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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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非營利組織之社會行銷-以中華白絲帶關懷協會為例 / A Research on Social Marketing of Non-Profit Organizations: Taking Cyber Angel’s Pick as an Example

黃品嘉, Huang, Pin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是探討Kotler的社會行銷理論如何應用於非營利組織的管理。 「中華白絲帶協會」被選擇為案例研究的樣本。為了達成這一研究的目的,深度訪談和自行設計的結構式問卷被用來收集數據,並針對質量數據進行了分析,探討中華白絲帶協會社會行銷的本質。研究結果發現,Kotler的社會行銷策略成功適用於中華白絲帶協會,且這項研究的結果可以被視為其他網路安全與兒童健康相關非營利組織採用Kotler的社會行銷策略時的參考依據。 / The Purpose of this study was to explore how Kotler’s social marketing theory applies to the management of the non-profit organization. “Cyber Angel’s Pick” is selected as the sample for the case study. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, in-depth interview and self-designed structured questionnaire were used to collect the data. Qualitative data were analyzed to explore the nature of social marketing of the Cyber Angel’s Pick. As the result of this study, Cyber Angel’s Pick has applied to the Kotler’s social marketing strategy successfully and the result of this study can be seen as a reference to the non-profit organizations relate to internet safety issues or children’s health when adopting the Kotler’s social marketing strategy.


陳江彬 Unknown Date (has links)
本文先藉由分析非營利組織相關文獻,以了解為何非營利組織需與媒體保持良好互動。其次,討論崔媽媽基金會興起與發展過程,說明選擇此個案為研究對象之原因。再經由整理崔媽媽基金會相關文獻,與深入訪談 基金會執行長與公關主任,探討崔媽媽金會媒體行銷的過程。 結論發現,非營利組織之媒體行銷策略大致可分為,有形與無形兩大類,有形策略為新聞稿、舉辦活動、公益活動以及順風車效應;無形策略為公關手腕和強調專業。


陳裕文 Unknown Date (has links)
美國趨勢專家波普康(Faith Popcorn)曾經預言,二十一世紀將是志願服務的新世紀,聯合國更宣布將新世紀的第一年2001年訂為國際志願服務年(International Year of Volunteers,IYV),希望能帶動、鼓勵更多全球的民眾從事志願服務的工作,也能促成各國政府對志願服務的重視。 青年志願服務在美、日等先進國家均相當地發達,在台灣則正處於萌芽的階段。近年來,在政府部門與民間相關組織的大力倡導之下,青年投入志願服務的比例也日益增加,逐漸形成一股助人為善的風氣與潮流,青年學生為未來國家與社會的中堅份子,倘若人人均以助人為榮、為樂,必是國家社會之福。 本文以全國具有規模,隸屬於佛教慈濟基金會之下的青年學生志工團體—「佛教慈濟大專青年聯誼會」為研究個案,以質化的深度訪談為主要的研究方法,深度探討慈青聯誼會志工訓練的運作現況,並加以分析,提供建議,同時也希望研究所獲得的發現能提供學界與實務界作為青年志工研究或帶動的參考。


蔡依縈 Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日,非營利組織發展越來越成熟,對於社會的影響也越來越深遠。但是,各類非營利組織通常本身並無足夠自主財源藉以支持整個事業的運作和發展,故仍必須向政府、私人企業及一般社會大眾進行融資的工作,才能維持其長期性和計畫性的社會改善行動。 在過去十幾年間,非營利組織逐漸向私部門汲取經驗,以試圖改善其組織運作之效果及效率;特別是在策略規劃、行銷、融資、資訊系統以及組織發展等領域上。但就目前國內的文獻而言,其多著重於非營利組織之策略規劃以及績效評估之研究,對於非營利組織之資本結構和融資決策之研究則鮮少著墨。 因此,本研究乃根據兩大組織資本結構理論:融資順位理論(The Pecking Order Theory)以及最適資本結構靜態抵換理論(The Static Trade-Off Theory)之假設,試著以國內非營利組織之相關資料,進一步探討國內非營利組織之管理階層融資決策過程,以及組織所取得的補助款多寡,是否會影響非營利組織之管理階層之融資決策。 因國立大專院校並無融資行為,本研究所研究之非營利組織標的,以國內之私立大專院校為限;本研究之實證結果發現,當私立大專院校之盈餘波動越大時,比較不願意向外融資;代表私立大專院校在盈餘不穩定時,不會利用融資的方式取得資金,以免盈餘較大的波動性增加了拖欠成本的可能性,而進一步影響到學校整體穩健的營運。 另外,私立大專院校之實證結果未支持任何財務理論,可能原因在於私立大專院校在從事融資活動時,未有任何之借款偏好。至於就補助款比率而言,實證結果符合假說預期,代表當私立大專院校所取得之補助款越多時;亦即有較穩定之資金管道時,越不會對外融資;另外,針對利息補助款比率來說,實證結果發現,當私立大專院校取得之利息補助款越多時,並不會提高其對外取得融資的意願。就敘述性統計量來看,平均而言,私立大專院校對外借款仍須負擔約七成的利息費用,因此,教育部之利息補助並沒有大幅降低學校的負擔,所以,縱使有利息補助的措施,亦未顯著影響學校向外取得更多資金之意願。 綜上所述,當私立大專院校之盈餘波動性越高時、補助款越多時,其對外融資的傾向會降低;至於,利息補助則因教育部所提供之補助金額有限,所以,私立大專院校並不會因取得較高的利息補助款金額,而增加對外籌資的機會。 / Nonprofit Organization (NPO) has well developed and has great impact on the society. NPO may not have enough funds to support its long-term social improvement plans, so it has to borrow money from government, financial intermediary, or others. NPO have learnt many from the other sectors to get the organization more effectively and efficiently in the past years, especially about strategy planning, marketing, financing, information system and organization development. Unlike most of domestic studies that focus on the strategy planning and performance evaluation, the study focuses on the issue of capital structure and finance decision. According to organization capital structure theory, this study uses domestic NPO’s data to analyze finance decision and examines how subventions influence university’s finance decision. Because national universities have no bank liability, so the study focuses on the financial behavior of private universities. The empirical result shows that the greater the earnings fluctuated, the fewer the private university lent. In addition, the financing behavior of the private university doesn’t support any capital structure theory. It may mean that the private university management has no financing preference. When the private university obtains more subventions, the management doesn't borrow more because it has steady fund resource. When the private university obtains more subventions on interest expense, the management doesn’t borrow more. This result doesn’t support the assumption. Perhaps the subventions on interest expense don’t alleviate the burden of interest expense substantially.


林怡伶 Unknown Date (has links)
全球主義的興起,使非營利組織在國際上的角色日益重要,也有越來越多的非營利組織走出邊境,往海外發展,對全球的經濟、政治、社會、文化各層面產生十足的影響。本研究接續之前對於非營利組織國際化動機與控制方式之研究,以海外進入模式為主,探討在非營利組織的國際化歷程中,選擇不同海外進入模式的影響因素及各因素之作用。 本研究經由營利組織海外進入模式的相關研究發展出研究架構,以交易成本理論與資源說理論為主軸,探討非營利組織海外進入模式的選擇。經由個案訪談法,針對四個不同類型的非營利組織進行深度訪談之後,獲致以下結論: 一、影響非營利組織選擇海外進入模式的因素 影響非營利組織選擇進入模式的主要因素可以歸納為組織特性因素、組織策略因素、地主國因素。組織特性因素包括組織使命、知識專屬性、人員技術的專業性、服務的複雜度、國際化的經驗與組織規模;組織策略因素包括總部可投入在國際性活動的資源與國際化策略;地主國因素包括當地環境因素與當地需求強度。這些因素透過交易成本與資源配置,進而影響非營利組織進入模式的選擇。 二、海外進入模式的影響因數如何影響進入模式的選擇 海外進入模式選擇的因素可以分為資產專屬性、地主國環境風險、行為風險、地主國需求、總部可投入的資源、國際化經驗與國際化目的七項。資產專屬性越高、地主國需求強度越強時組織會傾向選擇涉入程度較高的進入模式;地主國環境風險越高、行為風險越高時,組織會傾向選擇涉入程度較低之進入模式。當總部資源越多、國際化經驗越豐富時,組織會發展出較多型態的進入模式。組織在以使命達成為國際化目的的據點,會傾向採取涉入程度較高的進入模式。 三、非營利組織與營利組織在海外進入模式選擇上的異同 營利組織的進入模式通常會從涉入程度較低的模式往涉入程度較高的模式發展。然而,非營利組織在一地區發展一段時間之後,當該據點已建立起制度並能取得資源以服務當地時,非營利組織對當地的資源投入與控制程度就會降低,以將資源配置到更有需要的地方,其發展會往涉入程度較低之模式演變。

地方性非營利組織內部控制之研究─以婦女福利基金會為例 / A Research on Regional Nonprofit Organization Internal Control:Take Woman Welfare Foundation for Example

沈慶鴻, Shen, Ching Hung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,國內非營利組織的運作經費大多來自於社會大眾的捐款,然而透明度不足,捐款是否善用及管理是否妥當等責信上的質疑,一直困擾者非營利組織。針對此一現象,研究者嘗試引營利組織中為解決代理問題和資訊不對稱等問題之「治理」概念,並以「治理」之□石—內部控制做為研究的焦點,進行探索性研究,了解國內非營利組織在組織運作上的內部控制制度,包括控制環境、風險評估、控制活動、資訊與溝通及監督等部份的概況。 本研究以立意取樣的方式,以台北市四個地方性婦女福利基金會為研究對象,並以個別訪談的方式邀請基金會的主要管理者參與研究資料的收集工作。本研究除了呈現受訪基金會和受訪者的基本資料、內控觀點外,還分析受訪基金會的內控風險。最後,研究者歸納出受訪基金會在資源募款、制度設計、透明度和監督上的風險,並據此提出討論和建議。 / The funding of domestic nonprofit organizations has mainly come from the donation of the public for quite a long time, however, due to the lake of transparency, the doubt of whether the donation is properly used and well controlled is always bothering the nonprofit organization executives. Awaring of this problem, the researcher try to bring the governance concept which is used to solve the agency problem and asymmetric information in profit-seeking organizations into the research and focus the research on internal control of nonprofit organization. The exploring research is to understand the domestic nonprofit organization internal control system in organization operation, including the general situation of control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitor. This research is done through purposeful sampling and on four regional woman welfare foundations located in Taipei. The researcher invites the executives of these foundations individually to join the project and data are collected from them. In the report, there are the basic data about those selected foundations and the executives viewpoints on internal control and the researcher’s analyses can also be found. The analyses are on risk and other aspect of the selected foundations. The research is concluded with a discussion on the risk of fund raising action, system design, transparency and supervision, the researcher’s suggestions also present in the report. Key word: nonprofit organization, governance, internal control


陳覲文 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業環境的變遷及科技的進步,加上勞動法令的增加以及勞動者自我意識及對福利的要求提高,企業為了提升自身的競爭力,皆設法增加自身的彈性,以因應大環境的變化。企業為了降低人事成本,提高人力使用的彈性與效率,各種非典型的僱用型態紛紛出現,而其中又以派遣勞動最受人矚目。派遣勞動是一種僱用與使用分離的工作型態,與傳統的人力聘僱有相當大的差異。儘管世界各國允許派遣勞動業的存在,也認同派遣勞動不僅僅有助於勞動市場的活絡,亦讓原本不易整合於勞動市場的青少年、少數民族、女性勞動及高齡勞工能迅速獲得僱用。 / 即使派遣勞動帶來相當大的便利型,但由於派遣勞動特殊的工作型態,使得社會大眾對於派遣勞動仍存有很大的疑慮。例如:短期的工作契約、缺乏福利、與正職員工的關係、工作內容單調、職業災害的責任歸屬等,這些特性是否會引發派遣勞動者對於組織的承諾程度,乃一值得深入探討的問題。 / 本文共分為五章:第一章說明本研究之研究動機、目的與研究方法;第二章則論述派遣勞動及組織承諾等相關文獻回顧;第三章以非營利組織為主軸進行組織特性的描述;第四章為問卷分析與實證結果,就問卷回收結果進行統計分析後,歸納出下列結論: 一、派遣員工的性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、薪資及職稱皆會影響對要派公司的組織承諾。 二、派遣員工的勞動條件、工作保障和心理層面,皆會影響對要派公司的組織承諾。


呂昇達 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織具有輔助政府支出的功能,可代替政府部分職能,減少政府的財政支出,而其從事目的事業活動時亦能產生外部利益,故各國政府多訂有獎勵或補助措施,並以租稅優惠鼓勵公益團體之設立,然在我國租稅優惠制度與監督執行未趨完善之下,衍生出許多租稅規避和逃漏稅之問題。 本研究以文獻探討與問卷調查法,提出下列結論與建議: 1. 多數受訪者一致認為非營利組織有關所得稅優惠,易產生租稅漏洞而成為有心人士作為租稅規避或逃漏之工具,其中「虛開捐贈收據,幫助捐贈者逃漏稅」、「變相經營與創設目的無關之營利活動」、「透過非常規交易安排以輸送利益給關係人或捐贈者」被認為是最可能發生之避稅及逃稅手法,建議主管機關應加強對非營利組織之監督以及與稽徵機關之聯繫,並且應統一捐贈收據格式,並且取消部分非營利組織免辦理結算申報之規定,如此才可以建立完整的勾稽作業,以達到防弊之效果。 2. 多數人認為興利重於防弊,因此不贊成取消此租稅優惠,此外,建議成立一個非營利組織之公證機構,以提昇非營利組織的財務透明度,此公正機構也可為一非營利組織,以保持該獨立的立場,增加非營利組織之財務透明度,將有助於抑制租稅規避之風蔚為盛行。

台灣的非營利領域 / The Nonprofit Sector in Taiwan

寇慨文, Coll, Kevin Lee Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis sheds light on how the nonprofit sector developed in Taiwan, from under an authoritarian regime (1950s to 1980s) to the democracy today. It does so by asking two fundamental questions: First, why and how did Taiwan’s nonprofit sector emerge? Second, what are the forces that are shaping its development? In this study I advance four arguments. First, I argue that the nonprofit sector has passed through several distinct phases since democratization in the early 1980s. We will see that its transformation mirrors changing economic, social, and political developments in Taiwan. However, I also make three other related arguments about the nonprofit sector in Taiwan. My second argument is that the state and its institutions have profoundly shaped the nonprofit sector’s pattern of development. The state matters because political institutions and regulatory frameworks directly and indirectly structure the development of civil society, which is the organized non-state, non-market sphere in which nonprofits operate. To support this argument, I show how, in the 1980s and 1990s, the nonprofit sector was shaped by social movements, electoral competition, and privatization of social welfare. My third, or “third-party government,” argument—a concept first advanced by Lester Salamon—contends that, since the late 1990s, the nonprofit sector and state have become interdependent to make up for their corresponding institutional strengths and weaknesses. My fourth argument is that the current combination of economic downturn, social welfare devolution, and competition with for-profit enterprises has pushed nonprofits towards commercialization and marketization—a trend that offers significant benefits as well as pitfalls for the nonprofit sector.


陳紀瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討非營利組織董事會組成結構與經營績效的關聯性程度。研究對象以台灣非營利組織-文化藝術團體基金會為主,研究期間為民國 94年至96年,採行獨立董事機制者為本研究的研究範圍,得出樣本數共計126 家。 經實證的結果發現:內部董事為志工占董事規模的比例對於管理費用的迴歸是顯著的負相關;內部董事為關係企業員工的比例對於管理費用的迴歸是顯著正相關;家族成員占董事規模的比例對管理費用的迴歸有負向顯著相關。 而原發起人為董事對於目的事業費用占總費用的比例迴歸有顯著的正相關;執行長為董事對於目的事業費用占總費用的比例迴歸有顯著的負相關。至於具文化藝術氣息的董事對於管理費用與目的事業費用迴歸均呈顯著正相關;執行長是否有支薪與目的事業費用的迴歸是顯著的正向。 非營利組織之董事會組成結構與其組織目標的關聯性,可作為主管機關制訂規範的參考。 / Nonprofit Board Composition and Organizational Efficiency: The Case of Art Organizations in Taiwan Chen Chi-Ying Abstract This article investigates the relationship between nonprofit board composition and organizational efficiency. This research is a case study of art organizations in Taiwan. The research covers the period from 2005 to 2007, and there are only 126 proved usable because of missing data. We find out the administrative expenses are significantly and negatively associated with the ratio of board size to insider volunteers. The administrative expenses also have the significantly and positively association with the ratio of board size to insider employees. And the administrative expenses are significantly and negatively associated with the ratio of board size to relatives. Overall, the multivariate analysis shows that the ratio of total expenses to program expenses is significantly and positively associated with major donor. The ratio of total expenses to program expenses has the significantly and negatively association with the ceo on board. Besides, both of the ratio of total expenses to program expenses and administrative expenses are significantly and positively with the talented board members. And the ratio of total expenses to program expenses is significantly and positively associated with the pay to the ceo. The study implies that there is a relationship between board composition and organizational efficiency on average only and for the specific sample analyzed. The analysis is a worthy subject for future research and the reference for the related law.

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