in Taiwan. Four participant groups were invited in this study: 36 native speakers of American English living in the United States, 36 native Mandarin Chinese speakers living in Taiwan, 36 EFL learners with high English proficiency level, and 36 EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level. Their language data were collected through designed Discourse Completion Test (DCT). Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to deal with the collected data. The research results indicated that the commiseration strategy was mostly used by all four participant groups. Yet, taking the two independent variables (gender and social-distance relationships) into consideration, informative results were found across different groups. The two groups of native Chinese speakers and EFL learners with high English proficiency level applied off strategy to their female strangers’ indirect complaints. On the contrary, the group of EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level used more advice strategy to their strangers’ indirect complaints. Furthermore, negative transfer was found in the EFL learners’ linguistic realization to achieve illocutionary forces, including pragmatic markers and simplified sentential expressions. The research findings implied that there was not any positive relationship between language learners’ linguistic abilities and their pragmatic performance. The implicature is correlated with the concept that pragmatic knowledge is distinct from linguistic knowledge. Thus, in EFL courses, language learners should be provided opportunities to consciously explore different cultural meanings behind speech act behaviors.

認知情態義與主觀化之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究 / The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka

葉秋杏, Yeh, Chiou-shing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據現代客語語料庫,探討臺灣客語評注性情態副詞在語法化、詞彙化以及語用化運作之下的發展過程,以及情態與語言演變機制之間的關係。藉由三個知識性情態詞,本文對於評注性情態副詞之分佈、語義和句法特徵進行詳細的描述。藉由檢視其構式結構以及運用相關測試,證實評注性情態副詞不但遵守副詞修飾範域:話語行為副詞 > 情態副詞 (評論副詞 > 知識性情態副詞) > 附加副詞,也同樣依循情態詞之階層分佈:知識性情態詞 > 義務性情態詞 > 動力性情態詞。在他們所處之語意語境以及語用語境影響之下,語用推論的產生導引出重新分析,此轉喻強化現象,致使評注性情態副詞在階段發展中經歷了語法及語意之轉變。在語言使用之溝通目的下,評注性情態副詞透過語境誘發之重新解釋形成了歧義現象,並進一步固定化為獨立之語意。綜言之,奠基於臺灣客語語料庫之實際語料,本文提供了對評注性情態副詞全面的深入探索。研究結果具有兩項主要貢獻:將語法化,詞彙化和語用化的理論框架納入臺灣客語情態副詞之分析;並藉由語言實證展示情態與主觀性之間相互關係之理論模式。 / This dissertation takes a corpus-based approach in an attempt to explain the development of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts with epistemic interpretation on the theoretical ground of the mechanisms of linguistic change, including grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization. The main focus of this research is on the interaction between modality and the three mechanisms. A fine-grained analysis is provided to examine the morphological characteristics and syntactic structures of epistemic and evaluative modality disjuncts, exemplified by three cases in Taiwan Hakka. Several constructions and tests are manipulated to figure out the scope of modal disjuncts, which warrant the postulation of the scope hierarchy of illocutionary disjunct > modality disjunct (evaluative > epistemic) > adjunct, as well as the ranking of epistemic modal > deontic modal > dynamic modal. Thanks to their semantic-pragmatic contexts, the operation of pragmatic inferences lead them into reanalysis, giving rise to grammatical and semantic shift from one stage to the next. Metonymic strengthening is claimed to be the key to motivate such developments. The usage in a context triggers context-induced reinterpretation, resulting in ambiguity. Overall, this dissertation, probing into actual language usages from corpora, proposes a full-fledged analysis on modality disjuncts. The findings feature two significant contributions—an integration of the theoretical frameworks of grammaticalization, lexicalization and pragmaticalization into the analysis of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts; and a demonstration of linguistic investigation for the theorization on the relationship between modality and subjectivity.

漢語兒童在同儕對話中的請求策略 / Mandarin-speaking preschoolers' requests in peer talk

郭妍伶, Kuo, Yen Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文目的在探討兒童在同儕對話中所使用的請求言語行為,研究問題如下:1.在同儕對話中,兒童採用哪些請求策略?、2.兒童使用哪些稱呼語(alerter)和修飾語(modification)來調整他們的請求言語行為?。研究語料來自兩人一組的兒童在玩耍時的對話,兒童的年紀在四歲三個月到五歲六個月之間(平均年齡為五歲三個月)。本研究主要採用Blum-Kulka等人的請求言語行為策略分類,包含中心行為策略(head act)、稱呼語(alerter)、修飾語(modification)三個部分。研究結果發現,在中心行為策略的三個策略中—直接請求、規約性間接請求、和非規約性間接請求,兒童使用較多的直接請求策略,特別是祈使語態句(mood derivable),顯示出兒童在同儕互動中傾向使用直接且有效力的請求策略。研究結果也發現兒童會使用稱呼語和修飾語來調整請求言語行為;在稱呼語方面,兒童使用了呼喚語(vocative)和名字(name)這兩種表親密的稱呼語來吸引同儕的注意,顯示出兒童不只能判斷對話者的注意力,也知道他們與同儕之間的對等、親近關係;在修飾語方面,兒童使用較多的緩和修飾語(mitigating modifiers),而在所有修飾語中,兒童最常使用的三種分別為語氣弱化詞(downtoner)、 原因解釋(grounder)、強化詞(intensifier),另外,我們也發現到兒童有時會使用兩種以上的修飾語在單一個請求行為中,從兒童使用的各種修飾語結果顯示,兒童在做請求時,能考量不同情況和跟同儕間的關係來調整請求言語行為。本研究對於漢語兒童在同儕互動中的請求言語行為的使用,不僅顯示出他們的溝通技巧與語用能力,也反映出同儕互動的特性。 / The purpose of this study is to explore preschool children’s performance of requests in peer talk. We aim to investigate what request strategies children employ when interacting with peers and how children adjust their requests with alerters and modifications. The data analyzed were the natural conversations produced by dyads of children aged from 4;3 to 5;6 (mean age: 5;3). The analytical framework adopted in this study is mainly based on the categorization of Blum-Kulka et al. (1989), including the three components of head act, alerter, and modification. The results show that among direct request, conventionally indirect request and non-conventionally indirect request, children employed more direct request strategies, especially mood derivable. It reveals that children’s requests tend to be direct in interactions with peers as the use of direct requests is more effective to attain compliance. In addition, children were found to use alerters and modifications on some occasions to get attention and to lessen or aggravate the request force. There were two types of alerters used by the children, which were name and vocative, and vocative was used more frequently than name. The children’s use of the two intimate alerters indicates that not only can children assess the focus of their interlocutors’ attention, but also that they are aware of their equal and close relationships with their peers. Regarding the use of modifications, it was found that children used more mitigating modifiers than aggravating modifiers, and that the children used downtoner, grounder, and intensifier more frequently among the modifiers. Moreover, although the children commonly used one request with one modifier, there were some cases where the children used more than one modifier in one request. The diversity in the use of modified requests reveals the children’s sensitivity to the situations in which they and their peers are engaged, and their consideration for the maintenance of interpersonal relationships. It is concluded that Mandarin-speaking children’s use of requests not only demonstrates their communicative skills and pragmatic competence, but also reflects the nature of peer interactions.


白川, 晋太郎 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第21482号 / 文博第787号 / 新制||文||669(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 出口 康夫, 教授 中畑 正志, 准教授 大塚 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM

中文對話中的異議現象 / Disagreement in Mandarin Chinese Conversation

林智怡, Lin, Zhi-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 提 要 研究所別: 語言學研究所 論文名稱: 中文對話中的異議現象 指導教授: 李櫻 博士 研究生: 林智怡 論文提要內容: 共壹冊,分伍章 在日常對話中,我們觀察到衝突對話是避免出現的,而大致上人們較傾向給予同意,而不傾向行使異議對話。既然在中國社會裡,面子和禮貌是相當受重視的,因此在中文對話中避免行使異議對話尤其重要。雖然在很多情境下,禮貌意味著盡量給予同意而避免異議,但顯然人們並不總是在同意他人。如果一個人不同意他的談話對象所表達的意見,他可以用一些禮貌的方式來避免威脅到對方的顏面。本篇研究的重點就是在調查當說話者要行使異議時,他們對不同的語用策略(pragmatic strategies)及語言特徵(linguistic features)的運用,並將探討說話者對談話原則中的合作原則(CP)及禮貌原則(PP)的遵守或違反。在調查的過程中,性別差異也將列入考慮。 在這篇研究當中,我們收集了九筆日常面對面對話互動的語料:三筆男對男的對話,三筆女對女的對話,三筆男與女的對話。每筆語料都是錄音自兩位熟朋友間大約四十五分鐘的對話。在語料分析的過程中,我們同時採用質性與量化的探討來調查並解釋中文對話中的異議現象。 研究結果顯示在異議時所呈現的語用策略及語言特徵似乎互相矛盾。人們傾向使用較具侵略性及競爭性的糾正策略(correction)來行使他們的異議,反而傾向用較宛轉的語言特徵來表示異議。然而,這並不是一個真正的矛盾,相反的,它可能顯示出年輕的族群不只在乎禮貌的和諧關係,同時也用較直接的語用策略來表示他們之間的一致性(solidarity)。除了用較宛轉的語言特徵來緩和行使異議時所用的較直接的語用策略外,人們在行使異議時也違反一些合作原則來實行禮貌原則或其他對話原則。不論人們如何行使異議,表面上禮貌或不禮貌,違反合作原則來遵守其他的談話原則的最終目的都是得體合宜及禮貌。 至於異議表現的性別差異,雖然一般的印象中是男性的互動比女性較具競爭性、侵略性及好辯,然而我們這裡的研究並不完全和這樣的模式吻合。女性現在較主動表達她們的意見,然而她們自由表達她們的想法只侷限在同樣是女性面前。換句話說,雖然現在的女性比傳統女性受較好的教育,男性也已意識到表現騎士風範及尊重女性的重要性,然而男女之間的權力(power)差異,似乎仍在現代社會中有著影響力。 / Abstract In daily conversation, it can be observed that conflict talk is avoided and agreement is generally preferred over disagreement. Avoidance of disagreement plays an especially important role in Mandarin Chinese conversation, since face and politeness are valued high in Chinese society. Although in many contexts being polite means maximizing areas of agreement and minimizing disagreement, clearly people do not always agree; and if one does not agree with the views expressed by a conversational partner, there are polite options available for him to avoid any possible threat on the interlocutor’s face. The focus of this study is to investigate the speakers’ use of different pragmatic strategies and linguistic features when disagreement arises, and will also discuss the speakers’ observation or violation of the conversational principles of CP and PP. In the process of our investigation, gender difference will be taken into consideration. In this study, we collect 9 dyadic face to face daily conversations: three male-to-male conversations, three female-to-female conversations, and three mixed-gender conversations. Each conversation is given by two close friends and tape-recorded around forty-five minutes. In the process of data analysis, qualitative as well as quantitative analysis will both be adopted to investigate and explain the phenomenon of disagreement in Mandarin Chinese conversation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the pragmatic strategies and the linguistic features in disagreement seems to be a contradiction. People tend to choose the aggressive and competitive strategy of correction to perform their disagreement, while they tend to choose mitigating features when performing their disagreement. However, this may not be a real contradiction. Instead, it may show that the young group’s concern is not only the harmonious relationships observed in politeness, but also the solidarity signaled by using direct pragmatic strategies. Besides using the mitigating linguistic features to tone down the direct pragmatic strategies in the performance of disagreement, people also violate some CP maxims to uphold the PP and other conversation principles when performing their disagreement. No matter how the disagreement is performed, superficially polite or impolite, the major concern and ultimate achievement of the CP violation for the sake of observation of other linguistic maxims is appropriateness and politeness. As for the gender differences in the performance of disagreement, though the overall impression is that male interaction is typically more competitive, aggressive and argumentative than female, our study here does not completely match with the general pattern. Females are now more active in expressing their opinions; however, they freely express their thought only in front of their own sex. In other words, the power difference between males and females still has its influence in this modern society though now females are better-educated than the traditional women and males have already known the importance of showing chivalry and respect to females.

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