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De l'identité personnelle à l'authenticité : entre représentation et mimétisme / From personal identity to authenticity : between representation and mimetismFunès, Julia de 13 November 2017 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est de penser la légitimité philosophique du concept d'authenticité et les moyens de parvenir au « moi » véritable. Les questions qui sous-tendent notre approche sont les suivantes : pourquoi l'authenticité est-elle devenue la valeur contemporaine majeure ? Quelles réponses sont actuellement proposées dans la quête de soi ? L'authenticité a-t-elle une quelconque valeur philosophique ? Le « moi » véritable existe-t-il ? Comment ne pas faire de la question de l'authenticité (qui suis-je vraiment ?) une question d'identité personnelle (que suis-je ?) ? Enfin, comment parvenir au « moi » véritable ? L'enjeu s'avère triple : 1/ élaborer un questionnement sur la possibilité même d'un « moi » véritable ; 2/ replacer cette question dans le champ des théories de l'identité personnelle ; 3/ traiter l'authenticité comme étant à la fois représentative et mimétique, et envisager ainsi de manière renouvelée la question du rapport à soi-même. En concevant l'authenticité comme une représentation mimétique, nous verrons qu'elle parvient à résister aux menaces dissolvantes du « moi » tout en échappant aux apories substantialistes. Pour traiter ces questions, ce travail philosophique mobilise les points de vue à la fois philosophiques et littéraires. / This thesis aims to ponder over the philosophical concept of authenticity and the means to reach the true self. The queries underpinning this approach are as follows: why has authenticity become the mainstream contemporary value? What answers are currently suggested concerning the quest for the self? Has authenticity any philosophical value? Does the true self exist? How can we manage not to turn the query about authenticity (who am I really?) into a query about personal identity (what am I?). Finally, how can we reach the true self? The issue is threefold: 1. Work out a questioning about the actual possibility of a true self. 2. Put this question back in the sphere of the theories about personal identity. 3. Regard authenticity as being both representative and mimetic and thus, consider the question of the relation to oneself in a new way. By viewing authenticity as a mimetic representation, we will find out that it can stand up to the dissolving threats of the self and overcome substantialist aporia. To deal with these questions, this philosophical work uses literary as well as philosophical viewpoints.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de metodologia para controle de qualidade em processo de produção de fontes seladas de iodo -125 para aplicação em braquiterapia / STUDY AND METODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR QUALITY CONTROL IN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF IODINE-125 RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES APPLIED TO BRACHYTHERAPYMoura, João Augusto 06 July 2009 (has links)
O câncer é hoje a segunda maior causa de morte por doenças em vários países, inclusive o Brasil. Excluindo-se o câncer de pele não melanoma, o câncer de próstata é o mais incidente na população, em geral. O tumor de próstata pode ser tratado por diversos métodos, incluindo a braquiterapia, que consiste na colocação de fontes radioativas seladas na forma de sementes, contendo o radioisótopo iodo-125 junto ao tumor. Dessa maneira, a região alvo do tratamento recebe alta dose de radiação, sendo essa dose reduzida sensivelmente nos tecidos circunvizinhos saudáveis. A semente é composta de uma cápsula de titânio selada por meio de soldagem, com 0,8mm de diâmetro externo e 4,5mm de comprimento, contendo em seu interior um fio de prata de 0,5mm de diâmetro, com o iodo-125 adsorvido. Após sua construção, a semente deve ser submetida a um ensaio de estanqueidade, garantindo a ausência de qualquer vazamento de material radioativo. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram o estudo e desenvolvimento dos métodos de ensaio de estanqueidade aplicáveis às sementes de iodo-125, propostos pela norma ISO 997820, a escolha do método mais adequado para o processo de produção e a determinação do fluxograma do processo a ser utilizado. Os ensaios realizados excederam a exigência da norma, com a aplicação de ultra-som durante o período de imersão das sementes. Os resultados mostraram a eficácia da aplicação de ultra-som, aumentando muito a detecção de vazamentos de material radioativo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos utilizando-se água destilada a 20º C com imersão por 24 horas e água destilada a 70º com imersão por 30 minutos. Esses métodos são os escolhidos para serem utilizados durante a produção das sementes. O fluxograma de processo desenvolvido contempla todas as fases do ensaio de estanqueidade, de acordo com a seqüência realizada durante os experimentos. / Today cancer is the second cause of death by disease in several countries, including Brazil. Excluding skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most incident in the population. Prostate tumor can be treated by several ways, including brachytherapy, which consists in introducing sealed radioactive sources (Iodine - 125 seeds) inside the tumor. The target region of treatment receives a high radiation dose, but healthy neighbor tissues receive a significantly reduced radiation dose. The seed is made of a welding sealed titanium capsule, 0.8 mm external diameter and 4.5 mm length, enclosing a 0.5 mm diameter silver wire with Iodine-125 adsorbed. After welded, the seeds have to be submitted to a leak test to prevent any radioactive material release. The aims of this work were: (a) the study of the different leakage test methods applied to radioactive seeds and recommended by the ISO 997820, (b) the choice of the appropriate method and (c) the flowchart determination of the process to be used during the seeds production. The essays exceeded the standards with the use of ultra-sound during immersion and the corresponding benefits to leakage detection. Best results were obtained with the immersion in distilled water at 20ºC for 24 hours and distilled water at 70ºC for 30 minutes. These methods will be used during seed production. The process flowchart has all the phases of the leakage tests according to the sequence determined in the experiments.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de metodologia para controle de qualidade em processo de produção de fontes seladas de iodo -125 para aplicação em braquiterapia / STUDY AND METODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR QUALITY CONTROL IN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF IODINE-125 RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES APPLIED TO BRACHYTHERAPYJoão Augusto Moura 06 July 2009 (has links)
O câncer é hoje a segunda maior causa de morte por doenças em vários países, inclusive o Brasil. Excluindo-se o câncer de pele não melanoma, o câncer de próstata é o mais incidente na população, em geral. O tumor de próstata pode ser tratado por diversos métodos, incluindo a braquiterapia, que consiste na colocação de fontes radioativas seladas na forma de sementes, contendo o radioisótopo iodo-125 junto ao tumor. Dessa maneira, a região alvo do tratamento recebe alta dose de radiação, sendo essa dose reduzida sensivelmente nos tecidos circunvizinhos saudáveis. A semente é composta de uma cápsula de titânio selada por meio de soldagem, com 0,8mm de diâmetro externo e 4,5mm de comprimento, contendo em seu interior um fio de prata de 0,5mm de diâmetro, com o iodo-125 adsorvido. Após sua construção, a semente deve ser submetida a um ensaio de estanqueidade, garantindo a ausência de qualquer vazamento de material radioativo. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram o estudo e desenvolvimento dos métodos de ensaio de estanqueidade aplicáveis às sementes de iodo-125, propostos pela norma ISO 997820, a escolha do método mais adequado para o processo de produção e a determinação do fluxograma do processo a ser utilizado. Os ensaios realizados excederam a exigência da norma, com a aplicação de ultra-som durante o período de imersão das sementes. Os resultados mostraram a eficácia da aplicação de ultra-som, aumentando muito a detecção de vazamentos de material radioativo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos utilizando-se água destilada a 20º C com imersão por 24 horas e água destilada a 70º com imersão por 30 minutos. Esses métodos são os escolhidos para serem utilizados durante a produção das sementes. O fluxograma de processo desenvolvido contempla todas as fases do ensaio de estanqueidade, de acordo com a seqüência realizada durante os experimentos. / Today cancer is the second cause of death by disease in several countries, including Brazil. Excluding skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most incident in the population. Prostate tumor can be treated by several ways, including brachytherapy, which consists in introducing sealed radioactive sources (Iodine - 125 seeds) inside the tumor. The target region of treatment receives a high radiation dose, but healthy neighbor tissues receive a significantly reduced radiation dose. The seed is made of a welding sealed titanium capsule, 0.8 mm external diameter and 4.5 mm length, enclosing a 0.5 mm diameter silver wire with Iodine-125 adsorbed. After welded, the seeds have to be submitted to a leak test to prevent any radioactive material release. The aims of this work were: (a) the study of the different leakage test methods applied to radioactive seeds and recommended by the ISO 997820, (b) the choice of the appropriate method and (c) the flowchart determination of the process to be used during the seeds production. The essays exceeded the standards with the use of ultra-sound during immersion and the corresponding benefits to leakage detection. Best results were obtained with the immersion in distilled water at 20ºC for 24 hours and distilled water at 70ºC for 30 minutes. These methods will be used during seed production. The process flowchart has all the phases of the leakage tests according to the sequence determined in the experiments.
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Identité narrative et justice ethnoculturelle. L’exemple israélien / Narrative identity and ethnocultural justice. The example of IsraelTommasi, Juliette 27 September 2019 (has links)
Revendiqué par des auteurs aussi divers que Paul Ricoeur, Alasdair MacIntyre ou Charles Taylor, le modèle narratif de l’identité – qui affirme que c’est l’histoire que nous racontons qui définit qui nous sommes – a fait l’objet de nombreuses critiques dans la littérature académique des dernières décennies. À suivre certaines d’entre elles, l’identité narrative serait une notion intrinsèquement conservatrice, et le récit serait le langage conflictuel par excellence. Ce soupçon jeté sur la narration doit être pris au sérieux compte tenu de la nature toute spécifique des inégalités qui se dessinent en Israël entre les Israéliens juifs et les Israéliens palestiniens, et dont nous montrerons qu’elles doivent être interprétées comme des « inégalités narratives ». Faut-il en conclure qu’il faille tourner le dos au langage des récits ? C’est une autre voie que nous chercherons à emprunter, en tentant de montrer le potentiel normatif et émancipateur de la narration. En nous appuyant sur le travail de Paul Ricoeur, notre hypothèse est qu’il devrait être possible d’accepter certaines prémisses narratives, sans que cela ne débouche sur les implications conservatrices du communautarianisme. Dans la dernière étape de ce travail, je tente d’utiliser les ressources conceptuelles de la narrativité dans le cadre d’une discussion plus vaste sur la justice ethnoculturelle, afin d’ouvrir la voie à un modèle théorique et pratique de réduction des inégalités narratives en Israël, que j’appelle « multinarrativisme ». En définitive, l’ultime finalité de cette recherche consiste à montrer que le modèle narratif de l’identité n’est pas seulement compatible avec l’exigence libérale du respect du pluralisme, mais qu’il permet aussi d’offrir un soutien théorique important aux politiques qui visent à promouvoir une plus forte inclusion démocratique des minorités culturelles. / Claimed by several authors such as Ricoeur, MacIntyre or Taylor, the narrative model of identity —which argues the narratives we tell define who we are— has been the target of much criticism in the academic literature over the last few decades. According to some of these critics, the concept of narrative identity is inherently conservative and a prime example of conflictual language. This discredit brought on narratives must be taken seriously in view of the specific nature of the inequalities that are evolving in Israel between Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Israelis and which we will propose to interpret as narrative inequalities. Does this mean that we have to get out of the narrative language? This is an alternative path that we will attempt to follow, by seeking to demonstrate that we can make an emancipatory use of narrative. By drawing on the work of Paul Ricoeur, our hypothesis is that it should be possible to accept some narrative premises without this leading to the conservative consequences of communitarianism. In the final stage of this work, I attempt to use the conceptual resources of narrativity as part of a broader discussion about ethnocultural justice in order to pave the way to a theoriticalpractical model for reducing narrative inequalities in Israel, which I call ‘multinarrativism’. Ultimately, the main purpose of this research is to show that the narrative model of identity is not merely compatible with the democratic requirement of respect for pluralism, but also provides important theoretical support for policies that aim to promote greater democratic inclusion of cultural minorities.
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Expression et fonctions du microARN miR-126-5p dans les cellules endothélialesPoissonnier, Loïc 21 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Le gène Egfl7 codant une protéine majoritairement sécrétée par les cellules endothéliales a été découvert au sein du laboratoire. Ce gène a la particularité d'héberger dans sa séquence intronique deux microARNs complémentaires nommés miR126-3p et miR-126-5p. Les microARNs sont de petites séquences de 20 à 25 nucléotides régulant l'expression de leurs cibles en se fixant sur leurs ARNm pour induire leur dégradation ou l'inhibition de leur traduction. L'expression endothéliale et les fonctions du microARN miR126-3p (microARN principal du duplex miR126-3p/126-5p) ont déjà été très largement abordées alors que celles de miR126-5p (microARN secondaire du duplex) restent inconnues. Les objectifs de notre étude ont donc été d'établir le patron d'expression de miR-126-5p lors du développement vasculaire et de caractériser ses fonctions dans les cellules endothéliales. Par hybridation in situ, miR-126-5p a été détecté dans les vaisseaux sanguins embryonnaires de souris principalement dans les cellules endothéliales. Cette spécificité endothéliale a été retrouvée dans différents organes tels que le cœur et les poumons et est maintenue in vitro. L'inhibition et la surexpression de miR-126-5p dans des cellules endothéliales veineuses (HUVEC) in vitro n'affectent pas les capacités de prolifération, de migration ou d'organisation en pseudocapillaires de ces cellules. En revanche, l'inhibition de miR-126-5p dans les HUVECs entraine une répression de l'adhérence des leucocytes à la surface d'un tapis de cellules endothéliales ainsi qu'une augmentation de la transmigration de monocytes à travers une monocouche endothéliale. A l'inverse, sa surexpression génère des phénotypes opposés. Des analyses in silico de recherche de cibles pour miR-126-5p en lien avec le recrutement leucocytaire ont permis d'identifier une protéine participant à la transmigration des leucocytes in vitro et in vivo nommée ALCAM. A l'aide de test de transactivation, nous avons pu démontrer que miR-126-5p était capable de se fixer au 3'UTR de l'ARNm d'ALCAM afin de réprimer l'expression de la protéine. De plus, l'augmentation de la transmigration induite par la chute d'expression de miR-126-5p dans les cellules endothéliales est inhibée suite au blocage direct de la protéine ALCAM montrant ainsi que l'effet répresseur de miR-126-5p sur ce mécanisme est établi via ALCAM. Une étude par microarray, réalisée sur des HUVECs où miR-126-5p a été inhibé, a permis d'identifier une seconde cible pour miR-126-5p nommée SetD5 pour laquelle aucune fonction n'est connue à ce jour. Des tests de transactivation ont permis de confirmer que SetD5 était une cible de miR-126-5p. De plus, l'effet de miR-126-5p sur l'adhérence des leucocytes aux cellules endothéliales est directement lié à la modulation d'expression de ce gène. Enfin, l'analyse de l'inhibition de miR-126-5p in vivo a permis de montrer que notre microARN d'intérêt contrôle effectivement les expressions d'ALCAM et de SetD5. Cependant, alors que miR-126-5p régule uniquement l'expression d'ALCAM dans les poumons, celle de SetD5 est sous le contrôle de miR-126-5p dans la rétine.Nos travaux ont donc permis de mettre en évidence l'expression endothéliale de miR-126-5p et d'identifier deux de ses cibles lui permettant de jouer un rôle dans le recrutement des leucocytes au niveau de l'endothélium.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125 a partir de xenônio-124 pelo método de ativação neutrônica / Study and development of a new methodology for production of iodine-125 from xenon-124 through the method of neutron activationCOSTA, OSVALDO L. da 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125 a partir de xenônio-124 pelo método de ativação neutrônica / Study and development of a new methodology for production of iodine-125 from xenon-124 through the method of neutron activationCOSTA, OSVALDO L. da 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125, que resultou na primeira produção deste radionuclídeo no Brasil. Cápsulas de alumínio foram projetadas, fabricadas e avaliadas para que suportassem condições de pressão, temperatura e fluxo de nêutrons no reator nuclear IEA-R1 do IPEN sem a ocorrência de liberação de material radioativo. Foram projetados, desenvolvidos e fabricados sistemas de carregamento, descarregamento e recuperação dos gases para a manipulação do gás xenônio e do iodo. Foi desenvolvido um novo método de lavagem da cápsula, para dissolução do iodo-125 adsorvido nas paredes, por meio de imersão em banho ultrassônico. Foram irradiadas três cápsulas no reator nuclear IEA-R1, por um período de aproximadamente 60 h contínuas, a um fluxo de nêutrons de 5,5 x 1013 n cm-2 s-1. Foi produzido um total de 13,53 GBq (365,73 mCi) de iodo-125, e o único contaminante encontrado foi o radionuclídeo iodo-126. Na análise radioquímica, pelo método de cromatografia em papel ascendente, o iodo-125 em solução de NaOH apresentou percentual de iodeto acima de 98%, superior à exigência da farmacopeia americana para soluções de iodo radioativo que é de 95%. Para a análise radionuclídica foi desenvolvida uma fonte planar, a base de resina epoxídica, para a contagem do iodo-125 em detector de germânio de alta pureza. A correlação entre o iodo-125 e o iodo-126 produzido apresentou valores entre 0,5 e 0,7% após um período de decaimento de 10 d, grau de pureza suficiente para a utilização em técnicas de radioimunoensaio. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Exploring The Role Of The Highly Conserved Residues In Triosephosphate IsomeraseSamanta, Moumita 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses the structure-function studies on triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), directed towards understanding the roles of highly conserved residues by site derected mutagenesis. Chapter 1 provides an introductory overview to the relevant literature on triosephosphate isomerase. In addition, this Chapter provides an analysis of conserved residues in TIM, and amino acid diversity at specific positions in the structure using a dataset of 503 TIM sequences. Chapter 2 reports the work on the completely conserved residue, C126 in TIM, which is proximal to the active site. Five mutants, C126S, C126A, C126V, C126M and C126T have been characterized. Crystal structures of 3-phosphoglycolate (PGA) bound C126S mutant and the unliganded forms of the C126S and C126A mutants have been determined at a resolution of 1.7 Å to 2.1 Å. Kinetic studies reveal a ~5 fold drop in kcat for the C126S and C126A mutants, while a ~ 10 fold drop is observed for the other three mutants. All the mutants show reduced stability at lower concentration and higher temperature. Chapter 3 presents the kinetic and structural characterization for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Pf TIM. A 4000 fold reduction in kcat is observed for E97Q, 100 fold reduction for the E97D mutant, while a ~ 9000 fold drop in activity for the control mutant, E165A. A large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed in the crystal structure of the E97Q mutant, while it remains unchanged in the E97D structure. The results are interpreted to invoke a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle, eliminating the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavorable imidazolate anion at H95. Chapter 4 reports investigations with position 96 by the biochemical and structural characterization of single mutants, F96Y, F96A and the double mutants, F96S/S73A and F96S/L167V. F96Y showed ~100 fold drop in activity, F96A revealed ~10 fold drop in activity, while F96S/S73A showed 100 fold lower activity than that of the wild type enzyme. Interestingly, the double mutant F96S/L167V proved to be a partial pseudorevertant, showing 10 fold higher activity than the single mutant, F96S. Chapter 5 describes the cloning, and preliminary kinetic and biophysical characterization of the enzyme, Dm TIM. A survey of disease causing mutations in TIM and the relationship of these sites of mutation to the active site and the dimer interface of TIM is presented in this Chapter.
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The honesty of thinking : reflections on critical thinking in Nietzsche's middle period and the later HeideggerRasmus-Vorrath, Jack Kendrick January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation engages with contemporary interpretations of Nietzsche and Heidegger on the issue of self-knowing with respect to the notions of honesty and authenticity. Accounting for the two philosophers' developing conceptions of these notions allows a response to interpreters who conceive the activity of self-knowing as a primarily personal problem. The alternative accounts proposed take as a point of departure transitional texts that reveal both thinkers to be engaged in processes of revision. The reading of honesty in Chapters 1 and 2 revolves around Nietzsche's groundwork on prejudice in Morgenröthe (1880-81), where he first problematizes the moral-historical forces entailed in actuating the 'will to truth'. The reading of authenticity in Chapters 3 and 4 revolves around Heidegger's lectures on what motivates one's thinking in Was heißt Denken? (1951-52). The lectures call into question his previous formal suppositions on what calls forth one's 'will-to-have-a-conscience', in an interpretation of Parmenides on the issue of thought's linguistic determination, discussed further in the context of Unterwegs zur Sprache (1950-59). Chapter 5 shows how Heidegger's confrontation with Nietzsche contributed to his ongoing revisions to the notion of authenticity, and to the attending conceptions of critique and its authority. Particular attention is given to the specific purposes to which distinct Nietzschean foils are put near the confrontation's beginning--in Heidegger's lectures on Nietzsche's second Unzeitgemässe Betrachtung (1938), and in the monograph entitled Besinnung (1939) which they prepare--and near its end, in the interpretation of Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-85) presented in the first half of Was heißt Denken? Chapter 6 recapitulates the developments traced from the vantage point of the retrospective texts Die Zollikoner Seminare (1959-72) and the fifth Book of Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (1887). Closing remarks are made in relation to recent empirical research on the socio-environmental structures involved in determining self-identity.
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EU:s förordning om makars förmögenhetsförhållanden : Problematik och lösningarMattsson, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
EU:s institutioner bereder för närvarande en förordning innehållandes internationellt privat- och processrättsliga regler i mål om makars förmögenhetsförhållanden. Det senast presenterade textförslaget (kompromissförslaget) lades fram av Italien den 10 november 2014. Uppsatsen har två syften. För det första syftar den till att synliggöra vissa av de gränsdragnings- och tillämpningsproblem som skulle uppstå om kompromissförslaget skulle antas i dess nuvarande utformning. För det andra syftar uppsatsen till att erbjuda lösningar på de problem som identifieras. Uppsatsens fokus ligger på följande aspekter av förslaget: Materiellt tillämpningsområde. Domsrättsreglering i mål med anledning av en makes död. Lagvalsreglering. Förbehållen för internationellt tvingande regler och ordre public. För det första kan förordningens gränsdragning gentemot inomstatliga tvister och underhålls-frågor vålla problem. För att minska dessa problem bör det i en artikel anges att förordningen endast är tillämplig på tvister som har internationell anknytning och att en tillräcklig internationell anknytning föreligger om en av makarna innehar tillgångar som är belägna utomlands. För att avgränsa förordningens tillämpningsområde gentemot underhållsfrågor bör nationella domstolar följa den metod som anvisades i van den Boogard. Denna metod är bland annat adekvat för att kvalificera avtal mahr (islamisk brudpenning). Det är däremot inte möjligt att använda metoden för att kvalificera en dom i vilken 12 kap. 1 § äktenskapsbalken (skevdelningsregeln) har tillämpats. Enligt min mening bör i så fall den nationella domstolen göra en helhetsbedömning utifrån svaren på följande frågeställningar: Vilket är originaldomens huvudsakliga syfte? I vilken utsträckning beaktas makarnas behov och förmåga i originaldomen? För det andra är domsrättsreglering av mål med anledning av makes död problematiska. Art. 3 i kompromissförslaget hänvisar nämligen till arvsförordningen, vilket i praktiken kan leda till att den avlidnes barn gynnas på bekostnad av den efterlevande maken. Enligt min mening bör denna problematik minskas genom att den efterlevande maken ges en exklusiv rätt att avgöra om lagvalsreglerna i arvsförordningen eller i art. 5 kompromissförslaget ska tillämpas i ett mål om makarnas förmögenhetsförhållanden. För det tredje kan kompromissförslagets lagvalsregler leda till problematik. Eftersom deras utformning skiljer från lagvalsreglerna i arvsförordningen och 2007 års Haagprotokoll finns det en risk att en make över- eller underkompenseras ekonomiskt. Risken kan minskas genom att makarna ingår ett lagvalsavtal eller genom att en domare tillämpar en nationell jämkningsregel eller en EU-rättslig flyktklausul (t.ex. art. 5 i 2007 års Haagprotokoll). För att ytterligare minska risken för att över- och underkompensation bör en flyktklausul införas i förslaget till förordning om makars förmögenhetsförhållanden. En viss lagvalsregel är särskilt problematisk, nämligen art. 20a.3 i kompromissförslaget (hemvistbytesregeln). Artikeln har en bristande flexibilitet och bör därför förändras på följande vis: Rekvisitet ”undantagsvis” bör avlägsnas. Istället bör den i punkt 2 föreslagna tidsgränsen spegla den restriktivitet som önskas. Istället för att lagen i makarnas nya hemvistland ska bli tillämplig efter en ”avsevärt mycket längre tid” bör en fast tidsgräns införas. Det bör förtydligas vad som avses med kravet på att makarna ska ha åberopat lagen i den andra staten för att ordna eller planera sina förmögenhetsförhållanden. Enligt min mening är det lämpligt att hämta vägledning till hur tidsgränsen (se punkt 2) bör utformas i 4 § andra stycket lagen (1990:272) om internationella frågor rörande makars och sambors förmögenhetsförhållanden. För det fjärde finns problematik med anknytning till kompromissförslagets förbehåll för internationellt tvingande regler och ordre public. Av resonemanget framgår att lagstiftaren måste föra ett detaljerat resonemang (a detailed assessment) för att 7 kap. 4–9 §§, 11 kap. 8 § och 12 kap. 1–3 §§ äktenskapsbalken (1987:230) ska kunna betecknas som internationellt tvingande även efter att förordningen har trätt i kraft. Slutligen dras slutsatsen att det är önskvärt att ramarna är snäva när det gäller en nationell domstols möjligheter att underlåta att tillämpa utländsk rätt som ger rättskraft åt avtal om mahr.
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