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資料庫行銷之規劃與分析--以台灣消費品市場為例吳浩彰 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國綜合大學效率差異之衡量--資料包絡分析的應用賴仁基 Unknown Date (has links)
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導入資料採礦技術於營業稅智慧型選案之查核 / Application of data mining techniques in business tax case selection曾雨慈 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究導入資料採礦技術,以98年度零稅率冒退為例,以該年度營業人為主要的研究對象,透過本研究所建構之建模標準流程,分別利用C5.1、CHAID、QUEST、C&R Tree、羅吉斯迴歸及類神經網路等六種方法建立冒退機率模型,並加以評估及比較其預測能力。研究結果發現,經評估確立以冒退對非冒退人數之比例為1:2之下,使用C5.1分類樹技術建模的效果最佳,共有十個變數納入分類規則中,其中影響營業人冒退之最重要的變數為「應退稅額」,並產生54個判斷營業人冒退之規則。
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学校の教育活動資料と文書資料 : ケース : 小学校での教育活動「ネサヨ運動」「ネハイ運動」の資料調査からみて2001~2012HASHIMOTO, Norinao, 橋本, 典尚 31 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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資料採礦應用於企業產品訂價變化下客戶需求之研究-以個案公司為例廖文成 Unknown Date (has links)
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利用函數映射進行資料庫增值於資料採礦中林建言 Unknown Date (has links)
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巨量資料分析應用於顧客關係管理之研究 / A Study of Big Data Analytics for Customer Relationship Management黃盈智, Huang, Ying Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過次級資料的收集,探討巨量資料分析在顧客關係管理之應用,並著重於零售業、金融業與醫療業三個產業。近幾年來,巨量資料(Big Data)的浪潮襲捲而來,隨著網際網路的發展與智慧型裝置的普遍,現今每個人在日常生活中不斷產生巨量資料,透過智慧型手機、社群網站、信用卡、全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、感測器等,在無形中製造了大量的數據。而在此同時,企業用來儲存、記憶、處理資料的成本不斷降低,設備越來越便宜,技術越來越先進,再加上新的資料來源,巨量資料分析對企業的重要性不言可喻。
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離散型態配對資料模型建立探討吳東霖, Wu, Dong-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於探討各式各樣離散型態相關資料的分析方法,其中亦包含許多複選題的分析方法。幾乎每個方法皆附上範例來說明程式撰寫及分析過程,希望對有此需求的人能有所幫助。 / Problems with multiple responses are usually analyzed by observing only the sample proportions. People don't bother to make any inferences based on the sample information mostly because they do not know how to do it. Even for those who do go beyond the stage of descriptive statistics might not work it out correctly.
In the study, we review statistical methods for analyzing dependent proportions, including multiple responses. Almost every method is supplemented with an example which explains the way a related SAS program is written and the way the output is analyzed and explained. We hope that the results presented here will be helpful to those who are engaged in any analysis of multiple responses.
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開放政府資料授權條款之研究 / Licensing Open Government Data裘雅心, Chiu, Ya Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對其中授權議題,採用文獻蒐集暨文獻比較法,將目前各國政府實施開放政府資料所採用較具有代表性之開放政府資料授權條款或使用規則,像是創用CC授權條款中的CC-BY以及CC-BY-SA、ODbL、英國OGL、加拿大OGL、法國Licence ouverte以及挪威NLOD進行條款要件之比較與綜合分析,發現目前開放政府資料授權實務廣泛將公眾授權條款之概念應用在政府資料授權釋出,惟政府資料種類繁雜,在使用上亦受到既有法律與行政規則之箝制,使得目前民間社群發展之授權條款無法全盤規範政府資料釋出,而採用各國政府自行制定的使用規則雖然得有效配合當地法制達到因地制宜之效,但條款內容難以統一,使得採用不同條款釋出政府資料進行再次改作將產生條款相容性之隱憂。
考量開放政府資料的訴求為強調任何人對於資料使用不應受任何限制,本文建議政府機關實施政府資料授權時,應以開放為原則並盡量減少資料使用之限制。就目前授權實務現況觀之,得透過條款設計、建立國際標準以及跨國地區整合之方式提升各國授權條款或使用規則之間的相容性,降低政府資料使用潛在限制。若採用民間社群制定之公眾授權條款進行政府資料釋出者,應建立相關配套措施使授權條款規定得有效與國家政府運作流程結合,讓授權條款的運作機制得在政策執行中確實實踐。 / "Open Government Data" is associated with using data processing, Internet transmission and open standards to release government information. It is believed by many that a good open-data policy can help the government to improve the efficiency of governance, to accelerate administrative reform, to enhance living quality, and to promote social and economic development. The idea of open data may also benefit government transparency, public participation and accountability.
The wave of Open Government Data was originally started from a number of online communities. Now the concept of Open Government Data has been accepted as national policies in the global scale. The U.S. government and the U.K. government have been probably the most important pioneers in promoting open government data policies. Other countries like Canada and Australia also follow the trend to make their own Open Government Data policies. Taiwan government has put the idea of Open Government Data into practice since 2012. Policy considerations for Open Government Data concern different issues, such as the classification of open government data, Web platform operating, data format, licensing, charging standard, the coordination between agencies and policy promotion.
The study focuses on the licensing perspective of open government data. This study compares and analyzes the most representative license clauses and terms of use, such as CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, ODbL, UK Open Government License, Canada Open Government License, France Open license and Norwegian License for Open Government Data.
Owing to the variety of government information, not all of the government information are protected by copyright law and other related laws. In addition, there are other factor restricted the use of government information. Such regulatory limitations are occasionally conflicting with policy goals of open government data. Other issues, such as licensing compatibility may trouble government agencies to implement the open data policy.
The principles of open government data emphasize that government data should be available to anyone to access, re-use and redistribution, so the use of such data should not impose any restrictions. This study argues that licensing open government data should minimize the use of restricted data as much as possible. Considering the status quo of licensing open government data, the adjustment of structure of licensing clauses, establishing international standards and cross-nation cooperation may be the possible ways to solve the incompatibility problem mentioned previously. Moreover, governments should establish relevant supporting measures so that the licensing mechanism can smoothly fits in the legal system and successfully achieve the original policy goals.
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以企業流程模型導向實施資料庫重構之研究-以S公司為例 / The study of database reverse engineering based on business process module-with S company as an example林于新, Lin, Yu-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究設計一套資料庫重構流程,以企業流程為基礎為企業設計客製化的資料庫,並將資料從套裝軟體移轉至該理想的資料庫。流程分三階段,階段1是運用資料庫反向工程(Database Reverse Engineering)的方法,還原企業現行資料庫的資料語意和模型架構;階段2則結合流程模型(Process Model)和資料模型(Data Model)的概念,建立以企業流程為基礎的理想資料庫;階段3利用ETL(Extract、Transform、Load)和資料整合的技術,將企業資料從現行資料庫中萃取、轉換和載入至理想資料庫,便完成資料庫重構的作業。
最後,總結目前企業老舊資料庫普遍面臨資料庫架構複雜、無法吻合作業流程所需、未制訂完善資料庫管理機制等問題,而本研究之資料庫重構流程的設計概念,能為企業建立以流程為導向的理想資料庫。 / The raising of information technique helped organization governance greatly was started since 1960s, but because of lack information background and knowledge, many organizations just simply brought software packages to assist business processes or organization governance. The result was those software packages which couldn't fit in with the processes of organization' requirements were getting worse because of changes of environment. From the view of database design, it results in low quality of data because of the complexity of database structure, long-term modifications and accessing to data, and the lack of relational database knowledge. Nowadays, the problems of redesign database structure or transform data from a old system to a new system are great challenges to enterprises.
Based on the above, thie research designed a process of database restruction in order to establish customized database based on businesss processes. There are three phases of this process. In phase 1, a company acquires the original data structure and semantic of its software package by the method of database reverse engineering. In phase 2, using concepts of process model and data model, the company establishes its ideal database based on businesss processes. In phase 3, it extracts, transforms, and load data from the current database of software package to ideal database by the technique of ETL and data integration. After these three phases, the company completes the process of data restriction.
The process of database restruction is done in a case company to analyze the design gap between the current data model of software package and the ideal data model based on business processes. In the result of analysis, this research found out there are three gaps between its as-is and to-be data models. These three gaps are the design of database struction, the definition of data semantic, and the design of database normalization. Because of these design gaps, when removing gaps by data transformation, a company should pay attention to clarify the semantic of source data, considerate the consistency and referential integrity of destination data, and clean dirty data from source database.
Finanlly, the summary of the problems a company using old database are the complexity of database structure, the unfit database for businesss processes, the lack of database management, etc. The process of database restruction this research design can assist a company in establishing ideal database based on business processes.
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