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盧玉玲, Lu, Yu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究深入探討基督教傳播機構與網際網路的跨媒體結合對於整合行銷傳播觀念的實施所產生之影響;並透過實務上的詳實觀察,以期對整合行銷傳播之中樞「消費者資料庫」在基督教傳播機構上的應用情形,做一系統性之整理與分析,以作為宗教傳播機構與相關研究的參考。由於國內尚未有從整合行銷傳播的角度對跨媒體個案進行探討之相關研究,因此本研究透過個案研究的方式,選擇了與網際網路進行跨媒體結合的「佳音電台」和「宇宙光」為個案研究對象。 新傳播科技的快速發展,使得傳播媒體間的界線愈趨模糊,跨媒體的現象日趨普遍,特別是網際網路發展以來,各行各業紛紛上網,傳播界也沒有在這一熱潮中缺席,跨媒體結合的情況相當普遍。此外,整合行銷傳播是九0年代的新行銷觀念,其相當重要的一個核心特點為顧客導向行銷,這意味著行銷的核心是直接面對消費者。未來單向溝通的方式已無法有效地影響消費者,取而代之的是雙向的溝通型態,而建立雙向關係溝通系統最成功的方式,是經由建立顧客資料庫以及資料庫行銷活動。 在網際網路以及整合行銷傳播來臨的新時代□,傳播機構如何運用網際網路的特性建立一完整的資料庫,以達成整合行銷傳播的效果是一個值得探討的議題。 在上述主要關注焦點下,本研究之研究問題有以下幾個層面: 一、 台灣基督教傳播機構與網際網路進行跨媒體結合的現況? 二、 基督教傳播機構其整合行銷傳播之中樞—「消費者資料庫」的建立情形為何? 三、 基督教傳播機構與網際網路的結合對於整合行銷傳播實施之影響? 研究結論如下: 結論壹:基督教傳播機構「佳音電台」、「宇宙光」在與網路進行跨媒體結合的現象中,現階段是屬於傳媒共棲形式中的第二種「內容寄存」的形式,也就是各傳媒的生存空間出現重疊的現象,產生一種傳媒的內容「寄存」於另一種傳媒之中。 結論一:佳音電台是在1998年10月上網,宇宙光是在1994年上網,兩者的網站都架設在美國,且籌備時間都相當的短。 結論二:佳音電台和宇宙光在籌備過程中,同樣的困難是人力及經費上的不足,其次,由美國到台灣這一段的傳送上有一些限制,這些是共同遭遇的問題。 結論三:佳音電台和宇宙光的定位基本上皆沒有因採用網路而改變,目前佳音電台整體的定位是扮演都會人「心靈守護者」的角色;而宇宙光的主要定位是「全人關懷」。 結論四:在網路內容的安排上,佳音電台和宇宙光目前仍以原有的內容為主。 結論五:採用網路之後,基本的目標閱聽眾設定沒有改變,但是加入網路族群後範圍變廣了,亦即年齡層降低、且含括台灣地區以外的華人。 結論六:佳音電台和宇宙光都認為所謂的競爭優勢目前很難去評。至於網路所帶來的影響,佳音電台認為可以突破社區電台的侷限性,且網路上的資訊可以共享。宇宙光則認為網路提供了一個便利的管道,突破時間的限制。 結論貳:根據Yarbrough(1996)分析資料庫行銷規劃的三個層次:Customer/Prospect mailing list、Relational Database、Profiling/Tracking tools,宇宙光與佳音電台舊資料庫是屬於第一種Customer/Prospect mailing list。但宇宙光和佳音電台希望更新完畢的資料庫,能夠發展出針對特定消費者作一對一互動溝通的行銷策略(Profiling/Tracking Tools),真正了解消費者心中的需求,提供閱聽眾更多、更細緻的服務。 結論一:佳音電台和宇宙光所設置的資料庫均分為兩種,一種是一般的資料庫,另一種是針對網友資料作蒐集的資料庫。 結論二:佳音電台和宇宙光資料庫來源的取得,在一般管道上,透過「聽眾俱樂部」、社區的志工團體、讀者回函卡以及聽友來信來獲取相關資訊;在網際網路部分,則是透過ICQ、E-mail ,以及網路促銷活動等方式。 結論三:對佳音電台來說,建立資料庫的經費不足是其困難,此外,蒐集回來的資料其正確性、真實性也是問題之一。宇宙光最大的問題在於和不同部門的溝通,此外,軟體技術也需要突破。 結論四:佳音電台和宇宙光都透過搜尋引擎的登記,利用既有的媒體刊登網址和廣告,也透過超連結的方式增加網站被注意的機會;此外,佳音電台透過上網記者會、透過其他的媒體刊登廣告。宇宙光則是透過贈品、網路小卡以及名人策略吸引人上網。 結論參:佳音電台和宇宙光在Duncan(1993)歸納出的整合行銷傳播內容特性四層次(1.形象統一、2.訊息一致、3.良好的傾聽者、4.世界公民)中,是屬於第一、第二層次,也就是「形象統一」、「訊息一致」;在第三層次「良好的傾聽者」部分,目前佳音電台和宇宙光運用資料庫鼓勵閱聽眾和機構保持聯繫,以期獲得極大化回饋,這個部分做得比較少。至於第四層次「世界公民」,佳音電台和宇宙光在整體的定位上就是朝著這個方向去做,目前是否達成了很難去評估,但是會朝著這個目標和方向去努力。 此外,佳音電台和宇宙光都認為運用整合行銷傳播觀念進行整合或策略聯盟是非常重要的,然而如何在整合中維持機構的理念和公益性是一大問題。 宇宙光認為在進行策略聯盟,尤其與商業經營機構、組織進行策略聯盟時會有一些掙扎,實際進行時無法不受影響,總會有一些妥協,每一次很想要做,但是最後一剎那總是沒有邁出去。如何在適應、改變當中,保有自己最初的、完整的理念是一大困難。 由於佳音電台進行策略聯盟的對象是以基督教的機構、團體為主,例如:希望之聲、信望愛、Good TV、華神…等,其基本的理念和目標是一致的,所以在進行整合時比較沒有太大的困難。 結論一:對於整合行銷傳播的認知,佳音電台和宇宙光不同部門與職務的人持不同的看法,大體上來說佳音電台的公關部門和宇宙光的業務部門對這個概念是比較清楚的,其他部門或管理階層的人對於整合行銷傳播的概念還是有些模糊。 結論二:無論是佳音電台或是宇宙光的管理階層對於整合行銷傳播的實施皆採取相當支持的態度。 結論三:佳音電台和宇宙光目前運用資料庫之資訊與閱聽眾進行的互動比較少,但期待建立消費者資料庫之後,可以針對不同的對象做比較深入、細緻的服務。 結論四:佳音電台透過現場即時廣播的方式,可以和散佈世界各地的聽友在同一個時間內進行互動,此外,透過ICQ可以與網友進行即時、一對一的互動;宇宙光目前運用網路進行一對一的互動做得比較少。 結論五:佳音電台和宇宙光都認為網際網路是一個便捷的管道能讓聽眾很快的回饋,世界各地的網友都可以透過網路和其取得聯繫。 結論六:佳音電台和宇宙光都認為資料庫中閱聽眾的資訊是行銷策略形成的重要決定因素。 結論七:佳音電台和宇宙光未來都會善用各種資源和管道與閱聽眾建立持續地、互動地關係,其次,除了內部的整合外,也都希望能拓展對外的整合,透過整合傳播的概念來做策略聯盟。另外,在網路內容上,將繼續豐富網路的內容、增加其多樣性,並且特別針對網路的需要做一些設計,跳脫目前的一些內容。

網際網路資料庫系統績效評估方法之研究--以電子商務為例 / Web database systems benchmark method - electronic commerce orientation

程文成, Cheng, Wen-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
網路開放商業化以來,各式各樣的商機在網際網路上浮現,大小商家紛在網路上設立據點,或從事廣告、宣傳公司形象,或展示產品內容與產品功能,有的更進一步的設計能與消費者在網路上直接交易,我們概括性的稱之為電子商務。在電子商務的背後,各網站必須要有資料庫作支撐,才能有好的效率和服務。本研究以網際網路資料庫為探討主體,績效為探討目的。並主要以績效評估(Benchmark)理論為貫穿整個研究的基礎理論,一步步地建立適合網際網路資料庫及運算作績效評估的模型。並於模型完成後,予以程式化實作,並以所得數據作測試。 / A lot of business opportunity springs after commercial activities are officially allowed on Internet. The power and the potential of this market is represented by lots of web sites being set up. "Electronic Commerce" is coming to the whole world. However, it is the database supporting business web sites running that counts. Based upon the theory of benchmarking, we want to find out ways that we can know the performance of web database. After the model is set up and the workload is ready, an implementation is being made.

開放型XML資料庫績效評估工作量之模型 / An Open Workload Model for XML Database Benchmark

尤靖雅 Unknown Date (has links)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)是今日新興在網路上所使用的延伸性的標記語言。它具有豐富的語意表達及與展現方式獨立的資料獨立性。由於這些特性,使得XML成為新的資料交換標準並且其應用在資料庫中產生了許多新的研究議題在資料儲存和查詢處理上。在本篇研究中,將研究XML資料庫中的績效評估的議題並且發展一個可適用於不同應用領域及各種平台上的使用者導向且開放型工作量模式以評估XML資料庫績效。此XML開放型的工作量模型包含三個子模型─XML資料模型、查詢模型以及控制模型。XML資料模型將模式化XML文件中階層式的結構概念;查詢模型包含了一連串查詢模組以供測試XML資料庫的處理查詢能力以及一個開放型的查詢輸入介面以供使用者依照需求設定所需的測試查詢;控制模型中定義了一連串變數以供設定績效評估系統中的執行環境。我們發展此系統化且具開放型的工作量方法可以幫助各種不同應用領域的使用者預測及展現XML資料庫系統的績效。 / XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the emerging data format for data processing on the Internet. XML provides a rich data semantics and data independence from the presentation. Thanks to these features, XML becomes a new data exchange standard and leads new storage and query processing issues on database research communities. In this paper, the performance evaluation issues on XML databases have been studied and a generic and requirement-driven XML workload model that is applicable to any application scenario or movable on various platforms is developed. There are three sub-models in this generic workload model, the XML data model, the query model, and the control model. The XML data model formulates the generic hierarchy structure of XML documents and supports a flexible document structure of the test database. The XML query model contains a flexible classical query module selector and an open query input to define the requirement-driven test query model to challenge the XML query processing ability of the XML database. The control model defines variables that are used to set up the implementation of a benchmark. This open, flexible, and systematic workload method permits users in various application domains to predicate or profile the performance of the XML database systems.

物件網際網路資料庫系統中介模式之研究 / A Language-based Gateway between OODBMS and Web

韋凱忠 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於全球資訊網的盛行,造成網際網路上的資料需求量大增,資料庫管理系統與全球資訊網必須結合以滿足客戶端的資訊需求。但隨著網路異質性的增加,不同的平台、作業系統及通訊協定不斷地加入使用,不一致的問題亦隨之而來。   同時,物件資料庫的兩大標準,SQL3與ODMG,在許多觀念上不儘相同。因此,本研究嘗試從物件模型及查詢語言兩方面著手,以物件觀點來分析兩者的相同及相異處,提出一對應模式,並實做一個資料庫中介系統,以轉換兩種語言在語法上的差異。 / In recent years, the complexity of database systems has been enhanced under the development of client/server architecture and distributed computing systems. Usually this type of system combines different hardware, network protocols or DBMSs.   Because the Internet and WWW are more and more popular, many people regard "Network as a computer" or "Network as a global database." It is obvious heterogeneous databases will be connected via WWW in order to provide more information. In the meantime, new OODBMS standards, SQL3 and ODMG, are emerging. Although the two standards both support for object facilities, they are quite different in object model and query languages. Therefore, the mapping between these two standards is necessary. We propose a comparison model and develop an experimental gateway according to the model.

家庭社經地位、父母參與和國中生學習成就關係之研究-以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫為例 / The effect of mother and fathar involvement between socioeconomic status and their children academic achievement: Evidence from taiwan education panel survey

陳香竹, Tan, Heong Teck Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的探討:(一)家庭社經地位、父親參與、母親參與對學習成就結構的關係模式;(二)運用多群組樣本測量模式,比較不同家庭社經地位(高、中、低三群組)學生其父親、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式。 本研究採用「結構方程模式」建立上述模式,並採用TEPS 2001「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」中9,141位國一學生(只以親生父母親同住子女)及其父親、母親為研究樣本。 本研究歸納出以下結論茲分述如下: 一、 結構方程模式考驗結果顯示「家庭社經地位、父親、母親參與和學習成就模式」與TEPS次級資料達到良好適配,表示家庭社經地位對學習成就具有正相關直接影響效果,同時父親間接參與對學習成就無顯著影響,而母親間接參與則有達到正向顯著影響。 二、 不同社經地位學生,其父親參與對子女學習成就無顯著影響,但母親參與對子女學習成就則呈正相關顯著差異。 三、 「高家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」為良好適配指標,但是父親參與未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關顯著水準。 四、 「中家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」亦為良好適配指標,其中父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關且顯著水準。 五、 「低家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」適配度指標最佳,但是父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與則依然呈正相關顯著。 最後,依據上述研究發現,就研究結果與研究方法兩方面,將提出相關研究建議以供教育實務上及未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to explore the effects of mother and father involvement between socioeconomic status(SES)and their children academic achievement. The data of the public released core panel data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey(TEPS)in 2001 was used. The sample was drawn from TEPS and was constituted by 9,141 adolescents who were seventh graders and lived with their birth parents in 2001. This study explores that what role parental involvement plays between SES and academic achievement, and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to create a mother and father involvement model that affects academic achievement. In addition, the multi-groups model was used to analyze how the SES affects mother and father involvement and children academic achievement. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The test result of SEM suggested that the proposed “Model of effects of SES/parental involvement on children academic achievement” fit the core panel data well. This showed SES had direct effect on academic achievement and had indirect effect through mother and father involvement. 2. Among all the SES groups, father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly. Mother involvement showed positive correlation and significantly. 3. The model of effect of parental involvement in higher SES family fits the data well, but father involvements positively correlated with children academic achievement and not significantly. Mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. 4. The model of effect of parental involvement in middle SES family fits the data well. Father involvement still positively but not significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement; mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. 5. The model of effect of parental involvement in low SES family fits the data best. Father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly; mother involvement also positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. Finally, the study discusses the implications of parental involvement and suggests directions for future research.

人文社會科學引文索引資料庫之系統結構與欄位設計研究 / The structure and field description of humanity and social science citation database research

林佳怡, Lin, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在針對WoS、Scopus、CSSCI、CCD、TSSCI、THCI與ACI等七個引文索引資料庫,觀察與統計現有引文索引資料庫之系統文獻來源、查詢功能、索引欄位、輸出欄位、引文分析功能及其檢索結果分析與個人化功能等,藉此瞭解現有引文索引資料庫之現況與不足之處,並輔以資料庫使用者、圖書館館員以及資料庫建置專家之訪談,瞭解建置人文社會科學引文索引資料庫之阻礙、後續維護管理問題、推廣問題以及與國際接軌之建議作法,進而對人文社會科學引文索引資料庫的建置提出建議。   本研究結果歸納如下:(1)系統文獻來源為綜合性較佳,較能建構出較完整的引文網路。(2)查詢功能、索引欄位、輸出欄位、引文分析、檢索結果分析與個人化功能宜參考WoS、Scopus與CCD三個建置較齊全之資料庫,提供使用者較全面的系統功能。(3)建置阻礙包括參考文獻引文格式的差異問題、拖刊問題、選刊問題、建檔的人力與資源問題、以及名稱的權威檔等問題。(4)後續維護管理問題包括人力與經費、資料庫的推廣、資料庫所採取的營運模式問題、資料的來源問題、以及引文資料的建檔問題。(5)若欲推廣資料庫,必須建置功能及內容完整之資料庫,讓使用者感受到資料庫的查詢具有引文網路的架構。(6)資料庫在建置時就須參考國外資料庫在處理引文資料庫時所注重的重點,例如各項索引與輸出欄位等,將來與國外接軌或合併的可行性才有可能提高。   本研究結果可供期刊出版商提升自我品質之參考,亦可對建置人文社會科學引文索引資料庫各項系統功能提出建置建議,希冀有朝一日能建置出媲美國外大型引文索引資料庫的臺灣人文社會科學引文索引資料庫。 / Citation index databases have been explored and made impact on academic research for several decades. The Web of Science (WOS) of Thomson Reuters ISI is one of the most well-known citation databases in the world, and the Scopus of Elsevier is also a famous citation databases. In addition, the Mainland China has also developed Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) database and Chinese Citation Database (CCD) since recent twenty years. Under the sponsorship of the National Science Council in Taiwan, the Taiwan Social Science Research Center established the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) database in 1996 and the Center for Humanities Research built up Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) database in 1999. On the other hand, Airiti Incorporation has developed Academic Citation Index (ACI). However, the application of TSSCI, THCI and ACI reveals many design flaws and use limitations for both databases, some search functions are different and not available, and it is therefore difficult for users to get information through the same search interface. It is truly important to construct an integrate citation index database for Taiwan humanity and social science researchers. Working with an information service company, the purpose of the present study is to propose a design plan to establish a Taiwan humanity and social science citation database.   The following issues will be investigated in this study: 1. Collecting source literature and citation literature from humanity and social science journals publishing by Taiwan academic institutes. 2. Designing the structure of citation index system, types and contents of the database. 3. Setting up the standards for description on database fields. 4. Developing the basic, advanced and other information retrieval functions. 5. Seeking for the integration with WoS to fulfill the goal of information resources sharing and the promotion of global visualization. 6. Building the quantitative indicator for evaluating the humanity and social science research.

探討犯罪公司定罪前後銀行貸款利率之差異 / The Impact of Corporate Convictions on Syndicated Bank Loan Prices

黃聖雯, Huang, Sheng Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來知名公司面臨起訴或遭到定罪的消息層出不窮,然而在公司定罪的相關研究中,多數文獻著重於探究遭受定罪之事實對公司價值的影響,較少研究聚焦於定罪事實對公司所參與之聯貸案契約條件的影響,有鑑於此,本篇文章旨在探討犯罪公司於定罪前後其聯貸借款條件之借款利率是否有顯著差異。本篇研究發現事件前後犯罪公司之借款利率差異並不顯著。當我們試以修正資料庫登錄與犯罪新聞時間差的問題後,結果顯示犯罪公司之借款利率於犯罪相關新聞發布後顯著上升,除此之外,考量交乘作用後發現犯罪公司間,犯罪罪刑為詐欺類以及受判罰金較高的犯罪公司於事件後,相較於其他犯罪公司,該類公司更傾向面臨較高的借貸成本。 / A number of well-known corporate prosecutions have been raised in recent years. Previous literature focuses more on the valuation impact of corporate convictions. Empirical evidence on how corporate convictions affect the contract terms of syndicated loan is sparse. We examine how corporate misconducts affect the pricing of bank debt after corporate convictions. We find that the difference of loan spreads between facilities initiated before and after conviction are insignificant. Taking potential lag of initial announcement time into consideration, we find significant evidence that the effect of corporate conviction is positively associated with the increases of loan spreads. Moreover, interaction terms with conviction variable show that firms with large fines or convicted of fraud-related crimes tend to face higher loan spread after convictions.

以全民健保資料庫探討長期照顧需求 / Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Explore the Need of Long-term Care

鄭志新 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著我國國民的壽命持續增長,人口老化愈加明顯。預期臺灣在2021年將進入人口零成長,2025年65歲以上人口比例也將超過20%(來源:國家發展委員會2014年人口推估)。人口老化帶來許多問題,如老年生活、醫療、以及長期照顧等需求,其中照顧需求與年齡正相關,預期需求將隨壽命延長而增加,需要及早規劃及因應,這也是今年通過長期照護法的原因。由於各國國情不同,對於長期照護的定義、補助及需求也不盡相同,有必要發展適用於臺灣特性的,推估長期照顧需求的所需之資源。重大傷病中的許多疾病與失能、甚至長期照護有關,由於全民健保實施至今已逾20年,重大傷病的認定標準及程序相對客觀、中立,受到民眾、學術、政府各界肯定。 有鑑於此,本文以全民健保資料庫的重大傷病資料庫為基礎,挑選八類引發長照的重大傷病,作為規劃長期照護保險的參考。本文以這些傷病的發生率、罹病後死亡率、罹病後存活率等,結合國發會所人口推估的結果,利用年輪組成法(Cohort Component Method)推估長期照顧的未來需求。研究發現:未來需求人口從2013年約10萬人,迅速增加至2060年的21萬人,增加速度相當快。而參考「長期照顧保險法」草案的給付內容,若聘請一名外籍看護每月20,000元計算,每人分擔將從2012年的$530元/月升至2060年的2,728元/月;若不調整保費且以隨收隨付計算,每人每月繳交400元長照保費,長照給付將從2012年每月13,353元降至2060年每月3,556元,由此可知壽命延長、人口老化將造成長照保險的財務問題。另外,本文考量的八項重大傷病較為保守,沒有加入老化、遺傳等因素的長照需求,預期將不足以因應實際需求,未來有必要引入商業保險來彌補社會保險的不足。 / In recent years, with the sustainable growth of the life expectancy in our country, population aging becomes more apparent. Taiwan’s population of ages 65 and over will exceed 20% within 10 years, before 2025. (Source: National Development Council - Population Projection on 2014). The population aging an prolonging life incurs a big demand for caring the elderly, such as the economic need after the retirement, medical cost, and long-term care. Among these needs, the demand of long term care was under-estimated and is only recognized recently. Thus, this study focuses on predicting the need of long-term care in Taiwan. Specifically, the definition and standard (as well as types and amounts of subsidy) for juding whether one needs long-terma care is not yet determined, although Taiwan’s government passed the long-term care law (Long-Term Care Insurance Law) earlier this year. We should adapt the notion of catastrophic illness (CI) and use certain CI categories, which are related to long-term care, to design the long-term care insurance. Catastrophic illness (CI) is one of the key features of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI), and the definition and process of evaluating if one is with the CI is quite complete. We choose eight categories of CI and use the NHI database to obtain their incidence rates, mortality rates, and survival probability. Together with the population projection from National Development Council in 2014 and the cohort component method to predict the long-term care demand in Taiwan. The syudy result shows that the population needing long-term care will rise from about 100 thousands in 2013 to about 210 thousands in 2060. Moreover, if the long-term care insurance is funded via pay-as-you-go, the individual premium required will rise 5 times from 2012 to 2060. This indicates that the long-term care might be too expensive and the commercial insurance can play an important role as a supplement.

大學生電子書資料庫使用與閱讀研究:以國立政治大學為例 / Study on E-Book Databases Use and Reading for Undergraduate Students : A Case Study of National Chengchi University

黃譯民, Huang, Yi Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生使用與閱讀電子書資料庫,研究目的包括:(1)探討 大學生電子書資料庫的使用與閱讀行為;(2)探討大學生電子書資料庫的價值認 知與使用滿意度;(3)探討影響大學生使用電子書資料庫的因素;(4)探討大學 生參與電子書資料庫推廣服務的現況與看法。本研究採用問卷法與訪談法,首先 藉由文獻探討歸納電子書使用與閱讀研究四構面,依此而設計電子書資料庫使用 與閱讀調查問卷,並對國立政治大學大學生實行問卷調查,再採用立意取樣方式 進行深度訪談,以探討大學生電子書資料庫使用與閱讀的行為。 本研究提出之研究結論如下:(1)政治大學的大學生近五成使用過電子書, 但使用過圖書館電子書資料庫者不到兩成;(2)使用圖書館電子書資料庫的主要 原因是「為了作業報告或學習研究需求」,而使用需求受到使用目的與動機之影 響;(3)最常使用的電子書檢索策略是「關鍵字檢索」,閱讀電子書的時間多為 1 小時,主要透過「線上閱讀」方式取用電子書,並以「跳讀,僅閱讀特定章節 /段落」方式閱讀單本電子書;(4)五成以上大學生喜歡實體書勝於電子書;(5) 對圖書館的電子書資料庫表示中度滿意,對電子書資料庫推廣服務則未達滿意; (6)「在螢幕上閱讀相當吃力」是大學生在使用圖書館電子書資料庫時最大的困 難,且電子書的閱讀較易出現注意力分散的情形;(7)影響政治大學的大學生使 用圖書館電子書資料庫的因素包含使用者主觀的使用經驗及客觀的外在環境。 最後,本研究對圖書館及電子書相關廠商提出以下建議:(1)圖書館應與廠 商定期合作舉行使用者滿意度調查,藉以瞭解使用者的使用行為、使用經驗及滿 意度;(2)建議電子書相關廠商簡化進入及取用電子書資料庫的步驟、利用圖像 式設計提供更明確且明顯的快速連結名稱,增加電子書資料庫的曝光率;(3)建 議圖書館瞭解大學生的需求及充實電子書資料庫館藏的質與量,增強正向使用經 驗及藉由同儕的影響力提高使用率;(4)圖書館應積極向教師推廣電子書資料庫 的使用並提供支援教學服務,以期透過相關課程,增加電子書資料庫曝光率及使 用率;(5)建議圖書館及電子書相關廠商透過創新且有趣的行銷推廣策略,以更 輕鬆且貼近大學生的服務及參與方式,提高大學生取用電子書資料庫之動機。 / This study mainly investigated using and reading e-books databases for undergraduates. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) to probe into undergraduate students’ use and reading behavior of e-book databases; (2) to discuss the undergraduates’ perception and satisfaction of e-book databases; (3) to find out the factors affecting undergraduates’ use of e-book databases; (4) to understand undergraduate students’ opinions and current state of e-book databases promotions services in university libraries. The study using questionnaire and interviewing as research methods. Through literature review, this study sorts previous researches on reading and use of e-books into four dimensions. A questionnaire is designed according to these dimensions and delivered to undergraduate students of NCCU. Moreover, 15 undergraduates are selected through purposive sampling from the returned questionnaire for further interviews. The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) near fifty percent of NCCU undergraduates read e-books, but only two percent used e-book databases; (2) the main reason why undergraduates use e-book databases is for term papers or research purposes, and their needs are affected by their purposes and motivations; (3) the most used retrieval skill is keyword searching, and most undergraduates use e-book online, just skimming and scanning for one hour at most; (4) over fifty percent of undergraduates prefer books to e-books; (5) undergraduates are generally satisfied with e-book databases acquired by NCCU Libraries, but they are less than satisfied with promotions of e-book databases; (6) the most challenge of using e-book databases for undergraduates is that “tiring to read on screen,” and they are easily distracted while reading e-books; (7) the factors affecting undergraduates to use e-book databases are attributed to their previous user experience and external environments. According to these conclusions, there are some suggestions made for university libraries and concerned e-book market investors: (1) university libraries may work with investors to hold regular user satisfaction survey; (2) it is recommended to simplify the access to e-book databases and e-books ; (3) to achieve higher use rate, libraries may improve the quantity and quality of e-books, and build positive user experience with e-book databases for undergraduates; (4) libraries may suggest and support faculty to teach with e-books or e-book databases in their courses; (5) libraries and investors may develop more innovative, easier and friendlier services for undergraduate students.

應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路之分散式資料庫設計 / Design of Distributed Database for Contingency Cellular Network

張宜蘋, Chang, I Ping Unknown Date (has links)
歷年發生的大型天然災害中,行動通訊系統常常會因為道路、橋樑、電力的損毀而導致嚴重癱瘓,進而影響災後救援工作的進行,行動通訊系統其實是不可靠且極為脆弱的。為使災區能夠快速地恢復通訊,本研究提出一種應急通訊系統,利用無線通訊,將這些無連線能力的基地台連接起來,並利用存活可連至核心通訊網路的基地台,建構成為一個臨時性的通訊系統,稱為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network,CCN),供使用者在災區內進行通訊。由於資料庫的可靠度在行動通訊網路中具有舉足輕重之地位,本論文旨在利用分散式架構提高CCN網路資料庫的可靠度,進而提高系統可靠度。我們先分析資料表的特性,並依據各資料表的特性以及資源之多寡,設計相應的分散式架構。 我們利用樹狀拓樸的簡單特性,提出三種分散式架構:(1)用於群組資料表的階層備援式架構、(2)用於HLR資料表的階層備援式架構,以及(3)用於HLR資料表的鄰近階層備援式架構。這三種架構都利用了樹狀拓樸的簡單特性,大幅簡化了資料庫的查詢及更新程序。我們以可用度及平均總成本,以評估各架構在不同的情形下之最合適架構,並觀察在各架構下,其系統可用度與平均總成本之間的關係,由結果可知,在群組資料表儲存架構中,若追求高系統可用度,可選擇高儲存密度之架構,反之,若追求較低的成本,可選擇低儲存密度之架構。而在HLR資料表儲存架構中,階層備援式的系統可用度與平均總成本比鄰近階層備援式來得高,表示階層備援式耗費較多成本,但可用度也較高,故在建置時可依實際情況來選擇合適的架構儲存。 最後,為驗證分散式資料庫架構之可行性,我們利用數部筆記型電腦及Android平台手機來建置階層備援式及鄰近階層備援式架構,並測量在此二種架構下於通話建立時所耗費的時間,從模擬結果可知,此二種架構皆可快速建置並可立即通訊,惟鄰近階層備援式所耗費的通話建立時間略長,但仍在可容許範圍之內。 / When stricken by a catastrophic natural disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. The efficiency of disaster response operation is greatly depending on communication systems. However, they were usually not dependable, including cellular networks, and often crashed due to power outage and backhaul link breakage. The failure of communication systems caused a big coordination problem to many disaster response operations. This thesis proposes a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) by connecting isolated base stations to survival base stations using long-range wireless links to recover part of cellular network functionality. People can use their own cell phones for emergency communication in the disaster areas. CCN will be able to support a large number of disaster responders with limited resources in the early hours of disasters, thus to save many lives. Because the reliability of database plays a very important role in the CCN, this thesis proposes a distributed database architecture to improve the reliability of database so as the reliability of CCN. We take advantage of the simplicity of CCN tree topology to design three distributed database architectures: (1) Hierarchical Redundancy Architecture for “Group_Member ” table, (2) Hierarchical Redundancy Architecture for “HLR” table, and (3) Hierarchical Neighboring Redundancy Architecture for “HLR” table. The tree topology greatly simplified the query and update procedures. We use availability and average total cost to analytically evaluate all three architectures trying to identify the most appropriate architecture under different circumstances. Based on our evaluation results, CCN operators can choose the most appropriate architecture according to their realistic circumstances. Finally, in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed architectures, we implemented a simplified prototype using several laptops and Android mobile phones. The Hierarchical Redundancy Architecture and the Neighboring Redundancy Architecture were implemented. The results show that both architectures can be functional with reasonable performance except that Hierarchical Neighboring Redundancy Architecture may take longer time, but in a tolerable range, to setup a call.

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