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以公私領域概念充實Dewey教育理論之研究 / A Study on The Dewey’s Educational Theory through The Concepts of Public and Private Spheres葉彥宏, Ye, Yan Hong Unknown Date (has links)
人類的政治與日常生活內容存在於公共領域和私領域中,隨著社會的自由化與民主化,公私領域也對教育產生影響。本研究把公共領域視為政治生活的空間,人們在其中通過彼此的共同經驗來討論各種議題。私領域則是涉及自身關係與親密關係等內容,其發展與公共領域有密不可分的關係。本研究重新描述了Dewey教育理論中的經驗與民主等概念,且針對其中的不足之處,企圖以公私領域的概念加以充實之。研究者主要從四個部分的分析來重構Dewey的理論:一、增加生活經驗的多樣性;二、社會化與個性化的兼顧;三、公共與私人的民主生活;四、民主教育的自主與團結。根據上面的分析,最後研究者對Dewey的教育理論提出了四點建議:第一,把公私領域的概念融入Dewey的經驗理論中,使人們注意到在經驗的連續性及交互作用中,存在那些公共與私人生活的複雜關係;第二,重申個性化和社會化必須兼顧的重要性;第三,瞭解各種團體的互動關係能使共同生活更為完善;第四,把各種公共與私人的關係納入考量中,將有助於彰顯出完整的人類生活面貌。 / The politics and daily life of human lay both in the public and the private sphere, along with the liberalization and democratization in the society, the public and the private sphere also bring about influence on education. The study treats public sphere as the realm of political life. In the realm, people discuss various subjects with their associated experiences. The private sphere involves self and intimacy relations, their development have inseparable relevance to public sphere. The study redescribes the concepts of experience and democracy in the Dewey’s educational theory, and attempts to enrich his shortage with the concept of the public and the private sphere. The Author reconstructs Dewey’s educational theory by four points: Adding the variation of life experiences, giving equal attention to socialization and individualization, public and private democratic life, autonomy and solidarity of the democratic education. Accordingly, the author proposes four suggests to Dewey's educational theory: Firstly, if people want to understand the complexity of the public and the private life, they need to integrate the public sphere and the private sphere into Dewey’s experience theory. Secondly, reiterating the importance of the individualization and the socialization must be given equal attention. Thirdly, understanding the interactive relationships in various associations could cause to a better associated living. Fourthly, it will be helpful to show a complete human life by taking all kinds of the public and the private relation into account.
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國民小學教師領域性與協同教學意願關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers王素芸, Wang,Su Yun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據上述研究結果,本研究分別提出對國小學課程與教學、學校或教育行政機關及未來研究的建議。 / This study aimed to investigate the content of territoriality of teachers through the theory of human territoriality, for realizing the psychological and behavioral significance of territoriality of teachers, and then studying the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers.
The main pointes of this study includes: (1) the concepts about human territoriality and territoriality of teachers, (2) the concepts of team teaching, (3) the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers, and (4) the suggestions on the implementation of team teaching in the elementary schools.
In this study, literature review and questionnaire survey were adopted; and the questionnaire “A Survey on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers and the Willingness of Team Teaching of Elementary School Teachers” was designed. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 502 elementary school teachers, from five clustered-classroom and team-teaching public elementary schools and five other general public elementary schools in Taipei city. At last, 247 questionnaires (49.2%) were valid and analyzed. Besides descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, factor analysis and SEM were used to analyze the data from the questionnaire survey.
Some of significant findings of this study are as follows:
1. Most elementary school teachers treat related teaching affairs with territory concepts. That’s to say, the concept of territoriality of teachers can be found in the treatment of teaching affairs by most elementary school teachers.
2. Most elementary school teachers tend to treat teaching affairs with the concept of primary territory. In terms of conservative analysis, the inclination falls on the border between the primary and secondary territory, but towards the primary territory.
3. In general, most elementary school teachers possess above-average level of related territoriality of teaching.
4. Among five related territoriality of teaching affairs, most elementary school teachers desire to have time and space—value time and “space” most—and extremely respect time and students, which cannot be bothered. In other words, “Teaching time” is the most representative of territoriality of teachers.
5. After the analysis of the empirical study, eight significant Influential factors of territoriality are: (1) inter-personal relationship and status, (2) territorial characteristics, (3) situation, (4) personality/experience, (5) inter-personal preference, (6) resources, (7) self-concept, and (8) procedure.
6. On the whole, most elementary school teachers’ willingness to team teaching are moderate, and tend to regard each other as intimate family members.
7. Most elementary school teachers tend to prefer some kinds of team teaching.
8. The more elementary school teachers tend to treat—with the concept of primary territory—teaching space, teaching resources, teaching time, students, and their thinking and doing about teaching, the less they are willing to practice team teaching.
9. For the elementary school teachers of different demographical variables, the relationships between their territoriality of teachers and willingness of team teaching are significantly different.
10. The characteristics of territoriality of teaching are different from those of other fields.
Finally, based on the findings of the questionnaire survey and related literature review, the researcher works out some suggestions on the elementary school curriculum and instruction, schools and educational administrative organizations and future researchers.
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哈貝馬斯「公共領域」研究的東亞觀點 -以歷史與宗教為題長田智子 Unknown Date (has links)
「公共領域」(public sphere)的概念,源自西方學界,哈貝馬斯(Jürgen Habermas)、漢娜‧鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)等學者提出相關的論述。雖然他們的論述以西方為其研究與關切的中心位置,在東亞思想的研究方面也具有深遠的影響力,現今為止,日本等東亞地區的公共哲學是繼承了關於公共理論的知識遺產。本文以哈貝馬斯為重要的理論泉源,討論主要藉助西方的資源,但將東亞國家的觀點納入考量,希望它也能有助於澄清「地域-世界」(Glocal)的問題。
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陸資來臺投資之相關稅務探討 –以製造業、銀行業為例 / Exploration on Taiwan's Relative Tax Issues for PRC Enterprises - Case Studies of Manufacturing and Banking Industry黃敏雄 Unknown Date (has links)
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國中社會領域教師教學之現況分析-以臺北縣為例李佩寧 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 在教學現場有將近一成教師為代課浮動編制,且有教師證之公民師資人數百分比明顯偏低。
最後依據研究結論,提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of teaching implementation on the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools, the investigation tool is a questionnaire self-prepared by the author, which is to aim at the current status on the teaching activities of the teachers on social learning field in junior high schools. The study was to aim at junior high schools of Taipei County in 2004 academic year as the study object and adopted an overall general investigation on prefect of studies and the teachers in social learning field of each school. Totaling 67 schools of returning rate which occupied 90.54% of sampling school, 58.61% of returning rate in total 541 copies of valid sample questionnaire of “Teacher Version”, the returning rate in which was 58.61%, and 59 copies of questionnaire of “Administrative Personnel Version”, the returning rate in which was 79.73%. Except the mentioned above, we also have held twice focus seminars participated by expert teacher. The data obtained from questionnaire that has further made use of SPSS 10.0 Version of statistics package software to proceed statistical analysis, the conclusions from which are as follows:
1. Approximately 10% teachers on the teaching spot are belonged to the acting teacher of floating system, the number of civil education teacher bearing teacher certificate is apparently low .
2. It exists difference of viewpoint on the implementation status of social field teaching between administrative personnel and teacher for social filed teaching. The viewpoint of administrative personnel is more optimistic and loosening, however, the teacher for social field teaching is more strict on self-discipline.
3. The number of teacher participated in the field credit study has appeared positive growth, however, there is no significant influence on the teaching behavior of the teachers participated in the field credit study, moreover, the participation willing of senior teacher is not so high.
4. Compares to the course standard of 1994 with the new course of 1-9 integrated curriculum, social field is same as the examination course in basic learning ability, its teaching target has no change, the teaching material has not been decreased, but the learning hours is largely decreased, meanwhile, the difference of learning hours among the junior high schools and grades in Taipei County has reached 240 periods, it has caused the teachers in school are difficult to fulfill in teaching, the metabolism of teacher is stopped, the structure of teacher is difficult to change, it has appeared the hardship on teaching.
5. 71.2% of teaching method by teachers that has adopted courses classified teaching. The rate of 1st Grade adopted courses combined teaching is highest (25.8%), the rate of 3rd Grade adopted course classified teaching is highest (70.6%). The decision on lecturing method made by school, more are through resolved by meeting, however, the decision on the lecturing method is subject to the influence on the location of school, scale of school, and the education policy.
6. It is less than 40% of schools to provide specialty classroom to the teacher in the social field, the factors such as equipment, contents of teaching material, lecturing hours will affect to the using frequency on specialty classroom.
7. The rate of school providing electrified equipment has reached 96.3%, exceeding 70% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of electrified equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. Approximately 60% deem that teacher can operate independently. However, due to electrified equipment, contents of teaching material, and the lecturing hours that will influence on the using frequency by teacher.
8. The rate of school providing drawing & instrument equipment that has reached 97%, exceeding 50% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of drawing & instrument equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. The using frequency on teaching by teacher that is influenced by the relevance between drawing & instrument equipment and contents of teaching material, convenience on borrowing from administration and course well planned by teacher.
9. 47.9% of administrative personnel and 79.8% of teachers deem that the pluralized teaching is still pending to strengthen. 54.2% of administrative personnel have already established responding measures. However, because of the teaching hours and the equipment factor that will influence on the implementation of pluralized teaching.
10. The total average score 3.71 of “Teachers’ Teaching Behavior” in social field in junior high school is fallen behind and between “Consistent” and “Very Consistent”, which means that the teaching professional behavior of teachers is over middle level.
11. The highest of scoring by integrated teachers is “Promoting Effective Communication”, the excellent item shown by teachers in teaching is “ Be able to interact with students by amicable and kind tone while teaching”, the minimum scoring is “Vitalizing Teaching Strategy”, the weakest item shown by teachers in teaching is “Be able to according to the teaching need to utilize each kind of electrified equipment”.
Finally, in accordance with the conclusion on study, we do hereby propose the suggestion.
Keyword: social field, 1-9 integrated curriculum, field teaching.
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學校層級課程決定之研究--以青水中學自然領域為例黃立欣 Unknown Date (has links)
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建構原住民族傳統領域制度之研究張則民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文爰以多元文化主義、自然主權及生物多樣性為論述基礎,參酌加拿大處理原住民族主張土地權利之長久且成效豐碩經驗,釐清未來原住民族傳統領域制度建立時所遭遇基本內涵、形成步驟、產權型態及衝突解決途徑等四面向問題徵點。研究結果顯示,應以部落為主體及土地使用關係作為傳統領域之劃設準據,並採用協商合作方式作為調查處理的基本制度模式,而傳統領域產權制度則以部落共有制為核心基礎,至於關於傳統領域問題如何解決,需成立中立爭議調處機構衡平協調處理。 / The indigenous tradition territory has been a hot subject of discussion and research all over the country since the Indigenous Fundamental Law was promulgated and enforced On February 5, 2005; the study orientation includes that using the PPGIS technology to integrate the indigenous collective memory extends the tribe map, as well as based on the condominium spirit discusses the natural resource management pattern in the original resident area. However, when dealing with the request made by the indigenous of returning land right, government uses a top-down thinking mode to limit the indigenous land development, which causes the gap between the policy institution and the indigenous society expectation; a perfect example is the recently incident regarding stealing trees blew down by typhoon in Marcus.
This article takes the multicultural principle, the natural sovereignty and the biodiversity as the elaboration foundation, and also refers to the Canadian long-term and great experiences of dealing with the issue concerning the indigenous land right, in order to clarify four questions, basic connotation, the step of formation, the type of property right and the solution of conflict, encountered when the indigenous tradition territory establishes domain system in the future. The findings showed that we should consider the tribe a main body, delimit the traditional domain based on the land use relation, and select a consultative cooperation method as the basic system mode of investigation. Moreover, the traditional domain property right system takes the tribe co-owned institution as the core foundation. As to solutions of indigenous traditional domain, we should set up a neutral organization to mediate those disputes objectivity.
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台灣民航業者在大陸之佈局與展望 / Layout and prospect in Mainland China of the civil aviation businesses of Taiwan張博涵, Chang, Po Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以近年來兩岸開放交流下,台灣民航業者經營大陸民航市場之策略進行探討,焦點鎖定在當前的機隊規劃、投資領域、整合型態、兩岸業者SWOT分析,以及未來的前景。首先運用文獻回顧法,回顧兩岸民航業發展與兩岸民航交流歷程,進一步探討當代台灣民航業者對大陸市場之佈局,以及兩岸包機對台灣業者營運之影響。從中我們發現台灣民航業者有佈局大陸市場之急迫性,台灣市場的推力與大陸市場的拉力是關鍵。另一個重點是運用SWOT分析法探討台灣民航業面對大陸同業的優勢、劣勢、機會與挑戰,推導出台灣業者未來經營策略最重要的一點是有效整合外部資源,與大陸、其它國家以及台灣業者彼此之整合,台灣業者才能在大陸市場站穩一席之地。 / The Taiwanese civil aviation businesses’strategy of managing the market of mainland China following the open of cross-strait interaction in the recent years is researched for this paper. The research focuses on the schemes of planes groups, the fields of investments, the forms of intergrations of aviation businesses, the SWOT analysis of cross-strait businesses and the promises in the future. Firstly, I use the research method of reviewing the documents to review the development and interactive history of cross-strait civil aviation businesses, and to research the layout in mainland China and the impact of charter flights of them. It is found that Taiwanese businesses are urgent because of Taiwanese pull and Chinese push. Another key point is the research of Taiwanese businesses' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when confronting the Chinese businesses which points that Taiwanese must integrate outer resources effectively, cooperate with Chinese, international and Taiwanese businesses with each other. By this way, Taiwanese just own an appropriate market space in mainland China.
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台灣的非營利領域 / The Nonprofit Sector in Taiwan寇慨文, Coll, Kevin Lee Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis sheds light on how the nonprofit sector developed in Taiwan, from under an authoritarian regime (1950s to 1980s) to the democracy today. It does so by asking two fundamental questions: First, why and how did Taiwan’s nonprofit sector emerge? Second, what are the forces that are shaping its development?
In this study I advance four arguments. First, I argue that the nonprofit sector has passed through several distinct phases since democratization in the early 1980s. We will see that its transformation mirrors changing economic, social, and political developments in Taiwan. However, I also make three other related arguments about the nonprofit sector in Taiwan. My second argument is that the state and its institutions have profoundly shaped the nonprofit sector’s pattern of development. The state matters because political institutions and regulatory frameworks directly and indirectly structure the development of civil society, which is the organized non-state, non-market sphere in which nonprofits operate. To support this argument, I show how, in the 1980s and 1990s, the nonprofit sector was shaped by social movements, electoral competition, and privatization of social welfare. My third, or “third-party government,” argument—a concept first advanced by Lester Salamon—contends that, since the late 1990s, the nonprofit sector and state have become interdependent to make up for their corresponding institutional strengths and weaknesses. My fourth argument is that the current combination of economic downturn, social welfare devolution, and competition with for-profit enterprises has pushed nonprofits towards commercialization and marketization—a trend that offers significant benefits as well as pitfalls for the nonprofit sector.
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配置処理のための領域分割の改善磯, 直行, 平田, 冨夫 20 August 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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