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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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郭純宜 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會、經濟不斷轉型,資訊科技進步,商業模式不斷創新,新的服務創新帶給消費者更便利、更優質的生活環境,全球商業環境的快速變遷,產業的競爭日益激烈,不少企業紛紛朝向國際化、資訊化及多角化的方向發展。由於社會進步,國民生活水準大幅提昇,消費者對商品價格的重視漸漸轉而對產品品質及服務的重視。 便利商店的經營與其他業種、業態相比較下,更是要求制度、標準及效率,不僅提供給消費者一個完善的購物環境,也是社區及商圈的代收服務中心與資訊情報中心。因此,便利商店的經營者在面對競爭激烈的市場,如何掌握消費者需求,如何隨著內、外環境及趨勢的改變,而調整經營策略及模式,以提供更多的服務,創造更高的競爭優勢,是一個值得重視並深入探討的課題。本研究以連鎖便利商店產業內之萊爾富國際股份公司為研究對象,透過深度訪談個案公司相關負責主管,瞭解連鎖便利商店業者在建構多媒體機Life-ET成功商業獲利模式的產生的有形效益及無形效益,作分析探討,並提出建議。 公司規劃創新商業模式,就得先找到進入的地圖,這一張地圖由四個互相依存連動的要素組成,合在一起才能創造價值,其中最重要的是第一個要素-提出顧客價值主張,這也是建立出色商業模式的步驟的第一個步驟,設計利潤公式是第二個步驟,第三個步驟是確認關鍵資源和流程。專案推動過程中,萊爾富運用核心優勢與資源重塑價值鏈,整合相關關鍵資源與流程,以兼顧標準化與彈性化之需,使整體創新的商業模式能產生一加一大於二的效益。 Hi-Life 導入多媒體機商業模式後相關成果如上述,彙整效益結論如下: (一) 無形面 1、提升對消費者服務的深度。 2、提高消費者生活上便利性的廣度。 (二) 有形面: 1、業務類別提升:2003年~2012年9月整合異業業態,新增23項業務。 2、交易筆數提升:筆數整體提升30%,來客數提升25%。 3、增加營收: 手續費收入增加200%。 4、新銷售平台提供:新增101家廠商。 關鍵字:連鎖店、自助服務科技、Kiosk多媒體機、商業獲利模式

藥妝連鎖業供應鏈商業智慧之研究-以Y公司為例 / The study of supply-Chain business-intelligence for the drug & cosmetic Chain store

黃瓊玉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大者恆大的營運觀念,很多企業邁向連鎖體系,藥妝業亦是。根據MBA智庫百科(2015)指出,現代企業比任何時候都更依賴供應鏈的有效管理方能成功。而藥妝連鎖業的營運品項比任何產業都廣,其供應商更是多類與複雜,如何運用資訊化之力,尤其是日臻成熟又能快速掌握營運與競爭資訊的商業智慧,以提升供應鏈運作效能,而利於決策分析與競爭力,已是藥妝連鎖業當務之急。 有鑑於此,本研究首先針對研究主體之Y公司藥妝連鎖業營運及其供應鏈現況等進行個案研究,次而針對連鎖經營業、供應鏈及其管理、商業智慧與相關議題進行文獻探討,再者採行IDEF0與IDEF3進行Y公司供應鏈流程分析與資訊系統探討,並規劃與設計其商業智慧運作之資料倉儲的觀念模型、邏輯模型、實體模型、系統雛型及應用模型,最後綜整上述研究所得而分析與歸納個案公司供應鏈發展商業智慧重要與注意事項,其結論與建議如下: 結論方面,藥妝連鎖業供應鏈商業智慧之發展,現況是配銷缺乏統籌、供應鏈資訊化低、決策資源不足。而所需是建立基本藥品供應模式與資料倉儲,以收集大量資料發展商業智慧。而個案公司欲發展供應鏈商業智慧,需要了解產業現況與所需、掌握供應鏈商業智慧運作流程與模式、改進資料倉儲模型設計、奠立資訊化基礎、促進運作人才培養。 對Y公司的建議,可從1商業智慧發展之系統化、合理化 、標準化 、配送中心作業整合化投入,2品類管理發展之整合個案公司資訊系統,供應商和第三方資料投入,3企業整體營運面-資源配置優質化、提高市場占有率、提高市場占有率、提高競爭力、降低經營費用、引導生產領域、保護消費者權益投入。而對未來研究的建議是研究資料的增加、研究方法的改變與研究方向的拓展等。 / It becomes an important trend that firms invest to develop chain-operation. The drug & cosmetic also invest to develop chain-operation. Based on MBA encyclopedia (2015), firms much more depend on effective SCM now. And commodities of the Drug & Cosmetic are much more & complicated than any industry, they much more invest computerization to develop business-intelligence (BI) and improve SCM performance. Therefore, the study based on Y firm to explore the operation & supply-chain of the drug & cosmetic, invested to the chain-operation, SCM & BI literature review, then used IDEF0 & IDEF3 to analyze the supply-chain process & information system of Y firm, and plans concept model, logical model, physical model, system prototype & application model of Yfirm. In the end, the study obtained the following conclusion & suggestion: Conclusions: To BI development of the drug & cosmetic supply-chain: 1.distribution was lacking of integration 2.computerization level was too low 3.decision recourses was enough. Y firm wanted to develop supply-chain BI, it had to master needs of the industry and process & model of supply-chain BI, improved design of data-mining, built computerization base, invested train & education of human-recourse. Suggestions: To Y firm: 1.to develop BI system 2.to develop category management 3.to improve operation performance. To future research: 1.to add the research data 2.to change the research method 3.to expand the research direstion.

連鎖體系經營知識移轉之研究-以便利商店為例 / Know-how Transfer for Franschise System - A Case of Convenience Stores

崔至剛, Tsui, Chi Kang Unknown Date (has links)
自從1858年第一個連鎖體系出現以來,連鎖加盟制度已經成為經營型態的重要潮流。除了在美國大行其道之外,在台灣也是如雨後春筍般地蓬勃發展。以台灣的發展而言,到民國84年為止,台灣共有167個連鎖體系,在超過一萬兩千個營業據點中,便利商店便有將近三千個營業據點,可見其重要性。   便利商店的興起也帶給台灣經營生態不小的衝擊。國外經營知識的引入,使得人們可以享有清潔乾淨的購物環境、商品結構的齊全、24小時營業,滿足了人們便利性的需求。此外,便利商店的興起帶動相關產業的興起,如物流業者、資訊服務業等等,這都有賴於國外經營知識的引入帶來經營體質上的提昇。因此本研究的研究目的在於探討經營知識特性對於國外連鎖體系經營知識移轉方式、本土連鎖體系經營知識來源、以及國內連鎖總部與各分店間經營知識移轉方式的影響,本研究也將探討國際連鎖體系對於經營知識的調整原因與方式。   本研究採個案研究方法,一方面利用個案訪問,包括7-ELEVEN、福客多、OK便利商店、統一麵包加盟店以及萊爾富便利商店;另一方面也對次級資料做整理,以便對於業界之實務作法有一瞭解。   本研究之結論如下:   一、對國際性連鎖體系而言,經營知識移轉方式和經營知識特性有關。與外部機構關係弱的經營知識都是由國外母公司提供文件或派遣顧問來移轉。與外部機構關係強的經營知識會需要國內連鎖總部藉由觀摩並自行發展的努力。   二、對本土連鎖體系而言,經營知識的來源和經營知識的特性無關,但連鎖總部的經驗和能力會影響經營知識的來源。   三、在國內連鎖總部與各分店間經營知識的移轉方面,後場的經營知識多是利用文件來移轉,前場的經營知識則是文件與人員移轉並重。研究中也發現,示範店對於連鎖總部創新的推行、經營知識的手冊化有正面的助益,不但有助於總部經營知識的累積,也可以簡化移轉的程序。   四、研究中發現經營知識會因為當地的環境差異而需要調整,且經營知識調整的原因會影響調整的方式。經營知識本質的調整主要是文化的因素造成,程序上的調整則主要是因為非文化性因素造成。

連鎖服務業服務傳送系統之研究 / Study on the Service Delivery System of Chain Operation for service Industry

王文信, Wang, Wen Shinn Unknown Date (has links)
基於「服務傳送系統為服務業管理活動的重心」之研究動機,本論文主要 在探討服務傳送系統的內涵、類型及影響其設計與管理的關鍵因素,採用 八個不同業態、業種且具代表性之連鎖服務企業之實證個案進行定性探索 性之研究,據以推論不同類型的連鎖服務業,其服務傳送系統的類型及影 響因素有何不同?服務傳送系統是將服務傳給顧客的過程活動,具有生產 與消費的特性,因此,涵蓋行銷與作業領域的服務傳送系統在設計上應兼 顧服務設計、服務程序的選擇、以及實體環境的呈現等構成要素之配合。 本論文以服務完成量及顧客參與度等構面將服務傳送系統分為連線式、零 工式、專案式等三類型,並以服務工廠型、大量服務型、服務工站型、專 業服務型等四類型的連鎖服務業,分別探討其間的關係,並推演出相關命 題。本論文之研究結論包括(1) 連鎖服務業的服務傳送系統與其服務作業 的標準化程度有關。(2) 不同類型的服務傳送系統,其服務程序的類型之 之選擇亦不同。(3) 不同類型的連鎖服務業,其服務傳送系統的選擇亦不 同,服務工廠型及大量服務型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用連線服務式,其資 訊化程度較高;服務工站型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用零工服務式,其前後 場的服務作業配合程度較高;專業服務型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用專案服 務式,其服務人員的專業程度較高。最後,本研究並提出對連鎖服務業採 行服務傳送系統的類型及影響因素之建議,以及對後續研究之建議。

連鎖式美語教育機構經營之成功關鍵因素探索-佳音與吉的堡之比較 / “Successful attributes for English chain educational institutions - Joy and Kid Castle in comparison”

蔡昕璁, Cai, Xin Cong Unknown Date (has links)
教育部目前已要求所有國小自三年級全面實施英語教學,但有些學校特別是位於市區的學校卻自學生一年級起就開始實施英語教學。然而,即使有許多的學生從小學一年級就已經開始在學校裡學英語,家長卻認為學生在學校裡所學的並不足夠。因此,有許多學生在放學之後,仍然必需到私人的語言學習機構也就是所謂的補習班去學習英語。這些讓孩子到補習班去上英語課的家長,都希望他們的孩子在上國中之前能夠達到一定的英語程度。雖然目前已經有許多研究探討兒童的英語學習,但是針對補習班經營之成功關鍵因素探索所做的研究卻是極為有限。 本研究的目的在於兩個不同的美語補習班成功的特質。他們分別是佳音和吉的堡美語補習班。本研究問卷的對象為來自於佳音和吉的堡美語補習班經營者、美語教師和國小學童。資料收集的時間自2008年1月起至2008年8月止。本研究收集資料的方式是以研究對象為主所設計的三種不同的問卷和部份補習班班主任的訪談。 研究結果顯示學童、教師,以及補習班業者對於國小學童在補習班學習英語均抱持正面的看法。就英語學習而言,補習班通常提供小班教學、較長的上課時間讓學生學習英語、依學生英語能力等級進行分班、聘請外籍教師、優良的語言教學設備,並且提供學生相關的英語補充教材。此外,大多數的學童以及家長都認為在補習班學習英語能夠改善學童英語聽、說、讀、寫的能力。本研究也以成功的補習班目前所擁有的優勢為基礎,討論英語連鎖補習班成功的因素和未來持續成長的建議。 / The Ministry of Education has required all elementary schools in Taiwan to offer English lessons beginning from their third grade, and there are schools, especially those in urban areas, teaching English from first grade. Even though many young students are taking English lessons in the first grade, their parents still think what they are learning in school is not enough. They will need to study English after school in a private language institute, known as “English Bushiban” or “English chain educational institutions.” These parents hope that their children could attain a certain level of English proficiency before entering into junior high school. Although a large number of research studies regarding children’s English learning are available, very few of them have explored successful attributes for English chain educational institutions. The purpose of the study will be to explore the successful attributes of two different English chain educational institutions. They are Joy and Kid Castle. The questionnaires targeted at administrators, English teachers, and students of English chain educational institutions. Data collection began in January 2008 and ended in August 2008. The instruments used in this study were different versions of questionnaires designed for the three groups of participants and interviewed with some administrators of the two English chain educational institutions. The findings of the current studies indicated that the students, teachers, and administrators of English chain educational institutions seemed to have a positive attitude toward learning English in English chain educational institutions. In terms of advantages of English learning, English chain educational institutions offered students small classes, had a longer period of time for students to study English in contrast to ordinary school, grouped students into classes based on their proficiency levels, hired foreign English teachers, provided better learning equipment, and used effective learning materials for students. Moreover, most of the students reported that learning English in English chain educational institutions have helped students to improve their four language skills−listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on those advantages, English chain educational institutions had taught English to young students, the study will unfold the successful attributes to understand how to operate successful businesses for English chain educational institutions globally.

連鎖藥局創新服務之研究-以B連鎖藥局為例 / A study on service innovation in chain pharmacies- An example of B company

盧盈蒼 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣醫藥環境面臨重大變革,如全民健保開辦、醫藥分業實施、藥品進口自由化及藥品零售業務國際化,加上消費者教育水準之提高,在此種種因素影響下,藥局經營必須改變體質才能面對新環境、新挑戰。此外,隨著經濟環境的改善,民眾對於健康醫療相關的支出比例亦持續增加。藥局經營模式已不知不覺產生變化,由量的減少到質的提升、由被動轉為主動、由以「生病為中心」的商品組合到「健康為中心」的商品組合、由單打獨鬥到策略聯盟、由專業分工到資源整合都考驗著藥師的經營能力。 綜合上述可以發現在整體大環境改變下,傳統社區藥局經營模式已無法滿足顧客之需求,加上顧客對健康養身觀念意識之抬頭,社區藥局已逐漸定位為主動替顧客健康照護之把關者,而非僅僅是有病才拿藥之消極互動模式。尤其對長期慢性病友而言,社區藥局如何透過慢性病處方箋與醫院長期合作照護病友,以使病友用最有效率、最近距離、最少時間取得最正確安全之藥事服務,以提升附加價值;擺脫低價策略擴大市場需求,將成為社區藥局需審慎思考之新經營策略。 有鑒於此,本研究透過服務科學建立「新型態社區藥局服務創新模型與連鎖加盟經營」,以期在醫院與病友間成為有效之溝通橋樑並提升顧客健康照護之價值。接著,轉型第二階段將延續新商業模式,利用關係行銷建立「全國慢性病會員慢箋照護E-Pharmacy創新服務計畫」,協助個案公司將與其相關性之各產業資源相結合,形成牢不可破之關係行銷網,以期轉型發展成具有持續競爭力之永續經營企業,以因應產業之快速變化。 / Medical and pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan have been facing revolutionary transformations in recent years. These include the launch of National Health Insurance, dispensing separation (DS), import liberation, retail internationalization, and the elevation of consumer education levels. Under the impacts of these factors, drug store businesses have had to change accordingly to adapt to the new environment and respond to new challenges. Furthermore, with the improved financial condition of people, the proportion of budgets spent on medical- and healthcare-related services is steadily rising. The business model of a drug store has also changed. It has moved from quantity-focused management concepts to quality-focused ones, from passive-based services to active-based ones, from “illness-centered” products to “health-centered” ones, from a solitary pursuit to strategic alliances, and from division of professional work to integration of resources. The transformation poses a great challenge to the management capabilities of pharmacists. In short, under global changes and the raising of public awareness of health and health care, traditional community drug stores are far from meeting the demands of customers. From the passive business model of waiting for sick customers to walk in for their medications, community drug stores have gradually transformed to become actively involved in restoring and enhancing the health of their customers. By maintaining long-term cooperation with the hospitals that prescribe medications to their customers, community drug stores can especially help chronic patients by providing them the most efficient, shortest distance, correct and safe pharmaceutical services within the shortest time. Drug store owners should take this new business strategy into serious consideration as it allows them to offer value-added services to customers, abandon a low-pricing strategy, and expand market demand. In view of the above-mentioned, this study has set up a “New Form of Community Drug Store with Innovative Service Model and Franchise Chain Business Model” via Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME), and which aims to build an effective communication bridge between the hospital and the patient and enhance the value of healthcare services given to customers. The second phase of transformation is an extension of the new business model. In the second phase, relationship marketing is adopted to establish a “National Innovative Service Program of E-pharmacy for Chronic Patients” to assist the company in the study to integrate corresponding resources from different industries and form a strong relationship marketing network. With this program, it is hoped that the drug stores can transform and develop into sustainable ventures with sustainable competitive edges to respond to the rapid changes in the industry.

門市經營績效與管理-以個案A公司為例 / A case study of operation performance and management on chain stores

洪穎菁, Hung, Ying Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣連鎖零售業發展至今,市場已漸趨成熟,業者亦逐漸累積成功的商業經營模式。然而,連鎖通路勝出的關鍵因子不僅是規模經濟與經營效率,更需要了解每一門市經營效益,具備洞悉當地市場的能力,可以即時發現問題與調整經營方式。例如,如何透過經營活動產生的數值,分析店舖的績效(Ittner and Lacker 1998);瞭解不同類型門市經營模式的關鍵的經營因素,以及可以提供門市經營變化預警訊息之預警指標,門市經營(李孟熹1994),為連鎖式經營業者應予重視之管理議題,亦為值得深入探討之研究議題。 本研究以國內某3C連鎖零售通路為研究樣本,以其2009年1月至2012年5月的營運數據為資料,實證分析影響該業者門市經營績效的因素。並就商品銷售變化面、營業面積運用效益面與門市獲利面,作進一步之分析。 透過實證模型結果分析,在「商品銷售變化面」,來客數與商品別週邊耗材營業額呈顯著正向關係。週邊耗材商品業績良好與否的變化與門市來客數之增減有密切關係,可做為評估門市經營客群的掌握度。另外,商圈類型為社區型、都市型與鄉鎮型門市商品銷售以2C為主,說明不同商圈類型的門市確實有不同商品組合,門市商品配置時需作調整以利滿足當地顧客購買需求。 在「營業面積運用效益面」,每人負責的坪數與坪效呈顯著負向關係。當每人負責的坪數越大時,該門市的坪效越差,也代表每人業績貢獻度越低,當店業績越少,營業坪數的承租應考量人員守備範圍以利最佳化。 在「門市獲利面」,單一門市經營時,來客數的掌握與特定商圈類型(社區型、都市型與鄉鎮型)門市的週邊配件業績占比可為衡量經營優劣的指標;多家門市共同經商圈時,業績因新設點的加入而擴大,的確透過多家門市可達到較高的商圈覆蓋範圍,在市場上掠奪競爭者的業績;但該商圈的整體獲利鮮少有提升,因需負擔相同的營業費用項目(如租金、人事費用、管理費用),且經營時程拉長,同商圈內的門市相互競爭狀況無法改善,出現將市場越做越小的情形。 / The developments of chain stores market in retailer industry mature gradually right now. Enterprises have accumulated commercial model how to operate successfully as well. However, the key point of success is not only scale economy and operating efficiency, but also operating benefit of per store. Having the ability of insight local market can discover problem and remodel it. For example, we can analyze stores performance by the operation information.(Ittner and Lacker 1998)we can understand the key operation factor in different kind of store. At the same time, that can be a warning sign for observing changing. Stores management is a important issue that enterprise should attach importance to it and it is valuable to investigate deeply. This thesis is based on 3C retailer industry, and the data period is from January, 2009 to May, 2012. Practical demonstration analyzes which kind factors will influence stores performance, and seperately discuss different aspect, sale change of product, average sale of per unit area, and profit &loss to do advanced analysis. According to the result of practical model, in the aspect of changing of product sales, consumer flow is positive related with accessory sales. The increase of the accessory sales will raise consumer flow. On the other hand, marketplace types are community type, city type, and countryside type which sale more consumer product than other marketplace type. So, different market type has different product portfolio, and need to adjust to fit the demand of local customer. In the aspect of average sales per unit area, average space per person is negative related with average sales per unit area. If area space per person is larger, average sales per unit area is less. It also means an average sale per person is lower. If the store sales decrease, we should consider optimizing average space per person. In the aspect of profit & loss on chain stores, accessory ratio can be an indicator whether the operation is excellent on particular marketplace type and consumer flow. When several stores cooperate to manage one marketplace, the sale will increase due to new store adding, and expand the market share. However, the total profit is rarely increasing due to expending double overheads (rental, salary, administration fee, etc.). These stores in same marketplace compete with each other in the long term. If this situation can’t improve, the market share will become more and more less.

台灣有機產業服務缺口之研究:以PZB模型為架構 / An Empirical Investigation of the Service Gaps of the Organic Agriculture Industry in Taiwan: Taking the PZB Model as Framework

陳英君, Chintya Dewi Trijayanti Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費者行為的快速變化以及消費者對服務品質的要求提高,提供高品質的服務已經成為企業重要的策略。本研究透過「PZB 模型」從服務提供者和消費者兩個角度來探討台灣有機產業裡存在的服務缺口。 這些年有機連鎖店不斷的成長並成為重要的銷售通路之一,因此本研究選定有機連鎖公司以及有機連鎖店的消費者為研究對象。本研究採取個案研究方法,透過文獻、深度訪談、二手紀錄等方式蒐集資料,以有機連鎖公司以及消費者對服務缺口之觀點來分析及探討,並提出具參考價值的建議,讓相關企業未來可加以運用。 研究結果顯示目前有機產業裡的連鎖公司採取較被動的方式來了解消費者的需求;由於台灣有機產業裡的連鎖公司大多為中小企業,有限的能力和資源常成為滿足消費者需求最大的阻礙;有機連鎖公司缺乏服務品質的衡量指標,在供應商管理方面還需要加強;以上因素造成服務缺口的存在。此外,針對一般大眾對有機概念的推廣和教育還需要持續加強;產品資訊、品質、以及價格成為消費者在衡量服務品質的重要考量;加強推廣行動更能夠滿足消費者對有機產業的期望;另外,提升消費者對有機產品之信心亦為重要的改進方向。 / Facing rapid changes of customer behavior and increasing customers demand on service quality, delivering high quality service is adapted as an important strategy in businesses. This study applies the PZB Model to investigate the service gaps in the organic industry in Taiwan from the perspective of both service providers and customers. In recent years organic chain stores have become an important distribution channels for organic products. Therefore, organic chain store companies and organic chain stores customers are selected to be respondents. Using case study method, this study collects and analyzes data by collecting literature review, gathering secondary data, and conducting interviews with organic chain store companies and customers. The findings can serve as reference to future improvement in the industry. This study finds that current companies still use passive approaches to understand customer demands. Since most of companies in this industry are small and medium enterprises, limited capabilities and resources often become barriers when fulfilling customer demands. Companies are lacking of service performance measurement and quality improvement program. All of these situations can cause the existence of service gaps. Other findings showed that in general organic customers already have an understanding of the organic concept. However, the industry still needs efforts to communicate with people who currently aren’t customers. Product information, product quality, and price become important considerations for customers in assessing service quality in this industry. Moreover, customer trust and confidence in organic products should be increased and became an important focus of the government as well as the management to stimulate industry growth.


MURAO, Remi, 村尾, 玲美 25 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

應用資料採礦於零售通路業之商品力矩陣分析-以某連鎖藥妝銷售資料為例 / The Application of Data Mining on Commodity Competitiveness Matrix Analysis of Retailing Industry-Case Study of Chained Drugstore Sales Data

賴柏龍, Lai, Po Lung Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣國人所得提高,生活水準跟著日漸提高,近年來更是意識到健康對個人及家庭的重要性,因此國內健康食品與藥品市場在這幾年蓬勃地發展,特別是連鎖藥妝的普及,結合藥品、健康食品與開架式保養品、化妝品銷售,提供專業藥師諮詢服務,成為複合式的經營模式。但近年來連鎖藥妝零售業者也面臨來自外商連鎖藥妝、本土連鎖藥妝、地區性連鎖藥局等不同體系的競爭,因此藥品及化粧品零售業者普遍認同,目前經營上所面臨之困難主要為「同業競爭激烈」。 商品力為一連鎖藥妝零售業者成功的重要因素,具體展現在商品多樣性、商品獲利性、商品價格競爭力、商品獨特性…等不同的面向。目前藥品及化粧品零售業中,確實大部分的業者都有商品企劃或設計的需求,但有商品企劃或設計部門者僅為少數。利用資料採礦技術,將能在不大量增加人事費用的情況下,有效率地協助進行商品企劃或設計,進而提升連鎖藥妝零售業者的商品力。 本研究將針對資料採礦在連鎖藥妝上的應用進行探討,包含以下研究目的: 1. 利用資料採礦中之集群分析建置商品力矩陣,代表他們的屬性與價值。透過商品力矩陣釐清各商品的定位,幫助決策者優化商品組合,針對各商品執行妥善策略安排。 2. 依循集群分析後的結果,更進一步進行商品分類的關聯規則分析。幫助決策者將集群分析之成果化為實務決策之參考,優化商品組合,針對各商品執行妥善策略安排,也為關聯規則的整理帶來新的應用方式。 3. 根據上述兩模型建置之結果,對H連鎖藥妝提出具體可行之行銷策略建議。 本研究利用資料採礦中的Two-step Cluster模型建置出H連鎖藥妝中各項商品的商品力矩陣,此矩陣的兩軸分別為「個別商品的平均毛利」及「個別商品的年交易筆數」,將各種商品概略分為明星、樂透、忠狗、問號四大類商品,分別代表他們不同的屬性與價值。同時配合關聯規則分析,提出具體可行之候選規則篩選模式: 1. 樂透型商品,應用方式有兩種,將樂透型商品放在Apriori模型中的後項,找出導購向樂透型商品的潛在模式;將樂透型商品放在Apriori模型中的前項,並將後項商品作為加價購搭售促銷標的,提升購買樂透型商品的意願。 2. 忠狗型商品,應用方式也有兩種,將忠狗型商品放在Apriori模型中的前項,找出可能導購的商品標的,推出合適的加價購搭售促銷活動;另外也可以藉由觀察忠狗型商品的消費行為,進而提供適當的促銷、推薦,提高其他品項交叉銷售的可能性。 / Taiwanese living standard raised due to the income growing, which lead to recognizing the importance of health toward personal and family. As a result, the market of dietary supplements and drugs flourishing these years, especially the spread of chained drugstores, which turned into combinative store by providing professional pharmacist consultant and selling of drugs, dietary supplements, skincare products and cosmetics. The drug and cosmetic retailers generally agreed that the main difficulty is “Industry Competition” due to the competition from different systems, including foreign chained drugstores, local chained drugstores and regional chained drugstores. Commodity competitiveness is one of the key successful factors of chained drugstores, which expressed as commodity diversity, commodity profitability, commodity price competitiveness, commodity uniqueness, etc. Seldom drugstores own product planning or designing department although most drugstores have demand of product planning or designing. It could raise the commodity competitiveness of chained drugstores by applying data mining to help product planning or designing more efficiently without increasing too much labor cost. This study focus on the application of data mining on chained drugstores, including goals below: 1. Building commodity competitiveness matrix by cluster analysis, representing their features and values. Through positioning products on commodity competitiveness matrix, helping decision maker optimize product mix and execute appropriate strategy toward products. 2. Based on the results from cluster analysis, proceed association rules analysis toward product categories. Help turning the results from cluster analysis into references of actual decision, optimize product mix and execute appropriate strategy toward products. Bringing new application pattern of association rules analysis. 3. Providing actual marketing strategy suggestions to H chained drugstore based on the two models built above. This study built commodity competitiveness matrix of H chained drugstore by Two-step Cluster model, which take “average margin of individual product” and “annual transaction amounts of individual product” as two axes. Divided products into Star, Lottery, Greyfriars and Question Mark. Each of them represent different features and values. Providing practical filtering rules of candidate rules in association rules analysis: 1. Lottery Products: Placing lottery products as consequents in Apriori model, searching for the potential pattern led to buying lottery products. Placing lottery products as antecedents, which we can provide the consequents with additional purchase discount in order to raise the willing to buy lottery products. 2. Greyfriars Products: Placing Greyfriars products as antecedents, searching for potential recommendation with additional purchase discount. Providing appropriate sales and recommendation to raise the possibility of cross-selling by observing consuming behaviors of Greyfriars products.

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