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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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在商業智慧系統中雲端行動運算應用之研究 / A Research into the Applications of Cloud-ready Mobile Computing with Respect to Business Intelligence

楊瑞涵, Yang, Rui Hn Unknown Date (has links)
全球每日產出的資料量持續成長,龐大的資料量、雜亂的資料檔案格式造成資料處理的困難;此外,全球智慧型手機的出貨量持續上升,未來將會至少人手一台行動裝置,同時行動網路的效能提升將可負荷更多的資料流量,行動工作者的數量也因此逐年增加。對商業智慧系統而言,透過企業資料的分析可以發現資訊之間的關連與隱藏其中的事實,讓使用者掌握更多的知識用於決策,分析的資料來源越豐富,其可提供做為決策用的訊息就更為準確。   過往商業智慧透過關聯式資料庫處理資料來源及電子郵件的通知使用者,但是龐大的巨量資料遠超過前者所能有效處理的數量,進而造成對資料擷取、保存、使用、分享以及分析時的處理難度;後者對於外出的使用者來說,電子郵件僅只是收到通知而已,使用者依然得需要電腦才能觀看分析報表。   故本研究使用雲端運算分散儲存及運算的技術及行動裝置隨手可得的特性解決前述的兩個問題,先透過雲端資料庫加速處理巨量資料的存取並製作成資料倉儲供商業智慧使用,接著透過行動應用程式即時接收推播訊息並呈現分析報表於行動裝置上。   在實作中,利用非結構化資料庫進行資料的存取,比起過往的關聯式資料庫確實可以有效提升巨量資料處理的速度;透過行動裝置的報表呈現,在平板電腦有較佳的成效,在手機上則是因為螢幕大小的關係,畫面呈現效果較差,這方面則有待改善。   本研究透過非結構化資料庫及行動應用程式設計新的行動商業智慧解決方案,實作雛型系統,並且透過異常申報健保費用醫院為案例,進行系統整體的測試,證明其架構及運作模式之可行性。經過驗證,本系統將能提供使用者使用巨量資料做為分析數據,並且透過行動應用程式立即取得分析報表。 / The volume of daily output data continues to grow world- widely. The huge amount of data and the disorder of data format cause the difficulty of data processing. Additionally, the number of smartphone sales is continuously growing, so everyone will own at least one smartphone in the future. In the meantime, the effectiveness of mobile internet and wireless is largely improved, so it can be loaded with more data flow. Because of this phenomenon, the number of mobile workers will be increasing per year. For business intelligence systems, through the analysis of enterprise's data we can find the relevance and facts hidden in information, allowing users to acquire more knowledge for decision-making. The more data sources we analyze, the more accurate information can be used to make decision.   In the past, business intelligence processes data sources through relational database and uses e-mail to notify users. However, the huge amount of data exceeds the number that can be effectively processed by relational database. On account of this, it becomes difficult regarding data acquisition, storage, application, sharing, and analysis. As far as the users are concerned, they only receive notifications by emails, so they still need a computer to view the analysis report.   In this study, I use cloud computing technology and mobile devices to solve the two aforementioned issues. First, we speed up the process of big data in data acquisition through Hadoop Hbase, and made it into data warehouse for Business Intelligence use. Secondly, we use mobile applications to receive push messages instantly and present analysis reports.   In the practical work, I use NoSQL database to acquire and store data. Compared with relational database, we can indeed effectively enhance the speed of big data processing. In reports’ presentation on mobile devices, the Tablet has better user experience then the phone. The phone is displayed comparatively poorly because of its small screen. This part needs to be improved.   In this research, I conceive a new solution of mobile business intelligence through NoSQL database and mobile applications, and implement this method into a prototype system. Moreover, through an example of the analysis of hospitals which have anomalous health-insurance reporting expenses we can test the whole system. It proves that this system’s structure and the mode of operation are feasible. The system will be able to provide big data as the source of analysis and present reports immediately through mobile devices to users.

運用雲端運算於智慧型健保費用異常偵測之研究 / A Research into Intelligent Cloud Computing Techniques for Detecting Anomalous Health-insurance Expenses

黃聖尹, Huang, Sheng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
我國健保費用逐漸增長,進而衍生出許多健保問題,其中浮報、虛報及詐欺等三種情況,會造成許多醫療資源的浪費。然而,目前電腦檔案分析只能偵測出浮報、虛報的行為,無法偵測出詐欺情況。對於健保詐欺之偵測只能仰賴傳統隨機抽樣檢驗及人力分析,而我國健保平均一年門診審查申報量約3.5 億件,其人力的負擔非常沉重。故本研究將探討如何利用電腦工具初步判別醫事機構之費用申報情況。 本研究透過大量文獻回顧,發現美國有研究指出結合Benford’s law 與智慧型方法來進行詐欺偵測,可獲得很好的效果(Busta & Weinberg 1998)。Benford’s law 指出許多數據來源皆會呈現特定的數字頻率分佈,近年來Benford’s law 亦被應用在許多不同領域的舞弊或詐欺的審查流程中。 本研究使用Apache Hadoop 及其相關專案,建構出一個大量資料儲存分析之環境,針對大量健保申報費用資料來進行分析。此系統結合了Benford’s law 數字分析方法並運用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)來對健保費用申報進行大規模電腦初步審查,判別該醫事機構是否有異常申報之情況發生,並將初步判別之結果提供給健保局相關稽查人員,進而做深入的審查。 本研究所建構的智慧型健保費用異常偵測模型結合了Benford’s law 衍生指標變數與實務指標變數,並利用SVM 分析健保申報費用歷史資料,產生出預判模型,之後便可藉由此模型來判別未來健保費用申報資料是否有異常情況發生。在判別異常資料方面,本研究所建構的模型其整體正確率高達97.7995%,且所有的異常申報資料皆可準確地預測出來。 因此,本研究希望能結合Benford’s law 與智慧型運算方法於健保申報異常偵測上,如此一來便可藉由電腦進行初步審查,減少因傳統隨機抽樣調查所造成的不確定性以及審核大量健保資料時過多的人力資源浪費。

全民健保資料庫分析:重大傷病及癌症之研究 / A Study of Cancer and Catastrophic Illness based on Taiwan National Health Insurance Database

蘇維屏, Su Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
重大傷病是我國全民健康保險的重要特色之一,透過社會保險的風險分擔機制,病患享有免部分負擔等優惠,降低因為罹病帶來的財務負擔,但重大傷病同時也成為全民健保的主要支出項目。民國102年領取重大傷病證明者不過98餘萬人(約總人口的4%),但其一年的醫療費用多達一千五百多億元(接近總支出的27%),平均每位重大傷病患者的醫療費用約為平均值的7.34倍,其中癌症又是重大傷病中人數最多者,大約佔了49%(資料來源:衛生福利部中央健康保險署)。因為許多重大傷病的發生率、盛行率與年齡成正比(黃泓智等人,2004),未來隨著人口老化,全民健保支出也將跟著上升。   本文使用全民健保資料庫,探討近十年重大傷病(尤其是癌症)趨勢,估計重大傷病的年齡別發生率、死亡率,評估人口老化對全民健保造成的影響,其中承保資料檔(ID)、重大傷病檔(HV)為本研究主要的依據資料。而由於健保資料庫的資料種類及數量龐雜,在初期資料的偵錯及處理上非常重要但也相當費時,至於發生率、死亡與否的判斷亦十分棘手,因此過程中我們將一一說明資料分析步驟及注意事項。本文發現癌症及重大傷病的盛行率逐年上升,但發生率並沒有明顯變化,加上近年癌症死亡率幾乎不變(但台灣全體國民的死亡率逐年遞降),因為台灣的人口老化,預期未來罹患癌症人數會逐年增加,癌症將繼續蟬聯十大死因之首,但罹癌死亡率的下降也可發現近年醫療進步所造成的影響。此外,我們也考量隨機死亡模型(Lee-Carter Model),發現無論是癌症死亡率、或是罹癌死亡率都有不錯的估計結果。而在文末也提出癌症病患的就醫行為以供後續研究者參考。 / Catastrophic illness (CI) is one of the key features of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI). Through risk-sharing mechanisms of social insurance, it can reduce the financial burden of the CI patients since treating the CI is usually expensive. However, the CI also becomes a major expenditure item of NHI. The people receiving the CI card are just 0.98 million in 2013 (about 4% of the total population), but their smedical costs are over 150 billion NT dollars (nearly 27% of total expenditures). The average medical cost per CI patient is about 7.34 times of the national average. (Source: Department of Health and National Health Insurance Agency). Because the incidence and prevalence rates increase with age (Huang et al, 2004), the total NHI expenditure is expected to increase in the future due to population aging. This study intends to use the NHI database, including the records of personal identification and out-patient visit from all CI patients, to explore the incidence and mortality rates, for example, of CI patients. Because the NHI database is big and messy, we shall first debug and clean them. Also, since the death of CI patients are not fully reported in the NHI database, we propose a method to identify the deaths and use the official statistics to evaluate. The results show that the prevalence rates of all CI increased every year, but their incidence rates did not change significantly. The mortality rates of cancer patients also did not change much. Based on these findings, we expect the proportion of CI patients and their size will continue to grow. In addition, we applied the Lee-Carter model to the cancer mortality rates, and the fit is pretty good.


楊惠如 Unknown Date (has links)
數年來台灣金控公司已如雨後春筍般冒出來,在金控公司底下含有產險公司、銀行、證券以及人壽公司等許多金融相關公司,因此,原本各自擺放於各子公司的資料庫可以通通整合在一起,當高階主管想提出決策時可利用資料庫進行資料採礦,以獲取有用的資訊。然而資料採礦的效果再怎麼神奇,也必須先有一個好的、完整的資料庫供使用,如果資料品質太差或者資料內容與研究目標無關,這是無法達成完美的資料採礦工作。 透過抽樣調查與函數映射的方法使得資料庫得以加值,因此當有目標資料庫與輔助資料庫時,可以利用函數映射方法使資料庫整合為一個大資料庫,再將資料庫中遺失值或稀少值作插補得到增值後的資料庫。在此給予這個整個流程一個名詞 ”Data SPA(Data Systematic Purifying Analysis)”,即「資料純化」。在本研究中,主要就是針對純化完成的資料進行結構的確認,確認經過這些過程之後的資料是效用且正確的。在本研究採用了橫向評估、縱向評估與全面性評估三種方法來檢驗資料。 資料純化後的資料經過三項評估後,可以發現資料以每個變數或者每筆觀察樣本的角度去查驗資料時,資料的表現並不理想,但是,資料的整體性卻是相當不錯。雖然以橫向評估和縱向評估來看,資料純化後的資料無法與原本完整的資料完全一致,但是透過資料純化的過程,資料得以插補且欄位得以擴增,這樣使得資料的資訊量增加,所以,資料純化確實有其效果,因為資訊量的增加對於要進行資料採礦的資料庫是一大助益。 / For the past few years, Taiwan has experienced a tremendous growth in its financial industry namely in banks, life and property insurances, brokerages and security firms. Needless to say the need to store the data produced in this industry has become an important and a primary task to accomplish. Originally, firms store the data in their own database. With the progressive development of data management, the data now can be combined and stored into one large database that allows the users an easy access for data retrieval. However, if the quality of the data is questionable, then the existence of database would not provide much insightful information to the users. To tackle the fore mentioned problem, this research uses functional mapping combining the goal and auxiliary database and then imputes the missing data or the rare data from the combined database. This whole process is called Data Systematic Purifying Analysis (Data SPA). The purpose of this research is to evaluate whether there is any improvement of the structure of the data when the data has gone through the process of systematic purifying analysis. Generally the resulting data should be within good quality and useful. After the assessments of the data structure, the behavior of the data with respect to their added variables and observations is unsatisfactory. However the manifestation of the data as a whole has seen an improvement. The modified database through Data SPA has augmented the database making it more efficient to the usage of data mining techniques.

運用光學字元辨識技術建置數位典藏全文資料庫之評估:以明人文集為例 / The Analysis of Use Optical Character Recognition to Establish the Full-text Retrieval Database:A Case Study of the Anthology of Chinese Literature in Ming

蔡瀚緯, Tsai, Han Wei Unknown Date (has links)
數位典藏是將物件以數位影像的形式進行典藏,並放置在網路系統供使用者瀏覽,能達到流通推廣與保存維護的效果。但在目前資訊爆炸的時代,數位典藏若僅透過詮釋資料描述是無法有效幫助使用者獲得內容資訊,唯有將之建置成全文檢索模式,才能方便使用者快速檢索到所需資訊,而光學字元辨識技術(簡稱OCR)能協助進行全文內容的輸出。 本研究藉由實際操作OCR軟體辨識明代古籍,探究古籍版式及影像對於軟體辨識結果之影響;藉由深度訪談訪問有實際參與數位典藏全文化經驗之機構人員,探究機構或個人對於計畫施行之觀點與考量。結果發現,雖然實際辨識結果顯示古籍版式與影像會對於OCR辨識有所影響,綜合訪談內容得知目前技術層面已克服古籍版式的侷限,但對於影像品質的要求仍然很高,意指古籍影像之品質對OCR的辨識影響程度最大;雖然OCR辨識技術已經有所突破,顯示能善用此技術協助進行全文資料庫的建立,但礙於技術陌生、經費預算、人力資源等因素,使得多數機構尚未運用此技術協助執行數位典藏全文化。 本研究建議,機構日後若有興趣執行數位典藏全文化計畫,首先,需要制定經常出適合機構執行的作業流程,並且瞭解自身欲處理物件之狀況,好挑選出適合的輸入處理模式;再者,需要多與技術廠商溝通協調,瞭解所挑選之物件是否符合處理上的成本效益;最後,綜合典藏機構與使用者之需求考量下,建議未來採取與OCR廠商合作的方式,由使用者自行挑選需要物件進行OCR辨識,校對完成後將全文內容回饋給典藏機構。這樣不僅能瞭解使用者需求為何,也能降低機構全文校對所耗費的成本。 / Digital Archives, placed in the network system for users to browse, change the collection into the digital images, and can help to preserve the collection and promote the content information. However, in the era of information explosion, Digital Archives can’t help users to retrieve the information in the collection by simply recording metadata. So, only when built into the full text retrieval can Digital Archives provide users with a quick retrieval of the information they want. And the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can help to output the full text information. The study explores the ancient books’ format and impact of image quality on the recognition results by recognizing the ancient books of the Ming dynasty with the OCR software. The study also explores institutional as well as individual views and considerations by in-depth interviewing institutional staff with experiences in the full text of Digital Archives plan. From the result we can discover that though the ancient books’ format and image quality do have influences on the recognition results, the overall interview suggests that the technology has overcome the limitation of the format under the high requirement for the image quality; that is, the quality of ancient books’ images is the most influential factor in the recognition results. Although the OCR already has the breakthrough in assisting the establishment of the full text database, most institutions have not yet applied this technology to full-textualization of the Digital Archives due to technical unfamiliar, budget, human resources and other factors. The study suggests that if some day one institution is interested in working on the the full text of the Digital Archives project, it firstly needs to develop a proper SOP and needs to understand the conditions of their ready-to-be-textualized collections so that it can adopt a suitable input mode. Secondly, this institution needs to communicate with the OCR company more so that it can realize whether the chosen collection fits the cost-effectiveness. Finally, under the considerations of both the institution and users, the study suggests that institutions can cooperate with OCR companies in the future, so users can choose collections for OCR recognition on their own and give the full text to the institutions as feedback after proofreading. This can not only understand users’ needs but also reduce the cost of the proofreading for the institution.

班級同儕學習投入與數學表現的城鄉差距 —階層線性模型的分析 / Urban-rural differences in peer engagement and mathematics performance: an analysis of hierarchical linear modeling

林靜怡 Unknown Date (has links)
學習表現為教育社會學中的重要議題,其中城鄉間的學習表現差距受到重視。過去研究認為家庭背景與地區的教育資源是影響學生學習表現的主要因素,然而這些研究缺乏班級因素與同儕效果的分析。因此本研究使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)在2001年與2003年的國中生樣本,以階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM)分析國一班級同儕學習投入對國三數學表現的影響,學習投入以學生為課業所付出的時間為指標。分析結果發現:(1)學生數學表現的總變異中有24%來自班級因素的影響,76%為學生因素。(2)國三數學表現、個人學習投入與班級同儕學習投入有城鄉差距。(3)在控制其他變項下,個人學習投入、班級同儕學習投入對數學表現有正向效果。(4)班級所在地區的都市化程度透過班級同儕學習投入間接影響國三數學表現。 / Academic performance has been an important topic of research on educational sociology for a long time, while urban-rural differences have been already well documented in literatures. In the past, the literature indicated that the key factors to affecting academic performance are family background and the educational resources. But these researches have ignored the factors of class level and peer effects. In this study, the data are from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001 and 2003, use Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to assess how peer engagement affects junior high students’ mathematics performance. The time students spend in studying is an index of engagement. The main finding are: (1) This research model accounts for 76% of the variation in student level and for 24% of the class variation in class level with regard to mathematical performance. (2) Students in the urban and rural city show a differences in their mathematics performance, student’s own engagement and peer engagement. (3) When controlling variables, student’s own engagement and peer engagement have positive effect on mathematics performance. (4) Urbanization levels indirectly affect mathematics performance through peer engagement.

肺癌之研究及保單設計 / Study and price insurance for the lung cancer

葉步釩, Ye, Bu Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本次研究使用全民健康保險研究資料庫2005承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2005),共40萬人的承保資料,針對肺癌患者的特徵進行分析,並與美國國家癌症研究所的肺癌資料作比較,罹患肺癌的人數都呈現男性多於女性,罹癌年齡的最高峰同樣落在65歲至74歲。 接著,將門診處方及治療明細檔和住院醫療費用清單明細檔進行彙整,整理出肺癌患者在2005年至2012年之間的門診費用以及住院費用,並比較不同項目的差距及特徵,門診費用以用藥明細點數最高,住院花費前五名的項目為葯費、病房費、放射線診療費、檢查費以及治療處置費。 最後,建構肺癌治療的多重型態模型,治療方式包含手術治療、放射線治療、化學治療,估計不同狀態之間的轉換力,進而算出五年定期躉繳肺癌保單之純保費。 / This study used Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2005 (LHID2005) from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Screening the 400,000 insured of NHIRD to select the lung and bronchus cancer patients. This study analyzed and described their characteristics. Furthermore, it compared Taiwan’s lung and bronchus cancer data with the data in the United States derived from National Cancer Institute of the USA. The results revealed that the number of male patients is more than female patients and lung cancer is most frequently diagnosed among people aged 65-74 in both countries. Another aim was to sum up the lung cancer medical cost in 2005 to 2012 from NHIRD database, including ambulatory care expenditures by visits and inpatient expenditures by admissions. The highest cost of outpatients was medicine fee. The top five inpatient expenditures were medicine fee, ward fee, radiation therapy fee, inspection fee and therapeutic treatment fee. Finally, this study constructed a multiple state model of lung cancer treatment, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Estimating the transition intensities from multiple state model to calculate the pure premium of a five-year lung cancer policy.


邱怡寧, Qiu, Yi-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分兩部分,第一部分是我國使用資料庫系統的情況,及未來使用的趨勢。第二 部分是綜合文獻和實證研究的結果,就高階管理階層的支持、電子資料處理部門的配 置、建立系統的程序,以及和應用部門間的聯繫等方面,提出結論與建議。論文大綱 如下: 第一章:導論:研究目的、方法與限制。 第二章:資料庫系統。第一節資料處理方式的演變與趨勢,第二節資料庫系統簡介。 第三章:我國應用資料庫系統的現況。第一節我國使用資料庫系統的現況,第二節使 用者的特性分析,第三節未採用者之原因分析。 第四章:我國應用資料庫系統之機構執行策略分析。第一節人才資源,第二節高階管 理階層的支持,第三節資料管理師之設置,第四節資料庫系統發揮的功能,第五節系 統的整體滿意程度及問題。 第五章:結論與建議。第一節結論,第二節建議。

臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫之新移民子女分析研究 / Study of the Analysis of Immigrant Children in Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement

謝進昌, Hsieh, Jin-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在分析臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)之新移民子女學習成就、心理、背景特質表現,及與本土子女進行比較。研究中自描述新移民族群的歷史演變、發展、可能遭遇困境與相關的研究中,進而,再搭配現行既有評量架構,以決定針對國小(四、六年級)新移民子女之數學成就、性別、家庭結構、家庭語言環境、家庭社經地位、家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略、學習偏好、能力歸因、數學能力自我概念、內在動機、家庭作業、課業補習、課外活動等十多項心理、背景特質進行分析,而在詮釋其理論、實徵研究基礎後,運用測量不變性、多元潛在迴歸分析等技術以進行本研究各項議題之探討,希冀能就分析結果,提供未來研究之參考。 綜整分析後,可發現以下幾點結論: 一、在針對數學成就進行族群間之比較時,研究中在單向度假設與Rasch模式適配度檢定符合下,進而於排除顯著差異試題功能測量指標後,是運用多元潛在迴歸分析以進行本土與新移民子女數學成就之比較,分析結果顯示,在國小六年級內,並未存在顯著的族群差異,但是於國小四年級中,則是以本土子女的表現平均優於新移民子女,其差異效果為0.36,約屬Cohen(1992)認為介於中等至小的效果量,而接續於分析是否存在其它因素影響時,分析結果是顯示在先天消極的族群因素外,族群間家庭社經地位的不均衡才是真正影響之主因。 二、有關族群間之心理與背景特質比較方面,研究中在經採用測量不變性以確立工具品質,並伴隨著卡方獨立性考驗、獨立樣本t檢定之運用後,其分析結果大致顯示出新移民子女是較本土子女,在家中手足數僅有1位、位居老大或獨子女、繼親家庭與身處雙語環境等現況具有相對的多數,但是在學生認知家人、自我教育期望、親子關係、學校適應、學習策略運用、學習偏好以至課業補習、課外活動時間分派等,整體而言,則多是未具顯著的差異或屬Cohen(1992)所認為小的差異效果量範圍內。另一方面,研究中更突顯出的是族群間家庭社經地位的不平衡,確實占有極大的比重,是具備Cohen認為之中等至小的差異效果。 三、在分析心理、背景特質與數學成就關聯時,研究中在經採多元潛在迴歸分析後,其結果大致顯示:就族群與變項間之交互作用而言,國小四年級學生所認知之自我教育期望、內在動機等,相較於新移民子女,是對本土子女之數學成就有較高的影響力,但是國小六年級學生的家中手足數、家庭社經地位、記憶、控制策略運用與外控能力歸因的認知上,則是相對在新移民子女之數學成就上有較深厚的影響,而至於其它變項之分析,則多未存在族群的差異。進而,在排除族群的干擾,僅就各特質與數學成就關聯之主要效果而言,研究結果顯示除性別、家庭子女的出生序、家庭作業與課業補習分派時間等,存在不顯著或僅部份年級具備顯著效果外,其餘特質皆能符合本研究理論所預測之傾向,大致是以具備過多家中手足數或持過度的外控數學能力歸因者,是會對學生數學成就產生負面的影響,而其餘如來自完整家庭、身處主流語言環境、具備高家庭社經地位、教育期望、和諧親子關係、良好學校適應與擁有高度學習策略、偏好、動機等,則皆能正向的影響數學成就。 最後,研究中是就新移民子女定義、抽樣架構、測量指標等面向,提出對新移民子女學習成長資料庫之建立及與其它實務、研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze neo-immigrant children’s achievement, performance in psychological traits and compare these with native children. Starting from the description of development, challenge and related researches of immigrant children in the past, we found the assessment frame of Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) just corresponded to the purpose we expect. Therefore, based on TASA , we decided to analyze the status and performance of neo-immigrant children in math, gender, family structure, language environment, socio-economic status, parents and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy, learning preference, ability attribution, academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation, time assignment of homework, school cramming, and extracurricular activity etc. Following the support of the theoretical and empirical evidences, we used the technique of measurement invariance and multiple latent regression to discover the different topics in the thesis. In sum, some conclusions are proposed. 1. In the comparison of math achievement between neo-immigrant and native children, we use the technique of multiple latent regression to test the difference after exclusion some items with significant differential item functioning. The result indicates that there is no significant difference between these two races in the sixth grade, but in the fourth grade the native children perform better than neo-immigrant children. The effect size is 0.36, and it is between medium and small degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. Depended on this result, several following analyses are implemented. It shows the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the main cause instead of the race people belong to. 2. In the comparison of psychological traits between neo-immigrant and native children, we not only use the technique of measurement invariance to ensure the qualities of assessment tools but also adopt chi-square test and independent samples t-test to examine the differences. The results indicate that the neo-immigrant children have more chances belonging to the categories of being eldest among siblings or only one child in his family, living in step-parents family, and involvement in bilingual environment. But there is almost no or just little difference between the two races in the perception of parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment, learning strategy application, learning preference, and the time assignment of school cramming and extracurricular activity. Besides, we found the inequality of family socio-economic status between races is the most different. The effect sizes range approximately from small to medium degree according to Cohen(1992)’s opinion. 3. In this study, we used the technique of multiple latent regression to analyze the relationship between different psychological traits and math achievement. The results indicate that as far as the interaction effects are concerned, the perception of self expectation and intrinsic motivation has greater impacts on native children’s math achievement than neo-immigrant’s in the fourth grade, but in the sixth grade the family size, family socio-economic status, the usage of memorization and control strategy, external ability attribution have greater impacts on neo-immigrant children’s math achievement than native children’s. Besides, there are no interaction effects on the remaining variables. Furthermore, as far as the main effect is concerned, the result shows that except no or just little relationship between gender, birth order, the time assignment of homework, school cramming and math achievement, the remaining variables have the similar relationships toward math achievement as we expect. That is that having too many siblings, external attribution of math ability may have negative influence on students’ achievement, but students who belong to intact family, involve in the mainstream of language environment, have higher family socio-economic status, and perceive better parent and self expectation, parents-children relationship, school adjustment etc. may have positive influence on their math achievement. Finally, some suggestions about the definition of neo-immigrant children, the way of sampling and qualities of measurement indicators are proposed. We expect they may do a greater help in the construct of the database of Prospect of Neo-Immigrant Children Learning and future usage.


劉丹雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業越來越重視資訊科技服務管理及流程效能的議題,加上過去兩年由國內外資訊大廠所倡導的ITIL觀念也漸漸成形,部分大型企業已開始依據ITIL所定義的資訊處理流程,逐步導入於其企業內部作業流程中。除了ITIL標準與解決方案外,如何有效地建置CMDB 成為實施ITIL重要的一環。 根據itSMF於2006提出的分析,導入ITIL時,企業主要面臨的幾項挑戰,包括: 1. 組織成員是否願意接受、付出及執行。 2. 高階管理階層是否願意支持、並提供足夠的資源。 3. 如何將ITIL整合到現有的管理流程、執行及評價ITIL的成功價值。 4. 設計及具體呈現ITIL的執行過程。 5. 如何建立一個合適的組織架構、如角色定位、責任及權利劃分……等。 6. 如何獲得及整合各種支援技術或工具。 ITIL 所強調「IT 即業務,業務即IT」的資訊化社會之成形,也是必然的發展方向。從各學術期刊文獻中可以找出以ITIL 為研究主題之學術論文,然而,卻難以找到以ITIL 之核心 CMDB為探討主題之學術論文。本研究從探討台灣製造業電子化特性,佐以各家導入CMDB的方法論,透過案例分析探討導入CMDB 之方法論,推論出台灣製造業導入CMDB前考慮之特性以及更適合台灣的製造業之CMDB之導入方法論。藉由此四大階段的CMDB導入方法,能協助資訊部門在導入 CMDB時能有一個指引可遵循,能夠有效率的導入CMDB,達到Quick Win的目標。效益包括: 1. 依據ITIL或BSM 藍圖,找出企業IT 服務管理問題所在。 並由台灣製造業商業模式,製造模式及運籌模式推出製造業導入CMDB前考慮的特性,得出核心服務並定義服務模型,依重要狀況先後導入。 2. 從四家CMDB導入方法整理出四大階段,此四大階段導入方法符合製造業快速得出成效的要求,並定義每一階段步驟、里程碑及產出文件。 3. 台灣製造業可將此方法論做為導入CMDB 之參考。其他產業亦可將此方法論做為參考。企業可根據實際情況,決定自那個階段切入。 / As the concept of ITIL is widely being promoted across various industries, the topics of IT Service Management and Process Availability are becoming the focal points for many enterprises. Many large enterprises have already implemented ITIL-compliant processes throughout their internal IT organizations. Among many ITIL-related projects, the effective and efficient implementation of CMDB is of particular importance. Nevertheless, it is hard to find research conducted on CMDB, the integral component of ITIL, even though there is no shortage of academic literature on ITIL subject alone. This thesis seeks to define the pre-implementation requirements and implementation methodologies of CMDB that are most suited to manufacturing industries in Taiwan through the application of case studies. The focus on business priority is no doubt the next step in the IT evolution. This paper seeks to assist IT organizations accomplishing the goals of implementing CMDB effectively and efficiently, and define the critical success factors needed to achieve quick wins. The benefits include: 1. Explore the issues within the enterprise IT Service Management with the help of ITIL or Business Service Management Blueprint. Define CMDB’s pre-implementation requirements, implementation phases, and the resulting service models while considering the unique business model and strategy-making processes of Taiwanese manufacturing industries. 2. Consolidate the four CMDB implementation phases necessary to achieve quick-wins from four CMDB implementation cases, and define the procedures, milestones and deliverables of each phase. 3. This four-phase methodology can act as the reference to CMDB implementation not only to Taiwanese manufacturing industries, but other industries as well. Enterprises can decide the most suitable phase to initiate the CMDB project as they see fit.

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