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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

人口結構改變對物業管理服務策略之影響 以齊家物業管理公司為例 / The impacts of low birth rate and aging population on property management - a case study of Homestart co.ltd

高敏瀞 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣人口結構發生改變,人口高齡化及少子化的現象日趨嚴重,對物業管理未來服務策略之影響及發展影響甚鉅;因此因應環境的變動、制訂企業的發展策略、以謀取企業生存和發展,已成為物業管理公司關注的焦點。本研究將以台灣人口結構的改變對台灣物業管理產業之衝擊為前提,探討物業管理業者與個案公司服務策略之變動。 本研究從企業策略管理的基本理論著手,並探討個案公司的基本狀況和發展歷程、對個案公司目前的經營管理狀況給予分析。接著利用SWOT策略管理分析個案公司的優劣勢、機會、威脅。除了採用SWOT分析之外,本研究也使用波特五力分析台灣物業管理產業,並進而參考了日本物業管理之產業現況、日本物業管理加值服務市場現況、日本物業管理未來之發展趨勢與日本高齡化人口的演變,列於附錄之中,以對台灣目前產業環境以及所面臨的人口高齡化議題做相關之印證。經過以上研究步驟,本研究確立了個案公司的市場定位,從而設計出齊家物業個案公司針對人口高齡化之服務策略以及未來展望。 本研究運用了目前企業策略管理的主流理論及分析工具,對個案公司的發展策略做了較為完整的論述,既分析了現狀,確認其發展策略,又為其策略執行提出了有效及可行的方案。本研究希冀為個案公司提供更好在激烈的市場競爭之中正確發展的企業策略,讓個案公司不斷地保持其競爭優勢,並具有重大的市場不可取代定位,以及對從事物業管理產業的相關企業有相當程度的參考價值。

電子娛樂器材之創新經營模式-以銀髮族之運動需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model of electronic entertainment kiosk - based on the exercise demand of senior.

蔡孟宏, Tsai, Meng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本創新找出三種現有的電子遊樂機來滿足高齡使用者對於復健運動產品的需求。這三種產品可針對高齡使用者的平衡度、手部及腳部進行運動復健,讓高齡使用者在復健運動的同時仍能享受到電子遊戲的娛樂性。因此,本創新為現有的電子遊戲機找到不一樣的行銷市場。現有電子遊戲機的主要市場是青少年,但本創新是以高齡使用者為主,以老人安養機構為主要採購者,讓既有的產品重新定位、找到新市場。 本創新從機台、廠商、老人安養機構以及高齡使用者四方面提出不一樣的服務模式,以供廠商以及老人安養機構參考。本創新特別針對老人安養機構的特性及財務狀況提出三種不一樣的經營獲利模式,透過不一樣的營利模式面對不一樣的狀況,讓電子遊戲廠商以及老人安養機構能夠有所交集,創造出一個前所未見的新市場。 / This innovation business model discovers three electronic entertainment kiosks in the market which meet the demands of senior. These products can be used for the rehabilitation of senior, including balance, hand movement, and foot exercise, allowing users be entertained when they engage in their rehabilitation. This innovation business model explores a different market for electronic entertainment kiosks. The main market for electronic entertainment kiosks is usually junior, but this model discovers a market for senior user, which the nursing agencies are major buyers. In this case, the product function and purpose is redefined, allowing it to target a new market with a different position. This research proposes a service business model for manufacturers and nursing agencies from four dimensions: electronic entertainment kiosks, manufacturers, nursing agencies and senior users. Also, it points out three profitable methods that will fit the situation of nursing agency characteristics and financial situation. Each method is designed for a different situation, allowing video game makers intersect with nursing agencies, which will create a brand new market.

退休公務人員休閒生活、生涯規劃與生活適應之研究-以考試院暨所屬機關為例 / A Study on Retired Civil Servants’ Leisure Life, Plan for Life, and Accommodation of Life-An example of the Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies

祝康玲 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣社會隨著醫療及衛生水準提升,平均餘命亦逐年提高,人口高齡化趨勢日益顯著。又伴隨退休觀念的轉變,及退休年齡的提前,退休者步入退休生活,身處現今的休閒時代,除有大量的休閒時間外,並將面臨20年至30年以上的老年生活。爰退休人員休閒生活、生活規劃與生活適應情形所關乎其退休生活的良寙,並如何於高齡化社會中,啟開退休黃金歲月的新頁益顯重要,此課題值得深究。 本研究採取深入訪談法,以考試院暨所屬機關退休公務人員為研究對象,依退休人員性別及退休時所具之官職等,邀請12名退休公務人員為訪談對象。旨在瞭解退休公務人員休閒生活的情況、探究其生涯規劃的情形及分析生活適應的情況,本研究有以下發現: 一、休閒多元化、心境樂活遊:退休公務人員於卸除壓力及空閒增加後,多依興趣多元選擇休閒,心境隨性樂活。 二、隨科技進步、休閒種類新:上網、騎自行車、學習進修、旅遊等休閒活動,成為退休生活中較新及普及的活動項目。 三、揪團結伴行、休閒新模式:利用淡季或平日揪團結伴同行,成為退休公務人員省錢、享受高品質休閒的新模式。 四、休閒幾滿檔、生活多色彩:休閒成為多數退休人員生活的重心,讓生活充滿色彩,並藉不斷提高休閒動能,防止衰老。 五、退休觀念轉、黃金歲月啟:生命是動態,是學習、工作、休息、退休,不斷循環的圓形人生;退休為另一黃金歲月的開啟。 六、獲親友支持、退休助益大:獲得親密的家人及親友支持力量,更能享有美好的退休生活。 七、年齡漸老化、憂醫療開支:退休金為主要經濟來源;又隨著年齡漸長,通常未能預期的醫療開支,是較擔心的經濟負擔。 八、退休有規劃、生活滿意高:退休生活有規劃者,有較高滿意度。 九、照護的政策、瞭解真有限:對相關照護政策,有瞭解的渴望。 十、身段未放下、生活適應難:退休後未適時轉換角色、心境,以及學得生活基本技能,易面臨退休後生活適應的困擾。 十一、體認終須老、期活出意義:“死是生的開始"要善待自己,生能盡歡,死亦無悔,以活出尊嚴及意義;能以正面、健康與坦然,對退休生活適應有所助益。 最後,根據本研究發現提出下列建議,予退休人員及相關單位參考: 一、退休人員在退休前即應培養興趣,增加退休生活調劑、改變退休心態,學著放下昔日頭銜官職位、作好退休準備及規劃,增加退休生活適應。 二、相關機關及單位可依退休人員需求、增進休閒設施普及性,並安排退休相關講習、提高退休人員退休生活概念。 三、建造退休人員樂齡村、提供退休人員再就業、志工、學習進修等優質環境。 四、建立退休人員專屬網站平臺、提供食、衣、住、行、育樂等資訊,並暢通退休照護訊息。 五、建立退休人力資料庫,以期借重退休人員長才及經驗、增進機關與退休人員互動機制,多加關懷退休人員。 / Since the quality of medical and health care in Taiwan has being improved, life expectancy has gradually risen and population aging is getting serious. Furthermore, because of the concept of early retirement, retirees have longer life of leisure and 20-30 years of aged life. Therefore, the life of Civil Servants’ leisure, life plan and accommodation of life will influence the quality of retirement life. Facing rapidly aging society, initiating a golden retirement life becomes even more important and is worth to be studied. This study adopted the method of In-depth interview. The objects of study are all retired from The Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies. Invited 12 interviewees who were retired civil servants with different genders and job positions to understand their life of leisure, life plan and l accommodation of ife . This study has the following findings. 1.Diversified leisure and LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability): After releasing the pressure as well as getting more leisure time, most of retired civil servants participate in diversified leisure activities by interest, and live a LOHAS life. 2.Scientific and technological progress, as well as new leisure activities: Surfing the internet, biking, extension education, and traveling become the most popular activities after retirement. 3.Traveling together and new leisure style: Traveling together during low seasons or on weekdays to save money and enjoy higher quality tourism becomes a new lifestyle. 4.Leisure activities and colorful life: Leisure activities become the life focus of most retirees, and engage them frequently in leisure activities to delay aging. 5.Changing concept and initiating a golden life: Life is dynamic and is a circulative circle which consists of learning, working, leisure and retirement. Retirement is the origin of another golden life. 6.Benefit from the family support: Getting support from family and friends can enrich one’s retirement life. 7.High medical expenses due to aging: Retirement pension is the major income. Therefore, unexpected medical expenses become an economic burden. 8.A good retirement plan can make a satisfactory life: Retiree who has a good retirement plan has higher satisfaction. 9.Limited understanding of care policy: Retirees are keen to understand the care policy. 10.Difficult to adjust oneself to new conditions because of not coming down off one’s high horse: Easy to worry about retirement life because retirees have not changed mind and learned the basic living skills. 11. Recognize aging and live with meaning: “Death is the beginning of another birth”. Be nice to yourself. With positive thinking, healthy lifestyle, and composed mind, retirees can accommodate themselves easily to retirement life. Enjoy oneself thoroughly even in death without regret to live with dignity and meaning. In light of above findings, this study propounds the following to retirees and the authorities concerned for references. 1. Before retirement, retirees shall cultivate hobbies to enliven spice to retirement life, change attitude and forget the last job positions and titles, make a good retirement plan and prepare for retirement to adapt quickly to the retirement life. 2. Catering to the need of retirees, the proper authorities shall promote the opportunities for them to participate in leisure activities, and arrange seminars to enhance their comprehension. 3. Build senior villages for retirees. Offer the opportunities for re-employment, volunteer work, and extension education. 4. Set up the internet platform to provide the information regarding the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, housing and transportation) for retirees, and circulate the information of retirement care. 5. Build the data bank of human resource to utilize retirees’ abilities and experience, build up the interaction mechanism between organs and retirees, and show more concern for retirees.

高齡化與老人生涯規劃`生活適應之研究 / Reserch advanced age and old person profession plan life adaption

謝永定, Hsieh, Yung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
人類社會隨著文明的發展,教育的普及與醫療科技的進步,台灣社會的老年人口比率逐年提高形成高齡化社會,且國民平均壽命延長,老人退休後之生活安排,含蓋老人安養、居住、飲食、醫療、休閒旅遊、高齡者人力資源運用,這些都是我們即將或未來極需面對的嚴肅議題。 為瞭解退休老人的生涯規劃與適應的歷程,事涉受訪者的主觀經驗與詮釋,本文採用深度訪談15位已退休之55~81歲及1位62歲即將退休之較高齡長者。 本研究結果發現受訪者的規劃,大多以經濟的角度做為思考的重心,其生活方面的安排,是以延續退休前之生活模式為主要方式;老人退休後以健康活動、收集文物、擔任義工、接受終身教育、參予社區活動、以及迎向大自然為主要安排,也有以放空心情的安排做為生活的哲學。 在生活適應的物質方面,研究顯示受訪者退休前在財務方面已做安排,居住與生活支應無虞;親友互動良好,選擇獨居或與子女同住方面,維持傳統觀念的受訪者大有人在,而必須要面對事實獨居的受訪者也不少,顯見目前家庭生活形態已成趨勢;人際網路之維持、接受終身教育之自我提昇、以及興趣都會帶給老人快樂,研究也顯示旅遊活動已成為退休老人主要興趣之一。 從退休規劃與生活適應之關聯性觀察,發現老人退休後,在生理機能的迅速退化、生活的結構改變而產生衝突的矛盾與不適,有的受訪者採「先放空,再思考出發」的放空哲學頗有「歸零」的禪意,也有在生理方面仍然保有簡單溫飽即能滿足的傳統觀念。 生活有目標、有規劃、有準備的退休老人適應都很好,研究顯示受訪者之中仍然保有「積穀防饑」之傳統觀念,但因為年歲的增長,難免在生理狀況會產生變化,對於醫療保健的安排都很重視,惟傳統家庭價值的需求殷切,在心靈上隱約感受到退休老人極待子女能多予關懷與照顧。 少子高齡化的社會來臨,己經是世界各先進國家的發展趨勢,台灣老人問題也已成為社會問題的一項重要指標,本研究存望未來老人年金制度更加完整、老人安養機構及活動中心之設施完善、企業規劃設置長壽村、醫療照護普及化、各區境內自然資源充分運用、家庭傳統價值能夠再現、重新思考跳脫家庭傳統組織概念,設置傳統家庭組織以外之家庭、老人早日規劃因應未來生活、政府推動的老人福利項目,不知道或一知半解的人還是不少人,宜再加強宣導;根據研究針對以上有關老人的期待與需求之意見,提出建議做為政府未來施政規劃「老人福利政策」的參考。 / Due to the human society along with the civilized development, the education popularization and the medical science and technology progress, ageing of the population in Taiwan, also the national mean lifetime lengthens, after the elderly retires the arrangements for daily life, contains covers elder care, the housing, the diet, medical, the leisure traveling, the ageing human resources utilization, these all are the serious issues which we soon or the future extremely will have to face. In order to understand the retired elderly's career planning and the life adjustment process, the matter fords participant's subjective experience and the annotation, This article uses the electron particle materialization research orientation, face-to- face depth dialogue 55~81 of years old 15 already retired the elderly and one of 62 years old the elderly of soon retirements. The research found participant's plan, mostly does take the economical angle as the ponder center of gravity, its life aspect arrangement, is take continues before the retirement the mode of life as the fundamental mode; After the elderly retires take the health activity, the collection cultural relic, holds the post of will labor, accepts the lifelong education, participates the community to move, as well as welcomes to the nature as the main arrangement, also has take blows off the mood the arrangement to do as the life philosophy. The material aspect of life adjustment, the result of this research found before demonstrated the participant retires has made the arrangement in the financial aspect, lives with the daily life balances income and expenses, The relatives and friends interact good, the choice lives alone or lives together the aspect with the children, the maintenance traditional ideas participant there are plenty of such people, but must have to face the participant which the fact lives alone also many, the obvious at present family life shape has become the tendency; Maintenance the interpersonal network, accepts the lifelong education the self-promotion, as well as the interest can take to the elderly to be joyful, the research also demonstrated the traveling activity has become one of the retired elderly major interests. Planned from the retirement and lives connection observation the adjustment, after discovered the elderly retires, in the physiological function rapid degeneration, the life structural change has the conflict contradiction and is ill, some participants pick "first blow off, then pondered embarks" blows off the philosophy quite to have "the nulling operation" imperial sacrifices Italy, also had in the physiological aspect still holds the traditional ideas which the simple warm and sufficient condition namely could satisfy. The life has the goal, has the retired the elderly which the plan, has the preparation to adapt all very well, the research demonstrated in the participant still held " Provides for a rainy day?" the traditional ideas, but because of the ageing, unavoidably could have the change in the physiological condition, all very much took regarding the medical health care arrangement, the traditional family value demand was only earnest, indistinctly felt the retired elderly in the mind extremely to wait the children to be able to give the concern and the attendance. Delining birth rate and aging society approaches, the oneself after is the world each advanced countries development tendency, in Taiwan the elderly question has also become the social problem an important target, this research will save looks the future the elderly annuity system to be more complete, the elderly peacefully raises the organization and facility of the activity center consummates, the business planning establishment longevity village, the medical service according to protects the universalization, Within the boundaries of various areas the natural resource full utilization, the family tradition value can reappearance, reponder the family tradition organization concept, outside the establishment tradition family organization the family, the elderly soon plans in accordance to the future lives the elderly welfare project which, the government will impel, did not know or will smatter the person or many people, suitably again will strengthen the guidance; According to studies in view of the above concerned the elderly anticipation and the demand opinion of, proposed the suggestion to provides administer for the government to plan " welfare policy for the elderly " in the future.

建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間-以台北市為例 / Construction of a universal age-friendly urban space-Taipei as a case of study

楊鳳琦, Yang, Feng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
世界衛生組織(WHO)意識到世界人口高齡化將如排山倒海而來,越來越長壽的高齡世代將不再是一種特殊的族群而是普遍活得老的一種現象,遂致力提倡創立有益於高齡者的環境。而人口為國家基本要素之一,其變遷關係著國家之發展與社會之福祉,因而高齡化人口結構變遷已成為世界性、國家性、地區性、家庭性的問題。綜觀,法國從高齡化社會至高齡社會歷時超過一世紀,德國40年,而我國將於2018年邁入高齡社會,期間僅歷時25年,顯示我國老化速度超快是不容忽視的重要課題。 都市是人與空間交織的產物,高齡化社會與都市空間兩者息息相關相互影響,而都市空間因應高齡化人口結構變遷,是否已關照到不同年齡世代的使用需求,此乃台灣將面臨的挑戰與應該思索的未來課題。是以本研究主要目的,希望藉由新都市主義人性尺度的規劃透過通用設計為所有人設計的具體實施,同時借鏡世界衛生組織「全球老年友好城市建設指南」,以及日本推動通用設計打造城市的經驗,並彙整受訪者對都市公共空間現況共通性課題、需求與高齡友善通用化都市空間設計原則之問卷調查結果,進而運用民生社區作為實例地區進行檢視與評估。最後,提出研擬之建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間設計原則。 研究結果發現,受訪者認同現況都市公共空間設施與空間設計已不符合高齡者的使用需求,其落在生活空間上產生的課題面向,包含:人行道、人行道設施帶、騎樓、斑馬線、設施接入點、樓梯、連結介面與照明設備等,普遍缺乏友善的、可及的、安全的、便利的、連續的及通用化的設計。綜合前述課題,本研究將連結整個都市空間系統的流動性加以分類,形成移動系統與連結系統,而移動系統中則再區分為平行移動系統與垂直移動系統,並運用通用設計為所有人設計的原則,提出解決現況都市空間因應高齡化社會需求,其相對應之高齡友善通用化都市空間設計原則。 因此,經過分析、探討與實例地區檢視與檢討後,本研究提出以下的建議:一、台灣未來都市空間規劃應以人本思維為規劃主軸,透過「人性尺度關懷的規劃,為所有人設計的理念」作為改善高齡化社會都市問題的途徑,以步行系統作為都市公共空間的連結元素,並將公共空間的整體性予以再結構,使其再度成為一項重要的都市設施,以建立高齡化社會下「不分年齡人人都能共享共用的友善通用化都市空間」,重塑都市空間資源的價值。二、建議政府應該爭取時間,加速建立具有規範性與整體性的主要上位計畫,並將通用設計準則納入都市設計中,同時整併現有相關法規,使各個城市在執行上有統一的公共空間政策做為推動的目標與遵循的依據,把建構高齡友善的通用化都市空間理念變成全國各地具體的行動。 【關鍵詞】高齡化、都市空間、通用設計、新都市主義

悅趣化學習對於高齡者注意力之影響分析 / Analysis of the Effect of a Serious Game on the Attention in the Elderly

顧竣翔, Ku, Chun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣目前已邁入高齡化社會,因高齡人口持續攀升,面對中高齡者認知能力衰退,我們提議利用遊戲的方式進行注意力訓練。相較於一般以娛樂為主要目的的遊戲,悅趣化學習遊戲(Serious Game)是在遊戲設計除時以娛樂為目的外,另附加學習目標,這種遊戲設計方式常廣泛運用於教育、軍事、健康、都市規劃、宗教、工程與政治等領域上,以達成某種訓練或觀察目的。我們以心理學理論為基礎,透過悅趣化學習遊戲在平板電腦上設計了一個系統,邀請年長者分為兩組來擔任此一系統的受試者,並觀察使用我們所設計的遊戲系統前後其注意力變化的狀況。我們在此系統上進行了視覺搜尋(Visual Search)和注意力網絡作業(Attention Network Task, ANT)的前後測驗,並加入了自適應性(Adaptive)及導入干擾(Interference)以觀察受試者排除干擾的狀態。我們觀察此系統是否能影響測試者的認知能力與其影響的程度,並比較受試者之注意力在實驗前後變化是否因遊戲系統而改變。而經過實驗後共有21位高齡受試者完成所有實驗流程,實驗組的受試者經過分析後發現他們在視覺搜尋的在正確率以及在注意力網絡作業中的正確率、警覺性分數和導向性分數皆有顯著的改變,而在實驗後透過問卷調查另可發現高齡受試者對於遊戲學習亦是給予正面的回饋且有意願繼續使用。因此我們認為我們所設計的悅趣化學習遊戲系統能提升高齡受試者的使用意願並進而有效提升其注意力。 / Since the last decade, Taiwan has entered the aging society. However, the proportion of the elderly population has continued to increase in recent years. Our primary purpose is to use serious game as a means of training the attention of the elderly and delay the decline of cognition. Serious game has a primary purpose other than pure entertainment and has been used in the past for various applications such as national defense, education, scientific exploration, healthcare, emergency management, city planning, engineering, religion, and politics. Our goal in this work is to design a customizable serious game based on cognition psychology on the Android tablet PC platform for the elderly. We invited 21 elderly subjects to play the game and perform tests done before and after the playing. In the pre- and pro-tests, we adopted a Visual Search task and the Attention Network Task (ANT) tests to study how the proposed serious game can affect the cognition abilities, especially attention, of a subject. The experimental results reveal that the accuracy of visual search, accuracy of attention network test, scores of alerting and orienting of the participants in the experiment group have significantly improved after the trainings on the serious game system. We also have received positive feedback on the gameplay from the participants, which shows that the proposed system is well accepted and can serve as an effective means for cognition training.

醫院高齡志工老化態度與幸福感關係之研究 / A study of relationship between attitudes toward aging and well-being of the hospital elder volunteers

陳藝娟, Chen ,Yi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
為因應高齡者參與志願服務的趨勢發展及對個人職場高齡志工的關懷,本研究旨在了解醫院高齡志工老化態度與幸福感現況,探討不同背景變項的醫院高齡志工在老化態度與幸福感的差異,並探討兩者間之相關情形,根據研究結果提出建議,以供相關單位及研究上之參考。 本研究係以研究者服務的醫學中心年滿60歲以上的高齡志工為研究對象,採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,以研究者自編的「醫院高齡志工老化態度與幸福感量表」為研究工具,共發出230份問卷,回收有效問卷218份,所得資料透過SPSS for Windows 18.0版的統計軟體,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費(Scheffe)事後檢定及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法加以分析,獲致實證結果。 根據分析結果,研究主要發現如下: 一、醫院高齡志工的老化態度呈現正向,以「老化認知」得分最高。 二、醫院高齡志工的幸福感極佳,以「社會參與」得分最高。 三、老化態度方面:不同健康狀況之醫院高齡志工其老化態度有顯著差異;在不同婚 姻狀況之醫院高齡志工僅「老化認知」層面的知覺上有差異。 四、幸福感方面:在年齡、經濟狀況與健康狀況等不同背景變項之醫院高齡志工其幸 福感有顯著差異。 五、醫院高齡志工老化態度與幸福感之間有顯著正相關。 / To Response to elderly participant in the trend of development of volunteer service, and care for personal vocational elderly volunteer, this study aimed to research the current condition of the hospital elderly volunteers in term of their attitudes toward aging and well-being of the hospital elderly Volunteers. Then we try to study on hospital elderly volunteers of different background variables in differences attitude towards aging and well-being, and find the relationship between attitude towards aging and well-being. According to the above findings, we try to provide the respective suggestions to coherent units for reference. Regarding the researchers service medical center above 60 years elderly volunteers as the research object, this research adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire. To utilize hospital elderly volunteers of attitudes toward aging and well-being questionnaire as measure tool, 230 questionnaires were sent. The final effective samples were 218. SPSS for Windows 18.0 was used in this study. By using reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe and Pearson correlation analysis, we had good findings. According to the result of analysis, the findings were summarized as follows: 1.The attitude toward aging that the hospital elderly volunteers present the progressive orientation and the highest score to “Aging Cognition.” 2.The present condition of the hospital elder volunteer’s well-being was extremely good, and the highest score to” Social Participation.” 3.In the attitude toward aging, there are significant differences in the hospital elderly volunteer’s attitude toward aging of different health status. There are significant differences in the hospital elder volunteer’s “Aging Cognition” of different marital status. 4.In the well-being, there are significant differences in the different background variables of age, economic status and health status, such as hospital elderly volunteer’s their well-being. 5.There is apparent positive correlation between the hospital elderly volunteer’s attitude toward aging and well-being.

台灣未來長期照護發展之研究 / The development of the long-term care service in Taiwan

陳意千 Unknown Date (has links)
高齡化是台灣未來人口的趨勢,綜觀國際上各高齡化國家所遭遇到的老人照護與經濟問題,老人照護的確需要龐大與長期的人力,但有鑑於家庭結構從核心家庭轉變為雙薪家庭,誰來照顧年邁的雙親,已由家庭問題演變成社會問題;另一方面,過去由家中成員照顧雙親的情形已經式微,將家中照護長輩的工作外包,儼然成為社會新的趨勢。長期照護的經費從何而來?面臨快速成長的高齡人口問題,政府已經預見,但一直沒有針對我國未來的長期照護政策做完整、且長期規劃的決心。身處於長期照護產業的一員,我們發現政府在未來老人的生活與照護扮演最關鍵的角色,任何錯誤的計算與規劃都將影響到數百萬的老人退休生活與其周遭的家人與親友,更重要的是可能危及整體的台灣經濟運作。面對即將到來、且影響深遠的長期照護議題,寄望我國可以走出一條成功的長期照護之路,不僅是我們退休後的福氣,也是下一代能夠安心工作與打拼理想人生的期盼。 本研究將探討德國與日本長期照護的國家政策與產業經驗,藉由先進國家導入多年的長期照護發展之成果,吸取寶貴的成功概念與做法,接著比照台灣目前所遭遇到的困難與瓶頸,將國外經驗轉化成對我國有助益的發展建議。並對於我國未來的長期照護發展提出三大方向建議,第一部分針對長期照護所面臨的財源問題提出解決方案,第二部分則對於長期照護的服務提供者的品質標準提供作法建議,最後一部分的建議方案是提出如何解決長期照護產業面臨人才荒的問題。這三大面向的問題分別是政府、家屬與服務提供者所面臨最大的困擾,希望本研究可以對尚在萌芽期的長期照護產業提供不同於官方與學者的看法與作法。

人口高齡化下之金融服務探討 : 以F金融控股公司為例 / Financial Services for an Aging Population : A Study of Examples from F Financial Holding Company

陳盈如, Chen, Ying Ju Unknown Date (has links)
高齡化社會是全球都將面對的問題,預估2018年我國將進入高齡社會,2026年將為超高齡社會,高齡者之經濟以及長期照護規劃更顯刻不容緩。本研究目的為探討目前我國金融市場現有之退休財務規劃商品,依台灣平均家戶所得區分成高中低三個層級,以個案金融控股公司為例,探討不同資產階層之族群該如何妥適安排退休財務規劃。 本研究以我國人口結構趨勢分析高齡化社會對金融市場的影響,進而了解高齡者之主要經濟來源及目前社會福利制度,以及高齡化社會之金融商品發展現況及風險分析。 在分析個案金融控股公司現有之金融商品對不同資產階層之適性配置後,針對個案公司提供建議包括:一、應開辦逆向抵押貸款服務;二、研發多元的信託服務,協助管理並將協助將其資本利得及利息收益用於安排高齡者生活、醫療及長照所需。同時建議政府機關應有相關因應措施:一、放寬開發結合安養照護、醫療及社會福利的商品;二、研議相關監理誘因;三、應予放寬賦稅優惠;四、師法國外先進制度及機制。 / An aging society is an issue the globe will need to deal with. Taiwan is expected to move into an aged society in 2018, and further a hyper-aged society in 2026, making it critical to plan for economic support and long-term care for the aged population. This article is to examine financial products designed for retirement available in the market and then explore how different groups of people, categorized as high, medium, or low level by the standard of Taiwan average household income, can better prepare for their retirement by making reference to examples from a financial holding company. This article starts with understanding the potential impact from an aging society on the financial market and then the main income source of and social welfare system for the aged population, and continues with analyzing the development and associated risks of financial products designed for an aged society. After analysis of the product offering to different asset level clients by the financial holding company under study, suggestions to this company included (1) introduction of reverse mortgage product, and (2) innovation for more diversified trust service, in order to support the aged for preparing for their life and needs for medical and long-term care. In the meantime, corresponding actions suggested to the government authorities included (1) relaxation on product development to bundle long-term and medical care and social welfare, (2) provision of relevant regulatory incentives, (3) more tax benefits, and (4) introduction of better system and program from other countries.

高齡志工傳統性別角色的再製:以台南市志工為例 / A study of reproduction of the gender role among elder volunteers: the case of volunteers in Tainan

蕭郁蓁, Hsiao, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在人口漸趨高齡化的社會中,高齡議題逐漸受到學術研究與政策實務界的關注,本研究則關心高齡志願服務場域的性別隔離現象。本研究企圖從性別的角度出發,探討高齡人口參與志工服務的經驗,探究傳統性別秩序是否在高齡志工領域中產生影響力,進而形成高齡志工領域中性別角色的再製。既有文獻多以女性志工為分析對象,鮮見男性志工的研究資料,因此本研究以台南市醫院志工與社區巡守隊志工為例,透過立意取樣蒐集來自男/女性高齡志工之深度訪談資料,嘗試分析高齡志願服務場域中是否存在水平與垂直之性別隔離現象,並探究其成因,旨在顯示傳統性別秩序是如何影響高齡志工領域性別秩序的建構。研究結果發現,不論是在以女性志工為主的醫院或者以男性志工為主的巡守隊,皆存在水平與垂直性別隔離現象。水平性別隔離現象顯示出男/女性志工或者出於己意或由服務單位所安排,男性志工多集中於體力、應變性質強、具保衛意義的工作上;而女性志工則多集中在情感關懷、家務勞動性質、溝通聯繫等相對單純的任務。水平性別隔離的成因和職場性別隔離之成因相仿,男性多被認為具有理想的勞動身體,以及豐富的社會經驗及膽識;女性則多被認為是需要受到保護、適合單純工作性質的族群。垂直性別隔離的現象尤為明顯;本研究發現,志工隊隊長一職由男性擔任居多,女性主要因為顧慮家庭及質疑自我能力而對領導職務產生退卻的態度而甚少擔任志工隊長。本研究結論為高齡志工領域中的確出現傳統性別分工秩序的再製。 / Ageing is a pressing issue in many societies that has attracted attentions from the academic circle and policy makers. Extensive studies have been conducted to discuss the issue from various perspectives. Few studies discuss from the gender perspective. With the case of volunteers in Tainan City and drawing upon theories about gender segregation, this study aims to critically examine the phenomenon of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in the field of elder voluntary services. Through literature review and in-depth interviews with 17 elder volunteers, female and male, from a hospital and community patrol team, this study seeks to answer the following questions: does gender segregation, vertical as well as horizontal, exist in the field of elder volunteering services? If it does, what are the main factors that contribute to the existence/ reproduction of the traditional gendered division of labour in this field? It is found that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation does exist. Female elder volunteers tend to take up those jobs that are thought to be ‘women’s jobs’ in hospital and community patrol team whilst male elder volunteers tend to do those jobs that are considered as suitable for men. Besides, both in the hospital and community patrol team, men are more confident than women to serve as leaders.

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