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Neurostimulations-Kultur / Die Tiefe-Hirnstimulation zwischen Kulturtechniken und experimenteller GestaltungKalmbach-Özdem, Monika 12 1900 (has links)
Nachgenutzt gemäß den CC-Bestimmungen des Lizenzgebers bzw. einer im Dokument selbst enthaltenen CC-Lizenz. / Die Medizintechnik Tiefe-Hirnstimulation ist nicht nur als naturwissenschaftlich-technisches Produkt zu sehen, sondern vor allem auch als kultur-technische Leistung mit historischen Wurzeln. Dieserart Schnittstellenhandlungen nehmen einen festen Platz in der Medizingeschichte ein und sind nicht losgelöst von dieser zu bestimmen. Ein- und zugreifende Praktiken wie Trepanationen und Schädelkulte sind vielfältig verankert und offenbaren einen menschheitsalten Wunsch nach Einflussnahme und Bemächtigung. Hierüber lässt sich der Mensch als verknüpf-, einstell- und gestaltbare Entität im Rahmen 'eutoper' Welt- und Technikbilder sowie deterministischer Menschenbilder darstellen. Mit der Integration aktiver, technischer Elemente in den menschlichen Körper verschieben wir die Grenzverläufe zwischen biologischen und artifiziellen Entitäten. Sowohl die Hardware-Software-Relationen als auch die Körper-Geist-Relationen unterliegen dabei Verknüpfungs- und Gestaltungsprozessen. Aus der Interaktion zwischen menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen Handlungsteilnehmern resultieren neuartige Wechselbeziehungen, welche unter Zuhilfenahme der Embodiment- und Embedded-Theorie nachgezeichnet werden. Den schwerwiegenden Aus- und Nebenwirkungen dieser Interkation wird mit einem empirischen Fallbeispiel nahegekommen. Dass diese Entwicklung hin zu einer konfigurierenden Gestaltungskultur risikobehaftet ist, wird unter Zuhilfenahme des Terminus 'Experimentalsystem' dargelegt. Dabei ist festzuhalten, dass die Tiefe-Hirnstimulation nicht trotz sondern wegen experimenteller Faktoren erfolgreich und faszinierend ist. Neurostimulationen in erster Linie als Konzept zu begreifen bedeutet, den Fokus auf kulturelle Anschichten und Handlungen zu lenken. In welchem Ausmaß wir zu ein- und zugreifenden Gestaltungen unserer Selbst bereit sind, hängt in letzter Konsequenz an unserem menschlichen Selbstverständnis. / Medical technology deep brain stimulation is not only a scientific and technical product, but also a cultural and technical achievement with historical roots. This kind of interface actions occupy a firm place in medical history and cannot be determined separately from it. Interfering practices such as trepanations and cults of the skull are rooted in many different ways and reveal an ancient human desire for influence and empowerment. In this way, man can be represented as a connectable, adjustable and configurable entity within the framework of 'eutoper' world and technology images as well as deterministic human images. By integrating active technical elements into the human body, we are shifting the boundaries between biological and artificial entities. Both the hardware-software-relations as well as the body-spirit-relations are subject to connection and design processes. The interaction between human and non-human action participants results in novel interrelationships, which are traced with the aid of the Embodiment and Embedded Theory. The serious side effects of this interaction are approached with an empirical case study. The fact that this development towards a configuring design culture entails risk is explained with the help of the term 'experimental system'. It should be noted that deep brain stimulation is successful and fascinating not despite but because of experimental factors. Understanding neurostimulation primarily as a concept means focusing on cultural strata and actions. The extent to which we are prepared to embrace and intervene in shaping ourselves depends ultimately on our human self-conception.
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Pricing American style employee stock options having GARCH effectsArotiba, Gbenga Joseph January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / We investigate some simulation-based approaches for the valuing of the employee stock options. The mathematical models that deal with valuation of such options include the work of Jennergren and Naeslund [L.P Jennergren and B. Naeslund, A comment on valuation of executive stock options and the FASB proposal, Accounting Review 68 (1993) 179-183]. They used the Black and Scholes [F. Black and M. Scholes, The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, Journal of Political Economy 81(1973) 637-659] and extended partial differential equation for an option that includes the early exercise. Some other major relevant works to this mini thesis are Hemmer et al. [T Hemmer, S. Matsunaga and T Shevlin, The influence of risk diversification on the early exercise of employee stock options by executive officers, Journal of Accounting and Economics 21(1) (1996) 45-68] and Baril et al. [C. Baril, L. Betancourt, J. Briggs, Valuing employee stock options under SFAS 123 R using the Black-Scholes-Merton and lattice model approaches, Journal of Accounting Education 25 (1-2) (2007) 88-101]. The underlying assets are studied under the GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) effects. Particular emphasis is made on the American style employee stock options. / South Africa
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A Selection of Nineteenth Century Trumpet Literature for Low F Trumpet: A Performance Edition of F.G.A. Dauverné's Variations op. 3 and Amilcare Ponchielli's Concerto per Tromba e Banda op. 123Monroe, Jonathan 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents a performance guide of two solos for early valved trumpet, as well as an appraisal of their historical significance. The first of these solos is F. G. A. Dauverné's Variations pour trompette à pistons avec accompagnement de Piano-forte, op. 3 (1833). The second solo examined is Amilcare Ponchielli's Concerto per Tromba e Banda, op. 123 (1866). Although Ponchielli's work dates from only the middle of the century, by time of its composition the valved trumpet had already been developed enough to have attained true artistic value. This dissertation provides evidence concerning the evolution of nineteenth solo literature for the Romantic trumpet by means of formal analysis in regard to form, harmony, and historical performance practice.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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