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激勵管理運用於我國專業警察人員陞遷之研究薛錦孟, Hsueh, Ching Mang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用問卷調查法,以保安警察第六總隊所屬員警為研究母群體,採分層比例隨機抽樣法,計抽取15個單位,以50%之比例為抽樣基準,總計抽取626份樣本進行施測,取得回收有效問卷472份。研究問卷內容包含員警個人基本資料、激勵管理構面量表及陞遷影響構面量表。問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 10.0版,以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Person積差相關係數分析法及迴歸分析法等統計分析方法進行資料處理。
六、激勵管理之各構面對陞遷影響變項的解釋程度由高而低依次為:稱讚與肯定、參與管理、行政獎勵、考績、訓練進修、薪資(含獎金) / The purpose of this research is to delve into the differences of professional police officers’ basic attritions against incentive management sensation, and against impact levels of promotion, and the relationship between the professional police institutes’ incentive management and the impact of promotion. According to the research’s result , we hope to provide the suggestion to police institutions for reference on inspiring police officers’ morale and improving the promotion regulations.
Survey questionnaires were sent to the police officers of the sixth peace preservation headquarter as the research population, samples of 15 units are selected by stratified random sampling method. 50 percent of the personnel from each sampled unit form the sample space. Of the 626 questionnaires sent out, 472 valid questionnaires were returned. The questions in the questionnaire include the police officers’ personal information 、incentive management Dimension Scale and promotional impact Dimension Scale. Obtained data are then processed with SPSS for Windows 10.0. The performed processes include the analysis of Descriptive Statistics Analysis, the t-Test, the One-Way ANOVA and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation , Regression Analysis
After the empirical analysis, we have come to the conclusions as below:
一、 From the rates of different dimensions on the incentive management, we find that 「salary、money reward 」is the highest(82.24%),and the next in orders are「Training and Development 」(78.29%)「encouragement merits of administration」(72.24%),「praise and confirm」(69.05%),「work experience」(66.95%),「participation management」(62.69%),and the lowest is 「Performance Appraisal」(53.77%)
二、 From the rates of different dimensions on the promotional impact , we find that 「the expectation of being promoted 」is the highest(67.45%),and the next in orders are「the justice of promotion 」(67.39%), and the lowest is 「the satisfaction of promotion」(63.18%)
三、 Except the gender, police officers of different personal basic attritions, including age, marital status, seniority, educational background, the area of work, the priority of promotion, position, show significant differences in the value of different dimensions on incentive management.
四、 Police officers of different personal basic attritions, including marital status, the area of work, the priority of promotion, show significant differences in the value of different dimensions on promotional impact. The others have no significant differences.
五、 The strength of the association between various aspects of the incentive management polices and the promotional impact was (in descending order): participation management > praise and confirm > Performance Appraisal > encouragement merits of administration > work experience> salary、money reward.
六、 In descending order, the significance of the various aspects of incentive management in the promotional impact was: praise and confirm, participation management, encouragement merits of administration, Performance Appraisal , Training and Development , salary、money reward..
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核心能力、工作績效與陞遷機會關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among core competency, job performance and promotional opportunity龔靜蘭, Kung, Chin Lan Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究旨在探討行政院及其所屬中央二級機關薦任及簡任公務人員「核心能力」、「工作績效」與「陞遷機會」之關係。透過分層隨機抽樣方式針對正式公務人員進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收465份,有效問卷為439份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,研究發現如下:
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我國公共人事政策應用生涯發展理論之研究--考績、訓練與陞遷制度面檢視戴燕珠 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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我國行政機關陞遷制度之研究- 以行政院人事行政局為例 / none李凰詩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現包括:一、應提高工作表現之比例:過去的陞遷制度是強調資歷,近年來,陞遷制度愈來愈傾向以功積為基準或以「績效導向」為準。二、宜縮短職缺甄補時程:避免機關延宕用人之時效,導致業務推行不利。三、陞遷方法以內陞為主並輔以外補,一方面能鼓勵組織成員發奮爭取更好的表現,以獲得擢升;另外也可增加組織與外部機關間的人才交流,。四、規劃快速陞遷管道,拔擢優秀人才。 五、多提供部屬表達意見的非正式管道與平台,讓上級長官更能聽見部屬真實的聲音。
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我國人事人員訓練與陞遷結合問題探討 / Research on the integration of personnel staff training and promotion of Taiwan R.O.C沈慧珍, Shen, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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官僚組織的劇場分析:以中華民國外交部為例 / A Dramaturgical Analysis of Bureaucratic Organizations: A Case Study of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China陳玠蓁, Chen, Chieh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
關於外交官場陞遷競賽與外交官僚內外形象經營,本研究藉由Goffman(1959)的劇場理論,將陞遷當作是整場戲劇的主軸,由外交官僚們擔綱演出角色,在有民眾的公開場合展演前臺形象,在有長官的內部環境展演後臺形象。仿效Goffman類比戲劇分析劃分完各種戲劇元素後,本文進入討論外交官僚的印象管理,與以陞遷為主題的互動秩序,依序由正式陞遷制度規範、對外形象展演到官僚間互動潛規則來分層討論外交官場陞遷競賽。此外,在論及與上級的互動秩序時,加入了Scott(1990)討論權力不等的兩群體互動模式,以公開劇本的權力觀點來進一步討論基層外交官僚與高層長官間的互動。 / This research is based on Erving Goffman’s (1959) dramaturgical analytical approach to explore the promotion emulation of diplomats of the Republic of China and their image management strategies to the public as well as to the colleagues. With promotion being the main theme of the play and diplomats as performers, this research reasons by analogy with Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis to discuss how diplomats present themselves in the public sphere where citizens are watching and how they manage their image within their organization among colleagues.
After differentiating key elements of the play, the discussion moves onto the interactive manner within diplomatic bureaucratic organization shaped by promotion path, image management and tacit knowledge of interaction among colleagues with a particular focus to identify the promotion competition.
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兩性平權之研究─以女性警官陞遷為例王芳美 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著婦女就業情形的普遍,兩性議題也愈顯得重要,欲落實兩性平權,法律是最根本之道,從近年政府制定「兩性工作平等法」及「性別平等教育法」對於推進兩性平權,均具有劃時代的意義。所謂「玻璃天花板效應」(glass ceiling effect),就是一種不易被察覺的、人為的或組織的偏差所造成的無形阻礙,使得女性在事業生涯方面,無法獲得與男性公平競爭的機會。本研究藉由對玻璃天花板、陞遷、性別角色等相關理論與實務之檢視,對我國女性警官陞遷潛藏之問題進行探討,期能依據研究結果,提出一些建議,以供女性警官個人及有關機關參考。
在研究方法方面,本研究係採用問卷調查法為主,以我國女性警官為普測對象,取得回收有效問卷525份。研究問卷內容包含影響陞遷之「社會心理」構面、「歧視偏差」構面、「系統結構」構面與「陞遷發展」構面及女性警官個人基本資料等量表。問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 10.0版,以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關等統計分析方法進行資料處理:
三、就各構面之相關分析而言:本研究所探討的四個構面的關連非常強,不論是整體或是其各個的因素之間均達顯著水準的正相關。 / With the rise of female employment rate in workplace, gender issues have been of higher importance in recent years. To realize gender equality in workplace, legislation serves to be the most fundamental solutions of all. Following the enactment of the Gender Equality in Employment Law and the Gender Equality Education Law, Taiwan female employees have seen landmark on their workplace status. But the so-called glass-ceiling effects, are less perceivable, man-made or organizational bias still persist, which deprive female employees of an equal opportunity as those bestowed on their male counterparts. In this study, the author will discuss the obstacles posed for Taiwan’s female police officers in their quest organizational positions based on the observation from the theoretical and practical sides of glass-ceiling effects, promotional and gender roles, and will further propose suggestions for improvements for female police officers.
Methodologically, this study uses questionnaire survey research, with female police officers as subjects and results in 525 successful samples. Contents of the questionnaire include facets of promotional importance, such as socio-psychology, discrimination bias, systematic structures, promotional development and personal information. With the analysis of descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient supported by SPSS for Windows 10.0, information gathered from the results of questionnaire is processed:
After empirical analysis, our conclusions are:
1.On the acknowledgement level of each facet: respondents find most of their agreements on the importance of obstacles to their promotion, are socio-psychology, promotional development, discrimination bias and systematic structure.
2.On the perceptional difference of each facet: on the socio-psychological aspect, there are differences according to the age, marital status, children number, educational level, years of working as police officer, rank, current position, deputy supervisor, further education. On the discrimination bias facet, there are differences according to marital status, rank, job description, current position and deputy supervisor. On the systematic structure facet, the differences exists among respondents of different educational level, rank, further education and deputy supervisor. On the promotional development facet, there are differences according to further education, current position and deputy supervisor.
3.On the correlation analysis of each facet: the four facets discussed in the study has strong correlations, no matter individual factor or integral whole has all reached a high standard level of positive relationship.
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評鑑機制與陞遷發展之研究:以「專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班」為例 / The study of assessment and promotion:Practices and Results in the Advanced Capacity Training Workshop for Personnel Staffs as Senior Officers趙宗悅, Chao, Tsung Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
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當前行政機關公務人員陞遷制度之研究蕭鈺, Xiao, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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玻璃天花板效應:中央行政機關女性公務人員陞遷障礙因素之研究 / Glass Ceiling Effect:An Empirical Research on the Factors of Promotion Barriers of Female Public Officers in Central Government Agencies廖捐惠, LIAO, JYUAN HUEI Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,人力素質的良窳是組織致勝關鍵因素,隨著社會經濟發展與教育水準的提昇,女性就業能力及意願亦隨之大幅提高,使得職場的性別議題亦愈顯重要。近年來,在兩性平權呼聲高漲的氛圍下,兩性在政治、經濟、社會地位的差距已隨著社會多元開放而日益縮小,女性逐漸能在各個領域嶄露頭角,然而,「玻璃天花板」(glass ceiling)現象卻普遍存在於公、私部門組織,使女性受到各種無形的﹑態度的或組織的偏差所造成的障礙,無法獲得公平機會與男性同儕競爭,而造成「男性職等高、女性職等低」的性別不平等現象。本研究希冀藉由玻璃天花板相關理論的探討及女性管理議題相關文獻的檢閱,了解目前女性公務人員所面臨的陞遷障礙因素及兩性間的差異情形,並依研究結果及發現研提具體可行建議,提供未來人事政策制定及執行的參考,期使女性公務人力資源運用效益極大化。
本研究以文獻探討法探究包含社會心理、系統結構及入性別主流化政策等三大面向,並以性別角色特質、工作與家庭衝突、師徒關係、社會網絡關係、性別主流化政策認知為次變項建立研究架構,以行政院暨所屬中央一級行政機關為研究範圍,針對行政院暨所屬部會處局署等37個機關薦(派)任級以上男、女公務人員進行問卷調查,以各機關人數、官等(薦任、簡任)及性別(男、女)比例作為抽樣分配數之依據,再以行政院人事行政局2009年5月編印之行政院暨所屬各機關職員錄作為抽樣架構,取得有效樣本數411人,包含男性218人及女性193人,再以SPSS for Windows 12.0中文版套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析,經歸納分析及假設驗證,獲得以下結論:
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