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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王俊卿, Wang, Zun-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
各章之內容,玆扼要說明如次: 第一章緒論,闡明研究目的,範圍及研究程序。 第二章說明我國現行土地登記制度之特點,並分析現行登記作業之流程與業務量成長 之趨勢,以檢討現行登記作業問題癥結之所在。 第三章從費用成本,作業時效與設計技術等方面,分析登記作業電腦化之可行性。 第四章乃試擬登記作業電腦化之方法和資料庫之模式,並評估其系統建立後之效益。 第五章說明登記作業電腦化時,有關人力、設施,法令及作業轉換等應如何配合。 第六章結論,乃根據上述研究結果,檢討尚待研究之未來方向。


王麗芬, Wang, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在對目前國內的電子資料處理中心進行評估,並由此預測資訊科技將會對組 織及管理產生何種影響,各章之內容大要如下: 第一章 導論敘述研究動機及目的,問卷調查的對象、研究方式、研究經過。 第二章 台灣區電腦發展概況,了解目前台灣區電腦的發展情形。 第三章 EDP 技術使用前之籌劃。本章就EDP 中心在成立前的籌劃做一探討。 第四章 EDP 中心之設置,組織決定成立EDP 中心後,對EDP 組織、職位、職常等的 安排,在本章中討論。 第五章 EDP 中心設備及使用狀況之分析。對目前EDP 中心的機器設備及機器使用狀 況進行統計分析。 第六章 EDP 中心使用行為分析。本章在EDP 中心使用做心理的、行為的分析。 第七章 結論。預測將來資訊科技對組織及管理將有何影響。


周玲琴, Zhou, Ling-Qin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在試擬一套客觀的資料檢誤方法,以期利用電子計算機迅速整理出正確、完 整、合理的農業普查資料,供各界參考。 全文共分六章,約計四萬餘言,第一章結論,闡明研究目的、範圍及研究程序。第二 章比較我國歷次農業普查資料整理方法之演進,並檢討目前尚待研究之問題。第三章 邏輯檢誤,以機器整理為原則,快速檢查調查表上相關問項之完整性及合理性,並以 機器自動更正之。第四章迴歸檢誤,用以估計調查表上各種農作物收獲量之偏差錯誤 ,並以迴歸方程式合理客觀的更正之。第五章假設檢定,用以探討參考資料之發行是 否得當。第六章結論,根據研究結果提出建議,並檢討尚待努力之未來方向。


陳錦烽, Chen, Jin-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
由於現代經濟環境迅速變遷,股份有限公司已成為近代企業之主要型態。企業經營者 透過證券市場取得營運所需之資金,投次大眾則經由證券投資獲取報酬。一般而言, 企業股票投資之報酬來自股息紅利及股票增值,此雨項報酬之大小則與企業盈余之大 小有關,又因為企業未來盈餘之大小含有不確定性,投資者有遭受損失之可能性,乃 有評估投資風險之必要。傳統財務報表無法鑑認投資者(即財務報表外部使用人之一 )之決策模式,因此財務資料協助投資者評估特定證券風險之能力頗受限制。本文之 目的,既係利用有效資本市場假設及組群理論之有關模式,進行實證研究,以分析及 解釋財務資料與市場風險指票之關係及其評估證券風險之能力,並進一步說明此種研 究方法在會計研究上之意義。全文共分六章二十節,各章主要內容如后: 第一章 說明研究之動機、目的、方法及限制,並概略介紹以後各章之內容。 第二章 闡述風險評估與投資決策之關係,並介紹有效資本市場假設及組群理論在風 險評估上之意義與應用。 第三章 探討財務資料與風險評估之關係,分析會計資訊與市場風險指標之相關性, 俾為實證研究之理論基礎。 第四章 介紹及評述有關市場風險指標與會計風險指標之各項實證研究,俾為建立實 證研究模式之基礎。 第五章 利用國內股票公開上市公司之財務資料,選定若干樣本公司進行實證研究, 將其結果與國外之相關研究比較,以解釋此項實證研究之意義。 第六章 結論與建議。

Dichotomous-Data Reliability Models with Auxiliary Measurements

俞一唐, Yu, I-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
我們提供一個新的可靠度模型,DwACM,並提供一個模式選擇準則CCP,我們利用DwACM和CCP來選擇衰變量。 / We propose a new reliability model, DwACM (Dichotomous-data with Auxiliary Continuous Measurements model) to describe a data set which consists of classical dichotomous response (Go or No Go) associated with a set of continuous auxiliary measurement. In this model, the lifetime of each individual is considered as a latent variable. Given the value of the latent variable, the dichotomous response is either 0 or 1 depending on if it fails or not at the measuring time. The continuous measurement can be regarded as observations of an underlying possible degradation candidate of which descending process is a function of the lifetime. Under the assumption that the failure of products is defined as the time at which the continuous measurement reaches a threshold, these two measurements can be linked in the proposed model. Statistical inference under this model are both in frequentist and Bayesian frameworks. To evaluate the continuous measurements, we provide a criterion, CCP (correct classification probability), to select the best degradation measurement. We also report our simulation studies of the performances of parameters estimators and CCP.


李孟謙, LEE, MENG CHIEN Unknown Date (has links)
「資料採礦」(Data Mining)為一種結合統計分析、資訊工程和各領域間專業知識的一種新興分析技術,例如:產業界的市場分析,金融界的財務分析,保險業的風險管理,生物科技界的疾病分析以及政府的人口統計,在各行各業使用資料採礦技術的人員日益增加。然而,正因資料採礦屬於新興發展的領域,仍有不少事項尚待開發,例如:不同型態的資料如何處理。本文即探討兩種不同型態的資料:資料量多、變數少以及資料量少、變數多兩種,以監督學習(Supervised Learning)和分類(Classification)的概念,分別對觀察值較多的2000年台灣地區戶口普查資料探討影響女性戶長的因素,而對變數較多的攝謢腺癌資料詮釋血清的病症類型,研究不同的類型資料可能的處理步驟。 本文主要的結論為:1.當資料量多時,引入抽樣的概念,資料採礦可利用抽樣將資料量縮減,減少處理時間,並且抽樣資料和全部資料在分類錯誤率的差異頗為相近,因此抽樣為一種可行的處理方式。以研究女性戶長為例,資料量最少的東部資料為抽樣代表,在不失分類準確性的前提下,抽樣3%資料的分析結果與使用整體資料的結果相差不多,達到合乎經濟效應。2.當資料量少時,引入變數縮減的想法,使用敘述性統計量和不均度的17個指標統計量,能替代全部變數進行分析,運用羅吉斯迴歸方法,分類錯誤率的結果在可接受範圍內,並且解決在傳統分析上自由度不夠的問題。以研究攝護腺癌症為例,在不損失太多分類正確性的原則下,將血清透過質譜儀所反映的強度,透過變數縮減的技巧提高分析效率;另外,縮減變數後自由度充足,傳統的統計方法可運用在攝護腺癌的資料上,使分析的工具有較廣泛的選擇。

資料交換機制之研究─以我國動植物防檢局為例 / A Study of Data Exchange Mechanisms─The Case of BAPHIQ in Taiwan

葉耿志, Yeh, Ken-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
由於我國加入世界貿易組織後,使得大量的動植物及其產品的進出口,將會迅速地增加,國外動植物疫情隨貨品引入的機會也大大增加了許多,所以行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局所演的角色便相當重要。因為它必須和國外重要貿易國家作資料的交換,而目前的方式有電話、傳真及紙本等傳統方式。隨著網際網路的盛行與普及,使用網際網路傳輸的資料的可行性增大,而究竟可以如何透過網際網路傳輸所需要的資料呢? 近年來我國政府推動大力「電子化政府」的政策,身為政府單位的防檢局當然也不例外,目前也正準備逐年更新其電子檢疫發證資訊系統,並且隨著各相關局處內外電子化的完成,和國外貿易國家防檢疫單位間,透過網際網路交換防檢疫資料的可能性,也大幅地向上提升許多。 本研究即是針對國外目前所使用的封閉性網路,以EDI為主;其他開放性網路下以XML為基礎的點對點方式與電子中心的方式,做一個探討。並試圖去思考如何參考國外目前資料交換的傳輸模式及電子商務上資料交換的經驗,並藉由本研究的資料交換模式設計,來進行資料交換的實現。用以解決點對點間的資料交換、異質系統間的資料傳遞及資料傳遞的安全性等,以建立一套共同的資料交換機制IQDE-Hub,使資料的交換成為可行。 / Recently it contains many types of data exchages in the application of electronic commerce. ECs are B-to-B (Business to Business), B-to-C (Business to Consumer) and C-to-C (Consumer to Consumer). So there are many types of data exchages in the world. They contain EDI of private network, XML based and E-Hub of public network. This study will establish a methodology. It provides many other countries to share common data with each other. The data exchange mechanisms of this study can solve three main problems of other data exchange mechanisms. They are point-to-point data exchange, data exchage between different information systems and security of data exchange. The exchange mechanisms of this study called IQDE-Hub (Inspection and Quaratine Data Exchange-Hub). In this study, we can see that it provides a method to exchange data between other countries. So we have not to use other methods which include telephone, fax, mail and so on by human. We can exchange data by using electronic type.


邱楓民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解有無集團企業背景對本國產險公司經營效率之影響,並透過本國有無集團企業背景產險公司之效率比較,求證關於代理理論之審慎管理假說及費用偏好假說是否成立。本研究運用資料包絡分析法(Data envelopment Analysis, DEA)及cross-frontier analysis評估民國81至90年,17家本國產險公司具集團背景及無集團背景各年度效率情況。另外,採用多元迴歸分析討論產險公司不同經營特性對經營效率的影響。本文亦利用Malmquist生產力指數分析具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司十年來生產力的變動。   本研究之實證研究結果如下: 一、於技術效率,具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司無技術效率差異,表示不論有無集團背景,皆有各自的經營技術優勢,符合審慎管理假說。於成本效率,發現81至85年時具集團背景產險公司之成本結構於生產無集團背景產險公司的產出相對較具成本效率,符合費用偏好假說;但86至90年時,則無集團背景產險公司之成本結構對於自己的產出較具成本效率,不符合費用偏好假說。 二、以多元迴歸分析於81至85年、86至90年,影響無集團背景產險公司效率之因素。本文發現於86至90年,當無集團背景產險公司總資產越小、再保比例越高,其以自己的成本結構進行生產,越顯著較以具集團背景產險公司的成本結構進行生產來得具成本效率。 三、二類產險公司於民國81至90年間生產力皆呈現衰退,且具集團背景產險公司衰退情況較嚴重。二類產險公司生產力衰退主因皆為生產技術的衰退;此外,具集團企業背景產險公司十年來的技術效率有衰退的趨勢,而無集團背景產險公司之技術效率則持續進步。若綜合前面成本效率的結果,則十年來具集團背景產險公司平均效率表現沒有進步跡象;而無集團背景產險公司有改善其效率。 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of“group”background on the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan. We test the managerial discretion hypothesis and the expense preference hypothesis by comparing the efficiency of the group and independent property-liability insurers. Using the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan from 1992-2001 as our sample, we use DEA and cross-frontier analysis, and adapt multiple regression analysis to examine the variables which affect the efficiency performance in the property insurance company. We also measure the productivity changes of the group firms and independent firms over ten years. The empirical results are summarized as follow. First, we find that the technical efficiency results are consistent with the managerial discretion hypothesis, in that there is no difference in the technical efficiency between the group firms and independent firms. The results of cost efficiency between 1992 and 1996 show that the group frontier dominates the independent frontier for independent outputs, supporting the expense preference hypothesis. However, the results of cost efficiency between 1997 and 2001 no more support the expense preference hypothesis in that the independent frontier dominates the group frontier for independent outputs. Second, we find that the independent firms tend to have a comparative advantage over the group firms in the independent cost frontier when the independent firm’s size is smaller or when its reinsurance proportion is higher. Finally, the results of the Malmquist productivity analysis show that the productivity of group firms declines in 1992-2001, and the decay is due to their technical efficiency decreases. Conversely, the productivity of the independent firm improves.

利用和絃特徵探勘音樂旋律曲風之研究 / Melody Style Mining Using Chord Features

郭芳菲, Kuo, Fang-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位多媒體技術的進步,越來越多的音樂以數位化的方式來儲存,數位音樂的檢索成為重要的研究領域之一。以內容為主的音樂檢索(Content-Based Music Retrieval, CBMR)能讓使用者直接利用音樂的內容做檢索,而非傳統以音樂的metadata查詢的方法。目前有關CBMR的研究,常見的查詢方式包括哼歌、唱歌或打拍子等。但是,這些方法都會因為查詢者缺乏音樂訓練而無法正確表達出想查詢的音樂,影響查詢效果。 人們常常會根據曲風將音樂分類,音樂曲風的探勘將有助於CBMR的研究。本篇論文主要目的在結合多媒體與資料探勘的技術,從大量MIDI音樂中,作音樂曲風的探勘及分類,並將曲風探勘的技術應用在個人化音樂推薦、音樂風格檢索及音樂風格瀏覽上。 在本論文的第一部份,音樂曲風探勘分類的研究,包括了三個研究議題:音樂特徵的粹取、頻繁樣式的探勘及曲風的分類。我們利用和絃作為音樂的特徵,根據和聲學的原理,從MIDI音樂中找出主旋律搭配的和絃。粹取出和絃後,我們研究不同的和絃特徵表示法與其頻繁樣式探勘演算法。針對所探勘出的頻繁樣式,我們修改associated classification演算法,以應用在音樂曲風的分類上。此外,不同的曲風,其風格的多樣性也不同。因此,為了提高分類的效果,我們提出Single-Type Variant-Support (STVS) 與Multi-Type Variant-Support (MTVS) classification演算法,使得分類規則中允許多種特徵表示與不同的最小支持度。 在本篇論文的第二部分,我們應用曲風探勘的技術,提出了個人化音樂推薦的機制。針對使用者對音樂風格的喜好,將新的音樂推薦給使用者。系統根據使用者對資料庫中音樂的存取行為,學習使用者在音樂曲風上的偏好,產生個人化的2-way preference classifier,以推薦符合使用者喜好的音樂。 第三部分為音樂曲風的檢索。目前大部分的CBMR系統中,使用者僅能尋找已經聽過的音樂。然而,使用者想查詢的很可能是沒聽過,但曲風感覺類似的音樂。針對上述的問題,我們提出了以音樂曲風作檢索的新方法。同時,我們提出四種曲風查詢的描述方式,並且利用音樂風格探勘與分類的技術產生的分類規則計算曲風的相似度,最後依照曲風的相似程度產生檢索結果。 本篇論文的最後一部分為音樂風格的分群。音樂風格的分群有助於瀏覽大量的音樂資料。我們利用和絃為特徵,針對不同的特徵表示方法,提出相似度的計算方式。我們將數種分群演算法應用於音樂風格的分群上,並比較各種分類演算法與不同的音樂特徵與表示法的分群效果。 / With the development of multimedia technology, digital music is now in widespread use. Content-based music retrieval (CBMR) has attracted much interest in recent years. CBMR allows users query by music content rather than metadata. However, even with the capability of query by humming, the effectiveness of CBMR system suffers from the ability of query content expression for people without music training. Music style is one of the features that people used to classify music. Discovery of music style is helpful for the design of content-based music retrieval systems. In this thesis, we investigate the mining techniques of music style by melody from a collection of MIDI music and apply the mining techniques to three applications, personalized music filtering, music retrieval by melody style and music style browsing. In the first part, the design issues of melody style mining and classification consist of the feature extraction, frequent pattern mining and melody style classification. We extracted the chord from the melody based on the harmony and investigated the representation of extracted features. For each extracted feature, the corresponding frequent pattern mining techniques are developed. For the melody style classification algorithm, we propose the Single-Type Uniform-Support classification (STUS) algorithm which is modified from the associated classification algorithm. To improve the performance of classification, we propose two new classification algorithms - Single-Type Variant-Support Classification (STVS) and Multi-Type Variant- Support classification (MTVS) algorithm. STVS learns the appropriate minimum supports of every category’s frequent patterns automatically. MTVS algorithm considers all types of frequent patterns for every category further and can decide the appropriate combination of frequent patterns and the corresponding minimum supports. In the second part, we present a personalized content-based music filtering system to support music recommendation based on user’s preference of melody style. The system learns the user preference by mining the melody patterns from the music access behavior of the user. A two-way melody preference classifier is therefore constructed for each user. Music recommendation is made through this melody preference classifier. Performance evaluation showed that the filtering effect of the proposed approach meets user’s preference. A new approach for CBMR by the semantic property of music – melody style is proposed in the third part of this thesis. Most CBMR systems provide users the capability to look for music that has been heard. However, sometimes, listeners are looking, not for something they already know, but for something new. Moreover, people sometimes wish to retrieve music that “feels like” another music object or a music style. We propose four types of query specification for melody style query. The output of the melody style query is a music list ranked by the degree of relevance to the query. We adopted melody style mining and classification rule learning algorithm to obtain style classification rules. The style ranking is determined by the style classification rules. In this thesis, we also investigate music clustering techniques which are useful to browse large music archives. We propose the similarity measures for the representation of the extracted chord-sets and compared the performance of different clustering algorithms with various extracted features.

數位典藏加值應用相關法律議題之研究 / The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving

尚安雅 Unknown Date (has links)
走過資本與勞力密集的工業時代後,全世界已邁向知識密集的新局面,在這樣的潮流下,各國無不發展知識經濟以提升競爭優勢,我國政府也開始設法將內容、創意與科技結合,積極推動數位內容產業,此外,文化創意產業同樣已成為新世紀知識經濟的主流之一,由此可知,任何產業皆須開始重視內涵與創意,而文化又是知識的累積和傳承,若能將對國家的文化認同運用於創意產業,並深入表現在國民的生活文化裡,不啻為符合環境趨勢又能造就一種新經濟形態的好方法。 有鑑於數位出版典藏成長力道之強勁,以及目前國際間無不致力從事國家典藏數位化的工作,再加上我國包括「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」等數位典藏工作之進行,和近幾年針對數位典藏各層面問題之探究所召開的多場研討會,在在顯示數位內容產業之一的「數位典藏」愈來愈受到關注,而將文物數位化保存只是起步,運用數位典藏內容素材進行加值應用從而促進數位典藏與文化創意產業的發展才是更大的價值所在,因此本研究選擇以「數位典藏加值應用」為研究焦點,且由於數位典藏內容在加值應用過程中,包括數位內容之取得、保護、利用、甚至於授權、行銷等,每個階段都與法律考量環環相扣,如何確保數位典藏內容從產生到流通的過程中,創作者受到法律規範應有的保護,又不致過度妨礙知識的擴散以激發更多創新,是值得研究的議題,因此本研究擬分別由理論面與實務面歸納出與數位典藏加值應用發展相關的重要法律議題加以分析論述。 本研究在理論面係針對「資料庫之法律保護」與「科技保護措施衍生的法律爭議」兩大主題為探討,至於實務面則以個案訪談方式瞭解典藏機構與業界加值應用的現況、所遭遇的法律問題與挑戰、以及對於未來發展的看法,最後即根據文獻資料分析與訪談發現歸納研究結論與提出建議。 本研究在進行法律文獻研讀並比較國內外法制發展之後,認為著作權法對資料庫的之保護不足,以其它方式保護亦有其限制,為促進數位典藏資料庫之建置並保護投資,以推廣數位典藏之加值應用,因此建議我國應推行以雙軌制保護資料庫之立法。至於科技保護措施的立法方面,本研究主張為適當維護數位典藏內容擁有者與加值應用者的權利,以及符合我國政府推動數位內容產業的政策目標,並順應國際立法趨勢,必須就數位環境與網路時代下之數位內容給予更有力的保護,故我國仍應立法規範禁止規避科技保護措施的行為,但必須正視美國數位千禧年著作權法案之反規避條款所造成的諸多問題,亦即未來我國立法勢必要考量公益與產業情況。 值得一提的是,本研究在訪談中發現文化資產保存法第十六條規定在適用上似與著作權法第四十三條有所衝突,應修法使得文化資產保存法的定位更加明確,惟基於促進國家整體文化發展,本研究認為屬於公有的文化資產不妨儘量傳播並供後人利用。再者,進行數位典藏工作及其後的加值應用,均須留意智慧財產權問題,且在授權方面,應儘可能取得「再授權」他人利用的權利,以便於能就利用成果再創價值,而考量到數位時代大量運用著作的需要及效率,亦應催生著作權集體管理機制之建立。 關於數位典藏加值應用的推行,進而驅動數位內容與文化創意產業的發展,本研究在個案訪談後亦有數點建議。首先應正視文化認同問題,畢竟要形成產業必須活絡消費,而其根源在於整個社會人民是否對於我國文化仍有信心與熱愛;其次當然要重視創意與內容,因為這才是消費者最終體驗的核心。 又因我國擁有中華文化且位居多元文化交融之處,以華文市場為基石並準備進軍國際,是我國運用文化內容以發展創意產業的機會所在,其它如善用行銷與通路把創意的產品或服務帶到消費者面前、加強智慧財產權教育與宣導、培養包括創意人才、A型人才與智慧財產權專業人才等,皆是產業發展的關鍵要素。 附帶說明,本研究在訪談中,發現業界對於公部門的定位不清有其憂慮,故本研究建議政府應該提供一個公平、開放,讓市場機制自由運作的環境,並應避免過度介入反而有礙產業進展。 數位典藏讓珍貴文物資產有更多重的運用空間,其後續的加值利用更是商機無限,期待在整體環境日趨健全的情況下,透過典藏機構、學界與業界的合作,能真正實現「文化產業化、產業文化化」的願景。 / As the capital-intensive and labor-intensive industry era went by, the whole world has marched toward the knowledge-intensive new situation. Under this trend, many countries develop the knowledge economy to improve the competitiveness .Our government also begins to combine the content and originality with technology and develop the digital content industry positively. Besides, the cultural creative industry has already become one of the mainstreams of the knowledge economy in the new century. Thus every industry must pay attention to intension and creativity. Culture is the accumulation and inheritance of the knowledge. If we apply the cultural identification to the creative industry and make it display deeply in people's life, it will not only be the good method that can bring up a kind of new economic form, but can be corresponded with the environmental trend. Because digital publishing and digital archiving grow up powerfully, many countries are devoted to digitizing national collections at present. Besides, our country proceeds to digitize national collections, such as ' National Digital Archives Program '. Many seminars are held with many aspects of questions on digital archiving in recent years. The above-mentioned situations show that ' digital archive ' draws more and more attention. However, the digitization of historical relics is just the beginning. The greater value is to use digital archive content or materials to go into value-added applications and then push the development of digital content and cultural creative industry. Thus the ' value-added applications for digital archiving ' is focused in this study. Because in the process of value-added applications for digital archive content, including acquirement, protection, utilizing, authorizing and marketing , many questions should be considered with the law at each stage. How to guarantee that the creator is under the protection of the law from the beginning to circulation of digital archive content and make sure that these protections will not hinder the diffusion of knowledge is the worth studying topic. Thus this study plans to generalize some important legal issues which are relevant to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving from aspects of theory and practice and then analyze and discuss them. In the theoretical aspect, this study focuses on ' the legal protection of the database ' and ' the legal dispute of the technological protective measures '. In the practical aspect, the writer collects information about the archive institutions and industry’s present situation, legal questions, challenge and views on development in the future of value-added applications for digital archiving by means of case interview. Finally, the study puts forward the conclusion and the suggestion according to documents analysis and interview finding. After studying legal documents and comparing the development of domestic and international legal system, the writer thinks that the protection of database by copyright law is insufficient and is also limited by other way. This study suggests that our government should pursue the legislation of protecting the database with the dual track approach for the sake of promoting the construction of digital archive database and protection of investment to popularize value-added applications for digital archiving. As for the legislation of the technological protective measure, this study advocates that our government must offer stronger protection on digital content under digital environments and internet era to protect the rights of digital archive content owner and those who use digital archive content to add value properly. To accord with the policy goal that our government promotes the digital content industry and comply with the international legislative trend, our country should legislate against circumventing technological protective measure in the future. Nevertheless, our government must face the questions derived from anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in US. It means that our government must consider public good and industry's situation in future lawmaking. It deserves to be mentioned that this study find there is likely conflict between application to article 16 of Cultural Assets Conservation Law and article 43 of copyright law in interview. Thus our government should revise law to make the orientation of Cultural Assets Conservation Law clearer. However, in the cause of bringing about an advance of national whole culture, this study has an idea that cultural assets belong to the public should be propagated and utilized as far as possible. Moreover, it must be looked out for intellectual property right on digital archiving and its value-added applications. In terms of authorization, this study suggests that authorized people should obtain the right of 'reauthorization ' so that they can use the achievement to create value again. Considering the need and efficiency of work utilization, our government should expedite to set up the collective management mechanism of copyright. In regard to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving and then drive digital content and cultural creativity industry, this study also propose several suggestions after case interview. First, we should face the question of cultural identification. Activating consumption can form the industry and its origin lies in whether the whole society is still confident of and has deep love for the Chinese culture. Second, we certainly should pay attention to the creativity and content because those are the cores that consumers experience ultimately. Because our country has Chinese culture and occupies the place where plural culture blend, it is the opportunity for our country to use cultural content to develop creativity industry and base on Chinese-language market to march into world. The rests of suggestions such as making the best of marketing and channel to take the creative products or service to consumers and strengthening the education and propagation of intellectual property right and training including creative talent , A type talent and professional talent of intellectual property right, etc. The foregoing are all key elements of industry development. Additionally, this study found in interview that the industry is worried about the unclearly position of the common department , so the writer advise government should offer fair and open environment to let market mechanism free operate so that avoid getting involved excessivly and hinder industry's progress instead . Digital archive lets precious historical assets have more multiple application space, and its follow-up value-added application bring limitless business opportunity. We expect that the vision of ' culture industrialization and industry culturalize' can really carry out by means of the cooperation between archive institutions and industry.

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