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LINE的科技意會與迷思-以企業品牌年輕化歷程為例 / The Technological Sense-making and Myth of LINE usage - A study of the enterprises innovate on promoting Brand Rejuvenation with LINE吳秉昕, Wu, Pinghsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於意會本質上是人們對事務的主觀認知,並且是一個持續性的流程,是一種複雜且動態的觀念,因此將採用深度訪談法針對企業的相關部門成員進行歷程的研究。為呈現企業內部與外在社會環境相關的完整脈絡,本研究也會輔以消費者訪談、文獻資料法與二手資料法作為資訊搜集與驗證成效的方式。研究結果發現,個案對於透過LINE推動品牌年輕化的歷程上,確實存有許多囿於過往經驗或組織文化所形成的主觀認知,導致其對於新科技的理解與其目標族群的需求有所落差。研究結果也顯示,LINE確實能為企業接觸到年輕族群,但需要提供他們所需要的服務和資訊,才能爭取他們對品牌的認同和好感,同時與年輕族群的互動形式,相較於過往的單向式傳播,也必須因應LINE的科技特質有所調整。 / As many enterprises place great expectations in LINE’s ability to call out the youth, in order to find out whether the enterprises’ strategies in assessment and operation on LINE meeting the demand of the youth, this research looks into the experience of the first runner enterprises that promote brand rejuvenation with LINE. By introducing the real-world experience of the enterprise, this research analyzes the journey and operation strategies of rejuvenating brands by using LINE in early years. Meanwhile, by comparing the experiences and demand of using LINE among the youth, this research aims at whether the methods of rejuvenating brands by using LINE are satisfying. Does the myth really exist? If the myth does exist and bring diversified business strategies, how can the enterprises revise and improve their strategies in the future?
Since sense making is people’s subjective perception of affairs by nature and it is both a persistent process and a complicated and dynamic concept, this research focuses on the experience from members of relevant departments of the enterprise by in-depth interview. To present the context of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, this research also utilizes consumer interview, documents, and literature as the main data sourses and effectiveness verification. The research results show that cases do have many subject perceptions generated from previous confined experience or organizational culture in the course of LINE’s promotion of brand rejuvenation, which gives rise to difference between the understanding of new technology and the demand of target groups. The research results also show that LINE really enables the enterprise to access to the young people, but provision of their necessary service and information is required to get their recognition and good impression of the brand. Meanwhile, the means of interaction with the youth must be adjusted according to LINE’s technological nature comparing with previous single-direction dissemination.
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以推敲可能性理論探討軟體專案承諾升級 / Escalation of Commitment in Software Projects: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective張菀庭, Chang, Wan-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
軟體專案承諾升級現象發生時,可能會造成更多資源成本的投入,若投入更多的資源,而專案依然失敗,則會造成更多的浪費,是企業界最不希望看到的情形。本研究利用推敲可能性理論探討此現象,了解不同的說服方式如何影響受測者的決策過程。根據遇到專案的狀況,依照訊息訴求分成理性訴求與感性訴求的敘述方式,加入框架效應 (正向/負向) 以及訊息強度 (低/中/高) 兩變數,以自我責任作為調節變項進行探討,研究在不同情況敘述下,決策制定者接收專案訊息描述後其決策過程中的推敲可能性,以及推敲可能性與決策之間的關係。
1. 單一效果影響下,訊息強度中比起其他兩個強度較容易引起訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考。
2. 訊息訴求、訊息框架以及訊息強度會交互影響受測者推敲可能性,在正向框架下,訊息訴求與訊息強度對訊息接收者運用中央路徑做決策有顯著的交互作用。
3. 在訊息強度中與強的情況下訊息訴求與訊息框架對訊息接收者運用中央路徑做決策有顯著的交互作用。
4. 在感性訴求、正向框架與訊息強度強的訊息描述下,訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考時,較不容易做出承諾升級的決定。
5. 在自我責任調節下,則是感性訴求、負向框架與訊息強度弱的訊息描述,會引起訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考時,較不容易做出專案繼續的決策。 / Escalation of commitment is common in software project development. There are a few theories that have been used to explain this behavior, including the framing effect and self-responsibility. This study investigates the issue from the dual-path elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to examine how different persuasion routes may play roles in the decision process. An experiment was designed to study the effect of different descriptions of project status that may lead to different decision routes (central versus peripheral routes). The experiment design includes message appealing (rational vs emotional appealing), message strength (strong, medium and weak), and framing (positive vs. negative) as main variables and the responsibility as a moderator. The
subject was asked to decide whether s/he would continue the project under a given scenario. Our results includes the following:
1. Message appealing, message framing, and message strength have significant interaction effect on the subject’s decision routes;
2. In positive framing, message appealing and strength has significant interaction effect on the use of the central route;
3. When message strength is medium or strong, message appealing and framing has significant interaction effect on the use of the central route;
4. Regarding to decision escalation, the likelihood of escalation is lower when the decision route is central (thinking) under the emotional appealing, positive framing, and strong message;
5. The likelihood of escalation is lower when the decision route is central under the emotional appealing, negative framing, and weak message description.
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商業地震保險監理機制之研究 / The Study of the Supervision Mechanism of Commercial Earthquake Insurance林金穗, Lin, J.S. Unknown Date (has links)
地震保險PML評估可採用CRESTA Zone平均損失幅度表計算或採用認許的地震風險評估電腦軟體推估獲得,實施的關鍵為主管機關應建立具有公信力的CRESTA Zone平均損失幅度表。本文特就二種評估方式的利弊做深入的比較分析,並藉由地震風險評估軟體的架構說明影響地震保險PML的因素與權重,作為保險公司落實地震風險管理之依據。
本研究參考Solvency II的三大支柱提出建立地震保險監理機制之結論與建議如下:
2.公佈CRESTA Zone平均損失幅度表,作為保險公司地震保險PML申報依據,以落實產物保險業之地震保險監理機制。
關鍵詞:地震保險監理機制、地震保險PML、巨災準備金、風險基礎資本額、地震風險評估軟體 / Located at the Pacific Rim earthquake zone, Taiwan has been recognized as one of the severe seismic hazard areas in the world. With the bloom of high tech industry in the past two decades, the demand of earthquake insurance has been considerably increasing. However, along with the liberalization of insurance market, the new business model of financial holdings and the expanding influence from international brokers, insurance companies’ solvency capacity has been significantly challenged.
Taiwanese Government, same as Japan and U.S., adopts Risk-Based Capital (RBC) method in insurance supervision, while most countries with high earthquake potential have set up independent earthquake insurance supervision systems to ensure insurers’ earthquake reserves capable to compensate the huge earthquake losses. Among all the measures, the PML reporting system adopted by Canada and the State of California to regulate and trace insurance companies’ financial statuses could be an adequate paradigm for Taiwan.
The PML estimation could be obtained either using computer models or following default mean damage ratio table. This research compares the strength and weakness between these two methods, and presents the importance of parameters and key points in earthquake insurance management.
Based on the three pillars of Solvency II, the conclusions and recommendations of this paper are:
(1)Encourage insurance companies to build up the earthquake risk management mechanism;
(2)Establish the official default mean damage ratio table for PML reporting system;
(3)Adopt differential supervision practice to different level insurance companies;
(4)Promote the self-disclosure of key business information and enhance market discipline.
Establishing a sound earthquake insurance supervision system would not only ease the immoderate low-price competition but the whole insurance environment could also be stabilized and improved. It will ultimately achieve the objective to insure society liability and benefit the public as well.
Keywords: Earthquake Insurance, Earthquake Model, Catastrophic Risk Management, Insurance Supervision, Risk-Based Capital, CRESTA Zone, PML
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跨組織服務導向架構整合平台之研究黃明發 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據上述結論,對金融服務業者與企業提出相關建議,以及未來進一步研究之議題。 / Most enterprises adopt the concept of electronic business in the recent years. Since the system development is neither the competitiveness of core business nor the capacity for IT resources, seeking for a solution of on-demand IT application is a very important topic for most small-medium enterprises (SME).
The emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a solution of system integration for many enterprises. However, we should not view the system integration only as the aspect of Service-Oriented Architecture. We should think that how enterprises offer better services or products in order to satisfy customer demands. Then, based on these services or products, we go further to think about the system integration of the internal and external resources for the enterprise. In sum, the solution of SOA should be based on the enterprise strategy.
This research will apply SOA in the section of enterprise transaction and finance services. From the internal to external corporations, this research proposes an integrated platform of SOA “cross organization and business process management”. For small-medium enterprises, they could fully and easily utilize the IT services in the service warehouse from IT service providers. As a result, SME could concentrate on the competitiveness of core business. On the other hand, enterprise could obtain the advantage of electronic business. For IT service providers, they could make use of their capacity of system development to service many SME who have less ability of software development. Moreover, IT service providers could increase profit of the model for less production but more sales.
In the end, this research will recommend some solutions for financial service providers and enterprises based on above mentioned conclusion, and also address further research topics in the future.
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梭:在GMF 編輯器上以概念同步為基礎之即時模型同步輔助工具 / Shuttle: an Instant Model Synchronization Assistant for GMF Editors Based on Concept Synchronization高振益, Kao, Chen-yi Unknown Date (has links)
支援自動即時雙向工程(Roundtrip engineering,自即雙工)與重構,是當前先進整合開發環境的兩項殺手級特色。然而,當今自即雙工所實現的即時同步,僅針對特定塑模環境(如圖形使用者介面編排、物件類別設計等)量身訂製,並非任意同步。而精確字串匹配的彈性不足,也使以此為基礎的重構技術面臨些瓶頸。以上限制,使我們無法在跨模型、語言或文件的層次進行同步或重構,以滿足現今系統開發過程中的龐大資料同步需求。
我們的補強方案就是梭。這是一具在Eclipse【1】圖形化塑模框架(Graphical Modeling Framework,GMF【2】)下運作的塑模輔助引擎。梭可監聽GMF編輯器的模型元素輸入,同時連結元素與「同步概念」,以建立同步規則,最後依據規則,輸出視覺化的模型同步建議,輔助達成模型-模型間的資訊同步。
梭以「概念」串連了原本難以即時同步的模型元素。梭的規則推論架構,也為未來的知識本體化、結構化模型同步推論、驗證,鋪好了道路。開發者的夢想──在開發的任何階段,系統皆能維持同步──離實現又邁進一步。 / Roundtrip engineering and refactoring are killer features of modern IDE systems. Most implementations of these features nowadays, however, are tailor-made for scenarios like GUI or UML diagramming ones and hence are hard to generalize; moreover, existing refactoring ways are usually restricted to exact string matching and are thus unable to synchronize artifacts with different occurrences of the equivalent term. These problems inhibit today's IDEs from supporting developments requiring synchronization across models, languages and documents.
Shuttle is a modeling assistant developed by us running on Eclipse GMF editors. It monitors users' input model elements and link them by related concepts automatically. Later modifications of an element will trigger rules to find the others under the same related concepts and result in various synchronization recommendations which developers may choose to take to enforce consistency among parts of the developed system.
The linking-triggering mechanism of Shuttle is based on what we call concept synchronization (CS), which is inspired by the idea of concept in ontology and concept search in information retrieval. CS captures the simple idea that model elements with related text descriptions would be very likely modified accordingly if one of them is changed by the developer. To detect all others related to a target model element, we establish a many-to-many mapping between elements and WordNet Synsets【3】according to element text descriptions ahead of time and then, with WordNet’s help【40】, all elements related to the target can be found by looking for those mapped to a Synset associated with the target.
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運用知識模組化與再用發展平台經濟性創新理論之研究-以軟體元件與矽智財為例 / Economies of platform innovation theory through knowledge modularization and reuse: The cases of software components and silicon intellectual properties(SIPs).吳明機, Wu, Ming Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索作為產業組織核心之「公司」,將其知識以公開或特定之標準或程序加以模組化(modularization)後,進行公司內部與外部以產品開發為主之知識分工(division of knowledge)與再用(reuse)活動,因而衍生的組織與管理問題,以及公司間知識移轉與學習問題。並希望藉由產業實證,發展以「知識模組化與再用」為基礎之技術創新理論。
有關理論之建構,本研究選擇「平台經濟性」作為核心類別,並以「知識模組動態組合價值性」作為演化準則,經由主軸編碼與選擇編碼等程序,發展出九項命題,藉以建構「平台經濟性創新(economies of platforms innovation)」理論。根據該理論,本研究指出知識模組創新公司,可依據能力審視、能力構築、能力持續等三階段,建構其動態核心能力。
此外,與國際相較,台灣知識型企業之規模仍屬偏小,政府輔導機制可加強推動國際級產業基礎模組主導者與國內業者結盟、輔導建立夥伴廠商體系(e.g.旗艦計畫)、輔導建立知識模組交易/交換機制、協助釐清知識模組之智慧財產權爭議、以及積極參與國際標準制訂,並快速擴散相關資訊與技術供產業參考等。 / Knowledge modularization is a popular phenomenon in knowledge-based industries. This study explores issues related to companies, which use open or specific stan-dards/procedures to encapsulate their knowledge into modules, and then use such mod-ules to pursue internal and/or external division of knowledge and knowledge reuse activi-ties, for the purpose of developing products. The said issues include the organization and management issues, as well as knowledge transfer and learning. Through the process of empirical field investigations this study aims to develop a new technological innovation theory, which is based on knowledge modularization and reuse.
This study adopted the Grounded Theory, together with case studies, as the main methodology to guide the research process. Eight companies were selected as case stud-ies, which included four companies from the software industry and four design houses from the semiconductor industry. We interviewed these companies to discuss in-depth modularization innovation concerning software components in software industry and silicon intellectual properties (SIPs) in the semiconductor industry. The collected data is differentiated into nine conceptual categories, which are the (1) performance and com-petitiveness, (2) technology capabilities for developing knowledge modules, (3) capabili-ties for reusing knowledge modules, (4) evolution of knowledge module platforms, (5) organization policy and culture, (6) leadership in terms of basic industry modules, (7) market heterogeneity, (8) maturity of knowledge module transactions/exchanges, and (9) promotion of intermediary industry organizations.
According to the study's findings, knowledge module innovation companies usually adopt the following procedures : (1) use knowledge module reuse platforms as the core of product/service innovation models; (2) organization structure design based on platforms; establish four internal capabilities, including (i) enhance the technology capabilities for developing knowledge module, (ii) reusing knowledge modules, (iii) speed up the evolution of knowledge module reuse platforms, (5) establish organization policy and culture. As for factors impacting industry knowledge module exchanges/transactions, these include 1) knowledge module sources for open platforms, 2) create supply and demand beneficial to knowledge module reuse, 3) making good use of industry networks.
Regarding the formation of a theory, the “economies of platforms” are used as the core category, and develop the “dynamic combination value of knowledge modules” as a criterion of evolution. Through axial and selective coding, nine propositions are devel-oped to support and construct the theory of "economies of platform innovation". Accord-ing to this theory, the study finds that knowledge module innovation companies can build their dynamic core capabilities through three phases, including capabilities positioning, building up capabilities, and sustaining capabilities.
The study also proposes several suggestions for the industry and government:
1. Suggestions for the industry:
Companies should closely watch and learn to recognize whether the structure of the industry in which they operate is entering a dis-integration process leading to division of knowledge. If so, the companies can refer to the theory of "economies of platform in-novation", to take action on knowledge module innovation strategies based on the economies of platforms. Meanwhile, they should utilize the power of the sup-ply-demand of knowledge modules and industrial networks.
2. Suggestions for the government's industry policies:
For the purpose of helping individual firms raise their capabilities, the government could improve R&D assistance programs focused on the establishment of knowledge module reuse platforms. The government can also establish benchmarks or best practice cases as references for companies who would like to adopt innovation strategies for economies of platforms. Furthermore, knowledge module innovation companies with the potential to become industry leaders can be further assisted in developing mainstream industry platforms.
Besides, compared with international companies, the scale of knowledge-based companies in Taiwan is small. Therefore, the government can strengthen its efforts in promoting alliances between international industry leaders and Taiwanese companies, help Taiwanese companies to establish strategic partner networks, assist companies in establishing transaction/exchange mechanism for knowledge modules, clarify issues re-lated to intellectual properties of knowledge modules, participate in international stan-dards bodies, and provide up-to-date and relevant market and technology information.
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臺灣大學生透過電腦輔助軟體學習英語發音的研究 / A Passage to being understood and understanding others:蔡碧華, Tsai, Pi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體 「MyET」,對學習者在學習英語發音方面的影響。 利用電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體(CAPT),練習英語的類化效果,也列為調查重點之一。 此外,學生使用CAPT過程中遭遇的困難和挑戰,以及互動過程中發展出來的對策也一一加以探討。 本研究的目的是要把CAPT在英語聲韻教學的領域中做正確的定位,並且探討如何使用其他的中介工具(例如人類)來強化此類軟體的輔助學習效果。
參與本次研究的大學生一共有九十名,分為三組:兩組CAPT組(亦即實驗組,使用CAPT獨自或與同儕一起使用CAPT學習英語發音)、非CAPT組(控制組)一 組。每組三十名。實驗開始,所有學生以十週的時間練習朗讀 從「灰姑娘」(Cinderella) 摘錄的文字,此段文字由發行 MyET 的公司線上免費提供。 實驗前與實驗後,兩組的學生各接受一次測驗。 每週練習結束後,學生必須將學習心得記載於學習日誌上;教師也針對每個學生的學習心得給予指導回饋。
雖然如此,在質化的探究上,經過分析學生的學習心得後得知:所有組別當中,獨自使用CAPT學習英語發音的組別,最能夠自我審視語言學習歷程 (包括模仿和學習樂趣)。至於共同使用CAPT學習的學生自述在英語流暢度、語調及發音方面獲致最大的改善。控制組的學生因為沒有同儕的鷹架教學及回饋,也沒有 MyET提供的練習回饋,練習過程中,學生自述學習困難的頻率最高,學生也認為學習收穫很少。 參與本次研究實驗組的學生認為, CAPT提供練習回饋的機制設計有改進的空間。 有關本研究結果在理論及英語教學上的意涵以及研究限制,於結論當中一一提出加以討論。
中介 / This present study investigated the impact of computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) software, i.e., MyET, on students’ learning of English pronunciation. The investigation foci included the generalization of the effect of practice with the CAPT system. Also examined are the difficulties and challenges reported by the students who employed the CAPT system and the strategy scheme they developed from their interaction with the system. This study aimed to position the role of the CAPT system in the arena of instruction on English pronunciation and to investigate how other kinds of mediation, such as that of peer support, could reinforce its efficacy.
This study involved 90 Taiwanese college students, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The two experimental groups practiced English pronunciation by using a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) program either independently or with peers while the control group only had access to MP3 files in their practice. All the groups practiced for ten weeks texts adopted from a play, Cinderella, provided by MyET free of charge on line. They all received a pretest and a posttest on the texts they had practiced and a novel text. Each week after their practice with the texts, the participants were asked to write down in their learning logs their reflections on the learning process in Chinese. In the same way, the instructor would provide her feedback on the students’ reflections in the logs every week.
The results showed that the ten-week practice with the CAPT system resulted in significant and positive changes in the learning of English pronunciation of CAPT groups (i.e., the Self-Access CAPT Group and the Collaborative CAPT Group). The progress of the participants in intonation and timing was always higher than in segmental pronunciation. Moreover, the ten-week practice with the CAPT system was found to be generalized (though the generalization is less than mediocre) to the participants’ performance in the production of segmental pronunciation and intonation but not in the timing component in reading the novel text. However, the improvement of the CAPT groups was not great enough to differentiate themselves from the MP3 Group.
Though the quantitative investigation did not reveal significant group differences, the qualitative analysis of the students’ reflections showed that the learning processes all the three groups went through differed. The Self-Access CAPT Group outperformed the other two groups in developing self-monitoring of language learning and production, and in enjoying working with the CAPT system/texts. Among the three groups, the Collaborative CAPT Group outscored the other two groups in reporting their gains and improvement in fluency, intonation and segmental pronunciation, as well as developing strategies to deal with their learning difficulty. Though the students in the MP3 group also made significant progress after the practice, without peers’ scaffolding and the feedback provided by MyET, they reported the highest frequency of difficulties and the least frequency of gains and strategies during the practice. The participants of this study also considered necessary the improvement of the CAPT system’s feedback design. At the end of the study theoretical and pedagogical implications as well as research limitations are presented.
Key words: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Automatic Speech Recognition System (ASRS), segmental pronunciation, prosody, intonation, timing, learning strategies, mediation
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人工雙方喊價市場之競價行為與市場績效的研究-遺傳規劃的應用池秉聰 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,網際網路(Internet)快速發展,已成為一個無疆無界無時差的市場,如何不被這股潮流所淘汰,我們所提出的解決方案—軟體代理人(software agent),一位具有人工智慧(artificial intelligence)演化調適(adaptive)能力的代理人,現在已經有許多企業與資訊、管理、電腦科學等各方面專家結合,開始使用軟體代理人來代勞,試想一位永不停止、具有創新、學習適應的員工,企業家可以隨意複製或刪除,隨時配合市場規模,不必擔心任何裁員的負擔,這樣的代理人的問世,勢必對我們的經濟環境帶來莫大的衝擊。
電子商務(electronic commerce)已經行之有年,人類的消費型態似乎不易於因這個轉變而有所改變,消費者如果沒有經過視覺、觸覺、嗅覺等感官的刺激,很難有購買的動機,再加上授信制度的不健全使得電子商務的施行充滿了風險。雖然有這麼多問題,我們仍無法阻擋這股趨勢,在電子科技的進步,3D數位影像、各種感官刺激的傳送、或如同期貨市場上明確公認的規格、法律的修訂、完善的認證制度,接下來我們就是要看軟體代理人的表現。
我們將軟體代理人運用在人工雙方喊價(artificial double auction)的市場,就像真實市場已經有人開始使用自動下單或自動議價代理人的機制一樣。然而市場上是否有必然不敗的策略呢?本文就是要解開這個答案。再進一步來看,待真實市場每個成員受不了生存競爭的壓力,也採取使用代理人的演化性策略,屆時我們的人工市場就是真實市場的縮影,我們在本文也會針對這樣一個具有未來前瞻性市場的表現如何?透過經濟學的角度來揭露市場的本質是否仍然維持?
在本文軟體代理人即為議價代理人(bargaining agent),她可以在穩定的(stable)市場環境(其他參與者使用固定策略)中辨別出一些有利的市場特徵,藉由這些特徵發展出有利的策略,而其結果甚至不是很容易想到的策略;接著若每個人都使用議價代理人在市場上交易,這裡我們使用一種納許式過程(Nash-like process)來詮釋,之後再分別依市場的分配效率、價格效率、及所得分配來討論市場績效。
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專家決策支援系統建構器之物件模式建立的研究 / The Study of Developing An Object Model forthe Expert Decision Support System Generator廖本洋, Liao, Peng Yang Unknown Date (has links)
專家決策支援系統(Expert Decision Support System)是一種結合專家
行與分析,以完整的支援問題之求解過程。 / The expert decision support system(EDSS) is a computer-based
nformation system which integrates functions of the expert
systemnd the decision support system. EDSS, which is capable
ofrocessing symbolic and numerical data, provides the
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Koha圖書館自動化系統在台灣之應用 / Application for koha integrated library systems in Taiwan張琇婷, Chang, Hsiu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可提供台灣未來發展開放程式圖書館自動化系統的參考方案,觀察使用Koha系統圖書館失敗的原因以及與Koha系統相關單位兩方的觀點與困難,發現其中產生的問題,給予Koha系統、使用者與在地團隊建議。 / As the wheel of time turns, librarians and users of the integrated library system(ILS) become to be unsatisfied the features of ILS. Because of the developing process is closed and the unavailability of the source code, libraries have to try other ILS products for further development. Open source ILS is one of options, it gives users the freedom to copy, distribute, research, rewrite and reuse.
The purpose of this research is to study the current developing situation of open source ILS in Taiwan. We use Koha system as research case. By studying related papers, we captured the current situation of ILS, the development of open source, and the application of open source ILS. Using the questionnaires based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and interviews, we enhance our understanding of the current use and question about the Koha system in Taiwan.
The findings are as follows: 1.Current view of open source ILS in Taiwan: Prof. Mao has been distributing the developing of Koha in traditional Chinese since 2005. Users who used Koha system are mainly libraries in junior-high schools and elementary schools and those who are interested in Koha system. Due to the policy of Ministry of Education, the usage of Koha system in libraries in senior-high schools and elementary schools will be significantly less after 2010. 2. Reasons why libraries use open source ILS were categorized as follows :(1)Libraries was not automated; (2)Libraries were not automated successfully; (3)Libraries adopted Koha from promotion; (4)Libraries had insufficient budget; (5)Libraries had good technical supports; (6)Schools used Koha for education training purpose; (7)Schools were interested in the usage of open source. 3.The reasons of low acceptance of the Koha system: (1)Lack of technical supports; (2)Koha system was hard to use for average users; (3)Ministry of Education command the elementary and secondary schools to adopt new ILS. 4.Factors of the success adoption of the open source ILS: (1)Complete education training for users; (2)Other human resource support; (3)Technical support; (4)Friendly user interface; (5)Ease of use; (6)Positive attitude. 5.Reasons of the failure of library automation system and its difficulties: (1)Lack of training; (2)Lack of human support; (3)Lack of technical supports; (4)Incomplete features; (5)Incomplete system manual; (6)Unfriendly user interface; (7)Higher technology requirement.
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