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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中年的轉折-中高齡工作者勞動參與轉變及退休意向之分析 / The Transition in Middle Age - The Analysis on Labor Force Participation Changes and Retirement Conations of Older Wokers

魏海帆, Wei, Hai Fan Unknown Date (has links)
人口老化已是世界許多國家所面臨的挑戰之一,不僅使該國老年人口數增加,也面臨勞動力老化、勞工短缺等情形的發生。從臺灣中高齡者勞動參與情形來看,有許多中高齡工作者會在中年時期逐漸退出勞動市場,與世界各國相較,我國中高齡者勞動參與率偏低,對此,如何妥善運用中高齡人口勞動力愈趨重要。本研究從生命歷程觀點出發,將個人的勞動參與視為連續的歷程,且每個人的就業途徑是相異的,在中高齡階段有些人會選擇退休,有些人則持續在勞動市場內工作,故研究者希望能瞭解影響中高齡工作者持續參與或退出勞動市場的轉變以及個人對未來的退休意向為何,對中高齡者勞動參與情形及退休意向有更多的認識。據此,本研究目的在於:一、瞭解中高齡者勞動參與之情形,並進一步探究持續工作的中高齡者在這四年間的工作型態、職業別、行業別以及受僱身分改變之情形。二、分析影響2003年至2007年中高齡工作者持續參與或退出勞動市場之轉變的因素。三、探討目前勞動市場中高齡工作者之退休意向情形,進而分析影響個人退休意向之因素。四、依據研究成果提供相關之建議,供社會工作實務界及政策制定者做參考,以擬定相關中高齡就業之政策。   本研究透過衛生福利部國民健康署所進行的「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」2003年第五主波調查資料以及2007年第六主波調查資料進行分析,主要分析可分為三個部分:第一部份係分析中高齡者2003年至2007年勞動參與的情形,研究對象為2003年50歲至64歲到2007年時為54至68歲的中高齡者,共2,207位;第二部分則分析影響中高齡工作者勞動參與轉變的因素,研究對象為2003年50歲至64歲有工作的中高齡者,分析的樣本數共1,194位;最後,主要係分析影響中高齡工作者的退休意向的因素,研究對象針對2007年54歲至68歲有工作的中高齡者進行分析,有效樣本數為1,017位。本研究使用SPSS 20.0統計軟體,以描述性統計、卡方檢定、簡單迴歸分析和邏輯迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。綜合研究主要發現,可得到以下結論: 一、在2003年至2007年這四年間,中高齡工作者在此階段逐漸離開勞動市場;而持續就業的897位中高齡者,在職業別的改變幅度較大,工作型態的改變則較小。 二、影響中高齡工作者勞動參與轉變的因素包括:中高齡者2003年時的年齡、性別、婚姻狀況、自評健康狀況、受僱身分,以及2003年至2007年自評健康狀況轉變和老年經濟保障轉變等因素的影響。 三、影響中高齡工作者退休意向的因素包括:中高齡者2007年時的自評經濟狀況以及領取退休金等因素的影響。   依據本研究發現,研究者提出四點建議,作為未來擬定相關中高齡就業政策之參考:一、學習日本制定「中高齡者雇用法」,延長我國退休年限,並善用過渡性工作的概念,減少中高齡工作者在65歲之前退出勞動市場。二、設立中高齡人才中心,培養中高齡者的第二專長,提供多元的就業管道,並降低年齡歧視的刻板印象。三、經濟安全保障是中高齡者最關注之部分,應促進個人在退休前做好財務規劃,讓中高齡者退休後有穩定的經濟來源。四、培養個人的嗜好及興趣,並辦理退休準備教育的課程或方案,為個人退休後生活做好準備。 / Aging population has been a severe challenge for many countries in the world, it’s not only lets seniors increasing in the country but also faces the problems in aging labor force and labor shortage. From the situation in Taiwan older labor force participation , many of the workers will exit the labor market gradually. In comparison with each country in the world, the older labor force participation in our country is slightly low; thus, it is more important how to appropriately handle older labor force. This study start from the perspective of life course, and view the individual labor force participation as the continual course, and everyone’s employment pathway is different, someone in older will choose to retire, and someone continues to work in the labor market; therefore, this study hopes to understand the factor to affect the changes in the older workers continue to participate in the labor market or exit it and individual’s retirement conations in the future. There are four purposes in this study. First, to understand the situation in older labor force participation, and then discuss the conditions in older workers’ work styles, occupations, industries, and the changes in employee and employers identification from 2003 to 2007. Second, to analyze the factor to affect older workers continue to participate or exit the labor market from 2003 to 2007. Third, to discuss the circumstances in the older workers’ retire conations in current labor market. Last, according to the suggestions from the study results, providing the social workers and policy-makers a reference to draw up a policy concerned to older employment. This study analyzes through the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare’s “Survey of the older in Taiwan” in 2003 the fifth wave survey information and 2007 the sixth wave survey information, and can divide into three parts. The first part analyzes the situations in older labor participation from 2003 to 2007 and the subjects are the older from 50-64 years old in 2003 to 54-68 years old in 2007, and total 2,207 people. The second part analyzes the factors to influence the changes in older workers’ labor force participation, and the subjects are the older who were 50-64 years old, and total 1,194 people. The last part analyzes the factors to influence the retire conations to older workers, and the subjects are concerned to 54-68 years older who have jobs, and the valid samples are 1,017 people. This study uses the statistic software, SPSS 20.0, and analyzes with some statistic methods like Descriptive Statistic, Chi-square Test, Simple Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Analysis. According to research results, we acquires following conclusions. First, during 2003-2007, the older workers gradually exit the labor market. In contrast, the 897 elder workers who choose to obtain employment fluctuate in large amount in occupation, and in small in work style. Second, the factor to influence the changes in older workers’ labor force participation include the older age, sex, marriage, self-heath condition, employee and employer identification in 2003, and the transition in self-health condition and senior economic guarantee during 2003-2007. Third, the factor to influence the retire conations to older workers include the older self-economy condition, the amount of pension in 2007. According to the study results , I come up with four suggestions to make references for drawing up older employment policy in the future. First, to emulate Japan to enact “Law Concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons”, extending the retire age in our country, and make good use of the concept of transitional job so as to decrease the number of older workers to exit the labor market. Second, to establish the older human resource center , cultivating their second specialty, providing a diverse employment channels with the view to decreasing the stereotype in age discrimination. Third, economic safety guarantee is the most concerned part of all, and we should facilitate each individual to make good financial plan so that the older may have stable economic sources after retirement. Last, to cultivate individual’s hobbies and interests and transact the courses or projects of retire preparation education for the purpose of make perfect ready for retired life.

各險種經驗死亡率之分析與期保費高低估之探討 / The analysis of empirical mortality rates for different insurance products and the estimations of insurance premiums

呂政治 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的大幅提升與保險的觀念在國內越來越盛行,許多的人都會選擇去投保,本研究採用的資料是從保險事業發展中心所獲得,其收集台灣各個保險公司所銷售的保單,包含定期險、生死合險和終身壽險的資料。我們藉由此資料來分析具有何種特質的人會去購買何種保單,哪些因素會造成死亡率之間的差異。近些年來,台灣的生活水準和醫療水平有顯著的進步,台灣人口的死亡率也因此大幅地下降,男女間的平均餘命也隨之增加,台灣逐步地邁向高齡化社會。但隨著死亡率的改善,保險公司之前所銷售的較長年期的保險商品,有可能會造成保險公司低估或高估其保費,使公司未來的現金流量不穩定。而且以前公司通常是使用生命表的死亡率為基礎,但這樣並不能真正反映有保險人口的死亡機率,因此,我們將使用實際投保的資料,透過Whittaker修勻和Gompertz法則,計算其死亡率,並利用Lee -Carter模型去對未來的死亡率做預測,探討死亡率的下降,會對保險公司造成何種衝擊與其影響到底會有多大。

感恩、生命回憶形式對高齡者幸福感的影響 / The Effect on Older Adults' Well-being of Gratitude and Types of Life Reminiscence

陳貽照, Chen, Yi Chao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以幸福感作為成功老化的指標,試圖探究高齡者本身的感恩性情及正向回憶形式對其幸福感的影響。 研究一採「個別差異」的觀點,研究者認為相較於一些隨著老化而改變的生活狀況變項(如,身體健康、日常生活功能、經濟狀況、社交活動等因素),高齡者本身的感恩性情及正向回憶形式應更能影響其自評幸福的程度。研究者主要以調查法的方式,對355名55歲以上的高齡者進行團體或個別形式的量表施測。研究結果顯示,感恩性情及正向回憶形式的確與幸福感有密切的關聯,即使在控制基本人口及生活狀況變項的影響後,感恩性情及正向回憶形式仍有助於提升個體的幸福感(其可增加的預測變異量介於6.0%~9.6%)。研究一也將幸福感的三個成分(生活滿意度、正向情緒及負向情緒)分別做為依變項,進一步探討可能的中介模式,結果發現:(1)「正向回憶形式」能完全中介感恩性情對正、負向情緒的影響,但僅能部分中介感恩性情對生活滿意度的影響。而(2)「感恩情緒」則能完全中介感恩性情對正向情緒的影響,但僅能部分中介感恩性情對生活滿意度的影響,卻完全無法中介感恩性情對負向情緒的影響。此外,正向回憶形式與感恩情緒兩中介變項各有其獨特的中介效果,無法相互取代。 研究二則採取實驗法的方式進行,用以檢視感恩情緒與幸福感的因果關係。受試者為75名參與終身學習的高齡者,研究者嘗試以不同感恩情緒的激發方式,來設計適合於高齡者的幸福感提升方案。有些高齡者被要求聚焦在現在生活中的感恩經驗(日常感恩組),有些則是寫出過去生命裡的感恩事件(人生感恩組),研究者認為當高齡者在回憶書寫這些感恩經驗時,可再經驗及品嚐感恩情緒。另有兩組高齡者則分別被要求書寫現在生活中的重要事件(日常要事組)或僅單純回答問卷、不進行其他書寫(無操弄控制組)來做為對照組。研究者對這些不同組別,分別進行分析,探討這些不同操弄對高齡者幸福感是否有提升的作用。研究結果顯示,經過七週的書寫後,相較於「無操弄控制組」,「日常感恩組」在正向情緒上有提升的現象,但在生活滿意度及負向情緒則未出現明顯差異。進一步分析顯示,幸福感中正向情緒的提升效果完全透過感恩情緒連動正向情緒而得。然而該效果頗為短暫,在研究結束後於一個月所做的追蹤調查就發現該效果已然消失。研究結果也顯示,「人生感恩組」並未能提升幸福感,其可能的原因或許是因為過去人生的感恩經驗已經太過遙遠,因此無法讓高齡者真正再次經驗到感恩情緒,所以也無法有效地提升個體的幸福感。另外,研究者也發現了一個頗為有趣的結果,就是「日常要事組」造成的影響與「日常感恩組」相似,研究者認為之所以會出現這樣的結果,主要是因為「日常要事組」的受試者其所書寫的「要事」多半為正向事件,因此提高了其幸福的感受。 綜合上述兩個研究的結果,研究者認為,感恩及正向回憶形式對高齡者是否能有較佳的幸福感確實有一定程度的影響,且若能引導高齡者多注意其日常生活中值得感恩的事情或是正向事件,將能使其感受到更多的正向情緒,也有助於幸福感的提升。換言之,即使到了老年階段,只要用對了方法,要擁有幸福快樂的銀髮生涯其實並不難! / This research, adopting positive emotion, negative emotion, and life satisfaction as the criteria of subjective well-being, tried to examine the effects of grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence on successful aging. In study1, the researcher proposed that grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence, among other life situation variables which changed with age (e.g., health condition, functions of daily life, economic status, and social activities), could predict the well-being of the elderly. Three hundred and thirty five participants who are over the age of 55 were surveyed in groups or individually. The results were as predicted, grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence could predict the well-being of the elderly, even after controlling for some basic life situation variables, they still could explain 6.0% and 9.6% of variance respectively. The mediation effects were also examined and results indicated that, (1) "the positive type of reminiscence” could completely mediate the effects of grateful disposition on positive and negative emotion, but only partially mediated the effects of grateful disposition on life satisfaction; (2) “grateful emotion” completely mediated the effect of grateful disposition on positive emotion, and partially mediated the effect of grateful disposition on life satisfaction, but did not mediate the effect of grateful disposition on negative emotion. Furthermore, these two mediator variables, the positive type of reminiscence and grateful emotion, had its own specific mediating effect, and could not replace each other. In Study 2, an experiment was conducted to examine the causal relationship between grateful emotion and well-being of the elderly. Seventy five elders who actively participated in life-long education classes were recruited. They were assigned to one of four different experimental conditions and received different instructions. The first condition was called the daily gratitude condition and participants were told to write down the grateful experience from their current daily lives. The second condition was called the life gratitude condition and participants were asked to recall the grateful events from their past. Participants in the third condition were told to write down their daily important events. In the last condition, which is also the control condition, participants were asked to fill up questionnaires only. The results indicated that, after seven weeks of writing, the elderly in the daily gratitude condition had significant more positive emotion than those who in the control condition. However, the effect was quite short-lived and it disappeared one month later after the writing manipulation. The results also indicated that writing down grateful events from the past did not enhance the subjective well-being, the elderly in the condition showed neither significantly higher positive emotion nor higher life satisfaction than those who in the control condition. It might be because these events were too far away to elicit the present emotion and feeling effectively. In addition, the result also revealed an interesting finding about the daily important events group. The elderly in this condition showed same degree of positive emotion and well-being as those who in the daily gratitude condition. It might be due to the fact that the elders who were asked to write down important daily events did record more positive events than negative events. In summary, it can be concluded that, gratitude and the positive type of reminiscence did have impact on the well-being of the elderly. We can successfully promote the elders’ well-being by leading them to savor their daily grateful events. We believe, even stepping into elderhood, people are still capable of pursuing their own well-being and can live a good life, if only they choose the right way!

Genedex co. 營運計畫書 / Genedex co. business plan

王熙婷, Wang, Kate Unknown Date (has links)
Aging population is becoming the potential social and economic problem for many governments all around the world. These countries including Taiwan are seeking for solutions for the increased healthcare spending. According to the United Nations’ population estimates, we are living in a rapidly aging world. The global share of what we call “senior” or people age over 65 is expected to rise from nearly 8% in 2015 to more than 14% by 2050. The situation in Taiwan is not much different. With increasing life expectancy and a birth rate that continues to decline, the aging population in Taiwan has become more and more obvious. Widespread adoption of Generic and Biosimilar drugs, as opposed to patented or brand name drugs, could help governments reduce healthcare costs and increase the reach of healthcare services. Patented drugs in the prescription drugs segment account for about 70% of total prescription spending in Taiwan. However, the share is set to decline gradually under pressure from government policies promoting the use of generic products and the increasing switches from prescription segment to OTC segment (RX-to-OTC). We expect the penetration of generic drugs in Taiwan OTC drugs segment to increase as the generic drug market has continued to gain prominence within the pharmaceutical sectors in recent years. Despite the fact that OTC generic drug market is a highly competitive market in Taiwan, Genedex Co. still aims to provide good quality generic drugs at a competitive price to meet the generic drugs demands. In addition, Genedex Co. understands the ability to quickly bring new products to the market will play a large role in the future success. Thus, product innovation and differentiation will also be the center focus in the business model. Looking into the future, Genedex Co. expects to see growth at a more rapid pace starting from year 2020 as newly developed generic OTC drugs will be introduced to the market to compete with the branded counterparts and also expects to achieve a more solid presence in the market by year 2021.


潘柳青 Unknown Date (has links)
I 以往對於女性在職場上的議題,在國內外有相當廣泛的研究,但對於有關男 性在職場上議題的研究並不多,國內的研究尤其欠缺,國外的研究雖然有助於我 們推測男性在職場上優勢背後下所產生對個人負面的影響,以及對家庭、社會有 關的重要面向,但卻無法解答本研究所要探討目前中高齡男性在台灣現況的問 本研究嘗試以深度訪談的方式,並運用有關兩性職業隔離文獻中,所隱藏較 為少數人注意到的問題,因產業結構的改變與勞動環境變遷的因素影響,性別職 業隔離現象,已漸漸無法解釋男性在傳統職場上發展的「優勢」,但是在勞動市 場對於年齡的偏見依然未改善,中高齡男性在職場上的「優勢」已不如以往在勞 動市場就業環境的情況;此外,在傳統的性別職業隔離中,男性雖普遍被認為擁 有性別上的「優勢」,但在優勢的背後相對的也承擔不少壓力,他們對自身的處 境都受到性別刻板印象與年齡歧視內化的認知制約,少有自省的機會。 本研究所採用的研究方法有二:包括文獻探討法以及深度訪談法。文獻回顧 的部份可分為第二章與第三章,首先在第二章理論文獻探討部分,將針對性別職 業隔離以及有關年齡方面理論的相關文獻進行整理與回顧,在第三章則針對造成 勞動環境變遷的各項影響因素,以及對中高齡男性勞動者產生的影響等相關文獻 作一整理與回顧。第四章對研究者所選擇之對象進行深入訪談,以完成整個研究 因此,本研究的目的如下: 一、歸納與整合勞動環境變遷對中高齡男性在職場發展之因素影響。二、探討傳 統職場上的「性別職業隔離」現象,歷經產業結構變遷至目前是否還有界線?與 中高齡男性在職場上發展有何關係?三、探討「年齡歧視」與中高齡男性在職場 II 上發展有何關係?是誰對年齡的刻板印象使然?是雇主?是受雇員工?或是顧客? 四、探討中高齡男性勞動者在勞動市場的「年齡歧視」現象是如何建構成的?是 因政府法令的不足或是其他因素?俾能提供關心勞工政策核心議題的有關人士參 考。 經由個案分析歸納出下列研究發現,影響目前中高齡男性在職場上發展面臨 之困境,相關因素有五個面向:一、與產業特性有關;二、與雇主考量成本有關; 三、與受雇員工有關;四、與顧客的偏好有關;五、與中高齡男性勞工本身的認 知有關。 研究者經由文獻的檢視與親自訪談實證得知,研究之結論重點如下: 一、勞動環境變遷對中高齡男性在職場發展之因素影響 (一)全球化與國內受雇結構改變 隨著產業變遷,工業人口比率下降和服務業人口比率的上升,女性就業機會 擴大;產業的結構變動趨勢,有利於高級女性勞力的就業,但不利於初級男性勞 力的運用。使得男性初級勞力的勞動條件惡化,也使其失業率擴大,尤其是中高 齡男性勞工。 (二)政府法制的調整 強制退休制度造成仍有工作能力及意願之中高齡受僱者,無法繼續留在原工 作場所工作,且退休年齡之未能配合平均壽命延長亦為阻礙中高齡者就業之重要 因素。其次,由於現行勞動基準法將給負退休金的責任完全加諸於雇主身上,退 休金的給付規定又與勞工年齡有密切的關係,此項規定於是成為雇主不願意僱用 中高齡者的另一個原因。 (三)教育程度的提升 由於女性教育程度逐漸提升,在職業性別趨於中性化的勞動市場中,給予女 性在職場上有發揮的空間,但由於目前中高齡男性勞工突破不了傳統父權主義的 男性氣概(masculinity)情節下,讓自己的職業生涯過程中阻礙了勞動市場多元 III 化的選擇。換言之,當女性進入職業刻板印象中「男性化」的職業時,中高齡男 性勞工覺得被相同資格的女性所威脅,或是他的主管是女性時,好像男性的存在 價值只存在於超越女性而工作。 (四)知識經濟的發展 隨著知識型產業的快速發展,不但產業結構改變,就業結構也將跟著轉型, 職業別的勞動需求結構也出現新的型態,對高技術工人及知識工作者的需求將會 增加,而對低技術工人的需求則會減少。 (五)人口結構的改變 如果用勞動市場的角度加以詮釋,這是反映中高齡就業者勞動供給重要性的 增加。從行政院主計處的資料顯示,中高齡工作機會變少,和產業結構變遷有關, 一面因產業升級,資訊業的竄起,對於中高齡就業者衝擊甚大;在另一方面,也 和業者普遍存在「年齡歧視」有關,只要有歇業或緊縮,中高齡工作者即首當其 衝。 (六)價值觀的改變 學歷愈高、職級愈高、收入愈高的「三高」女性,對婚姻愈是採取「不排斥 也不強求」隨緣態度,顯示工作成就高的女性自主性愈強,愈不想仰賴婚姻。由 此來看,婚姻的價值觀的改變,顛覆了傳統父權觀念,無形中也提高了女性在勞 動市場的參與率。服務業中有高比率的女性當主管階級,雖然目前無證據顯示女 性當主管與有無婚姻關聯的必然性,不論如何,有一點可以肯定的是女性價值觀 的改變與能力的展現,也是影響了勞動就業市場環境變遷的重要因素之一。 二、性別職業隔離現象與中高齡男性在職場上發展之關係 同時有關於性別與年齡因素所產生的困境,主要來自於「與產業特性有關」 和「與顧客的偏好有關」兩項;「與產業特性有關」是工作內容的要求;而「與 顧客的偏好有關」是因雇主的經營方式受到顧客的導向所造成的。 三、年齡歧視與中高齡男性在職場上發展之關係 IV 中高齡男性在職場上發展所面臨的困境,年齡歧視發生情況與雇主考量成本 最有確切之關聯,除了因法令制度設計窒礙難行,導致中高齡勞工不易就業的後 果,造成雇主不願意僱用中高齡勞動力;或當業者規模萎縮時,中高齡勞工便是 首當其衝被裁員、資遣者外,與受雇員工(同事)有關。此類的年齡歧視可分三種 情況下顯現: (一)以工作團隊為績效時,就會顯露出年輕的員工排擠中高齡男性員工,認為動 作緩慢、不易變通、影響工作績效。 (二)年輕的員工認為這些因為年齡的累積,具有豐富職場經驗的中高齡男性勞工 會威脅到他們的升遷。 (三)與顧客的偏好有關,顧客的偏好影響雇主雇僱用員工的傾向,當顧客偏好女 性、年輕的工作者時,對於中高齡男性而言減少就業或升遷的機會;對雇主 而言,是為了利益,而非以中高齡男性員工的個人專業知識或經歷為主。 四、勞動市場「年齡歧視」現象的建構 雇主對於中高齡勞動者,存有很多誤解、偏見和負面定型,仍有很多人以為 老化(Aging)必然使人健康顯著衰退、學習能力減低、智力及記憶能力退化、缺 乏工作能力等。但老化時的生理衰退速度,就遠較一般人的想像為慢;而認知能 力的強弱,就更與年齡多少無顯著關係。因此,我們不能單憑一個人的年齡,就 推論其健康狀況、工作效率、以至個人潛能等,因為這些均與年齡無必然關係。 因為我們社會對中高年齡勞動者與「老化」劃為等號,主要原因並不來自個 人的偏見,而是一些制度性年齡歧視,穩定而又持續地將中高齡勞動者從勞動市 場的人力資源結構中分化出去,結果是不斷地強化年長者(Aged)的公眾形象。在 傳播媒體的求才廣告就可看出,招募條件限制年齡的上限或是有性別限制,其結 果是有工作能力者尤其是中高齡男性勞動者,被剝奪了進入勞動力市場的機會。 關鍵詞:男性研究、中高齡男性勞動者、性別刻板印象、性別職業隔離、年齡 歧視

Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析

黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著高齡人口逐年增加,銀髮市場漸受矚目,高級安養住宅的興起即是一例。儘管銀髮安養住宅陸續於一九九0年代中期推出,但是個案數量不多,成功經營者更是屈指可數。本研究藉由調查台北銀髮族的看法,以分析影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅之要素。 藉由調查潛在顧客的意見,本研究首先分析人口變數對安養住宅評估標準的影響,接著分析高齡者遷移決策之影響要素與評估標準之間的關係。最後,本研究探索消費者的評估標準與其價值偏好之關係。 本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei. From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined. The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.


鄭雅丰 Unknown Date (has links)
高齡社會下,是否能夠準備足夠的退休金是每個人都很關心的重要議題。本研究探討反向房屋抵押貸款(Reverse Mortgages)在提升老年經濟安全準備之應用。以美英澳三國之反向房屋抵押貸款商品之形式為基礎,分析發行機構與消費者之風險,建立反向房屋抵押貸款之基本定價模型,模擬保險人和發行機構之損失分佈並作敏感度分析,最後提出反向房屋抵押貸款在提升老年經濟安全準備議題上之應用策略,期望本研究結果可為台灣高齡社會之經濟問題提供新的思考方向。

高齡者社團參與類型、參與程度與生活滿意度關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Association Participation Types, Participation Degree and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly

傅嘉瑜, Fu, Chia-yu Unknown Date (has links)
人口快速老化與平均餘命的延長,使我們越來越重視老年退休生活,加上高齡者健康、經濟資源的提升,與家庭支持系統轉弱等現代社會特性,鼓勵高齡者從事社會參與乃成為老人福利中的重要課題。台灣地區高齡者從事社會參與的情形為何?影響高齡者從事社會參與的因素有哪些?從事社會參與是否能提升生活滿意度?究竟哪種社會參與面向才是主要影響生活滿意度的因素?均是本研究關注的焦點。首先根據文獻探討高齡者生活滿意度及社會參與的意涵、相關因素與相關研究,並以社會老年學觀點作為本研究的理論基礎。 本研究乃是使用行政院衛生署國民健康局人口與健康調查研究中心執行之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」1999年調查資料進行次級資料分析,研究樣本為年滿六十五歲以上之高齡者,有效樣本數為2890人,針對所得的資料,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、點二系列相關、皮爾森積差相關、邏輯迴歸、多元迴歸分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。綜合本研究主要發現,獲致下列結論: 一、高齡者具有社會參與的需求。 二、參加「老人團體」是高齡者社會參與的最愛。 三、意向障礙是阻礙高齡者社會參與的主因。 四、高齡者的社會參與與生活滿意度有關。 五、社會參與面向中,影響生活滿意度最關鍵的因素為「參與程度」。 六、影響高齡者社會參與的因素為,性別、年齡、教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住地。 七、影響高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、婚姻狀況、居住安排及有無社會參與。 八、影響有社會參與的高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住安排及參與程度。 根據上述研究結論,本研究分別就政府機關、辦理老人社會參與相關機構及高齡者本身提供以下建議:一、對政府機關之建議:(一)健全老人經濟及健康之福利服務;(二)透過社會教育的方式,向老人宣導社會參與對老化調適的好處;(三)廣設老人活動中心,鼓勵並協助老人組成社團;(四)營造高齡者社會參與的無障礙環境。二、對辦理老人社會參與相關機構之建議:(一)排除機構障礙,增加高齡者社會參與的機會;(二)提供多元的社會參與類型,並注重活動進行的品質。三、對高齡者本身之建議:(一)破除意向障礙,積極從事社會參與;(二)從事退休準備,以擁有健康、滿意的老年生活。 / Due to the rapid aging of population and the prolongation of life expectancy, people pay more and more attention on elders’ retirement life. According to the characteristics of modern society, such as elders’ health, increase of economic resources and the obsolescence family support system, encouraging elders to have social participation becomes an important issue of elderly welfare. How is elders’ social participations in Taiwan? What are the key factors of elders’ social participations? Could social participation increase their life satisfactions? Which of the social participation is the main factor that influences life satisfactions? Above are the targets of this study. At first, we probe into life satisfactions, social participation meanings, related factors, and research from bibliography, and we take social gerontology as the theoretical base of this study. This study conducted a secondary data analysis based on the data from 1999 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and the Elderly in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan). The study subjects were elders over 65 years old, and the number of valid samples was 2890. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test(X2), Independent-Samples t-test, point biserial correlation, the Pearson product-moment correlation, logistic regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the main findings of this study, we have the following conclusions: 1.Elders have needs of social participation. 2.“The elderly group” is elders’ favorite social participation target. 3.Intention obstacle is the main reason hindering elders’ social participation. 4.Elders’ social participation is related to life satisfaction. 5.The most critical factor in social participation which influences life satisfaction is “participation degree”. 6.The factors influencing elders’ social participation are gender, age, educational level, economic status, health status and residential locations. 7.The factors affecting elders’ life satisfaction are educational level, economic status, health status, marital status, residential arrangement and social participation. 8.The factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly who has social participation are educational level, economic status, health status, residential arrangement and participation degree. According to the above conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for the governments, institutions dealing with elders’ social participation and elders: 1. Suggestions for the governments: (1) Complete elderly economic and healthy welfare services. (2) Promoting the advantage of social participation on aging accommodation to elders by social education. (3) Constructing elderly community centers, encouraging and helping elders to establish the associations. (4) Constructing the barrier-free environment for elders’ social participation. 2. Suggestions for the institutions dealing with elders’ social participation: (1) Eliminating the obstacles of the institutions to increase probability of elders’ social participation. (2) Providing diverse types of social participation and focusing more on the quality of the activities. 3. Suggestions for elders: (1) Overcoming the intention obstacles to have more social participation. (2) Being prepared for the retirement to have healthy and satisfying elderly life.


杜娟 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1996年失業率突破2%後不斷上升,2002年高達5.17%,其後雖逐漸下降,2007年仍達3.91%,平均失業人數超逾41萬餘人。 本研究係運用描述性統計,採取文獻分析法、次級資料分析法及訪談法,分析臺灣地區中高齡者的勞動情勢、彙整2001年至2007年政府對中高齡失業者施行的主要促進就業措施,並以其中之就業保險法及公共服務擴大就業計畫,探討其可改進之處。 研究發現,中高齡失業特徵如下:失業期間比其他年齡層長,再就業困難,極易永久退出勞動市場;男性失業率比女性高、失業期間比女性長;教育程度愈高,失業期間愈久,學歷在國中以下,失業期間最短;45至64歲,大學以上與不識字者,失業率低於高中、高職、國中以下者;65歲以上,大學及以上者失業率最高,國中程度失業率最低。 針對中高齡失業人口,就業保險法及公共服務擴大就業計畫,僅提供短期經濟協助,並未積極實施職業訓練與就業輔導。 建議政府應加強宣導就業保險法令常識、擴大該法適用範圍、修正失業給付領取條件、整合中央機關職業訓練與就業服務行政體系、強化職業訓練內容與就業服務機構媒合能力、促進就業方案應積極開發民間工作機會。

臺灣高齡人口死亡率模式 / The Elderly Mortality Model in Taiwan

柯欣吟 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來臺灣高齡人口比例有明顯之增長,兩性平均餘命自1906年至今不斷的往高齡延伸,伴隨著這兩種趨勢下,臺灣高齡人口結構快速的轉型和變動,使得瞭解高齡人口死亡率模式成為估算未來臺灣人口結構發展趨勢的重要依據。然而,過去許多人口研究所依賴的資料來源是以「戶籍人口統計資料」為基礎,其資料內容雖涵蓋時間範圍甚廣,但在高齡人口的死亡率資料記載則有稍嫌簡化的問題及死亡人數紀錄不準確的限制,因此本研究擬以搭配「死因資料檔」,擷取其對於死亡人口數及死亡時間詳細紀錄的優點,來結合運用以探討臺灣高齡人口死亡率模式。 本研究以「參數式模型」、「相關模型」、「外推法」及「APC模型」四種不同估算取徑的運用,並結合現有實際的臺灣高齡人口死亡率資料,說明臺灣65歲以上高齡人口死亡率的變遷模式及發展軌跡。研究結果顯示,自1975年臺灣65歲以上高齡人口的死亡率變遷趨勢,確實往更高齡方向發展,同時,其死亡率的變遷波動越大,本身除資料紀錄上可能有所偏誤外,也可能因為90歲以上人口資料逐漸增加的情況下,變異性逐漸的明顯。此外,以各死亡率模型估算配適下,大多在90歲以上高齡人口的計算,其估算不準確的情形則越形明顯,但在65歲至85間的估算死亡率模式則有相當不錯的配適。

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